Excerpt of Grace Intervention by Bill Giovannetti
Excerpt of Grace Intervention by Bill Giovannetti
Excerpt of Grace Intervention by Bill Giovannetti
On most every
page I found myself vacillating between a heart-humbling gratitude for
Gods total embrace and a heart-pounding desire to stand up and cheer!
This book boldly teaches us how a child of God can rest freely in the confidence of the Fathers full approval in Christ. In a religious climate filled
with heavy-handed demands and prophets of doom, this is a resource you
will return to again and again to help you clear the smog and breathe freely
in the rich atmosphere of amazing grace! Thoroughly biblical, intensely
practical, and deeply liberating! Dont miss out!
Jeremy White, pastor and author of
The Gospel Uncut: Learning to Rest in the Grace of God
Todays evangelical leaders, in their zeal to move beyond aisle-walking,
hand-raising, cheap grace Christianity, are pushing believers toward a
more radical, activist faith. But is busyness the mark of a true believer? Or
is it just a cooler, hipper form of legalism? With humor and clarity, Pastor
Bill Giovannetti lovingly offers a sound prescription for producing true
Christ-embracing, Spirit-empowered, God-exalting disciples: a full-body
dive into the ocean of Gods richesat Christs expense.
Linda J. White, award-winning author of three
FBI thrillers, including Seeds of Evidence
With this book, the author, also a pastor and professor, meets a deep, genuine need in todays church and brightens the spirit of every reader with
his eye-opening intervention of Grace.
Mary Tatem, author of story-based devotional books including
The Quilt of Life, The Quilt of Faith, and The Quilt of Joy
Like dawns first burst of daylight, Grace Intervention illuminates the truth
that grace is the unmerited work of God in our livesregardless of what
weve earned, worked for, or deserved. This book sets free those who struggle to wiggle out from beneath the weight of expectations imposed by
legalists. With wisdom and genuineness, Bill Giovannetti exposes the new
face of legalism and offers solid teaching that encourages us to tune our
hearts to grace and live freely in Gods glory.
Megan DiMaria, author, speaker, a prisoner of hope
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In this insightful and daring analysis of the modern church, Bill Giovannetti sees through the hash-tagging, hipster appeal of neo-legalism and
identifies the symptoms of Christianitys worst disease: Grace Deficit Disorder. Grace Intervention is a breath of fresh air for Christians who are tired
of playing games and doing their duty. It is an emphatic declaration of
Gods good and gracious commitment to you!
Paul Ellis, bestselling author of
The Big House and The Gospel in Twenty Questions
Prepare yourself. Every pre-conception you have concerning grace is about
to be challenged to the core. Pastor Bill Giovannettis Grace Intervention is
a much-needed game changer for the way we do church.
Michael K. Reynolds, author of the award-winning
Heirs of Ireland series
Whether you agree with Pastor Bill Giovannettis conclusions or not, this
theology of grace addresses the major tenets of grace and is a must read for
believers from all theological camps. . . .Take your time reading and reflecting on these fifteen chaptersthey may just change your life addressing
that Grace Deficit Disorder that so many of us have experienced!
Rev. Patrick A. Blewett, D.Min., Ph.D. Dean,
A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary
So often the shoulds and should nots in life threaten to overwhelm my
joy, and I get lost in a sea of guilt and hopelessness. But God never intended
that for us, and Bill Giovannettis beautiful look at grace empowered me to
look to Himinstead of to a hopeless worldfor the grace I so desperately
need. Every person who has ever felt burdened by a legalistic Christian
world, by hopelessness or guilt, or even by the pain of feeling unforgiven,
will find hope and healing in Grace Intervention.
Erin MacPherson, author of The Christian Mamas Guide series
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Scripture quotations marked nlt are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by
permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights
Scripture quotations marked phillips are taken from J. B. Phillips, The New
Testament in Modern English, 1962 edition by HarperCollins.
Published by Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 719,
Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, www.shilohrunpress.com.
Our mission is to publish and distribute inspirational products offering exceptional value and
biblical encouragement to the masses.
Member of the
Evangelical Christian
Publishers Association
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This book is for everybody who struggles
to accept Gods acceptance of them.
Ive been on the receiving end of other peoples grace all my life:
from my parents, my family, the churches that reared me, and
every preacher, author, and teacher whos ever shined a light on
Jesus and his love. Thank you. Im grateful to Art Rorheim and
the late Lance B. Latham, founders of Awana, for standing firm
for grace.
Thank you, Kelly McIntosh, and the whole team at Barbour
Publishing, for believing in this project. Im ever grateful to
the brightest star in the literary constellation, my agent, Janet
Kobobel Grant, and to the family of Bookies whose wisdom
guides me every day. Denise Giovannetti contributed invaluable
assistance as an early reader, and Joe Giovannetti helped
clarify and strengthen key parts of this book; you are loved and
Theres a huge thank you in my heart for the people and
leaders of Neighborhood Church. Its a privilege to be your
pastor and to experience grace with you.
I could not write a syllable without the support and love of
my precious wife, Margi. You are brilliant, wise, fun, beautiful,
and true. Thank you for making me a better man. My awesome
kids, Josie and J.D., show me every day what grace looks like. I
love you more than you can know.
Above all, thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. Where
would I be without Christs great love?
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Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1. Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2. Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3. Lordship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4. Neo-Mishnah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5. The Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6. Worldliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7. Shallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
8. Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9. Bouncers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
10. The Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
11. Sanctification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
12. Security` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
13. Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
14. Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
15. Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Epilogue: The Alphabet of Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Questions for Discussion and Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
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Bill Giovannetti
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Chapter 1
If it were the throne of justicewe might fear; or if it were the
throne of holinesswe might be dazzled with its splendors.
But it is the throne of gracewhere God meets sinners on the
principles of grace; where God confers on seeking souls grace
to help them in time of need; and where he manifests the
deepest, tenderest sympathy for miserable and wretched men.
James Smith (1800s)
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Bill Giovannetti
The snake has shed its skin, but its still the same old snake:
humans, by human effort, seeking the approval of God.
We humans are legalists to the core, twisting the grand
story of Gods work for us into the fairy tale of our works for
him. We easily morph grace into religiosity and the gospel
into human achievement. Legalism has been the churchs
death-of-a-thousand-cuts for two thousand years.
And it didnt go away when Christs followers started dancing. We just think it did. After all, what clear-minded observer
would tag a drinking, dancing, pierced, tattooed, rabbi-bearded,
Vans-shod, smart phone-sporting Jesus person as a legalist?
Antinomian, maybe. Licentious, possibly. But legalist? Never.
Not, at least, until we define our terms. Once we understand
what legalism really is, todays legalists stand out like bird
droppings on a windshield.
We need an intervention. We need a loving confrontation
to throw a wrench in our souls self-defeating legalistic
Here it is.
I write as a lover of legalists and hater of legalism. I dont
have much choice but to love legalists, because Ive been a
perpetrator for years. Had I been born in an earlier era, I
might have been an Inquisitor. As a longtime pastor, Ive had
ample opportunity to demonstrate my religious superiority. I
can even sling around Greek and Hebrew words to make my
Part of recovery is admitting where youre coming from.
Ive also been loved and nurtured by people who truly loved
God, but whose faith was infected with legalism. They shunned
movies, dancing, drinking, playing cards, and long-haired males,
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Bill Giovannetti
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Grace intervention
GDD. God hands down a daily supply of grace, but they dont
see it. Or they dont know how to use it. Or they see it and
know how to use it but prefer to go on in their own strength.
So they crash. They burn out. They fail.
They flunk the business law exam.
Grace is not simply a policy of Gods; it is also the power
of God installed into his children, enabling them to do good
stuff, such as studying for exams and stamping out poverty.
My wife didnt neglect grace by giving her students the
mediocre grades they had earned; her students neglected
grace when they chilled at the coffee shop rather than using
Gods power to crack open the books and study.
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Bill Giovannetti
Serving God
Enduring tough times
Being faithful to God
Showing good character
Staying true no matter what
Standard I am committed to God stuff
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Bill Giovannetti
Lets talk about arrows, shall we?
When we consider the part of the story where we do stuff
for God, lets imagine an arrow pointing up, from us to God.
The arrow indicates the direction of the benefitin this case,
from us to God.
When we consider the part of the story where God does
stuff for us, well point the arrow down, from God to us.
Arrows pointing up represent works (everything we do for
Arrows pointing down represent grace (everything God
does for us).
Gracification happens when God flips the arrows in our
souls, to correct their direction and proportion. He makes the
biggest, fattest, juiciest arrows of grace point downward from
himself to us. He makes the skinny, minority, arrows of duty
point upward from us to him.
Its biblical: We love Him because He first loved us (1
John 4:19).
Translation: until the fattest, biggest, most-est arrows in
your imagination point from God to you, it will be impossible
for you to love God the way he wants you to love him.
I need gracification. You need gracification. All Gods
children need gracification.
You know youre gracified when the word commitment
conjures thick, juicy arrows pointing down from God to
youwhen what leaps to the front of your imagination is the
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Bill Giovannetti
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Chapter 2
I have heard it put like this: There was a boatman and two
theologians in a boat, and one was arguing that salvation was
by faith and the other by works. The boatman listened, and then
said, Let me tell you how it looks to me. Suppose I call this oar
Faith and this one Works. If I pull on this one, the boat goes
around; if I pull on this other one, it goes around the other way,
but if I pull on both oars, I get you across the river. I have heard
many preachers use that illustration to prove that we are saved
by faith and works. That might do if we were going to heaven
in a rowboat, but we are not. We are carried on the shoulders
of the Shepherd, who came seeking lost sheep. When He finds
them, He carries them home on His shoulders.2
Dr. Harry Ironside
Cliche Melee
When I first found the above quote from Harry Ironside, a
former pastor of Chicagos historic Moody Church, I posted
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after the meeting, I grilled him. When did you first receive
Jesus? I asked. He said it was maybe five or six years ago. Then
I asked, Have you consistently followed Jesus for those five
or six years?
He got mad and walked away.
Is the way to God a function of what I do for him or of
what he has done for me? Is it possible most Christian clichs
are just nasty little symptoms of GDD?
Before the Left Behind books and movies, there was the
legendary 1970s end-time film A Thief in the Night. That film
scared me straight about a dozen times. Dont get me wrong;
Im sure God used it in amazing ways. Its just that when you
watch it today, its remarkably un-hip. In one scene, Jennya
pig-tailed teenagerreturns to Teen Town to learn more
about salvation. Heres how that snappy dialogue goes:
Teen Town Counselor: Thats right, Jenny. In
a way, it is free. What I mean is, it doesnt cost
anything but your life.
Jenny: That sounds pretty expensive.
Teen Town Counselor: Well, it might seem
that way, until you realize that youre letting the
God who created you, the God who cares for you
more than any other person could. . .that youre
letting him take over.3
Let me get this straight: It doesnt cost anything but your
life, yet its free.
Youre letting God take over, yet its free.
My teenage brain was exploding. In what universe do these
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Bill Giovannetti
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Bill Giovannetti
Traditional clichs, such as give your life to Christ and
commit your life/heart/self to Christ, obviously invert the
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Bill Giovannetti
When they announce, There is no believing without committing, I want to shout that if salvation depends on my
commitment for even a nanosecond, Im doomed. I cant even
commit to a diet. If you want to see commitment, look at
The effect of these statements is to shift the burden of
salvation onto the seekers stooped shoulders. The instant we
do that, we diminish the work of Christ and crush the hope
out of every frightened human heart.
The gospel offers free salvation precisely because Jesus
paid full price. His yoke is easy and his burden light because
he already did all the heavy lifting.
To impose obedience, self-improvement, Kingdom building, or radical commitment is to pile on a load no human can
bear. Lost people cant commit their lives to Christ; they have
no lives. Nor do they have a commitment organ, spiritually
speaking. They cant turn the knob from cold to lukewarm to
hot, because their spiritual flame has fizzled in the icy waters
of depravity.
Im all for preaching passion in our lives, but we must
never let our passion for Christ eclipse the Passion of Christ.
The gospel is not the tale of moral success stories made Christian. It is the story of a Savior who did not come to improve
the improvable; he came to raise the dead.4
Neo-legalisms distorted gospel sprouts from an emphasis
on the life and teachings of Christ at the expense of his
death and Resurrection. It offers a life to emulate, more than
a death to appropriate. Both are essential, but the death is
foundational; the superstructure of Christian living grows no
taller than the substructure of cross-centered grace.
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Bill Giovannetti
All that does is add works to the equation way too soon, still
absent the power of God.
If, however, we start with gracenot leniency, but true
gracewe get a free salvation, courtesy of the shed blood of
Christ. We get a salvation that is all God and all grace. We get
a salvation that brings maximum glory to God, as its author
and finisher.
Plus, as a bonus, we get Christ followers who are so smitten
with such mercies that they gladly present themselves to God
with a humble, Here am I.
When I fell in love with my wife-to-be, nobody had to
scare me into bringing her flowers. I gladly endured the long
commute to her houseroutinely sixty minutes or more in
Chicagos rush hour traffic. I looked forward to our times
together. We built a relationship, not out of obligation, but
out of love.
Maybe thats always been Gods desire for us. We are a
people perpetually beseeched by the mercies of God.
Mercies of God first.
Presenting ourselves to God second.
All attempts to scold, frighten, bribe, or shame people into
doing good stuff for God will crash and burn, and deservedly
so. We cant make Christians good by threatening to withhold
final salvation.
That is not the gospel. That is GDD.
Dear neo-legalist leader: quit bending the gospel out of
shape just because youre worried that professing Christians
wont rush to change the world. Have a little faith.
Dear traditional legalist leader: quit fretting over casual
attire at church; your converts salvation will survive.
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When we start with grace, stick with grace, and finish with
grace, we get grateful, assured, confident Christ followers. . .
with world service, giving back, and paying it forward on top
of the deal. I know, it doesnt always work that way, but quit
blaming grace.
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
(Romans 6:23). Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you
will be saved (Acts 16:31).
Its that simple.
Dont let the clichs trip you up.
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