CH 4 - OW - (B) Superposition
CH 4 - OW - (B) Superposition
CH 4 - OW - (B) Superposition
Marline Kurishingal
Refer Ripple tank experiment
Demonstration of Ripple tank experiment to
show wave properties.
Constructive Interference
Refer the figure on right with two
waves arriving at a point at the same
time in opposite directions.
If they arrive in Phase that is,
if their crests arrive at exactly the
same time they will interfere constructively.
A resultant wave will be produced which has crests much higher
than either of the two individual waves and troughs which are
much deeper.
If the 2 incoming waves have the same frequency and equal
amplitude A, the resultant wave produced by constructive
interference has an amplitude of 2A.
The frequency of the resultant is the same as that of incoming
Destructive Interference
Refer the figure on right with two
waves arriving at a point at the same
If they arrive out of Phase that is,
if the crests of one wave arrive at
same time as the troughs from the other they will interfere
A resultant wave will have a smaller amplitude. (based on case
to case)
Stationary Wave
A stationary wave is set up by the superposition
of two progressive waves of the same type,
amplitude and frequency travelling in opposite
A stationary (or standing) wave is one in which
some points are permanently at rest (nodes),
others between these nodes are vibrating with
varying amplitude, and those points with the
maximum amplitude (antinodes) are midway
between the nodes.
Sample problem 1
Sample problem 2
Sample problem 3
Sample problem 4
Sample problem 5
Sample problem 6
Diffraction is the
spreading of waves
through an aperture or
round an obstacle.
It is observable when
the width of the
aperture is of the same
order of magnitude as
the wavelength of the
Diffraction (continued)
The extent of the diffraction
effect is dependent on the
relative sizes of the aperture
to the wavelength of the wave.
The smaller the size of the aperture, the greater
the spreading of the waves (if the width of the
aperture is about the same size as the wavelength, , the
diffraction effect is very considerable).
Application of Diffraction
The forms of jetties
are used for
directing currents
and they are
sometimes of high
or low solid
Interference is the superposing of two or more waves to give
a resultant wave whose displacement is given by the Principle
of Superposition.
Interference (continued)
At regions of maxima,
constructive interference
occurs (i.e. the waves arrive
at these points in phase),
resulting in maxima
amplitude, hence high
At regions of minima,
destructive interference
occurs (i.e. the waves arrive
at these points in anti-phase),
resulting in minima or zero
amplitude, hence low or zero
Sample problem 7
Sample problem 8
Sample problem 9
Sample problem 10