Radiator Repair Facility Pollution Prevention: Regulations, Regulations, Regulations! Recycling

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WMRC TN97-057

March 1997

Radiator Repair Facility Pollution Prevention

ntifreeze plays an essential role in maintaining

proper car operation. This fact sheet provides
information on proper use and disposal, pollution
prevention techniques, and health effects of

Regulations, Regulations,
In order to comply with strict wastewater
discharge limits along with new hazardous waste
regulations, radiator service firms need to develop
cost-effective waste management programs.
Engine coolant may be regulated as a hazardous
waste because it contains ethylene glycol, a toxin.
Additionally, detectable concentrations of benzene,
toluene, lead, zinc, arsenic, mercury and copper may
accumulate in the coolant from the cooling system.
Spent radiator solution is generated at a rate of 30 to
100 gallons per month by medium-sized to large
repair shops and is commonly collected, stored and
disposed of as a hazardous waste. Many smaller
shops sewer this waste, however, this practice is
prohibited by a growing number of communities.

Preparing the Radiator for Repair


Drain coolant in a designated area without

connections to the storm drain or the sanitary sewer.
Some municipalities now require that you perform all
fluid changes in a double-contained bay with no


Disposal methods for used antifreeze will vary

depending upon where your facility is located and the
type of radiator in the car. If the vehicle is a newer

model, the radiator will probably be made of

aluminum and plastic and the used antifreeze can be
recycled as outlined below. With older cars, there is
the possibility that lead from the solder used in
manufacturing or repairing the radiator may
contaminate the antifreeze, making the waste
hazardous. Contact a disposal vendor to manage your
hazardous waste properly. This fact sheet provides a
list of several vendors that can collect, recycle, and/or
dispose of waste antifreeze.


Used antifreeze usually can be accepted by an

antifreeze recycler. Collect radiator flushing fluid
rather than pouring it into your shop drain. Reuse
the flushing fluid to minimize waste discharges. If
your recycler wont accept the spent flushing fluids,
consider changing to another brand of fluid that can
be recycled. Only final rinse water, after flushing is
completed, may be discharged to the sanitary sewer.

Repairing the Radiator

Preventing Leaks and Spills

Prevent leaks from vehicles and equipment onto

the shop floor by practicing careful housekeeping and
by minimizing wastes and discharges.
Maintain your shop floor equipment. Check
your equipment at the end of the working day to
wipe up spills and to find leaks that need repair.
Use the dry shop principle whenever you work
on a vehicle. When you spill or drip fluids onto the
floor, clean them with a rag, instead of letting them
evaporate. Properly store used rags and send them to
an industrial laundry for cleaning.
To reduce spills, use the following practices:

Collect leaking or dripping fluids in drip pans or

containers and repair the radiator as soon as possible.
If the fluids are kept separate, they usually may be

Based on these waste minimization categories, a

number of simple reduction methods can be
identified. Examples are discussed below:

Empty and wipe the drip pans when you move

them to another vehicle, or when they are about halffull, to avoid spills.

Use compressed air to blow out any residual

alkaline solution, especially from the oil-cooling
section, left in the radiator after it is taken out of the
boil-out tank. This should be done over the boil-out
tank or in a manner so that the material can be
collected and returned to the boil-out tank.

Keep a drip pan under the car while you unclip

hoses, unscrew filters or remove other parts.
Use larger, flat, low-brimmed pans under cars
where mechanics are working and where ordinary
drip pans are too cumbersome.
Promptly transfer used fluids to the proper waste
or recycling drums. Dont leave drip pans or other
open containers unattended.
Place drip pans under vehicles as they arrive even if
you believe that all fluids have leaked out before the
car reaches your shop. Wrecked vehicles can
continue to drip for days.
Drain all fluids, including air conditioner coolant,
from wrecked vehicles and parts cars upon arrival.
Some locales require that wrecked cars be drained
within 24 hours of arrival.
If you wish to park wrecked vehicles outdoors, you
may need to construct a roofed and drained area for

Operational Changes

Simple changes or modifications to the radiator

repair process that will reduce waste fall into the
following categories:

Changes in the process chemicals (i.e. cleaners, test

tank solutions, flux, etc.) Used to reduce levels of
contaminants in the waste and to ensure that
compounds in the process chemicals will not cause
treatment/management problems later on.
Segregation of waste to ensure that non- or lightlycontaminated wastes are not mixed with highlycontaminated wastes.
Modifications to the process equipment to ensure
minimum waste generation.

Boil-Out Tank

Use washwater as makeup for the boil-out tank.

Increasing the temperature at which the tank operates
will increase the evaporation rate thus allowing for
the return of more water. For example, a rise from
140oF to 160oF will increase evaporation by 50%.
Carefully monitor the boil-out tank and only add
the minimum required types and quantity of
chemicals. Some auxiliary chemicals can build up
over time and shorten the life of the coolant, while
other materials, such as chelating agents, can cause
waste management problems.
When the process bath has to be dumped, no more
than once a year, first remove the liquid to a tank and
trap the solids, using filtration (such as a bag filter) or
settling. Then return the liquid portion to the
process tank.
Use a smaller process tank such as an ultrasonic
cleaning unit to reduce the volume of waste


Use the minimum amount of water to rinse the

radiators after rinsing the boil-out tank. Use high
pressure with a low water flow rate.
Recycle wastewater for rinsing and makeup of the
boil-out tank.
Reduce, as much as possible, all use of water in the
facility. Use dry or damp cleanup techniques for
spills or leaks, where possible. (i.e. do not use a hose
in place of a broom).

Test Tank

Do not solder over the test tank, letting excess

solder fall into the process solution. This will result

in a zinc and lead build-up in the solution. Instead,

solder over a separate area in such a way that any
solder can be caught before it falls into the tank.
Do not dump the process solution because it
becomes cloudy. If there is a solids problem, filter
the solution (a simple bag or cartridge filter can be
used), or let the solids settle out.


Remove as much oil as possible from the oil cooler

before the radiator is put into the boil-out tank. Use
compressed air to blow out this section if necessary.
Collect and segregate the oil from the other process
wastes. Depending on the quantities, sell or give it to
a waste oil management firm.

Reduce or eliminate the use of any product in the

process, such as cleaner or flux, which may contain
complexing or chelating compounds. These materials
will keep metals in solution and will require very
complex treatment methods for their removal.

Use a low zinc flux to reduce levels of zinc in the

process baths and waste water.

Set up the process tanks so as to minimize or

eliminate the spillage of process solution onto the
floor. The tanks can be set up next to each other, or
a drip board or pan can be placed between tanks to
collect and divert any liquid back into the process
tank from which it came.

Seal or extend the height of any floor drains to

reduce the possibility of spills/leaks entering the
sewer. Diking around process tanks is another way
to contain process leaks or spills.

These are just some techniques which may be

used to reduce waste. Not all will be applicable to
every shop, but they do show the types of methods
that can be used to reduce waste generation.

Treatment and Recycling of

Rinse Water
Once the maximum possible amount of waste has
been reduced, the remaining amount can be treated
and reused or properly disposed. The rinse water
from the cleaning step after the caustic bath will be
the best candidate for reuse. This waste water is the
major source of volume and concentration of metals

(lead levels alone can reach over 600 ppm). There are
basically three types of water recycling techniques:
filtration, simple chemical or physical treatment and
advanced chemical or physical treatment.
The simplest recovery technique uses gravity
settling and filtration to remove solids and some oil
from the contaminated rinse water. In such a system,
the largest particles are first settled out and the waste
water is then run through a series of successively finer
filters to remove the remaining suspended solids. The
treated water can then be reused for rinsing or as
makeup for the boil-out tank. Over time, caustics,
oils, metals and dissolved solids will build up, but
since the water is not discharged, the contaminant
levels will not matter from a permit standpoint.
However, if the levels of contaminants build up too
much it could cause operational problems. This can
be avoided if enough of the treated water is removed
for use as makeup in the boil-out tank and replaced by
fresh water. This will allow the concentration of
dissolved solids to reach and stay at an acceptable
level. Identifying and maintaining this operating
condition will be the key to the successful
performance of the system. Any build-up in caustic
over time can be corrected by acid addition as needed.
The cost of such a filtration system depends upon the
size and capacity of the unit.
A simple chemical/physical treatment system can
also be used to remove oil, metals and solids from the
waste water so that it can be reused. Such a system
would consist of adjusting the pH with acid (such as
hydrochloric acid), adding an inorganic flocculent
(such as ferric chloride) or a polymer and letting the
solids settle and the oil float to the surface. The
treated wash water can then be stored for reuse as
rinse water, or as makeup to the boil-out tank. Such a
system can remove metals down to about 10-30mg/l.
Metal levels cannot be reduced much further due to
chelating & complexing agents in the rinse water.
Also, this system could be used to treat any batch
dumps of the process tanks. The cost of such a unit
will depend on the units capacity as well as if it is
built in house or bought from a vendor. The prices
for vendor-supplied package systems start at about
$4500. The chemical cost for operating this type of
system will be several hundred dollars a year.
The final type of system using advanced treatment
methods is able to reduce the metal concentrations
down to levels which will meet discharge limits,

0.5mg/l or less of lead. Such systems use special

treatment chemicals and/or oxidation techniques to
break up chelating and complexing agents and
precipitate metals. One commercially available unit
uses a chemical oxidizer, chlorine and an ultra-violet
lamp to break up metal complexing/chelating agents,
followed by standard chemical/physical treatment
processes to remove the remaining metals and solids.
In any of these systems, the treated water can then
either be reused or discharged. Depending upon the
treatment technique used, these systems can cost up
to $15,000 to purchase. The chemical costs for
operating such a system will be several hundred
dollars a year.
Before any of these systems are installed, a
treatability study must be conducted to determine if
the technology will work and what concentration
and type of treatment chemicals must be used. Once
the system is installed and properly operating,
changes in the materials used in the repair process
must not be made. If they are, tests must be
conducted to determine if the new compounds will
have any effect on the treatment/recycle system.

Sludge Management
All of these reuse systems, along with the process
baths, will generate sludge. This material will
probably be heavily contaminated with lead and thus
would be considered a hazardous waste. The sludge
must be properly handled and stored on-site and sent
to a permitted hazardous waste management facility
for disposal. Information on transporters, analytical
laboratories and multi-service management firms can
be obtained from the Waste Management and
Research Center. Additionally, the National
Automobile Radiator Service Association (NARSA)
has an agreement with a national trucking firm to
provide its members with waste management services
at reduced rates. For more information on this
program, contact NARSA at 215-541-4500 in
Pensburg, Pa.
There are a number of techniques available to
remove the excess water from the sludge, thus
reducing its volume. This will, in turn, reduce
disposal costs. Most of these techniques will depend
on filtering the solids out of the sludge and/or airdrying the sludge.
If the solids in the sludge are of a high enough
concentration when they come out of the treatment
system, then they can be put directly into a drum and

allowed to air-dry over time. The addition of a heat

source, such as an electric band drum heater, will
speed up the drying process and produce a drier
If the sludge is very watery, then a gravity
filtration system can be used first to increase the
solids concentration. There are a number of different
designs and configurations for such a system. The
simplest system would be a paper or cloth filter
placed on a holder over a drum. The sludge can then
be pumped or gravity-fed onto the filter material.
The water will drain through the
filter and be
collected in the drum. The sludge can then be dried
and the water returned to the treatment system. The
cost of such a system will depend on its complexity
and capacity and can range from $100 to $1,000.
Any impact of the hazardous waste regulations
on a sludge dewatering system must first be evaluated
before a unit is purchased. Depending on how a
system is configured and operated, regulations under
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act may
cover its operation. The Waste Management and
Research Center can provide more information and
regulatory assistance on this subject.

Waste Collection and Disposal

Human Health Effects of
Ethylene glycol is poisonous when ingested.
Since it is a clear, colorless liquid with a very
sweet taste, pets and small children may drink it
if they have access to the container or to a spill or
leak. Just 3 ounces (100 ml) or 100 percent pure
ethylene glycol can kill an average size adult.
Some signs of ingestion in humans include
twitching muscles, followed by depression,
vomiting, drowsiness, convulsions, coma, and
severe kidney, respiratory and cardiac failure.
The Poison Resource Center recommends that
immediate medical attention be sought at a
hospital emergency room. Do not induce
vomiting. Delaying treatment greatly increases
the chances of death or permanent organ failure.
Contact the Medical Authorities in your area or
call 911.

Adco Services Inc.
17650 Duvan Dr.
P.O. Box 1129
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Curry Environmental
P.O. Box 1400
Milan, IL 61264-1400
Heritage Environmental
7901 W. Morris St.
Indianapolis, IN 46231
(317) 243-0811
Safety Kleen Corp.
1000 Randall Road
Elgin, IL 60123
SET Environmental Inc.
450 Sumac Rd.
Wheeling, IL 60090

Recycling Equipment
Chemtech LP
1 Westbrook Corp Center Ste 500
Westchester, IL 60154
(800) 323-3521

For further information, contact:

Ken Barnes
WMRC Pollution Prevention Program
1 E. Hazelwood Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217-244-9940
Fax: 217-333-8944

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