... Before Everyone Else Does.

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The key takeaways are that parents should have open and honest conversations with their children about difficult topics like sex, relationships, HIV/AIDS, violence, alcohol and drugs from an early age in a way that is appropriate for their age.

The purpose of the guide is to provide parents with practical tips and techniques for talking to their young children ages 8 to 12 about sensitive issues in a way that is accurate and aligned with the parents' values.

The guide covers having discussions with children about sex and relationships, HIV/AIDS, violence, and alcohol and drugs.

...before everyone else does.

Talking With Kids About Tough Issues

A National Campaign to Support Parents by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation
Children Now is a nonpartisan, independent voice for
America’s children. Using innovative research and com-
munications strategies, Children Now promotes pioneering
solutions to problems facing America’s children.
Recognized nationally for its policy expertise, up-to-date
information on the status of children, and leading work
with the media, Children Now focuses particular attention
on the needs of children who are poor or at risk while work-
ing to improve conditions for all children by making them
a top priority across the nation.

The Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit, independent,

national health care philanthropy, not associated with
Kaiser Permanente or Kaiser Industries. Established in
1948, the Foundation makes approximately $40 million in
philanthropic expenditures each year, emphasizing efforts
to improve the health and life chances of the disadvan-
taged. The Foundation serves as an independent, non-par-
tisan source of facts and analysis for policy-makers, journal-
ists, and the general public.

Lynne S. Dumas is the primary author of this parent guide.

A parent-child communication specialist, Ms. Dumas has
written numerous books including “Talking With Your Child
About a Troubled World,” and is a member of the Talking
With Kids About Tough Issues honorary committee.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

How to Talk to Your Kids About Anything . . . . . . . 5

10 Tips for talking with your kids about tough issues

Talking With Kids About Sex and Relationships . . . 13

Talking With Kids About HIV/AIDS . . . . . . . . . . 19

Talking With Kids About Violence . . . . . . . . . . 25

Talking With Kids About Alcohol and Drugs . . . . . 31


Raising a child is probably the most gratifying job any of us

will ever have — and one of the toughest. In large part, that’s
because times have changed. We live in an increasingly com-
plex world that challenges us everyday with a wide range of
disturbing issues that are difficult for children to understand
and for adults to explain.

We believe this booklet can help. It offers practical, concrete

tips and techniques for talking easily and openly with young
children ages 8 to 12 about some very tough issues: sex,
HIV/AIDS, violence, drugs and alcohol.

Some parents and caregivers may question the appropriateness

of talking about such sensitive topics with young children.
Maybe you’re one of them. But consider this: our kids are
already hearing about these issues from TV, movies, magazines
and school friends. If we don’t talk with them early and often
— and answer their questions — they’ll get their facts from
someone else. And we’ll have missed an important opportunity
to offer our children information that’s not only accurate, but
also in sync with our own personal values and moral principles.

Make sense? We think so. So let’s get started.

It’s up to parents to
create an atmosphere
where children feel
free to ask any ques-
tion on any subject.
How to Talk to Your Kids
About Anything

10 Tips

1. Start Early
Kids are hearing about and forced to cope with
tough issues at increasingly early ages, often
before they are ready to understand all aspects of these
complicated ideas. Additionally, medical research and pub-
lic health data tells us that when young children want infor-
mation, advice and guidance, they turn to their parents
first. Once they reach the
teenage years, they tend to
depend more on friends, the Start
media and other outsiders for
their information. As a parent, Early
you have a wonderful opportuni-
ty to talk with your child about
these issues first, before anyone
else can confuse your child with
incorrect information or explanations that lack the sense of
values you want to instill. We need to take advantage of
this “window of opportunity” with young children and talk
with them earlier and more often, particularly about tough
issues like sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, alcohol and drugs.

Initiate Conversations With Your Child
While we want our children to feel comfort-
able enough to come to us with any ques-
tions and concerns—and thus give us the opportunity
to begin conversations—this doesn’t always occur.
That’s why it’s perfectly okay—at times even necessary
—to begin the discussions ourselves. TV and other
media are great tools for this. Say, for
instance, that you and your 12-year-
old are watching TV together and
the program’s plot includes a
Conversations teenage pregnancy. After the show
is over, ask your child what she
thought of the program. Did she
agree with how the teenagers
behaved? Just one or two questions
could help start a valuable discussion that comes from
everyday circumstances and events.

Also, when speaking with your child, be sure to use

words she can understand. Trying to explain AIDS to a
6-year-old with words like “transmission” and “transfu-
sion” may not be as helpful as using simpler language.
The best technique: use simple, short words and
straightforward explanations.

If you have more than one child—and your kids are

widely spaced—try to speak with them separately, even
about the same subject. The reason? Children of varied
ages are usually at different developmental levels,
which means that they need different information,
have different sensitivities and require a different
vocabulary. What’s more, older children will often
dominate the discussion, which may prevent the
younger ones from speaking up.

3. ...Even about Sex and Relationships
If you feel uncomfortable talking about such
sensitive subjects—particularly sex and rela-
tionships—with your young
child, you’re not alone. Many
parents feel awkward and uneasy,
especially if they are anxious SEX
about the subject. But, for your
kid’s sake, try to overcome your
nervousness and bring up the
issue with your child. After all,
our children are hearing about it
both through the media and on the playground, and that
information may not include the values that we want our
kids to have.

4. Create an Open Environment

Young children want their parents to discuss dif-
ficult subjects with them. However, our kids will
look to us for answers only if they feel we will be open to
their questions. It’s up to us to create the kind of atmos-
phere in which our children can ask any questions— on any
subject—freely and without fear of consequence.

How do you create such an atmos-

phere? By being encouraging, sup-
portive and positive. For example, A Open
if your child asks, “How many
people have AIDS?” try not to
answer with, “I don’t know. Please
just finish your lunch.” No matter
how busy you are respond with
something like, “That’s an inter-
esting question, but I’m not sure. Let’s go look it up.”
(FYI: Don’t worry that if your children learn that you
don’t know everything, they won’t look up to you.

That’s simply not true. Kids accept, “I don’t know,” and
“let’s go find out,”—and they are better responses than
any inaccurate or misleading answers you may be tempt-
ed to offer.)

One more point: You don’t need to answer all of your chil-
dren’s questions immediately. If your 10-year-old asks,
“Mom, what’s a condom?” while you’re negotiating a tricky
turn in rush-hour traffic, it’s perfectly okay for you to say
something like, “That’s an important question. But with all
this traffic, I can’t explain right now. Let’s talk later, after
dinner.” And make sure you do.

5. Communicate your values

As a parent, you have a wonderful opportunity
to be the first person to talk with your child
about tough issues like drugs and violence before anyone
else can confuse him with “just-the-facts” explanations that
lack the sense of values and moral principles
you want to instill. Likewise, when talking
with your child about sex, remember to talk
about more than “the birds and the bees,” and
Communicate communicate your values. Remember: research
shows that children want and need moral guid-
Your Values ance from their moms and dads, so don’t hesi-
tate to make your beliefs clear.

6. Listen to Your Child
How many times do we listen to our children
while folding clothes, preparing for the next
day’s meeting, or pushing a shopping cart through the
supermarket? While that’s understandable, it’s important to
find time to give kids our undivided attention. Listening
carefully to our children builds self-esteem by letting our
youngsters know that they’re
important to us and can lead to
valuable discussions about a wide
variety of sensitive issues. Listen
Listening carefully also helps us
better understand what our chil-
dren really want to know as well
as what they already understand.
And it keeps us from talking above our youngsters’ heads
and confusing them even further. For example, suppose
your child asks you what crack is. Before you answer, ask
him what he thinks it is. If he says, “I think it’s something
you eat that makes you act funny,” then you have a sense
of his level of understanding and can adjust your explana-
tions to fit.

Listening to our children and taking their feelings into

account also helps us understand when they’ve had enough.
Suppose you’re answering your 9-year-old’s questions about
AIDS. If, after a while, he says, “I want to
go out and play,” stop the talk and re-intro-
duce the subject at another time.
Be Honest

7. Try to be Honest
Whatever your children’s age,
they deserve honest answers
and explanations. It’s what strengthens our
children’s ability to trust. Also, when we
and Patient

don’t provide a straightforward answer, kids

make up their own fantasy explanations, which can be more
frightening than any real, honest response we can offer.

“Me and a lot of boys think
about one thing.” R o b e r t , A g e 9

While we may not want or need to share all the details of a

particular situation or issue with our child, try not to leave
any big gaps either. When we do, children tend to fill in the
blanks themselves, which can generate a good deal of con-
fusion and concern.

8. Be Patient
Often it can feel like forever before a youngster
gets his story out. As adults, we’re tempted to
finish the child’s sentence for him, filling in words and
phrases in an effort to hear the point sooner. Try to resist
this impulse. By listening patiently, we allow our children to
think at their own pace and we are letting them know that
they are worthy of our time.

9. Use Everyday Opportunities to Talk

It’s important to try to talk with your kids
about tough issues often, but there isn’t always
time in the day to sit down for a long talk. Also, kids tend
to resist formal discussions about today’s toughest issues,
often categorizing them as just another lecture
from mom and dad. But if we use “talk oppor-
tunities,” moments that arise in everyday life,
Everyday as occasions for discussion, our children will
be a lot less likely to tune us out. For instance,
Opportunities a newspaper item about a child expelled from
school for carrying a gun to class can help you
start a discussion on guns and violence. A pub-
lic service TV commercial can give you an opportunity to
talk about AIDS.

10. Talk About it Again. And Again.
Since most young children can only take
in small bits of information at any one
time, they won’t learn all they need to know about a par-
ticular topic from a single discussion. That’s why it’s impor-
tant to let a little time pass, then ask the child
to tell you what she remembers about your
conversation. This will help you correct any
misconceptions and fill in missing facts.
Talk Again
Finally, in an effort to absorb all they want to
know, children often ask questions again and
and Again
again over time—which can test any parent’s
nerves. But such repetition is perfectly normal,
so be prepared and tolerant. Don’t be afraid to initiate dis-
cussions repeatedly, either. Patience and persistence will
serve you and your child well.

Listening carefully
to our children builds
self-esteem by letting
our youngsters know
that they’re important
to us.
Talking With Kids About
Sex and

ost parents want to do their best in talking with
their kids about sex and sexuality, but we’re
often not sure how to begin. Here’s our advice:

• Explore your own attitudes

Studies show that kids who feel they can talk with their par-
ents about sex— because their moms and dads speak open-
ly and listen carefully to them— are less likely to engage in
high-risk behavior as teens than kids who do not feel they
can talk with their parents about the subject. So explore
your feelings about sex. If you are very uncomfortable with
the subject, read some books (see Readings for Parents) and
discuss your feelings with a trusted friend, relative, physi-
cian, or clergy member. The more you examine the subject,
the more confident you’ll feel discussing it.

Even if you can’t quite overcome your discomfort, don’t

worry about admitting it to your kids. It’s okay to say some-
thing like, “You know, I’m uncomfortable talking about sex

“I know probably as much
as you [adults] know about
sex. That much.” A l e x i s , A g e 1 3

because my parents never talked with me about it. But I

want us to be able to talk about anything—including sex—
so please come to me if you have any questions. And if I
don’t know the answer, I’ll find out.”

• Start early
Teaching your children about sex demands a gentle, con-
tinuous flow of information that should begin as early as
possible—for instance, when teaching your toddler where
his nose and toes are, include “this is your
penis” or “this is your vagina” in your talks.
As your child grows, you can continue her
education by adding more materials gradually
Does everybody
until she understands the subject well.
have sex?
• Take the initiative
Answer: Most adults If your child hasn’t started asking questions
who love and care for about sex, look for a good opportunity to bring
each other do have it up. Say, for instance, the mother of an 8-
sex. But you never year-old’s best friend is pregnant. You can say, “Did you
have to have sex notice that David’s mommy’s tummy is getting bigger? That’s
unless you want to. because she’s going to have a baby and she’s carrying it inside
her. Do you know how the baby got inside her?” then let the
conversation move from there.

• Talk about more than the

”Birds and the Bees“
While our children need to know the biological facts about
sex, they also need to understand that sexual relationships
involve caring, concern and responsibility. By discussing
the emotional aspect of a sexual relationship with your

child, she will be better informed to make decisions later
on and to resist peer pressure. If your child is a pre-teen,
you need to include some message about the responsibili-
ties and consequences of sexual activity. Conversations
with 11 and 12-year-olds, for example, should include talks
about unwanted pregnancy and how they can protect

One aspect that many parents overlook when discussing sex

with their child is dating. As opposed to movies, where two
people meet and later end up in bed together, in real life
there is time to get to know each other—time to hold hands,
go bowling, see a movie, or just talk. Children need to know
that this is an important part of a caring relationship.

• Give accurate, age-appropriate information

Talk about sex in a way that fits the age and stage of your child.
If your 8-year-old asks why boys and girls change so much phys-
ically as they grow, you can say something like, “The body has
special chemicals called hormones that tell it whether to
become a boy or a girl. A boy has a penis and testicles, and
when he grows older his voice gets lower and he gets more hair
on his body. A girl has a vulva and vagina, and when she gets
older she grows breasts and her hips grow rounder.

• Anticipate the next stage of development
Children can get frightened and confused by the sudden
changes their bodies begin to go through as they reach
puberty. To help stop any anxiety, talk with your kids not
only about their current stage of development but about the
next stage, too. An 8-year-old girl is old enough to learn
about menstruation, just as a boy that age is ready to learn
how his body will change.

• Communicate your values

It’s our responsibility to let our children know our values
about sex. Although they may not adopt these values as
they mature, at least they’ll be aware of them as they strug-
gle to figure out how they feel and want to behave.

• Talk with your child of the opposite sex

Some parents feel uncomfortable talking with their child
about topics like sex if the youngster is of the opposite gen-
der. While that’s certainly understandable, don’t let it
become an excuse to close off conversation. If you’re a sin-
gle mother of a son, for example, you can turn to books to
help guide you or ask your doctor for some advice on how to
bring up the topic with your child. You could also recruit an
uncle or other close male friend or relative to discuss the
subject with your child, provided there is already good, open
communication between them. If there are two parents in
the household, it might feel less awkward to have the dad
talk with the boy and the mom with the girl. That’s not a
hard and fast rule, though. If you’re comfortable talking with
either sons or daughters, go right ahead. Just make sure that
gender differences don’t make subjects like sex taboo.

• Relax
Don’t worry about knowing all the answers to your chil-
dren’s questions; what you know is a lot less important than
how you respond. If you can convey the message that no
subject, including sex, is forbidden in your home, you’ll be
doing just fine.

What’s safe sex?
If two people have sexual intercourse, and one of them has
HIV or another sexually transmitted disease, he could give
it to his partner(s). Doctors believe that if the man wears
a latex condom whenever he has intercourse, it helps to
protect him and his partner from giving
each other HIV. That’s why people call
sexual intercourse with a latex condom
“safe sex.” Questions
Is it true that you can’t get & Answers
pregnant the first time that
you have sex?
No. You can get pregnant anytime you
have sexual intercourse. Wearing a latex
condom, taking birth control pills, or using other contra-
ceptives are very effective at preventing pregnancy.
However, the only absolute way to not get pregnant is to
not have sex at all. You might also use this question as an
opportunity to point out that not having sexual intercourse is
a good idea for teens. Help them understand there are other
ways to show affection.

“My dad, he’s, ummm...too

embarrassed about talking
about it...about sex.”
Neil , Age 11

As a parent, you have a
wonderful opportunity to
talk with your child early,
before anyone else can
confuse your child with
incorrect information or
explanations that lack the
sense of values you
want to instill.
Talking With Kids About


s upsetting and confusing as it can be to bring
up the subject of AIDS with young children,
it’s essential to do so. By the time they reach
third grade, research shows that as many as 93 percent of
children have already heard about the illness. Yet, while
kids are hearing about HIV/AIDS early on, what they are
learning is often inaccurate and frightening. You can set
the record straight—if you know the facts yourself. HIV
is transmitted from person to person through contact
with blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or breast milk. HIV can
be prevented by using latex condoms during sex, not
sharing “drug needles,” and avoiding contact with anoth-
er person’s bodily fluids. So stay informed. Sharing this
information with your youngster can keep her safe and
calm her fears. Finally, talking with your child about
AIDS lays the groundwork for any future conversations
about AIDS-preventative behavior. Here are some tips
on how to get started:

• Initiate discussion
Use a “talk opportunity” to introduce the subject of AIDS
to your child. For example, try tying a discussion into some-
thing your child sees or hears, such as a commercial about
AIDS. After you and your child watch the ad, say some-
thing like, “Have you heard about AIDS before? Well, what
do you think AIDS is?” This way, you can figure out what
she already understands and work from there.

• Present the facts

Offer honest, accurate information that’s appropriate to
a child’s age and development. To an 8-year-old you
might say, “AIDS is a disease that makes people very
sick. It’s caused by a virus, called HIV, which
is a tiny germ.” An older child can absorb
Question: more detailed information: “Your body is
Does everybody who made up of billions of cells. Some of these
gets AIDS die? cells, called T-cells, help your body stay
healthy by fighting off disease. But if you get
a virus called HIV, that virus kills the T-
Answer: Today, there cells. Over time, the body can’t fight disease
is still no cure for any more and that person has AIDS.” Pre-
AIDS. With new medi- teens should also understand how condoms
cines, some people could help protect people from getting AIDS and that
who get AIDS can live the disease can be transmitted between persons who
for years and years. share drug needles. (If you have already explained sexu-
But until doctors find al intercourse to your children, you might add, “During
a cure, AIDS remains sexual intercourse, the semen from the man’s body goes
a deadly disease. into the woman’s body. That semen can carry HIV.” If
you have not yet talked about sex, don’t bring it up dur-
ing initial discussions about AIDS. It’s not a good idea
for your child’s first information about sex to be associat-
ed with such a serious disease.)

• Set them straight

Children’s misconceptions about AIDS can be pretty scary,
so it’s important to correct them as soon as possible.

Suppose your 8-year-old comes home from school one day,
tearful because she fell down on the playground, scraped her
knee and started bleeding—and the other kids told her she
would get AIDS. As a parent, you might explain, “No, you
don’t have AIDS. You’re fine. You can’t get AIDS from
scraping your knee. The way you can get AIDS is when the
fluids from your body mix with those of someone who has
AIDS. Do you understand?” After such a discussion, it’s also
wise to check back with your child and see what she
remembers. Understanding AIDS, particularly for young
children, takes more than a single conversation.

• Foster self-esteem
Praising our children frequently, setting realistic goals and
keeping up with their interests are an effective way to build
self-esteem. And that’s important, because when kids feel
good about themselves, they are much more likely to with-
stand peer pressure to have sex before they are ready, or to
not do drugs. In short, they are less likely to engage in
behavior that could put them at risk for AIDS.

• Put Your Child’s Safety First

Some adults mistakenly believe that AIDS is only a disease

of homosexuals. Whatever your beliefs, try not to let your
opinions or feelings prevent you from giving your child the
facts about AIDS and its transmission—it’s information
that’s essential to their health and safety.

• Be prepared to discuss death

When talking with your kids about AIDS, questions about
death may come up. So get ready to answer them by read-
ing books (see Readings for Children and Parents) available
at libraries or bookstores. In the meantime, here are three
helpful tips:
—Explain death in simple terms. Explain that when some-
one dies, they don’t breathe, or eat, or feel hungry or cold,
and you won’t see them again. Although very young chil-
dren won’t be able to understand such finality, that’s
okay. Just be patient and repeat the message whenever
—Never explain death in terms of sleep. It may make your
child worry that if he falls asleep, he’ll never wake up.
—Offer reassurance. If appropriate, tell your child that you
are not going to die from AIDS and that he won’t either.
Stress that while AIDS is serious, it is preventable.

What is AIDS?
AIDS is a very serious disease that is caused by a tiny germ
called a virus. When you are healthy, your
body can fight off diseases, like Superman
fighting the bad guys. Even if you do get sick,
Questions your body can fight the germs and make you
well again. But when you have AIDS, your
& Answers body cannot protect you. That’s why people
with AIDS get very sick.

How do you get AIDS?

You can get AIDS when the fluids from your
body mix with those of someone who has AIDS. You can’t
catch it like the flu and you can’t get it just by touching or
being near someone with AIDS, so you and I don’t have to
worry about getting it. (NOTE: If you have already talked

with your child about sex, you should also add, “You can
also get AIDS by having unprotected sexual intercourse
with someone who has the HIV virus.”)

Can kids get AIDS?

Very few children get AIDS. But if they were born to a
mommy who had AIDS, they could get AIDS when they
were born. A long time ago, some kids who had hemophil-
ia—a disease that means their blood doesn’t have enough
good cells, so they need to get blood from other people —
got AIDS when they got blood. But that doesn’t happen
anymore. AIDS is mostly a disease of grownups. (NOTE: If
your child already knows about the link between sex and
AIDS, and IV drug use and AIDS, you might also add,
“Sometimes teenagers who have unprotected sex or who
share drug needles get AIDS.” But you should still empha-
size that “AIDS is mostly a disease of grown-ups.”)

How can you tell from looking at someone

if they have AIDS?
You can’t. Anyone, regardless of what they look like, can
have AIDS. People find out if they have AIDS after being
tested by a doctor. Therefore, the only way to know if some-
one has AIDS is to ask him if he has been tested and if the
test results were positive for HIV/AIDS.

Do all gay people get AIDS?

No. Homosexuals get AIDS the same way that heterosexu-
als do. And they can protect themselves the same way, too.

Kids need more
than “just the facts.”
They need to learn
about relationships,
emotional issues,
and values.
Talking With Kids About


he images of violence in today’s world—in the
media, in our neighborhoods and even in our
schools—can make our children feel frightened,
unsafe and insecure. Yet, there’s hope. Even in such vio-
lent times, parents have the ability to raise healthy, con-
fident, secure children who know how to resolve conflicts
peaceably and make smart decisions to protect them-
selves. Here are some effective techniques:

• Acknowledge your children’s fears and

reassure them of their safety
Children who have experienced or witnessed violence
firsthand, as well as those who have only seen violent
acts on TV or in the movies, may become anxious and
fearful. That’s why it’s important to reassure a child that
their personal world will remain safe. Try saying some-
thing like this to your 7 or 8-year-old: “I know that you
feel a little scared by what you saw on the news, but

you’ll be fine. I am here to protect you and take care of
you just like always.” An older child of 10 or 11 might be
comforted by a few additional details: “Dad and I aren’t the
only ones who are watching over you. Adults in your com-
munity like neighbors, the police and teach-
ers are all looking out for your safety.”
In the movies, guys like
• Convey strict rules about
Steven Seagal and
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Teach your child that real guns and knives are
fight all the time and
very dangerous and that they can hurt and
everybody says they’re
even kill people. You might say, “ I know that
heroes. How come?
in the cartoons you watch, and the video and
computer games you play, the characters are
Answer: The people always shooting each other. They never get
you mentioned are hurt; they just pop up again later, like nothing
actors playing a part; ever happened. But in real life, someone who
if they acted like that gets shot will be seriously hurt; sometimes they even die. So
in real life, they’d if you ever see a gun anywhere, like at a friend’s house or in
probably be in jail or the schoolyard, never touch it. Instead, tell an adult, like
dead. I don’t think your mom, dad, or a teacher, right away. That way you’ll stay
anyone who relies safe and help make sure no one else gets hurt either.”
on violence all the
time is very smart • Talk about gangs
or brave at all. If you believe your child might be exposed—or
attracted—to a gang, talk about it together. Look for an
opportunity—say you see an ad for a movie that makes
gang life seem glamorous—and say, “You know, sometimes
it seems like joining a gang might be cool. But it’s not.
Kids in gangs get hurt; some even get killed because they
try to solve their problems through violence. Really smart
kids choose friends who are fun to be with and who won’t
put them in any danger.”

• Control your own behavior

When it comes to learning how to behave, children often
follow their parents’ lead—which is why it’s important to

examine how you approach conflict. Do you use violence to
settle arguments? When you’re angry, do you yell or use
physical force? If you want your child to avoid violence,
model the right behavior for him.

• Encourage them to talk it out

Children feel better when they talk about their feelings.
It lifts the burden of having to face their fears all alone
and offers an emotional release. If you sense that a violent
event (whether real or fictional) has upset your youngster,
you might say something like, “That TV program we saw
seemed pretty scary to me. What did you think about it?”
and see where the conversation leads.

• Monitor the media

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the
American Psychological Association say that violence in
the media can foster violence in real life. Watching lots of
violent TV shows and movies—and playing violent video
games—can desensitize our children and encourage them
to commit their own aggressive acts.

• Parents can help tone down the effect of

these violent messages by:
• Actively supervising your child’s exposure to all forms of
. media violence.
• Limit TV viewing to those programs you feel are
• Be selective about which movies your child sees and
. which video and computer game he plays.
• Counterbalance the violent message your child gets.
. For example, if you are watching a movie with your
. 9-year-old and a violent scene comes on, afterwards
. you might say, “Did you see that man get shot? I know
. he’s a bad guy and this is just make-believe. But in real
. life people who get shot may have families and child-
. ren, and when they die it’s very sad. Movies don’t tell
. you that part though.”

• Establish rules about the Internet by going on-line
. together to choose sites that are appropriate and fun for
. your child.
• Consider any monitoring tools for TV and the Internet,
. like the v-chip, a new technology for TV.
• Take advantage of the ratings system that allows parents
. to block violent programs on their TV.

• Take a stand
Don’t cave in to your children’s assertion that “Everybody
else does it (or has seen it)” when it comes to allowing
them to play an excessively violent game or to watch an
inappropriate movie. You have a right and responsibility to
say, “I don’t like the message that game sends. Violence is
bad and hurts people, but that game makes violence seem
like fun. I know that you play that game at your friend’s
house, but I don’t want it played in our house.”

• Set limits regarding children’s actions

towards others
Let your children know that violent behavior is not per-
mitted in your family. For instance, if you see your child
strike another, impose a “time out.” Once she calms down,
invite her to explain why she smacked the child, but tell
her firmly that “hitting is not allowed.” Then help her fig-
ure out a peaceful way to settle the problem.

• Hold family meetings

Regularly scheduled family meetings can provide
children—and us—with an acceptable place to talk about
complaints and share opinions. Just be sure that everyone
gets a chance to speak. And no name-calling allowed!

• Talk with other parents

Help give your kids a consistent anti-violence message by
speaking with the parents of your kids’ friends and coming
to an agreement about what your children can and cannot
view or play in your homes.

Also important: Ask other parents if there’s a gun in their
home. If there is, talk with them to make sure they’ve taken
the necessary safety measures. Having this kind of conversa-
tion may seem a little awkward, but keep this in mind: The
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
reports that nearly 40 percent of accidental handgun shoot-
ings of children under 16 occur in the homes of friends and
relatives. So start talking today!

• Ask the schools to get involved

Encourage your child’s school to teach conflict-resolu-
tion skills and to offer “peer mediation” programs (where
children counsel other children).
Train teachers in de-escalating and
preventing violence. Questions
Is it ever okay to fight? & Answers
Usually it is not okay to fight
because, in most situations, there are
better ways to handle an argument,
like talking things out so you can
understand how the other person feels and he can under-
stand how you feel. I know that if somebody hits you first,
it’s hard not to hit back. The trouble is that violence just
goes on and on—he hits you, you hit him, then he hits you
and so on and the problem never gets resolved. The best
thing to do is to walk away until both of you cool off, then
try to figure out a solution together.

Peter got a cool toy gun for his birthday.

It looks so real. Will you buy me one?
Your dad and I think that playing and pretending are
important things for kids to do. But toy guns can look very
real and can scare people—and that can be very dangerous
for kids. So in our family, we don’t allow any guns, includ-
ing toy ones.

Since most young children
can only take in small bits
of information at any one
time, they won’t learn all
they need to know about a
particular topic from a single
discussion. Patience and
persistence will serve you
and your child well.
Talking With Kids About

Alcohol &

T he issue of drugs can be very confusing to

young children. If drugs are so dangerous, then
why is the family medicine cabinet full of
them? And why do TV, movies, music and advertising
often make drug and alcohol use look so cool?

We need to help our kids to distinguish fact from fiction.

And it’s not too soon to begin. National studies show that
the average age when a child first tries alcohol is 11; for
marijuana, it’s 12. And many kids start becoming curious
about these substances even sooner. So let’s get started!

• Listen carefully
Student surveys reveal that when parents listen to their
children’s feelings and concerns, their kids feel comfortable
talking with them and are more likely to stay drug-free.

• Role play how to say “no”

Role play ways in which your child can refuse to go along

with his friends without becoming a social outcast. Try
something like this, “Let’s play a game. Suppose you and
your friends are at Andy’s house after
school and they find some beer in the
refrigerator and ask you to join them
Show how to in drinking it. The rule in our family is
that children are not allowed to drink
say NO alcohol. So what could you say?”

If your child comes up with a good

response, praise him. If he doesn’t,
offer a few suggestions like, “No,
thanks. Let’s play with Sony PlayStation instead,” or “No
thanks. I don’t drink beer. I need to keep in shape for

• Encourage choice
Allow your child plenty of opportunity to become a con-
fident decision-maker. An 8-year-old is capable of decid-
ing if she wants to invite lots of friends to her birthday
party or just a close pal or two. A 12-year-old can choose
whether she wants to go out for chorus or join the school
band. As your child becomes more skilled at making all
kinds of good choices, both you and she will feel more
secure in her ability to make the right decision concerning
alcohol and drugs if and when the time arrives.

• Provide age-appropriate information

Make sure the information that you offer fits the child’s age
and stage. When your 6 or 7-year-old is brushing his teeth,
you can say, “There are lots of things we do to keep our bod-
ies healthy, like brushing our teeth. But there are also things
we shouldn’t do because they hurt our bodies, like smoking
or taking medicines when we are not sick.”

If you are watching TV with your 8 year-old and marijuana

is mentioned on a program, you can say, “Do you know

what marijuana is? It’s a bad drug that can hurt your body.”
If your child has more questions, answer them. If not, let it
go. Short, simple comments said and repeated often enough
will get the message across.

You can offer your older child the same message, but add
more drug-specific information. For example, you might
explain to your 12-year-old what marijuana
and crack look like, their street names and
how they can affect his body.
• Establish a clear family posi- You and Dad drink
tion on drugs beer and wine.
It’s okay to say, “We don’t allow any drug Why can’t I?
use and children in this family are not
allowed to drink alcohol. The only time
Answer: Beer and
that you can take any drugs is when the
wine contain alcohol.
doctor or Mom or Dad gives you medicine
When you’re young
when you’re sick. We made this rule because we love you
and your body is still
very much and we know that drugs can hurt your body and
growing, alcohol can
make you very sick; some may even kill you. Do you have
keep you from grow-
any questions?”
ing strong and healthy
so you are not allowed
• Be a good example
to drink anything with
Children will do what you do much more readily than what
alcohol in it until you
you say. So try not to reach for a beer the minute you come
are an adult.
home after a tough day; it sends the message that drinking
is the best way to unwind. Offer dinner guests non-alco-
holic drinks in addition to wine and spirits. And take care
not to pop pills, even over-the-counter remedies, indis-
criminately. Your behavior needs to reflect your beliefs.

• Discuss what makes a good friend

Since peer pressure is so important when it comes to kids’
involvement with drugs and alcohol, it makes good sense
to talk with your children about what makes a good friend.
To an 8-year-old you might say, “A good friend is someone

who enjoys the same games and activities that you do and
who is fun to be around.” 11 to 12-year-olds can understand
that a friend is someone who shares their values and expe-
riences, respects their decisions and listens to their feelings.
Once you’ve gotten these concepts across, your children
will understand that “friends” who pressure them to drink
or smoke pot aren’t friends at all. Additionally, encouraging
skills like sharing and cooperation—and strong involve-
ment in fun, healthful activities (such as team sports or
scouting)—will help your children make and maintain
good friendships as they mature and increase the chance
that they’ll remain drug-free.

• Build self-esteem
Kids who feel good about themselves are much less likely
than other kids to turn to illegal substances to get high.
As parents, we can do many things to enhance our chil-
dren’s self-image. Here are some pointers:

Offer lots of praise for any job well done.

If you need to criticize your child, talk

about the action, not the person. If your son gets a
math problem wrong, it’s better to say, “I think you
added wrong. Let’s try again.”

Assign do-able chores. A 6-year-old can bring her

plate over to the sink after dinner; a 12-year-old
can feed and walk the dog after school.
Performing such duties and being praised
for them helps your child feel good about himself.

Spend one-on-one time with your youngster.

Setting aside at least 15 uninterrupted
minutes per child per day to talk, play a
game, or take a walk together, lets her
know you care.

Say, “I love you.” Nothing will make your
child feel better.

• R epeat th e messag e
Information and lessons about drugs are important enough
to repeat frequently. So be sure to answer your children’s
questions as often as they ask them to initiate conversation
whenever the opportunity arises.

• If you suspect a problem, seek help

While kids under age 12 rarely develop a substance prob-
lem, it can—and does—happen. If your child becomes
withdrawn, loses weight, starts doing poorly in school, turns
extremely moody, has glassy eyes—or if the drugs in your
medicine cabinet seem to be disappearing too quickly—talk
with your child and reach out to any one of the organiza-
tions listed here. You’ll be helping your youngster to a
healthier, happier future.

Why do people take bad or illegal drugs?

There are lots of reasons. Maybe they don’t know how
dangerous they are. Or maybe they feel bad about them-
selves or don’t know how to handle
their problems. Or maybe they don’t
have parents they can talk to. Why do Questions
you think they do it?
& Answers
Why are some drugs good
and some drugs bad for you?
When you get sick, the drugs the doctor
gives you will help you get better. But if
you take these drugs when you’re healthy, they can make
you sick. Also, there are some drugs, like marijuana or
crack, that are never good for you. To be safe, never ever
take any drugs unless Mom, Dad or the doctor says it’s okay.


You’ve finished and are ready to start talking with your kids

about tough issues. We hope you found this information

helpful. And if you feel you still want more information,

contact any of these organizations or go to the library or

bookstore and check out these books for parents. Don’t for-

get there are lots of people you can talk with like doctors,

teachers, members of the clergy, or other parents. And last-

ly, keep in mind that you know your child best, so go with

your instincts.
Organizations For Information
Referral and Readings

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry American Red Cross

3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW AIDS Education Office
Washington, DC 20016 8111 Gatehouse Road
(202) 966-7300 Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 206-7120
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard Association for the Care of Children’s Health
PO Box 927, Department C 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 300
Elk Grove Village, IL 60009-0927 Bethesda, MD 20814
(609) 224-1742
American Psychiatric Association
Division of Public Affairs Los Angeles Family AIDS Network
1400 K Street, NW 6430 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1202
Washington, DC 20005 Los Angeles, CA 90028
(213) 669-5616
Talking with Kids about AIDS
Mother’s Voices
AIDS Action Council 165 West 46th Street, Suite 701
1875 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 700 NW New York, NY 10036
Washington, DC 20009 1-888-686-4237
(202) 986-1300
National AIDS Hotline
AIDS Action Committee 1-800-342-2437
131 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 02116 National AIDS Information Clearinghouse
1-800-235-2331 PO Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20849-6003
American Foundation of AIDS Research 1-800-458-5231
120 Wall Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10005 Pediatric AIDS Foundation
(212) 806-1600 2950 31st Street, Suite 125
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 314-1459

Talking with Kids about Sex Educators for Social Responsibility
23 Garden Street
Advocates for Youth Cambridge, MA 02138
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 200 (617) 492-1764
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 347-5700 Institute for Mental Health Initiatives
Channeling Children’s Anger
American Association of Sex Educators, 4545 42nd Street, NW Suite 311
Counselors, and Therapists Washington, DC 20016
PO Box 238 (202) 364-7111
Mt. Vernon, Iowa 52314-0238
(319) 895-8407 The Parenting for Peace and Justice Network
4144 Lindell Boulevard, Suite 124
ETR Associates St. Louis, MO 63108
PO Box 1830
Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Talking with Kids about Drugs
The American Council for Drug Education
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 136 East 64th Street
810 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10021
New York, NY 10019 1-800-488-DRUG
(212) 541-7800
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol
Sexuality Information and Education Council and Drug Information
of the U.S. (SIECUS) PO Box 2345
130 West 42nd Street, Suite 350 Rockville, MD 20847-2345
New York, NY 10036 1-800-729-6686
(212) 819-9770
National Council on Alcoholism
Talking with Kids about Violence and Drug Dependence Inc.
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
1225 Eye Street, NW Suite 1100 National Institute on Drug Abuse Information
Washington, DC 20005 & Treatment Referral Helpline
(202) 289-7319 1-800-662-HELP

Photography: Janey Delaney; pages 4, 12, 30; Steve Fisch; pages 8, 18, 21, 24, 37; Terrell Lloyd; pages 2 and 11
Partnership for a Drug-Free America Shilts, Randy.
405 Lexington Avenue 16th Floor And the Band Played On: Politics,
New York, NY 10174 People And the AIDS Epidemic
(212) 922-1560 New York: Viking Penguin, 1987.

PRIDE Stark, Patty.

3610 Decalb Technology Parkway, Suite 105 Sex Is More Than a Plumbing Lesson:
Atlanta, GA 30340 A Parent’s Guide to Sexuality Education
(404) 577-4500 for Infants Through the Teen Years.
Dallas, TX: Preston Hollow Enterprises, 1990.
Youth Power
2000 Franklin Street, Suite 400 READINGS FOR CHILDREN
Oakland, CA 94612
1-800-258-2766 Byars, Betsy.
The Eighteenth Emergency.
READINGS FOR PARENTS New York: Viking, 1973. (Ages 9-12)

Beekman, Susan and Jeanne Holmes. Fassler, David, and Kelly McQueen
Battles, Hassles, Tantrums & Tears: Strategies What’s a Virus Anyway? The Kids’ Book About AIDS
for Coping with Conflict and Making Peace Burlington, VT: Waterfront Books, 1990. (Ages 5-10)
at Home.
New York: Hearst Books, 1993. Girard, Lina Walvoord.
Alex, the Kid with AIDS.
Eyre, Linda and Richard. Morton Groves, IL: Albert Whiteman & Co., 1991.
How to Talk to Your Child About Sex. (Ages 8-11)
New York: GoldenBooks, 1998.
Design: Dennis Johnson and Jean Sanchirko

Harris, Robie H.
Faber, Adele and Elaine Mazlish. It’s Perfectly Normal: Growing Up,
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Changing Bodies, Sex and Sexual Health.
How to Listen So Kids Will Talk Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1994.
Mamaroneck, N Y: International Center for (Ages 10 and up)
Creative Thinking, 1990.

Hawkins, J. David, et. al.

Preparing for the Drug-Free Years:
A Family Activity Book.
Author: Lynne S. Dumas

Seattle: Developmental Research and Programs,


How to Talk to Your Kids
About Tough Issues

10 Tips
1. Start early.

2. Initiate conversations with your child.

3. ...Even about sex and sexuality.

4. Create an open environment.

5. Communicate your values.

6. Listen to your child.

7. Try to be honest.

8. Be patient.

9. Use everyday opportunities to Talk.

10. Talk about it again. And, again.

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Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: (510) 763-2444
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