November 19, 2014 Builder

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A great week of ministry has taken place at First Baptist.

First, 208 boxes were collected for Operation Christmas Child,

sponsored by Samaritan Purse. Thank you to all who participated in
this annual event. Through your efforts the Gospel will be shared
around the world by opening doors with shoe boxes for children.
Thank you!
Our second ministry event was the Mission Meal held last
Sunday. A great number attended and donated over $2400 to our
Mission endeavor. Thank you to all who had a part in preparing,
serving and cleaning up for this event. Thank you to all who came
to eat. The Food and the Fellowship was outstanding!
The Gathering, our contemporary worship service, is off to
a great start. Remember to tell your friends about this optional
opportunity to worship. There is a place for everyone at First
Baptist Church!
Looking ahead, we will observe our Ingathering for Foreign
Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering on Sunday,
December 7. Greg Queen of the International Mission Board of the
Southern Baptist Convention will be our guest in both morning
worship services. You might remember that Greg was with us about
seven years ago. This years goal for the ingathering is $12,000.
I know times are tough for a lot of folks. Money is tight, it
is at my house. I know we are entering the time of the year when
there are more demands on our money than perhaps any other time
of the year. But, I also know that we made a faith commitment last
December to a budget amount for the church operations and
ministries. Looking at our deficit, we have fallen short of the
commitment we have made. That commitment was not to the
preacher or the church, but to the Lord. Lets be faithful in keeping
that commitment.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in Sunday School
and worship.

Sunday November 16, 2014

Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By

Sunday, November 23
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
5:30 PM
Thanksgiving Service
7:00 PM

Bible Study

Tuesday, November 25
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM

November 26


Monday, November 24
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM

Wednesday, November 26
No Prayer Meeting or Activities
Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving Day
Office Closed
Friday, November 28
Office Closed

November 23
Jim & Natalee Dozier, Betty Boyett, Mary Elizabeth Boyett, Nicholas
Boyett, Matthew Boyett, Misty Griffin and Carolyn Thompson.
Honoring Megan Smith Bride-elect of Jaston Herndon
Saturday, December 6, 2014, 10:00 11:30 AM
1304 Douglas Drive
Registered at Reeves, Belk, Godwin Jewelers,
Target and Bed Bath & Beyond

First Baptist


November 19, 2014

Pastor Rev. Paul Medley

Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer


14 PM
21 PM
24 PM
28 PM


Special thanks to Beth Briggs, Erin Timmons, Ben Mitchell
and Jeff Baxley for sharing worship music with us last Sunday morning. Thank you for the great Spirit-led music in
our 9 a.m. Contemporary Service.
Thanks for sharing Blessings Medley in the evening worship last Sunday night. The Saints Alive Choir will join
with the Chancel Choir this Sunday to share Thanksgiving
Medley. Meet together in the Choir Room at 10:40 for our
final run through. Remember: no robes this Sunday!
Join us on Sunday, November 23, as we participate in a Community Thanksgiving Service, held at Nelson Chapel A.M.E.
Church. Nelson Chapel is located at 640 South Hall Street.
Our choirs are invited to join in the community choir which
will sing that night. The service begins at 7 PM.

Contemporary Service Nursery

We are looking for individuals to help with the 9 am service for babies
through 3s. Will you help? We are in need of a second person for
most of December. Contact Stacey or JoRene Medley to sign up for a

Wrap Bainbridge in Love Saturday, December 13 10 am - Noon

The Children's Sunday School Department and Missions Committee is
hosting a present wrapping table for our community at WalMart. We
will wrap presents at no cost and request no donations. We just want
to show Bainbridge some love. We would love to include you in our
event! You can help in the following ways:
1. Come and wrap gifts.
2. Come and build relationships. As the people wait for their presents,
we will need those who will talk with the people to make them feel
welcome, pray with them, invite them to church and, of course, share
Jesus, the Reason for the Season.
3. Help set up or take down. Take one hour from your day to be a
BIG blessing. We need people to load and unload chairs and tables.
4. Donate tape and funds towards gift wrap and bows. Paper is
cheaper in bulk, and we can get TONS at a very reasonable cost.
Please consider supporting this effort as means of presenting the
Gospel. Donations may be dropped off at the church office.
Sign up this week in your Sunday School class or call the church

Christmas Parade Thursday, December 11 6:30 pm

Every child involved at FBC is invited to be a part of our Children's
Choir Parade Float, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" We will ride the float,
sing Christmas Carols and pass out candy. If your child would like to
participate, please contact the church office!


5 PM Sunday, November 23: MEN


What's Happening:
November 23 AWANA Outdoor Movie Night
November 26 No RAs/GAs/Mission Friends
December 11 Christmas Parade
December 14 Children's Choir Performance @ 6:30 pm

Our student ministry Christmas party will be on Saturday,

December 20 beginning at 5:00. We will meet together at the youth
building and from there we will be caroling at local nursing homes
as well as participating in a progressive supper. The cost is free, but
we are asking each student to bring a gift that is acceptable for
either a boy or a girl and cost less than $10. We will have a fun gift
exchange game to play at the end of the night. Please sign up for
this event so we can prepare enough food for the evening.
Also in conjunction with the Christmas party we will begin again
handing out the Shinning Light award. This award is given to the
student who is voted on by youth in grades 6-12 who lets their light
shine before men. Be looking out for more information concerning
this special award over the next couple of weeks.
Monday morning November, 24 we have an opportunity to help
decorate the public library. Plan to meet at the church by 8:45.
Lunch will be provided.
Sunday evening November 30 will be a youth led service. Make
plans to be in attendance. The youth are learning songs and
preparing to share with you on this night so show up and let them
know you love and support them!!
Strength to Stand conference is scheduled for January 17-19. We
have just a few spots open that we need to fill. Contact me if you
are interested. If you are attending the conference, the balance of
your trip needs to be paid by Sunday, January 4th.


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