Solid Waste Management in A Steel Plant
Solid Waste Management in A Steel Plant
Solid Waste Management in A Steel Plant
supports the sustainability of the steel industry. It prevents landfill waste, reduces CO2 emissions
and helps preserve natural resources. The sale of co-products is also economically sustainable. It
generates revenues for steel producers and forms the base of a lucrative worldwide industry.
Some steel producers report a co-products utilization and recycling rate as high as 99 %. The
main co-products from iron and crude steel production are slags, dusts, scrap and sludges.
The disposal of solid waste generated from the steel industry processes is the major concern.
Therefore, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3 Rs) philosophy and efficient waste management is
need to be adopted by the steel industry.
The following are the major solid wastes/co products/byproducts in various production processes
of steel industry.
Coke making
The main solid wastes generated in the production of metallurgical coke are coal dust, coke dust,
tar sludge and acid sludge. Coal dust is recycled back through the coal blend. Coal dust can also
be recycled along with coke dust by adding them in the sinter charge mix. Tar sludge is added to
the coal blend to improve its density. Acid sludge need to be neutralized before its disposal.
Sinter making
Solid wastes generated in the sinter making are dusts and sludges. Dusts are generated at sinter
machine building floors, cyclones and ESP (Electrostatic precipitator). Sludge is generated at the
clarifier of the water treatment plant. These dusts and sludges are rich in iron (Fe) and contain
good amount of lime (CaO), magnesia (MgO) and carbon (C). These materials are very good
materials for recycling back in sinter making. These materials are either blended with iron ore
fines or briquetted for recycling.
Pellet plant
The major solid wastes generated in pellet plant are dusts and undersized green pellets. Both of
these are recycled back in the pellet feed material.
Blast furnace iron making
Solid wastes generated during the blast furnace (BF) iron making process are dusts, burden
screenings at the stock house, cast house runner jam, cast house muck, blast furnace slag, flue
dust, GCP dust or sludge, refractory waste, and hot metal (HM) ladle skull.
Dusts and burden screenings are recycled back in sinter making. Cast house runner jams are
either sold as iron scrap for re-melting or recycled in the steel melting shop. Cast house muck is
dumped as land fill material.
Most of the BF liquid slag gets granulated and is sold to cement manufacturers for the
manufacture of BF slag cement. A small amount of BF slag gets air cooled. The air cooled BF
slag is either dumped as landfills or used in road repairs within the steel plant. In either case the
iron contamination of the slag is separated and sold for re-melting.
Flue dust and GCP dry dust (in case of dry gas cleaning) are recycled in sinter making. GCP wet
sludge (in case of wet gas cleaning) from the clarifier is dried and is either blended with the iron
ore fines in the raw material yard or briquetted and recycled in sinter making.
Refractory waste from the ladle repair shop is sold and the same is used by the refractory
manufacturer in the manufacture of mortars. HM ladle skull is broken either by dropping weight
or by lancing and the broken skull is sold as iron scrap or used in steel melting shop.
Iron making by direct reduction
During the ironmaking process by direct reduction the main solid wastes are char (in case of
plants using coal based technology), dusts (both coal and iron), under sized DRI (direct reduced
iron) and DRI rejects. Char is used in captive power plant as fuel for the boiler. Coal and iron
dusts are used in the sinter plants. Coal dust can also be used in the boiler. Iron dust can also be
sold to the cement manufacturers. Under sized DRI is briquetted and used along with DRI in
steel melting shop. DRI rejects are recycled back in the process.
Pig casting
During pig casting of hot metal, waste materials like plate jam, runner jam and lime sludge get
generated. Plate jam and runner jams are sold as iron scrap after processing. Lime sludge is used
for neutralizing purpose.
Basic oxygen steel making
The main waste materials in the BOF steel making are converter slag, scrap, waste refractories,
converter muck, and gas cleaning plant (GCP) sludge. Except GCP sludge all other waste
materials are usually generated in mixed condition which means that during generation one
waste material gets contaminated with other waste material. Hence sorting is a very important
step for recycling of the waste materials in steel making.
GCP wet sludge from the clarifier is dried and is either blended with the iron ore fines in the raw
material yard or briquetted and recycled in sinter making.
Converter slag after removal of scrap is recycled in the sinter mix as a replacement for limestone.
Converter slag is also used in road repairs, for railway track ballast, and as soil conditioner.
Scrap removed from converter slag as well as from the muck is recycled back in the converter
for cooling purpose. Steel scrap also gets generated when there is ladle through or converter
through though this phenomenon is very rare.
From converter muck scrap and refractory wastes are removed and balance is used for land fill.
Refractory wastes are usually of two types. First type is which comes out from used converter
lining and mainly consists of magnesium carbon refractories. Most of these refractories which
are not contaminated are used in the converter for the bottom patching. Second type is ladle
refractory wastes. If these wastes are basic then they are treated similarly to converter refractory
wastes. In case they are of alumina then the refractory waste is used for mortar manufacture.
Electric steel making
Main waste material in the electric steel making is EAF (electric arc furnace) GCP dust, slag,
scrap and waste refractories. Magnesia carbon waste refractories are used as slag conditioner in
the EAF.
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slag owing to its high crystallinity and high iron content has
presently no well established method for potential recycling. The basicity index (BI) of the slag
is generally between 1.2-1.8 which comes under the low hydraulic Merwinite group. Also the
Grindability Index, which is a measure for the energy required for grinding a particular material
to a given size, is high due to high Iron oxide content. This makes the further grinding and
processing of EAF slag energy intensive. The slag has been used as an effective aggregate for
road making. Vitrified ceramic tiles have also been developed from the EAF slag.
Continuous casting
Major waste materials generated in the continuous casting process is continuous casting scale,
refractory waste, scrap, slag and muck. Here also waste materials are generated in the mixed
condition and sorting is needed as the first step for separating different types of wastes.
Continuous casting scale is recycled in sinter plant. Scrap is recycled in the steel making. Other
waste materials are used as land fill.
Rolling mills
Major solid waste materials generated in rolling mills are mill scale, refractory waste from
reheating furnace, and scrap.
Mill scale is recycled in sinter plant. Scrap is recycled in steel melting shop. Refractory waste
depending on the condition either goes for mortar manufacture or is dumped.
Lime calcining
Solid wastes generated at the calcining plant are limestone and dolomite screenings, lime dust
and lime fines. Lime dust and lime fines are briquetted and recycled either in sinter plant or steel
melting shop. Limestone and dolomite screenings are recycled in the sinter plant.
Thermal power plant
Major solid wastes generated at the power plant are the fly ash and bottom ash. Fly ash is utilized
in the cement production. In some of the plant ash is sent to the ash pond. Ash recovered from
the ash pond is utilized in raising the height of the dyke of the ash pond.
Solid waste management
Waste management of solid wastes consists of generation, prevention, characterization,
monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition. It requires a new attitude of the
employees and management. Traditional thinking places all the responsibility on a few experts
who are in charge for it. The new focus is to make the waste management responsibility for
every employee. Importance of solid waste management is what the production oriented
managers and workers are to learn. For effective solid waste management, their participation and
cooperation is crucial.
Also the commitment of management is necessary and vital for a successful waste management
program. Management can demonstrate its commitment by training the employees in waste
management techniques, encouraging employees suggestions, providing resources for the 3 Rs
activities, and measuring and monitoring the waste generation and waste recycling.
The ultimate goal of the management must be the zero solid waste from the plant. For this
follow-up and continuous improvements are crucial. Measurement and reporting of waste
reduction and achievement of cost saving goals also helpful in improving the working results and
the sustained development of the steel plant.
3 Rs of solid waste management is shown in Fig 1