Direct Root - Owner US
Direct Root - Owner US
Direct Root - Owner US
Missler Software
Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Direct owner .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Explanations .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Using ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Direct owner x ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Explanations .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Using ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Root owner ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Explanations .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Using ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Direct owner n ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Explanations .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Using ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Missler Software
It is possible, in a bill of material, to display on a parts line a parts set property.
For example, it allows, in an assembly, to know the sets name wherein belong a part.
Two different possibilities existing: the direct owner and the root owner.
Direct owner
The direct owner property is the property of the first set where the part is.
For example:
A component Cabinet is composed of four parts.
In an assembly, some components Cabinet are assembly and each cabinet have a specific Designation to repair
If a flat bill of material is made of the assembly, there is no way to know to which cabinet belong each part.
Missler Software
Direct owner
So display the Direct owner designation in this bill of material will allows knowing which cabinet belong each
To display the Direct owner designation in a bill of material, edit the BOM file in TopSolid with the function
Tools > Edit bill of material file since a Design document.
Add a new column and select in the dropt-down list
Missler Software
Direct owner x
Direct owner x
The Direct owner x works as the same as the Direct owner but it allows the display the property of a x level
assembly set.
The x corresponds to the sets assembly level to use to display his property.
For example:
A component Cabinet is composed of four parts.
In an assembly, some components Cabinet + door are assembly and each component have a specific Designation
to repair them.
Missler Software
Direct owner x
To display the Direct owner x designation or reference in a bill of material, edit the BOM file in TopSolid with
the function Tools > Edit bill of material file since a Design document or with Bill of material > Edit bill of
material file since a Draft document.
Add a new column and select in the dropt-down list
Missler Software
Direct owner x
With a text editor like Bloc Note, edit the BOM file previously created.
Remark: The BOM file is saved in the folder Config or Group > Template.
The bill of material column with the Direct owner designation or reference is like bellow:
Replace the number after OWNER_ by the sets assembly level to display his property.
For example, in the previously case, the BOM column is:
Missler Software
Root owner
Root owner
The property Root owner allows displaying the properties of the final assembly, regardless the number of
assembly level use.
For example:
An assembly is made with some cabinets. The assemblys designation is Lounge.
If a flat bill of material is made of the assembly with the Root owner designation, each part will display Lounge
regardless his number of assembly level.
Missler Software
Root owner
To display the Root owner designation in a bill of material, edit the BOM file in TopSolid with the function
Tools > Edit bill of material file since a Design document or with Bill of material > Edit bill of material file
since a Draft document.
Add a new column and select in the dropt-down list
Missler Software
Direct owner n
Direct owner n
The Direct owner n displays the properties of the last set in the assembly regardless the number of level
For example:
An assembly is made with some cabinets. Each cabinet have a specific designation to repair them.
The part Bottom is in 3 assembly levels and the parts Hinge body and Hinge support are in 4 assembly levels.
If a flat bill of material is made of the assembly with the Direct owner n, each part will display the designation of
the last set in the assembly, Cabinet, regardless his number of assembly level.
Missler Software
To display the Direct owner n designation or reference in a bill of material, edit the BOM file in TopSolid with
the function Tools > Edit bill of material file since a Design document or with Bill of material > Edit bill of
material file since a Draft document.
Add a new column and select in the dropt-down list
With a text editor like Bloc Note, edit the BOM file previously created.
Remark: The BOM file is saved in the folder Config or Group > Template.
The bill of material column with the Direct owner designation or reference is like bellow:
Missler Software
Missler Software