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Missler Software offers a comprehensive, high-performance software application for all types of
machining technologies. You no longer need to switch from one application to another for your
workshop, milling, turning and electro-erosion jobs.
This means greater flexibility, versatility, performance and productivity for both workshops and
production engineering offices, both of which need to be more reactive in order to meet their
customers demands.
One solution for all machines and command controllers
Computers and information processing technology is always changing and more powerful controls
are being used. (mill/turn machines, robots, combined machines, transfer machines, etc.).
CAD/CAM technology, and notably TopSolidCam, is advancing rapidly to keep up with these
developments by using increasingly precise simulation of movements and material removal,
recognition of shapes and features, GPS tolerancing, comparison and control of differences between
geometric models, management of multi-core processors, etc.

TopSolidCam is a simple, intuitive and global CAD/CAM solution that can be adapted to the
progressive needs of every company. Thanks to its modular structure, it is the ideal solution
to meet the CAD/CAM requirements of small and large companies alike, who will always find
the right configuration for their needs and budget in TopSolidCam. Its post-processors are
certified by machine tool manufacturers and guarantee optimized manufacturing costs and

Tolerance management
TopSolidCam can change a design model into a machinable
manufacturing model by applying tolerances directly to the 3D
model, without having to make any drawings of the part.
Change management
TopSolidCam manages part life cycles. When changes are made
to a part, whether it was designed in TopSolid or imported via
an interface, the programmer does not have to start again from
Since the machining operations are associated with the
geometry, they will follow any changes made to the geometry.
Furthermore, if the manufacturing procedure is identical or
similar, simply applying the preceding procedure, plus or minus
certain operations, is enough to make the part in record time.

and memorized) in accordance with the rules set up in a given

company. Hours of programming time can be saved!
Recovery and adaptation of data
Since parts to be machined can come from a multitude of CAD/
CAM systems, TopSolidCam uses a range of native and standard
interfaces to retrieve both geometry and manufacturing-specific
data (PMI).
The powerful modeling features can be used to clean up, extract,
simplify and adapt the geometry received, in order to facilitate
the creation of the model that will actually be machined.

A user-friendly interface
TopSolidCam has a very modern and easy-to-use interface. The
context-sensitive menus, dynamic changes to settings, subject/
verb mode, copy and paste, path preview before validation, and
advanced simulation all mean that TopSolidCam is easy to learn
and use even for new users.
Making your know-how last
Capitalizing on experience and making durable use of know-how
are both essential challenges for every company.
TopSolidCam personalizes the production of repetitive parts
and automates parts that belong to a family by using processes
(which automate sequences of operations that can be adjusted

With TopSolid, you can easily modify imported parts as if they had been designed
in TopSolid in the first place.

Multifunction machining of complex parts with TopSolidCam.




Mill/turn or 4 & 5 continuous axis machining are applications that help companies progress toward
high-end machining. With TopSolidCam, programming, operating and simulating a mill/turn machine
or a 5 axis continuous machining center all become much easier.
Thanks to its outstanding ease-of-use, many specialty functions, and high-performance postprocessors, these operations are now as simple as the 2D programming of a machining operation.
From the simplest to the most complex with TopSolidCam
The programming of 2D operations must be as simple as possible. CAD/CAM software requires a
multitude of machining functions in order to program mill/turn machines.
These machines are capable of making parts in a single operation, without removing the part. As a
consequence, repositioning errors are reduced to a minimum and manufacturing cycles are shortened.
Operators that program mill/turn machines must be capable of programming both turning and simple
milling operations, as well as more advanced milling operations, such as 4 or 5 continuous axis.

The automatic detection of basic shapes, holes, pockets, grooves, etc., both on imported
models or parts modeled in TopSolid makes machining much easier and faster. The topological
analysis of the models, which is based on a perfect knowledge of machining processes according
to the geometry of the part, helps to guide the operator towards the right machining strategy.

TopSolidCam in the workshop

Many small companies are faced with the need to fix broken
parts, make quick repairs or meet special local needs every day
of the week.
These companies need a powerful and quick programming tool
that can be used rapidly. TopSolidCam can be used to program
parts in record time.

TopSolidCam can be used to model or import the models of

the machine tools used in the workshop. The definition of their
kinematics allow for ultra-realistic simulations. This process uses
the CAD kinematic engine, which is also used by certain machine
tool manufacturers.

TopSolidCam can read the PMI (Product Manufacturing

Information) in 3D files. In certain cases, the design office does
not use a 2D drawing and all tolerances are included in the 3D
TopSolidCam provides realistic tool path simulation during the
development phase where simulation happens at the same time
as the programming.
Operators immediately see whether the results meet their needs
and can then immediately proceed with corrective or fine-tuning
This simulation prevents the risk of collisions when material is
removed. The operator can compare the model to be made with
the model that is underway and quickly identify any zones that still
have to be programmed.

TopSolidCam does not only simulate the tool but also the machine and the part
thanks to its integrated simulation.

Manage complex 5 axis machining with TopSolidCam.




Whether the part was imported through an interface or created in TopSolidDesign, TopSolidCam
automatically recalculates tool paths according to the changes to the model, and usually without
any user intervention.
In addition, the complete integration of TopSolidCam with TopSolidDesign allows the user to design
and verify machining fixtures within the same software..
Models often have to be changed before they can be machined. In most cases, models are drawn
using nominal values and the tolerances are added on later, either in the 3D model or in the
detailed drawings.
The manufacturer uses the 3D model to make the part, which means that changes must be made
to the model so that it complies with the imposed tolerances, or the part must be remodeled.
The strict minimum consists in applying average values to the model, although maximum or
minimum material values are preferable, so that full advantage can be taken of the tolerance range.
With its very powerful FreeShape functions (to modify the part with no construction history)
TopSolidCam is capable of completely re-modeling a part, if necessary.

The lifecycle of parts requires them to be permanently modified. Adaptations to customer

needs, improvements in performance, additional options and the correction of errors are just a
few of the reasons why parts evolve and change from version to version over time. TopSolidCam
has powerful modification possibilities with FreeShape to respond to industry needs.

Stock part management

TopSolidCam has real time stock management functions that
enable the software to know, at all times, the condition of the stock
before each machining operation. The shape and position of the tool
paths are closely related to the shape of the common stock part,
wherever there is any material left. This material management
technique is especially effective when making changes to the
machining procedure by removing or reversing operations. If the
condition of the stock changes because an operation is withdrawn,
the following operation is automatically modified.

TopSolidCam features high-performance post-processors
developed by a specialized team that cooperates closely with
machine tool manufacturers. These post-processors can easily
be customized by Missler Software, partners or customers

From the design department to production engineering

No matter which CAD system the design department uses,
TopSolidCam provides production engineers with a complete
range of functions: machining assembly design and the associated
checks, comprehensive manufacturing file production: phase plan,
instruction sheets, machining assemblies, test assemblies, etc.
Cutting tools
TopSolidCam includes its own libraries of cutting tools for both
milling and turning. The tools and attachments are supplied as
standards. However, operators can also design their own tools,
even sophisticated turning tools. Furthermore, close links have
been forged with companies like TDM, WinTool or LMBA in order
to obtain their native libraries.

TopSolidCam offers automatic stock management and raw part updating.

Easy modification of parts right throughout the life cycle thanks to TopSolidCam.



Tools are made up of two main parts: the form (stamp, cutting zone) and the mechanism (slides,
ejectors, etc.). Thus, tooling specialists have one distinct need: to make both of these parts as
efficiently as possible.
To meet this need, Missler Software has developed push-button applications in TopSolidCam. The
operator enters a range of parameters according to the type of cycle required and executes, either
interactively or in batch mode, a series of completely automatic tasks that cover roughing, finishing
and the recovery of residual material.
Effective and modern paths
Finished products must reach the market as quickly as possible. Therefore, tooling must be made
available just as quickly. As a result, in recent years many cavities that would have been spark
eroded by electrodes are now finish machined directly from pre-hardened material therefore
alleviating time consuming and costly processes like polishing.
TopSolidCam proposes a broad range of machining strategies designed to cut machining times,
while producing almost perfect surfaces. All the tool paths support high-speed machining options.
TopSolidCam can manage trochoidal machining, roughing by plunge cuts and constant-scallop

Tooling industry parts are generally complex. The level of automation is nearly 100%, calculation
times must be as short as possible, the quality of the tool paths and of the surfaces must be
close to perfect, the materials used can be difficult to machine, and the operator cannot have
a big impact: apart from adjusting the process.

5-axis machining
The advent of machine tools capable of machining in 5 continuous
axis was quite a revolution. The simple fact that the tool or the
part can be oriented makes it easier to machine the part with
shorter tools, thereby reducing vibrations and improving surface
TopSolidCam takes account of the tool shape and the holders
when calculating tool paths. Its 2D or 5 axis positioned functions
can be used to automate the production processes of holes,
cavities, slider housings, etc.
Ultra-powerful and reliable algorithms
Programming 4 & 5 axis parts requires complex calculations,
powerful automation, high-performance simulation and dedicated
Collisions and machining errors must automatically be avoided
without the intervention of the operator. TopSolidCam uses
powerful algorithms that are capable, for example, of roll
machining a warped surface, even if it cannot be developed.
These algorithms, which are usually long and require a lot of
resources, are parallelized in order to make the most of todays
multi-core processors.

TopSolidCam offers powerful functions to reduce machining times for mold


Excellent surface finish possibilities produce almost perfect surfaces. (Compagny Aalbers, North America)


Missler Software employs 220 people in France, has 75 international resellers and subsidiaries
in China, Italy and Brazil. All of its products are developed in France by engineers who are highly
qualified in engineering, IT and mathematics. Missler Software listens closely to its customers and
most of the enhancements made to its software are based on their feedback.
Missler Software has a unique business expertise that it offers to its customers, through its
software, at every stage of the industrial manufacturing process, from the design office to
production engineering and the workshop.
Missler Software offers the following services:
> Training Missler Software provides complete training services, plus system supervision.
Missler Softwares certified resellers deliver the same service on an international scale.
> Specific developments Missler Software Services develops tailor-made applications to meet
its customers specifications. This service allows TopSolid customers to benefit from a solution
that meets their specific needs and achieves high levels of automation in their manufacturing


Missler Software and its partners are at your disposal throughout the world. Companies
around the world use TopSolid every day to design, simulate, manufacture and manage with a
single, fully-integrated software system! The digital revolution is underway with TopSolid.

> High-performance post-processors - Thanks to its expert

knowledge of machining, Missler Software provides its
customers with the most optimized and sophisticated postprocessors for all types of machines. It has close partnerships
with numerous machine tool manufacturers in order to meet
its customers complex machining needs.
Missler Software releases a new version of its software
applications every year in order to deliver the best possible
technology to its customers.
For many years, Missler Software has been developing software
in partnership with the most advanced software component
suppliers on the CAD/CAM market.
These partnerships have allowed the company to focus on its core
activity the development of specialized, integrated CAD/CAM
software while other specialists provide the key components
that enable its software to work. For more information on Missler
Softwares partners, go to

Machining of high value added parts with TopSolidCam..

TopSolidCam is recognised as a leader in the machining of aerospace parts.


Missler Software
7, rue du Bois Sauvage
F-91055 Evry Cedex France
Tl. : +33 (0)1 60 87 20 20
Fax : +33 (0)1 60 87 20 30
E-mail :
Web :


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