Nov 30 Bulletin

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334

w w w . s t p h il ip n e r ip d x . o r g
Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the

Paulists committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be
welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach
out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creation throug h
worship, education, and service toward the common good.

First Sunday of Advent u November 30, 2014

the Nativity

Are you interested in how this story applies to you?

Please join us on Nov.30, Dec.7, and Dec.14 at 10:4511:45 in the Memorial Chapel (next to the church foyer).
Pick up a cup of coffee/donut----and bring your Bible.


you would like to make a donation of money for
Christmas decorating you are welcome to drop a check in
the Offertory basket (indicate flowers on the memo line),
mail it to the office, hand it to Rose or Barbara in the
foyer. If this is dedicated for a particular individual
please also give us that information. Envelopes are
available on the back counter.

The inconstant Christian should never be disheartened.
Every sincere intention is meritorious. The requisite
energy to gain a victory is often obtained only after the
struggles of repeated defeats.The most fatal of all sins is
that of discouragement. Never to despair, is in itself a
great virtue, and bears with it the promise of eventual
victory. (How to be Happy, Sermons, 69)
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another
person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has
happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at (202) 2692519 and tell him your story.


November 30 & December 14, 10:45am-12noon

with Father Bill Edens: The Practical Mystic: Father
Hecker as an example of Prayer. Isaac Hecker (19th
century American) believed that all people could access
the mysterious presence of God. This democratizing of
spiritual experiences is one of the cultural values that
Isaac Hecker brought to the universal church. Theres a
lot to learn from this "Practical Mystic," about connecting
with the deep energy source at the heart of creation.


Next Sat. Dec. 6, 9:30am-12:3-pm in the Chapel. Join us

as we get the season of Advent and Christmas off to a fun
start. Call the office to let us know you are coming & for
more information.

THANK YOU from Girl Scout Daisy Troop #40357 for

your donations to our Thanksgiving assistance program.

We learned lessons on helping others and the importance
of gathering together for a holiday meal.


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or from other parts of the world, welcome & thank
you for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give to
one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact anyone on staff.

First Sunday of Advent Sunday, November 30, 2014


Sunday, November 30 :
Monday, December 1st:
Tuesday, December 2nd:
Wednesday, December 3rd:
Thursday, December 4th:
Friday, December 5th:
Saturday, December 6th:
Sunday, December 7th:

9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
12:10pm Mass
8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass

Helen Dindia Kern

Deaf Community Mass
Practical Mystic
Eulalia Johnson
Fr.C.J. Lihan
Sophie Porco & Santo (Sam) Porco
B- Catholics
Eddy Valpiani
Helen Kern
Christopher Chang-Han Oh
Mary Palmer <B>
Kevin March
Deaf Community Mass


Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for you,
for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday 9am Noon
Tuesday - Friday
9 am 4pm
503 231-4955
Pastor & Director of the NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP... x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP.. x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison.. X107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson. x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Edward Danila

Church cleaning December 1-7, Florence Katrina & Rose Ferraris


Year-end giving is beneficial to both the donor from the tax benefits
received while at the same time providing the parish with a gift that affirms
our priorities and values. We have many reasons to invest in the parishs
future. Being a good steward recognizes that we offer thanksgiving to God
and help to maintain a parish community that advances the Paulist mission
and provides the spiritual growth we all embrace as part of our Catholic
faith. Charitable gift annuities, stocks and bonds, real property, charitable
remainder trust, employee match, and a bequest in your will and/or estate
plans are just some of the ways to provide St. Philip Neri with a gift. It is by
giving what we are able that we demonstrate care for our parish family that
reaps the rewards from our gifts. The Paulist Fathers, staff and the entire
parish community offers its appreciation for gifts of time, talent and
treasure throughout the year as well as to those who are able to provide a
year-end gift. It is in giving to our faith community through time, talent and
treasure that brings us together and exemplifies the unified sense of
responsibility we have for the parish.
If you have questions, please speak with Fr. Charlie or contact Jeanne at
the Parish Business Office at 503-231-4955, ext. 103. Thank you.

Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday at Noon

except during the holidays. Contact
Rose if you have questions.

Next Sundays Scripture


Dec. 7, 2014
Reading 1, Isa 40:1-5, 9-11
Responsorial Psalm, 85:9-10, 1112, 13-14(8) Reading
2, 2Pet 3:8-14
Gospel, Mark 1:1-8

HEALING MINISTERS OF HEALING: Advent Day of Recollection,

Friday, December 5, 2014, 9:30am to 2:30pm at St. Joseph the Worker

Parish, 2310 SE 148th Ave., presenter: Fr. Michael. This Day of Recollection
is designed for those who minister to the sick and elderly in any capacity.
Sponsored by Catholic Charities, Ministry to the Elderly. Cost for the day is
$15. Pre-registration is required, please. Registration form is at the bottom
of the flyer enclosed in todays bulletin or send checks to: Day of
Recollection, Catholic Charities, 2740 SE Powell Blvd #1, Portland OR

First Sunday of Advent

Sunday, November30, 2014

Pastoral Corner
Jesus is vivid in his story-telling. He speaks of a man going away on a journey and putting his servants in charge of
the house. It makes me think of Downton Abbey. There are many levels of servants of the house, who all fit into the
hierarchy of a British country manor in the teens of the 1900s. For everything to run smoothly, everyone has to do
their job, do it well, and do it with great loyalty to the family. Any lapse was quickly noticed. The servant had a
chance to right the wrong, but they werent given unlimited chances. Even the family who owns the house must fit into
a rigid hierarchy of social class. The family must show gratitude and mercy to the servants in their care.
If we lived in such a hierarchy, we might notice how important it is to always perform well, to always be alert, to
always be loyal to the family.
Daisy Mason, played by Sophie McShera, starts as a frightened girl, frequently criticized by the cook, Mrs. Patmore,
played by Lesley Nicols. As the episodes progress, however, Daisy flourishes and develops her own character.
Working within the hierarchical structure, but not completely cowed by it, she grows in confidence of what is right and
wrong. She finds her voice, and asserts her desire to act morally.
Maybe Daisy would be a good role model for us this Advent, as we try to be alert to the masters coming, to be loyal to
Jesus Christ and his kingdom, and to develop our character through the choices we make.
Last weekend I attended the Archdiocesan Youth Convention (ADYC) in Seaside. Since we didnt have a teen group
coming from Saint Philip Neri, I volunteered to work the whole time behind the scenes as a staff member. I happily
did all the schlepping, grunt work, organizing and cleaning that they could possibly give me. I also listened to six hours
of confessions. The true value for me in this conference was in meeting and developing deeper relationships with the
Youth and Young Adult Ministers of the Archdiocese.
I was impressed by the behavior of the young people. At least while I was watching, the youth were well behaved,
joyful, and respectful towards each other and to authority. As adolescents, they are in a time in life where being
obedient to external direction provided by parents and youth ministers helps them grow gradually towards adulthood
and inner direction that will guide their actions in the future.
The conference theme was Contemplating the Face of Christ. Archbishop Sample pointed out that contemplating the
face of Christ is perhaps not that difficult once, or twice, but doing it every day of your life is quite a challenge.
Fr. Bill

SMALL ITEMS PLEASE: The Childrens Liturgy of

the Word and the Sunday pre-school will be collecting for

the next three Sundays of Advent---- emergency items
(small containers of body wash soap, shampoo, hair
brushes, nail clippers, nail files, toothbrushes, toothpaste,
chap stick, pony-tail holders, lotion......These little packets
will be put into decorated bags to be given to those who
are living on the streets of Portland, in cars, or emergency
shelters. Please place your gifts in the box located
on the steps near the Readers ambo. And thank
you for helping us offer this Corporal Work of

A great way to support the Altar Society mission of
taking care of the parish worship space. Work consists
of light dusting; restocking burnt out candles; washing
and refilling holy water bowls; and straightening up
pews. Teams of two people working together in a
small way to contribute to the parish. It takes
approximately 1 hour and would be about 4 times a
year. If you are interested in or have any further
questions, please call Marie Tedesco, 503-233-1839.
Thank you.



Each fall e-Scrip requires card users to renew their card.

To insure that St. Philip Neri continues to get donations
from your purchases, you must go online to renew: If you need help, please call the office.

Our next breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 21, 10:30am we

will have Caroling and Sing Along, French Toast,
friends, & visiting. This year we are inviting our
parishioners who are normally homebound and the
Eucharistic Ministers who take them Communion to
be our guests. We still need volunteers to pick them
up & take them home. Contact the parish office or

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