Dan Brown Biography
Dan Brown Biography
Dan Brown Biography
Personal information:
Date of birth: Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964)
Sourse: an Brown was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA, the eldest of three
Name of parents: His father Richard G. Brown, who was a matematics teacher, in 1982. He is
mother, His mother, Constance, was a professional musician principally involved
several years of living in 1997 and she helps him in his novels.
After graduating from Phillips Exeter, Brown attended Amherst College, where he was a member
of Psi Upsilon fraternity. He spent the 1985 school year abroad in Seville, Spain, where he was
enrolled in an art history course at the University of Seville. Brown graduated from Amherst with a
degree in English and Spanish in 1986. After graduating from Amherst, Brown dabbled
with a musical career, In 1991 he moved to Hollywood to pursue a career as singersongwriter and pianist. To support himself, he taught classes at Beverly Hills Preparatory School.
He also joined the National Academy of Songwriters. The director of this a academy was
a woman who Brown developed a personal relationship, and who, some years later married
and self-producing a children's cassette entitled SynthAnimals, He then formed his own record
company called Dalliance, and in 1990 self-published a CD entitled Perspective, Dan Brown, angels
and demons.
While on holiday in Tahiti in 1993, Brown read Sidney Sheldon novel The Doomsday Conspiracy,
and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers. In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time
writer. The Digital Fortress was his first novel published in 1998.
Current Activity:
It is expected that The Lost Symbol, Brown's latest novel published in 2009 will be brought to the
big screen in mid to late 2012. The Englishman Steven Knight was going to take care of adapting
the screenplay of the novel, but has finally been appointed to this task by Dan Brown.
His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code, became a bestseller, going to the top of theNew York
Times Best Seller list during its first week of release in 2003. It is now credited with being one of the
most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009.Its success has
helped push sales of Brown's earlier books. In 2004, all four of his novels were on the New York
Times list in the same week, and in 2005, he made Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential
people of the year. Forbes magazine placed Brown at #12 on their 2005 "Celebrity 100" list.
Making in pro/contra of men kind:
Write five books:
The Digital Frotress (1998)
His first novel whose main character is Susan Fletcher, one of the bestcryptographer of the
NSA that will endanger your life with the arrival of a strangecode that, at first glance, neither it can
decipher.Digital Fortress is an example of a work of suspense and mistery.
Angels & Demons (2000)
His second novel is, in turn, the first of a series of adventures that revolve around the art teacher
and religious symbology at Harvard, Robert Langdon. In this case, the teacher and a scientist will
be involved in mysteries of Rome and the Vatican regarding the famous order of the Illuminati. This
novel was adapted for big screen in 2009.
Deception Point (2001)
His third novel is a 2001 techno-thriller novel. The plot concerns a meteorite found within the Arctic
Circle that may provide proof of extraterrestrial life, and attempts by dark forces to prevent this
finding from becoming public.
The Da vinci Code (2003)
In his fourth novel, possibly the most controversial of all, Brown recovers the character of Robert
Langdon, who must solve a mystery that involves a secret society known as the Priory of Sion, and
the true meaning of the saith grail. This novel was levied to the movies and became a billionaire film
in 2006.
The Lost Symbol (2009).
In his fifth novel, Brown is the subject of masonera with the character of Robert Langdon as the
protagonist. This time, you must save the life of an old friend from aclosely guarded secret from
falling into the wrong hands. Of this novel is expected to make a film for mid or late