Sacred Feminine Symbol-Thesis
Sacred Feminine Symbol-Thesis
Sacred Feminine Symbol-Thesis
Mathresti Hartono
for the content of this thesis. Opinions or findings of others are quoted and cited
Mathresti Hartono
Good does never mean good and bad does never mean bad. Dare to choose and
never look back. Everything can change depends on how you look and handle it,
- My parents
- My family
this thesis.
5. Mr. Muhammad Rifqi, S.S, M.Pd., who has help me by giving me another
Nuswantoro University.
7. The librarians of Self Access Centre of Faculty of Humanities of Dian
8. My parents for their support by asking me when I finish my thesis and have a
graduation and their unlimited prayer for my success in writing this thesis.
9. My boyfriend, “AK”, thanks for your support that I can do this thesis well
Finally, I do realize that due to my limited ability, this thesis must have
The Writer
Mathresti Hartono
The Da Vinci Code is a novel telling about a journey of a woman, named Sophie
Neveu who tries to reveal a message of her grandfather through a series of riddles
that he made before he died. This journey involving some symbols of sacred
feminine those become her grandfather interest. Because of those sacred feminine
symbols, the writer is interested in analyzing the sacred feminine symbols found
in The Da Vinci Code novel. There are some objectives that the writer wants to
deliver in this thesis. First is to describe the sacred feminine symbols in The Da
Vinci Code and to describe the meaning behind the symbol. The second is to
describe the contribution of sacred feminine symbols in conflict and setting.
The library research method was used to gain some information that was needed
by the writer to conduct this thesis. Structural approach was applied to analyze
character and characterization, conflict, and setting. Semiotic approach was
applied to analyze sacred feminine symbol in The Da Vinci Code.
The result of the study showed that Sophie Neveu, as a character of The Da Vinci
Code novel, belongs to round character. She is an orphan and described as
beautiful, wise, responsible, smart, firm, emotional, and risk taking middle aged
woman. There are several sacred feminine symbols found during her journey
including herself because her name is rooted from one of goddess’ name. She
experiences external conflict with Jacques Sauniere, Robert Langdon and Sir
Leigh Teabing and internal conflict against herself. Sacred feminine symbols that
she found and learned in every riddle help her to reveal what her grandfather
wants to tell her and unpredictably lead her to find her grandfather’s murderer.
Those symbols also help her to fix her relationship with her grandfather.
PAGE OF TITLE.................................................................................... i
PAGE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................... ii
MOTTO................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION........................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT............................................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................ ix
3.1. Character.............................................................................. 13
4.4. Symbol
4.4.5. Hermaphrodite............................................................. 73
4.4.6. Pentacle........................................................................ 73
4.4.9. Left.............................................................................. 77
5.1. Conclusion...................................................................... 86
5.2. Suggestion...................................................................... 88
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................. 89
Symbol always presents in our daily life. We can find it in any form, such
symbol, literary work has a function as a mirror of real world. It means literary
work represents any activities and phenomena that happened in real world.
Human in real world is represented by the character in literary work. Both human
readers. It contains elements which build and make the story interesting; they are
intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Character, conflict, and setting are intrinsic
elements, without them the story will never exist, while one of extrinsic elements
bring the same symbol into different place. It is grown by the society and adopted
through generations. Symbol in literary work also has its own meaning. It means
that we can only find its meaning through the story of the novel. The meaning is
built inside the story. That is why literary work has an authority to create its
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code is a novel that tells us a journey of
Sophie Neveu and Robert Langdon who try to reveal what Jacques Sauniere wants
to tell. Their journey begins when Jacques Sauniere is found died in Grand
arranges his body in Vitruvian Man position with four lines message beside his
corpse body and a pentacle in his stomach. This strange situation makes Sophie
Sauniere which full of riddle, and word games. They do not know why Jacques
Sauniere is involving them in his game and what Jacques Sauniere wants to tell.
Sophie Neveu is sure if her grandfather’s game will reveal the truth of her family
that she believes has died in car accident when she was a child. Her journey in
revealing the message of her grandfather, unpredictably help her to understand her
grandfather better than before. She finds the explanation of sex rites that she saw
some years ago which has successfully made her relation with her grandfather has
fallen for a long time. Langdon explains the right definition of the sex rites to her,
and for the first time she tells the reason what makes her and her grandfather
never meet and communicate for a long time. She tries to fix her mistake of
abandoning her grandfather and not letting him to explain by attempting to keep
the cryptex that her grandfather gave her and reveal what actually her grandfather
wants to tell her about her family. Her journey with Robert Langdon also helps
her know and learn new things and symbols that she never heard and knew before.
She learns if her grandfather is one of the top members of Priory of Sion. Priory
of Sion is the guardian of Holy Grail which she believes is The Cup that used by
Jesus to share wine in Last Supper and to catch the blood of Jesus in crucifixion.
But through this journey, she learns that Holy Grail is not as simple as a cup at all.
She learns so much about Holy Grail and the sacred feminine. She learns the
connection between them. The Rose, that she knows is the symbol of secrecy,
actually is more than that. It is the symbol of Holy Grail that speaks in many
levels. It relates to Holy Grail through some reasons and its characteristic. Not
only that she also get the right meaning of pagan and pentacle that always relate to
devil worship.
of sacred feminine described in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Finally, the
Connected with the background of the study, the statement of the problem as
Vinci Code?
1.3. Scope of the Study
Sophie Neveu and settings described in Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. The writer
Vinci Code.
Vinci Code.
The writer wants to find out how structural element, such as character,
conflict, setting and semiotic approach especially symbol can build the
The writer analyzes the data which is in sentence forms. The data,
sentences which give clear and detail information related to the data. Because
descriptive method.
research that is character, conflict, and setting as structural element and also
In this thesis, the writer chooses Brown’s The Da Vinci Code as the
object of analysis and source of data. For the theories, the writer will use
some books which are relevant and related to the problem discussed.
In getting data for this research, the writer takes the data from library
called library research. All of the data is taken from the book or document.
The writer uses novel, Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, as her primary data
In making the research, the writer does some steps. First, the writer
reads the novel for several times to get deep understanding about the idea of
the novel. As the result, the writer will get interesting topic to discuss and
Second, the writer looks for the data related to the topic. Then
analyze, describe, and connect it to suitable theories related with the topic.
For the thesis, the writer uses structural approach and semiotic Approach
The writer uses semiotic approach to analyze the symbol in literary work.
the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, objective of the study,
significance of the study, method of the study which are consists of research
Chapter II is Author and Synopsis. In this chapter the writer gives the short
biography of Dan Brown and his work and the synopsis of Dan Brown “The Da
Vinci Code”
theory of structural approach and semiotic approach that is used to analyze this
Objective of the Study. She describes every finding that she found in the novel
and strengthens it by giving argument from the novel and literary review.
Chapter V is Conclusion. It presents the conclusion from the previous
chapter and suggestion to next researcher about the approach that can be used for
In this sub chapter, the writer presents short biography of the writer of The
Da Vinci Code novel that is Dan Brown. The writer takes the short biography
Dan Brown was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire, U.S.A. on
June 22, 1964. He was the eldest of three children. He grew up on the Campus of
Philips Exeter Academy. Both of his parents are singers and musicians, having
served as church choir master, with his mother serving as church organist. He was
raised an Episcopalian.
His interest in secrets and puzzles was started when he was still a child.
The young Brown spent hours working out anagrams, crosswords, and puzzles.
He was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. Brown spent the 1985 school year
abroad in Seville, Spain where he was enrolled in an art history course at the
SynthAnimals, then formed his own record company called Dalliance. In 1993, he
moved to Hollywood to pursue his career as singer-songwriter and pianist and to
She was 12 years his senior, and the Academy’s Director of Artist Development.
She took on the seemingly unusual task of helping to promote Brown’s project.
They developed personal relationship and married in 1997, at Pea Porridge, near
His first book was Digital Fortress which was inspired from Sidney
Sheldon’s The Doomsday Conspiracy and was published in 1998. Brown’s next
novel was Angels and Demons and Deception Point, released in 2000 and 2001
respectively, the former of which was the first to feature the lead character,
Harvard symbology expert Robert Langdon. His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code,
became a bestseller going to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list during
its first week of release in 2003 and now credited with being one of the most
popular books of all time. Its success has helped push sales of Brown’s earlier
books. Brown’s third novel featuring Robert Langdon, The Lost Symbol, was
released on September 15, 2009. The Lost Symbol also had a big success. The
book’s selling reached to the five million first printing. Brown has stated that he
has ideas for about 12 future books featuring Robert Langdon. Characters in
Brown’s book are often named after real people in his life, for example Robert
Langdon is named after John Langdon, the artist who created the ambigrams used
Sophie Neveu is a middle aged woman who works in DCPJ, the Judicial
her parent has died in car accident when she was a child. Her grandfather, Jacques
Sauniere, is the curator of Louvre Museum. It is the most well known museum in
world. She is grown up within her grandfather’s interests. She learns unusual
things for a child. She learns about word games, puzzles and the sort of thing. Her
grandfather likes to make a treasure hunt for her birthday or in Christmas. His
treasure hunts are completed by riddles that she should solve. Jacques Sauniere
also introduces her about art, especially the work of Da Vinci, one of famous
Italian artists, and her favorite work is The Vitruvian Man. But her relation with
Jacques Sauniere is fallen. One day in spring, she saw sex rites done by his
and go to London. Keep her distance from her grandfather and not allowing her
After ten years keeps her distance from her grandfather, she gets a
message that her grandfather died. Beside her grandfather corpse, there are four
lines message. She is sure that it aims to catch her attention and it works. But
religious symbology. Both Neveu and Langdon do not know why Jacques
Sauniere meets them and their journey to reveal Jacques Sauniere intention is
Their journey is complete with riddles made by Jacques Sauniere. Every
reveal the dark side of Da Vinci. Neveu believes if this journey leads her to the
truth of her family. But unpredictably, the journey makes her knowing and
believed by people as a guardian of Holy Grail. She also learns many things about
it, including Holy Grail. They help each other to solve every riddles they met,
Neveu with her experience with Jacques Sauniere when she was a child and
Cryptex, one of Da Vinci invention, is the thing that Neveu and Langdon
get after they solve some riddles from Jacques Sauniere. The cryptex is made by
Jacques Sauniere himself. It is placed in rosewood box with the rose inlaid in its
lid. Cryptex is a tool used to carrying secret message. Only proper man can open
it. They need password consists of five letter to open the cryptex. Finding
difficulty to open it, they decide to go to Teabing’s house. They hope Teabing can
help them because Teabing is a historian who devotes his life to find Holy Grail.
But it is a kind of surprise for them, after they are success opening the first
In the end of the story, Neveu knows who she is. She is the part of that
powerful secret. She finds her true family that she knows has died some years ago
because of car accident. Her relationship with her grandfather also gets better after
she heard the explanation about sex rites from Langdon. Langdon has helped her
so much to know her grandfather well and find rest of her family.
related to topic of this thesis. It helps the writer to analyze intrinsic and extrinsic
element of primary source of this thesis. It supports the writer to compose the
analysis in the next chapter, and help the reader to understand this thesis easily.
The writer realizes that she needs some literary reviews to help her make the
thesis become scientific. For the writer, the theories serve as basic in writing the
thesis. This chapter is divided into 4 sub-chapters that are character, conflict,
3.1. Character
As we know that literary work is a mirror of real life, human in real life is
important, because characters can explain what happens in the story and help
readers to know about the story. In some aspect, characters are same with human
in real life. They have emotion, desires, and personality. But, because literary
work has an imaginative idea, the character in literary work is not real or the
the dramatist and the novelist may both be judged with regard to their ability in
The imaginative idea of author of literary work can be seen in how the
element in literary work and represents human in real life, character in literary
work is not as simple as human in real life. As stated by Perrine (1984:66) the
characters in literary work are more complex, ambiguous, and variable than
human in real world. This thing makes the readers difficult to understand how and
what the character is, especially for the readers who read literary work just to
entertain themselves. For this type of readers, they will enjoy read the plot
represented in literary work than have deep understanding about how and what the
character is. They will remember the order of event easily and can tell about the
story for many times, but they will have difficulty to describe how the character
is. They can only say whether the character is good or bad.
According to Perrine (1984: 68), “flat characters are characterized by one or two
17), “flat character is dominated by one specific trait.” Although flat characters
only have one or two specific traits, flat characters can easily memorable in the
Round characters are the opposite of flat characters, if the flat characters are the
simple characters in a story; round characters are more complex characters. They
have more than two traits. According to Perrine (1984: 68), “Round characters are
complex and have many sides; they might require an essay for full analysis.”
Klarer (1999: 17) also states that “The term round character usually denotes a
persona with more complex and differentiated feature.” Perrine (1984: 68-69)
asserts “They live by their very roundness, by the many points at which they
touch life.”
3.2. Conflict
work especially fiction or novel will remain flat. Conflicts give their own color in
conditions or events that characters in a story must face, suffer and done. Another
term for conflicts is incidents or problems. Based on Hudson (1913: 170), conflict
is the part of plot of story. It means conflicts that happen in story are arranged and
connected to make how the story is developed from beginning to the end of story.
Conflicts in literary work must not like fighting in real world. According
events that come from the outside of characters. This kind of conflicts may
happen as the effects of what the characters have done in story. It can lead the
characters to have internal conflict and sometimes can change the personality of
the characters in the end of the story. External conflict in literary work does not
mean like war, battle, or fight in real word. It may simply like debate between two
persons who have different idea or will. It may also simply like the struggle of a
person who lives in isolated island. Person against person, person against
environment and person against nature are three kinds of external conflict that
The conflict in which characters against their own nature, is called internal
conflict. It forces the characters to face problems arose within themselves. This
may happen because of the external conflict, guilty or the clash between
characters’ will or desires and reality. Internal conflict commonly relates to
author. Story which present characters’ high motives or desires will have more
intense internal conflict than external conflict. This conflict affects characters both
emotionally and mentally. Effects of internal conflict may be greater than external
conflict. Characters which cannot solve his internal conflict will end up in
conflict means that characters only face one kind of conflict whether against
character only face single conflict than multiple conflict. Characters which face
multiple conflicts will experience several kinds of conflict at same time, whether
they aware of being involve or not. Perrine (1984: 42) assets that:
But, according to Perrine (1984: 42) excellent interpretive fiction has been written
3.3. Settings
to help readers know where and when that story happens in literary work. Next,
readers will easily have imagination about how is the situation and condition in
literary work in certain time and place. Readers also know about what happens in
certain time of literary work. Based on Klarer setting is chosen as a complement
Based on Hudson, novel have to clearly tell when and where the action of
characters takes place and what characters do and suffer in certain time and place.
Then, Klarer reinforced the idea of settings of Hudson. Based on Klarer, setting is
a term denotes to place, time and social surrounding the text develops. Klarer
There are three kinds of settings, setting of place, setting of social, and
setting of time. Setting of place or also known as scene describes where the
actions or events take place. It tells to the reader what characters do and how the
character in story, how character grown up and the way of live of character.
develops and how the story is treated. It can also be the idea of the story. It gives
the reader about the detail of certain classes or environment. Hudson (1913: 210)
explains for readers what happens in certain place, and how the condition and
situation in that age. It gives picture to readers of way of life, manners, traditions,
sign, symbol. Based on Van Zoest, semiotic is a science that study about sign and
everything relates to sign, such as sign system, and the process of it. According to
on the assumption that the literary work has its potential communicative which is
and the others which relate to literary work as a system. As stated by Harsono
According to Peirce in Nöth (1990: 40) sign is divided into three kinds,
they are symbol, icon, and index. Based on Peirce symbol is category of sign
which is arbiter and conventional. The signifier and signified are connected by the
general idea. As stated by Peirce in Nöth (1990: 45), “A symbol is a sign which
refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue of law, usually an association of
general ideas.” Color, shape, word or abstract idea belongs to symbol. Pictures,
symbols contained in literary work, especially novel as the primary source of her
research. The writer chooses to analyze symbols because the novel contains a lot
3.4.1. Symbol
its own story and meaning. It also happens to symbol in literary work. Symbol
in literary work is different with symbol in daily life. Symbol in literary work
is not wholly arbiter. There is a single link that connects the form to the idea
of signified. Symbol in literary work are not wholly conventional too. Not all
means everyone knows it, and some is not which means the symbol is created
by the story. Because some symbol in literary work is created by the story, its
Nöth (1990: 54) “A symbol is a sign produced by its interpreter which acts as
a substitute for some other sign with which it is synonymous.” The other
uses symbol “as a very general and colorless term. It covers letters, words,
texts, pictures, diagrams, maps, models, and more, but carries no implication
of the oblique or the occult.” Sebeok’s definition of symbol is not too different
from Peirce. As stated by him in Nöth (1990: 108), “a sign without either
similarity or contiguity but only with conventional link between its signifier
and its denotata, and with an intensional class for its designatum, is called
an iconic sign, and symbol as a connotative sign. Symbol as an iconic sign has
its roots from aesthetic. The definition of it opposes the symbol as arbitrary
sign. Based on Hegel, symbol is a form that symbolizes the content of idea.
The form and the idea share same quality but there is still independent quality
the signifier and signified. The quality shapes the form that can best represent
the world, and the characteristic of woman. Holy Mother, Mother Earth, and
male nor female but rather as Divine Essence. Amy Peck asserts:
The Sacred Feminine is a concept that recognizes that
"God" ultimately is neither anthropomorphically male
nor female but a Divine Essence (Goddessence) beyond
form and duality—an essence that is a balance and
unification of masculine and feminine principles—a
dynamic, interdependent immanence that pervades all
Another definition about sacred feminine is the other face of God which has
sacred feminine as the other face of God. Sacred Feminine, according to Anne
Symbols which are associated with the Sacred Feminine are called as
mythology which has been known or developed in culture in every side of the
In this chapter, the writer presents the analysis about sacred feminine
symbol described in Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Brown’s The Da Vinci Code
novel is the primary source of data that the writer used to conduct this thesis. The
secondary source is taken from the book and internet, especially about symbol and
sacred feminine. The writer focuses the analysis of sacred feminine symbol that is
found in Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and its relation to conflict and setting.
Based on that analysis, the writer describes some intrinsic element. From the
intrinsic element, the writer focuses how the sacred feminine symbol helps Sophie
Neveu to solve her problem and where the sacred feminine symbol appears in
setting of place. The writer also describes the general description of Sophie
Sophie Neveu is an orphan. Her family died in car accident when she was
four years old. It made Neveu lost her parents, brother, and grandma. It was only
Neveu and her grandfather who survived from the car accident. It can be seen in
following quotation:
She is thirty two years old now. She has explicitness framed by obduracy.
up the anger of veteran French cryptologist. She is also an attractive woman that
can makes men drew their eyes to her. It can be proved by this quotation below:
her confident. Her face is warm framed by shoulders-length burgundy hair. Her
clear, incisive, olive-green eyes show explicitness. She speaks English in France
knowledge or experience.” She can take good decision to solve her problem even
when she is in hard situation. She knows what the best to do. It is proved by
Sophie Neveu has run from Louvre and DCPJ tries to catch her. She tries
to keep the cryptex her grandfather gave to her. She does anything to keep it safe.
Considering Langdon’s judgment about Teabing that he is the master about Holy
Grail and he has spent his life for Holy Grail, Neveu agrees to come to Teabing’s
residence. She thinks at least she and Langdon can find a place to hide and a little
help to open the cryptex. It is the most important to do for Neveu now. It can be
She cannot handle her regret toward her grandfather. She has made a big
mistake, judged her grandfather falsely and not gave him a chance to explain. She
has kept what she saw for ten years since she thought that it was embarrassing for
her. Her wisdom can be seen in her decision to tell Langdon about what she saw.
She believes if Langdon is the right person to explain about it, considering that he
has already explained a little bit about the sex rites that she saw in the true
dimension. She knows if Langdon can help her to understand her grandfather well
Other wisdom that Neveu shows is when she fulfills her grandfather last
message to find Robert Langdon after ten years. Living with her grandfather and
raised by him, makes Neveu knows if her grandfather will not let her fall in
wrong man. If her grandfather thinks that Langdon is the right man to help her, so
it is true. She forgets about what makes them far away for a moment to fulfill her
grandfather last message. She believes if her grandfather has a good intention for
her and Langdon is the right man to make it happens. It can be proved by
quotation below:
Neveu is wise when she knows what she should do toward the cryptex.
She does not want if Teabing gets the cryptex and has power over it. She knows if
Teabing has a bad aim by telling the truth about Holy Grail to the world. He wants
the world know if The Church has been lie all these years. She knows how her
grandfather is. She is sure her grandfather does not want the truth to be revealed
because it will create big chaos to world. It is the reason why Neveu chooses the
murderer of her grandfather and of course she also feels certain if her grandfather
does want the cryptex falls in wrong hand. It can be proved by following
She shook her head. "Not unless you either hand me the
cryptex or smash it on the floor."
"What?" Langdon gasped.
"Robert, my grandfather would prefer his secret lost forever
than see it in the hands of his murderer." Sophie's eyes looked
as if they would well with tears, but they did not. She stared
directly back at Teabing. "Shoot me if you have to. I am not
leaving my grandfather's legacy in your hands."
(Brown, 2003: 422)
Learner’s Dictionary (Homby, 1995), responsible means “having the job or duty
blamed if something goes wrong.” Sophie Neveu is responsible for two things.
First, she must help and save Langdon. It is because Langdon is not the person
who kills her grandfather and indirectly, Langdon becomes the primary suspect
because of her. Second, she must protect the cryptex that her grandfather gave to
her. The cryptex is the key for everything and it tells the secret that her
has gone and now there is only a cryptex her grandfather gave to her. Her
responsibility is shown by still protecting the cryptex. She does not know what it
is contained, and how to open it, but she does everything to protect it though it
means she have to accept Langdon judgment about Teabing and his decision to go
to Teabing residence at least to hide for a moment and maybe they can find a little
help to open it. She feels that she is responsible toward the cryptex. It can be
Now the cryptex is in danger and also Teabing. Silas, the albino who came
them. It is Neveu’s responsibility to save them, Teabing and the cryptex. She
make the cryptex still safe. She does not want to endanger the cryptex by
involving the authorities. If Silas and Remy know that she involves authorities,
the worst will happen to the cryptex and Teabing. And if it happens, it means she
cannot fulfill her grandfather last message and reveal what he wanted to tell and
the worst is she cannot prove if Langdon is not the murderer of her grandfather.
She does not want to fail to do it because she is the one who responsible to protect
responsible to take care of it. No matter what happened to her, she must protect
the cryptex. She does not want the cryptex falls in wrong man. For her, it is better
if the cryptex is broke rather than falls in Teabing who in fact is the person who
murdered her grandfather. She lets Teabing to kill her because she will not ever to
give her cryptex to Teabing. She does it because Teabing does not deserve to get
it and it is her responsibility to protect the cryptex though her soul is the exact
She shook her head. "Not unless you either hand me the
cryptex or smash it on the floor."
"What?" Langdon gasped.
"Robert, my grandfather would prefer his secret lost forever
than see it in the hands of his murderer." Sophie's eyes looked
as if they would well with tears, but they did not. She stared
directly back at Teabing. "Shoot me if you have to. I am not
leaving my grandfather's legacy in your hands."
(Brown, 2003: 422)
Neveu knows the way how to solve problems even in difficult situation. She takes
the right way to solve problems. She can take an advantage from things around
her. She can learns something quickly even in hard condition. In some situation,
her intelligence helps Robert Langdon to escape from hard condition. It can be
A security guard comes when Neveu and Langdon try to find next clue
from Jacques Sauniere. Langdon is captured by the security guard and Neveu tries
to find a way to help him. Her intelligence is shown when she used her
threat the security guard. She knows it will well work out than the other way. The
security guard will not have enough courage not doing what she asked because
"Set down your gun and radio," the woman said in calm
French, "or I'll put my knee through this painting. I think you
know how my grandfather would feel about that."
Grouard felt dizzy. "Please... no. That's Madonna of the
Rocks!" He dropped his gun and radio, raising his hands over
his head.
"Thank you," the woman said. "Now do exactly as I tell you,
and everything will work out fine."
(Brown, 2003: 133-134)
Neveu and Langdon do not have much time when they were in Depository
Bank of Zurich. They only have one shot to take the deposit box of her
grandfather. If they enter wrong account number, they will lose their chance to
take it. Neveu shows her intelligence by following her grandfather’s mind and
love toward codes and symbolism. She feels unsure toward the account number
she typed in the first time is the right account number. She knows how her
grandfather’s love toward codes and symbolism and the first account number does
not reflect her grandfather’s love and interest toward sort of thing. So she decides
to erase the first account number and rearrange it to make Fibonacci sequences,
her grandfather’s love toward codes and symbolism. It can be seen from
following quotation:
Neveu is smart because she learns so fast even she is in difficult situation.
She shows it when Langdon was at gunpoint and he did not have any idea of their
second clue. She can decipher the second clue by herself. Anagram is still the key
of the second clue. Anagram is rearranging the letters to create new word and get
new meaning. She remembers it and does not want to miss it from the first clue.
Anagram is also the way how Langdon and she decipher the first clue. It really
shows her grandfather’s love for the work of Da Vinci. It can be proved by
following quotation:
attitude and behavior.” She is always sure about her feeling. If she feels there is
something unfix, she will not continue to do it. But, if she feels she does the right
thing she will straight forward to continue. No matter what will happen, she will
always in her decision. This characteristic of her can be seen in some different
Sophie Neveu faces difficult situation. She should find the next clue or
message that her grandfather left behind Madonna of the Rocks and she also
should help Langdon from gunpoint of the security guard. She should do the two
things well. She is firm because she is so sure if her grandfather left something
behind the painting. She feels certain if she has already deciphered the previous
clue rightly. She attempts to find it first than helping Langdon. She does it
because she is sure if the security guard will not shoot them. It will easy for her to
help Langdon if she has already found what her grandfather left behind Madonna
Their time to find the correct account number is limited. Vernet, the night
manager of Depository Bank of Zurich will come soon to make sure if they has
already got their deposit box. Neveu’s firmness is shown when she postponed her
finger to press ENTER key to confirm the account number she typed. She feels if
the first account number can be arranged to form Fibonacci sequences. She does
not listen to Langdon who insists her to hurry. She still in her decision not to press
the ENTER key and chooses to erase all the account number she typed before.
She does not want limited time makes her lose her single chance to get something
that her grandfather left for her. It can be proved by following quotation:
uncertain to the sanctuary, she is firm if she has ever visited Rosslyn Chapel when
she was young with her grandfather. Rosslyn Chapel looks familiar in her eyes.
She scans to remind her and two pillars in front of the sanctuary make her sure if
Neveu shows her firmness, believing her feeling if she has really ever
visited Rosslyn Chapel and two pillars she is watching now are the two pillars she
saw some years ago when she visited Rosslyn Chapel with her grandfather. She
does not listen to Langdon’s explanation about the two pillars that are the
duplicate from those in Masonic Temple because she never visited Masonic
Temple. She keeps searching to find something that can remind her of ever being
by her emotion to do something that can make her feels better without thinking it
is right to do or not. She cannot think clearly and logically. Her emotion drives
her suddenly to do something without thinking, calculating the risk, and predict
the impact.
First happens in spring, when she came back to Paris earlier than before.
She sees sex rites that she never saw before. It hurts her because her grandfather
becomes the main actor of the sex rites. Her grandfather never tells her about the
rites. She feels if her grandfather betrays and lie to her. Drove by feeling of being
betrayed and disappointed, she packs all of her belonging and leaves Paris in a
second without asking explanation of what she saw to her grandfather. Writes a
short message warning her grandfather not trying to reach her, she drives herself
Her grandfather died and he left four line messages beside his naked body.
Neveu looks at the picture and feels upset. She is disappointed. The
disappointment in her heart successfully makes her leaves the office without a
word or command from her director. Her director does not ask a question to her
because she looks really upset. She leaves her team in a big question mark and no
one knows where she goes. It can be seen from following quotation:
Sophie Neveu is a person who likes to risk her life. Without thinking and
calculating the risk she does something she thought right. She will try to find a
Neveu knows if Langdon is not the murderer. She should help Langdon to
escape. She takes a big risk to help Langdon. She leaves her office and goes to
Louvre to meet Bezu Fache without any order from her director. She tells to Bezu
Fache if she has already deciphered the code and lies to him that she has an urgent
message from U.S. Embassy to Langdon. She does not care what will happen to
her if Fache knows she lie to him. The most important to her now is to save
murder is a big risk that Neveu takes to save Langdon and reveal what her
grandfather tried to tell her. Now, she and Langdon are the fugitives. She does
everything to make herself and Langdon still out of reach from the DCPJ that
wants to arrest them. Without thinking the impact of her action, she dares to point
taxi driver using a pistol when she saw the taxi driver is about to speak through
his radio. She commands the taxi driver to go out of his taxi and commands
Langdon to drive the taxi away from there, leaving the taxi driver in forest. She
Sophie turned now and plunged her hand into the pocket of
Langdon's tweed jacket. Before Langdon knew what had
happened, she had yanked out the pistol, swung it around, and
was pressing it to the back of the driver's head. The driver
instantly dropped his radio, raising his one free hand overhead.
"Sophie!" Langdon choked. "What the hell—"
"Arrêtez!" Sophie commanded the driver.
(Brown, 2003: 164)
Langdon has been the fugitive of her grandfather murder. She does not have any
option. She takes a risk by telling, showing, and giving the cryptex to Teabing,
though she is not yet believe in Teabing, in hope that Teabing can help them to
open it and safe them from the DCPJ. She also takes a risk by trusting Teabing, a
person who she has already known in a moment, to keep protecting the cryptex
Teabing sat on the divan, cradling the wooden box on his lap
and admiring the lid's intricate inlaid Rose. Tonight has
become the strangest and most magical night of my life.
"Lift the lid," Sophie whispered, standing over him, beside
(Brown, 2003: 273)
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Sophie Neveu as one
seen through her characteristic. Neveu has some of positive characteristic, such as
wise, smart, firm and responsible, but she also has some of the opposition.
It happens when she chose to leave her grandfather alone after seeing him doing
sex rites. She does not want to hear or even ask the explanation to her grandfather.
Next is she is also a risk taking woman. She does something in an unsafe way.
She does not think long enough or calculate the risk that may happen to her.
4.2. Conflict
idea, desires and will. It can happen because of external or internal factor or both
conflict. Thus, the opposite is called internal conflict. Both of external conflict
something, secret ritual, she never expected done by his grandfather. She feels
that she has been betrayed by his grandfather. She feels that his grandfather has
lied to her. It is difficult for her to accept what she saw. It is unbelievable if her
grandfather involved in the ritual and becomes the centre of it. Anger, betrayal,
and disappointment are emotions she felt in that time. Driven by all of emotions,
she decides to go to London with tears and without waiting the explanation from
his grandfather, or even asking her grandfather to explain. Through a short letter,
Neveu tells her grandfather not to try to reach her. It can be seen by following
Neveu is too ashamed about the secret ritual done by his grandfather. Until
now, it is hard to believe if her grandfather did it. She is too ashamed toward what
her grandfather did in the secret ritual. She chooses to leave her home in France
and stay in London vowing that she will not let her grandfather to explain of all
she saw that night. It is too pain for her to forgive her grandfather and let him
explain about the ritual. She does not want to be more disappointed by hearing his
Ten years ago. Sophie had come home a few days early from
graduate university in England and mistakenly witnessed her
grandfather engaged in something Sophie was obviously not
supposed to see. It was an image she barely could believe to
this day.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...
Too ashamed and stunned to endure her grandfather's pained
attempts to explain, Sophie immediately moved out on her
own, taking money she had saved, and getting a small flat with
some roommates. She vowed never to speak to anyone about
what she had seen. Her grandfather tried desperately to reach
her, sending cards and letters, begging Sophie to meet him so
he could explain. Explain how!? Sophie never responded
except once—to forbid him ever to call her or try to meet her in
public. She was afraid his explanation would be more
terrifying than the incident itself.
(Brown, 2003: 75)
Her grandfather has died. She feels guilty and sad for staying away from
him and not let him to explain. Neveu tries hard to reveal what her grandfather is
trying to tell her by the ten years. She needs a help from someone who is master in
Holy Grail and the person is Teabing, but she feels unsure to let Teabing in. Her
grandfather did not say anything about Teabing. She is also uncertain to tell him
about the cryptex. But, finally she decides to trust Langdon’s judgment about him
since she believes Langdon like her grandfather believes him and will not let her
falls with the wrong man, and also they need a place to hide. It is proved by
quotation below:
of her grandfather who wants to tell her about her true family, Neveu feels sure
and hopes if her family is still alive until today. It makes her thinking that she is
not alone after her grandfather death. But it seems a fantasy to her knowing there
is no one of her members of her family has name of Plantard or Saint-Clair. Her
hope is gone. Disappointed is she feels now. She feels so close to the truth that her
grandfather tries to tell when she was in Louvre, but now it looks so far. She
hopes if her grandfather never mentions her family. It opens the old wound she
has buried. She convinces herself if her family has already death in car accident
when she was a girl. She should accept if now she is on her own, alone without
her family and her grandfather who has been always with her for all this time. It is
Sophie repeated the names silently in her mind and then shook
her head. There was no one in her family named Plantard or
Saint-Clair. A weary undertow was pulling at her now. She
realized she was no closer than she had been at the Louvre to
understanding what truth her grandfather had wanted to reveal
to her. Sophie wished her grandfather had never mentioned her
family this afternoon. He had torn open old wounds that felt as
painful now as ever. They are dead, Sophie. They are not
coming back. She thought of her mother singing her to sleep at
night, of her father giving her rides on his shoulders, and of her
grandmother and younger brother smiling at her with their
fervent green eyes. All that was stolen. And all she had left was
her grandfather.
And now he is gone too. I am alone.
(Brown, 2003: 260)
After ten years, avoid his grandfather and not let him to explain, Neveu
finally gets the explanation about what she saw from Langdon. She feels guilty
because she has misunderstood toward the ritual done by his grandfather. She
blames her grandfather, leaves him, tell him not to reach her and the worse she
does not want to meet her grandfather and does not give him a chance to explain
until the night he died. She feels a deep regret in her heart toward her grandfather.
It is hard for Sophie Neveu to believe that Teabing is the person behind
her grandfather’s death. She is too surprised with the fact. She has believed in him
but now, he betrays her. She cannot understand why Teabing could do that. She
thinks his reason is unacceptable, blames her grandfather because he has sold the
truth to the Church. He hides the truth and does not reveal it. It makes her
grandfather deserves to be killed. Neveu cannot accept the reason because she
Neveu is very hesitant. She does not know which one is the fact and which
one is the lie. It has been told by her grandfather if her family has died in car
accident but now, she doubts it. She never truly knows about the car accident that
took her family. She only knows a little detail. Her mind is full of question about
what the truth of her family that her grandfather wants reveal to her. Her mind
starts questioning about the real story behind her family death. Everything in her
mind about her grandfather over-protectiveness seems to be more fit that her
family died is not because of car accident, but murdering. It can be seen from
quotation below:
Confused, disbelief and happy are all Neveu feels now. Arriving in
Rosslyn Chapel has led her find her family. A family she thinks has died some
years ago. A family she thinks will never come back again. This journey has been
surprised her. It makes her find his grandmother and brother. She tries to speak
but she finds nothing even it is hard for her to breathe. She can only speak in
whisper. The tears in her eyes tell how happy she is now. A couple days ago, she
was alone in a sadness of her grandfather death and guilty of avoiding her
grandfather who tried to explain everything to her, but now she gets her family
Although Sophie did not recognize her, she knew who this
woman was. She tried to speak but found she could not even
"Sophie," the woman sobbed, kissing her forehead.
Sophie's words were a choked whisper. "But... Grand-père said
you were..."
"I know." The woman placed her tender hands on Sophie's
shoulders and gazed at her with familiar eyes.
"Your grandfather and I were forced to say so many things. We
did what we thought was right. I'm so sorry. It was for your
own safety, princess."
(Brown, 2003: 440)
External conflict happens when the character experience conflict with the
since ten years ago. Neveu saw something she never expected to see, a secret
ritual, done by her grandfather in spring. Feels so angry, she left the house,
packed her suitcase and went to London. Her grandfather trying so bad to reach
her, but Neveu still does not want to let him explain everything to her. Neveu
really stay away from her grandfather. She stands firm on her decision not to meet
with her grandfather anymore. Avoid everything that her grandfather sends to her.
Ten years ago. Sophie had come home a few days early from
graduate university in England and mistakenly witnessed her
grandfather engaged in something Sophie was obviously not
supposed to see. It was an image she barely could believe to
this day.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...
Too ashamed and stunned to endure her grandfather's pained
attempts to explain, Sophie immediately moved out on her
own, taking money she had saved, and getting a small flat with
some roommates. She vowed never to speak to anyone about
what she had seen. Her grandfather tried desperately to reach
her, sending cards and letters, begging Sophie to meet him so
he could explain. Explain how!? Sophie never responded
except once—to forbid him ever to call her or try to meet her in
public. She was afraid his explanation would be more
terrifying than the incident itself.
(Brown, 2003: 75)
Harvard University. He is the expert in symbol and icon or any sort of thing
especially that related to the religion. He is also the author of some books that
discuss about his field. Author and professor are not the only profession of Robert
Langdon. Because of his expertise in religious symbology, he also gives lecturer
It is the first time for Neveu and Langdon meet. Neveu, who has already
made Langdon escape from being tracked of DCPJ, changes her direction. At the
beginning she wants to take Langdon to embassy but feels sure if her grandfather
left something in Mona Lisa, she decides to go to Mona Lisa to find it. Their
conflict happens since Langdon wants to accompany Neveu to the Mona Lisa but
Neveu rejects it. She worries about Langdon safety. She does not want if Fache
captures him again. For his own safety, Neveu asks him to go to embassy finding
protection. She promises to Langdon that they will meet again in U.S. Embassy
and Langdon only have one condition to agree in Neveu’s decision that is not to
Neveu and Langdon are arguing whether it is safe or not to let Teabing
join with them. Neveu is worried of involving Teabing because it is hard for her
to believe if Teabing will not take her information she got for his own benefit and
turn them to the police. She does not know Teabing before, and she thinks that
involving him is unsafe for them. Different with Neveu, Langdon is sure if
Teabing is the right person to help them considering that Teabing has spent his
life for Holy Grail and he knows Teabing well. Neveu tries to convince herself if
Teabing is the right and trustworthy person. She asks Langdon several times
about his relation with Teabing, and how much he knows about Teabing. She
proposes some probability that may happen if Teabing join with them. Langdon,
who knows her apprehension, convinces Neveu that Teabing is the best person for
asking help. He will not waste his time to think if it is about The Priory and Holy
Grail. He will help them right away. He will give much help rather than turn them
to the police. Nothing can make Teabing in favor of the Paris Police. It can be
Teabing for one time. Her anxiousness is not ended up easily. She asks Langdon
with the same question, but this time she emphasizes it. It is still hard for her
involving Teabing in this case since her grandfather does not say anything about
involving Teabing to help her. Langdon is also still sure in his decision. He is sure
Teabing will help them because Teabing is the person outside the brotherhood,
who knows the Priory well. It is proved by their conflict of interest. Teabing will
not have in mind to help French authorities. He has taxes problem with the
way to save Neveu. Their conflict happens since Langdon wants Neveu to leave
but Neveu does not want to do it. He negotiates with Teabing. He will help him if
he releases Neveu and lets Neveu go. Neveu hears the negotiation and she does
not agree with it. She does not agree with Langdon’s idea. She does not want to
leave the cryptex alone. She will always with the cryptex since it is hers and only
she who deserves to open it. Neveu is also angry to Langdon. She does not
understand why and how Langdon can get the idea since she and her grandfather
has trusted him. Langdon is confused by Neveu’s decision that still does not want
to leave unless he gives the cryptex to her or smashed it. It is proved by quotation
"No games," Langdon said. "Let her go. Then I'll take you to
Newton's tomb. We'll open the cryptex together."
"I'm not going anywhere," Sophie declared, her eyes narrowing
with rage. "That cryptex was given to me by my grandfather. It
is not yours to open."
Langdon wheeled, looking fearful. "Sophie, please! You're in
danger. I'm trying to help you!"
"How? By unveiling the secret my grandfather died trying to
protect? He trusted you, Robert. I trusted you!" Langdon's blue
eyes showed panic now, and Teabing could not help but smile
to see the two of them working against one another. Langdon's
attempts to be gallant were more pathetic than anything. On the
verge of unveiling one of history's greatest secrets, and he
troubles himself with a woman who has proven herself
unworthy of the quest.
"Sophie," Langdon pleaded. "Please... you must leave."
She shook her head. "Not unless you either hand me the
cryptex or smash it on the floor."
"What?" Langdon gasped.
"Robert, my grandfather would prefer his secret lost forever
than see it in the hands of his murderer." Sophie's eyes looked
as if they would well with tears, but they did not. She stared
directly back at Teabing. "Shoot me if you have to. I am not
leaving my grandfather's legacy in your hands."
(Brown, 2003: 422)
she arrives in Rosslyn Chapel. The two pillars in front of the sanctuary raise her
memory if she has ever been here in the past. Langdon thinks that it is no doubt if
she ever seen those two pillars. Langdon only doubts if the pillars Neveu ever
seen are not the pillars in Rosslyn but Neveu is certain of it. They are the pillars
she saw when she was child and they are really in Rosslyn Chapel. Langdon tries
to convince her by explaining if the pillars in Rosslyn Chapel are the duplicate of
those in Masonic Temple. But the explanation does not make Neveu hesitate. She
is still sure if she sees the pillar in Rosslyn Chapel not in Masonic temple. She
tells that she never been in Masonic Temple and she keeps trying to find
something that can remind her about Rosslyn Chapel. It is proved by quotation
Sir Leigh Teabing is a Grail researcher. He spends his life to find the Holy
Grail. He knows well everything about the Grail and the Priory. He is trustworthy
person in that case. But different with Langdon who also knows about the Grail
actually in its symbols, Teabing attempts to broadcast the truth about the Grail. It
Her conflict against sir Leigh Teabing happens because she has already
knew if Teabing was a person behind her grandfather death. She is so surprised
and cannot find the reason why Teabing do that. Teabing makes his alibi that is
Jacques Sauniere has betrayed by hiding the truth all this time, obeying the
Church not to reveal the truth to the world. Neveu does not believe it. She is
certain that the Church has nothing to do toward her grandfather murder and the
Church does not influence her grandfather or the worst threats him. She believes
if Teabing only tries to find a reason to justify what he has done. It is stated by
quotation below:
Surprise for Neveu from Teabing has not ended yet. Teabing knows if her
grandfather tries hard to tell the truth of her family to her. Neveu cannot believe
this. She does not know how Teabing can know it. He only says if the death of her
family was not because of car accident. It was the Church. Neveu who hears it,
does not believe it. It is so surprised her. Teabing convinces her that The Church
attempted to keep the truth still hidden by murdering all her family. No matter
what Teabing is trying to tell, Neveu does not trust him. All the reason he made is
just lie. Neveu thinks that Teabing is only attempting to justify what he has done.
He is trying to ensure Neveu if the Church behind all that has happened to her
family, but everything is in vain. Neveu does not believe him even in a single
that the Grail is asked to be revealed to the world. He asks Langdon and Neveu to
take this opportunity and swear to broadcast the truth to the world. Neveu refuses
it. She does not want to swear to broadcast the truth. She does not want to
cooperate with Teabing, the murderer of her grandfather. She only wants to make
an oath to make him go to the prison. It can be proved from following quotation:
4.3. Setting
Based on the previous theory in Chapter III, setting is classified into three
sub chapter.
Setting of place refers to the place or area where the event happens. There
are several places in different countries become setting of place in Brown’s The
Da Vinci Code.
the story happens in France. Grand Gallery is a section in Louvre Museum where
the art work of most famous Italian artist is housed. Grand Gallery is a long deep
either side of the wall by cables. The most interesting part of this section is its
parquet floor. It gives the visitor sensation if they are floating when they walk
placed. It is the room where Jacques Sauniere places his next clue for Neveu and
Depository Bank of Zurich is the next place. A Swiss bank opens twenty
four hours and serves as a vault. It is well known of its secrecy. There is no name
but only an account number. The bank does not know what the account number is
and what thing is saved in it, only client knows it. The job of the bank is to
guarantee the anonymity of its client. It can be seen from this following quotation:
following quotation:
Langdon look for. A tomb made by massive black marble with Sir Isaac Newton
wearing classical costume and leaning against his works. A hard pyramid rises up
Knights Templar Rosslyn Chapel. Carved with symbols from Jewish, Christian,
Egyptian, Masonic, and pagan traditions. Located on north south meridian, Rose
Line, this chapel gets its name. It can be proved by following quotation:
Setting of time refers to “when” the events happen in fiction. In this story,
the series of events happens within in a day. Night has been the majority of time
Grand Gallery, trying to escape and separate himself from his murder by pulling
down the Caravaggio’s work and make him sealed in Grand Gallery. It can be
Neveu and Langdon are greeted by the host of Depository Bank of Zurich
A little luck still in Neveu and Langdon side when they arrive in Château
Villette, the host, Sir Leigh Teabing has been sleep in the time Neveu and
Langdon arrived but he wants to get up and greet them after Langdon insists to
Westminster Abbey. The weather is not good too. It is raining in the outside. No
crowds are visiting alcove. All they can see only silent corridor. It can be seen
Evening has come when Neveu and Langdon arrive in Rosslyn Chapel.
The spires long shadow of Rosslyn Chapel greets them. It is stated by following
how the character raised up and which environment they live on. It can be divided
into three classes; they are low class, middle class, and upper class.
Neveu,s family consists of her father, mother, brother, grandfather, and
grandmother. But one day, an accident took them all from Neveu when they were
travelling. It was a car accident that happened when Sophie Neveu was only four
years old. There is only Neveu and her grandfather who survive from that
Chapel. Jacques Sauniere is the curator of Louvre Museum, the most famous art
museum in the world, for twenty years. He has completed Louvre Museum by a
mass collection of goddess art. It is because his passion in goddess. While her
grandmother, Marie Chauvel, is the curator of Rosslyn Chapel and also as the
head of Rosslyn Trust. She lives in the chapel rectory near the Rosslyn Chapel. It
Langdon sensed Fache did not see at all. Jacques Saunière was
considered the premiere goddess iconographer on earth. Not
only did Saunière have a personal passion for relics relating to
fertility, goddess cults, Wicca, and the sacred feminine, but
during his twenty-year tenure as curator, Saunière had helped
the Louvre amass the largest collection of goddess art on
(Brown, 2003: 23)
raised by her grandfather. There is a rule for Neveu from her grandfather that is
she must speak English in home. She only speaks French when she was in school.
Jacques Sauniere raised Neveu by his interest in codes, puzzles, and word
games. It has influenced Neveu’s life so much. It makes Neveu has a passion in
familiarizes codes, puzzles and word games to Neveu since she was a child. He
cipher. It makes Neveu has passion in cryptography and she makes it as her
profession when she has graduated from university. She works for Judicial Police
introduced her about art since she was a child. He introduced her to some of
famous Italian artist and their works. He brings Neveu when he worked and
introduced her to some of their art work. One of them is Mona Lisa, the painting
of Da Vinci. He brings Neveu to visit Salle des Etats, a private viewing chamber
where the Mona Lisa is housed. He asks her opinion about Mona Lisa and
explains her about the style of painting of Da Vinci. It can be seen from following
Neveu likes the other work of Da Vinci. It is Vitruvian Man, a spread eagle
position naked man inside a circle. It can be seen from the quotation below:
makes it as a challenge for Neveu to find her gift. Cryptex is one piece of art that
Jacques Sauniere has ever used in his treasure hunt. Cryptex is one of Da Vinci
made the cryptex for a couple times to be involved in his treasure hunt when
Neveu’s birthday. The riddle that is told by Jacques Sauniere is the key to open
the crytex. Once she can open the cryptex, a new riddle is waiting to be solved. It
For everyday transportation, Neveu always rides her own car. That is
SmartCar. The color is red. SmartCar is a snub-nosed two seater car. It is stated by
quotation below:
She handed Langdon her car keys. "Mine is the red SmartCar
in the employee lot. Directly outside this bulkhead. Do you
know how to get to the embassy?"
(Brown, 2003: 102)
from middle class. It can be seen from some aspects. The first is the family
Neveu and her grandfather who survive from the accident. Next is the
transportation they used. Both Sophie Neveu and her family used car as their
transportation. Nveu uses her SmartCart as her daily transportation and her family
died in a car accident when they were travelling. Next is her family relation.
Neveu’s grandparents are the curator. Her grandfather is the curator of Louvre
Museum, the most well known art museum in world and her grandmother is the
curator of Rosslyn Chapel and as the head of Rosslyn trust. They are not ordinary
people considering to their job as curator. Their knowledge about art is needed for
their job. It also can be seen from her education, job, and interest. Raised up by
her grandfather, makes Neveu has passion in cryptography and she makes it as
her profession. She leaves France and goes to Royal Holloway, a university in
England, to study about cryptography. After graduating from there, she backs to
France and works for Judicial Police, a police enforcement in France, as code
breaker. Not only that, Neveu also has a favorite piece of art. It happens because
her grandfather introduces her to some of famous Italian artist, one of them is
Leonardo Da Vinci. The Mona Lisa, cryptex, and The Vitruvian Man are the work
of Da Vinci that ever be introduced to Sophie Neveu and The Vitruvian Man is
her favorite. The other proof is Sophie Neveu also capable to speak in two
languages, French and English. Her grandfather teaches her to speak English
4.4. Symbol
In this sub chapter the writer discusses the symbols that appear in The Da
Vinci Code especially that relate to the Sacred Feminine. According to the theory
of literature on Chapter III, there are some definitions of symbol. But, the writer
link between the signifier and signified. All the symbol of Sacred Feminine in
Brown’s The Da Vinci Code appears in different forms. It can appear in a form of
name, thing or picture. The sacred feminine symbol help Sophie Neveu to solve
her problem and reveal some truth that her grandfather wants to tell. The truth can
only be revealed if Sophie Neveu can solve every riddle made by her grandfather
secret that her grandfather wants to tell to her before he died. Her name has its
root from one name of Greek Goddess, that is Sophia. Sophia means wisdom and
In society, Holy Grail is known as The Cup of Christ. A cup that is used to
share wine when Last Supper, the last dining of Jesus and His disciple. It is also
the cup that is used by Joseph Arimathea to catch the blood of Jesus when
crucifixion. But in The Da Vinci Code novel, Holy Grail is literal meaning of
Sangreal. It is a collection of document that reveals some dark secret. Its word
derives from the French, Sangraal that then evolves to Sangreal and split into two
The true nature of the Grail? Sophie felt even more lost now.
The Holy Grail, she had thought, was the cup that Jesus drank
from at the Last Supper and with which Joseph of Arimathea
later caught His blood at the crucifixion. "The Holy Grail is the
Cup of Christ," she said. "How much simpler could it be?"
(Brown, 2003: 162)
Holy Grail is the symbol of sacred feminine and goddesses. The link
between them is chalice. Holy Grail and sacred feminine consist of two words,
Holy and Grail, sacred and feminine. Holy synonymous with sacred that means
Chalice comes between Holy Grail and sacred feminine as a link because chalice
resembles the shape of womb. It is because the picture of chalice likes letter of
“V”. Womb can only be found in a woman and it has always been associated with
woman. From womb, man is born to the world. Because of her role, giving birth,
once in the past time woman is considered as holy. Woman can give a man life by
giving a man birth to the world like God can do in the first time when the world is
Rosa Rugosa is five petal rose, one of the oldest species of rose. It is the
symbol of Holy Grail. Womanhood is link that connects them. It is because the
five petals in Rosa Rugosa create pentagonal symmetry and pentagonal symmetry
or also known as pentacle is the symbol of Venus. Not only it, the five petals also
represent the five stages in women’s life in the past. They are birth, menstruation,
represents female genitalia from which a man enters the world. It can be seen
Rosa rugosa, one of the oldest species of rose, had five petals
and pentagonal symmetry, just like the guiding star of Venus,
giving the Rose strong iconographic ties to womanhood.
(Brown, 2003: 202)
Another link that connects The Rose to Holy Grail is secrecy and
guidance. Secrecy because rose has been used in Roman times to be hung on the
door over a meeting to indicate that the meeting was a secret. It was known as sub
rosa. It means everything under the rose had to remain secret. It can be seen from
following quotation:
Compass Rose and Rose Line are reasons why the symbol of rose is
associated with guidance. Rose Line is longitudinal line on map and Compass
Rose is a compass that denotes four winds-North, South, West and East. It is
originated from Wind Rose that denotes to thirty two winds. The thirty two points
of winds resembles a traditional petal rose bloom. Both Compass Rose and Rose
Line always help travelers to find the true way and to navigate them in proper
For centuries, the symbol of the Rose had been associated with
maps and guiding souls in the proper direction. The Compass
Rose—drawn on almost every map— indicated North, East,
South, and West. Originally known as the Wind Rose, it
denoted the directions of the thirty two winds, blowing from
the directions of eight major winds, eight half-winds, and
sixteen quarter-winds. When diagrammed inside a circle, these
thirty-two points of the compass perfectly resembled a
traditional thirty-two petal rose bloom.
(Brown, 2003: 106)
Because of those reason, The Rose speaks the Grail on many level. They
are secrecy, womanhood, and guidance. The woman that leads in true direction to
For this reason, the Rose was a symbol that spoke of the Grail
on many levels—secrecy, womanhood, and guidance—the
feminine chalice and guiding star that led to secret truth
(Brown, 2003: 202)
Egyptian god and goddess, the unification of their names. Amon is the Egyptian
god of fertility and his equal partner is Isis, the Egyptian goddess of fertility. Isis
in ancient pictogram has also called L’ISA. When their name is written, AMON
L’ISA, it creates perfect anagram of name MONA LISA. It can be seen from the
following quotation:
"And do you know who Amon's counterpart was? The Egyptian goddess
of fertility?"
The question met with several seconds of silence.
"It was Isis," Langdon told them, grabbing a grease pen. "So
we have the male god, Amon." He wrote it down. "And the
female goddess, Isis, whose ancient pictogram was once called
Langdon finished writing and stepped back from the projector.
"Ring any bells?" he asked.
"Mona Lisa... holy crap," somebody gasped.
Langdon nodded. "Gentlemen, not only does the face of Mona
Lisa look androgynous, but her name is an anagram of the
divine union of male and female.
(Brown, 2003: 120-121)
4.4.5. Hermaphrodite
Hermaphrodite is nicknaming for animal that has two organs both male
hermaphrodite means “a person or an animal that has both male and female
name of Greek god and goddess, Hermes and Aphrodite. It can be seen from
quotation below:
4.4.6. Pentacle
Pentacle is five pointed star that formed from five lines that are intersected
each other.
devil worship. But in The Da Vinci Code novel, pentacle is a pre-Christian symbol
relates to Nature worship in which the ancients dream about the harmony of the
world through balance of masculine and feminine. The word itself is rooted from
Latin, paganus. It means country dwellers, the people who live in village or
country. So, pagan religion is a religion of Nature worship which grows within the
people who live in rural area. But it turns to have bad meaning because of
Church’s fear toward the people who live in rural area. Villes which once is nice
nicknaming for “villagers” turns out to mean wicked soul. The meaning is rooted
from the word villain. It can be seen from the following quotation:
specific it is the symbol of Venus, the goddess of sexual love and beauty. It can be
The link between the pentacle and the goddess is perfection and beauty.
Goddess is always associated with perfection and beauty, no goddess who were
born imperfect and ugly, and so does the pentacle. It happens because the ratio of
building block in nature that can be found in animal, plant or even human.
Because the Creator is the one who create the world and all in its inside, so the
ancients assume that The Creator is the one who made the PHI then the scientists
Langdon gave the kid a proud nod. "Nice job. Yes, the ratios of
line segments in a pentacle all equal PHI, making this symbol
the ultimate expression of the Divine Proportion. For this
reason, the five-pointed star has always been the symbol for
beauty and perfection associated with the goddess and the
sacred feminine."
(Brown, 2003: 96)
It is more specific that the pentacle is the symbol of Venus because of its
graphic origin. Every eight years, the planet of Venus leaves a perfect a pentacle
across the elliptic sky. No one knows how it can happen and no one can explain
how it happens. Everyone who knows and learns it, are astonished with the
man in spread eagle position inside perfect circle. The circle around the man is
Those two elements, a naked man and the circle, give an intend message,
that is male and female are in harmony. They unite to create harmony in world. It
unification between male and female. Its picture comes from the unification of
blade and chalice. Blade is the symbol of masculine and chalice is the symbol of
feminine. They are fuse as one to create balance and harmony. It is stated by
quotation below:
4.4.9. Left
Vinci Code novel, left always has bad meaning. The word “left” in France and
Italy is gauche and sinistra. Those words also have deep negative meaning. It
Not even the feminine association with the left-hand side could
escape the Church's defamation. In France and Italy, the words
for "left"—gauche and sinistra—came to have deeply negative
overtones, while their right-hand counterparts rang of
righteousness, dexterity, and correctness. To this day, radical
thought was considered left wing, irrational thought was left
brain, and anything evil, sinister.
(Brown, 2003: 125)
Sacred feminine is everything relates to women and their role that has not
Museum. She belongs to sacred feminine symbol because her name is rooted from
because Holy Grail, based on the novel, is a woman. It is related with its symbol.
The symbol of Holy Grail is a chalice, an ancient feminine symbol that shapes
like “V” letter. It represents the woman’s womb. The role of a woman as a life
giver, give a man birth to world, is same as like God’s power that create man and
The other symbol of sacred feminine is Rosa Rugosa. This rose has five
petal and they create pentagonal symmetry. The pentagonal symmetry or known
as pentacle is the symbol of Venus, the goddess of sexual love and beauty. The
Rose also represents the woman’s genitalia, where a man enters the world for the
The unification of male and female is represented by the Mona Lisa. Its
name was the anagram of Egyptian god and goddess. They are Amon and Isis, the
Hermaphrodite. The word comes from the name of Greek god and goddess, they
specific is the symbol of Venus. Venus is the goddess of sexual love and beauty.
Not only that, pentacle is also related to pagan religion which has been known in
society as devil worship, but in the novel The Da Vinci Code, pagan religion is an
picture of naked man in spread eagle inside a circle. Circle is the symbol of
feminine symbol. This picture shows how male and female are in balance to
Blade and chalice, the ancient feminine and masculine symbol, are fused
together. They form The Star of David or the Seal of Solomon. It represents the
and Setting
Sophie Neveu is a woman with many conflicts both external and internal.
It is started when she has not yet ready to see sex rite that was done by her
grandfather. She does not have enough knowledge about it. She blames her
grandfather that her grandfather lies to her. It makes her decides to keep her
grandfather wants to tell her. It started with four lines message beside her
grandfather corpse. Sacred feminine symbols are the key of her journey to solve
her problems. They make her meet with Robert Langdon, a professor of religious
symblogy, who has same interest with her grandfather in feminine. Langdon and
Neveu meet in Grand Gallery where the corpse of Jacques Sauniere is located.
Langdon has become the primary suspect of Jacques Sauniere murder because his
name is written in the last message. From him, she learns about Priory of Sion,
the guardian of Holy Grail and her grandfather is one of four top members in the
society. She also gets a different point of view about sex rites. Sex rite that her
grandfather did is a rite to honor the unification of male and female, the thing that
once is very sacred and the way to learn fully about God. Indirectly, it makes her
knows her grandfather well and she can fix her mistake in past time toward her
grandfather. It also makes her knows how much her grandfather loves her. It can
Sir Leigh Teabing is a person who devotes his life to find Holy Grail and attempts
to broadcast the truth of Holy Grail to world. After getting the cryptex that has
Teabing house because he is sure that the cryptex is the keystone to find Holy
Grail. Considering Teabing passion in Holy Grail, Langdon thinks that Teabing is
the right person to help them and he is so sure that Teabing will help them
without thinking twice. But unfortunately, Sir Leigh Teabing is the person behind
Jacques Sauniere death. He did this because according to him her grandfather has
betrayed the Holy Grail by hiding the truth of Holy Grail for a long time.
Neveu thinks that she is alone in the world after her grandfather died. Her
family has died in a car accident some years ago. It took her mother, father,
grandmother, and little brother. Sacred feminine symbols lead her to the truth that
she still has her grandmother and little brother. They live in Scotland, beside The
Rosslyn Chapel. After Neveu and Langdon are success to open the second
cryptex, they go to the Rosslyn Chapel like has been said in their next clue that is
nested inside the second cryptex. And unpredictably, makes Neveu meets with her
grandmother and her little brother. Not only make Neveu meets with her
grandmother and little brother, sacred feminine symbols also reveal the truth of
her and her family. She and her family are the part of the secret truth that has been
kept for a long time and hidden from the world. It can be proved from following
she was a child. Everything that has ever taught by her grandfather is related to
sacred feminine. The example of it is art, especially Da Vinci work. The Vitruvian
Man, her favorite work is a sacred feminine symbol and so does The Mona Lisa,
the painting of Da Vinci that she dislikes. The other is pentacle that appears in
Tarot card. Neveu and her grandfather like to play Tarot for fun and pentacle is
"Yes. I didn't get a chance to tell you, but the pentacle was a
special symbol between my grandfather and me when I was
growing up. We used to play Tarot cards for fun, and my
indicator card always turned out to be from the suit of
pentacles. I'm sure he stacked the deck, but pentacles got to be
our little joke."
(Brown, 2003: 92)
Setting of place is one of important element in a story. It tells us where the
event takes place. Setting of place of The Da Vinci Code novel is begun in Grand
Gallery, Louvre Museum. It is the place where Jacques Sauniere corpse is found
He writes four lines message beside his body that point to The Mona Lisa
painting in Salle des Etats. In The Mona Lisa painting, Neveu gets another
Zurich. In this place Neveu and Langdon get a cryptex that is laid in rosewood
box with The Rose craved in its lid. Cryptex is a tool to store secret information.
Because Neveu and Langdon cannot open the cryptex, they go to Teabing
house, Chȃteau Villette. In Teabing house, Neveu learns the nature of Holy Grail
Holy Grail is same as the ancient symbol of woman that is a chalice. It represents
the woman’s womb. To open the cryptex, Neveu and Langdon need five letters
that become the key to open it. Like what ancient Romans usually did, sub Rosa,
Jacques Sauniere places the clue to open the cryptex is under The Rose in
rosewood box lid. Sub Rosa is a way of ancient Romans to indicate that
something is confidential. The thing that makes Neveu is surprised, is the key to
open the cryptex is the roots of her name, Sophia. She is the goddess of wisdom.
When they open the cryptex, there is another cryptex nested inside and a
sheet of vellum as their clue to open it. The clue points to Westminster Abbey,
exactly in Newton’s tomb. He is one of members in Priory of Sion. Newton’s
symbols from many religions. It is the first place where Neveu learns her first
codes when she was a child. There is a symbol engraved in its floor that is Star of
From those explanations above, it can be said that The Da Vinci Code
novel is a treasure hunt novel to find the truth secret that has been kept for a long
time. The truth secret relates to the sacred feminine that has been banished to
create man’s power in world. Their role that once is sacred also considered as
told as one of top member in Priory of Sion. And as one of top member in Priory
of Sion, he knows where the location of the secret truth. It also happens to
Jacques Sauniere makes a series of riddle before he died to tell the truth to
who has passion in feminine symbols, includes some sacred feminine symbols in
his riddle. It becomes the clue or even the key to solve his riddle. Those sacred
feminine symbols help her to go to the next place that she should visit. In every
place that she visits, it is always hidden the next clue or something that has been
left by Jacques Sauniere for Sophie Neveu. Those symbols of sacred feminine are
the key for Sophie Neveu to know and learn what she does not know before.
They help her to fix her mistake toward her grandfather in past time. All the
symbols of sacred feminine in every riddle show how much her grandfather loves
her and his hard efforts to tell the truth to her. The riddle is the last message of her
grandfather when he was dying. By solving it, Sophie Neveu can cure her regret
toward what she has done to her grandfather. Those symbols also lead Neveu to
reveal who she is and the truth of her family. It teaches her about her family that
she believed is only ordinary family. She never heard the truth of her family
before. When Jacques Sauniere wants to tell her, she always keeps her distance
from him. And from her journey and all the symbols of sacred feminine which
helps her to solve every riddle, finally she knows if she is the part of secret truth
that has been kept for a long time. Her family is one of descendants of secret truth
5.1. Conclusion
round character. It is because she has both positive and negative sides. She is an
orphan who has raised by her grandfather, Jacques Sauniere. She described as
middle aged woman who is wise, responsible, smart, firm, emotional, and risk
taking. Her positives sides appear when she shows her responsibility toward
something that she has done. She keeps the cryptex that her grandfather gave to
her and attempts to reveal the message that her grandfather wants to tell. She does
it because she wants to fix her mistake and her relationship with her grandfather.
While her negatives sides appear when she does something based on her feeling.
She is driven by her feeling to do something that she thinks it is right to do.
Although it is really right to do, she does it without calculating the risk that she
will get.
Sophie Neveu experiences external and internal conflict. Her internal conflict
happens after she saw sex rite in spring some years ago. This internal conflict
creates external conflict with her grandfather. She feels disappointed to her
grandfather because she feels that her grandfather has lie to her. It makes her
decides to leave her grandfather and not let him to reach her. The other Neveu’s
external conflict is she against Langdon and Teabing. Her conflict with Langdon
is happened because of different idea. Langdon and Neveu always have different
idea to solve the problem and riddle. While her conflict with Teabing is happened
after she knows that Teabing is the person behind her grandfather murder.
started in Louvre Museum of France especially in Grand Gallery and Salle des
Etats. The next place in France is Depository Bank of Zurich. After in France the
It is the resting home for the great person. After in London, Neveu and Langdon
many religions. Most of events in Brown’s The Da Vinci Code happen in night.
Sophie Neveu belongs to middle high class. It can be seen from some aspects
of her life. She was raised by her grandfather, Jacques Sauniere who is a curator
of Louvre Museum. She was raised in the way of Jacques Sauniere’s interests.
Since she was a child, Jacques Sauniere has introduced her to codes, word games,
puzzle, and art, especially Da Vinci’s work. Her favorite’s work of Da Vinci is
The Vitruvian Man. In fact her grandmother, Marie Chauvel is also a curator of
Rosslyn Chapel. Her grandfather teaches her to speak in two languages, French
and English. She graduates from Royal Holloway University of England and
works for DCPJ as a code-breaker. She uses car as her daily transportation, and so
feminine symbols. It is related to woman and their role that has not been
acknowledge or honored by people. The symbols are, Sophie Neveu, Holy Grail,
Rosa Rugosa, The Mona Lisa, Hermaphrodite, Pentacle, The Vitruvian Man, The
Star of David and Left. Those symbols are the key of the story. They helps Neveu
to solve her problem and indirectly those symbols meet Neveu with Robert
relates to Holy Grail, including sex rite that has made her keep her distance from
her grandfather. Those symbols also meet her with Teabing, a grail seeker, who is
in fact is a person behind her grandfather’ death. Not only that, those symbols
reveal the truth of her, that is the part of the secret truth and so does her family.
She meets again with her grandmother and little brother that is believed has died
5.2. Suggestion
To conduct this thesis, the writer uses structural approach to analyze the
intrinsic element of Brown’s The Da Vinci Code novel. The writer analyses
character, conflict and setting that belong to intrinsic element. The other approach
that the writer used to conduct this thesis is semiotic approach. She uses semiotic
approach to analyze symbols, especially sacred feminine symbols that are found
has a motive to do what they want to do especially Sophie Neveu. After ten years
she had not met with her grandfather, she fulfills her grandfather last dying
message without knowing anything what her grandfather wants to tell her.
Brown, Dan. 2003. The Da Vinci Code. New York: Double Day