Prospect Theory Presentation

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Prospect Theory: An Analysis of

Decision Under Risk

D. Kanheman and A. Tversky

Riccardo Bianchi Vimercati

Andrea Mattia Zamuner

IGIER Visiting Student Presentation

May 13, 2014



Certainty, Probability and Possibility
The Reflection Effect
The Isolation Effect

The Theory
The Value Function
The Weighting Function


Main Problems

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This paper presents a critique of expected utility theory as a descriptive
model of decision making under risk, and develops an alternative model,
called prospect theory

Published by Econometrica in 1979, it is one of the most cited papers in

social sciences

In 2002, Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Prize for having integrated
insights from psychological research into economic science, especially
concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty.
Amos Tversky died in 1996 and hence he could not be awarded

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Expected Utility Theories

In 1657, Christiaan Huygens states that the fair price to pay to
participate in a game involving risk is equal to the expected
monetary value of the game
In the early 1710s, Nicholas Bernoulli presents the so-called
St. Petersburg paradox, a lottery with an infinite expected value
that seems to be worth only a very small amount to any sensible man
In 1738, his cousin Daniel Bernoulli resolves the paradox proposing a
new assumption: individuals evaluate risks taking into account the
expected utility of the prospect
He noticed that most people are risk averse and if they can choose
between a gamble and an amount equal to its expected value they
will pick the sure thing
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Expected Utility Theories

In their seminal work Theory of games (1944) von Neumann and

Morgenstern give an axiomatic foundation to Bernoullis hypothesis
Preferences over lotteries are binary relations with the following features
continuity or archimedean property

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Expected Utility Theories

Von Neumann and Morgenstern also proved the following theorem:

A preference relation  over lotteries satisfies the four axioms if and only
if there exists a function u over the lottery outcomes such that:
Lottery A  Lottery B if and only if
u(xi )pi >
u(xi )pi

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Expected Utility Theories

Four years later, in a fundamental article, Milton Friedman and Leonard

Jimmie Savage introduced
the well-known graphical representation of the utility function
its interpretation in terms of attitudes towards risk
its as-if interpretation
Nowadays expected utility theory is the foundation of rational-agent model
and is one of the most important theories in social sciences

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Expected Utility Theory

normative: prescribes how decisions should be made
descriptive: describes how Econs (rational and selfish individuals
with stable tastes) make choice

Prospect Theory
purely descriptive: describes how Humans make choice
the paper presents several classes of decision problems in which
preferences systematically violate the axioms of expected utility theory
and an alternative model of decision making under risk

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Decision making under risk can be viewed as a choice between

prospects or gambles
A prospect (x1 ; p1 ; ...; xn , pn ) is a contract that yields outcome xi
with probability pi , where p1 + p2 + ... + pn = 1. Kahneman and
Tverskys prospects correspond to von Neumann and Morgensterns
The analysis is restricted to prospects with objective probabilities
The demonstrations are based on the responses of students and
university faculty to hypothetical choice problems

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Certainty, Probability and Possibility

The following series of choice problems induces preferences that violate a
main tenet of expected utility theory
Consider the following pair of choice problems:
PROBLEM 1: Choose between
(2500, 0.33; 2400, 0.66; 0, 0.01)




PROBLEM 2: Choose between

(2500, 0.33)

(2400, 0.34)



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Certainty, Probability and Possibility

Here we have a simpler demonstration of the same phenomenon

PROBLEM 3: Choose between

(4000, 0.80)




PROBLEM 4: Choose between

(4000, 0.20)

(3000, 0.25)



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Certainty, Probability and Possibility

It is easy to verify that this pattern of preferences does not obey the
independence axiom
The French economist Maurice Allais was the first one to propose this
paradox in 1953

Certainty Effect
Overweighting of outcomes that are considered certain, relative to
outcomes which are merely probable
This effect undermines the validity of the independence axiom for choice
of risks bordering on certainty

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Certainty, Probability and Possibility

The following problems present a situation in which the independence
axiom fails, but not because of the certainty effect:

PROBLEM 7: Choose between

(6000, 0.45)

(3000, 0.90)



PROBLEM 8: Choose between

(6000, 0.001)

(3000, 0.002)



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Certainty, Probability and Possibility

The results suggest the following empirical generalization concerning the

manner in which the independence axiom is violated:
if (y , pq) is equivalent to (x, p), then (y , pqr ) is preferred to (x, pr ),
0 < p, q, r < 1
This property is incorporated in the new theory proposed by the authors in
the second part of the paper

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The Reflection Effect

What happens when we move from the domain of gains to the domain of
losses? Look at the following table:

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The Reflection Effect

We may notice a peculiar pattern of preferences: in each case, the

preference between negative prospects is the mirror image of the
preference between positive prospects

Reflection Effect
Reversal of the preference order caused by the reflection of prospects
around 0
This phenomenon had been noted early by Markowitz (1952) and Williams

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The Reflection Effect

Implications of the reflection effect:

also the preferences between negative prospects are inconsistent with
expected utility theory
risk aversion in the positive domain is accompanied by risk seeking
in the negative domain
aversion for uncertainty or variability, proposed by Allais, is
eliminated as an explanation of the certainty effect

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The Isolation Effect

PROBLEM 10: Consider the following two-stage game. In the first stage,
there is a probability of 0.75 to end the game without winning anything,
and a probability of 0.25 to move into the second stage. If you reach the
second stage you have a choice between:
(4000, 0.80)


Your choice must be made before the game starts

Now recall Problem 4:
Choose between
(4000, 0.20)

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(3000, 0.25)

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The Isolation Effect

You may notice that in terms of final outcomes and probabilities, this
is equivalent to PROBLEM 4
However, the dominant preferences are opposite in the two problems:
78 per cent of subjects chose the latter prospects
It seems that people ignored the first stage of the game, whose
outcomes are shared by both prospects. In this case, PROBLEM 10
resembles PROBLEM 3, as confirmed by preferences

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The Isolation Effect

We can see two different representations of the problem, that may induce
a change of preferences:

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The Isolation Effect

In the previous case, preferences are altered by different representations
of probabilities. We now show how choices may be altered by varying
the representation of outcomes
Consider the following problems:
PROBLEM 11: In addition to whatever you own, you have been given
1,000. Choose between
(1000, 0.50)




PROBLEM 12: In addition to whatever you own, you have been given
2,000.Choose between
(1000, 0.50)




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The Isolation Effect

You may note that when viewed in terms of final states, the two choice
problems are identical.They ask to choose between:
(2000, 0.50; 1000, 0.50)


Evidently, the initial bonus does not enter into the comparison of
prospects beacause it was common to both options in each problem
This represents another violation of the theory, according to which the
domain of utility function is final states. This demonstration implies that
the carriers of value are in fact changes in wealth

Isolation Effect
Disregard of components shared by two different alternatives and focus on
the components that distinguish them. Since a pair of prospects can be
decomposed in several ways, this effect may bring about inconsistent
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The Editing Phase

Two phases of the choice process:
Editing phase: reorganizing outcomes and probabilities
Evaluation phase: choice of the prospect with the highest value
The editing phase can be decomposed in four major operations:

Coding: outcomes are perceived as gains and losses

Combination: prospects are simplified by combining probabilities

associated with identical outcomes

Segregation: the sure component of a prospect is segregated from

the risky component

Cancellation: common components of different prospects are

discarded (entire phases or outcome-probability pairs)

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The Evaluation Phase

In the evaluation phase, the DM evaluates prospects of the form

(x, p; y , q) and chooses the one with highest value

The overall value V of an edited prospect depends on two scales:

, that associates to each probability p a decision weight (p). is
not a probability measure, since (p) + (1 p) < 1
v, that associates to each outcome x the subjective value of the
outcome v (x)

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The Evaluation Phase

If (x, p; y , q) is a regular prospect, i.e. either p + q < 1 or x 0 y or
x 0 y , the basic equation that describes the evaluation of a prospect is
V (x, p; y , q) = (p)v (x) + (q)v (y )


where v (0) = 0, (0) = 0 and (1) = 1

If (x, p; y , q) is a strictly positive or negative prospect, i.e. p + q = 1
and either x > y > 0 or x < y < 0, the equation becomes
V (x, p; y , q) = v (y ) + (p)[v (x) v (y )]


Equation (2) reduces to equation (1) if (p) + (1 p) = 1, but as we

said this is not always the case

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The Evaluation Phase

To sum up, prospect theory retains the bilinear form that underlies
expected utility maximization, but
values are assigned to changes rather than to final states
decision weights do not coincide with stated probabilities
In this way prospect theory is able to predict departures from expected
utility maximization that lead to normatively unacceptable
consequences (inconsistencies, intransitivities, violations of dominance...)

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The Value Function

The assumption that the value function is defined over changes in

wealth rather than final states is consistent with general principles of
perception and judgement
This does not imply that changes should be evaluated independently
of the reference point
However, when it comes to relatively small or moderate variations in
asset positions, the preference order is not significantly altered by the
reference point

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The Value Function

Consider the following prospects
(6000, 0.25)

(4000, 0.25; 2000, 0.25)



(6000, 0.25)

(4000, 0.25; 2000, 0.25)




As one would expect, the value function is concave in gains and convex
in losses, i.e. the marginal value of gains and losses decreases with their
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The Value Function

To see this, note that the above mentioned prospects are regular, so
applying equation (1) yields
(0.25)v (6000) < (0.25)[v (4000) + v (2000)]
(0.25)v (6000) > (0.25)[v (4000) + v (2000)]

v (6000) < v (4000) + v (2000)
v (6000) > v (4000) + v (2000)

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The Value Function

Another property of the value function can be derived by the following

people consider symmetric bets, like (x, 0.50; x, 0.50), unattractive
the aversiveness to symmetric bets increases with the size of the
stake, i.e. if x > y 0 then
(y , 0.50; y , 0.50) % (x, 0.50; x, 0.50)
So again by equation (1) and letting y approach to x it can be derived
that v 0 (x) < v 0 (x), which means that the value function is steeper for
losses than for gains

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The Value Function

In summary, the value function


is defined on deviation from the reference point

is concave in gains and convex in losses

is steeper for losses than for gains

Fishburn and Kochenberger (1979) provided evidence that a standard von

Neumann-Morgenstern utility function shows the same properties for
changes of wealth

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The Value Function

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The Weighting Function

In prospect theory, the value of each outcome is multiplied by a

decision weight
Decision weights measure the impact of events on the desirability of a
prospect, not merely the perceived likelihood of these events
They are inferred from choices of prospects as subjective probabilities
are inferred from preferences in the Ramsey-Savage approach
In the present theory, the weights are function of stated probabilities

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The Weighting Function

We discuss the properties of the weighting function

is an increasing function of p, with (0) = 0 and (1) = 1, but is

not well behaved at the endpoints

(p) > p for small p, so small probabilities are generally

overweighted. A simple example is a lottery tickets that can be
represented by the following prospect
(5000, 0.001)




so that (0.001) > v (5)/v (5000) > 0.001 by concavity of v

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The Weighting Function


p (0, 1), (p) + (1 p) < 1. This property is labelled as

subcertainty and can be derived from the first two prospects we saw,
yielding (0.66) + (0.34) < 1

if (x, p) is equivalent to (y , pq), then (x, pr ) is not preferred to

(y , pqr ), which turns out to be equivalent to
(pqr )

(pr )
This property is called subproportionality: for a fixed ratio of
probabilities, the corresponding ratio of decision weights is closer to
unity when the the probabilities are low than when they are high

subproportionality and overweighting of small probabilities give

subadditivity over all the range, i.e. (rp) > r (p)

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The Weighting Function

In summary, the main properties of the weighting funcition are:


not well-behaved at endpoints

overweighting of small probabilities




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The Weighting Function

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Violation of Independence
Problem 1 and 2 provided a first example of violation of independence:
v (2400)
v (2500)
1 (0.66)
This paradox is explained by prospect theory as a result of subcertainty
Problem 7 and 8 are another example:
v (3000)
v (6000)
This paradox is explained by prospect theory as a result of
subproportionality of

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Shifts of Reference

The reference point is usually assumed to be the current asset position

Sometimes gains and losses are coded relative to an expectation
More importantly, changes in the reference point alters the
preference order for prospects
As a result, incomplete adaptation to recent losses increases risk
seeking in some situation

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Shifts of Reference
Consider a risky prospect (x, p; y , 1 p) that is just acceptable:
V (x, p; y , 1 p) = 0

(p)v (x) = (1 p)v (y )

A negative translation of the propspect is (x z, p; y z, 1 p), which

turns out to be preferred over (z):
V (x z, p; y z, 1 p) =
= (p)v (x z) + (1 p)v (y z)
> (p)[v (x) v (z)] + (1 p)[v (y ) + v (z)]
= (1 p)v (y ) (p)v (z) + (1 p)[v (y ) + v (z)]
= (p)v (z) + (1 p)v (z)
> v (z)[(p) + (1 p)]
> v (z)
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Risk Attitudes

Prospect theory allows to predict these risk attitudes:



.95 chance of winning 1000

.95 chance of losing 1000

.05 chance of winning 1000

.05 chance of losing 1000

High Prob

Low Prob

where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)

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Risk Attitudes

Prospect theory allows to predict these risk attitudes:



.95 chance of winning 1000

.95 chance of losing 1000

.05 chance of winning 1000

.05 chance of losing 1000

High Prob

Low Prob

where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)

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Risk Attitudes

Prospect theory allows to predict these risk attitudes:



High Prob

.95 chance of winning 1000

.95 chance of losing 1000

Low Prob

.05 chance of winning 1000

.05 chance of losing 1000

where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)

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Risk Attitudes

Prospect theory allows to predict these risk attitudes:



High Prob

.95 chance of winning 1000

.95 chance of losing 1000

Low Prob

.05 chance of winning 1000

.05 chance of losing 1000

where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)

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Main Problems
Main problems of prospect theory:
Individuals are real but choices are merely hypothetical
It has no clear axiomatic foundation. That is, Kahneman and
Tversky do not describe basic characteristics of preferences that drive
the behavior
This original version gives rise to violations of first-order stochastic
dominance. Cumulative prospect theory, proposed in 1992 by the
authors, overcomes this problem
It provides no ex-ante prediction since the realizations of V depend on
a non-predictable combination of factors. Ex post it can rationalize
almost any observed decision pattern. Therefore it cannot be
It fails to allow for emotions like regret and disappointment, even if
decision makers anticipate them when making their choices
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How do we explain the longevity of expected utility theory?

Theory induced blindness: once you have accepted a theory, it is
extremely difficult notice its flaws
Why is EUT still taught at the undergraduate level?
The standard models are relatively easier to understand
They allow a better understanding of the discipline
Failure of rationality is often irrelevant

Why is PT the main alternative?

It yields low cost in terms of complexity and high benefits in terms
of explanatory power

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