Prospect Theory Presentation
Prospect Theory Presentation
Prospect Theory Presentation
Certainty, Probability and Possibility
The Reflection Effect
The Isolation Effect
The Theory
The Value Function
The Weighting Function
Main Problems
Bianchi Vimercati and Zamuner
Prospect Theory
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This paper presents a critique of expected utility theory as a descriptive
model of decision making under risk, and develops an alternative model,
called prospect theory
In 2002, Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Prize for having integrated
insights from psychological research into economic science, especially
concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty.
Amos Tversky died in 1996 and hence he could not be awarded
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A preference relation over lotteries satisfies the four axioms if and only
if there exists a function u over the lottery outcomes such that:
Lottery A Lottery B if and only if
u(xi )pi >
u(xi )pi
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Prospect Theory
purely descriptive: describes how Humans make choice
the paper presents several classes of decision problems in which
preferences systematically violate the axioms of expected utility theory
and an alternative model of decision making under risk
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(2400, 0.34)
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(3000, 0.25)
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Certainty Effect
Overweighting of outcomes that are considered certain, relative to
outcomes which are merely probable
This effect undermines the validity of the independence axiom for choice
of risks bordering on certainty
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(3000, 0.90)
(3000, 0.002)
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Reflection Effect
Reversal of the preference order caused by the reflection of prospects
around 0
This phenomenon had been noted early by Markowitz (1952) and Williams
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(3000, 0.25)
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You may notice that in terms of final outcomes and probabilities, this
is equivalent to PROBLEM 4
However, the dominant preferences are opposite in the two problems:
78 per cent of subjects chose the latter prospects
It seems that people ignored the first stage of the game, whose
outcomes are shared by both prospects. In this case, PROBLEM 10
resembles PROBLEM 3, as confirmed by preferences
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PROBLEM 12: In addition to whatever you own, you have been given
2,000.Choose between
(1000, 0.50)
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Evidently, the initial bonus does not enter into the comparison of
prospects beacause it was common to both options in each problem
This represents another violation of the theory, according to which the
domain of utility function is final states. This demonstration implies that
the carriers of value are in fact changes in wealth
Isolation Effect
Disregard of components shared by two different alternatives and focus on
the components that distinguish them. Since a pair of prospects can be
decomposed in several ways, this effect may bring about inconsistent
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To sum up, prospect theory retains the bilinear form that underlies
expected utility maximization, but
values are assigned to changes rather than to final states
decision weights do not coincide with stated probabilities
In this way prospect theory is able to predict departures from expected
utility maximization that lead to normatively unacceptable
consequences (inconsistencies, intransitivities, violations of dominance...)
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(6000, 0.25)
As one would expect, the value function is concave in gains and convex
in losses, i.e. the marginal value of gains and losses decreases with their
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To see this, note that the above mentioned prospects are regular, so
applying equation (1) yields
(0.25)v (6000) < (0.25)[v (4000) + v (2000)]
(0.25)v (6000) > (0.25)[v (4000) + v (2000)]
v (6000) < v (4000) + v (2000)
v (6000) > v (4000) + v (2000)
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(pr )
This property is called subproportionality: for a fixed ratio of
probabilities, the corresponding ratio of decision weights is closer to
unity when the the probabilities are low than when they are high
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Violation of Independence
Problem 1 and 2 provided a first example of violation of independence:
v (2400)
v (2500)
1 (0.66)
This paradox is explained by prospect theory as a result of subcertainty
Problem 7 and 8 are another example:
v (3000)
v (6000)
This paradox is explained by prospect theory as a result of
subproportionality of
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Shifts of Reference
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Shifts of Reference
Consider a risky prospect (x, p; y , 1 p) that is just acceptable:
V (x, p; y , 1 p) = 0
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Risk Attitudes
High Prob
Low Prob
where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)
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Risk Attitudes
.05 chance of winning 1000
.05 chance of losing 1000
High Prob
Low Prob
where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)
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Risk Attitudes
High Prob
.95 chance of winning 1000
.95 chance of losing 1000
Low Prob
.05 chance of winning 1000
.05 chance of losing 1000
where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)
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Risk Attitudes
High Prob
.95 chance of winning 1000
.95 chance of losing 1000
Low Prob
.05 chance of winning 1000
.05 chance of losing 1000
where, given the prospect (x, p) and its expected value (px), risk aversion
is given by (p)v (x) < v (px)
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Main Problems
Main problems of prospect theory:
Individuals are real but choices are merely hypothetical
It has no clear axiomatic foundation. That is, Kahneman and
Tversky do not describe basic characteristics of preferences that drive
the behavior
This original version gives rise to violations of first-order stochastic
dominance. Cumulative prospect theory, proposed in 1992 by the
authors, overcomes this problem
It provides no ex-ante prediction since the realizations of V depend on
a non-predictable combination of factors. Ex post it can rationalize
almost any observed decision pattern. Therefore it cannot be
It fails to allow for emotions like regret and disappointment, even if
decision makers anticipate them when making their choices
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