Grace Notes: Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
Grace Notes: Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
Grace Notes: Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
December 2014
To All
Who mourn and need comfort
Who are weary and need rest
Who are friendless and need friendship
Who are homeless and want sheltering love
Who pray and to all who do not, but ought
Who sin and need a Savior.
This Church opens wide the doors and
makes a place, and in the name of Jesus
Christ says
Does it sound like the kind of church you would want? The kind you to which might invite others? It
sounds like an incredible bunch of Jesus-followers if their actions match those words!
Those words were the invitation printed on the front of a Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church bulletin
from one of Grace Covenants very first bulletins.
We know today that many thousands of people have responded to that open invitation over the years. This
coming April, Grace Covenant turns 100 years old. What a remarkable moment in the life of the church!
Surely this would never have been possible had God not been faithful in and through the saints who came
before us - they are the ones who first offered the wide embrace of Jesus to the community. And - thanks
be to God - God is not done! There are future generations we will likely never meet, but they will one day
look back and give thanks for what God was doing in our midst as we stepped into the next 100 years.
I imagine they will note that the church never lost sight of its open invitation. Indeed, our Vision Statement from 2012 boldly says:
By submitting to Jesus Christ as the head of the church, our community will find new life in Him who is
renewing all creation. Neighbors of every stripe from college students to retired professionals, hardened
skeptics to committed believers will fill Grace Covenant to hear the Good News that God so loved the
world that He gave His only Son, so that all who believe in Him may not perish but have eternal life.
We today, like those who went before us, can name the folks of every stripe - the weary, lonely, and
lost - that Jesus wants us to welcome. There exists in our DNA a desire to be generously and boldly welcoming. Of course, this makes good sense. We are a people who follow the One Lord who walked this
earth and consistently welcomed the unlikely least, lost, and lonely of every background that they might
have life and life abundant.
- Bobby Hulme-Lippert
Shalom Farms
Our 2014 Shalom Farms outings have come to a close, but we will
return to our monthly service trips in February 2015. We averaged 8
participants per month heading out to Shalom Farms - a local food
access and community development ministry
(! Keep your eyes out for the dates we'll be
heading back out in 2015 to help ensure everyone in our city has
access to God's bounteous gift of nutritious produce!
Staff Meeting 9:45 am
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
PW Salad Luncheon
12 noon
8 Poinsettia $ due
Mens Lunch 12 noon
Christian Education
Meeting 6:00 pm
Worship Committee
Meeting 7:00 pm
Prayer 9:15 am
Vanguard Breakfast (all men)
9:30 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm
WNL 6:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
21 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
7 Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
POJ Cookies & Carols
for Christmas 12:00 noon
PW Circles Meet
(see page 10)
Finance Committee
Meeting 6:00 pm
Property Committee
Meeting 7:00 pm
DAY 2:00-9:00 pm
Care Team 4:00 pm
Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
WNL 6 pm-Christmas Pagean
Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
Candlelight 5:00 pm
Prayer 9:15 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm
CDC Chapel 5
10:00 am
Date Night (new time)
10:00 am1:00 pm
Bread Breakers Prices
House 6:00 pm
CDC Chapel 19
10:00 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Church Office
and CDC Closed
26 Church Office
and CDC Closed
December Birthdays
3 Jeannette Strunk
5 Karl Rubis
December 7
Cal Gray
December 14
Kent Cardwell
December 21
Jake Savage
December 28
Rob Rosebro
13 Cynthia Holmes
14- Bobby Hulme-Lippert
16- Pat Bell
16- Mary Mitchell
20- George Gray III
20- Rebecca Horner
21- Carson Price
Fellowship Hour
December 7
Warren Zirkle
December 14
December 21
Dana McKnight
December 28
Date Night
up to our families again on Saturday, December 6, from 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. A charge of $5 per child will help defray the costs of child
care, though there is a $10 maximum per family with more than two
children. Please RSVP to Vanessa Strait at
or 359-2463 with name of child and age.
Looking forward to next year be sure to keep these dates on your calendar for the Spring Season. These dates below will be from 5:00 8:00 p.m.
January 17, February 14, March 14, April 11, and May 23.
Octobers total contributions of $21,200 were unusually low, following an unusually high total of $43,000 in September. Taken together, the two month total was
still down about 13% from the similar two-month period last year. For the year-todate through October total contributions were approximately the same as the total for
the same period in 2013, which had benefited from contributions received in connection with 2012 pledges.
Expenses of $48.000 in October were down substantially from the level of the
two previous months despite including a $5,300 quarterly insurance payment. For the
month they exceeded the relatively low income total by $18,500, which brought the
year-to-date deficit to $38,000, compared with $11,500 at the same time last year.
In October our Five Cents Per Meal offering was $252, and our Loaves and Fishes, $905.
Candlelight Yard Signs will be ready for you to pick up and display
in your yards, beginning December 3rd. Well have the signs at WNL in the Fellowship Hall and also on the following Sundays at the front and rear doors.
Please pick one up and display it proudly in your yard as a way to invite all your
neighbors to this wonderful Christmastime event at GCPC. Thanks for helping
us get the word out and helping us share the wonderful Christmas story all
around Richmond! And please remember to return your yard signs to the glass
office after the Candlelight Lessons and Carols Service. Well reuse these same
signs next year, simply change the date.
Thanks from your GCPC Worship Committee.
Women Pot Luck
Salad Luncheon
Program: Holly Follies
Tuesday, December 2
Fellowship Hall at GCPC
Hosted by Circle 3
Least Coin Offering will be
Any questions: Please call Mary
Gray- 247-4899
12:00 noon
PW Circle
Evening C
7:00 p.m
1727 Park
aura Leigh
Hostess: L
PW Circle 2
11:00 a.m.
Vanguard Room
Hostesses: Ann Pais
PW Circle 3
9:30 a.m.
Social Room
Hostess: Margaret
Grace Covenant,
Who can believe Thanksgiving is already over, and we are now
looking toward the Christmas season? In November, we led up to
thanking God for our abundance by learning all about health and
nutrition. We learned that foods are categorized into different
groups by the type of nutrition they provide. In addition the children learned the names, tastes, smells, and colors of many different
fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Children were taught that
fruits and vegetables are healthy for your body because they have
vitamins and minerals, which are the building blocks for your skin, hair, organs and our bodies. We
learned that protein foods are good for us because protein helps build our muscles and make us strong. We
learned what kinds of proteins there are, and where they come from. Children learned all about dairy, and
even got to milk a pretend cow. We practiced exercising, breathing, and good hydration practices. Then,
for the week of Thanksgiving, we practiced being thankful to God for blessing us with plenty of healthy
food to nourish our bodies. We even re-enacted the first Thanksgiving with costumes, stories, and a traditional Thanksgiving spread for lunch.
Now that Thanksgiving is come and gone and we have learned how much we have to be thankful for, we will start learning all about the true meaning of Christmas. Well sing Happy Birthday to Jesus,
learn the story of how he was born in a manger, and become familiar with the characters in the story.
Well decorate for Christmas, using Christmas themes to explore math, science, social, language, and other developmental skills. Well teach the children to be generous by choosing ways to help those in need,
such as the shoebox donations. Staff will even do a secret Santa!
One of the things we look forward to every year, however, is our annual Christmas Reception
with all the families of the CDC. This year, we look forward to an extra special event as we plan to combine our fellowship with the Wednesday Night Live crowd. The childrens Christmas Pageant will be the
program! We cannot wait to share the holiday season with you all!
- Nicole Flournoy, Director of the CDC
We will change the outgoing message at the center 213-0200 to reflect our decision for that day.
Memorial Poinsettias
Those interested in providing memorial poinsettias for use in the Sanctuary
during the Christmas season should send information and payment to the
church ON OR BEFORE Monday, December 8. Those ordering poinsettias
are asked to provide information on the form below and mail or bring it to
the church office. The price of the plants is $10.00. Checks should be made payable to Grace
Covenant Presbyterian Church and marked for Memorial Poinsettias.
Checks should be made payable to Grace Covenant and marked for the
Christmas Greens Fund.
GCPC, 1627 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220
Choral Music:
Wednesday Night Live! Each Wednesday evening we gather at 6:00 p.m. for table fellowship, followed
by a program from 6:30-7:15 p.m. All are welcome! Childcare is available. For more information contact Vanessa Strait in the church office at 359-2463, or
Meals for December:
December 3: Baked mac & cheese, cabbage, carrots, salad, and carrot cake.
December 10: Barbeque, cole slaw, baked beans, and cookies for dessert.
December 17: White chili, corn bread, salad, and pies for dessert.
Programs for December:
December 3: Bill Mims, Virginia Court Justice
December 10: Christmas Pageant with the CDC
December 17: Caroling
Follow Up from the Congregational Luncheon on September 21 At the luncheon, session made a
presentation in which they shared what they heard during the small groups that met to discuss the latest
actions of the PC(USA)s General Assembly with regard to same-sex marriage. As individuals in the congregation spoke to both sides of the issue, the session voiced its continuing commitment to pray and study
the issue.
Since that time, the session has read a chapter entitled Homosexuality from The Moral Vision of the
New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics by Richard Hays in which he argues for a traditional understanding of marriage based on Scripture.
The session also read The Bibles Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelicals Change of Heart by
Mark Achtemeier. Like Hays, he looks to Scripture to root his position, though Achtemeier ultimately argues in favor of same-sex marriage.
The readings helped illume the key biblical texts related to marriage and homosexuality, which provided a
helpful springboard for the session to then discuss these various key passages. Those passages discussed
include Genesis 2:20-25, Genesis 19:1-29, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Matthew 19:1-11, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11,
1 Timothy 1:9-10, Acts 15:28-29, Romans 1:18-32, Galatians 5:1923, 1 John 4:1, and Acts 10: 1
11:18. If you would like further information about these passages or the session discussion, please feel
free to talk with any of the active Ruling Elders or Bobby. The session remains committed to transparency
with the congregation regarding all matters, in particular those which are potentially challenging and divisive.
Finally, after much praying, reading, and discussing, the session remains committed to honoring the position they articulated in the letter sent out over the summer. That letter reiterated their Scripturally-based
understanding of marriage as between a man and a woman. If you would like a copy of this letter, please
contact the church office.
The Staff
Bobby Hulme-Lippert
Chris Martin
Director of Music and Organist
Christopher Tweel
Director of Christian Formation &
Pastoral Assistant
Vanessa Strait
Administrative Assistant
Martha Rubin
Rex Childs
Seminary Intern
Linda Pitts
Seminary Intern
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (804) 359-2463
Fax: (804) 278-6298
9:45 a.m.
10:55 a.m.
12:00 noon
Church Officers
Deacon Fund
Care and Deacon Fund
Greeters and Ushers