Bulletin 11.27.12
Bulletin 11.27.12
Bulletin 11.27.12
Pastors Notes: I want to thank you for generous spirit!!!! There is never a need brought to you that you do not join in together and give beyond your normal giving. This past Sunday, you gave $1222.75 towards the benevolent need & the victims of super storm Sandy. That money will be divided and given towards both the needs mentioned. Again, I just wanted to say thank you for helping to ease the burden for some needy people. We are entering a most busy time of year. There will be lots of parties and gatherings, plays and musicals, programs of all types. Lets make sure that we keep the focus of Christmas the Christ Child. I started a sermon series this past Sunday entitled What If?. I dealt with What if Christ had not come? What is Santa Claus was all we had. These were my 4 sermon points: Wed have somebody that only showed up 1 time a year Wed have somebody only concerned about our wants, not our needs Wed have somebody who knows when were good or bad, but cant do one thing about it Wed have somebody sneaking into our house
1. 2. 3. 4.
My message was not really about Santa Claus but reminding us that Jesus Christ offers us so much more. Hes there for us 24/7! He not only know when were bad, but died to change us. Hell never sneak into our house, but stands at the door and knocks.He waits for a special invitation. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I hope that you will be here the next several weeks as we continue to answer some What if questions in relation to the Christmas Story. Pastors Council Elections: Every two years, we give an opportunity for those who feel led to have their names run for possible election to the Church Administrative Board. The qualifications, as per our Church of God Minutes, are as follows: For a member to serve on the Church & Pastors Council, they must be: 1. A loyal member of the church, adhering to its teachings.
2. Baptized in the Holy Ghost (with the evidence of speaking with other tongues) 3. Faithful in tithing 4. A regular church attendant. 5. One who works in harmony with the local, state, and general churchs program and reflects a cooperative attitude toward the progress of the church. Our local church added the following after the Assembly of 2010: No people living in the same household can serve at the same time on the board. If there are people in the same household that gets votes to serve at the same time, the person with highest votes will get the position. Sign up is happening now! (Please note..The sign up sheet is for individuals who desire to serve to sign their own names. It is not a sheet for you to sign people up.) Please understand that it will be determined, once you sign up, whether you are eligible to serve or not. Sign-ups will continue until Wednesday night, December 5. We will be voting for the Church Administrative Board on Sunday Morning, December 9th. Please be much in prayer as to whether God would have you serve and who the Lord wants you to vote to for. Thank you!
Special dates during the month of December: His Story (Special Musical Drama) December 8 @ 7:00 PM & December 9th @ 6:00 PM Childrens Program December 16 @ 10:30 AM Church Fellowship December 16 @ 6:00 PM in the CLC Reading of Christmas Story & Christmas Carol Sing December 23 @ 6:00 PM December 16 at the Church Fellowship, we are asking everyone to bring canned goods and non-perishable items. We will be using these items to stock our food pantry. Thank you in advance for helping us to help others. THE OPEN HANDS DO WORK!!!!!! We are proof! PRAYER LIST
AMERICA. Marie Terry. Lisa Culbertson. Danny Cooper. Wayne Marlow. Larry Trotter. William Mixon. Bethany Laster. Lou Canupp. Kenneth Hand. Kaye Simmons. John Stankus. Curtis Culpepper. Michelle Martinez. Larry Lee. Jenny Wiggins. Rani Geraci. Joe Grimbly. Lopez. Loretta Burdette. Steve Vest Family. Judy Gahm. Lonnie Watson. Houston Cobb. Bob Bowen. Jackie Callicott. Linda Lida. Avery Craig. Brooke Sizemore. Kaye Brandenburg. Mary Sherbert. Margaret Eubanks. Those needing jobs, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes
Choir wears Christmas colors this Sunday, December 2st Saturday, Dec. 1st is the final setup day for "His Story". Much help is needed! Please consider giving a few hours to this effort! Below are the rehearsal times for His Story choir and cast: Tuesday, November 27th at 6:30 p.m. Vocal rehearsal for all choir members Wednesday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m. We will rehearse the first song. This will include Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, toddler Jesus, 12 year old Jesus, Ryan, shepherds and wise men. Thursday, December 6th 6:30 p.m. We will rehearse at least the first eight scenes Friday, December 7th 6:30 p.m. We will rehearse the second half and then have a full dress rehearsal for the entire presentation. The Kidz Kafe will be serving a spaghetti dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. for a $5.00 donation. A copy of the His Story Poster can be found at https://www.box.com/s/91o83932v6szrkn4c6vp
JOY CLUB CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP: Dec. 13 is the date set for our 2012 Christmas fellowship. We have some good things lined up for this meeting and I know you will enjoy being with us, however, we must know if you plan to attend. This is not one of those times when we can just show up. The meal is being catered and we must have a correct number who plan to attend. Please go by the SAM BULLETIN BOARD and sign up this week. The deadline for sign-up will be Wednesday night Dec. 5. Michael Davis, an outstanding musician, will be our special guest. We will also have a brief fun time along with our carol singing and the reading of the Christmas story. There will also be a gift for every person in attendance. We are expecting our best turn out yet for our Christmas 2012 meeting and we look forward to you joining with us.
Toy Closet item: Outdoor games/toys and Movies/DVD's We have more requests for older kids than for younger kids. If you can pick up anything for ages 13-17, it would be greatly appreciated. We have only 2 more weeks to collect items, so please bring them in as soon as possible. Ladies who were in the Ladies Drama "You are Holy," please bring your white shirt to Lisa Terry for the Children to use for their Christmas Program.
Dec. 6 - Monthly Band of Brothers meeting at 6:00. Come join us for a time of fellowship, food and devotion. Men of Resolution - 9:00 in the CLC Session 4 Session 5 December 15 Makeup Sessions- at 4:00 in the CLC Makeup December 2 Makeup December 30
The Youth are collecting NEW blankets for the Community Center. If you would like to donate one, please give it to one of our youth. The one who brings the most will win a prize. We want to make sure everyone stays warm this winter.
If your daughter is in Ms Deanna and Ms Tabitha Wednesday night class please make sure that they have their permission slip or a note signed stated they can go to the nursing home to give out Thankful Bags on Wednesday November 28! If you have any questions please see Ms Donna. Friday November 30 6-12 yr old will have Christmas Play semi dress reherseral. At 6:00 we will eat supper in the CLC and at 6:30 we will go across to the Main Sanctuary for Play Practice. This is a very important practice. If there is conflict please contact Ms Donna 382-9212. IMPORTANT DATES: December 15 @ 9:30 Dress Rehearsal for 2-5 yr old Christmas Play December 15 @ 10:45 Christmas Party for 2-12 December 15 @ 11:30 Dress Rehearsal for 6-12 for Christmas Play
Hispanic Ministries
What a wonderful service Sunday morning and night. Sunday morning I preached on how God is faithful to those who in the mist of their suffering do not give up the fight. Mathew 5:10 For theirs is the kingdom of God. After the service I sat down with Paola and as we were talking I asked her if she was baptized in water she said no and then I asked her if she was saved and she said she doesnt remember if she accepted Jesus. That Sunday morning after I interrogated her I asked her if she wanted to receive Jesus in her heart and she said yes. Praise the Lord, He is a blessing for everyone that wants him. I would encourage you to stop by and say hi to the Hispanic church and please keep us in your prayer. Amen
WEIGH TO GO is a Christian weight loss support group. We meet every Tuesday at 6pm in the classroom underneath the main sanctuary. Entrance to the classrooms is located in the alley between main church and the youth building. Beginning January 1, 2013 WEIGH TO GO will start "Made To Crave" a 6 week Bible study. This Bible study will help us to learn to redirect our cravings for food to craving a better relationship with GOD. For more information please contact Darryl Crowe 670-9305 or darrylcrowe@charter.net
Spotlight: Happy 18th Birthday to Amber Young Love, Mom and Dad
Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters Curtis & Betty Culpepper Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team #2 Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Night Bus: Phillip Pruitt and Daniel Johnson Van 1: Garren Burdette and Thomas Peebles Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Late Workers for Wednesday Night: Donna Burdette and Deanna Burgess Nursery Wednesday Izzy Nichols Sunday AM Stephanie & Savannah Fowler PM Ann Knight 2-5 yr old Kiddie Church: Lori Crocker and Judy Crocker - Christmas Play Practice 6-12 yr old Kiddie Church: Donna and Garren Burdette & Christmas Play Committee Christmas Play Practice Youth Workers for Kidz Church- McKailey, Alexis, & Josh Music Wednesday Brad Burnett Sunday AM Kerri McAlister Sunday PM-Mike Peeler Praise Team Gold Computer Patrick Brown Guitar Duck, Freddie