Synthesis of Urea From Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide': The Journal Indust'Rial A N D Engineerihtg Chemistry
Synthesis of Urea From Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide': The Journal Indust'Rial A N D Engineerihtg Chemistry
Synthesis of Urea From Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide': The Journal Indust'Rial A N D Engineerihtg Chemistry
Basaroff13in 1870, found that "considerable" quantities of
urea could be obtained by heating ammonium carbamate in
sealed tubes a t a temperature between 130" and 140" C.
He also found that commercial ammonium carbonate is partly
converted to urea by similar treatment, but no yields are
given. Ilerroun,4 in 1881, discovered that urea and ammonium cyanate are formed when a mixture of air with the vapors
of benzene and ammonia solutions is passed over a heated
platinum wire and subsequently cooled. These experiments
were performed in simple laboratory apparatus and yielded
only sufficient product to serve for analysis. M i ~ t e r in
1882, synthesized urea from ammonia and carbon dioxide by
passing the mixed gases through a hot tube a t atmospheric
pressure. Urea was formed a t the rate of 10 to 13 mg. per
hr.; the quantity of ammonia used per hour is not stated,
however. Bourgeois16in 1897, carried out experiments very
similar to those of Basaroff, and by alternate heating and
cooling with release of pressure managed to obtain a 6 per
cent conversion to urea. Finally, in 1911, the reaction was
investigated quite thoroughly by Fichter and B e c l ~ e r . ~
I n August 1919, this Laboratory began an investigation of
the synthesis of urea from ammonia and carbon dioxide.
Preliminary experiments mere performed with ammonium
carbamate, which was made by passing ammonia gas and
carbon dioxide into absolute alcohol according to the method
of Mente.8 The ammonium carbamate was sealed in heavy
glass tubes and heated a t different temperatures for several
hours. After cooling, the contents of the tubes were removed
and analyzed for urea. The yields of urea were extremely
low. It was later realized that several important factors
influencing this reaction were not at first fully appreciated.
These factors are brought out by a consideration of the
thermochemistry and thermodynamics involved and will be
briefly discussed.
The formation of urea from ammonium carbamate is
essentially expressed by the equation:
(NH&C02 =e CO(NH& f H10
- heat
K = 0.0385.
X 0.4089 = 0.1227 g.
From the considerations just mentioned we can conclude
that the commercial qccess of the process lies in the ability
to utilize solid ammonium carbamate as the starting material
and that the highest practicable temperature should be employed. The glass tube experiments were continued in order
to determine the influence of other factors. This laboratory
was soon able to establish conditions under which a conversion of approximately 40 per cent of the total ammonia t o
urea could be consistently obtained.
It is evident that since the equilibrium is established in the
liquid phase and presumably only a negligible amount, if any,
of urea is in the gaseous phase, the extent of conversion is
dependent on the ratio of the volumes of liquid and gas
11 The authors are indebted to Messrs. E. J. For and I,. Pinck of this
Laboratory for analytical assistance in connection with this investigation.
in this field have used the method of Mente,8 in which ammonia and carbon dioxide are passed into cold absolute alcohol, ammonium carbamate separating out. The use of
absolute alcohol, of course, limits the use of this method to a
laboratory scale. Another objection is that it is impossible
to remove the last traces of alcohol from the precipitated
carbamate. According to Fichter and Becker, traces of
alcohol exercise an inhibiting effect on the formation of urea,
July, 1922
24. SO
M. and F.l
M. and F.
M. and F.
M. and
M. and F.
M. and F.
Matignon and Frejacques, Compt. rend., 170 (1920), 462.
Briner, J . chim. p h r s . , 4 (1906), 266.
+ HzO
July, 1922
sis of ammonia. The problem of designing apparatus to of the condenser instead of passing them into acid for the reoperate a t these pressures is, however, much simpler since covery of uncondensed ammonia. This recirculation would
we are dealing with a much lower temperature and with effect a saving of both carbon dioxide and ammonia, and deheavier gases, and consequently the question of the porosity serves consideration. No attempt was made in this work to
of metals to gases does not enter. Moreover, it is necessary test out the practicability of recirculation.
I n these distillation experiments, the apparatus was
to maintain this high pressure only in one stage of the process and not in pipe connections where ordinarily great diffi- arranged so that carbon dioxide could be forced through the
culties arise. Furthermore, it is necessary to use autoclaves liquid sludge and then through the jacketed pipe leading to
of small diameter in order to cause rapid transfer of heat the condenser. A tube, connected to the vent in the hopper of
through the charge, and therefore the difficulties of holding the condenser and dipping into water, gave an indication of
the pressure are much reduced. Only mechanical considera- the voliime of gas passing through the system without contions limit the height of the autoclave.
One step in the process still to be investigated was the
distillation of the autoclave sludge, to separate the unconverted ammonium carbamate and condense it for further use in
the process. For these experiments actual sludges, formed
by the conversion of the carbamate charge, were discharged
into the still.
The composition of the sludges was approximately the
same for all distillation experiments; 40 per cent of the total
ammonia was in the form of urea, and t h e remainder was
combined with carbon dioxide in the proportion of two moles
of ammonia to one of carbon dioxide. A quantity of water
equivalent in moles to the quantity of urea was also present.
The sludge was released slowly from the autoclave into the
still and cooled to about 57 to 59 C. In order to insure
uniform composition in all parts of the sludge and to facilitate
the escape of vapor, the still was equipped with a stirring
device. Fig. I X shows the complete installation. The still
was provided with a jacket and fitted up so that either cooling densing. The flow of carbon dioxide was regulated so that
water or steam could be circulated.
this volume of escaping gas was very small. Several sludges
The results of the conversion experiments indicated that were distilled in a stream of carbon dioxide and without addabout 40 per cent of the ammonia would be removed from ing any make-up ammonia in order to test the efficiency of
each charge as urea. Assuming that the remaining BO per the carrying agent. Results showed that all but a few per
cent could be recovered by distillation and condensation, it cent of the ammonia could be removed from the liquid sludge
became necessary to make up this deficiency during the for- when carbon dioxide was used as a carrier and that complete
mation of the new autoclave charge. The most direct method condensation of the ammonia distilled off could be obtained
was to introduce the make-up gases into the gas stream under proper conditions. The rate of distillation and the
distilling from the sludge and thus utilize the same condenser smoothness of the heating curve of the sludge were found to
for both purposes-recovery and make-up of the deficiency. be important factors bearing on the efficiency of condensation. The rate of distillation is of course governed by the
This procedure was thoroughly tested.
the first experiments on capacity of the condenser. From Fig. VI we see that the
the distillation of sludges the gases were allowed to pass over maximum capacity a t 100 per cent efficiency is about 700 g.
into the condenser as a result of their own vapor pressure. per hr. The autoclave has a capacity of about 4500 g. in 4 hrs.
Additional or make-up ammonia and carbon dioxide were or 1125 g. per hr.-very nearly twice the capacity of the
mixed with these vapors just before their entrance into the condenser. It is to be expected that the preparation of
condenser. The course of the distillation could be followed an autoclave charge cannot therefore be efficiently carried
from the results of analyses of the sludge residue taken from out in 4 hrs. with the apparatus described. These experitime to time during the distillation. The amount of make- ments indicated that it was possible to condense completely
up gas was determined by metering the ammonia and carbon the vapor distilling from a sludge.
dioxide. The general conclusion from these experiments is
The sludges have a boiling point, or region, where the
that the rate of distillation as governed by the vapor pressure distillation will proceed regularly and uniformly. If superof the solution is too slow to be practicable. It is not possible heating is attempted it is to be expected that control of the
to heat the solution to a sufficiently high temperature to give flow of gas will be difficult. We have found that this boiling
a satisfactory current of vapor, since above 80 urea de- range is at about -57 to 59 C.; if this temperature is maincomposes 011 continued heating in solution. It was very tained throughout most of the distillation a steady stream of
evident that some carrier for the gases must be provided to vapor can be passed into the condenser. When most of the
gaseous constituents of the sludge have been distilled off it
hasten the distillation a t lower temperatures.
Selection Of is necessary gradually t80increase the temperature until about
carbon dioxide as the carrier gas was largely due to its relative 80 C. is reached. With these results obtained, the final step
cost as compared with ammonia. Under the conditions of of the investigation was to combine the use of the carrier and
operation it seemed probable that a small fraction of the car- the addition of make-up ammonia.
rier gas would be lost, but the excess of carbon dioxide in the
It can be seen that continuous operation of this process is
condenser would effect a higher percentage of ammonia possible when the capacities of the autoclave and condenser
utilization. Consequently, the use of carbon dioxide as a are the same; that is, the condenser must produce during
carrier gas is justified. In this connection it may be well to the period of conversion just as much ammonium carbamate
refer to the possibility of recirculating the gases coming out as the autoclave requires for one charge. Since continuous