NHDT Fouling

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Engineering Joumal of the University of Qatar, Vol. 18, 2005, pp.

Hassan AI-haj Ibrahim
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
AI-Baath University
Homs, Syria.
Ahmad Safwat
Suez Canal University
Suez, Egypt.
Nadra Hussamy
Homs Oil Refinery
Homs, Syria.
The problem of fouling on heat exchanger surfaces has been one of the major unresolved problems of the
hydrotreatment unit at the Homs oil refinery in Syria. In this unit, a feed stream of straight-run naphtha is
preheated in a series of four het exchangers prior to the hydrotreater. Sever e fouling conditions led to an
overall reduction in the performance of the unit as a result of lower temperatures at the heat exchangers
outlet and increased pressure drop. An investigation of the cause or causes of this problem was called foro For
this purpose, deposits from the heat exchanger surfaces were analyzed in order to identify the fouling
mechanism(s). Such analysis pointed unmistakably to fouling due to polymerization in general and oxygen-
initiated polymerization in particular. Various laboratory tests were also conducted on the naphtha feed
stream, which provided indications of the stream's polymerization potential. Since the naphtha feed stream
was drawn from blending tanks that are not very well blanketed, the naphtha must clearly be exposed to
atmospheric oxygen. It was concluded that a gaseous protective layer, composed ofnitrogen or refinery gas, is
essential for the amelioration of the fouling conditions encountered in the heat exchangers.
Despite great technical achievements in the design and manufacture of heat exchangers in the past two decades,
the problem of fouling on heat exchanger surfaces remains one of the major unresolved problems in Thermal
Science. The costs of fouling in heat recovery and transfer equipment is estimated at about $5 billion per year in the
United States alone [1].
Fouling is generally defined as the accumulation of unwanted materials on the surfaces of processing equipment.
The two main effects of fouling are production losses and increased maintenance costs.
Fouling may be divided into six distinctively different mechanisms [1]:
l. Crystallization, usually observed in process equipment cooling towers and steam generation plants.
2. Particulate sedimentation and deposition of partic1es on heat exchanger surfaces.
3. Chemical reaction and polymerization leading to the formation of oil sludge, organic oxidation products,
4. Coking and hydrocarbon depositions. This usually occurs at high temperatures.
5. Biological and organic material growth. This occurs in seawater, and in types ofwaste treatment systems.
6. Corrosion, a mechanism which is dependent on thermal resistance and surface roughness.
In general, several of these fouling mechanisms may occur at the same time and each requires a different
prevention technique.
In the present work, the fouling mechanisms in the heat exchangers of the naphtha hydrotreater plant at the Homs
Oil refinery were investigated. This plant is one of the most important units at the Homs Oil Refinery, with an
annual capacity of 480,000 tons/yr. lt is used to remove impurities such as sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, halides and
trace metal impurities that may deactivate reforming catalysts. Furthermore, the quality of the naphtha fractions is
also upgraded by reducing potential gum formation as a result of the conversion of olefins and diolefins into
paraffins. The process utilizes a catalyst (Hydrobon) in the presence of substantial amounts of hydrogen under high
pressures (50 bars)and temperatures (320C) (Fig. 1). The feedstock for this unit is a blend of light and heavy
straight-run naphtha fractions from four different topping units. The resulting naphtha is left in a blending tank for a
H. A. Ibrahim et. al. IInvestigation of the Fouling Mechanisms in the Heat Exchangers of a Hydrotreater
sufficient period oftime to aIlow for equilibrium conditions to be realized. A series offour heat exchangers (A, B, C
and D) is used to preheat the naphtha feed [2].
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Figure 1: Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit
A major fouling problem was encountered early on in the heat exchangers used for pre-heating the unit feedstock.
This was indicated by an increased pressure drop in the reactor (to about 7 bars), decreased flow rate and lower
temperatures at the heat exchangers outlet. As a consequence,:fuel .consumption increased and the unit operation had
to be interrupted at frequent intervals for cleaning and maintenance purposes.
In order to identify the main mechanisms responsible for the fouling conditions observed in the heat exchangers,
the naphtha feed and deposits on heat exchanger surfaces and in the reactor were analyzed. The results of this
analysis are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
It is apparent from the examination of the deposit analysis shown in Table 2 that most deposits are organic in
nature, as the loss reported on heating the deposit samples to 840C was greater than 80 % in both the "B" and "C"
heat exchangers, where working temperatures are rather high. Since organic deposits result mainly from
polymerization reactions, the high organic content observed in the deposit analysis could be taken as an indication
that the fouling in these two heat exchangers is due mainly to polymerization, which could take place in the heat
exchangers themselves or it could occur prior to the heat exchangers either during storage or in transporto The
presence of carboxylic compounds in the deposit is also consistent with a mechanism of peroxide formation and
polymerization propagation.
As is weIl known, polymerization reactions are ofien initiated by free radicals or certain transition metals. Free
radical polymerization occurs when a free radical is formed and continues to react with other molecules. Such
radicals are easily formed at the temperatures found in the preheat exchangers. The formation of free radicals has
been investigated extensively and it is known that sorne compounds form free radicaIs more readily than others [3].
Once formed, the free radicals continue to propagate in the feed stream producing longer chain polymers. These
polymers wiIl continue to be produced as long as free radicals are being formed. Free radical polymerization is
easily initiated in the presence of light and heat and its rate for polymer formation increases exponentiaIly with
temperature. A general rule is that for every 10C increase in temperature, the rate of polymer formation doubles.
Free radical polymerization, leading to the formation of organic sediments or polymers, readily takes place in
storage tanks [3].
There are numerous types of free radicals which can be formed in a feed stream. These include the breaking of a
double bond, or an unsaturated bond to produce an alkyl radical or other types of polymerization precursors such as
nitrogen and sulphur radicals. The presence of unsaturated components in the feed stream contributes significantly
to polymerization reactions, particularly at high temperatures. The significant effect of the hydrogenation process in
Engineering Journal of the University of Qatar, Vol. 18, 2005, pp. 9-14
decreasing the content of unsaturated components is apparent from an examination of the results shown in Table 1,
where the unsaturated components decreased from 0.35 to 0.09 %.
Table 1: Analysis of Naphtha Feed (Straight Run Naphtba)
Source of sample Feedline Blending tank Pump dish Storage for 6 months Hydro-treated
Saybolt Colour 12 12 >20 12 >20
Gum mg/ 100 ml 0.7 1.0 0.5 2.2 2.0
Acidity mg KOH/g 0.004 0.008 0.009 0.026 0.015
Bromine No. g/lOOg 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.33 0.09
Total Sulphur (wt %) 0.070
0.050 0.042 0.035 0.00
Nitrogen mg/l 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.48 0.08
Aromatics (wt %) 9.38 9.74 8.55 9.27 0.00
Olefins (wt %) 0.35 0.26 0.42 0.31 0.00
Table 2: Analysis of Naphtha Feed Deposits
I Year I 1999
2000 2001
Heat Top of A BI B2 C D
Exchanger reactor
Loss at 105C (wt %) 0.00 l.l7 1.03 1.05 l.l5 1.14
Loss at 550C (wt %) 0.00 84.72 79.70 95.10 90.17 94.42 57.17
Loss at 840C (wt %) 99.76 85.81 85.81 80.00 95.29 90.19 94.48 57.99
Ash (wt%) 0.04 15.19 15.19 20.00 4.71 9.81 5.52 42.01
Carbon (wt %) 0.00 19.0I
Chloride (wt %) 56.93 Trace Trace 170 435 O 664 50800
Sulphate (ppm) 0.00 Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace 129
Sulphur (wt %) 2.58 11.00 11.00 17.00 13.50 13.80 10.20 13.00
Arnmonium (ppm) 33 Trace 42 1184 43 134 4969
Iron (wt % ofash) 0.05 10.14 10.40 19.30 2.83 1.70 2.80 15.58
Sodium (ppm of ash) 138 1628 1473 1047 825 3301 914
Calcium (ppm of ash) O 159 459 179 78 377 1431
Magnesium (ppm of 31 25 90 41 19 102 1431
Chromium (ppm of ash) 851 995 231 107 1166 196 1096
Copper (ppm of ash) O 296 511 319 74 443 126
Nickel (ppm of ash) O 268 378 129 63 O 521
C/H rato 19.01
One type of free radical polymerization is that of oxygen-initiated polymerization. Oxygen reacts with a hydro-
carbon to form a peroxide free radical. The free radicals increase in chain length as more hydrocarbons are attached.
Air is the main oxygen source in non-blanketed storage tanks, but oxygenated compounds in the feed stream may
provide another source of oxygen, which become more reactive as the feed stream is heated [3].
Metal-initiated polymerization may be considered '1S a special case of free radical polymerization. The metal ion
has the ability to catalyze reactions by making it easier to form free radicals at lower temperatures. This occurs when
a ligand is broken from a metal complex. The unshared electrons resulting from this break react with an unsaturated
hydrocarbon or oxygen to form a free radical [4].
There are numerous metals which, in very low concentrations, can act as a catalyst and initiate polymerization
reactons. The metals may be in the form of metal salts or metal complexes. Metal salts may themselves contribute
to deposit formation or disassociate at higher temperatures to catalyze sorne polymerization reactions. Sorne ofthese
catalytically reactive metals are iron, copper, nickel, vanadium, chromium, calcium and magnesium [3].
H. A. Ibrahim et. al. {InvestigatiDn Df the FDuling Mechanisms in the Heat Exchangers Df a Hydrotreater
A further type of polymerization reactions involves a non-free radical mechanism in which the formation of a
polymer is not through the formation of a free radical, but results from the reaction of two different molecules under
the right conditions. One of the reactive components may be a radical or a compound from a free radical-initiated
polymerization step. An example of non free radical polymerization is condensation polymerization. In this type of
polymerization, two large radicals, or compounds, react together to form an even larger compound, but in their
reaction also generate a smaller cornpound, such as water. This new larger compound can continue to react with
other reactive species in the feed stream to make higher molecular weight polymers. At sorne point, the polymer will
either get so large in size that it is no longer able to stay entrained or soluble in the fluid stream and deposit, or all
the different compounds that can react with it are consumed, and no further polymer is formed [3].
Analysis of the naphtha feed indicates the presence of many species that may cause fouling. Although straight run
naphtha does not in general contain enough unsaturated compounds to generate a serious fouling problem, this may
well happen with certain types of feedstock. There are several tests which can be used to determine if certain organic
precursors, which are known 'to contribute to polymerization mechanisms, are in the feed. The bromine number is
one such test in which the degree of unsaturation in a feed stream is measured. The unsaturated bonds react with
bromine, and the amount of bromine reacted is an indication of the degree of unsaturation [4]. The more unsaturated
a feed is, the greater its potential to form polymers by oxidative or free radical polymerization mechanisms. It is
apparent from Table l that the olefins content as measured by the bromine number of the naphtha feed is rather low
(less than 0.5%), and no significant changes are to be observed in their values even after storing the naphtha for a
period of six months. This could indicate that the polymerization reactions are not, in the main, initiated by the
presence of unsaturated compounds in the feed.
Apart from the hydrocarbon compounds, of which naphtha is primarily composed, the presence and concentration
of trace elements such as sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen can significantly contribute to a stream's fouling potential.
Organic sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds increase the potential for various polymerization reactions,
depending on the form in which they exist. The basic nitrogen test determines the amount of basic compounds in a
sample, such as amines, which are organic bases. This method can, however, overestimate the basic nitrogen content
which can react with other compounds or with themselves to form polymers by several different polymerization
mechanisms. The presence of sulphur in the feed may contribute to the activation of polymerization reactions.
Additional polymerization precursors that can be analyzed for and should be taken into consideration inelude
carbonyls, mercaptans, and pyrrole nitrogen. AH of these compounds are known to contribute to free radical and
non-free radical (condensation) polymerization mechanisms. In the present case neither the sulphur content (Iess
than 0.1%) nor the nitrogen content (less than 0.5%) are high enough to contribute significantly to polymerization
reactions Table l.
Analysis for metals in the hydrotreater feed samples does indicate the presence of individual metals in the stream
(Table 2). Although, sorne of these metals may only be found in very low concentrations, this may be sufficient for
catalyzing different polymerization mecbanisms.
The potential for polymerization increases significantly, when naphtha is routed through intermediate blending
tanks, even with good blanketing and reduced oxygen presence. This is because of the increase of residence time,
which allows free radicals generation reactions to progress even if the reaction rate is slow. With long reaction
times sorne reactions are bound to take place.
When blanketing is not efficient, and oxygen can find its way to contaminate naphtha, the potential for
polymerization is definitely increased. This is a two steps process. First, oxygen reacts with sorne molecule to
generate a peroxide, a step occurring in the tank. Second, when heat is applied as in the pre-heat exchangers,
peroxides start fast polymerization reactions, leading to the formation of the polymers that eventually deposit on hot
surfaces of the heat exchangers [5]. A similar effect may also result from increased transfer time and exposure to
As can be seen from Table (1), the nitrogen content ofthe naphtha feed increased during storage from 0.36 to 0.48
mg/l, a fact which indicates air leakage into the tank. It is to be expected that an improved blanket layer could reduce
significantly this effect. Since nitrogen is not available in the refinery in a sufficient quantity, fuel gas is used instead
for blanketing the storage tanks.
Engineedng Journal of the University of Qatar, Vol. 18, 2005, pp. 9-14
The potentia1 gum test is a method of detennining a sample's oxidative po1ymerization potential. This test
provides a very good indicator of whether or not oxygen contamination will increase the fou1ing potentia1 of the
fluid. The gum content in the naphtha feed after storage for six months increased from 0.7 to 2.2 mg/100 ml.
Simi1ar1y, the gum content for the hydrotreated naphtha increased on storage as can be clear1y seen from Tab1e l.
This also points to insufficient b1anketing ofthe storage tank.
The neutra1ization number, or acid number, is an indication of fou1ing tendency, where the more acidic the feed
stream, the greater is its tendency to foul. This is most 1ike1y due to the fact that acidic compounds can promote free
radical po1ymerization by initiating free radica1s through the fonnation of a positive ion or cation. The acidity in the
naphtha after storage increased from 0.0035 to 0.026 mg KH/g.
All these observations tend to confinn that storing the naphtha feed for longer periods of time is a major cause of
po1ymerization reactions, and hence of fou1ing in the heat exchangers under study. This was demonstrated in fact
when the naphtha feed was taken directly from the topping unit bypassing thereby the b1ending tanks. A dramatic
decrease in the organic content of the deposits was irnmediate1y observed, indicating decreased po1ymerization
activity, along with a corresponding improvement of the fouling situation in the heat exchangers (Tab1e 3).
Table 3: Analysis of Naphtha Feed Deposits when the Naphtha was taken directly to the Heat Exchangers
without Prior Storage
B1 B2 C1 C2 Dl Top of
Loss at 105C (wt %) 5.55 1.12 2.63 2.49 1.59 0.10
Loss at 550C (wt %) 55.48 40.60 44.00 44.34 38.17 20.05
Loss at 840C (wt %) 68.19 40.76 45.16 55.34 40.36 20.07
Ash (wt %) 31.81 59.24 54.14 55.34 59.64 79.30
Carbon (wt %) 8.85 11.48 9.65 18.80 1.30 11.12
Chloride (wt %) 0.31 0.10 0.84 0.65 0.71 305
Su1phur (wt %) 21.33 24.43 27.90 24.10 45.04 25.28
Ammonium (ppm) 963
Iron (wt % ofash) 23.31 43.85 28.53 36.00 37.15 50.14
Sodium (ppm of ash) 6342 2080 1247 533 413 516
CaIcium (ppm of ash) 935 660 182 86 120 O
Magnesium (ppm of ash) 608 408 176 89 121 O
Chromium (ppm of ash) 3366 5644 1147 1065 2049
Copper (ppm of ash) 2525 1970 967 664 496
Nickel (ppm of ash) 1772 977 345 224 369
Similar arguments to the aboye apply in the case of the "A" heat exchanger, where po1ymerization may account
for about 80% of the total fou1ing associated with it. Further, fouling by corrosion may not be negligib1e, with about
19% of the total fouling may be due to corros ion, as is clearIy indicated by the iron content of the deposits obtained
from the A heat exchanger (Tab1e 2). Po1ymerization, however, cou1d not be the sole mechanism responsib1e for
fou1ing in the "D" heat exchanger, where fouling by polymerization accounts for no more than about 50%. Sorne
other mechanism must no doubt contribute a not insignificant part to the overall fouling situation. Examination of
the data points unmistakab1y to particulate fouling as the second major contributor to fou1ing in this particular heat
In conclusion it can be said that the amelioration of the fouling conditions observed in the heat exchangers under
study can to a considerable extent be reduced by dispensing with naphtha storage and taking the feed directly from
the topping unit. Where this is not feasib1e or possib1e, better b1anketing conditions for the storage tanks are
essentia1, where a gaseous protective layer, composed of nitrogen or refinery gas, may be used to the best advantage.
H. A. Ibrahim et. al. IInvestigation of the Fouling Mechanisms in the Heat Exchangers of a Hydrotreater
l. Brown, R. L., 1992. Heat exchanger fouling causes problems in gas and liquid system. pp. 2-10.
2. Homs Oil Refinery, 1989. Process and Operating Manual ofNaphtha Hydrotreating process unit. pp. 15-20.
3. Bernard C. and Groce, P. E. 1996. Controlling Hydrotreater Fouling Problem Identification is Key To cost-
Effective Solutions. Oil and Gas Journal.
4. Vanhove, A.; 1998.Fouling Control in Refinery. Hydrocarbon Engineering, July/august, pp. 5-6.
5. Betez Dearborn Technical note, 2000. Fouling problems on Homs refinery naphtha hydrotreater, pp. 1-4.

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