A Novel Design of Folded Dipole For Broadband Printed Yagi-Uda Antenna

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

46, 2330, 2014

A Novel Design of Folded Dipole for Broadband Printed

Yagi-Uda Antenna
Zedong Wang* , Xianglong Liu, Yingzeng Yin, Junhui Wang, and Zhaoxing Li
AbstractIn this paper, a printed wideband Yagi-Uda antenna with a novel folded dipole driver is
proposed. The folded dipole driver is comprised of a folded dipole and a microstrip feedline which
functions as an internal balun to mainly determine its wide impedance bandwidth. With the optimized
parameters, an operating band of 1.69 GHz 2.72 GHz can be obtained. Besides the folded dipole
driver, the broadband printed Yagi-Uda antenna also consists of three directors and a reflector. Its
wideband performance is mainly determined by the folded dipole driver, while the reflector and directors
improve its performance slightly. By optimizing the geometrical parameters of the folded dipole driver,
a bandwidth of 61.8% (1.53 GHz 2.93 GHz) for return loss being higher than 10 dB is achieved. The
proposed printed Yagi-Uda antenna is realized on FR4 substrate with a measured operating bandwidth
of 62% (1.51 GHz 2.94 GHz), a flat gain (5.6 dB 7.3 dB), more than 10 dB front-to-back ratio and
lower than 15 dB cross-polarization level.
A printed Yagi-Uda antenna, firstly introduced in [1], comprises a reflector, a driver and several directors.
The truncated ground plane of the antenna acts as a reflector for the transverse-electric surface wave
generated by the driver. The parasitic directors are used to enhance the radiation in the forward end fire
direction. Owing to the advantages of high gain, end-fire radiation pattern, ease-fabrication and low cost,
the printed Yagi-Uda antenna has attracted much interest with many applications in radar, millimeterwave imaging, wireless communication system and etc.. As the development of wireless communication
proceeding, many significant efforts have been made to design printed Yagi-Uda antenna and improve
its performance for several wireless communications such as the series-fed two bowtie dipole array for
enhancing the front-to-back ratio [2], the Sierpinki or Koch fractals shaped dipole elements for reduction
in size [35] and dipole driver with derived sections for multiband operation [6, 7].
Also many printed broadband Yagi-Uda antennas [810] have been reported in recent years. In
the design of these antennas, designing a suitable feed structure is the key procedure to obtain a wide
operating band. The described quasi-Yagi antenna in [8] is fed by a microstrip line-to-coplanar strip
line (MS-to-CPS) transition is presented. This transition introduced a phase delay of 180 between two
MS branches by adjusting their length. A bandwidth of 48% (7.3 GHz 11.9 GHz) for VSWR < 2 is
achieved by this transition. In [9], a coplanar waveguide-coplanar stripline (CPW-CPS) transition is
utilized to alleviate the complicated feeding network. The antenna consists of two director elements,
a driven element and ground plane acting as a reflector while the 10-dB-return-loss bandwidth of this
antenna is 44%. A wideband quasi-Yagi antenna fed by microstrip-to-slotline transition is presented
in [10]. The transition consists of a microstrip radial stub and slot radial stub, both at 90 , but with
different radii, and a wide bandwidth of 46% (4.64 GHz 7.42 GHz) for return loss being higher than
10 dB is achieved. In [11], a quasi-Yagi antenna was designed by using a folded dipole as driver element.
Compared with the standard quasi-Yagi antenna, the antenna has a reduction in the length of driver
and an operational bandwidth of approximately 1.3 : 1.
Received 18 November 2013, Accepted 10 December 2013, Scheduled 12 December 2013
* Corresponding author: Zedong Wang (zedongwang1989@163.com).
The authors are with the National Laboratory of Science and Technology on Antennas and Microwaves, Xidian University, Xian,
Shaanxi 710071, China.


Wang et al.

In this paper, a novel design of folded dipole antenna in Figure 1(a) is introduced. The folded
dipole antenna consists of a folded dipole and a microstrip feedline. A microstrip feedline acts as
an internal balun to enhance its operating band. In Figure 1(a), the outer of SMA is connected
with the fold dipole while its inner pin being welded with microstrip feedline. By choosing suitable
parameters of structure, a considerable impedance bandwidth of 45.5% (1.69 2.72 GHz) can be
achieved. In order to make the antenna to have a wider bandwidth and good end fire radiation
characteristic, the folded dipole is utilized as the driver element in printed Yagi-Uda antenna. In
Figure 1(b), the proposed printed Yagi-Uda antenna consists of a reflector, a folded dipole driver
and three directors. This antenna also utilizes a rectangular metal strip as a reflector instead of the
ground plane reflector in [810]. By optimizing the geometrical parameters of feed line structure, an
operating bandwidth of 61.8% (1.53 GHz 2.93 GHz) is obtained with a stable gain between 5.6 dB
and 7.2 dB. So the proposed antenna can be a good Part in some wireless communication systems
such as PCS (1.75 GHz 1.87 GHz), WCDMA (1.92 2.17 GHz), WLAN (2.4 2.48 GHz), LTE
2300/2500(2.3 GHz 2.4 GHz/2.5 GHz 2.69 GHz). In many applications [1113], the planar quasiYagi antenna is always designed as an element in antenna array. So another modification of the proposed
folded dipole in Figure 1(d) is proposed to make this antenna as an appropriate element in array with
printed feeding network.





Figure 1. (a) The overview of the folded dipole. (b) The overview of the proposed Yagi-Uda antenna.
(c) The detail of the modified folded dipole in printed Yagi-Uda antenna. (d) The modified form of the
proposed Yagi-Uda antenna.


2.1. Folded Dipole Antenna Design
As shown in Figure 1(a), the folded dipole is an approximate rectangular metal loop fed at center point.
It functions as two parallel /2 length dipoles with the similar current distribution. The proposed
folded dipole antenna is designed on a 60 34 1.6-mm3 FR4 substrate ( = 4.4, tan = 0.02). The

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 46, 2014


microstrip feedline is etched on the front side of substrate while the folded dipole on the back. The
microstrip feedline can be divided into two parts, A and B, with different widths (W f 1 and W f 2).
Part A is connected with inner pin of SMA while the outer of SMA is connected with folded dipole.
Part B and dipole is shorted with via. The length (Ld) of dipole is set as 0.5eff . The eff refers to the
effective wavelength at the center frequency of operation with evaluating the effective dielectric constant
value eff as (r + 1)/2. In order to have a good impedance characteristic with input feed, the width
(W f 1) of Part A is set as 3.5 mm while the width (W d) of folded dipole is 11 mm. Thus the microstrip
feedline has 50 characteristic impedance. By the analysis of even and odd mode excitation, it can be
obtained that the input impedance of this folded dipole is four times larger than that of half-wavelength
dipole. For half-wavelength dipole, its input impedance is about 70 . So the input impedance (Rin)
of the proposed folded dipole antenna is about 280 . By the theory of stepped impedance conversion,
the microstrip feedline with two different parts is designed as a balun to make the antenna having a
broad operating band. The equivalent circuit of feeding structure is shown in Figure 2. The section A
is a transmission line with characteristic impedance ZOA = 50 while the section B is /4 impedance
with characteristic impedance ZOB . The ZOB is equal to about 118 by the equation of
ZOB = ZOA Rin in [14]. So the width (W f 2) of Part B is about 0.5 mm. By the suitable parameters
(Lf 1 = 24.25 mm, Lf 1 = 3.5 mm, Lf 2 = 34.5 mm, W f 2 = 0.5 mm, Ld = 51.75 mm, W d = 11 mm,
W g = 10 mm, Lg1 = 20.5 mm), a good impedance bandwidth of 45.5% (1.69 2.72 GHz) can be
obtained which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. The equivalent circuit of the feeding structure.

Figure 3. Return loss of the optimized proposed folded dipole and printed Yagi-Uda antenna.

2.2. Printed Yagi-Uda Antenna Design

The configuration of the planar Yagi Uda antenna is shown in Figure 1(b). The proposed antenna is
designed on the FR4 substrate ( = 4.4, tan = 0.02) of the size of 117 mm 90 mm 1.6 mm.
The directors, folded dipole and reflector are printed on the back side of the substrate while the
microstrip feedline on the front side. The folded dipole antenna in Section 2.1 is utilized to enhance
the broadband performance. In Figure 1(c), the folded dipole and microstrip feedline has a little
modification to slightly enhance its performance. Also the directors can moderately improve the
wideband performance of printed Yagi-Uda antenna with couple effect between directors and folded


Wang et al.

dipole. According to the theory of Yagi-Uda antenna, the length (Ld1, Ld2, and Ld3) of director
should be about 0.45eff max with the length (W ) of reflector being about 0.55eff min . The eff max refers
to the effective wavelength at the highest operating frequency about 2.9 GHz while the eff min refers
to the effective wavelength at the lowest operating frequency about 1.5 GHz. The effective dielectric
constant value eff is evaluated as (r + 1)/2. The distance between director and driver is about
0.150 0.30 while the distance between driver and reflector is near 0.150 0.30 . The 0 is
the wavelength of the center frequency (fo = 2.2 GHz) in free space. So it is firstly assumed that
Ld1 = Ld2 = Ld3 28.4 mm, Sr = Sd1 = Sd2 = Sd3 26 mm, W 68 mm. By optimizing
the geometrical size of the proposed antenna with Ansoft HFSSv15.0, a broad operating bandwidth of
61.8% (1.53 GHz 2.93 GHz) is achieved as shown in Figure 3. The geometrical values are also listed
in Table 1.
Table 1. Geometrical size of the proposed antenna (units: mm)

W d1


Lf 1

W d2

Lf 2


W d3

W c2
W c1

2.3. Parameters Study

For the proposed folded dipole antenna, the design of microstrip feedline is crucial to obtain a broadband
operation. In Section 2.1, it can be deduced that the Part B of microstrip feedline has a great effect
on the impedance bandwidth with different widths. The return loss and input impedance of the folded
dipole antenna with different width (W f 2) is shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4(a), the return loss of
proposed antenna can be improved with the width (W f 2) being decreased from 1.3 mm to 0.5 mm. The
simulated result in Figure 4(b) shows that the input resistance and reactance of folded antenna is more
and more closer to 50 and 0 when W f 2 is decreased from 1.3 mm to 0.5 mm. So a good impedance
bandwidth can be achieved when W f 2 = 0.5 mm.



Figure 4. The effect of different W f 1 values on the folded dipole antenna.

(b) Resistance and reactance.

(a) Return loss

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 46, 2014




Figure 5. The effect of different Sd1 values on the folded dipole antenna, (a) return loss (b) input
resistance and reactance.
In the process of designing the printed Yagi-Uda antenna, the distance between the first director
and folded dipole affects deeply on the impedance characteristic. The return loss and input resistance
and reactance of the proposed antenna with different Sd1 are shown in Figure 5. When Sd1 = 24 mm or
29 mm, it is showed in Figure 5(b) that a new resonant point at about 2.9 GHz is created by the directors
being added and the new resonant frequency becomes lower when Sd1 decreases. When Sd1 = 34 mm,
the influence of first director on the folded dipole is too small to create a new resonant point. It indicates
that the return loss becomes bad when director is closer to the folded dipole.
The proposed folded dipole and printed Yagi-Uda antenna are fabricated with optimizing value as the
photos shown in Figure 6.



Figure 6. The photos of (a) the folded dipole antenna, (b) the fabricated printed Yagi-Uda antenna.
The simulated and measured return losses of the folded dipole and printed Yagi-Uda antenna are
shown in Figure 7. As can be seen from Figure 7(a), the measured results show that the folded dipole
antenna operates from 1.65 to 2.78 GHz for the return loss being higher than 10 dB, which agrees well
with simulated results. In Figure 7(b), it is showed that the printed Yagi-Uda has a measured 10dB-return-loss operating band (1.51 GHz 2.94 GHz) to cover some required wireless communication
system such as PCS (1.75 GHz 1.87 GHz), WCDMA (1.92 2.17 GHz), WLAN (2.4 2.48 GHz),
LTE2300/2500 (2.3 GHz 2.4 GHz/2.5 GHz 2.69 GHz). The simulated result is well validated by the
measured result.
The measured and simulated radiation patterns of printed Yagi Uda antenna are plotted in Figure 8
for the XOZ and XOY planes at frequencies of 1.53 GHz, 1.9 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 2.93 GHz, respectively,


Wang et al.



Figure 7. Measured and simulated return loss of (a) folded dipole antenna (b) printed Yagi-Uda

XOY plane

XOY plane

XOY plane




XOZ plane

XOZ plane

XOZ plane

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 46, 2014

XOY plane


XOZ plane

Figure 8. Simulated and measured radiation pattern in XOY and XOZ plane at (a) 1.53 GHz,
(b) 1.9 GHz, (c) 2.4 GHz, and (d) 2.93 GHz.

Figure 9. Measured and simulated maximum realized gain.

where a good agreement between the simulations and measurements can be observed. Figure 8 show that
the measured and simulated half-power beam widths (HPBWs) are about 70 along the E-plane and 117
along the H-plane at 1.53 GHz. According to the measured and simulated results, the HPBWs are 79
along the E-plane and 115 along the H-plane at 1.9 GHz, while the HPBWs are 80 along the E-plane
and 79 along the H-plane at 2.4 GHz. In the Figure 8(d), the radiation pattern at 2.93 GHz degrades
with the HPBWs being 54 along the E-plane and 62 along the H-plane. These measurements and
simulation also demonstrate a stable radiation pattern with a front-to-back ratio and cross-polarization
level better than 10 and 15 dB, respectively.
The measured maximum gain of the printed Yagi-Uda antenna is presented with simulated gain in
Figure 9. The measured gain of the antenna is 5.3 7.3 dB across the operating bandwidth, which is
in close agreement with the simulated gain of 5.6 7.2 dB. With a stable radiation pattern and a flat
gain (5.3 7.3 dB), the proposed printed Yagi-Uda antenna is a good candidate for transmitting and
receiving applications in wideband wireless communication systems.
This paper describes a novel folded dipole antenna and a wideband planar Yagi-Uda antenna with
the folded dipole being added. The internal microstrip feedline in folded dipole antenna operates as
a balun to make the antenna having a wide operating band (1.69 GHz 2.72 GHz). A printed Yagi-


Wang et al.

Uda antenna consists of a folded dipole, three directors and a reflector. With the effect of directors,
a broad bandwidth of 1.53 GHz 2.93 GHz for the return loss being higher than 10 dB, a stable
gain of 5.6 7.2 dB, and a front-to-back ratio higher than 10 dB and cross-polarization lower than
15 dB, are obtained in simulation. All the simulated results are well validated by measured ones.
For its nice performance in stable gain and radiation, the broadband printed Yagi Uda antenna can
be applied in many wireless communication systems, such as PCS (1.75 GHz 1.87 GHz), WCDMA
(1.92 2.17 GHz), WLAN (2.4 2.48 GHz), LTE 2300/2500(2.3 GHz 2.4 GHz/2.5 GHz 2.69 GHz).
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