An H-Shaped Differential Fed Patch Antenna For A Gan Base Station Transmitter
An H-Shaped Differential Fed Patch Antenna For A Gan Base Station Transmitter
An H-Shaped Differential Fed Patch Antenna For A Gan Base Station Transmitter
Abstract—In this paper, a differentially fed, structurally simple, patch antenna, operating at 5.2 GHz
is presented. The proposed antenna is particularly designed for a base station, Gallium Nitride (GaN)
transmitter. The antenna is composed of an H-shaped patch, backed by a ground plane, with two
differential feeds placed at the longitudinal edges. The size of the antenna is 0.55λ0 × 0.49λ0 × 0.27λ0
(where λ0 is the free space wavelength at the center frequency). A prototype of the stand-alone antenna
is designed, fabricated, and measured. The antenna offers a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
bandwidth of 4% and a differential impedance of 100 Ω, which matches most of the differential integrated
circuits. The measured gain and directivity of the proposed differential antenna are 5.3 dBi and 7 dB,
respectively. From simulation it is observed that the proposed antenna possesses a front to back ratio of
15.69 dB and a 3 dB beamwidth of 84◦ . The measured peak efficiencies of the antenna in the lower and
higher bands are 84% and 59%, respectively. Details of the design and lumped model, along with the
experimental and simulated results, are presented and discussed. The effect of scaling different design
parameters for operation at different frequency bands is considered as well.
Most of the Radio Frequency (RF) circuits in wireless communication are in differential form as this
configuration improves the rejection of strong common mode fields present at the differential input
ports or differential output ports [1, 2]. To fulfill the ever increasing demand for signal integrity in
modern wireless communication systems, diverse differential antennashave been studied and evaluated
in the literature. Dipole and loop antennas are the most common structures used in differential
configurations [3–5]. However, the gain for such antennas is limited, and hence the overall efficiency of
the system is reduced.
Microstrip antennas, owing to their small size, high gain, low profile, low cost, and ease of
fabrication, represent good candidates for wireless communication, where differential input/output is
needed [6 7]. Research efforts have been focused on developing microstrip patch antennas with improved
gain and efficiency [7–12]. However, most of them follow stacked or low temperature co-fired ceramics
(LTCC) layers rendering the whole system complicated and expensive [8–15]. Furthermore, only a few
of them employ double layered designs [15–18]. In the area of consumer applications, where we need
performance at low cost, a structurally simple antenna with improved gain is in high demand.
Additionally, antennas and bandpass filters are two vital components present in the RF front-ends.
To achieve a maximum power transfer, it is important to maintain the impedance matching between
these two components. Use of additional matching networks will increase form factor and makes the
system complicated and expensive. Hence, antennas with 100 Ω differential impedance have a significant
role in wireless communication systems, as they can be matched to many of the standard integrated
Received 6 February 2019, Accepted 2 April 2019, Scheduled 19 April 2019
* Corresponding author: Rida Gadhafi (
The authors are with the Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi 127788, United Arab Emirates.
182 Gadhafi et al.
components. Even though several investigations on double layer differential antennas can be seen in the
literature, matching the differential impedance to 100 Ω is seldom found.
The proof of concept of the antenna is already explained in [17]. This paper provides the full
analysis: analytical, simulated, and experimental characterizations of the proposed differential antenna.
It presents an accurate lumped model of the antenna together with its discontinuity impact and compares
the circuit and electromagnetic simulation models along with the experimental characterization. The
power transfer capability of the proposed antenna for different distances is also discussed. The antenna
exhibits a differential impedance of 100 Ω and 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidth of 4%. For characterization
and measurement purposes, RF integrated circuits have 50 Ω terminations to either ground or voltage
supply, rendering a 100 Ω termination impedance, in differential mode. The size of the antenna is
0.55λ0 × 0.49λ0 × 0.27λ0 (where λ0 is the free space wavelength at the center frequency) and could be
scaled accordingly for a specific application. The proposed antenna has a measured gain of 5.3 dBi and
directivity of 7 dB at the center frequency. The simulated front-to-back ratio across the operating band
is 15.69 dB. The measured peak efficiencies of the antenna in the lower and higher bands are 84% and
59%, respectively.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the antenna architecture and design
together with the derivation of a lumped model. Section 3 presents the simulated versus measured
results and the discussion on the discrepancies between the two. Section 4 presents a benchmark and a
comparison based on published data from literature. Section 5 concludes the paper.
The design, model, and simulations of the proposed antenna are discussed in this section.
Electromagnetic simulations are performed using Ansys HFSS whereas Cadence Virtuoso is used for
validating the lumped model.
Figure 1. Application diagram of the proposed GaN base station transmitter unit (10 dBm power/unit).
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 2019 183
(b) (c)
Figure 2. Geometry of the stand-alone antenna; (a) geometry of the antenna. Fabricated antenna
(b) top view, (c) bottom view (SW = 2 mm, W = 14 mm, L = 20.7 mm, SL = 10 mm; r = 4.4,
tan δ = 0.015, and h = 1.6 mm).
shown in Fig. 2(a), with the top and bottom views of the fabricated antenna in Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 2(c),
respectively. The antenna is derived from a conventional inset-fed rectangular patch antenna. Further,
it is transformed to a differential design by integrating differential feeds at the longitudinal edges.
The inset-length SL and inset-distance SW are optimized for frequency tuning and better impedance
matching. We find that the differential impedance of the antenna can be controlled by optimizing the
dimensions of this inset slot. The dimensions of the proposed antenna are optimized for the frequency
of interest. The frequency of operation (fC ) of the antenna is found to be the same as the standard half
wave patch and is given as follows:
fC = √ , (1)
2W r
where c is the speed of light, W the width of the H-shaped patch antenna, and r the permittivity of
the substrate used [19]. It is noticed that patch length L mainly influences the impedance matching of
the antenna, with a small shift in frequency. In contrast, a change in the width of antenna W creates a
large frequency shift (e.g., for a 1 mm change in length L, the antenna experiences a 30 MHz frequency
shift, while the same change in W produces a frequency shift of 300 MHz when f < fC and 60 MHz
when f > fC ). The intrinsic antenna has a size of 2.07 cm × 1.4 cm. The differential impedance of the
antenna needs to be matched with the input impedance of the device under test. For a stand-alone
antenna, a microstrip feed line is used. This can be connected to the two inputs of the differential device
under test, such as a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) or a Power Amplifier (PA); a differential filter in this
context. The width of the feed line is optimized to obtain the differential impedance of 100 Ω. This is a
standard impedance value for most of the differential circuits connected to the measurement equipment
184 Gadhafi et al.
or antenna. The differential impedance (Zdiff ) of the microstrip patch antenna can be calculated by
considering it as a two-port network and using the following formula [20, 21]:
1 − s211 + s221 − 2s21
Zdiff = 2Z0 (2)
(1 − s11 )2 − s221
This differential impedance is a function of the substrate parameters and dimensions of the patch [8].
Figure 3. Simulated surface current distribution of the proposed antenna in differential mode at
5.2 GHz.
From the simulation studies, using HFSS, the optimum design parameters of the antenna, as a
function of guided wavelength, λg , are SL = 0.3λg , W = 0.42λg , and L = 0.62λg . The design parameters
are validated for different frequencies.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 2019 185
(b) (c)
Figure 4. Three different sections of the proposed differential fed antenna used for equivalent circuit
model study. (a) Modeled top patch, (b) microstrip feed line, (b) conductor backed CPW and (c)
microstrip transmission line. Only top layer is demonstrated here.
The microstrip feed line T L1 has a characteristic impedance ZC1 and propagation constant β1 .
Similarly, the grounded CPW line has a characteristic impedance ZC2 and propagation constant β2 .
The third part is defined as a microstrip transmission line T L2 with characteristic impedance ZC3 and
propagation constant β3 . D1 and D2 represent the two discontinuities. To include the effect of these
two discontinuities, we follow the approach explained in [22]. For each section of the antenna, a chain
matrix is used, where [C1 ] is the chain matrix for the transmission line T L1 , [D1 ] the chain matrix
for the discontinuity D1 , [C2 ] the chain matrix for the grounded CPW, [D2 ] the chain matrix for the
discontinuity D2 , and [C3 ] the chain matrix for the transmission line T L2 . Thus the equation of the
chain matrix of the proposed differential fed antenna is:
[CT ] = [C1 ][D1 ][C2 ][D2 ][C31 ][C32 ][D2 ][C2 ][D1 ][C1 ], (3)
1 2
where [C3 ] and [C3 ] are the chain matrices of the two halves of the transmission line T L2 . As the
antenna is symmetrical, [CT ] can be divided into two parts and [CT ] = [CT L ][CT R ]. The matrices for
the left and right planes are:
[CT L ] = [C1 ][D1 ][C2 ][D2 ][C31 ], (4)
[CT R ] = [C32 ][D2 ][C2 ][D1 ][C1 ], (5)
where [CT L ] and [CT R ] are the chain matrices of the left and right symmetrical planes, respectively, in
single ended configuration. Each chain matrix can be expressed in terms of S-parameters. For each
antenna part we perform S-parameter simulations. Hence, in order to solve Equation (4), two frequency
points, fa and fb , around the resonance frequency fc have been considered. Thus Equation (4) can be
rewritten in terms of these two frequency points as:
[CT L ]fa = [C1 ]fa [D1 ][C2 ]fa [D2 ][C31 ]fa
[CT L ]fb = [C1 ]fb [D1 ][C2 ]fb [D2 ][C31 ]fb ,
186 Gadhafi et al.
D1 D2 D2 D1
TL 1 R1 L1 L2 R2 CP W R3 R4 TL 2 R4 R3 CP W R2 L2 L1 R1 TL 1
P 1+ P 2+
C1 C1
P 1- P 2-
Figure 5. Equivalent circuit of the proposed differential fed antenna with discontinuities D1 and D2 .
The values of the discontinuity matrices [D1 ] and [D2 ] can be solved from Equation (6) using the
approach explained in [22]. The equivalent circuit of the proposed differentially fed patch antenna
including the symmetrical discontinuities D1 and D2 is shown in Fig. 5. This is obtained by composing
three different sections, as explained in Fig. 3, in series, as in the layout of the differential fed patch
antenna. As shown in Fig. 5, each discontinuity is associated with an impedance T-network, and by
solving D1 and D2 , the impedance values can be extracted. The values of the lumped components used
are listed in Table 1. As already stated, as the antenna is symmetrical, the circuit components are
repeated. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the differential S11 parameters in dB, for circuit simulation
and electromagnetic simulation.
As reported in [19], the antenna has been characterized using an Agilent Network Analyzer (PNA-
X N5242A) and a commercially available balun from Marki Microwave [23]. The balun can operate
between 1.2 GHz and 6 GHz, and provides 50 Ω to 100 Ω differential transformation. The balun has a
single input and two outputs with 180◦ phase shift with respect to each other.
As shown in Fig. 7, the input of the balun is connected to one port of the PNA, and the two
output ports of the balun are connected to the two differential arms of the antenna. The corresponding
reflection coefficient has been measured. Fig. 8 shows the simulated and experimental return loss
characteristics of the antenna. It is found that measurement results show a performance degradation
due to the external balun used. The manufacturer datasheet shows that the balun introduces −3.6 dB
of frequency dependent losses throughout its frequency of operation band (1.2 GHz–6 GHz) [23]. The
antenna shows a 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidth of 200 MHz in the 5.2 GHz band from 5.1 GHz to 5.3 GHz.
The bandwidth of the antenna can be further enhanced using the technique shown in [24].
Figure 9 shows the simulated 3-D radiation pattern of the antenna. As seen, the antenna produces a
unidirectional pattern. The radiation patterns in the orthogonal planes are measured inside an anechoic
chamber and are shown in Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b) along with the simulated patterns. The measured
results show reasonably good agreement with the simulated ones. However, a slight discrepancy can be
observed due to the balun and coaxial cables used for the measurement.
As seen in Fig. 10, the antenna provides a broadside radiation pattern in the y-z plane. The co-
polar and cross-polar isolation in the horizontal plane (E-plane or y-z plane) is in the order of −12 dB
and around −17 dB in the vertical plane (H-plane or x-z plane). From the simulation results, it can be
seen that the antenna possesses a front to back ratio of 15.69 dB across the operating band. The 3 dB
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 2019 187
S11dd (dB)
electromagnetic simulation
circuit simulation
4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 6. Comparison of the S11 parameters Figure 7. Measurement setup of the antenna
between electromagnetic and circuit simulation. together with commercially available balun for
characterizing differential S-parameter.
-16 Measurement
S11dd (dB)
4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 8. Simulated and measured return loss Figure 9. 3-D radiation pattern of the proposed
characteristics of the proposed antenna (SW = differential antenna.
2 mm, W = 14 mm, L = 20.7 mm, SL = 10 mm;
r = 4.4, tan δ = 0.015, and h = 1.6 mm).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Measured and simulated radiation pattern of the proposed differential antenna at 5.2 GHz.
(a) Measured co (solid line) and cross (dashed line) polarization in E-plane, (b) measured co (solid line)
and cross (dashed line) polarization in H-plane, (c) simulated and measured co and cross polarization
in E-plane, (d) simulated and measured co and cross polarization in H-plane.
6 100
Efficiency (%)
Gain (dBi)
-6 Measured
5 5.05 5.1 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.1 5.12 5.14 5.16 5.18 5.2 5.22 5.24 5.26 5.28 5.3
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
Figure 11. Simulated and measured gain versus Figure 12. Measured efficiency of the differential
frequency of the differential antenna. antenna.
S 21 dB
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Distance (mm)
Figure 13. Power transfer capability of the proposed antenna. Received power versus distance between
the two antennas.
distances. The magnitude of the power received (S21 ) including the losses from two baluns is shown
in Fig. 13. As seen, the magnitude of power decreases with increasing distance. The measurement is
conducted for a range d from 1.5 cm to 4.5 cm.
Table 2 shows the summary of some previously published differential antennas compared with the
proposed one. As can be seen, most of the published works follow a stacked or LTCC type of structure
except [12] and [16] where double-layer structures are used. Even though such structures have high
performance compared to the two-layer microstrip structures, the stacked configuration will render the
whole system complicated and expensive. Moreover, contrary to LTCC structures, FR-4 structures are
cheap and easy to implement. As shown in Table 2, among the reported double layer antennas, [11] is
190 Gadhafi et al.
a UWB antenna, and [16] is a bow-tie antenna. Compared to these antennas, microstrip antennas are
more robust owing to their full ground plane, which is very significant while connecting the antennas
to the RF front ends. Thus, as already stated, the proposed antenna is a structurally simple antenna
with moderate gain, high robustness, unidirectional radiation pattern, and small form factor.
A structurally simple, H-shaped, differential patch antenna operating at 5.2 GHz is fabricated and
measured. The proposed antenna is particularly designed for a base station, GaN transmitter. The size
of the antenna is 0.55λ0 ×0.49λ0 ×0.27λ0 (where λ0 is the free space wavelength at the center frequency).
Experimental results show that the proposed antenna has a VSWR < 2 for frequencies between 5.1 GHz
and 5.3 GHz. It also exhibits a gain of 5.68 dBi and a unidirectional radiation pattern. The simulated
front to back ratio is 15.69 dB across the operating band. The measured efficiency of the antenna is
84% in the lower band and 59% in the higher band. The simulated 3 dB beamwidth of the antenna
along co-polar E-plane and H-plane is 84◦ . The antenna has a differential impedance of 100 Ω which
matches most of the integrated circuits that have 100 Ω differential impedance. A lumped model of the
antenna has been designed and evaluated. Measurements show that the model fits the electromagnetic
design. The power transfer capability of the antenna is also tested. Based on parametric simulations,
the antenna could be scaled at different frequencies, and insights on how to perform frequency scaling
are included in the paper.
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