500mw Guidelines For House Load Operation 500mw Sets
500mw Guidelines For House Load Operation 500mw Sets
500mw Guidelines For House Load Operation 500mw Sets
Unit will come on House Load operation by disconnecting from the grid and
feeding power to its own auxiliaries when a unit is required to be isolated
from the grid due to some external fault, i.e. fault beyond the step-up
transformer, or it encounters such operating conditions when the grid
frequency drifts beyond acceptable operating limits. The signal for house
load will be communicated to various controls of the set. The unit shall
continue to operate under house load mode till such time it can be
resynchronized back to the grid when the external conditions permit.
HP BYPASS CONTROL: After quick opening of HP by pass control valves, the HP bypass
control is left in the normal pressure control mode of operation with
reduced pressure set point. That is during the pressure control
mode, after the quick opening command vanishes, the HP bypass set
pressure value may be set as below.
HP bypass pressure is derived from turbine set pressure in
coordinated master control and biased by a fixed valve above the
pressure set point for turbine. During house load operation this bias
could be removed so that HP Bypass can take faster action.
There are two possible modes of pressure setting of turbine, viz.
Sliding pressure mode and fixed pressure mode. The unit will
normally operate at constant pressure mode upto 80% of the load
(72% BMCR) and thereafter it will work on sliding pressure mode
upto 100% load. The change over from one mode to another is at
present done manually through push button provided in coordinator
Coordinated master control console. For unit load above 80% (72%
BMCR), the mode of control will could be sliding pressure. As per
the curves for the sliding pressure operation furnished by BHEL, at
80% load (72% BMCR) the pressure will be around 120 kg/cm2 at
turbine inlet (129 kg/cm2 at super heater outlet). Thereafter, from
80% load to 100% load the pressure will slide from 129 kg/cm 2 to
The boiler run back command reduces the fuel flow to boiler upto
the minimum value allowed per elevation by reducing the PA flow
through mills and the feeders would then reduce the speed to
maintain the same DP in the mill. If the mill DP was not in auto but
the Mill PA flow was in auto then the operator must manually
reduce the feeder speeds to prevent mill choking when PA flows are
getting drastically reduced. If some mill is running without the PA
flows in auto then whenever the house load operation starts the
operator must be alert and reduce those PA flows manually and
quickly. The adjustments for boiler run back rate and runback
target are provided in the existing Coordinated Master Control,
As the control valve will attain the position corresponding to house load
condition, the HP first stage pressure will drop. This will cause the variable set
point in LP bypass controller to be reduced. Simultaneously, the reheater
pressure will tend to rise, LP bypass controller will act to open the LP bypass
valve in order to maintain reheater pressure to the reduced LPBP set point or
fixed LPBP set point pressure whichever is high. Spray water valves will open
to de-superheat the bypassed steam being dumped to condenser.
With the rise in the CRH pressure, HP exhaust temperature will rise
and the trimming device will operate to increase the flow through
HP turbine, which facilitates in restricting the rise in HP exhaust
While reducing the boiler load, care shall be taken to ensure main
steam temperature not below 490C to avoid TSE margin reduction
to zero.
Following protections / interlocks and control should be reliable
and available for house load operation:
HP exhausts temperature.
Generator voltage.
Load (MW).
Control valves positions.
Steam pressure before HPT.
Steam pressure after HPT.
IP exhaust pressure.
HP secondary oil pressure.
IP secondary oil pressure.
Control oil pressure.
Trip oil pressure.
Primary oil pressure.
Opening of CRH NRV.
Generation of sequence of events during the trial.
As the availability of electrical feed pump is ruled out because of it being fed
from station transformer, the unit is to depend only upon the turbo feed
pumps. Since the turbine load is drastically reduced, control will switchover to
auxiliary control valve taking steam from cold reheat line being fed from HP
bypass and turbine.
Power supply to oil Handling Plant is at present derived from station board.
During house load operation, in all probability, there will not be any station
supply and therefore these pumps will not be available for oil support for the
boiler. Since the boiler load is expected around 60%, due to availability of HP
bypass, there is less possibility for flame failure. However, this risk factor is to
be noted for the house load operation. Because of very fast unloading of the
fuel, there is a possibility of Furnace pressure going low or even flame failure.
In Chandrapur the furnace pressure control is by VFD by which we will
probably able to take large changes in ID fan speed as required.