Material Master Configuration - MM

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Steps for Customization of Material Master

1. Material Number: TCODE: OMSL
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Define Output Format of Material Number
2. Material Type: T.Code: OMS2
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Type ->Define attribute of material Type
(Select Material Type: ROH for Ur raw material (example) copy it and renamed it to UR Raw Material)
3. Define Industry Sector: T.Code: OMS3
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Field Selection -> Define Industry Sectors & Industry Sector Specific Field
4. Define Field Reference: T CODE: OMS9
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Field Selection -> Maintain field Selection For Data Screens
5. Define Material Group - T.Code: OMSF
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Setting for Key Field -> Define Material Group
6. Define Number Range of Material - T.Code: MMNR
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Type ->Define Number Range for each Material
7. Define Purchasing Group - T.Code: OME4
SPRO -> Material Management->Purchasing->Create Purchasing Group
8. Define Screen Sequence: T.Code: OMT3B
(Select the Screen Sequence: 21. Copy it and renamed it to Z with any letter (Like ZA or ZB)
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Configuring the Material Master -> Define structure of Data
Screens for each Screen Sequence
9. Ordering Screen Sequence: T.Code: OMT3R
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Configuring the Material Master -> Maintain Order of main and Additional
10. Assign Screen Sequence to Industry Sector: T.Code: OMT3E
SPRO -> Logistic - General -> Material Master -> Configuring the Material Master -> Assign Screen Sequences to
User/ Material Type/ Truncation/ Industry Sector

11. Assign Field Reference to Plant: T.Code: OMSA

SPRO -> Logistic - General ->Material Master -> Field Selection -> Define Plant -Specific Field Selection and Plant Specific Screen Selection

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