October 30, 2014
B1. Bazant, Z.P. (1966). Creep of Concrete in Structural Analysis (in Czech). State Publishers of Technical
Literature (SNTL), Prague (monograph, 186 pp.).
B2. Bazant, Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (1991). Stability
of Structures: Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture and Damage
Theories, Oxford University Press, New York; 2nd. ed.
Dover Publications, New York 2003 (1011 pp. + xxiv
pp.); 3rd ed. World Scientic Publishing, SingaporeNew
JerseyLondon 2010.
B3. Bazant, Z.P., and Kaplan, M.F. (1996). Concrete
at High Temperatures: Material Properties and Mathematical Models, Longman (Addison-Wesley), London
(monograph and reference volume, 412 + xii pp.) (2nd
printing Pearson Education, Edinburgh, 2002).
B4. Bazant, Z.P., and Planas, J. (1998). Fracture and
Size Eect in Concrete and Other Quasibrittle Materials. CRC Press, Boca Raton and London (textbook and
reference volume, 616 + xxii pp.).
B5. Jirasek, M., and Bazant, Z.P. (2002). Inelastic
Analysis of Structures. J. Wiley & Sons, London and
New York (textbook and reference volume, 735 + xviii
Bazant, Z.P. (2002).
Scaling of Structural
Strength. Hermes Penton Science (Kogan Page Science),
London; 2nd updated ed., Elsevier, London 2005 (Errata:
(French translation (with updates), Introduction aux effets d echelle sur la resistance des structures, Herm`es
Science Publ., Paris 2004).
L1. Bazant, Z.P. (1979). Advanced Topics in Inelasticity and Failure of Concrete (text of intensive course
given at Swedish Cem. & Conr. Res. Inst., Royal Inst.
of Techn.), publ. by Gotab, Stockholm (370 pp.); republished with updates by Ecole des Ponts et Chaussee, Paris
L2. Bazant, Z.P., Schnobrich, W.C., and Scordelis,
A.C. (1978). Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
by Finite Element Method (intensive course text), Politecnico di Milano (334 pp.); republished with updates by
Technische Hochschule Wien (1981).
S1. Bazant, Z.P. (1966). Analysis of framed structures, Part II, Applied Mechanics Surveys, ed. by
Abramson et al. (Appl. Mech. Reviews), Spartan Books,
Washington, D.C., 453464.
S2. Bazant, Z.P. (1975).Theory of creep and shrinkage
in concrete structures: A precis of recent developments,
Mechanics Today, ed. by S. Nemat-Nasser (Am. Acad.
Mech.), Pergamon Press 1975, Vol. 2, pp. 193.
S3. Bazant, Z.P. (1978). Inelasticity and failure of
concrete: A survey of recent progress, Proc. of Seminar
on Analisi delle Strutture in Cemento Armato Mediante
Size eect on structural strength. Contributed to Wikipedia in 2012 by Z.P. Bazant
W2. Creep and shrinkage of concrete and their eects
in structures. Contributed to Wikipedia in 2012 by Z.P.
Bazant (
W3. Energy-Consistent Objective Stress Rates. Contributed to Wikipedia in 2013 by Z.P. Bazant (with J.
Stavebncky Casopis
(SAV, Bratislava), 12, 1839.
13. Bazant, Z.P. (1964). Proposal of an ecient system of space arrangement of rubber bearings of bridge
girders (in Czech), Inzenyrske Stavby, 12, 114115.
14. Bazant, Z.P. (1964). Approximate methods
of analysis of creep and shrinkage of complex nonhomogeneous structures and use of computers (in Czech
Technica CSAV
(Prague), 11, 82109.
19. Bazant, Z.P. (1966). Conjugate analogy for space
structures. Journal of the Structural Division. Proc.
Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. (ASCE) 92, ST3, 137159.
20. Bazant, Z.P. (1967). Electric analogues for creep
Vorel) (
1. Bazant, Z.P. (1958). Analysis of skew plates
with free boundaries by relaxation method (in Czech),
Inzenyrske Stavby, 6, 437444.
2. Bazant, Z.P. (1959/60). Anwendung der Relaxationsmethode mit ver
anderlichem Belastungsglied f
die Berechnung der schiefen Platten (Use of relaxation
method with variable load term for skew plate analysis),
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technishen Hochschule
Dresden, 9, 391400.
3. Bazant, Z.P. (1960). Relaxation method with variable load term and its use in plate and torsion problems
(in Czech with English summary), Aplikace Matematiky
5, 458475.
4. Bazant, Z.P. (1960).Mechanics and new designs of
safety ski bindings (in Czech), Teorie a Praxe Telesne
Vychovy a Sportu (Theory and Practice of Physical Education and Sports) 8, 562570.
5. Bazant, Z.P. (1961). Analysis of frames with
beams subjected to skew bending (in Czech), Inzenyrske
Stavby, 9, 225228.
6. Bazant, Z.P. (1961). Analysis of inuence lines of
continuous frames with hinges at midspans (in Czech),
Inzenyrske Stavby, 9, 344346.
7. Bazant, Z.P. (1961). Eect of creep and shrinkage in statically indeterminate structures with concrete of
nonuniform age. (in Czech), Inzenyrske Stavby, 9, 462
8. Bazant, Z.P. (1961). Beitrag zur Dierenzenlosung
schiefer Platten und eine neue Art der Relaxationsmethode. (On nite dierence analysis of skew plates and a
new type of relaxation method), Bauplanung-Bautechnik
(Berlin), 16, 2427, 8286.
9. Bazant, Z.P. (1962). Evaluation of friction losses
of prestressing force in curved tendons according to their
extension at tensioning (in Czech), Inzenyrske Stavby,
10, 290293.
10. Bazant, Z.P. (1962). Theory of creep and shrinkage of concrete in nonhomogeneous structures and cross
sections (in Czech with English summary), Stavebncky
(SAV, Bratislava), 10, 552576.
11. Novotn
y, V., and Bazant, Z.P. (1963). An improved prestressing system for bridges assembled or cast
segmentally (in Czech), Inzenyrske Stavby, 11, 1113.
12. Bazant, Z.P. (1964). Inuence lines of horizon5
(SAV, Bratislava), 15, 541555.
31. Bazant, Z.P. (1967). On instability of three
dimensional bodies. Acta Polytechnica CVUT
1, No. 3, 517.
32. Bazant, Z.P. (1968), Nonuniform settlement of
precast panel buildings: Stiness method and conversion
to a semi-continuum (in Czech), Pozemn Stavby, 8, 403
Bazant, Z.P. (1968).
Long-time stability
and buckling strength of concrete columns (in Czech),
Inzenyrske Stavby, 16, 171179.
34. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). Eect of folding of reinforcing bers on the elastic moduli and strength of composite
materials (in Russian), Mekhanika Polimerov (Riga), 4,
35. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). Conditions of deformation
instability of a continuum and their application to thick
slabs and a half space (in Czech with English summary),
Stavebncky Casopis
(SAV, Bratislava), 16, 4864.
36. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). Pi`eces longues a voiles epais
et calcul des poutres a section deformable (Box girders of deformable cross section), Annales des Ponts et
Chaussees (Paris) (No. III), 155169.
37. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). On causes of excessive longtime deections of prestressed concrete bridges. Creep
under repeated live load (in Czech), Inzenyrske Stavby,
16, 317320.
38. Bazant, Z.P., and Skupin, L. (1968). Material
properties for the design of polyvinylchloride structural
members (in Czech), Plasticke Hmoty a Kaucuk, 5, 161
39. Bazant. Z.P. (1968). Langzeitige Durchbiegungen von Spannbetonbr
ucken infolge des Schwingkriechens
unter Verkehrslasten (Long-time deections of prestressed concrete bridges due to cyclic creep under trac
loads), Beton und Stahlbetonbau, 63, 282285.
40. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). Creep stability and buckling
strength of concrete columns. Magazine of Concrete Research, 20, 8594.
41. Bazant, Z.P. (1970). Constitutive equation for
concrete creep and shrinkage based on thermodynamics of
multi-phase systems. Materials and Structures (RILEM,
Paris), 3, 336 (reprinted in Fifty Years of Evolution of Sci-
51. Bazant, Z.P., and Christensen, M. (1972). Analogy between micropolar continuum and grid frameworks
under initial stress. International Journal of Solids and
Structures, 8, 327346.
52. Bazant, Z.P. (1972). Prediction of concrete creep
eects using age-adjusted eective modulus method.
American Concrete Institute Journal, 69, 212217.
53. Bazant, Z.P. (1972). Static structure-soil interaction. Revue Roumaine Sci. Techn.-Mecanique Appliquee, 17, 13411361.
54. Bazant, Z.P. (1972). Thermodynamics of interacting continua with surfaces and creep analysis of concrete structures. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 20,
55. Bazant, Z.P. (1972). Numerical determination of
long-range stress history from strain history in concrete.
Materials and Structures (RILEM), 5, 135141.
55a. Bazant, Z.P., Z.P., (1972). Numerical determination of stress response to a given strain history in concrete. CEB (European Committee on Concrete) Bulletin
No. 80.
101. Bazant, Z.P., and Panula, L. (1978). Statistical stability eects in concrete failure. J. of the Engrg.
Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 104, 11951212.
102. Bazant, Z.P., and Ohtsubo, R. (1978) Geothermal heat extraction by water circulation through a large
crack in dry hot rock mass. Int. J. for Numerical and
Analytical Method in Geomechanics, 2, 317327.
103. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, S.-S. (1978). Can the
creep curves for dierent loading ages diverge? Cement
and Concrete Research, 8, 601612.
104. Marchertas, A. H., Fistedis, S. H., Bazant, Z.P.,
and Belytschko, T. (1978). Analysis and application of
prestressed concrete reactor vessels for LMFBR containment. Nuclear Engrg. and Design, 49, 155173.
105110. Bazant, Z.P., and Panula, L. (197879).
Practical prediction of time-dependent deformations of
concrete. Materials and Structures (RILEM, Paris):
Part I, Shrinkage Vol.11 (1978), 307316.
Part II, Basic creep Vol. 11 (1978), 317328.
Part III, Drying creep Vol. 11 (1978), 415424.
Part IV, Temperature eect on basic creep Vol. 11
(1978), 425434.
Part V, Temperature eect on drying creep Vol.12
(1979), 169174.
Part VI, Cyclic creep, nonlinearity and statistical
scatter Vol. 12 (1979), 175183.
111. Bazant, Z.P., and Tsubaki, T. (1979). Concrete
reinforcing net: optimum slip-free limit design. J. of the
Structural Div., Proc. ASCE, 105, 327346. Disc. 1980,
112. Bazant, Z.P., and Panula, L. (1979). A note on
limitations of a certain creep function used in practice.
Materials and Structures (RILEM, Paris), 12, 2931.
113. Bazant Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (1979). Blunt crack
band propagation in nite element analysis. J. of the
Engrg. Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 105, 297315.
114. Ansal, A. M., Bazant, Z.P., and Krizek, R. J.
(1979). Viscoplasticity of normally consolidated clays.
J. of the Geotechnical Div., Proc., ASCE, 105, 519537.
115. Bazant, Z.P., and Estenssoro, L. F. (1979). Surface singularity and crack propagation. Int. J. of Solids
and Structures, 15, 405426. Addendum Vol. 16, 479
116. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, S. S. (1979). Plasticfracturing theory for concrete. J. of the Engrg. Mech.
Div., Proc. ASCE, 105 (EM3), 407428.
117. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, S. S. (1979). Nonlinear
creep of concreteadaptation and ow. J. of the Engrg.
Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 105, 429446.
118. Bazant, Z.P. (1979). Physical model for steel
corrosion in concrete sea structurestheory. J. of the
Engrg. Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 105, 11371153.
119. Bazant, Z.P. (1979). Physical model for steel
corrosion in concrete sea structuresapplication. J. of
the Engrg. Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 105, 1154-1166.
Disc. 1980, 11941195.
singular integral for creep rate of concrete. Mech. Research Communications, 7, 335340.
138. Bazant, Z.P., and Tsubaki, T. (1980). Total
strain theory and path-dependence of concrete. J. of the
Engrg. Mech. Div., Proc. ASCE, 106, 11511173.
139. Cedolin, L., and Bazant, Z.P. (1980). Eect
of nite element choice in blunt crack band analysis.
Computer Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Engrg., 24, 305
140. Bazant, Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (1980). Fracture
mechanics of reinforced concrete. J. of the Engrg. Mech.
Div., Proc., ASCE, 106, 12571306.
141. Seidensticker, R. W., Marchertas, A. H., and
Bazant, Z.P. (1980). Increasing primary containment
capabilities of liquid-metal fast breeder reactor plants by
the use of prestressed concrete. Nuclear Technology, 51,
142. Bazant, Z.P., Chern, J. C., and Thonguthai, W.
(1980). Finite element program for moisture and heat
transfer in heated concrete. Nuclear Engrg. & Design,
68, 6170.
143. Bazant, Z.P., Hess, D., and Meiri, S. (1981).
High-temperature triaxial-torsional testing machine for
concrete and rock. Geophysical Research Letters, 8, 707
144. Tsubaki, T., and Bazant, Z.P. (1982). Random
shrinkage stresses in aging viscoelastic vessels. J. of the
Engrg. Mech. Div., ASCE, 108, 527545.
145. Bazant, Z.P., and Chern, J. C. (1982). Comment
on the use of Ross hyperbola and recent comparisons of
various practical creep prediction models. Cement and
Concrete Research, 12, 527532; Disc. & Reply, Vol. 13
(1983), 444448.
146. Bazant, Z.P., and Celep, Z. (1982). Spurious
reection of elastic waves in nonuniform meshes of constant and linear strain nite elements. Computers and
Structures, 15 (4), 451459.
147. Bazant, Z.P., and Oh, B.-H. (1982). Strainrate eect in rapid triaxial loading of concrete. J. of the
Engrg. Mech. Div., ASCE, 108, EM5, 764782.
148. Bazant, Z.P., and Raftshol, W. J. (1982). Eect
of cracking in drying and shrinkage specimens. Cement
and Concrete Research, 12, 209226; Disc. 797798.
149. Bazant, Z.P. (1982). Input of creep and shrinkage characteristics for a structural analysis program.
Materials and Structures (RILEM, Paris), 15 (88), 283
150. Bazant, Z.P., and Lin, Chuan (1982). Concrete
plate reinforcement: Frictional limit design. J. of the
Struct. Division, Proc. Am. Soc. of Civil Engngs., 108,
24432459; disc., 109, 22312234.
151. Bazant, Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (1983). Finite element modeling of crack band propagation. J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 109, 6992,
152. Bazant, Z.P., and Oh, B.-H. (1983). Deformation
205. Lin, Feng-Bao, and Bazant, Z.P. (1986). Convexity of smooth yield surface of frictional materials. J.
of Engrg. Mechanics, ASCE 113 (11), 12591261.
206. Bazant, Z.P., Lee, S.-G., and Pfeier, P. A.
(1987). Size eect tests and fracture characteristics of
aluminum. Engrg. Fracture Mechanics, 26 (1), 4557.
207. Bazant, Z.P., and Chang, T-P. (1987). Nonlocal
nite element analysis of strain-softening solids. J. of
Structural Engineering, ASCE 113 (1), 89105.
208. Bazant, Z.P., and Cao, Z. (1987). Size eect in
punching shear failure of slabs. ACI Structural Journal
(Am. Concrete Inst.) 84, 4453.
209. Zubelewicz, A., and Bazant, Z.P. (1987). Constitutive model with rotating active plane and true stress.
J. of Engrg. Mechanics, ASCE 113, 398416.
210. Bazant, Z.P., Wittmann, F. H., Kim, Jenn-Keun,
and Alou, F. (1987). Statistical extrapolation of shrinkage dataPart I: Regression. ACI Materials Journal,
84, 2034.
211. Bazant, Z.P., Kim, Jenn-Keun, Wittmann, F. H.,
and Alou, F. (1987). Statistical extrapolation of shrinkage dataPart II: Bayesian updating. ACI Materials
Journal, 84, 8391.
212. Krstek, V., and Bazant, Z.P. (1987). Shear lag
eect and uncertainty in concrete box girder creep. J. of
Structural Engrg., ASCE 113 (3), 557574.
213. Bazant, Z.P. (1987). Limitations of strain hardening model for concrete creep. Cement and Concrete
Research (17), 505509.
214. Bazant, Z.P., and Prat, P. C. (1987). Creep of
anisotropic clay: New microplane model. J. of Engrg.
Mechanics ASCE 113 (7), 10001064.
215. Bazant, Z.P. (1987). Matrix force-displacement
relations in aging viscoelasticity. J. of Engrg. Mechanics,
ASCE 113 (8), 12351243.
216. Bazant, Z.P., and Sun, H-H. (1987). Size eect
in diagonal shear failure: Inuence of aggregate size and
stirrups. ACI Materials Journal, 84 (4), 259272.
217. Bazant, Z.P., Sener, S. and Kim, Jenn-Keun
(1987). Eect of cracking on drying permeability and
diusivity of concrete. ACI Materials Journal, 84 (Sept.Oct.), 351357.
218. Bazant, Z.P., and Sener, S. (1987). Size eect in
torsional failure of concrete beams. J. of Struct. Engrg.
ASCE, 113 (10), 21252136.
219. Belytschko, T., Wang, X.-J., Bazant, Z.P.,
and Hyun, T. (1987). Transient solutions for onedimensional problems with strain-softening. Trans.
ASME, J. of Applied Mechanics 54 (3), 513516.
220. Bazant, Z.P., and Chern, J.-C. (1987). Stressinduced thermal and shrinkage strains in concrete. J. of
Engrg. Mechanics, ASCE 113 (10), 14931511.
221. Pijaudier-Cabot, G., and Bazant, Z.P. (1987).
Nonlocal damage theory. J. of Engrg. Mechanics,
ASCE 113 (10), 15121533.
222. Bazant, Z.P., Pan, J.-Y., and Pijaudier-Cabot,
G. (1987). Softening in reinforced concrete beams and
frames. ASCE J. of Struct. Engrg. 113 (12), 23332347.
286. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, Joong-Koo (1992). Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations
of concrete: Part 3Creep at drying. Materials and
Structures (RILEM, Paris) 25 (145), 2128.
287. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, Joong-Koo (1992). Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations
of concrete: Part 4Temperature eects. ibid., 25 (146),
288. Bazant, Z.P., and Kim, Joong-Koo (1992). Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations
of concrete: Part 5Cyclic load and cyclic humidity.
ibid., 25 (147), 163169.
289. Bazant, Z.P., Panula, L., Kim, Joong-Koo,
and Xi, Yunping (1992). Improved prediction model
for time-dependent deformations of concrete: Part 6
Simplied code-type formulation ibid., 25 (148), 219
289A. 310 Part 7 of this series.
290. Bazant, Z.P., Krstek, V., and Vtek, J.L. (1992).
Drying and cracking eects in box-girder bridge segment. ASCE J. of Structural Engineering 118 (1), 305
291. Chern, J.-C., You, C.-M., and Bazant, Z.P.
(1992). Deformation of progressively cracking partially
prestressed concrete beams. PCI Journal 37 (1), 7485;
Disc. 37 (6), 7273.
292. Gioia, G., Bazant, Z.P., and Pohl, B. (1992), Is
no-tension dam design always safe?, Dam Engineering 3
(1), 2334 (disc. closure 4 (1), 59).
293. Bazant, Z.P., and Ozbolt, J. (1992). Compression failure of quasi-brittle material: Nonlocal microplane
model. J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 118 (3), 540
294. Bazant, Z.P., and Tabbara, M.R. (1992). Bifurcation and stability of structures with interacting propagating cracks. Int. J. of Fracture 53, 273289.
295. Carol, I., Prat, P.C., and Bazant, Z.P. (1992).
New explicit microplane model for concrete: Theoretical
aspects and numerical implementation. Int. J. Solids
Structures 29 (9), 11731191.
296. He, S., Plesha, M.E., Rowlands, R.E., and Bazant,
Z.P. (1992). Fracture energy tests of dam concrete with
rate and size eects. Dam Engineering 3 (2), 139159.
297. Ozbolt, J., and Bazant, Z.P. (1992). Microplane
model for cyclic triaxial behavior of concrete. J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 118 (7), 13651386.
298. Bazant, Z.P., and Gettu, R. (1992). Rate eects
and load relaxation: Static fracture of concrete. ACI
Materials Journal, 89 (5), 456468.
299. Bazant, Z.P. (1992). Large-scale thermal bending fracture of sea ice plates. J. of Geophysical Research
(Oceans), 97 (C11), 17,73917,751.
300. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Yunping (1993). Stochastic drying and creep eects in concrete structures. J. of
Structural Engineering, ASCE, 119 (1), 301322.
301. Bazant, Z.P., Lin, F.-B., and Lippmann, H.
(1993). Fracture energy release and size eect in bore-
hole breakout. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 17, 114.
302. Bazant, Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (1993). Why direct
tension specimens break exing to the side. J. of Struct.
Engrg., ASCE, 119 (4), 11011113.
303. Hasegawa, T., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Nonlocal microplane concrete model with rate eect and load
cycles. I. General formulation. J. of Materials in Civil
Engrg., ASCE, 5 (3), 372410.
304. Hasegawa, T., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Nonlocal microplane concrete model with rate eect and load
cycles. II. Application and verication. J. of Materials
in Civil Engrg., ASCE, 5 (3), 411417.
305. Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Scaling laws in mechanics of
failure. J. of Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 119 (9), 18281844.
306. Bazant, Z.P., Bai, S.-P., and Gettu, R. (1993).
Fracture of rock: Eect of loading rate. Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 45 (3), 393398.
307. Bazant, Z.P., and Schell, William F. (1993). Fatigue fracture of high-strength concrete and size eect.
ACI Materials Journal, 90 (5), 472478.
308. Carol, I., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Viscoelasticity with aging caused by solidication of nonaging constituent. J. of Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 119 (11), 2252
309. Bazant, Z.P., and Jirasek, M. (1993). R-curve
modeling of rate and size eects in quasibrittle fracture.
Int. Journal of Fracture, 62, 355373.
310. Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Yunping, and Baweja, S. (1993).
Improved prediction model for time-dependent deformations of concrete: Part 7 Short form of BP-KX model,
statistics and extrapolation of short-time data. Materials and Structures, 26, 567574.
311. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Yunping (1994). Drying
creep of concrete: Constitutive model and new experiments separating its mechanisms. Materials and Structures, 27, 314.
312. Bazant, Z.P. (1994). Nonlocal damage theory
based on micromechanics of crack interactions. J. of Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 120 (3), 593617; Addendum and Errata 120, 140102.
313. Bazant, Z.P., Kwon, Y.W. (1994). Failure of
slender and stocky reinforced concrete columns: Tests of
size eect. Materials and Structures, 27, 7990.
314. Jirasek, M., and Bazant, Z.P. (1994). Localization analysis of nonlocal model based on crack interactions. J. of Engrg. Mech., ASCE 120 (3), 15211542.
315. Bazant, Z.P., and Beissel, S. (1994). Smearedtip superposition method for cohesive fracture with rate
eect and creep. Intern. J. of Fracture 65, 277290.
316. Bazant, Z.P., Huet, C., and M
uller, H.S. (1994).
Comment on recent analysis of concrete creep linearity
and applicability of principle of superposition. Materials
and Structures (RILEM, Paris) 27, 359361.
317. Bazant, Z.P., and Li, Y.-N. (1994). Cohesive
crack model for geomaterials: stability analysis and rate
eect. Applied Mechanics Reviews 47 (6, Part 2, June),
S91S96 (part of Mechanics USA 1994, ed. by A.S.
Kobayashi, Proc., 12th U.S. Nat. Congress of Appl. Mechanics, Seattle, WA, June).
318. Bazant, Z.P., and Li, Y.-N. (1994). Penetration fracture of sea ice plate: Simplied analysis and size
eect. J. of Engrg. Mech. ASCE 120 (6), 13041321.
319. Li, Y.-N., and Bazant, Z.P. (1994). Penetration
fracture of ice plate: 2D analysis and size eect. J. of
Engrg. Mech. ASCE 120 (7), 14811498.
320. Bazant, Z.P., and Jirasek, M. (1994). Nonlocal
model based on crack interactions: A localization study.
J. of Engrg. Materials & Technology, ASME 116 (July),
321. Bazant, Z.P., and Desmorat, R. (1994). Size
eect in ber or bar pullout with interface softening slip.
J. of Engrg. Mech. ASCE 120 (9), 19451962.
322. Li, Y.-N., and Bazant, Z.P. (1994). Eigenvalue
analysis of size eect for cohesive crack model. Int. J.
of Fracture 66, 213226.
323. Bazant, Z.P., Ozbolt, J., and Eligehausen, R.
(1994). Fracture size eect: review of evidence for concrete structures. J. of Struct. Engrg. ASCE, 120 (8),
324. Xi, Yunping, Bazant, Z.P., and Jennings, H.M.
(1994). Moisture diusion in cementitious materials:
Adsorption isotherms. Advanced Cement Based Materials 1, 248257.
325. Xi, Yunping, Bazant, Z.P., Molina, L., and Jennings, H.M. (1994). Moisture diusion in cementitious
materials: Moisture capacity and diusivity. Advanced
Cement Based Materials 1, 258266.
326. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Yunping (1995). Continuous retardation spectrum for solidication theory of
concrete creep. J. of Engrg. Mech.
ASCE 121 (2),
327. Bazant, Z.P., and Li, Y.-N. (1995). Penetration
fracture of sea ice plate. Int. J. Solids Structures 32, No.
3/4, 303313.
328. RILEM Techn. Com. TC-107 (1995) (Z.P. Bazant
and I. Carol, main authors), Guidelines for characterizing concrete creep and shrinkage in structural design
codes or recommendations. Materials and Structures 28,
329. Bazant, Z.P., Gu, Wei-Hwa, and Faber, K.T.
(1995). Softening reversal and other eects of a change
in loading rate on fracture of concrete. ACI Materials
Journal 92, 39.
330. Bazant, Z.P., and Li, Z. (1995). Modulus of
rupture: size eect due to fracture initiation in boundary
layer. J. of Struct. Engrg. ASCE, 121 (4), 739746.
331. Bazant, Z.P. (1995). Creep and Damage in Concrete. Materials Science of Concrete IV, J. Skalny and
S. Mindess, Eds., Am. Ceramic. Soc., Westerville, OH,
332. Jirasek, M., and Bazant, Z.P. (1995). Macroscopic fracture characteristics of random particle systems. Intern. J. of Fracture, 69(3), 201228.
333. Bazant, Z.P., Li, Z., and Thoma, M. (1995).
Identication of stress-slip law for bar or ber pullout
II. Data delocalization and verication. J. of Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 122 (3), 255262.
349. Bazant, Z.P., and Li, Zhengzhi (1996). Zerobrittleness size-eect method for one-size fracture test of
concrete. J. of Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 122 (5), 458
350. Bazant, Z.P. (1996). Finite strain generalization
of small-strain constitutive relations for any nite strain
tensor and additive volumetric-deviatoric split. Int. J.
of Solids and Structures 33 (2022), 28872897 (special
issue in memory of Juan Simo).
351. Bazant, Z.P., Daniel, I.M., and Li, Zhengzhi
(1996). Size eect and fracture characteristics of composite laminates. J. of Engrg. Materials and Technology
ASME 118 (3), 317324.
352. Pijaudier-Cabot, G., and Bazant, Z.P. (1996).
Comment on hyperbolicity of wave problem for Valanis
global damage theory. J. of Applied Mechanics ASME
63 (3), 843845 (Brief Note).
353. Tang, T., Bazant, Z.P., Yang, S., and Zollinger, D.
(1996). Variable-notch one-size test method for fracture
energy and process zone length. Engineering Fracture
Mechanics 55 (3), 383404.
354. Bazant, Z.P., and Jirasek, M. (1996), Softeninginduced dynamic localization instability: seismic damage
in frames. J. of Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 122 (12), 1149
355. Bazant, Z.P. (1996). Size eect aspects of measurement of fracture characteristics of quasibrittle material. Advanced Cement Based Materials 4 (3/4), 128137
(see also P132a).
356. Bazant, Z.P., and Baweja, S. (1996). Short form
of creep and shrinkage prediction model B3 for structures of medium sensitivity (Addendum to RILEM Recommendation TC 107GCS). Materials and Structures
(Paris) 29 (Dec.), 587593.
357. Bazant, Z.P., and Xiang, Yuyin (1997). Size
eect in compression fracture: splitting crack band propagation. J. of Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 123 (2), 162172.
358. Hong, A.P., Li, Y.-N., and Bazant, Z.P. (1997).
Theory of crack spacing in concrete pavements. J. of
Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 123 (3), 267275.
359. Bazant, Z.P., and Xiang, Y. (1997). Postcritical imperfection-sensitive buckling and optimal bracing
of large regular frames, J. of Structural Engrg. ASCE
123 (4), 513522.
360. Bazant, Z.P. (1997). Scaling of quasibrittle fracture: Asymptotic analysis. Int. J. of Fracture 83 (1),
361. Bazant, Z.P. (1997). Scaling of quasibrittle fracture: Hypotheses of invasive and lacunar fractality, their
critique and Weibull connection. Int. J. of Fracture 83
(1), 4165.
362. Bazant, Z.P., and Xiang, Y. (1997). Crack
growth and lifetime of concrete under long time loading.
J. of Engrg. Mechanics ASCE 123 (4), 350358.
363. Prat, P.C., and Bazant, Z.P. (1997). Tangential stiness of elastic materials with systems of growing
445. Cervenka,
J., Bazant, Z.P., and Wierer, M. (2005).
Equivalent localization element for crack band approach
to mesh-sensitivity in microplane model. Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engrg. 62 (5), 700726.
446. Bazant, Z.P., and Beghini, A. (2005). Which
formulation allows using a constant shear modulus for
small strain-buckling of soft-core sandwich structures?
J. of Applied Mechanics ASME 72 (Sept.), 785787.
447. Di Luzio, G., and Bazant, Z.P. (2005). Spectral analysis of localization in nonlocal and over-nonlocal
materials with softening plasticity or damage. Int. J. of
Solids and Structures 42, 60716100.
448. Bazant, Z.P., Guo, Z., Espinosa, H., Zhu, Y. and
Peng, B. (2005). Epitaxially inuenced boundary layer
model for size eect in thin metallic lms. J. of Applied
Physics 97, 073506-1 073506-13.
449. Bazant, Z.P., and Yu, Q. (2005). Designing
against size eect on shear strength of reinforced concrete
beams without stirrups: I. Formulation J. of Structural
Engineering ASCE 131 (12), 18771885.
495. Smilauer,
V., and Bazant, Z.P. (2010). Identication of viscoelastic C-S-H behavior in mature cement
pastes by FFT-based homogenization method. Cement
and Concrete Research 40, 197-207.
496. Yu, Q., Le, J.-L., Hoover, C.G., and Bazant, Z.P.
(2010). Problems with Hu-Duan boundary eect model
and its comparison to size-shape eect law for quasibrittle
fracture. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mechanics 136 (1),4050.
497. Ji, Wooseok, Waas, A.M., and Bazant, Z.P.
(2010). Errors Caused by Non-Work-Conjugate Stress
and Strain Measures and Necessary Corrections in Finite
Element Programs. ASME J. of Applied Mechanics 77
(July), 044504-1044504-5.
498. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Q., Li, G.-H., Klein, G.J., and
Krstek, V. (2010), Excessive deections of record-span
prestressed box girder: Lessons learned from the collapse
of the Koror-Babeldaob Bridge in Palau. ACI Concrete
International 32 (6), June, 44-52.
Bazant, Z.P. (2010).
Can multiscalemultiphysics methods predict softening damage and
structural failure. Inter. J. for Mutiscale Computational
of CTU Prague, J. Sejnoha,
ed.; authorized republication from Mechanics (Newsletter of Am. Academy
of Mechanics) 36 (5-6), 512, 2007).
499. Bazant, Z.P., and Le, Jia-Liang (2011). Why the
observed motion history of World Trade Center towers is
smooth. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mechanics 137 (1), 8284.
500. Le, Jia-Liang, Bazant, Z.P., and Bazant, M.Z.
(2011). Unied nano-mechanics based probabilistic theory of quasibrittle and brittle structures: I. Strength,
static crack growth, lifetime and scaling. J. of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59, 12911321.
501. Le, Jia-Liang and Bazant, Z.P. (2011). Unied
nano-mechanics based probabilistic theory of quasibrittle
and brittle structures: II. Fatigue crack growth, lifetime
and scaling. J. of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
59, 13221337.
502. Yu, Qiang, Bazant, Z.P. (2011). Can stirrups
suppress size eect on shear strength of RC beams?
ASCE J. of Engrg. Mech. 137 (5), 607617.
503. Smilauer,
V., Hoover, C.G., Bazant, Z.P., Caner,
F.C., Waas, K.W., and Shahwan, K. (2011). Multiscale
simulation of fracture of braided composites via repetitive
unit cells. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (6), April,
pp. 901-918.
504. Bazant, Z.P., Hubler, M.H., and Yu, Qiang (2011).
Excessive creep deections: An awakening. ACI Concrete International 33 (8), 4446.
505. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Qiang (2011). Size eect testing of cohesive fracture parameters and non-uniqueness
of work-of-fracture method. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mech.
137 (8), 580-588.
506. Caner, F., Bazant, Z.P., Hoover, C., Waas, A.,
and Shahwan, K. (2011). Microplane model for fracturing damage of triaxially braided ber-polymer composites, ASME J. of Engrg. Materials and Technology 133
(April), pp. 021024-1021024-12.
507. Bazant, Z.P., Hubler, M.H., and Yu, Qiang (2011).
Pervasiveness of excessive segmental bridge deections:
A wake-up call for creep. ACI Structural Journal 108 (6,
Nov.-Dec.), 766-774.
508. Le, Jia-Liang, and Bazant Z.P. (2012). Scaling
of Static Fracture of Quasi-Brittle Structures: Strength,
Lifetime, and Fracture Kinetics. ASME J. of Applied
Mechanics 79, 031006-1031006-10 (Special J.R. Rice
70th Birthday Issue).
509. Bazant, Z.P., and Le, Jia-Liang (2012). Size
eect on strength and lifetime probability distributions
of quasibrittle structures. S
a (Indian Academy of
Sciences) 37 (Feb.), Part 1, 1731 (authorized updated republication of P210).
510. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Qiang, and Li, Guang-Hua
(2012). Excessive long-time deections of prestressed
box girders: I. Record-span bridge in Palau and other
paradigms. ASCE J. of Structural Engrg. 138 (6), 676
530. Le, Jia-Liang, and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Finite weakest-link model of lifetime distribution of quasibrittle structures under fatigue loading. Mathematics
and Mechanics of Solids 19(1), 5670 (issue honoring
531. Bazant, Z.P., and Vorel, J. (2014). Energyconservation error due to use of Green-Naghdi objective
stress rate in commercial nite-element codes and its compensation. ASME J. of Applied Mechanics 81 (Feb.), pp.
021008-1 121008-5.
532. Salviato, M., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). The
asymptotic stochastic strength of bundles of elements
exhibiting general stress-strain laws. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 36, 17.
533. Hoover, C.G., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Universal size-shape eect law based on comprehensive concrete
fracture tests. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mechanics 140 (3),
534. Hoover, C.G., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Comparison of the Hu-Duan boundary eect model to size-shape
eect law for quasi-brittle fracture based on new comprehensive fracture tests. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mechanics
140 (3), 480486.
535. Zi, Goangseup, Kim, Jihwan, and Bazant, Z.P.
(2014). Size eect on biaxial exural strength of concrete. ACI Materials Journal 111 (No. 1, January), 18.
536. Kirane, K., Bazant, Z.P., and Zi, Goangseup
(2014). Fracture and size eect on strength of plain concrete disks under biaxial exure analyzed by microplane
model M7. ASCE J. of Engrg. Mechanics 140 (3), 604
537. Bazant, Z.P., and Hubler, M.H. (2014). Theory
of cyclic creep of concrete based on Paris law for fatigue
543. Vorel, J., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Review of energy conservation errors in nite element softwares caused
by using energy-inconsistent objective stress rates. Advances in Engrg. Software 72, 37 (special issue honoring
Prof. Zdenek Bittnar at his 70th birthday).
544. Kim, Kyungtae, Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Creep design aid: open-source website program for concrete creep
and shrinkage prediction. ACI Materials Journal 111
(4), 423432.
545. Bazant, Z.P., Salviato, M., Chau, Viet T.,
Viswanathan, H. and Zubelewicz, A. (2014). Why fracking works. ASME J. of Applied Mechanics 81 (Oct.),
546. Vorel, J., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Size eect in
exure of prestressed concrete beams failing by compression softening. ASCE J. of Structural Engrg. 140 (10),
pp. 04014068-104014068.
547. Kirane, K., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Microplane
damage model for fatigue of quasibrittle materials: Subcritical crack growth, lifetime and residual strength. International Journal of Fatigue 70 (2015), 93105.
In Press:
Chen, Xin, Bazant, Z.P. (2014). Microplane damage
model for jointed rock masses. Int J. of Num. and
Anal.Methods in Geomechanics, in press.
Wendner, R., Vorel J., Smith, Jovanca, Hoover, C.G.,
Bazant, Z.P., Cusatis, G. (2014). Characterization of
concrete failure behavior: a comprehensive experimental database for the calibration and validation of concrete models. Materials and Structures (RILEM, Paris),
in press.
A1. J. P. Dempsey and G. Pijaudier-Cabot, Guest Editors (1998), Special Topics in Structural Mechanics of
Geomaterials, A Volume in Honor of Professor Zdenek P.
Bazant, Special Issue of Int. J. of Solids & Structures 35
(3132), Nov., 40194350.
A2. G. Pijaudier-Cabot, Z. Bittnar and Bruno Gerard,
Editors (1999), Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle Materials and
Structures, A Volume in Honour of Professor Zdenek P.
Bazants 60th Birthday, Hermes Science Publications,
Paris (446 pp.).
A3. V. Cervenka
(2002). Profesor Zdenek P. Bazant
clenem americke Narodn akademie ved, Beton (Prague)
2 (5), p. 54.
A3. Editorial, Prof. Bazant Visiting CTU (Czech
Technical University) in Prague (Professor Zdenek P.
Research Articles in
Conference Proceedings
Bazant, Z.P. (1964).
Die Berechnung des
Kriechens und Schwindens nicht-homogener Betonkonstruktionen (Analysis of creep and shrinkage of nonhomogeneous
concrete structures), Proc. 7th Congress, Intern. Assoc. for
Bridge and Struct. Engrg., IABSE, held in Rio de Janeiro,
887897 (Portugese transl.: Laborat
orio Nacional de Engeharia Civil, Trad. No. 218).
P2. Bazant, Z.P. (1965). Ein neues Modell f
ur Beschreibung der rheologischen Eigenschaften von glasfaserverst
Plasten (A new model for rheological behavior of reinforced
plastics), Proc., Erste International-Tagung u
ber GFP und
Epoxydharze, held in Berlin, Institut f
ur Kunststoe D. A.
W., Paper E3/1.
P3. Bazant, Z.P. (1965). Stress relaxation testing of plastics and bre-glass plastics. Proc., Conf. on Exper. Methods
of Investigating Stress and Strain in Structures, held at Techn.
Univ. Prague, Building Res. Inst., 797809.
P4. Bazant, Z.P. (1965). Electric analogues for creep
of concrete structures. Proc., Conf. on Exper. Methods of
Investigating Stress and Strain in Structures, held at Techn.
Univ. Prague, Building Res. Inst., 207218.
P4a. Bazant, Z.P., and V. Weiss (1967). Experimental
research on new developments brought by synthetic resins to
building techniques. RILEM International Symp., Paris (4-6
September), publ. by Eyrolles.
P4b. Bazant, Z.P., and Skupin, L. (1967). Pr
ufung der Relaxation und der Best
andigkeit von GFP unter Spannung. II.
Internationale Tagung u
ber glasfaserverst
arkten Kunststoe
und Gieharze. March 1318, 1967, Institut f
ur organische Hochpolymere, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Berlin (East) (9pp.)
P4c. Bazant, Z.P. (1968). Eects of creep under repeated
stresses superposed on sustained stresses. Final Report, 8th
Congress of Int. Assoc. for Bridge & Struct. Engrg. (IABSE)
(held in New York), Theme IVa, IABSE, Z
urich, 741746.
P5. Bazant, Z.P. (1971). Micropolar medium as a model
for buckling of grid frameworks. Developments in Mechanics,
Vol. 6 (Proc. of the 12th Midwestern Mechanics conference,
U. of Notre Dame), 587593.
P6. Bazant, Z.P. (1971). Numerically stable algorithm
with increasing time steps for integral-type aging creep.
Proc., First Intern. Conf. on Struct. Mech. in Reactor Tech.
(SMiRT-1) (org. by BAM, Berlin, and Commission of Eur.
Communities), ed. by T.A. Jaeger, West Berlin, Vol. 4, Part
H, 119126.
P7. Bazant, Z.P., and Christensen, M. (1973). Continuous
approximation of large regular frames and the problem of a
substitute frame. Response of multistory concrete structures
to lateral forces. Am. Concrete Inst. Special Publ. No. 36,
P7a. Bazant, Z.P. (1975). Material inelasticity and failure in the design of concrete structures for nuclear reactors,
Proc., 3rd Int. Conf. on Struct. Mech. in Reactor Techn.
(SMiRT-3) (held in London), Vol. H.
P8. Bazant, Z.P. (1975). Pore pressure, uplift, and failure
analysis of dams. Proc., Symp. on Criteria and Assumptions
for Numerical Analysis of Dams, held in Swansea, D.J. Naylor, K.G. Stagg and O.C. Zienkiewicz, eds., Dept. of Civil
Engineering, . of Wales, Swansea, and Brit. Nat. Committee
on Large Dams, 781808.
P9. Bazant, Z.P., and Kludum, W. (1976). Quest for a
quantitative model of corrosive processes and thermal cracking
in ocean concrete structures. 1st Int. Conf. on Behavior of
Ocean Structures, The Norwegian Inst. of Tech., Trondheim,
Norway, 593604.
P10. Bazant, Z.P. (1976). Singular nite element for dynamics of elastic solids with cracks and sharp notches. (Proc.,
10th Anniv. Meeting, Soc. of Engrg. Science, Raleigh, N.C.,
1973), Recent Advances in Engineering Science, ed. T. S.
Chang, Vol. 7, 101108, Scientic Publishers, Boston.
P11. Bazant, Z.P., and Estenssoro, L. F. (1977). General
numerical method for three-dimensional stress singularities in
cracked or notched elastic solids. 4th Int. Congress on Fracture (ICF4), Univ. of Waterloo, Canada, Vol. 3, 371375.
P12. Bazant, Z.P. (1977). Finite element for nonlinear
creep, large buckling deections, and cracking of plates on
uid foundation, Recent Advances in Engrg. Science (Proc.,
10th Anniv. Meeting, Soc. of Engn. Science, held in Raleigh,
N.C., Nov. 1973), Vol. 8, 401407.
P77. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1991). Size eect in quasibrittle micro-heterogenous structures: Deterministic and statistical theories in application of fracture mechanics to reinforced concrete. (Proc. of Int. Research Workshop, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, October 1990), ed. A Carpinteri, Elsevier, London, 116.
P78. Bazant, Z.P. (1991). Recent progress in damage
modeling: Nonlocality and its microscopic cause. in Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (Proceedings, 3rd International Conference held in Tucson, AZ, Jan.), ed. by C.S.
Desai et al., 377385.
P79. Carol, I., and Bazant, Z.P. (1991), Damage-rheology
uncoupling for microplane damage tensor, with application to
concrete with creep. ibid., 391-394.
P80. Bazant, Z.P., and Gettu, R. (1991). Size eects in
the fracture of quasi-brittle materials. in Cold Regions Engineering (Proc., 6th ASCE International Specialty Conference,
held in Hanover, NH, Feb. 1991), ed. by D.S. Sodhi, ASCE,
New York, 595604.
P81. Prat, P.C., and Bazant, Z.P. (1991). Microplane
constitutive model for inelastic behavior of soils in Computer
Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (Proc., 7th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, held in Cairns, Australia, May 1991), ed. by G.
Beer et al., Balkema, Rotterdam.
P82. Bazant, Z.P., Xi, Y., and Molina, L. (1991). Moisture diusion in concrete and mechanisms of drying creep. in
Mechanics Computing in 1990s and Beyond (Proc., Engineering Mechanics Division Conference held in Columbus, Ohio,
May 1991), ed. by H. Adeli and R.L. Sierakowski, 11461148.
P83. Prat, P.C., and Bazant, Z.P. (1991). A timedependent microplane model for creep of cohesive soils. ibid,
P84. Bazant, Z.P. (1991). Size eects on fracture and
localization: Apercu of recent advances and their extension
to simultaneous fatigue and rate sensitivity in Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics (Proceedings of International RILEM/ESIS Conference, Fracture Processes in
Brittle Disordered Materials: Concrete, Rock, Ceramics. held
in Noordwijk, Netherlands, June), ed. by J.G.M. van Mier, E
& FM Spon, London, 417429.
P85. Ozbolt, J., and Bazant, Z.P. (1991). Cyclic microplane model for concrete. ibid, 639650.
P86. Bazant, Z.P., and Xu, K. (1991). Size eect in fatigue
fracture (Proceedings, 9th ASCE Structures Congress, Indianapolis, IN, April), ed. by T.G. Williamson, publ. by ASCE,
New York, 458461.
P87. Bazant, Z.P. (1991). Fracture mechanics of quasibrittle structures: Recent advances. (Proc., 11th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT-11, Tokyo, August), ed. by H. Shibata, Vol.
H, Paper H04/1, pp. 97107.
P88. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1991). Nonlocal generalization of Weibull theory for random strength of concrete
structures ibid, Vol. M, Paper M11(H)/S, pp. 247252.
P89. Bazant, Z.P., He S., Plesha, M.E., and Rowlands, R.E.
(1991) Rate and size eect in concrete fracture: Implications
for dams. (Proc., Int. Conf. on Dam Fracture, Denver, Colorado, September), ed. by V. Saouma, R. Dungar, and D.
Morris, University of Colorado, 413425.
P90. ACI Committee 446 on Fracture Mechanics (1992)
(Bazant, Z.P. princ. author & chairman). Fracture mechanics of concrete: concepts, models and determination of material properties. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures
(Proc. FraMCoS1Int. Conf. on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Breckenridge, Colorado, June), ed. by Z.P.
P106. Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Improved pore water diusion model for creep analysis of concrete structures.
ibid, 169174.
P107. Carol, I., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Solidication
theory: A rational and eective framework for constitutive
modeling of aging viscoelasticity. ibid, 177188.
P108. Xi, Y., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Continuous retardation spectrum for solidication theory of concrete creep.
ibid, 225230.
P109. Wu, Z.-S., and Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Finite element
modeling of rate eect in concrete fracture with inuence of
creep. ibid, 427432.
P110. Bazant, Z.P. (1993). Size eect in tensile and compressive quasibrittle failures. Preprints, JCI International
Workshop on Size Eect in Concrete Structures, held at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October, 141160; also Proceedings, Size eect in concrete structures, ed. by H. Mihashi, H. Okamura and Z.P. Bazant, E & FN Spon, LondonNew York, 1994, 161-180.
P110a. Bazant, Z.P. (1993) P29c.
P111. Bazant, Z.P. (1994). Recent advances in fracture
mechanics, size eect and rate dependence of concrete: Implication for dams. Proc., Int. Workshop on Dam Fracture and
Damage, held at Chambery, France, March, A.A. Balkema,
Rotterdam, 4154.
P112. Bazant, Z.P., Jir
asek, M, Xiang, Y., and Prat, P.C.
(1994). Microplane model with stress-strain boundaries and
its identication from tests with localized damage. Proc.,
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C),
held at Innsbruck, Austria, March, Pineridge Press, 255261.
P113. Bazant, Z.P., and Y. Xi (1994). Fracture of random quasibrittle materials: Markov process and Weibulltype models. Structural Safety and Reliability (Proc. of
ICOSSAR936th Intern. Conf. on Struct. Safety & Reliability, Innsbruck, Austria, Aug. 913, 1993), ed. by
G.I. Schueller, M. Shinozuka and J.T.P. Yao, A.A. Balkema,
RotterdamBrookeld, 609614.
P114. Bazant, Z.P., and Kazemi, M. T. (1994). Localization of softening damage in frames and implications for earthquake resistance. Proc., 5th U.S. National Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (held in Chicago, July 1994), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California,
Vol. 1, 313322.
P115. Bazant, Z.P., and Xi, Y. (1994). Mechanism of
drying creep of cement-based materials: diusion processes
and microcracking (Proc., Symp. at Amer. Ceramic Soc.
PAC-RIM Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 1993). Cement
Technology, ed. by E. M. Gartner and H. Uchikawa, Ceramic
Transactions 40, 195201.
P116. Bazant, Z.P., and Vtek, J.L. (1994). Stud connectors in composite beams: simplied failure modeling and
size eect. Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures:
Experiment, Theory and Computer Modeling (Proc., EuropeU.S. Workshop held at Czech Techn. Univ., Prague, Sept.
21-23, 1994, sponsored by U.S.-NSF and European Union),
ed. by Bazant, Z.P., Bittnar, Z., Jir
asek, M., and Mazars, J.,
E. & FN Spon, London-New York, 333341.
P117. Bazant, Z.P., and Baweja, S. (1994). Concrete creep
and shrinkage prediction models for design codes. Concrete
Technology: New Trends, Industrial Applications (Proc., ConTech, Int. RILEM Workshop on Technology Transfer of New
Trends in Concrete, Barcelona, Nov. 79), ed. by A. Aguado,
R. Gettu, S.P. Shah, publ. by E & FN Spon, LondonNew
York, 213237.
P118. Bazant, Z.P., and Jir
asek, M. (1995). Continuum
damage due to interacting propagating microcracks: new nonlocal model and localization analysis. in Fracture of Brittle,
Equivalent localization element for crack band model as alternative to elements with embedded discontinuities . Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (Proc., FraMCoS-4 Int.
Conf., Paris), R. de Borst, J. Mazars, G. Pijaudier-Cabot and
J.G.M. van Mier, eds., Swets & Zeitlinger (A.A. Balkema Publishers), Lisse, 765772.
P168. Bazant, Z.P., and Zi, G. (2001). Spatial and temporal scaling of concrete response to extreme environments.
Concrete Under Severe Conditions (Proc., 3rd Int. Conf., 0.
CONSEC01), N. Banthia, K. Sakai and O.E. Gjrv, eds., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 310.
P169. Cusatis, G., Bazant, Z.P., and Cedolin, L. (2001).
3D lattice model for dynamic simulations of creep, fracturing and rate eect in concrete. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Other Quasi-Brittle Materials.
(Proc., 6th Intern. Conf., CONCREEP-6, held at MIT, Cambridge), F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant and F.H. Wittmann, eds.,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001, 113118.
P170. Bazant, Cedolin, L., and Cusatis, G. (2001). Temperature eect on concrete creep modeled by microprestresssolidication theory. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Other Quasi-Brittle Materials.
(Proc., 6th Intern. Conf., CONCREEP-6, held at MIT, Cambridge), F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant and F.H. Wittmann, eds.,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001, 197204.
P171. Zi, G., and Bazant, Z.P. (2001). Continuous relaxation spectrum of concrete creep and its incorporation
into microplane model M4. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Other Quasi-Brittle Materials.
(Proc., 6th Intern. Conf., CONCREEP-6, held at MIT, Cambridge), F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant and F.H. Wittmann, eds.,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001, 239243.
P172. Bazant, Z.P., Zhou, Y., Nov
ak, D., and Daniel, I.M.
(2001). Size eect in fracture of sandwich structure components: foam and laminate. Proc., ASME Intern. Mechanical
Engrg. Congress (held in New York), Vol. AMD-TOC (paper
25413), Am. Soc. of Mech. Engrs., New York, pp. 112.
P173. Bazant, Z.P. (2001). Scaling laws for sea ice fracture. Proc., IUTAM Symp. on Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics
and Ice Dynamics (held in Fairbanks, June 2000), ed. by J.P.
Dempsey and H.H. Shen, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht,
195206 (proceedings adaptation of preprint P155).
P174. Bazant, Z.P., and Nov
ak, D. (2001). Nonlocal
model for size eect in quasibrittle failure based on extreme
value statistics. (Proc., 8th Int. Conf. on Structural Safety
and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Newport Beach, Cal., 2001), R.B.
Corotis, ed., Swets & Zeitinger (Balkema), 18.
P174. Bazant, Z.P., and Yu, Q. (2001). Choice of Concrete Fracture Test for a Standard. NSF Workshop on Concrete Fracture Test Standard (handouts), organized by ACI
Committee 446, Fracture Mechanics (K. Gerstle, chair), Captiva, Florida (25 pp.).
P175. Bazant, Z.P., and Guo, Z. (2002). Scaling of failure
of oating sea ice plates. Proc., 15th ASCE Engrg. Mechanics
Conf., Columbia University, New York, pp. 16.
P176. Nov
ak, D., Bazant, Z.P., and Vtek, J.L. (2002).
Experimental-analytical size-dependent prediction of modulus of rupture of concrete. Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete (Proc. of Int. Symp.), V. Blek and Z. Kersner, eds.,
Brno University of Technology, 387393.
P177. Nov
ak, D., Bazant, Z.P. (2002). Interaction of
size eect and reliability of design: Case study of exural
strength of concrete. First Int. Conf. on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (Int. Assoc. IABMAS), Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 18.
P178. Bazant, Z.P. (2002). Scaling of failure of composites. Proc., Intern. Symp. on Mechanics of Composites,
Czech Techn. University in Prague, M. Cern
y, ed., 514.
P179. Bazant, Z.P., and Nov
ak, D. (2003). Stochastic models for deformation and failure of quasibrittle structures: recent advances and new directions. Computational
Modelling of Concrete Structures (Proc., EURO-C Conf., St.
Johann im Pongau, Austria), N. Bicanic, R. de Borst, H. Mang
and G. Meschke, eds., A.A. Balkema Publ., Lisse, Netherlands, 583598.
P180. Bazant, Z.P. (2003). Shear buckling of sandwich
plates: Resolution of a paradox. Contributions to computations and experimental investigation of engineering materials
and structures (dedicated to Prof. Z. Bittnars 60th birthday),
P. Konvalinka and J. M
aca, eds., Czech Technical University
in Prague, 2003 (summary of No. 422).
P181. Nov
ak, D., Bazant, Z.P., Vorechovsk
y, M. (2003).
Computational modeling of statistical size eect in quasibrittle structures. Applications of Statistics and Probability in
Civil Engineering (Proc., 9th Int. Conf., ICASP-9, held in San
Francisco), A. Der Kiureghian, S. Madanat and J. M. Pestana,
eds., Millpress, Rotterdam, 621628.
P182. Bazant, Z.P., and Beghini, A. (2003). Shear buckling of ber composites and sandwich structures: Paradox
resolved. Proc., 14th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials,
ICCM-14 (held in San Diego), 110.
P183. Bazant, Z.P. (2003). Energetic and statistical size
eects in ber composites and sandwich structures. A precis of
recent progress. Proc., 10th Int. Conf. on Composites/Nano
Engineering (ICCE-10), D. Hui, ed., University of New Orleans, 869872.
P184. Bazant, Z.P., Caner, F.C., Cedolin, L., Cusatis, G.,
and Di Luzio, G. (2004). Fracturing material models based
on micromechanical concepts: Recent advances. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (Proc., FraMCoS-5, 5th Int.
Conf. on Fracture Mech. of Concrete and Concr. Structures, Vail, Colo.), V.C. Li, K.Y. Leung, K.J. Willam, and
S.L. Billington, eds., IA-FraMCoS, 153162.
P185. Bazant, Z.P., and Yu, Q. (2004). Size eect in concrete specimens and structures: New problems and progress.
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (Proc., FraMCoS5, 5th Int. Conf. on Fracture Mech. of Concrete and Concr.
Structures, Vail, Colo.), Vol. 1, V.C. Li, K.Y. Leung, K.J.
Willam, and S.L. Billington, eds., IA-FraMCoS, 153162.
P186. Bazant, Z.P., Pang, S.D., Vorechovsk
y, M., Nov
D. and Pukl, R. (2004). Statistical size eect in quasibrittle
materials: Computation and extreme value theory. Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete Structures (Proc., FraMCoS-5, 5th Int.
Conf. on Fracture Mech. of Concrete and Concr. Structures, Vail, Colo.), V.C. Li, K.Y. Leung, K.J. Willam, and
S.L. Billington, eds., IA-FraMCoS, 153162.
P187. Bazant, Z.P. (2004). Durability modeling based on
fracture, diusion, chemomechanics and creep. (keynote plenary lecture) Concrete under Severe Conditions: Environment
and Loading (Proc., 4th int. Conf., CONSEC04, Seoul), B.H.
Oh, ed., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 316.
P187a. Bazant, Z.P., and Beghini, A. (2004). EnergeticStatistical Size Eect in Composites and Sandwich Structures. em Advances in Computational & Experimental Engineering Science (Proc. of Int. Conf., ICCES04, in Madeira),
S.N. Atluri, A.J.B. Tadeu, Eds., Tech Science Press, 327332.
P188. Vorechovsk
y, M., Bazant, Z.P., and Nov
ak, D.
(2005). Procedure of statistical size eect prediction for crack
initiation problems. Proc. (CD) 11-th Int. Conf. on Fracture (ICF-11, held in Turin, Italy), A. Carpinteri, ed., Paper
40-6-1, pp. 16.
P189. Bazant, Z.P., and Pang, S.-D. (2005). Revision
of Reliability Concepts for Quasibrittle Structures and Size
Eect on Probability Distribution of Structural Strength.
P202. Bazant, Z.P. (2007). Mechanics based prediction of structure size and geometry eects on safety factors for composites and other quasibrittle materials. Proc.,
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASE Structures, Structural
Dynamics and Materials Conference (Honolulu, Hawaii),Am.
Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 115.
P203. Bazant, Z.P., and Yu, Q. (2007). Consequences
of ignoring or mis-judging the size eect in concrete design
codes and practice. Proc., 3rd Structural Engineers World
Congress, Bangalore, India, Nov. (a slightly expanded version
was published, with authorization, as article 473).
P204. Bazant, Z.P., Caner, F.C., Le, J.-L., and Yu, Q.
(2008). Size eect on strength of hybrid metal-compojoints,
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASE Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (Schaumburg, Illinois), Am.
Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Paper AIAA 2008-2093
(pp. 111).
P205. Bazant, Z.P., Le, J.-L., and Bazant, M.Z. (2008).
Size eect on strength and lifetime distributions of quasibrittle structures implied by interatomic bond break activation.
Proc., 17th European Conference on Fracture (ECF-17), held
at Technical University Brno, Brno, Czech Rep., J. Pokluda
et al., eds., pp. 7892.
P206. Bazant, Z.P., Li, G.-H., and Yu, Q. (2008). Prediction of creep and shrinkage and their eects in concrete
structures: Critical appraisal. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (Proc.,
8th Int. Conf. CONCREEP-8, held in Ise-Shima, Japan,
Sept. 2 - Oct. 2), T. Tanabe et al. eds., CRC Press/Balkema,
Taylor & Francis Group, Boca RatonLondon, pp. 1275-1289.
P207. Krstek, V., Vr
ablk, L., Bazant, Z.P., Li, G.-H.,
and Yu, Q. (2008). Misprediction of long-time deections of
prestressed box girders: Causes, remedies and tendon lay-out
eect. ibid., pp. 12911295.
P208. Bazant, Z.P., Le, J.-L. (2008). Recent progress in
energetic probabilistic scaling laws for quasi-brittle fracture.
Proc., IUTAM Symp. on Scaling in Solid Mechanics (held at
the University of Cardi, UK, June), Springer, pp. 135143.
P209. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Q., Li, G.-H., and Cusatis, G.
(2009). Modeling of creep and hygrothermal deformations of
concrete, and consequences of nano-porosity (Biot lecture)
Poromechanics IV, Proc. of 4th Biot Conf. on Poromechanics,
Columbia University Mew York, DEStech Publications, NY,
H.I. Ling, A. Smyth and R. Betti, eds., 316.
P210. Bazant, Z.P., and Le, Jia-Liang (2009). Size eect
on strength and lifetime distributions of quasibrittle structures. Proc., ASME 2009 Int. Mech. Engrg. Congress
(IMECE2009), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, pp. 19.
P211. Bazant, Z.P., and Yu, Q. (2010). Modeling of
concrete creep and hygrothermal deformations, and computation of their structural eects. Computational Modeling of
Concrete Structures (plenary lecture, EURO-C Conf., Schladming/Rohrmoos, Austria). N. Bicanic et al., eds., Taylor &
Francis, London, pp. 313.
P212. Bazant, Z.P., Wu, J.-Y., Caner, F.C., Cusatis, G.
(2010). How to enforce non-negative energy dissipation in
microplane and other constitutive models of softening damage,
plasticity and friction. Computational Modeling of Concrete
structures (EURO-C Conf., Schladming/Rohrmoos, Austria).
N. Bicanic et al., eds., Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 8791.
P213. Bazant, Z.P., and Le, Jia-Liang (2010). Statistical aspects of quasibrittle size eect and lifetime, with consequences for safety and durability of large structures. in
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures
Recent Advances in Fracture Mechanics of Concrete (Proc.,
FraMCoS-7, 7th Int. Conf. held in Jeju, Korea, plenary lecture), B.-H. Oh, ed., publ. by Korea Concrete Institute, Seoul,
pp. 18.
P214. Bazant, Z.P., Le, Jia-Liang and Hoover, C.G. (2010).
Nonlocal boundary layer (NBL) model: overcoming boundary condition problems in strength statistics and fracture analysis of quasibrittle materials, ibid., pp. 135143.
P215. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Q., Cusatis, G., Cedolin, L., and
asek, M. (2010). Misconception on variability of fracture
energy, its uniaxial denition by work of fracture, and its presumed dependence on crack length and specimen size, ibid.,
pp. 2937.
P216. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Q., Hubler, M., Krstek, V., and
Bittnar, Z. (2011). Wake-up call for creep, myth about size
eect and black holes in safety: What to improve in b model
code draft. Concrete Engineering for Excellence and Eciency (Proc., b Symp. Prague, Topic 3 Keynote Lecture)
(ISBN 978-87158-26-7), pp. 731746 (republished as book
chapter in 516).
P217. Bazant, Z.P., Yu, Q., Kim, K.-T., Hubler, M.,
V., Vr
ablk, Leps, M., and Krstek, V. (2011).
Excessive multi-decade deections of prestressed concrete
bridges: How to avoid them and how to exploit their monitoring to improve creep prediction model. ibid., pp. 827834.
P218. Le, Jia-Liang, and Bazant, Z.P. (2011). Size eect
on probability distribution of fatigue lifetime of quasibrittle
structures. Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil
Engineering (Proc., 11th Intern. Conf., ACSP-11, held in Z
rich), Faber, K
o hler & Nishijima, eds., Taylor & Francis,
London, 12911298 (ISBN 978-0-415-66986-3).
P219. Caner, F.C., Bazant, Z.P. (2011). Microplane model
M6f for ber reinforced concrete. Proc., XIth Int. Conf.
on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications
(COMPLAS XI) (held at UPC Sept. 2011, Barcelona), E.
Oate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric and B. Surez, eds., publ. by
CIMNE/UPC, Barcelona (12pp.).
P220. Eli
as, J. and Bazant, Z.P. (2011). Fracturing
of concrete via lattice-particle model. Proc., Int. Conf.
on Particle-Based MethodsFundamentals and Applications
(PARTICLES 2011), E. O
nate and D.R.J. Owen, eds; pp. 1
P221. Eli
as, J., Vorechovsk
y, M., and Bazant, Z.P. (2013).
Stochastic lattice simulations of exural failure in concrete
beams. Proc., 8th Int. Conf. on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-8, held in Toledo),
J.G.M. van Mier et al., eds., publ. by CIMNE, Barcelona, pp.
P222. Bazant, Z.P., Hubler, H.H., Salviato, M. and Le,
J.-L. (2013). Scaling of Failure Probability of Quasibrittle
Structures with Large Cracks. Proc., Int. Conf. on Struct.
Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR) (held at Columbia Univ.,
New York (June), pp.
P223. Bazant, Z.P., Caner, F.C. (2014). Comminution of
concrete due to kinetic energy of high shear strain rate. Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures (plenary lecture,
Proc., EURO-C held in St. Anton, Austria), N. Bicanic et al.
eds., Taylor and Francis, pp. 37.
P224. Salviato, M., Kirane, K., and Bazant, Z.P. (2014).
Statistical distributions of size eect of residual strength after
a period of sustained load. ibid., pp. 423427.
P225. Wendner, R., Hubler, M.H., and Ba
ant, Z.P. (2014).
Multi-decade creep and shrinkage prediction of traditional
and modern concretes. ibid., pp. 679684.
P226. Bazant, Z.P., Havl
asek, P., and Jir
asek, M. (2014).
Microprestress-solidication theory: Modeling of size eect
on drying creep. ibid., pp. 749758.
P227. Buscarnera, G., Cusatis, G., Zubelewicz, A. and
Bazant, Z.P. (2014), Shale fracturing for energy recovery;
current issues and review of available analytical and computational models. Proc., ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference, C.L. Meehan et al., eds., Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 168199.
P228. Bazant, Z.P., and Caner, F.C. (2014). Comminution of solids du to kinetic energy of high shear strain rate:
Implications for shock and shale fracturing. ibid., pp. 144