Stack Monitoring - Material and

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Iso-Kinetic Sampling
Any technique for collecting airborne particulate
matter in which the collector is so designed that the
airstream entering it has a velocity equal to that of
the air passing around and outside the collector
Manual Sampling
Measurement of parameters for calculation of
mass emission rates of the waste in the
Gas velocity
Gas pressure and temperature
Gas composition and density
Volumetric flow rate
To obtain a representative sample
Sample must be withdrawn from the emission
source at a rate such that the velocity and the
direction of the gas entering the sampling nozzle
is the same as the gas in the duct at the sampling
point (isokinetic sampling)
Multi-point sampling at selected points across the
sampling plane is performed
The number of points is dependent upon the
cross-sectional area of the stack and distance of
the sampling plane from flow disturbance within
the stack
The degree to which a sample represents the
particles in the total gas flow depends on:
Homogeneity of the gas velocity within sampling
Sufficient sampling points used across the sampling
Maintenance of isokinetic sampling conditions
Solid Particulate Matter: particles remaining after
oven conditioning at 1055C for a minimum of one
Sampling Emissions for Organic Compounds

Environmental issues associated with stack

emissions of organic compounds are:
Toxicity and potential for detrimental environmental
or human health effects,
Odorous properties of the volatile species
Potential to participate in photochemical reaction to
produce oxidants
Greenhouse gas or ozone-depleting potential
Selection of an appropriate test method will be
based on factors including:
Chemical composition of the organic compounds
Expected concentration range
Chemical and physical properties (boiling point,
reactivity, solubility etc.)
Characteristics of the discharge (temperature,
moisture etc.).
Conduct a preliminary site visit
Select an approved method and sampling equipment
Observe all safety precautions
Ensure plant is operating according to test
Adhere to requirements of sampling method
Transport samples to laboratory as soon as
practicable ensuring complete sample identification
and description
Emission monitoring systems must be evaluated for
Properly constructed Type S pitot tube shown in: a) Top view; face
opening planes parallel to longitudinal axis; b) side view; both legs of
equal length and central lines coincident, when viewed from both sides.
Baselines coefficient values of 0.84 may be assigned to pitot tubes
constructed this way S TYPE pitot tube construction
Method of Testing
Molecular weight determination
Dry and wet molecular weights:
Static Pressure Determination
First disconnect the positive end of the pitot tube
then take the reading of velocity pressure
For measurement of static gas pressure pitot tube
should be rotated by 90 from the position of actual
P measurement
Stack Gas Velocity Determination
For velocity determination connect pitot tube to the
Dynamic & Static pressure are measured by using
the manometer
Temperature inside the duct is also measured
The velocity of gas in the duct & the air quantity
are determined
Preliminary Determination
Temperature (Stack & ambient temperature C)
Velocity pressure Head P
Ambient Barometric pressure
Static pressure
Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate

Qs = Vol. Flow Rate (m3/hr)

Moisture Determination
May be determined either by condenser method or
by wet / dry bulb method temperature and then
referring to a suitable psychrometric chart
Should be limited to non-acid gas streams with
moisture content of less than 15 percent and dew
point less than 52C
The condenser method works well for most gas
streams and also relative easy to perform
Condenser Method
Principle, involves extracting a sample of the stack
gases through a filter for removal of the particulate
matter, then through a condensor, accumulating the
condensate formed in process, and finally through a
gas meter
Sample the gas at a rate of about 500 ml/ sec
Run the test until enough condensate has been
collected to enable an accurate measurement
Measure the temperature and pressure of
condenser close to the meter, as an insignificant
pressure loss in the line between them is expected
The meter pressure may be substituted for
condensate pressure also in order to calculate the
moisture content
Measure the volume of condensate collected in a
graduated measuring cylinder
Selection of Sampling Site &
Minimum Number of Traverse Points
Select the sampling site at any cross section of the
stack or duct that is at least eight stack or duct
diameters downstream and two diameters
upstream from any flow disturbance such as bend,
expansion, contraction, visible flame, or stack exit
For rectangular cross section, the larger dimension
shall be used to represent the stack diameter
Determine the minimum number of traverse points
Cross- Section Layout & Location Of Traverse
For circular stack divide the cross section into equal
parts by two right- angle diameters
Locate half the traverse points symmetrically along
each diameter
For rectangular areas as there are traverse points as
many equal rectangular areas traverse points such that
the ratio of the elements/ area is between one and two
Locate the traverse points at the centroid of each area
Under no condition shall sampling points be selected
within 3 cm of the stack wall
Location of traverse points on circular & rectangular
cross section divided into twelve equal areas
Location of traverse points on diameters of cross section of circular
Location of Sampling Port
Ensure laminar flow, sampling ports shall be
located at atleast 8 times chimney diameter down
stream and 2 times up stream from any flow
For a rectangular cross section the equivalent
diameter (De) shall be calculated
Number of Sampling Ports
Pitot tubes commercially available in the country generally do
not exceed 2 meter in length
Any points on the horizontal cross- section of a stack (chimney)
along any diameter can be measured for flow by the pitot tube, if
the point is approachable
Inserted pitot tube through the sampling port (hole) for stacks
with diameter less than 2m
Minimum two (mutually orthogonal) sampling ports are required
in a circular chimney, so that full stack cross-sectional area can
be covered for measurements
For stacks having diameter between 2 and 4 meters, two
mutually orthogonal sampling ports are to be increased to four
by providing additional sampling ports at diametrically opposite
position, to the first two sampling ports
Dimensions of sampling port
Pitot tube, temperature and sampling probe are to be
inserted together into the sampling port for monitoring
Standard flanged pipe of 0.10 m inside diameter (ID) with
0.15 m bolt circle diameter
Easily removable blind flange should be provided to close
the port
Port should extend outward from the exterior stack wall
not less than 50 mm and not more than 200 mm only when
additional length is required for gate valve installation
Ports should be installed at a height between 0.90 and 1.2
m above the floor of the working platform
Position of sampling ports in a circular chimney
Features of platform for stack sampling
Size and extent of platform for sampling: If two ports are
required at 90 degree the work platform should serve that
half of the stack circumference between the ports and
extend at least 1.2 meters beyond each port
If four ports are required at 90 degree, the work platform
should serve the entire circumference of the stack
Minimum platform width shall always be 1.2 meters
regardless of diameter of stack and number of sampling
Platform Access
Via caged ladder, stairway, or other suitable means
Guardrails, Ladder wells and Stairwells: A safe guardrail should be provided on the platform
Ladder wells should be covered at the platform
Stairwell leading directly to the platform should be equipped with a safety bar at the opening.

Platform Loading
Able to support at least three men (Average 80 Kg each) and 91 Kg of test equipment (stack monitoring
kit, etc.)
If the stack exists through a building roof, the roof may suffice as the work platform, provided the
minimum test sites required are complied with

Clearance Zone
A three- dimensional, obstruction free clearance zone should be provided around each port
The zone should extend 0.6 m above, below, to either side of the port & extend outward from the
exterior wall of the stack to a distance of at least 3 meters.

Power Supply
Platform- one 220 volts, 15 amp, single phase AC circuit with a grounded, two receptacle weatherproof
Stack base- one 220 volts, 15 amp, single phase AC circuit with a grounded, two receptacle
Determination of particulate matter
emissions from stationary sources
Determination of particulate concentration consists
of isokinetic sampling of a measured amount of gas
from the flue gases and separating the particles
from the gas and hence determining the particulate
To ensure representative sample, the kinetic energy
of the gas stream in the stack should be equal to
kinetic energy of the gas stream through the
sampling nozzle

Applicable for determination of particulate matter

(PM) emissions from stationary sources
Sampling of particulate matter in a moving gas
stream in a duct or a stack
Procedures utilize particulate filtering systems,
which are located within the stack
If properly used systems are satisfactory for
determining the mass concentration of particulate
matter in the gas stream at stack condition
If sampling velocity is greater than the isokinetic
rate, the sampling will have a lower mass
concentration of particulate material than the main
stream because of greater percentage of fine
If the sampling velocity is less than the isokinetic
rate, the particulate sample has a higher mass
concentration than actually present, with lower
concentration of fine particles
Sampling at greater or less than isokinetic rates
tend to cause respectively a larger or a smaller
volume to be withdrawn from the flue gases than
accounted for by the cross section area of the
Particles greater than 3.5 micron in size have
sufficient inertia so that particle motion may
deviate significantly from the gas flow streamline
Selection of Location of Sampling

Sample for particulate concentration shall be done

at the same be traverse points where velocity
measurements were carried out
Calculation of Proper Sampling Rate:
The meter for measuring the gas sample measures
the gas at conditions of temperature, pressure and
moisture content which are different than those in
the flue
Calculate the sampling rate at the gas meter for
each sampling points before starting the test and
record on the log the required rate
Calculate the sampling rate at the gas meter as
Select the nozzle size, which provide a meter-sampling
rate between 40 to 60 lit/min
Duration of Sampling- run to be of sufficient length if
one of the following criteria has been obtained:
a) A minimum of 1 m3 of dry gas has been withdrawn
for sampling
b) The mass of particulate matter amounts to at least
20 percent of the mass of the filtering medium in the
Experience and intelligent judgment should be applied
in determining the sampling time
Too short a time, may give unreliable result and too
long a time may cause the resistance of the sampling
Preparation of the Sampling Train
After proper nozzle and filtering medium have been
selected assemble the sampling train
Mark the sampling probe (including nozzle and filter
holder) with the same traverse points used for
conducting the velocity traverse.
Place a clean, pre-weighted thimble/filter in the
filter holder and tighten securely
Start the test after sampling rates have been
calculated and train assembled & checked for
When the equipment is ready in all respects, record
the initial dry gas meter reading and push the
sampling probe carefully into the duct to the point
nearest to the back wall
This will allow the probe to cool in hot stack as it
comes out, shortening the time required for cooling
after the sample is taken.
Advisable to allow the nozzle and filter holder to
preheat so that moisture present in the gases does
not condense in the filter initial part of the sampling
When starting the test, the nozzle should be facing
in the up stream direction, start operating the
suction source, open the control valve and start the
stop watch
Note the time and record it in the log sheet. Adjust
the flow rate with the help of rotameter and control
valve until the desired flow rate for isokinetic
condition is obtained
As the test proceeds, dust collected in the thimble/
filter increases the amount of suction required to
maintain proper meter rate
Valve should be adjusted accordingly
Suction should not exceed 150 mm of mercury for
paper thimble/filter
If exceed this value before the completion of
sampling, replace the same with a new thimble and
restart sampling
During the test, if the mercury suction pressure at
the meter drops suddenly it indicates that a leak has
developed in the equipment or that thimble/filter
has cracked
Record the initial gas meter reading and pressure
and temperature in the sampling train as well as
condensor temperature at half minutes interval
during the test
When sampling at one point has been completed,
move the sampling probe to the next point as
quickly as possible
At the completion of test, close the control valve,
turn the direction of the probe so that the sampling
nozzle is facing downstream and record the final gas
volume and time
Remove the sampler carefully from the flue and
plug the nozzle to prevent the loss of sample
After the sampler has cooled, brush down the dust
on the inside of the nozzle carefully into the thimble
using a small brush
Remove the thimble and place it in a dust tight
container for transportation to the weighing room
In case the filter holder is kept outside during the
sampling, the dust from the sampling probe before
the filter holder should be brushed down into the
Determine the mass of dust collected in the thimble
by difference in weighing, that is, by weighing the
thimble before and after the run
Dry the thimble in oven for 2 hrs at 120C prior to
After sampling, cool it and dry again for weighing
the thimble along with dust maintaining the same
condition as prior to sampling
Calculate the volume of gas sampled using the
Volume of dry gas through the sampling train (25 C
760 mm Hg)
Dust Concentration
Calculate the dust concentration
Correction of the result at 11 % O2
O2 > 11%
O2 < 11%; No correction is allowed
Require to correct the value for the 11% O2

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