Spiral Ramp

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Spiral Ramps for

Parking Structures The

Prefabricated Solution
The New Parking Facility at
Fornebu Airport, Oslo, Norway

Sven Alexander
Chief Structural Engineer

' Ostlandske Spennbetong A.S.

Honefoss, Norway

s air traffic keeps increasing, the

demand for parking spaces at airports continually grows, In order to
solve the parking problem at Fornehu
Airport, Oslo, it was necessary to create
a parking area of about 54,000 m2
(580,000 sq ft).
To meet this challenge, it was decided
to build a main parking structure (see
Figs. la and 1b) with overall dimensions
of approximately 81.5 x 96.0 in (270 x
315 ft) comprising six levels of parking.
In addition, there is a wing with three
levels of parking, roughly 48 x 48 m (155
x 155 ft).
Experience has shown that it is ad-


vantageous to move the transportation

ramps outside the parking structure
when the size exceeds a certain number
of parking spaces. Otherwise, the traffic
becomes too congested in the parking
areas, Consequently, it was decided to
use spiral ramps located outside the
main structure to bring the traffic in and
out of the parking facilities.
For the detailing of the structure, our
firm used the recommendations in the
PCI publication "Survey of Precast Prestressed Concrete Parking Structures,"
Research Project No. 7. This publication
provided answers to many questions
that arose and is highly recommended.

The author presents the design, production and

erection features of a precast prestressed concrete
parking structure recently completed at Fornebu
Airport in Oslo, Norway. A key element in the design
of the facility was the use of prefabricated spiral ramps.

Fig. 1 a. Spiral ramp at night with main parking structure in background.

Fig. 1 b. Overall view of parking structure on a winter day.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1988


1 in=25.4 mm



Fig. 2. Typical cross sections of ledger beams and double tees.

The Main Parking Structure

The basic grid for the main structure
was chosen to be 16 x 7.2 m (52 ft 6 in. x
23 ft 7 in.). To obtain the necessary
slopes for drainage, the foundations for
the columns were lowered in ever y second tier, thereby maintaining identical
columns on the entire structure. This
configuration did not create any problems for the general contractor on site,
but was a major simplification in the
production, transportation and erection
of the columns.
The frame consists of prefabricated
columns, ledger beams and double tees.
The cross section of the interior columns
in the five-story main structure is 500 x
500 mm (1 ft 7% in. x 1 ft 7% in.), while
the facade columns and the columns in
the two-story wing is 400 x 400 mm (1 ff
3% in. x 1 ft 3 3/4 in.).
The columns in the main structure
were prefabricated in one piece without
field splicing for a total height of 16.15
m (53 ft). The cross sections of the
ledger beams and double tees are shown
in Fig. 2. The ledger beams span approximately 6.4 m (21 ft), and the double
tees have a span of about 15.5 in (51 $).
In order to keep the torsion in the
ledger beams within acceptable limits,
two methods were used;
1. For the outer beams, with support
ledge on one side only, the ribs of the
double tees were welded to the ledge,
and a wedge was put between the top

flange of the double tee and the side of

the beam. This is a steel wedge which is
welded to the beam only. The support
detail is shown in Fig. 3. This entire
support welding was carried out while
the double tee was still hanging from
the crane cable, just barely touching the
beam. The welds on the support for the
double tees, and the anchorages of the
steel plates are designed to transmit the
horizontal force necessary to counteract
the torsion induced in the beam by the
total dead load of the slabs, plus that of
the live load they carry. All cast-in steel
units are corrosion protected, and all
welds were treated with corrosion resistant paint.
2. For the interior beams, with support ledges on both sides, it was possible to avoid steel wedges and the
welding. This was done by making sure

Fig. 3. Support detail on spandrel beam.



bearing pads


Resultant support
reuc Lion

Fig. 4. Support detail on interior beam.

Fig. 5. Plan, location of shear walls.

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1988









^+ o_,

___ ;



c I

I i


^ _ _ __
Ir s F i



Threa ded bars anchoring

the see plate


Threaded bar anchored

the insert


^ F





1in=25.4 mm

Fig. 6. Adjustable connections in horizontal joints.

the torsional moments could be carried

by the supports for the beam with acceptable deformations of the elastomeric hearing pads. Consequently, it
became principally a matter of the
geometry of the ledges relative to the
geometry of the supports. The torsional
moments were, of course, only due to
lack of symmetry of the live loads,
for during erection dead load of
slabs on one side only. The arrangement
is shown in Fig. 4.
The double tees were cast with an
additional flange thickness. Normally,
the flange is 50 mm (2 in.), but on this
project the thickness was increased to 80
mm (3 1/4 in.) This was done for structural
reasons, and eliminated the need for
concrete topping. Consequently, a less
expensive wearing surface could be
used. This will be elaborated upon later.
The stability of the structure is
achieved by means of relatively few
shear walls, strategically located. The

chosen location of the shear walls eliminated the need for expansion joints,
which are both expensive and might be
potential problem areas. The locations
of the shear walls are shown in Fig. 5.
For the shear walls crossing the direction of the beams, the columns were
cast as an integral part of the shear wall.
The shear walls in the direction of the
beams were placed between the columns, but with relatively heavy welded
connections to the columns, the columns were activated as part of the
stabilizing structure. The inherent advantage with this solution is that the
dead loads of the building will he
utilized in stabilizing the structure,
thereby reducing the demand on all
other connections in the shear walls.
In the horizontal joints of the shear
walls, a conventional bolted connection
was used. The connection facilitates the
adjustment of the elements during erection, and will transfer both compressive

and tensile forces. This connection is

shown in Fig. 6.
In summary, the main part of the
parking facility is a rather traditional
type of structure. However, the interesting elements are located outside
the building, namely, the prefabricated
spiral access ramps, one for traffic entering and one for traffic leaving the
parking facility. Although spiral ramps
have been used before, to our knowledge they have never been used in precast concrete construction.
Why Prefabricated

Spiral Ramps?
In the current building industry in
Norway, there is an acute labor shortage.
This situation may not last, but at the
time the parking facility was being bid,
the general contractor was not sure
whether such a facility could be built as
a cast-in-place structure. The only recourse left was to use prefabrication
which was probably correct as far as the
main structure is concerned. However,
it took some time before the concept of
prefabricating the ramps was fully accepted. In hindsight, we can say
emphatically that prefabrication not
only solved the labor shortage problem,
but also provided significant savings
both in construction time and direct
A comparison of the expenditures
shows that the total cost of the ramps
with the prefabricated solution was
about 70 percent of the cast-in-place
scheme. There were three major concerns that were important in the choice
of this solution, namely:
1. Cost
2. Time
3. Resources
As far as time is concerned, it is estimated that a total savings of between 3
and 4 months per access ramp was attained. This means that the parking
structure can he put into service between 6 to 9 months earlier. The

JOURNAL/March -April


Fig. 7. Erection of spiral ramp.

economic implications of this earlier

usage is evident.
The Spiral Ramps
Fig. 7 is a picture taken when the
erection of one spiral ramp was nearing
completion. The central core is 6 m (20
ff) in diameter, with an outside spiral
ledge. The total circumference of the
central core is divided into four precast
segments, each covering one-quarter of
the circle. The thickness of the core
segments is 300 mum (12 in.) and the
ledge section is 200 x 250 mm (7 7/s x 97A
in.). The main dimensions of a central
core segment are shown in Fig. 8.
The spiral deck part of the ramp is
made of warped, wedge shaped panels,
each unit covering 15 degrees of the circle. The ledge on the central core and
the deck panels are, of course, horizontal at the entry to each level of the parking structure. These solid deck panels


'^ 1 }





A 4--^

1 in

25.4 m m





Section A-A
Fig. 8. Segment for central core.

span approximately 5.8 m (19 ft) and

have a thickness of 240 mm (9 1/2 in.). A
stack of panels is shown in Fig. 9.
The outer supports for the spiral deck
slabs are at this project a steel structure.
The slabs are supported on steel beams
following the spiral curvature of the access ramps.
Originally, the wedge shaped deck
panels in the spiral ramps were planned
as flat slabs, with the difference of elevation in the joints to be evened out
with a concrete topping. However, as
the geometry of the spiral was more
closely examined we found that the
geometry of a spiral deck is actually
rather simple, as all radial lines are hori58

Fig. 9. Stack of panels.

Fig. 10. Framework of form for warped deck panels. Beams of variable depth were laid
out in a fan-like pattern on a horizontal surface.

Fig. 11. Geometry of warped deck panels. Although the underside surface of the panels
was developed by straight fines, the actual surface was curved.
PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1988


Fig. 12. Casting of prefabricated panels.

zontal. Similarly, when unfolding the

cylindrical central core, the spiral ledge
becomes a straight line, which can easily be transferred to the curved mold.

Considerations for
Mold Design
Because the geometry of the spiral
ramps was relatively simple, the mold
for the warped panels could easily be
produced by constructing the framework for the bottom of the form with
beams of different depths being laid out
on a horizontal surface in a fanned pattern, as shown in Fig. 10. These beams
were then covered with a 4 mm (^'is in.)
thick steel plate, flexible enough to follow the curvature created by the beams.
Thus, the underside of the deck panels
assumed a smooth surface of an apparent
warped shape, but actually consisted of
straight lines in the pattern shown in
Fig, 11.
The warped deck panels had to have a

"right" and a "left" twist, due to the

differences in direction of the two spiral
ramps. However, it was not possible
with one form to find a practical way to
reverse the twist. Consequently, a mold
was made for the "right" twist, and one
for the "left" twist. The choice of two
forms also made it possible to meet the
delivery schedule with only one casting
in each form every day. Fig. 12 shows
the two forms in use. They were built on
a tilt table that was slightly raised during
production in order to get the average
slope of the concrete surface as flat as
For the central core it was just as simple. As mentioned before, when the
cylindrical central core was unfolded,
the spiral ledge became a straight Iine,
as illustrated in Fig. 13. The bottom of
the form was then constructed as onequarter of a cylinder, laying on its
"back." The measurements to the spiral
ledge, determined as the distances to
the straight line on the unfolded central

rig, ii. untoiaea central core.

core, could then be transferred to the

cylindrical form.
Both spiral ramps should be curving
left, one going up and one going down.
Since the recess in the mold forming the
ledge was a fixed part of the mold, this
was achieved by extending the form on
both sides of the recess, and then during
production switching the top and bottom limitations of the mold from one
end to the other. The ledge then
changed direction from up to down.
In order to facilitate all the variations
needed, the horizontal joints were
staggered. The ledge could then he at
the bottom of the element, curving up,
or at the top and curving down. The
elements that should have the ledge
horizontal were produced with the recess for the ledge being built outside the
end of the form. The stagger of the joints
is shown in Fig. 13.
Thus, only one form was needed to
produce all the elements for the central
core of the spiral ramps. In actuality, all
48 elements for the two central cores
were produced in this one mold during
51 working days, allowing a few days for
the necessary changes in the form.
The fabrication of the mold and the casting operations were executed very
PCI JOURNALMarch-April 1988

The Joints
The horizontal forces acting on the
spiral ramps were relatively small, since
the ramps were not considered contributing to the stability of the main parking
structure. Consequently, the central
core only had to take care of the stability
of the spiral ramp itself. For the sake of
simplicity, though, the same connection
device was used in the horizontal joints
as in the shear walls in the main parking
structure (see Fig. 6).
The transfer of shear forces in the
vertical joints is accomplished by
welded plates combined with a friction
contribution From the grouting of the
The connection between the warped
deck panels and the central core, including also the connection to the steel
frame on the outside, was not required
to transfer forces of any significant magnitude. Bolted connections were considered, but the necessary inserts and
bolts complicated the production process, and also placed considerable demands on the accuracy of the production
and erection operations. Consequently,
welded connections were chosen, with
steel plates cast in both the central core
segments and the warped deck panels.

is gained. In Fig. 14 a proud erection

foreman is showing how perfectly all the
elements fit.

Cost of Spiral Ramps

Fig. 14. Proud foreman showing perfect fit

of components of spiral ramp.

Unfortunately, the welded connections

created some additional finishing work.
Therefore, it is suggested that on future
projects bolted connections be used
since they are structurally superior and
safer than welded connections.

Erection Time
.__ The erection of the ramps proceeded
very smoothly. The curved elements of
the central core were erected at a rate of
about six per day. The erection of the
steel structure (which was done by
others) took some time, but the net
erection time was about 2 weeks for one
ramp. In the beginning, we erected the
panels at a rate of about fifteen per day.
The total erection time for one spiral
ramp, five stories high, then became approximately 5 weeks, This time period
can probably be reduced as experience

As mentioned earlier, the method of

prefabricating the spiral ramps not only
solved the problem of labor shortage,
but also provided significant savings in
time (3 to 4 months per five-story ramp).
From an economical viewpoint, a comparison of the bids with the actual construction cost shows that the cost of the
prefabricated spiral ramp is about 70
percent of the cost of a cast-in-place
The basic dimensions of one spiral
ramp is as follows:
Diameter of central core: 6 m (20 ft)
Diameter of outer steel frame: 18 m (60
Width of traffic lane: 6 m (20 ft)
Story height: 3.1 m (10 ft 2 in.)
Total height: 16.4 m (53 ft 9 in.)
The total cost of one such access ramp,
including the central core, the deck
panels, the steel structure at the outer
perimeter, all produced, transported and
erected, but excluding the foundations,
the wearing surface in the traffic lanes,
the railing and the roof structure, was
approximately NOK 2,100,000
($325,000). This amounts to NOK 1.850
per sq m of access road, or $26.50 per sq
The use of a concrete frame instead of
a steel frame at the outer perimeter
would not change this figure significantly. Fig. 15 is a graphical presentation of a cost analysis comparing prefabricated and cast-in-place spiral access

Wearing Surface
As mentioned earlier, the double tees
were cast with an additional flange
thickness. This was done for structural
purposes to avoid a concrete topping. As
a result, it opened up the possibility to
use mastic asphalt as a wearing surface.




= Finishing

n 50

: Transportation

.5 40


= Formwork
; Manufacture



Cast in place

Fig. 15. Cost comparison for prefabricated and

cast-in-place solution of spiral ramps.

The use of mastic asphalt wearing

surface is actually rather common in
Norway, and over the years the material
has performed quite well in our rather
frigid climate, where the use of steel
studded tires is common on all cars for
about 6 months of the year.
The standard procedure for installing

mastic asphalt wearing surface consists

of a bottom layer of 10 to 15 mm (about
1/2 in.) thick asphalt concrete which
serves the purpose of a gas releasing
layer (nonadhering) and mastic asphalt
layer of 30 mm (1'/a in.). This method is
used for all levels except the roof parking deck. There the bottom layer is as

ray. io. iviaau aspria,ir surraces ror interior ano exterior parking areas.
PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1988


Fig. 17. Erection of spiral ramp.

Fig. 18. Closeup of spiral ramp.

Fig. 19, Shot of spiral ramp and main parking structure on a winter night.

Fig. 20. Overall view of spiral ramp and main parking structure nearing completion.

described above, then follows a mastic

asphalt membrane of 15 mm ('/a to s/4 in.),
then, as a drainage layer, a nonwoven
polypropylene geotextile, and finally
the mastic asphalt wearing surface. The
installation of mastic asphalt in the traffic lanes in the ramps is similar to that of
the interior parking levels, except that
the wearing layer is placed in two operations. Each layer is less than 25 mm
(1 in.), but the two Iayers added are a
little more than 40 mm (I in.). Sections
through the two types of mastic asphalt
are shown in Fig. 16.
The mastic asphalt membrane has a
maximum aggregate size of 10 to 6 mm
(% to r in.), a filler content of about 40
percent and a binder content of about 11
to 12 percent. The bitumen is at straight
run 40/50 penetration. The mastic asphalt wearing layer has a maximum
aggregate size of 10 mm (% in.), about 30
percent filler and a binder content of 7
to 8 percent.
The mastic asphalt in the membrane
as well as the wearing course has no
voids and is waterproof The wearing
layer has joints for every 350 to 600 m2
(3763 to 6452 sq ff) in order to take care
of temperature differentials. Between
the double tees and before the asphalt is
PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1988

laid, the gap is sealed with a strip of

asphalt felt. The mastic asphalt is laid
by a beam paver and by hand at a temperature of about 220C (428F).
The use of mastic asphalt eliminates
costly joint details in the concrete slab.
Other advantages are wearing resistance, flexibility and skid resistance.
Any large uneveness of the concrete
surface must be smoothed out with concrete or ordinary asphalt before applying the mastic asphalt.
The cost of a mastic asphalt surface,
adding the cost of the increased flange
thickness of the double tees is approximately NOK 140 per sq m ($2 per sq ft).
This is 5 to 10 percent less expensive
than a concrete topping with joints. The
main advantage, however, is the elimination of complicated joint details that
are potential problem areas. Normally,
the only maintenance required is adding
new top layers as the old surface is worn
down by traffic. In the access ramps
deterioration can be expected between
5 to 10 years but in other parts of the
garage the life expectancy of the surface
is considerably longer.
Figs. 17 through 20 show various construction phases of the spiral ramp and
main parking structure.



We believe that the new parking

structure at Fornebu will serve its purpose efficiently and economically by
providing a safe facility with a durable
and long life. In the main structure no
new techniques have been tried. The
prefabricated spiral ramps, however,
were new to us. The geometry and production concept presented a challenge,
but that is now behind us, as the ramps
have been erected. The solution of prefabricating the spiral ramps is not
unique, and can he adapted to any
parking structure. We are confident of
the success of this structure, both for the
airport authorities and public and for us
as the producer.

Owner: Civil Aviation Administration

(Luftfartsverket), Oslo, Norway.
Architects: Nansen and Eskeland, Engh
and Seip, Oslo, Norway.
Consulting Engineer: Taugbol and
Overland A/S, Oslo, Norway.
Project Administration: Construction
Management A/S, Oslo, Norway.
General Contractor: A/S Veidekke, Oslo,
Mastic Asphalt: A/S Spesialdekker,
Kjeller, Norway.
All the prefabricated concrete elements were designed, manufactured,
transported and erected by Ostlandske
Spennbetong A.S., HGnefoss, Norway.

Note: Discussion of this article is invited. Please submit

your comments to PCI Headquarters by December 1, 1988.

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