TF Motores Ingles
TF Motores Ingles
TF Motores Ingles
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER I: GENERALIDADES..................................................................................................................3
REVIEW .........................................................................................................................................3
DEFINITION ...................................................................................................................................4
FUNDAMENTALS OF OPERATION OF THE ELECTRIC MOTORS .......................................................4
KEY PARTS OF AN ELECTRIC MOTOR ............................................................................................ 5
SUMMARY OF TROUBLE......................................................................................................26
This research touched the topic of electric motors are one of the main equipment used in the
industry, the electric motor is the most commonly used machine to transform electrical energy
into mechanical energy, combining the advantages of the use of electricity (low cost , portability,
ease of cleaning and command). The engine is an indispensable element in a large number of
electronic equipment. Knowledge of the way they work and their property is essential to any
technician who uses these components for the assembly or maintenance of such equipment in
order to make the most appropriate choice of model as there is a variety of them, for so you can
get the best performance from them in their duties. They are also widely used in industrial,
commercial and individuals making working connected to a mains supply or batteries.
These generally operate under the principles of magnetism, which are developed within the
research, in addition to this classification was specified thereof, which would be Direct Current
and Alternating Current Motors and Universal as the number of phases in Single Phase, Two
Phase and Three Phase, the latter being the most widely used in industry.
The electric motors are formed by several elements, which are defined in the content of this
investigation, however, the main parts are: the stator, the housing, the base, the rotor, the
connection box, the tops and bearings. However, a motor can be operated only with the stator
and rotor.
It also emphasizes a very important issue for the conservation of electric motors, such as
preventive maintenance thereof, which delves into the lengthening engine life and reduce
losses and deformations of it, ending the investigation with a series of recommendations for the
installation and maintenance of electric motors.
1.1. Review
It all started thanks to the scientist Hans Christian Oersted who saw how placing a coil
around a compass, if it was passing a current through the coil, the needle of the compass
(the magnet) moved. Well demonstrated, the relationship that existed between electricity
and magnetism. This experiment demonstrated that the loop to be traversed by a current
generating a magnetic field (magnetic forces) that interacted with the magnetic force of the
magnetic needle, producing a twist on this. So if we pass current through a coil (winding)
and inside have a magnet that can rotate on a shaft (rotor) we got an electric motor as the
axis of the magnet would move and have become electrical energy mechanical energy into
movement of the shaft.
What also can be seen on the contrary, is actually built as electric motors. If a conductor
through which an electric current is within a magnetic field (the magnet), the driver is
traveling perpendicular to the magnetic field (moves). If the magnetic field is horizontal the
conductor up or down (depending on the direction of current through the conductor). If
instead of a conductor have a loop through which current flows from the loop side up and
the other down, as a side stream and entering the other side of the loop current from,
producing a rotation the loop.
1.2. Definition
An electric motor is an electric machine that converts
electrical energy into mechanical energy through
electromagnetic interactions. Some electric motors are
reversible, they can transform mechanical energy into
electrical energy to operate as generators. The traction
motors used on locomotives often perform both tasks,
if they are equipped with regenerative braking.
Previous Cover (Front)
Arrow or rotor shaft
Connections Box
back cover
A. Stator
The stator is the element that operates as a base from that point allowing take out the
rotation of the motor. The stator is not moved mechanically, but magnetically. Two types
of stators:
The stator is made primarily of a group of silicon steel sheets (and are called
"package"), which have the ability to allow them to pass through the magnetic flux
easily, the metallic part of the stator and windings provide the magnetic poles.
Motor poles pairs are provided (can be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc..,), So the minimum of poles
which may have a motor to run is two (one north and south).
B. Rotor
The rotor is mechanical transfer element, since it determines the conversion of
mechanical to electrical energy. Rotors, are a group of silicon steel sheets that form a
bundle, and may be essentially of three types:
Slotted rotor
Salient pole rotor
Squirrelcage rotor
A. Housing
The housing is the part that protects and covers the stator and the rotor, the material used to
manufacture depends on the type of engine, its design and implementation. Thus, the housing
can be:
fully closed
Drip proof
Explosion Proof
Submersible type
B. Base
The base is the element which supports all the mechanical strength of engine operation, may be
of two types:
Front Base
Lateral Base
C. Connections Box
Generally, in most cases, electric motors have box. The junction box is an element that protects
the conductors feeding the engine, cocooning mechanical operation thereof, and against
anything that might damage them.
D. Tapas
Are the elements that will hold in the vast majority of cases the bearings or bearings that
support the action of the rotor.
E. Bearings
Also known as ball bearings, contribute to the optimal operation of the rotating parts of the
engine. Are used to hold and secure mechanical axes, and to reduce friction, which helps to
ensure that less power is consumed. The bearings can be divided into two general clases
a) Sliding bearings: operate the base at the beginning of the oil film, that is, that there is
a thin layer of lubricant between the shaft rod and the support surface
IMAGE N 6 Bonded Bearing
b) Ball bearing: preferably used instead of plain bearings for several reasons:
Have a lower coefficient of friction, particularly on startup.
Before listing the different types of engines, should clarify a basic concept that must be known
to an engine: the concept of load operation and idling.
A load engine runs when dragging any object or supporting any external resistance (load) that
forces him to absorb mechanical energy. For example: a blender when bat meets resistance
mayonnaise engine supports a crane that lifts loads, the cable itself, the mechanical elements of
the crane, ..., or electric car engine supports numerous loads: the weight of passengers , the
weight of the vehicle itself, the resistance offered by the ground surface ...
An idling engine when the engine is not pulling any object, supporting any external resistance,
the shaft is spinning freely and not connected to anything. In this case, the resistive torque due
solely to internal factors.DC motors are classified according to the form of connection and
induced field coils together.
A. Separately excited motor: Those who get power from the rotor and stator two
independent voltage sources. With this, the stator field is constant not depending on the
engine load, and the torque is then practically constant. The excitation system is rarely
used due to the drawback of having to use an external source of power.
between the torque and speed, are engines in which, by increasing the excitation
current, the speed is decreased with an increase in torque.
C. Shunt motor: The armature winding and inductor are connected in parallel and fed by
a common source. Also called shunt machines, and including an increase in the
induced voltage increases the speed of the machine.
D. Motor made: Also called compound, in this case the excitation winding has a part of it
in series with the armature and partly in parallel. The winding in series with the armature
is constituted by a few turns of large cross section, while the other is formed by a large
number of turns of small section. Lets get so a motor with series engine benefits, but
without the drawbacks. Its characteristic curves are intermediate between those
obtained with series excitation and Shunt.
Two types of composite excitation. Theadditionalcompoundcalled the direction of
current flowing through series and parallel windings is the same, so their effects are
added, unlike the composite differential, where the direction of current through the coils
have opposite directions and thus the effects of both windings are subtracted.
In the case of the motor is mainly used when the power demand is very high, greater than 1
MW (Mega Watt).Synchronous motors are further subdivided according to the type of rotor
used, namely: Smooth pole rotor (nonsalient) and salient pole.
C. Pole rotor motors smooth or nonsalient: rotors are used in two and four poles. These
types of rotors are constructed at the same level of the surface of the rotor. Smooth
rotor engines operate at high speeds.
D. Salient pole motors: salient pole motors work at low speeds. A salient pole magnetic
pole is an outwardly projecting surface of the salient pole rotor rotor. Los used in rotors
with four or more poles.
A. Slip-ring motors: Similar to squirrel cage three phase motor, the stator contains
windings that generate the rotating magnetic field.
The purpose of the engine design is to eliminate rosantes rings excessively high current
Whentheengineis started a voltage is induced in the rotor, with the added resistance of
the external resistor rotor current and therefore the proper torque can be
B. Motors with collector: collectors are also called rotary rings are commonly found in AC
electrical machines such as generators, alternators, wind turbines, in which connects
the current field or excitation winding rotor.
They can deliver high power with low weight and dimensions.
They can withstand considerable temporary overloads without stopping
Overloads fit decreasing rotational speed, without excessive power
Produce high torque operation.
C. Squirrel cage motors: an electric motor with squirrel cage rotor is also called "squirrel
cage motor." In its place, it is a cylinder mounted on a shaft. Longitudinal busbars
internally contains aluminum or copper with grooves and connected together at both
ends by short-circuiting rings forming the cage. The name is derived from the similarity
between this cage bars and rings and a hamster wheel (wheels are probably similar for
domestic squirrels).
A. Single-phase motors
They were the first engines used in industry. Whenthisengineis in operation, develops a
rotating magnetic field, but before the start of the rotation, the stator produces a
pulsating stationary field.
To produce a rotating field and the starting torque, it must have an auxiliary winding 90
out of phase with respect to the main winding. Once theengine has started, the auxiliary
winding is disconnected from the circuit.
Because an AC motor (CA) phase is difficult to start, is composed of two sets of
windings: The first group is called the primary winding or work, and the second is called
5) Shaded pole motors: This motor is used in specific cases, which have
very bajos.Su power requirements power range falls within HP values from
0.0007 to 1/4HP, and most are manufactured in the range of 1 / 100 to
1/20 HP. The main advantage of these motors is its simplicity of
construction, reliability and robustness, moreover, have a low cost. Unlike
other single-phase AC motors, split phase motors require no auxiliary parts
(capacitor, brushes, commutators, etc..) Or movable parts (centrifugal
switches). This makes their maintenance is minimal and relatively simple.
AC motors are usually used in industry, since in the phase system is generated
a rotating magnetic field in three phases, besides the direction of rotation of the
field in a three phase motor can be changed by reversing any two ends of the
stator, which shifts the phases, so that the magnetic field rotates in the opposite
Wound rotor
The squirrel cage is the most used and is so named because it looks like a
squirrel cage cast aluminum. Both types of rotors contain a laminated core on
the shaft contact. The engine has caps on both sides, on which are mounted
bearings or rolling bearings on the rotor. These caps are fixed to the housing at
both ends by means of clamping screws. The bearings, bearings or roller
bearings can be or sliding.
A. Universal Motors
They have the form of a DC motor, the main difference is that it is designed to
operate with direct current and alternating current. Thedrawback of this engine
is its efficiency, since it is low (around 51%), but as used in small capacity
machines, it is not considered important, in addition, its operation should be
intermittent, otherwise , it would burn. These engines are used in drills, vacuum
cleaners, blenders, etc..
B. Connection Diagrams
All three phase motors are constructed internally with a number of electrical
coils are wound together forever, for constituting the phases connected are
connected together in any form of three-phase connection, which can be:
The delta connected windings are closed and form a triangle configuration. Can be
designed with six (6) or nine (9) terminals to be connected to the three phase power
lneo.Each winding of a three-phase induction motor has its terminals marked for
easy connection number. Figure 4.4 shows an engine with 6 internal windings
terminals identified to connect the engine to delta operation. The terminals or ends
of the windings are connected so that A and B close one end of the delta (triangle),
also B and C, and C and A, to thereby form the delta of the motor windings.
IMAGE N 20 Delta
Induction motors are squirrel cage windings also with nine (9) terminals for connecting
the internal windings in delta operation. Connect six (6) internal windings to form a
closed delta three windings are marked as 1-4-9, 2-5-7 and 3-6-8, in these.The
windings may be wound to operate at one or two voltages.
IMAGE N 21 Delta
Windings most engines squirrel cage induction are star connected. Star connection is
formed by attaching a terminal of each winding, the three remaining terminals are
connected to power lines L1, L2 and L3. The windings are connected in star
configuration in Y.
IMAGE N 22 Estrella
A motor connected in star with nine (9) terminal has three points in their windings
connected to form a star (7-8-9). The three pairs of windings remaining points are the
numbers 1-4, 2-5 and 3-6.The windings may be connected to operate in low or high
voltage.For low voltage operation, they are connected in parallel, for operation in high
voltage, are connected in series.
IMAGE N 23 Star
Reversible rollingmill. The motors must withstand high loads. Several motors normally
used which engage in groups of two or three.
TrainsKonti. They are hot-rolling mills with several racks. In each is reduced over the
section and the speed is increasing.
Shears in hot rolling mills.Shuntmotors are used.
Paperindustry. Plus a multitude of machines operating at constant speed and is
therefore equipped with DC motors, there are drives which require constant torque over
a wide range of speeds.
Other applications include machine tools, mining machines, elevators, railways.
Detachable motors for mills, wire drawing, tension control winding machines, constant
cutting speed on large lathes
The DC motor used cranes requiring precision motion with variable load (something
almost impossible with AC motors).
A. Alternating Current Motors [CA]: These are the types of engines used in industry,
because these computers are powered by the energy distribution systems "normal".
Currently, the AC motor is most commonly used for most applications, primarily
because they get a good performance, low maintenance and simple in its
construction, especially in asynchronous motors.
Specific characteristics of AC electric motors
The operating parameters of a motor designate its characteristics, it is important
determined, and they know that the determining parameters for operation of the
motor. Themainfeatures of AC motors are:
Therefore used the kilowatt (kW) and horsepower (HP) which is defined as:
1 kW = 1000 W
1 hp = 747 W = 0.746 kW
1 kW = 1.34 HP
E = [VA-VB]
E = Voltage or Voltage
VA = Potential from point A
VB = potential of point B
The voltage difference is important in the operation of an engine, and this will
depend to obtain better utilization of the operation.
The most commonly used voltages are 127V, 220V, 380V, 440V, 2300V and
Current: The electric current [I], is the speed of flow of charge [Q] which passes
through a given point [P] in an electrical conductor in a while [t] given.
I = electrical current
Q = Flow of charge passing through the point P
t = Time
The unit of electric current is the ampere. An ampere [A] represents a load flow with
the speed of one coulomb per second, passing by any point.
Electric motors power wield different types, which are basically: rated current, load
current, starting current and locked rotor current.
Nominal Current: In an engine, the nominal current value is the amount of current
the motor consume in normal operation.
Load current: the current is consumed when the engine is operating with no load
and is approximately 20% to 30% of its rated current.
Starting current: All electric motors consume an excess operating current greater
than the rated current, which is about two to eight times higher.
Locked rotor current: The maximum current that supported the engine when its
rotor is standing still.
The most common industrial motor and simple is the three-phase AC induction motor. This
motor AC induction is sometimes known as the "squirrel cage" engine, substantial information
can be found almost any motor control nameplate AC motor.
Following are the advantages of induction motors of alternating current used in the industry.
A. Simple
The simple design of AC motor. Just a series of three coils on the outside (stator) section with a
simple rotation section (rotor). The change in the field caused by the 50 or 60 Hz AC line
voltage causes the rotor to rotate about the axis of AC motor.
The AC motor speed only depends on three variables:
a) The fixed number of sets of winding (known as the pole) built into the AC motor, which
determines the speed of the AC motor from the base.
b) The frequency of the AC line voltage. Variable speed drives (variable speed), change this
frequency to change the motor speed.
c) The amount of torque load on the engine, which causes sliding.
B. Low Cost
The AC motor has the advantage of lower cost motor for applications requiring more than about
1/2 hp (325 watts) of energy. This is due to the simple design of the AC motor. For this reason,
AC motors are overwhelmingly preferred to fixed speed applications in our industrial
applications and for commercial and domestic applications where AC line can easily attached.
In fact over 90% of all motors are AC induction motors, and are found in air conditioners,
washers, dryers, industrial machinery, fans, blowers, vacuum cleaners, and many applications,
many others.
C. Reliable
The simple design of the CA engine results high reliability, low maintenance. Unlike the DC
motor, there are no brushes to replace AC motors. If you run in the right environment for your
box, AC motor can be expected to need new bearings after several years of operation. In fact, if
the application is well designed, an AC motor may not need new bearings for over a decade.
Maintenance of electric motors is one of the key aspects to ensure optimum operation thereof,
and therefore the reliability of the production process.
For this reason it is very important that the activities of preventive, predictive and corrective
maintenance are carried out by qualified and trained for the purpose.
Electric motors being generally rotating machinery and continuous use, are prone to wear on
mechanical components, especially in the bearings, which deserve special attention by the
maintenance department, and submit to a routine maintenance schedule .
The insulating material is another component even more important, because if it fails the
machine can become unusable. Failures in insulation of electrical machines are produced by
degradation of the insulating material due to mechanical and electrical fatigue, pollution,
temperature and humidity. An insulation failure occurs even catastrophic failures in electric
machines, so it is advisable to perform routine and preventative maintenance on them to
minimize unscheduled interruptions of production processes.
The purpose of maintenance is achieved with minimum cost as long as the facilities service and
productive machinery.
Preventive maintenance includes all plans and actions to identify and correct the operating
conditions that may affect a system, machinery or equipment, before they reach the level of
corrective maintenance, considering the selection, installation and the same operation.
Well applied Preventive maintenance reduces production costs, improves productivity and
service life of machinery and equipment, resulting in decreased breakdown of machinery.
The principal activities of preventive maintenance are:
1.- Engine will not
Possible Causes
- No electrical to the engine
- If the husky engine fails to
start, missing a phase
- Insufficient or excessive load
Verification and
- Check the network voltages,
fuses, contacts, motor
- Check the correct connection,
star or triangle, in terminal box
and motor load
- Winding to ground
- Insufficient voltage or
excessive voltage drop
5.- El motor se
- Motor overloaded
- Check load
- Ventilation incorrect
- Engine stuffiness
Select the motor frame, according to the environment they will be working. Open motors
are simpler and therefore less costly, and working with higher power factor. However, in
adverse environmental conditions, the engines are enclosed indicated.
Correctly select the engine speed. If load permits the preferred high-speed motors, and
are more efficient in the case of AC motors, work with a better power factor.
Replacing old engines or heavy use. The operation and maintenance costs of older
engines or engines that use depreciated operating characteristics can justify replacing
standard motors and high efficiency.
Avoid concentrating local movers in reduced or in places that may hinder ventilation.
Motor overheating resulting in decreased efficiency.
Periodically review the motor connections, along with your starter and other
accessories. Loose connections or poorly made they often cause engine malfunction
and cause heat dissipation losses.
Keep in good condition the ventilation and cooling systems of engines, to avoid
overheating that may increase the losses in the motor leads and damage the insulation.
Repair or replace motor shafts and transmission, if you have doubled overload or
misuse. A shabby axis increases friction losses and may cause severe damage
especially in the motor bearings.
Maintain proper means of transmission between the motor and load, such as pulleys,
gears, belts and chains. If these conditions are not proper or improper installation can
cause serious damage, besides being an unnecessary burden on the engine.
Keep in good condition the motor bearings. A considerable amount of energy is lost in
bearings in poor condition or if lubrication is inadequate (insufficient or excessive).
Repair or replace if they have any damage and follow the manufacturer's instructions
for proper lubrication.
Perform periodic inspection of the engine, including readings of current, power (kW),
speed (rpm), insulation resistance, etc.., In order to verify if kept in proper operating
condition and efficiency, and to take corrective action, when required.
Perform routine cleaning of the engine, in order to remove dirt, dust and foreign objects,
which prevent optimal functioning. The regularity with which this is done depends on the
conditions in which the engine is working, but it is advisable to remove it at least once a
year for complete cleaning of all components.
Any machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical work or motion through
electromagnetic means is considered essentially an electric motor, some of the electric
motors are reversible, they can transform mechanical energy into electrical energy to
operate as generators.
The operating principle is based on all engine has to be formed with alternating poles
between the stator and the rotor as magnetic poles repel and attract different magnetic
poles, thereby producing rotational motion.
Key characteristics of electric motors, which are formed have several components,
however, the main parts are: the stator, the housing, the base, the rotor, the connection
box, and the bearing caps.
The electric motors are classified into Direct Current motors are used in cases where it
is important to continuously regulate the engine speed, use direct current, as in the
case of motors driven by batteries, AC motors, are the types of engines used in
industry, because these computers are powered by the energy distribution systems
"normal" and finally Universal Motors have the form of a DC motor, the main difference
is that it is designed to work with current and alternating current. The drawback of this
engine is its efficiency, since it is low (around 51%).
To start engine installation is essential but not only their establishment but their
connection. In order to change the direction of rotation of electric motors single phase
alternating current is only necessary to reverse the start winding terminals, this can be
done manually or with a relay, for AC motors only need to invest two power connections
for two phases according to the phase sequence and for direct current motors need to
be reversed torque contacts.
Electronic references:
Wiring an AC motor
Parts of an AC motor