M - A F I G ' E: Odesty Lways Ashionable N OD S YES
M - A F I G ' E: Odesty Lways Ashionable N OD S YES
M - A F I G ' E: Odesty Lways Ashionable N OD S YES
April 2012
The Lord does not reward lukewarmness. This was the condemnation of the church at Laodicea (Rev.
3:14-22). The assessment they made
of themselves was that they had
everything they needed. They were
self-sufficient. They rested in their
own ability. It caused them to become
complacent and apathetic. They were
content to just coast along. They were
not hot or on fire for the Lord. Neither were they cold or totally indifferent to Him. They were simply in
the middle. There was no real commitment, no real plans for the future.
They were just holding their own.
How often may we find ourselves in
such a condition today?
What about the local congregation you attend? Is it just getting
along or it is fervent in the Lords
work? Is it just keeping the doors
open or it is marching forward? Is it
just existing or is it holding the banner high?
The work we all have to do
requires initiative, enthusiasm,
effort, zeal, faith and love. Lukewarmness does not achieve these
things. Apathy brings us shame. We
will be condemned as a result. The
Lord said to the church at Laodicea,
I will spue thee out of my mouth
(Rev. 3:18). Are we a part of a congregation that will prompt the Lord to
say the same thing about us? Do we
contribute to the problem or are we a
part of the solution?
If we desire the Lord to be with
us and remain with us, then we will
have to act like we want Him to be
there. What must we do to assure the
Lords presence and approval?
We must have an unswerving
Loyalty to the TRUTH, Gods
word. Paul exhorts Timothy to Hold
fast the form of sound words, which
or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7). Each Christian is to give and it must be from the
heart a free-will offering. This eliminates fund raisers such as car washes and rummage sales. The example
of our brethren at Corinth was that
they first gave themselves to the
Lord (2 Cor. 8:5). We should do likewise.
The communion (Lords supper) is a solemn act in which we partake every first day of the week. The
first century church did so, and so
must we (Acts 20:7). It cannot be
eaten on any other day of the week
nor for any other purpose than to
remember and show the Lords death
till he come (1 Cor. 11:26). Jesus said,
this do in remembrance of me (Luke
22:19). Its emblems are specific, consisting of unleavened bread and fruit
of the vine (grape juice). It cannot be
mixed with barbecue or turned into a
common meal. If we adulterate or
pollute the Lords supper, Jesus will
not be in our midst because we are
not acting in accordance to His will.
Our prayers are directed to God
the Father in the name of Jesus the
Son. This is as the Scriptures direct
(Matt. 6:9; John 14:13-14; 15:16).
When we do these things in accordance to the Lords will, we have the
promise that He will be with us.
Prayer is powerful. God tells us so.
The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much
(James 5:16).
We must desire the Unity for
which the Lord prayed and died.
Jesus prayed for the apostles, Neither pray I for these alone, but for
them also which shall believe on me
through their word; That they all may
be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and
I in thee, that they also may be one in
us: that the world may believe that
thou hast sent me (John 17:20-21).
Paul exhorted the church at Corinth,
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that
ye all speak the same thing, and
that there be no divisions among
you; but that ye be perfectly joined
together in the same mind and in
the same judgment (1 Cor. 1:10).
The unity required of the Lord is
shown in Ephesians 4:1-6: I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech
you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all
lowliness and meekness, with long-
(Continued from page 25)
o when they had dined,
Jesus saith to Simon Peter,
Simon, son of Jonas, lovest
thou me more than these? He saith
unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest
that I love thee. He saith unto him,
Feed my lambs (John 21:15). This is
a good question for us to ask ourselves.
Do we love the Lord more
than we love our relatives? If we
do, we will not let them hinder us
from obeying the Lord or worshipping Him. The Lord taught: Whosoever therefore shall confess me before
men, him will I confess also before
my Father which is in heaven (Matt.
Do we love the Lord more
than we love our money? If so, we
will cheerfully and liberally support
the Lords work. But this I say, He
which soweth sparingly shall reap
also sparingly; and he which soweth
bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not
grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
loveth a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7).
Do we love the Lord more
than we love entertainment and
pleasure? Indulging in pleasure at
the expense of Christian living and
serving God is sinful for these things
have taken over Gods rightful place
(cf. Luke 12:15-21). Sinful pleasure is
always wrong. But she that liveth in
pleasure is dead while she liveth (1
Tim. 5:6). Ye have lived in pleasure
on the earth, and been wanton; ye
have nourished your hearts, as in a
day of slaughter (James 5:5).
Do we love the Lord more
than the praise of men? If so, we
will be willing to obey God even if it
means we must incur the rejection of
men. Some Jewish leaders believed
on Christ but would not confess him
because they loved the praise of men
more than the praise of God (John
The Lord must be the supreme
object of our affection. We must be
able to sing with meaning, O How I
Love Jesus!
Bob Winton
464 Ridgewood Dr.
Manchester, TN 37355
Arlington C/C,
McMinnville, TN .....................$50
Chuck & Nancy Verkist ...............$25
Everett Anderson .........................$50
Bobby & Mary Lawrence...........$100
Anonymous ...................................$50
Jean Ware .....................................$40
Marjorie Davis............................$100
Bobbie J. Wheeler.......................$100
Church of Christ,
Falfurrias, TX.......................$100
Clear Creek C/C,
Corinth, MS............................$50
Marlene J. Dyer............................$25
Mt. Olivet C/C,
Greeneville, TN....................$150
Billy & Lydia Jones......................$20
Jackie & Janet Bullard................$50
Anonymous ...................................$25
Anonymous ...................................$75
Church of Christ,
Webberville, MI....................$100
Baker C/C, Baker, FL...................$25
Anonymous ...................................$50
Mary Welch...................................$50
Burl & Charlene Leamons
(in memory of
Lester Fowler)........................$25
Don Smith.......................................$1
Mayfield C/C, Saltillo, MS .........$100
Robert M. Price...........................$200
Gridertown C/C, Opp, AL ..........$250
James R. Austin ...........................$20
Joe C. Turbeville...........................$12
Del Brantley ...............................$100
Anonymous ...................................$50
Chuck & Nancy Verkist...............$25
Anonymous ...................................$25
Everett Anderson .........................$50
Dale E. Eyberg ...........................$125
Bobby & Mary Lawrence...........$100
Arlington C/C,
McMinnville, TN....................$50
Anonymous ...................................$50
Anonymous ...................................$50
Central C/C, Denison, TX ............$20
Floyd Dale Stovall........................$50
Leadale D. Simpson .....................$20
Mayfield C/C, Saltillo, MS .........$100
Jackson St. C/C,
Alexandria, LA.....................$100
Anonymous ...................................$25
Pleasant View C/C,
Bradyville, TN......................$300
Anonymous ...................................$10
Sherry E. Roberts.......................$100
Joe Britt ......................................$100
Don Smith.......................................$1
Robert M. Price...........................$200
Beginning Balance.............$3,994.62
Refund on parts ..............$590.05
Postage ........................ $1,675.23
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Ending Balance ..................$4,424.73
EDITORS NOTE: You may have noticed in last months issue an announcement that I have started preaching for the Leoni Church of Christ near Woodbury, Tennessee. This is the first issue that is being printed under their name.
It is an exciting work and opportunity to serve the Lord with the church at
Leoni. The building is located at 6818 McMinnville Hwy, Woodbury, TN 37190.
The mailing address is P.O. Box 7506, McMinnville, TN 37111. Please
send all correspondence and/or contributions to the P.O. address. If
you have already sent mail to our address at East End, that is fine. I can still
receive mail there during this transition period. Thank you so much for your
continued prayers and support. Garland M. Robinson
T. O. P.
would be very helpful. We are a small congregation of around 5060 and will try this amount first. Please let me know what the
cost will be. Thank you ...Wayne Crum, Caledonia, OH.
[NOTE: There is no charge for STOP. It is always free. We are
supported by the free-will contributions of churches and individuals that make this work possible. gmr, editor]. We like your
Seek The Old Paths paper very much. You are doing a good
work. Enclosed, find a check for $$ ...Francis & Marjorie
Davis, Appleton, WI. Thank you very much for your sound
publication. We enjoy! The Dry Fork Church of Christ was established in the 19th century. Thanks again ...Freddie Hunt, for
the Dry Fork Church of Christ, Tompkinsville, KY. Please
put me on your mailing list ...Glenn Smith, Natchez, MS.
Ken Gray passed away on 7/11/11 ...Cotton Valley, LA.
Please start sending me the STOP magazine. Thanks
...Tommy Thornhill, Ozark, AR. I received your monthly
newsletter, Seek The Old Paths, last month in error. Your website, as well as the newsletter itself, said that the publication
was sent to its subscribers upon request. This letter serves as
notice that I DID NOT request such a newsletter. In fact, my
name appears misspelled on the mailing label. I would very
much appreciate being taken off your mailing list and do not
wish to receive any future correspondence. Your compliance with
my wishes is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
...Everett Rossy, Sparta, IL. [EDITORS NOTE: Readers of
STOP often submit the names of individuals whom they
think would enjoy the paper or otherwise need the paper.
Sometimes they dont.]
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