Nescapable Hings: Vol. 21, No. 8 August 2010
Nescapable Hings: Vol. 21, No. 8 August 2010
Nescapable Hings: Vol. 21, No. 8 August 2010
August 2010
Henry Simmons (deceased)
lthough the bodies of men and
brute beasts are composed of
essentially the same elements,
there is a considerable difference in
the composition of the whole man as
compared to that of the lower animals. Man-kind was the crowning
glory of Gods physical creation, and
although mans physical body is subject to corruption and decay and will
inevitably return to its basic components, man is much more than physical man is also spiritual. You see,
when God created man, He created
him in His own image, thus man is
also endowed with an immortal spirit. In addition to an immortal spirit,
man also received some other characteristics which distinguished him as
being unique among Gods creation.
One of those characteristics is the
power of volition the power to
choose. Since with this power of volition man was endowed with a brain
capable of reasoning, man is lifted
above being directed through this life
solely on instinct. Thus, there are
many things in this life in which man
has a choice. One of these choices is
whether to serve God, or not to serve
God. No man is forced to serve God.
As Joshua declared in the long ago,
Choose you this day whom you will
serve...But as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord.
While there are many things and
many ways that we can choose, our
choice inevitably brings us face to
face with some facts that we cannot
escape! Note just a few:
One thing the Bible stresses is
that man is accountable to God for
his actions. He has always held men
accountable to Himself for their conduct. Accountability involves responsibility, thus man is held personally
responsible for his own conduct. We
cannot shift our personal responsibility to someone else! Note: Adam tried
to shift blame for his conduct to Eve;
Eve tried to shift hers to the serpent
but God held them both responsible for their personal conduct, and
they each had to suffer the consequences. King Saul tried to blame the
people for his failure (1 Sam. 15:5),
but God held him personally responsible for his own sin. We may try to
shift the blame for our own failures
to someone else, but we cannot
escape the results of our own unwise
decisions and our rebellious conduct
toward God.
The soul that sinneth, it shall
die (Ezek. 18:4). Each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own
lust and enticed (James 1:14).
Be not deceived; God is not
mocked: for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap. For
he that soweth to the flesh shall of
the flesh reap corruption; but he that
soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting (Gal. 6:7-8).
we have not promoted, excited or contributed to our dancing partner having lustful thoughts? No, we cant say
that. What about others present that
see me (us) dance? Have their minds
remained pure and holy? We must
also consider our influence and
example. If Im pure myself, but act
in such a way that causes others to
sin, then Im just as guilty as they
are. We know Jesus did not sin himself, but did he ever act in such a way
that contributed toward others being
tempted to sin? Was his influence on
others always pure? Certainly it was.
Would he involve himself in any
activity that might excite others to
lustful desires? If he did so, he would
have sinned. But since the Lord
never sinned, neither was any guile
ever found in his mouth (1 Peter
2:22), we know he never contributed
to anyones sin.
In our minds, we generally think
of dancing at a wedding, square
dancing, hokey pokey and other such
activities is not as bad as the vulgar,
lewd dancing done by the masses.
However, as for me, I dont want to
even remotely put myself in a situation where I could possibly cause
another person to sin. Theres no reason for me to do that. I can avoid
doing it. Im committing no sin by
avoiding it. So, I dont do it. Shall we
see how close we can get to sin without sinning? I dont think so!
Those who cause others to sin
are not guiltless. They bare responsibility too. They will be judged accordingly. The power of influence and
example is undeniable. Jesus warned
his disciples to not be influenced by
the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt. 16:6; Luke 12:1). He
knew full well that a little leaven
spreads to others (Gal. 5:9). Galatians 5:7 speaks of those who had
been hindered by others. The actions
and words of others can overthrow
our faith if were influenced by them
(2 Tim. 2:17-18). There are many enemies of the cross of Christ (Phil.
Hebrews 13:4 says that marriage
is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. This says that whatever husband and wife do in privacy is their
business. This would include dancing, swimming, etc. They certainly
can desire one another, lust after one
another and can fulfill that desire
without sinning. But, can they do in
Anonymous ...................................................$35
Jamie Hampton............................................$50
Fred & Betty Lou Anderson........................$25
King Ryder C/C, Winthrop, AR ...................$75
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Everett D. Poteet..........................................$25
Orville & Jewell Spears...............................$50
Anonymous ...................................................$50
Anonymous ...................................................$50
Anonymous ...................................................$25
Ruby York ...................................................$190
Anonymous .................................................$225
Anonymous .................................................$250
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Thomas & Peggy Hobbs ............................$100
Bobby & Mary Lawrence ..........................$100
Anonymous .................................................$100
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Anthony Grant, Jr.
(in Memory of Sandra Grant) ..............$25
Mark Parsons ...............................................$25
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questions as, Will the church of Christ survive? How can any religious movement be optimistic regarding its future if it does not
attract those of the younger age brackets? How can any religious
group exist without a solid core of professional men who have devoted themselves to countless hours of the study of Gods Word and are
ready to meet the neo-paganistic world on any terms or topics it
Bill McDonough states the critical issue as follows: Today
there is no higher calling than preaching or greater crisis than the
lack of preachers. We and our children can stop the church from
dying in America, but we are the only ones who can. (Gospel Advocate, April, 2002). These words are ever so true. Is it possible to treat
our preachers better? (This is not to say some men in the pulpits did
not deserve exactly what they received!) Rudeness, unjust treatment
and discourtesy are incompatible with Christian character wherever they are found.
Beloved, let us extol the glory and greatness of preaching and
encourage our young men to want to be proclaimers of the Word of
Life. Let us emphasize anew Jehovahs dynamic call as in the days
of old: And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the
hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not
destroy it: but I found none (Ezek. 22:30). Who will be Gods man?
What will your congregation do to encourage young men to fill the
empty pulpits? Can we do some heart searching that will lead to
some life changing to show how absolutely vital our preachers are to
the ongoing of all that is good in the earth? One thing is for certain;
wherever our preachers are going, the church is soon to follow! God
give us preachers. God save the church. Bill Dillon
It bears repeating: When shepherds speak well of the
wolves, the sheep are in grave danger.