1 Concave and Convex Functions

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Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Concave and convex functions

1 Concave and convex functions
1.1 Denition
: is concave if for every x1 , x2 in
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) for every 0 1
It is strictly concave if the inequality is strict, and convex if the
inequality is reversed.
Equivalently, a function : is concave if and only if
hypo = {(x, ) : (x), x } is convex (Proposition 3.7, Exercise 3.125)
(x) (x0 ) + (x x0 ) for every x, x0 (Exercise 4.67)
: is locally concave at x0 if there exists a convex neighborhood of x0 such that for every x1 , x2
(x1 + (1 )x2 ) (x1 ) + (1 ) (x2 ) for every 0 1
is concave if and only if it is locally concave at every x .
1.2 Examples
2 , are convex.
2 , log are concave.
Cobb-Douglas (x) = 11 22 . . . is concave if


is concave if 1 and convex otherwise

The prot function (p) = maxy is convex.

The cost function (w, ) = minx () is concave in w


(x) = 1 1 + 2 2 + . . .

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

1.3 Properties
If and are concave then
is convex (Exercise 3.124)
1/ is convex if > 0 (Exercise 3.135)
1/ is concave if < 0 (Exercise 3.135)
1 is convex (Example 3.45)
+ is concave (Exercise 3.131)
is concave for every 0 (Exercise 3.131)
is concave if is increasing (Exercise 3.133)
log concave (Example 3.51)
is continuous on the interior of its domain (Corollary 3.8.1)
is dierentiable almost everywhere (Remark 4.14)
1.4 Identication
Plotting the function (e.g. Mathematica)
Apply properties to combinations of known functions (Examples 3.73
and 3.74)
Hessian matrix (Proposition 4.1)

at x (x) is
is strictly locally
at x if (x) is
is locally

The deniteness of the Hessian can be assessed by

eigenvalues (Exercise 3.96)
determinantal tests (Simon & Blume 381-386, Varian 475-477)

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

2 Quasiconcavity
2.1 Denition
is quasiconcave if
(x1 +(1)x2 ) min{ (x1 ), (x2 )} for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
is quasiconvex if
(x1 +(1)x2 ) max{ (x1 ), (x2 )} for every x1 , x2 and 0 1
Equivalently, is quasiconcave if and only if every upper contour set
is convex, that is () = { x : (x) } is convex for every
. Similarly, is quasiconvex if and only if every lower contour
set is convex, that is () = { x : (x) } is convex for every
2.2 Examples
Every concave function is quasiconcave.
3 is quasiconcave and quasiconvex.
Cobb-Douglas (x) = 11 22 . . . is quasiconcave
CES (1 1 + 2 2 + . . . )


is quasiconcave if 1

The utility function (x) is quasiconcave if preferences are convex.

The indirect utility function (p, ) = maxx (x) is quasiconvex in p.
2.3 Properties
If is quasiconcave then
is quasiconvex (Exercise 3.143)
is quasiconcave if is increasing (Exercise 3.148)
is quasiconcave if is quasiconcave (Exercise 3.153)
+ is ????? (Example 3.57)
is concave if > 0 and homogenous of degree 1 (Proposition

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics
2.4 Identication
Plot contours

Apply properties to combinations of known functions (Exercises 3.148

and 3.151 to 3.153)
Bordered Hessian matrix (Simon & Blume 386-393)

3 Inner product
Given two vectors a, x , the angle between them is given by
cos =

a x
a x


a x = 1 1 + 2 2 + + =

and x =

a x


The orthogonal hyperplane a x = 0 divides the space into two halfspaces, containing respectively those vectors that make acute and obtuse
angles with a.

a x > 0

a x < 0

a x = 0

The gradient of a functional : at x

(x ) = (

1 2


c 2001 Michael Carter

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Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

points in the direction of steepest ascent. For any x, the inner product

(x )( )
(x ) (x x ) =


measures the angle between (x ) and (x x ), and the orthogonal

hyperplane divides the space accordingly.

(x ) (x x ) > 0

(x ) (x x ) = 0

4 Pseudoconcavity
4.1 Denition
is quasiconcave if and only if
(x) (x ) = (x ) (x x ) 0
is pseudoconcave if
(x) > (x ) = (x ) (x x ) > 0
x x

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics
4.2 Examples

() = 3 is strictly quasiconcave but not pseudoconcave

(1) > (0) but (0)(1 0) = 0
Cobb-Douglas is pseudoconcave
The utility function (x) is pseudoconcave if preferences are convex
and nonsatiated
4.3 Properties
concave = pseudoconcave = quasiconcave
Every regular quasiconcave function is pseudoconcave
A pseudoconcave function is locally concave at every stationary point

5 Linear and quadratic approximation (Taylors theorem)

For smooth functions
(x0 + x) = (x0 ) + (x0 ) x

+ (x) x ,

(x0 + x) = (x0 ) + (x0 ) x + 12 x (x0 )x


(x0 ) x = =1 [x0 ] = =1 [x ]
x (x0 )x =

2 [x0 ] =

(x) 0 as x 0
+ 2 (x) x2

2 [x0 ]

See Section 4.4, especially Theorem 4.3, Corollary 4.3.1. and Example 4.33.
Note: [x0 ] denotes the derivative of at x0 (a linear function), [x0 ](x)
denotes its value at x. [x0 ] denotes the partial derivative of with
respect to (= / ) and 2 [x0 ] denotes the second partial derivative
evaluated at x0 . (See Remark 4.3, p.8 and Remark 4.7. p.15).

6 Quadratic forms
Given a square, symmetrix matrix , the function
)( )
11 12

(x) = x x = (1 , 2 )
= 11 21 + 212 1 2 + 22 22
12 22

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

is called a quadratic form.

(x) > 0
denite if
for every x = 0
(x) < 0
Similarly, we say that the matrix is positive (negative) denitive if its
quadratic form is positive (negative) denite.
Completing the square, can be rewritten as
(x) = x x = 11 (1 +

12 2
11 22 212 2
2 ) + (

From this, we can deduce that

11 > 0
and 11 22 > 212
denite if
11 < 0


11 , 22 0
denite if
and 11 22 212
11 , 22 0

The Hessian of a 2 function is a square, symmetric matrix

11 12
(x) =
12 22
is nonpositive denitive if and only if
11 0,

22 0, and 11 22 12

For the Cobb-Douglas function

= 11 22
11 = 1 (1 1)11 2 22
22 = 2 (2 1)11 22 2
12 = 1 2 11 1 22 1
Given 1 , 2 0
11 0
22 0

if and only if 0 1 1
if and only if 0 2 1

Under these preceding conditions

11 22 12
= (1 2 (1 1)(2 1) (1 2 )2 )121 2 222 2

= (1 2 (1 2 1 2 + 1 1 2 ))121 2 222 2
= 1 2 (1 1 2 )121 2 222 2
0 provided 1 + 2 1

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

7 Homework
1. Show that the cost function (w, ) of a competitive rm (Example
2.31) is concave in input prices w.
2. Show that the indirect utility function is quasiconvex in p. [Hint:
Show that the lower contour sets () = { p : (p, ) } are
convex for every . ]
3. Is the CES function (x) = (1 1 + 2 2 + . . . )1/ pseudoconcave?
4. Show
(a) Every dierentiable concave function is pseudoconcave.
(b) Every pseudoconcave function is quasiconcave
(c) Every regular quasiconcave function is pseudoconcave.

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

Solutions: Concave and convex functions

1 Suppose that x1 minimizes the cost of producing at input prices w1 while
be the weighted average
x2 minimizes cost at w2 . For some [0, 1], let w
price, that is
= w1 + (1 )w2
minimizes cost at w.
and suppose that x
) = w
= (w1 + (1 )w2 )
+ (1 )w2 x

= w1 x
But since x1 and x2 minimize cost at w1 and w2 respectively
w1x1 = (w1, )
w1 x
(1 )w2 x2 = (1 )(w2, )
(1 )w2 x
so that
(w1 , )+(1)w2, )
) = (w1+(1)w2 , ) = w1 x
This establishes that the cost function is concave in w.
2 For given and , choose any p1 and p2 in (). For any 0 1, let
= p1 + (1 )p2 . The key step is to show that any commodity bundle
is also aordable at either p1 or p2 . Assume that
x which is aordable at p
, that is x is in the budget set
x is aordable at p
x }
x (
p, ) = { x : p
To show that x is aordable at either p1 or p2 , that is
x (p1 , ) or x (p2 , )
assume to the contrary that
/ (p2 , )
/ (p1 , ) and x
This implies that
so that

p1 x > and p2 x >

p1 x > and (1 )p2 > (1 )

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

Summing these two inequalities

x = (p1 + (1 )p2 )x >
contradicting the assumption that x (
p, ). We conclude that
p, ) (p1 , ) (p2 , )
, ) = sup{ (x) : x (
p, ) }
sup{ (x) : x (p1 , ) (p2 , ) }

() for every 0 1. Thus, () is convex and so is

Therefore p
quasiconvex (Exercise 3.146).
3 The CES function is quasiconcave provided 1 (Exercise 3.58). Since
(x) > 0 for all x + +, the CES function with 1 is pseudoconcave
on ++ .

(a) If [] is concave (and dierentiable)

(x) (x0 ) + (x0 ) (x x0 )
for every x, x0 . Therefore
(x) > (x0 ) = (x0 ) (x x0 ) > 0
is pseudoconcave.
(b) Assume to the contrary that is pseudoconcave but not quasiconcave.
= x1 + (1 )x2 , x1 , x2
Then, there exists points x1 , x2 and x
such that
x) < min{ (x1 ), (x2 )}
Pseudoconcavity implies
) > 0
x) (x1 x


that is x1 lies on the positive side of the orthogonal hyperplane (

x) (x
) = 0. Therefore, x2 must lie on the negative side, that is
) < 0
x) (x2 x
contradicting the pseudconcavity of .

c 2001 Michael Carter

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Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics


x) (x x ) = 0
(1 )x2
More precisely, since x1 = x
) = (1 )(
(x1 x
x x2 )
and therefore
x1 x

(x2 x

Substituting in (2) gives

) < 0
x) (x2 x

which by pseudoconcavity implies (x2 ) (

x) contradicting our assumption (1) .
(c) Suppose to the contrary that is regular and quasiconcave but not
pseudoconcave, so that there exists x, x0 such that
(x) > (x0 ) and (x0 ) (x x0 ) 0
Since is regular, (x0 ) = 0 and we can move a small distance from
x in the direction opposite to (x0 ) to nd a point x at which
(x ) > (x0 ) and (x0 ) (x x0 ) < 0
contradicting the assumed quasiconcavity of .

c 2001 Michael Carter

All rights reserved

Lecture notes based on

Foundations of Mathematical Economics

(x0 )


(x0 )
(x0 ) (x x0 ) = 0
To make this precise, for every + , let
x = x (x0 )
(x0 ) (x x0 ) = (x0 ) x (x0 ) x0
= (x0 ) (x x0 ) (x0 ) (x0 )
(x0 )2 < 0
for every + since is regular. Since (x) > (x0 ) and is
continuous, there exists > 0 such that
(x ) > (x0 ) and (x0 ) (x x0 ) < 0
contradicting the quasiconcavity of .

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