Prevention of Adhesions by Omentoplasty: An Incisional Hernia Model in Rats

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Grkan ZTRK1
Mahmut BAOLU1
K. Yaln POLAT1
Mehmet ZTRK1
Durkaya REN1

Department of General Surgery,

Faculty of Medicine,
Atatrk University,
Erzurum - TURKEY
Department of Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Atatrk University,
Erzurum - TURKEY

Turk J Med Sci

2007; 37 (2): 93-97

Prevention of Adhesions by Omentoplasty:

An Incisional Hernia Model in Rats
Background and Aim: Adhesion formation following abdominal wall hernia repair with prosthetic mesh may
lead to intestinal obstruction and enterocutaneous fistulae. The purpose of this study was to compare the
efficacy of fibrin glue (FG) and omentoplasty in the prevention of adhesion formation in a polypropylene mesh
(PPM) abdominal wall replacement model.
Materials and Methods: The study consisted of 3 groups of rats. A full-thickness abdominal wall defect was
replaced with PPM. The control group (group 1) had no further treatment. The under surface of the PPM was
covered with human FG in the FG group (group 2) and with greater omentum in the omentoplasty group
(group 3). Two observers blinded to the randomization assessed the degree of adhesions (0-4) to PPM and
percentage of the PPM area covered by adhesions (0%-100%).
Results: The degree of adhesions in group 1 was significantly higher than that in groups 2 and 3. Group 2
had a higher adhesion degree than group 3. The mean percentage of the patch surface area covered by
adhesions in group 1 was higher than that in groups 2 and 3. This was higher in group 2 than in group 3.
Conclusion: FG reduced the adhesions, but the greater omentum is an autologous anti-adhesive barrier and
omentoplasty reduced adhesions more significantly than FG.
Key Words: Incisional hernia, polypropylene mesh, fibrin glue, omentoplasty

Ratlarda Oluturulan nsizyonel Herni Modelinde Omentoplasti ile

Yapklklarn nlenmesi
Giri ve Ama: Prostetik yamalarla yaplan karn duvar ftk tamirlerini takiben oluan yapklklar barsak
tkanklna ve enterokutanz fistllere neden olabilirler. Bu almann amac Polypropylene yama ile yaplan
karn duvar tamiri modelinde Fibrin yaptrc ve omentoplastinin etkinliklerini mukayese etmektir.
Yntem ve Gere: alma grup rattan olumaktayd. Bir tam kat karn duvar defekti Polypropylene yama
ile kapatld. Kontrol grubuna (grup 1) baka tedavi yaplmad. Fibrin yaptrc grubunda (grup 2) ise insan
fibrinojeniyle, yamann alt yzeyi omentoplasti grubunda (grup 3) byk omentumla kapland. Yaplan
randomizasyondan habersiz olan iki gzlemci yamaya olan yapklklarn derecesini (0-4) ve yama yzeyinin
yapklkla kapl alannn yzdesini deerlendirdiler (% 0-100).
Bulgular: Grup 1deki yapklklar grup 2 ve 3ten nemli derecede yksekti. Grup 2 ise grup 3e gre daha
yksek bir yapklk oranna sahipti. Yapklklarla kapl olan yama yzeyinin yzdesi grup 1de grup 2 ve 3ten
yksekti. Grup 2de bu oran grup 3ten yksekti.
Sonu: Bu bulgular gstermektedir ki her ne kadar fibrin yaptrc yapklklar azaltmaktadr fakat omentum
otolog yapkllar nleyici bir bariyerdir ve yapkllar nlemede fibrin yaptrclardan daha etkilidir.
Anahtar Szckler: nsizyonel Herni, polypropylene yama, fibrin yaptrc, omentoplasti

Received: September 05, 2006

Accepted: March 09, 2007


Department of General Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine,
Atatrk University,
Erzurum, TURKEY

Incisional hernias occur in 11% of patients after laparotomy (1,2). The repair of
large abdominal wall defects resulting from trauma, necrosis, tumor, or other causes
presents a challenge for the surgeon. Many synthetic materials have been tried and no
single material has gained universal acceptance or preference (3). The ideal prosthesis is
one that maintains adequate strength, incorporates with surrounding tissues, and does
not stimulate visceral adhesion formation (1,3). Postsurgical adhesion formation is a
significant clinical problem for every surgical section (4). These adhesions are significant
sources of morbidity and mortality as a result of postoperative bowel obstruction,


AYDINLI, B et al.

Prevention of Adhesions by Omentoplasty

infarction, fistula formation and erosion after every

abdominal surgery (3-5). Because of these problems, a
wide variety of adjunctive treatments to prevent the
formation and reformation of adhesions have been
proposed. Most of these treatments, however, show
controversial results. In an attempt to reduce the
inflammatory reaction at the site of the peritoneal
trauma, corticosteroids were used. Later the antiadhesive properties of calcium channel blockers and
antihistamines were studied. More recent studies deal
with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tissue
plasminogen activators, and selective immunosuppressors
(6-9). One of these modalities that has been studied
extensively and showed promising results is the so-called
barrier method. With this technique, surgically
traumatized surfaces are kept covered during mesothelial
regeneration, thus preventing adherence of adjacent
structures and reducing adhesion formation. Barriers
consist of fluids such as 32% Dextran 70 and Ringers
lactate solution, as well as of solid materials such as
carboxymethylcellulose, oxidized regenerated cellulose,
expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, fibrin glue (FG) and
seprafilm, a bioresorbable, translucent membrane
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC).
The purpose of the present study was to compare the
efficacy of FG and omentoplasty in the prevention of
adhesion formation in a rat model using a polypropylene
mesh in abdominal wall replacement.

Materials and Methods

All the experiments in this study were performed in
accordance with the Guidelines for Animal Research by
the National Institute of Health, and the experimental
procedures in the present study were approved by the
local ethics committee (Atatrk University Ethical
Committee). The animals were treated according to
guidelines set by the Atatrk University Animal
Laboratory. Forty-five Sprague Dawley male rats
weighing 225-275 g were used. The rats were obtained
from the Atatrk University Animal Laboratory, Erzurum,
Turkey. The experiments were performed at the Atatrk
University Experimental Research Center. The rats were
kept in stainless steel cages, given food and water ad
libitum, and quarantined 7 days before surgery. Food was
withheld 8 h prior to surgery, but there was free access

Turk J Med Sci

to water. The rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal

administration of 50 mg/kg ketamin hydrochloride
(Ketalar; Parke-Davis, Morris Plains, NJ, USA) and 10
mg/kg xylazine hydrochloride for the operation. The
abdomen was shaved and disinfected with 70% povidone
iodine. All the surgical procedures were performed under
sterile conditions by a single researcher. After a 4 cm
midline incision was made, skin flaps were prepared. A
1.5 to 2.5 cm segment of the abdominal wall (muscles
and attached peritoneum) was removed. The
antimesenteric border of the cecum was abraded with
sterile gauze until punctuate bleeding occurred. After
replacement of the abraded cecum, the abdominal wall
defect was repaired with a 1.5 to 2.5 cm piece of PPM
that was sutured to the abdominal wall with 40
polypropylene continuously. The rats were then
randomized into 3 equal groups as follows: control group
(group 1), FG group (group 2), and omentoplasty group
(group 3).
Group 1 had no further treatment of their patches. In
group 2, the undersurface of the PPM was covered with
human fibrinogen obtained from 0.5 ml of
cryoprecipitate mixed with 0.5 ml of bovine thrombin
(1000 U/ml) and calcium (6.24 mmol/l). In group 3, the
undersurface of the PPM was covered with the greater
omentum fixed with interrupted sutures. The laparotomy
incision was closed with a running 3-0 polypropylene
suture. On postoperative day 21, all the rats were
sacrificed using lethal doses of intra-abdominal
pentobarbital sodium. The laparotomy was performed,
and the degree of adhesion formation was graded from 0
to 4 by a blinded independent observer as follows: grade
0: no adhesions; grade I: a thin, filmy, easily separated
adhesion; grade II: several thin adhesions; grade III: thick
broad adhesions, and grade IV: several thick adhesions or
thick adhesions to organs or the abdominal wall (10). The
extent and severity of adhesions in the operation site for
each parietal peritoneum were evaluated using an
established scoring system (11). According to this
system, the extent of adhesions was evaluated as follows:
0, no adhesion; 1, 25% of traumatized area; 2, 50% of
traumatized area; and 3, total involvement.
Peritoneal biopsy specimens were taken from the
edge of the PPM (in the right lower quadrant) using a
disposable 6 mm diameter biopsy punch while the animals
were alive. Pathological specimens of patches and
adhesions obtained at laparotomy were fixed in 10%

Vol: 37

Prevention of Adhesions by Omentoplasty

No: 2

formalin. Histological specimens were stained with

hematoxylin and eosin. The sections were studied to
evaluate the following histological features: inflammation,
fibrosis, and granulamatosis. For histological analysis
under light microscopy, tissues were fixed in 10%
formalin in phosphate-buffered saline and processed with
paraffin wax. Tissue sections of 6 mm were stained with
hematoxylin and eosin and were examined with a light
microscope (Olympus BH-2). Five coded slides from each
group were examined by a pathologist blind to all the
study groups using light microscopy to evaluate the
presence and degree of neutrophil infiltration.
The percentage coverage of each patch by adhesion
formation was determined using a surface area grid and
rounding off to the nearest 5%.
Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney U
test. All the data are expressed as the mean SD.
Differences with a P value <0.05 were considered
statistically significant.
The results of the study are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Of the 15 animals in group 3, 11 had no adhesions, and
1 had grade 1 adhesions (80.0%). While only 2 animals
in group 1 had grade 1 adhesions, the remainder had
higher grade adhesions (13.3%). While 2 animals in
group 2 had no adhesions, 5 had grade I adhesions
(46.6%). The degree of adhesions in group 1 was
significantly higher than that in groups 2 and 3 (P <
0.05, P < 0.000, respectively). Group 2 had a
significantly higher adhesion degree than group 3 (P <


had adhesions involving 25% of surface area of the

patch. The mean percentage patch surface area covered
by adhesions in group 1 was significantly higher than that
in groups 2 and 3 (P < 0.01 and P < 0.0001,
respectively). Group 2 had significantly higher mean
percentage patch surface areas covered by adhesions than
group 3 (P < 0.001). The adhesions were significantly
lower in omentoplasty-treated animals.
Histological analysis revealed good fibroblast
proliferation in the wound site, resulting in well-formed
scar tissue in the 3 groups.
Tension-free repair of incisional hernias with
prosthetic material has reduced the recurrence rates
reported as 30%-46% after primary repairs to 2.2%10% in recent studies. The ideal mesh maintains
adequate permanent closure of the abdominal wall defect,
has a low infection rate, causes few adhesions, and
induces no enterocutaneous fistulas (1). PPM, which is
used to repair large incisional hernias, induces foreign
body reaction and acts as ischemic tissue in the
peritoneum (11). This makes adhesion formation almost
inevitable between the viscera and PPM. These intraabdominal adhesions are significant sources of morbidity
and mortality as a result of postoperative bowel
obstruction, infarction, and fistula formation (1,5,1113).
The development of adhesions involves a complex
interaction between the deposition of fibrinous exudates
and the lyses of fibrin via the fibrinolytic system of the
mesothelial cells (15). In the presence of inflammation or
tissue ischemia, fibrinolysis may be inhibited because of
decreased plasminogen activity, thereby facilitating the

Adhesions (%)

All the animals in group 3 (100%), 10 of the 15

(66.6%) in group 2, and 3 of the 15 (20%) in group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Figure 1. The effects of fibrin glue and omentoplasty on adhesion

formation (grades).

April 2007

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Figure 2. The effects of fibrin glue and omentoplasty on adhesion

formation (percentages).


AYDINLI, B et al.

Prevention of Adhesions by Omentoplasty

Turk J Med Sci

organization of fibrin exudates into fibrinous adhesions


significantly reduced adhesion formation to a synthetic

patch (Gore-Tex).

The role of FG in the formation of adhesions has only

become the subject of studies recently. According to the
traditional model of adhesion formation, fibrin serves as
a matrix for ingrowths of fibroblasts with their
subsequent elaboration of collagen, and FG seemed to
have the potential for markedly increasing adhesion
formation. However, several studies in rats and rabbits
where peritoneal defects were treated with FG showed a
significant decrease in intra-abdominal adhesion
formation and reformation (13-17). Other investigators
have not reported good results with FG as an adhesion
prevention method (14,18). The mechanism by which FG
reduces adhesion formation is not clear. Application of FG
to the injured surfaces might be expected to enhance the
formation of adhesions, but instead it appears that by
coating the injured surfaces with FG a smooth layer
covers the surface and prevents contact adherence (14).
Dulchavsky et al. (19) showed a decrease in post-injury
inflammatory cellular infiltration after FG application and
suggested that FG may decrease adhesions in this way.
Toosie et al. (5) postulated that FG might provide a
physical barrier between the surrounding tissue and the
foreign material, thereby isolating the healing wound and
its inflammatory process from the remainder of the
peritoneum and viscera.

To prevent adhesions, some authors recommend that

the parietal peritoneum must be preserved during
incisional hernia repair because it forms a barrier. When
the parietal peritoneum cannot be kept intact, the
surgeon may attempt to place the greater omentum
between the abdominal contents and the prosthetic
material (1). In the present study, our data demonstrate
that omentoplasty significantly reduces both the degree
of adhesion formation and the percentage coverage of
PPM. Group 3 showed a significantly lower adhesion
degree and area than groups 1 and 2. Sperlongano et al.
(20) described 5 patients who underwent repair of
complex giant ventral hernias with PPM and
omentoplasty. They concluded that the omentum, when
there is a lack of tissue and a need for autologous tissue
to place between the viscera and the above-lying PPM, is
potentially useful, and stated that no complications or
recurrences occurred. Geoffrey et al. (2) reported that,
although not statistically significant, excision of the hernia
sac, lack of omentum interposition, and the presence of a
fascial gap could cause a higher incidence of
enterocutaneous fistula formation. Bowel protection is
essential in an attempt to avoid long-term complications
after prosthetic repair in incisional hernias. Minimizing
dissection and attempting to perform a fascial on-lay
when possible may help to accomplish this. The hernia sac
should be imbricated when feasible and used as a further
barrier between the bowel and mesh. If this is not
feasible, the greater omentum should be laid on the
intestines to form a barrier between the mesh and

In the present study, we evaluated the efficacy of FG

in reducing intra-abdominal adhesion formation in a
model using PPM. We detected that the degree of
adhesion formation and the percentage coverage to PPM
were higher in group 1 than in group 2 (P < 0.01 and P
<0.05, respectively). However, the degree of adhesion
formation and the percentage coverage of PPM in group
2 were significantly higher than those in group 3 (P <
0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). In a rat ventral hernia
model study, Toosie et al. (5) showed that FG

Finally, we recommend that although FG caused a

reduction of adhesions the greater omentum proved to be
an effective autologous anti-adhesive barrier in PPM
repair of abdominal wall hernia.


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