Central Nervous System: Checklist PMPF Checklist PMPF
Central Nervous System: Checklist PMPF Checklist PMPF
Central Nervous System: Checklist PMPF Checklist PMPF
OSCEs for Medical Finals, First Edition. Hamed Khan, Iqbal Khan, Akhil Gupta, Nazmul Hussain, and Sathiji Nageshwaran.
2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cranial nerves III, IV and VI: oculomotor, trochlear, abducens
(all motor):
Tests nerves individually:
IV: superior oblique
Damage means eye is unable to look down when
VI: lateral rectus
Damage means eye is unable to abduct
III: Other movements: Examine smooth pursuit and
nystagmus with a hat pin moved in a H pattern
Damage causes dilated pupil, ptosis and restricted
eye movements
Look for exophthalmos
Double vision
Whether it is going across/up/down and in which
Cranial nerve V: trigeminal nerve (motor and sensory):
Tests sensation in three areas supplied by branches V1, V2
and V3 (light touch and pin-prick)
States intent to elicit a corneal reflex (wisp of cotton on
the sclera of the eye both eyes should blink)
Opens the patients mouth against resistance and moves
it from side to side (pterygoids)
Feels the temporalis and masseter muscles while the
patient clenches their teeth
Jaw jerk
Cranial nerve VII: facial nerve (motor and sensory):
Asymmetry look for a Bells palsy
Is the forehead spared?
Asks the patient to raise their eyebrows and shut their
eyes tight against resistance
Asks them to show their teeth
Asks them to puff out their cheeks
Taste in anterior two-thirds of the tongue
Cranial nerve VIII: vestibulocochlear (sensory):
Simple test of hearing whispers a number into each of
patients ears while rubbing the fingers next to the other
ear (to prevent the whisper being heard in that ear)
Rinne and Weber tests (256Hz tuning fork) see Hints
and tips for the exam below
States intent to perform caloric testing
Cranial nerves IX and X: glossopharyngeal and vagus (both
motor and sensory):
Assesses cough (bovine cough if Xth nerve lesion)
Listens and identifies hoarseness of voice
Asks patient to say Ah (uses a torch to see if the palate
rises uniformly bilaterally and the uvula is central)
Taste: posterior third of tongue
Offers to test gag reflex (using a tongue depressor,
carefully touches the back of the throat. Patient should
gag. Positive reflex shows intact afferent cranial nerve IX
and efferent cranial nerve X)
Cranial nerve XI: accessory (motor):
Asymmetry of muscles
Asks patient to shrug shoulders against resistance
Asks patient to turn head to left and right against
resistance sternocleidomastoid
Cranial nerve XII: hypoglossal (motor):
Visualises tongue at rest (fasciculation)
Asks patient to protrude tongue (deviation)
Asks patient to moves tongue to left and right
Thanks patient
Offers to help patient get dressed
Washes hands
Presents findings
Offers appropriate differential diagnosis
Suggests appropriate further investigations and management