Sample Assignment
Sample Assignment
Sample Assignment
Student Name
Task 1
1.1: Identify the sources of finance available to business?
There are different sources of finance for businesses:
1. Own finance - You may choose to start your own business using your own financial
resources. This may be from savings accounts or other investments that you have.
Typically, it is not advised that you should fund your start-up from personal overdrafts,
loans or credit cards as these are not necessarily tailored to your business needs or
2. Family and friends - You may have family and friends who wish to invest in your
business. This is often convenient and may allow you to get finance on favourable
terms. However, make sure you have a formal agreement of loan terms in place so you
or your family and friends are not left unprotected in the event that you are unable to
repay the loan.
3. Banks: The most common forms of finance used by start-ups are:
Business overdrafts - Banks offer overdrafts as a form of short-term finance. These
are available to companies that have business current accounts. They are a good way
of covering any fluctuations of money coming in and going out of your business.
Term loans - Loans are designed to help you buy equipment and supplies for your
business. They are best if you need to buy fixed assets, such as machinery or office
equipment, where the amount you need is not going to change.
4. Grants - These are a good option for businesses looking for financial assistance for
specific projects. Typically, funding comes from EC and UK government sources,
including local authorities, charitable trusts and corporate sponsors.
5. Loans - It is not just banks that can provide a loan. Business support organisations
such as enterprise and development agencies can help businesses looking for loans.
6. Business Angels - Often high net worth individuals, Business Angels invest in high
growth businesses on their own or as part of a syndicate. In addition to providing
finance, Business Angels often make available to companies their own skills,
experience and contacts.
7. The Princes Charities - This is a group of notforprofit organisations, headed up by
The Prince of Wales who acts as Patron or President. A good example of support
available to start-ups is from the Princes Trust Enterprise Programme, which helps
unemployed young people aged 18-30 work out if their business ideas are viable and
whether self-employment is right for them.
8. Community Development Finance Association (CDFA). The Association
represents a network of regional Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs).
CDFIs provide loans and support to businesses, social enterprises, community
organisations or charities. They are mostly based within the UKs most disadvantaged
For a trading business such as a retailer, cost will therefore be the purchase price plus
the cost of delivery to the retail store. For a manufacturing business, the cost of finished
goods will be the direct costs of labour, materials and expenses, and in addition will
include factory overheads absorbed into the product.
Cost benefit analysis is a process of identifying, measuring and comparing the social
benefits and costs of an investment project or program. A program is a series of
projects undertaken over a period of time with a particular objective in view. The project
or projects in question may be public projects undertaken by the public sector or
private projects. Both types of projects need to be appraised to determine whether they
represent an efficient use of resources. Projects that represent an efficient use of
resources from a private viewpoint may involve costs and benefits to a wider range of
individuals than their private owners. For example, a private project may pay taxes,
provide employment for the otherwise unemployed, and generate pollution. These
effects are termed social benefits and costs to distinguish them from the purely private
projects from social viewpoint as well as to appraise public projects.
It should be noted that the technique of social benefit- cost analysis can also be used to
analyse the effects of changes in public policies such as the tax/subsidy or regulatory
regimes. Public projects are often thought of in terms of the provision of physical capital
in the form of infrastructure such as bridges, highways and dams. However there are
other less obvious types of physical projects that augment environmental capital stocks
and involve activities such as land reclamation, pollution control, fishery management
and provision of parks. Other types of projects are those that involve investment in
forms of human capital, such as health, education and skills and social capital through
drug-use and crime prevention, and the reduction of unemployment. There are few, if
any, activities of government that are not amenable to appraisal and evaluation by
means of social benefit-cost analysis.
1.3: Implications of various sources of finance for a business project?
Investment involves diverting scarce resources- land, labour and capital- from the
production of goods for current consumption to the production of capital goods which
will contributes to increasing the flow of consumption goods available in the future. An
investment project is a particular allocation of scarce resources in the present which will
result in a flow of output in the future: for example land, labour and capital could be
allocated to the construction of a dam which will result in increased electricity of output
in the future (in reality there are likely to be additional output such as irrigation water,
recreational opportunities and flood control but we will assume these away for the
purposes of the example). The cost of the project is measured as an opportunity costthe value of the goods and services which would have been produced by the land,
labour and capital inputs had they not been used to construct the dam. The benefit of
the project is measured as the value of the extra electricity produced by the dam.
1.4: What should be the appropriate source of finance for your selective company
Shares: Limited companies could look to sell additional shares, to new or existing
Credit from suppliers: Many invoices have payment terms of 30 days or longer. A
company can take the maximum amount of time to pay and use the money in the
interim period to finance other things. This method should be treated with caution to
ensure that the invoice is still paid on time or else the firm might risk upsetting the
supplier and jeopardise the future working relationship and terms of business. It should
also be remembered that its not found money but rather a careful balancing act of
Task 2
2.1: Explain the importance of financial planning?
It is important to plan finances in order to reap long term benefits through the assets in
hand. The investments that one makes are structured properly and managed by
professionals through financial planning. Every decision regarding our finances can be
monitored if a proper plan is devised in advance. The following points explain why
financial planning is important.
Cash Flow: Financial planning helps in increasing cash flow as well as monitoring the
spending pattern. The cash flow is increased by undertaking measures such as tax
planning, prudent spending and careful budgeting.
Capital: A strong capital base can be built with the help of efficient financial planning.
Thus, one can think about investments and thereby improve his financial position.
Income: It is possible to manage income effectively through planning. Managing income
helps in segregating it into tax payments, other monthly expenditures and savings.
Family Security: Financial planning is necessary from the point of view of family
security. The various policies available in the market serve the purpose of financially
securing the family.
Investment: A proper financial plan that considers the income and expenditure of a
person, helps in choosing the right investment policy. It enables the person to reach the
set goals.
Standard of Living: The savings created by through planning, come to the rescue in
difficult times. Death of the bread winner in a family, affects the standard of living to a
great extent. A proper financial plan acts as a guard in such situations and enables the
family to survive hard times.
Financial Understanding: The financial planning process helps gain an understanding
about the current financial position. Adjustments in an investment plan or evaluating a
retirement scheme becomes easy for an individual with financial understanding.
Assets: A nice 'cushion' in the form of assets is what many of us desire for. But many
assets come with liabilities attached. Thus, it becomes important to determine the true
value of an asset. The knowledge of settling or canceling the liabilities, comes with the
understanding of our finances. The overall process helps us build assets that don't
become a burden in the future.
Savings: It is good to have investments with high liquidity. These investments owing to
their liquidity can be utilized in times of emergency and for educational purposes.
2.2: Assess the information needs if different decision makers?
Budgeting decisions: Analysis and monitoring of cash and other budgets.
Costing and pricing decisions: Calculations of unit costs, use within pricing decisions,
sensitivity analysis
Investment appraisal: payback period, accounting rate of return, discounted cash-flow
techniques i.e net present value, internal rate of return
Nature of long-term decisions: nature of investment importance of true value of money,
cash flow, assumptions in capital investment decisions, advantages and disadvantages
of each.
Financial statements: basic form, structure and purpose of main financial statements i.e
balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash-flow statement, notes, preparation not
required; distinction between different types of business i.e limited company,
partnership, sole trader.
Interpretation: use of key accounting ratios for profitability, liquidity, efficiency and
investment, comparison both external i.e other companies, industry standard and
internal i.e previous periods, budgets
Financial statements provide an overview of a business or person's financial condition in
both short and long term. All the relevant financial information of a business enterprise,
presented in a structured manner and in a form easy to understand, are called the
financial statements. There are four basic financial statements:
Balance sheet: also referred to as statement of financial position or condition, reports on
a company's assets, liabilities, and Ownership equity at a given point in time.
Income statement: also referred to as Profit and Loss statement (or a "P&L"), reports on
a company's income, expenses, and profits over a period of time. Profit & Loss account
provide information on the operation of the enterprise. These include sale and the
various expenses incurred during the processing state.
Statement of retained earnings: explains the changes in a company's retained earnings
over the reporting period.
Statement of cash flows: reports on a company's cash flow activities, particularly its
operating, investing and financing activities.
It has great impact on finance because:Owners and managers require financial statements to make important business
decisions that affect its continued operations.
Employees also need these reports in making collective bargaining agreements (CBA)
with the management, in the case of labour unions or for individuals in discussing their
compensation, promotion and rankings.
Prospective investors make use of financial statements to assess the viability of
investing in a business. Financial analyses are often used by investors and are
prepared by professionals (financial analysts), thus providing them with the basis for
making investment decisions.
Financial institutions (banks and other lending companies) use them to decide whether
to grant a company with fresh working capital or extend debt securities (such as a longterm bank loans or debentures) to finance expansion and other significant expenditures.
Government entities (tax authorities) need financial statements to ascertain the
propriety and accuracy of taxes and other duties declared and paid by a company.
2.3: Explain the impact of finance on the financial statements?
According to theory, maximising shareholders wealth is the fundamental objective of a
firm. (Watson & Head -Corporate Finance principles and practice 2007), Investors
generally expect to earn satisfactory returns on their investments as they require
increasing the value of their investments as much as possible. This is usually
determined by dividend payout and or capital gains by increasing the market value of
the share price. The managers of the company act on behalf of the investors, such as
operating day to day activities and making decisions within the business. In another way
they do have the control of the business entity. However, firms may have other
objectives to achieve such as maximising of profits, growth and increasing its' markets
share. When achieving these objectives of a firm, conflicts may arise as a result of
ownership and control. Managers may make their decisions on their own interests
rather than achieving investors' wealth.
Value of the business is measured by valuing firms' price of shares. It's essential to
consider maximising of stock prices, and its' impact to the investors and the economy as
a whole simultaneously.
Maximising profits is also an objective of a firm. It is determined by maximising the firm's
net profits. It is also can be described as a short term objective whilst maximising the
value of the company is a long term objective for a firm (Financial Management -Kaplan
Publishers 2009). Therefore it is not necessary, maximising profits as maximising
shareholders wealth because there are number of potential problems can occurr
adapting to an objective of profit maximisation.
Earnings per share (EPS) is one of the main indicators of the firms' profitability and it is
a broadly used method measuring firm's success, as it is determined return to equity in
theory(Financial Management - Kaplan Publishers 2009).However, EPS doesn't expose
the firm's wealth since it is determined by using firms' net profits.
Task 3
3.1: Analyses budgets and make appropriate decisions?
Every organization knows the significant of a cash budget and how it can be determine
the future directions of its business. In fact, cash budget is one of the key components
of a master budget. Never the less, it is the most difficult budget to prepare as
compared to the rest. Cash budget in reality is a foretell of cash inflow and cash outflow
actions, which are likely to take place in the future. It can be a net cash surplus or net
cash shortfall position.
Cash Inflows
Operating Activities
From sales of goods and services
From returns on investment
Investing Activities
From sales of plant, property and equipment
From sales of investment
From collection of principal on loans to other companies
Financing Activities
From sales of equity securities (issuing companys own stock)
Opening stock xxx
Purchase xx
Carriage inwards xx
Import duties xx
Warehousing charges xx
Any other direct expenses relating materials xx
Returns outwards (x) xxx
Closing stock (x)
Raw materials consumed XXX Direct wages x
Royalty charges x
Any other direct expenses x xx
Prime cost XXX
Factory overheads
Factory rents & rates xx
Repairs & maintenance xx
Depreciation xx
Insurance xx
Heat & light xx
Firms that combined accurate cost data with internally and externally generated market
information appear to be able to follow more flexible and adaptive pricing practice.
When analyzing cost, the marketers consider all costs needed to get the product to
market. Looking at an example, in the agriculture industry, where grain and meat prices
are market driven, farmers must meet the market price. Therefore, to make profit, they
must produce at a low cost below the market price. Moreover, looking at a public utility
pricing, a request will be made to the public utility commission for a rate increase based
on its current and projected production cost. No organization or industry can price its
products below their production costs indefinitely. In addition, no companies
management can set prices blindly at cost plus a markup without keeping an eye on the
Marketers should undoubtedly look to market competitors for indications of how price
set. Price analysis can be somewhat more complicated for products sold to the
business market since a number of factors including if competitors allow customers to
negotiate their final price may affect final price.
Direct Competitor Pricing - pricing will include an evaluation of competitors offerings.
The impact of this information on the actual setting of price will depend on the
competitive nature of the market. Marketers must not only research competitive prices
but must also pay close attention to how these companies will respond to the marketers
pricing decisions. For instance, in highly competitive industries, such as gasoline or
airline travel, competitors may respond quickly to competitors price adjustments thus
reducing the effect of such changes.
Related Product Pricing - For example, a marketer of a new online golf instruction
service that allows customers to access golf instruction via their computer may look at
prices charged by local golf professionals for in-person instruction to gauge where to set
their price. While on the surface online golf instruction may not be a direct competitor to
a golf instructor, marketers for the online service can use the cost of in-person
instruction as a reference point for setting price.
Fixed assets refer to property, plant and equipment, buildings, land and machines
owned by the company. They represent long-term liquid investments and support
Other Assets
These include any intangible assets, such as patents, copyrights, other intellectual
property and notes receivable from employees and officers.
Liabilities are all the debts and obligations a company owes to outside people such as
suppliers and banks.
Cash flow Statement
The purpose of this financial statement is to keep an account of the different activities of
the council. As for the income statement, the cash flow statement covers only one year.
This also provides information on the mode of generation of funds required for payment.
Nonetheless, the cash flow statement can also be used to evaluate the cash that would
be essential to meet the operating costs.
Income Statement
This type of financial statement keeps an account of the net surplus or deficit. By having
a detailed account of the past, one can forecast and assess the future performance of
the company.
Profit and Loss Accounts
These summarize the income and expenses of a company in a given period. This can
be used to include accruals as well. The P&L can be used in computing net income for
the period and identifying major revenue and expenses items that affect net income. For
example, if a company has $10 million in monthly revenues and $7.5 million in
expenses, net income for the month is $2.5 million. The company also may review
revenue and expense accounts to identify major customers and suppliers.
Difference between the Formats of Financial Statements for Different Businesses
Difference of P&L in Partnership and Sole trade
In sole trade, the profit will not be shared among many but only the owner himself will
gain it. Yet, in partnership, the profit will be shared among two or more shareholders.
In a sole trade, the income can be earned by the sole trade sales, while in a partnership
the income will be gained by shares, dividends received and by sales.
Difference of Balance Sheet in Partnership and Sole trade
The capital in a sole trade will be invested with the owners cash, while in partnership,
the capital will be by long-term loans or it can also be shareholder capital.
Sole trade does not experience debenture, yet in a partnership, debentures can be
Only a few numbers of assets are there in sole trade. In a partnership, a great number
of assets can be easily found.
Subways Franchise
Cost of sales
Gross profit
81, 82
Wages& NIC
Rates& insurance
Lighting &heating
Repairs &Renewals
Motor expenses
Packing costs
Cleaning& Genera
Depreciation: Vehicles
Bank Charges
Loan Interest
Helpful is the routine review of financial statements. There are three types of financial
statements. Each will give you important info about how efficiently and effectively your
business is operating.
Income Statement:
The income statement shows all items of income and expense for your arts or crafts
business. It reflects a specific time period. So, an income statement for the quarter
ending March 31, shows revenue and expenses for January, February and March; if the
income statement is for the calendar year ending December 31, it would contain all your
information from January 1 to December 31.
Income statements are also known as statements of profit and loss or P&Ls. The
bottom line on an income statement is income less expenses. If your income is more
than expense, you have a net profit. Expense more than income? You have a net loss.
Balance Sheet:
Accounting is based upon a double entry system - for every entry into the books there
has to be an opposite and equal entry. The net effect of the entries is zero, which
results your books being balanced. The proof of this balancing act is shown in the
balance sheet when Assets = Liabilities + Equity.
The balance sheet shows the health of a business from day one to the date on the
balance sheet. Balance Sheets are always dated on the late day of the reporting period.
If youve been in business since 1997 and your balance sheet is dated as of December
31 of the current year, the balance sheet will show the results of your operations from
1997 to December 31.
Statement of Cash Flows:
The statement of cash flows shows the ins and outs of cash during the reporting period.
You may be thinking well who needs that type of report? Ill just look at the check
book. Good point, unless youre reporting things that dont immediately affect cash such
as depreciation, accounts receivable and accounts payable.
If I could only choose one of those three financial statements to evaluate the ability of a
company to pay dividends and meet obligations (indicating a healthy business) I would
pick the statement of cash flows. The statement of cash flows takes aspects of the
income statement and balance sheet and kind of crams them together to show cash
sources and uses for the period.
4.3: Interpret financial statements using appropriate ratios and comparisons, both
internal and external?
Sole traders
Prepared accounts for their own use to know how much profit/loss for the year.
Prepared accounts to get to the profit and how it should be distributed among partners.
There is no legal obligation to produce any accounts, but sometimes it does help if they
are applying for a loan /mortgage.
Public and Private company
They are legally obliged to be registered by the company house and to follow the
required rules, policies and procedures. Therefore they are legally obliged to prepare a
set of accounts for each accounting year, showing the following,
Income Statement for the period ending
Statement of movement in Equity for the period ending
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement showing operational, investing and Dividend transactions
Bear in mind management can change depreciation policy and showing less profit. The
change of policy cannot be change very often and should be explain before it does.
Accounts should be prepared according to saps and proper accounting conditions.
Company can vary the mixture source of finance like your company but they have
different area with particular risk and demand.
Analysis of Financial Statements using ratios and comparisons, both internal and
Gross Profit Margin
The figure shows the company is very healthy and is producing a high return comparing
the cost of sales to the revenue
Net Profit Margin
The figure shows a drastic decline compare to gross profit as its due to level of activity
(107 to 175 Number of stores) which has increased thus reflect the increase in
expenses and running cost.
Net Profit margin after tax
The decrease between the PBIT and PAIT is the effect of the debenture interest (10%)
and tax incurred during the year.
Interpretation of Financial Statements (Using UK GAAP)
Profitability ratios
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Capital employed is normally measured as fixed assets plus current assets less
current liabilities and represents the longterm investment in the business, or
owners capital plus longterm liabilities. Return on capital employed is frequently
regarded as the best measure of profitability.
Capital employed
Profit before interest and taxation (PBIT) 100%
Note that the profit before interest is used, because the loan capital rewarded
This indicates the extent to which the claims of shortterm creditors are covered
by assets that are expected to be converted to cash.
Current ratio =
Current liabilities
Current assets
Acid test ratio (quick ratio)
This is calculated in the same way as the current ratio except that stocks are
excluded from current assets.
Acid test ratio =
Current liabilities
Current assets - Stock
This ratio is a much better test of the immediate solvency.
Debtors ratio
This is computed by dividing the debtors by the average daily sales to determine
the number of days sales held in debtors.
Average collection period =
Credit sales
Trade debtors 365 days
Creditors ratio
This is computed by dividing the creditors by the average daily credit purchases
to determine the number of days purchases held in creditors.
Average payment period =
Credit purchases
Trade creditors 365 days
Stock turnover
This ratio indicates whether stock levels are justified in relation to sales. The higher
the ratio, the healthier the cash flow position.
Stock turnover =
Cost of sales
Stock turnover can also be calculated in days as:
Stockholding period =
Now calculate all of the above ratios on the following profit and loss account and
balance sheet for a company called JG Ltd.
000 000
Fixed assets 2,600
Current assets
Stocks 600
Debtors 900
Balance at bank 100
Trade creditors 800
Debenture stock 1,400
Capital and reserves
Ordinary share capital (1
Preference share capital 200
Profit and loss account 800
Sales 6,000
Cost of sales (including purchases 4,300) 4,500
Gross profit 1,500
Administrative and distribution costs 1,160
Trading profit 340
Debenture interest 74
Profit before tax 266
Taxation 106
Profit after tax 160
Preference dividend 10
Profit available for ordinary shareholders 150
Ordinary dividend 10
Retained profit 140
ROCE = 10% 340/3,400 100%
Profit margin = 5.7% 340/6,000 100%
Asset turnover = 1.8 times 6,000/3,400
Gross profit margin = 25% 1,500/6,000 100%
Return on owners equity = 14.2% (266 10)/(1,000 + 800) 100%
Current ratio = 2 times 1,600/800
Acid test ratio = 1.25 times (900 + 100)/800
Debtors ratio = 55 days 900/6,000 365 days
Creditors ratio = 68 days 800/4,300 365 days
Stock turnover = 7.5 times 4,500/600
Earnings per share = 15p 150/1,000
Dividend cover = 15 times 150/10
Gearing = 47% (1,400 + 200)/3,400 100%
Interest cover = 4.6 times 340/74