Provisional Profit and Loss Accounts For The Period Un-Audited Audited
Provisional Profit and Loss Accounts For The Period Un-Audited Audited
Provisional Profit and Loss Accounts For The Period Un-Audited Audited
Rs in lakhs
Provisional Profit and Loss Accounts for the period 31.03.2019 31-03-18
Un-audited Audited
I) Revenue from Operations (Gross)
a) Gross Revenue 5,264.04 4,436.02
b) Less: Duties & Taxes 155.34 75.60
c) Net Revenue 5,108.70 4,360.42
II) Other Income 100.37 43.26
III) Total Revenue (I+II) 5,209.07 4,403.68
IV) Expenditure :
a) Cost of Materials Consumed 0.00 0.00
b) Change in Inventry of Stock 0.00 0.00
c) Employees Benfit Expenses 103.78 114.21
d) Finance Cost 1,237.20 1,064.48
e) Depreciation & Amortisation
i) Depreciation 1,863.74 2,183.98
ii) Amortistation of Pre-Op. Exp. 0.00 0.00
f) Other Expenses 1,914.40 1,003.45
6 Fixed Assets
Opening Balance Gross Block 33,576.35 33,369.59
Add: Additions 159.02 228.62
Less: Deletions 100.13 21.86
Subtotal 33,635.24 33,576.35
Opening Balance 15,833.89 13,649.91
Add: Additions 1,863.74 2,183.98
Less: Deletions 0.00 0.00
Subtotal 17,697.63 15,833.89
Net WDV of Fixed Assets 15,937.61 17,742.46
Sl No. Particulars 31.03.2019 31-03-18
Un-audited Audited
11 Other Expenses
Solar Project Expenses 741.03 6.49
Annual O&M Expeses 498.84 472.57
Electrical Materials 52.69 78.34
Operating Expenses 150.37 90.04
Charges and Levy paid to ESCOM 388.60 270.72
Administraive Expenses 82.87 85.29
Total 1,914.40 1,003.45
Generation Details
31.03.2019 31-03-18
Production Units in KWHr
Exported to KPTCL 8,81,94,000 8,28,72,000
Less: Import from KPTCL 2,72,550 2,96,700
Less: Banking Charges 17,63,880 16,57,440
Less: Wheeling Charges 44,09,700 41,43,600
Units available for sales 8,17,47,870 7,67,74,260
Less: Units Sold 8,16,93,400 7,67,74,260
Balance Units 54,470 0