1 Formation
Honeys natural sugars are dehydrated, which prevents
fermentation, with added enzymes to modify and transform their chemical composition and pH. Invertases and
digestive acids hydrolyze sucrose to give the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. Invertase is one of these
enzymes synthesized by the body of the insect.
Honey in honeycomb
Honey is produced by bees as a food source. To produce a single jar of honey (1lb or 454 g),foraging honey
bees have to travel the equivalent of three times around
a seasonally variable number of male drone bees to The physical properties of honey vary, depending on water content, the type of ora used to produce it (pasfertilize new queens
turage), temperature, and the proportion of the specic
some 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees.[10]
sugars it contains. Fresh honey is a supersaturated liquid, containing more sugar than the water can typically
The worker bees raise larvae and collect the nectar that dissolve at ambient temperatures. At room temperature,
will become honey in the hive. Leaving the hive, they honey is a supercooled liquid, in which the glucose will
precipitate into solid granules. This forms a semisolid
collect sugar-rich ower nectar and return.
solution of precipitated glucose crystals in a solution of
In the hive, the bees use their honey stomachs to in- fructose and other ingredients.
gest and regurgitate the nectar a number of times until
it is partially digested.[11] Invertase synthesized by the
bees and digestive acids hydrolyze sucrose to give the 2.1 Phase transitions
same mixture of glucose and fructose. The bees work
together as a group with the regurgitation and digestion The melting point of crystallized honey is between 40
until the product reaches a desired quality. It is then and 50 C (104 and 122 F), depending on its compostored in honeycomb cells. After the nal regurgita- sition. Below this temperature, honey can be either in a
tion, the honeycomb is left unsealed. However, the nec- metastable state, meaning that it will not crystallize until
tar is still high in both water content and natural yeasts, a seed crystal is added, or, more often, it is in a labile
which, unchecked, would cause the sugars in the nectar to state, being saturated with enough sugars to crystallize
ferment.[9] The process continues as bees inside the hive spontaneously.[14] The rate of crystallization is aected
fan their wings, creating a strong draft across the honey- by many factors, but the primary factor is the ratio of
comb, which enhances evaporation of much of the water the main sugars: fructose to glucose. Honeys that are
from the nectar.[9] This reduction in water content raises supersaturated with a very high percentage of glucose,
the sugar concentration and prevents fermentation. Ripe such as brassica honey, will crystallize almost immedihoney, as removed from the hive by a beekeeper, has a ately after harvesting, while honeys with a low percentlong shelf life, and will not ferment if properly sealed.[9] age of glucose, such as chestnut or tupelo honey, do not
Another source of honey is from a number of wasp crystallize. Some types of honey may produce very large
crystals, while others will produce many small
species, such as the wasps Brachygastra lecheguana and but few [15]
Brachygastra mellica, which is found in South and Central America. This species is known to feed on nectar and Crystallization is also aected by water content, because
a high percentage of water will inhibit crystallization, as
produce honey.[12]
The viscosity of honey is aected greatly by both temperature and water content. The higher the water percentage, the easier honey will ow. Above its melting point,
however, water has little eect on viscosity. Aside from
water content, the composition of honey also has little effect on viscosity, with the exception of a few types. At
25 C (77 F), honey with 14% water content will generally have a viscosity of around 400 poise, while a honey
containing 20% water will have a viscosity of around 20
poise. Viscosity increase due to temperature occurs very
slowly at rst. A honey containing 16% water, at 70 C
(158 F), will have a viscosity of around 2 poise, while
at 30 C (86 F), the viscosity will be around 70 poise.
As cooling progresses, honey will become more viscous
at an increasingly rapid rate, reaching 600 poise around
14 C (57 F). However, while honey is very viscous, it
has rather low surface tension.[18][19]
A few types of honey have unusual viscous properties.
Honey from heather or manuka display thixotropic properties. These types of honey enter a gel-like state when
motionless, but then liquify when stirred.[20]
The eect honey has on light is useful for determining
the type and quality. Variations in the water content alter
the refractive index of honey. Water content can easily
be measured with a refractometer. Typically, the refractive index for honey will range from 1.504 at 13% water content to 1.474 at 25%. Honey also has an eect on
polarized light, in that it will rotate the polarization plane.
The fructose will give a negative rotation, while the glucose will give a positive one. The overall rotation can be
used to measure the ratio of the mixture.[19][21]
Acid content
Caves in Spain.
Ancient times
The art of beekeeping in ancient China has existed since
time immemorial and appears to be untraceable to its origin. In the book Golden Rules of Business Success
written by Fan Li (or Tao Zhu Gong) during the Spring
and Autumn Period, there are some parts mentioning the
art of beekeeping and the importance of the quality of the
wooden box for bee keeping that can aect the quality of
its honey.
Honey was also cultivated in ancient Mesoamerica. The
Maya used honey from the stingless bee for culinary purposes, and continue to do so today. The Maya also regard
the bee as sacred (see Mayan stingless bees of Central
Some cultures believed honey had many practical health
uses. It was used as an ointment for rashes and burns, and
to help soothe sore throats when no other practices were
Religious signicance
4 Collecting honey
Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from domesticated beehives. Wild bee nests are sometimes located by following a honeyguide bird. The bees may
rst be pacied by using smoke from a bee smoker. The
smoke triggers a feeding instinct (an attempt to save the
resources of the hive from a possible re), making them
less aggressive and the smoke obscures the pheromones
the bees use to communicate.
The honeycomb is removed from the hive and the honey
may be extracted from that, either by crushing or by using
a honey extractor. The honey is then usually ltered to
remove beeswax and other debris.
Before the invention of removable frames, bee colonies
were often sacriced in order to conduct the harvest. The
harvester would take all the available honey and replace
the entire colony the next spring. Since the invention of
removable frames, the principles of husbandry lead most
beekeepers to ensure that their bees will have enough
stores to survive the winter, either by leaving some honey
in the beehive or by providing the colony with a honey
substitute such as sugar water or crystalline sugar (often
in the form of a candyboard). The amount of food necessary to survive the winter depends on the race of bees
and on the length and severity of local winters.
5 Modern uses
Sucrose: 1.3%
Water: 17.2%
The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, as a
spread on bread, and as an addition to various bever Higher sugars: 1.5%
ages, such as tea, and as a sweetener in some commercial
beverages. According to The National Honey Board (a
Ash: 0.2%
USDA-overseen organization), honey stipulates a pure
product that does not allow for the addition of any other
Other/undetermined: 3.2%
substance...this includes, but is not limited to, water or
other sweeteners".
Honey barbecue and honey mustard are common and popular sauce avors.
Its glycemic index ranges from 31 to 78, depending on
the variety.[48]
As a fermentable
Floral source
fed protein supplements, as honeydew lacks the proteinrich pollen accompaniment gathered from owers.
results in product deterioration, as it increases the
level of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and reduces
enzyme (e.g. diastase) activity. Heat also aects
appearance (darkens the natural honey color), taste,
and fragrance.[63]
Raw honey is honey as it exists in the beehive
or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining,
without adding heat (although some honey that has
been minimally processed is often labeled as raw
honey).[64] Raw honey contains some pollen and
may contain small particles of wax. Some allergy
suerers wrongly believe that raw, local honey can
help build tolerance to the pollen in the air. [65]
Strained honey has been passed through a mesh
material to remove particulate material (pieces of
wax, propolis, other defects) without removing
pollen, minerals or enzymes.
Filtered honey is honey of any type that has been
ltered to the extent that all or most of the ne
particles, pollen grains, air bubbles, or other materials normally found in suspension, have been
removed.[66] The process typically heats honey to
150170 F (6677 C) to more easily pass through
the lter.[67] Filtered honey is very clear and will not
crystallize as quickly,[67] making it preferred by the
supermarket trade.[68]
9 Preservation
10 Distinguishing honey
Honey grading
11 Traditional medicine
Historically, honey has been used by humans both orally
and topically to treat various ailments including gastric
disturbances, ulcers, wounds, and burns.
Honey was used medicinally by ancient Greeks and Egyptians and has been traditionally used in Ayurveda in India
and in Traditional Chinese Medicine.[36][82]
The Quran mentions honey as medicine.[41][82]
Other countries may have diering standards on the grading of honey. India, for example, certies honey grades
based on additional factors, such as the Fiehes test, and
other empirical measurements.[78]
Indicators of quality
Burns dressing
Evidence does not support the use of honey-based products for the treatment of venous leg ulcers.[93]
Health hazards
Mexico is also an important producer of honey, providing more than 4% of the worlds supply.[101] Much of
13.1 Botulism
this (about one-third) comes from the Yucatn Peninsula.
Honey production began there when the Apis mellifera
Infants can contract botulism from honey.[94]
and the A. mellifera ligustica were introduced there early
Infantile botulism shows geographical variation. In the in the 20th century. Most of Mexicos Yucatn producers
UK, only six cases have been reported between 1976 and are small, family operations who use original traditional
2006,[95] yet the U.S. has much higher rates: 1.9 per techniques, moving hives to take advantage of the various
100,000 live births, 47.2% of which are in California.[96] tropical and subtropical owers.[102]
Honey is also one of the gourmet products of the French
island of Corsica. Corsican honey is certied as to its
origin (Appellation d'origine contrle) just as are French
wines, like Champagne.[103]
17 References
[1] National Honey Board. Carbohydrates and the Sweetness of Honey. Last accessed 1 June 2012.
Modern beehives
Smoking the hive
Using a blower to remove bees from honey prior to
removal to honey house
A beekeeper removing frames from the hive
A capped honey super frame
Opening the cells: Uncapping
An uncapping fork
Uncapping the cells by hand using an uncapping
Extracting the honey
Filtering the honey
Pouring in pots
View Honey Al Jabal Alkhdar near the city of
Bayda, Libya
See also
Bee bread
Folk medicine
Honey ow
Honey hunting
Honey varieties
More Than Honeya 2012 Swiss documentary lm
on the current state of honey bees and beekeeping
National honey show
Royal jelly
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[27] Wilkins, Alistair L. and Lu, Yinrong (1995). Extractives from New Zealand Honeys. 5. Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acids in New Zealand Rewarewa (Knightea excelsa) Honey. J. Agric. Food Chem. 43 (12): 3021
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[32] Kvavadze, Eliso; Gambashidze, Irina; Mindiashvili,
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[41] Yusuf 'Ali, 'Abdullah. An Nahl, Al-Quran Chapter 16
(The Bee) quoted from The Holy Qur'an: Original Arabic
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[42] Denition of honey and honey products. (PDF) . Retrieved on 9 January 2012.
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A Preliminary Assessment of the Glycemic Index of
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[49] Krell
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Chapter 2.
[56] Denition of Honey and Honey Products (PDF). National Honey Issac Board. Retrieved 3 February 2011.
Blended Honey: A homogeneous mixture of two or more
honeys diering in oral source, color, avor, density or
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[71] Krell, Rainer (1996). Value-added Products Froom Beekeeping. Food & Agriculture Org. pp. 25. ISBN 97892-5-103819-2.
[57] Honey Color and Flavor. National Honey Board. Retrieved 3 February 2011. Wildower honey is often
used to describe honey from miscellaneous and undened
ower sources.
[58] Varieties of honey: Polyoral honey. The Honey Book.
Retrieved 10 November 2007. Honey that is from wild
or commercialized honeybees that is derived from many
types of owers is a resulting Polyoral honey.
[59] Mountain Wildower Honey. Mieliditalia.it. Retrieved
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[61] Gounari, Soa (2006).
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[62] Flottum, Kim (2010). The Backyard Beekeeper: An Absolute Beginners Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and
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[63] Subramanian, R.; Hebbar, H. Umesh; Rastogi, N.
K. (2007).
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[82] Altman, Nathaniel (9 March 2010). The Honey Prescription: The Amazing Power of Honey As Medicine. Inner
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[84] Pand, KN. Simple Yoga for Good Health. India: Star Publications. p. 100. ISBN 9781905863112.
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[96] Botulism in the United States, 18991996, Handbook for
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[99] Tutu Bush and Toxic Honey. National Beekeepers Association, New Zealand
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18 Bibliography
Krell, R. (1996). Value-added products from beekeeping. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. ISBN 978-92-5-103819-2.
Root, A. I. and Root, E. R. (2005). The ABC and
Xyz of Bee Culture. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN
19 External links
Overview and summary of the honey bee information. (News, Economy, Trade, Problems, etc)
U.S. National Honey Board
Honey varieties with pictures
Value-Added Products From Beekeeping, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Honey Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey?oldid=638161738 Contributors: WojPob, Bryan Derksen, Ap, Alex.tan, Brant
Boucher, Karen Johnson, Ortolan88, Roadrunner, SimonP, Heron, Montrealais, Sfdan, Fxmastermind, Someone else, Chuq, Spi, Edward, D, JohnOwens, Michael Hardy, Stormwriter, Llywrch, Dominus, Menchi, Ixfd64, Frank Shearar, Ahoerstemeier, Lovely Chris,
Ronz, William M. Connolley, Theresa knott, Jebba, , Pratyeka, Rossami, Andres, Samw, Focus mankind, Dyss, RodC, Gutza,
Markhurd, Taxman, Jimbreed, Ed g2s, Bevo, Shizhao, Wetman, Ortonmc, Jerzy, Pollinator, JorgeGG, Rossumcapek, Shantavira, Phil
Boswell, Gentgeen, Robbot, Ee00224, Postdlf, Pingveno, Rfc1394, Auric, Rhombus, Hadal, Wayland, Znode, Dina, Argasp, Parasite,
DocWatson42, MPF, Kbahey, Dinomite, Mintleaf, Drewzhrodague, Tom harrison, Martijn faassen, Lupin, Peruvianllama, Everyking,
Moyogo, Jfdwol, T0m, Dawidl, Sundar, Moogle10000, Gyrofrog, R. end, Yath, Lode, Antandrus, Beland, Piotrus, GeoGreg, KarlHenner, Blue387, Neutrality, Dcandeto, Kasreyn, Adashiel, Thorwald, Jfpierce, Mike Rosoft, Dr.frog, Heegoop, Eyrian, DanielCD,
Dceck, Jiy, EugeneZelenko, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Chammy Koala, Roybb95, Alistair1978, Night Gyr, Bender235, ESkog,
MisterSheik, CanisRufus, FirstPrinciples, MBisanz, Hayabusa future, Cafzal, Svdmolen, Fir0002, Petronivs, Palmiro, Scott Moore, Brutulf, Justinsomnia, Darwinek, Eritain, Sukiari, AppleJuggler, Jonathunder, Pogo747, Ranveig, Jumbuck, Alansohn, Gerweck, EvanGrim,
Arthena, GrantNeufeld, Revmachine21, Fuzlogic, Iris lorain, Celzrro, Tchalvak, Mbloore, Wtmitchell, Melaen, Velella, Danntm, Shoey,
Sumergocognito, Wadems, Versageek, Gene Nygaard, Alai, Ghirlandajo, Dan East, Kouban, Netkinetic, HenryLi, Kazvorpal, Yurivict,
Jimgeorge, Feezo, Simetrical, OwenX, Woohookitty, Mindmatrix, TigerShark, Hunding, StradivariusTV, Pol098, Amigadave, Matijap,
Zach Alexander, AshishG, Tbc2, Clemmy, Bbatsell, GregorB, Evilmoo, Apavlova, MarcoTolo, DavidFarmbrough, GraemeLeggett, SausMeester, Allen3, Mandarax, Sherpajohn, Ashmoo, Graham87, BD2412, FreplySpang, Davogones, Pmj, Kane5187, Sj, Rjwilmsi, Coemgenus, Fieari, Koavf, Ian Page, Ae77, Quiddity, Linuxbeak, Fish-Face, OmegaWikipedia, Ricardo Carneiro Pires, Brighterorange,
The wub, Bhadani, Exeunt, FayssalF, FlaBot, AED, Nihiltres, Isotope23, Sean WI, Ppk80, RexNL, Gurch, Mitsukai, Bigdottawa, Penguin, Cyko149, Thndr333, Zotel, King of Hearts, Jared Preston, DVdm, 334a, Digitalme, Vmenkov, PointedEars, EamonnPKeane,
Roboto de Ajvol, The Rambling Man, YurikBot, Wavelength, Sortan, Jimp, RussBot, RadioFan2 (usurped), Stephenb, Manop, Perodicticus, Gaius Cornelius, Shaddack, Lovesick, Thane, Anomalocaris, K.C. Tang, NawlinWiki, Shreshth91, SEWilcoBot, Dysmorodrepanis, Naushad, Wiki alf, Bloodofox, Welsh, Mhartl, The Grot, Cleared as led, Renata3, THB, Abexy, Silvery, Larsinio, Haoie, LexieM,
SameerKhan, Squally, Zephalis, DeadEyeArrow, Bota47, Ke5crz, Elemtilas, Igin, Silverchemist, Closedmouth, Dale662, Josh3580,
BorgQueen, Diddims, LeonardoRob0t, Natgoo, Anclation, Allens, Appleseed, Moomoomoo, Meegs, Stepan, NeilN, Luk, Av.P, Kenji
Toyama, SmackBot, FocalPoint, Nicolas Barbier, Fireworks, Hanchi, McGeddon, Jagged 85, Bwithh, Anastrophe, WayneConrad, Kintetsubualo, Mintpieman, Joshfriel, Peter Isotalo, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Kaiwen1, Dingar, Jonathonbarton, Dark jedi requiem, Durova, Thebrainkid, Anwar saadat, Tyciol, Smileyborg, Persian Poet Gal, Dwinetsk, DennisTheTiger, JennyRad, Jprg1966, Jeekc, Elagatis, Raasnoerd,
MalafayaBot, SchftyThree, Goldnger820, Mrarfarf, Deli nk, Uthbrian, WeniWidiWiki, Szepattila, Epastore, Oatmeal batman, Scwlong,
Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Frap, Onorem, KevM, Rrburke, Wes!, VMS Mosaic, ARA, Celarnor, Krich, Flyguy649, Gabi S., Model
Citizen, Cloud02, Jaibe, Nakon, TedE, DChetkovich, Jiddisch, Blake-, WookMu, Yulia Romero, Tomtefarbror, Rockrapdude, Zexarious, Honey101, Kahuroa, Ck lostsword, Bezapt, GameKeeper, Keyesc, Ohconfucius, SashatoBot, Lambiam, ArglebargleIV, Rklawton,
Zearin, Dbtfz, The idiot, Kipala, SilkTork, Jakobat, Hemmingsen, Minna Sora no Shita, Peterlewis, Bilby, Stoa, LebanonChild, A. Parrot,
Slakr, Boomshadow, Renwick, Martinp23, Malachite36, Godfrey Daniel, Bendzh, Dicklyon, MrArt, Mathsci, Supacabs, Jrt989, Jose77,
Dodo bird, Peyre, Aloysius XII, Wikixoox, Hu12, Japoniano, Alan.ca, Iridescent, Pwforaker, Lakers, T.O. Rainy Day, Shoeofdeath, Evildoctorbluetooth, Baloglu, DavidOaks, NoQuarter, Tawkerbot2, Ellin Beltz, Chetvorno, Fvasconcellos, HDCase, JForget, Rambam rashi,
Wafulz, Dycedarg, Chrumps, Brainslug, Rwammang, Dgw, ShelfSkewed, Meodipt, Pablo180, Cydebot, NealIRC, Vanished user vjhsduheuiui4t5hjri, Gogo Dodo, JFreeman, Rishodi, Elustran, Zeno Izen, Tletnes, Odie5533, Shirulashem, Dougweller, Roberta F., Loki125,
Dooly00000, Jguard18, Dyanega, Gimmetrow, LukeS, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Bigwyrm, Tomcwheeler, Emily, Mojo Hand, Marek69, Second
Quantization, Jacobshaven3, Bksimonb, Sivazh, BalfourCentre, Davidhorman, Aquilosion, Natalie Erin, Jpsaleeby, RoboServien, Escarbot,
Hmrox, AntiVandalBot, The Obento Musubi, Majorly, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, SummerPhD, Nelsonc5, Tchoutoye, Shui9, Whytecypress,
Kristoferb, Usman.shaheen, Canadian-Bacon, Res2216restar, .alyn.post., JAnDbot, Deective, Husond, Bundas, MER-C, Dream Focus,
Aviatophobiac, Y2kcrazyjoker4, Stardotboy, .anacondabot, Parsecboy, The Norse, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Fusionmix, J.P.Lon, GearedBull, Kajasudhakarababu, Mbc362, Decembermouse, CameronB, Twsx, Brusegadi, Catgut, Jimjamjak, Jessicapierce, Sgr927, Loonymonkey, 28421u2232nfenfcenc, Boob, Hamiltonstone, Cpl Syx, Thibbs, DerHexer, Edward321, Garik 11, Ryandsmith, Squarefaced,
NatureA16, B9 hummingbird hovering, S3000, Hdt83, MartinBot, Grandia01, BetBot, Ariel., MikePhobos, 1staroundtheworld, Numero4,
Jpyeron, Gidip, Erikun, R'n'B, Verdatum, Fconaway, Thewallowmaker, Proabivouac, Tgeairn, AlphaEta, J.delanoy, Pharaoh of the Wizards,
Trusilver, Bongomatic, Arrow740, Rbrewer42, Numbo3, Keithkml, Piercetheorganist, Uncle Dick, Extransit, Floros, Derwig, Acalamari,
999mal, Bot-Schafter, Squad51, McSly, Clerks, Naniwako, Davandron, Toothrees, Laura H S, Twyman1988, Kelvin599, AntiSpamBot,
Spinach Dip, Richard D. LeCour, Ljgua124, Hanacy, Sunderland06, Juliancolton, Entropy, Jamesontai, Atama, Vanished user 39948282,
DorganBot, Zzzronnyzzz, DASonnenfeld, RjCan, Xiahou, Idioma-bot, Vranak, Meiskam, VolkovBot, Catwhoorg, TreasuryTag, Johan1298, ICE77, Carter, Leebo, Je G., JoeDeRose, AlnoktaBOT, Kansaisamurai, Wolfnix, Philip Trueman, Stealthbreed, Alkanbalkaya,
Summersg, TXiKiBoT, Joopercoopers, Davehi1, Ederny, OShunKarma, Hypnopomp, Someguy1221, Muleattack, Patrikk07, Gekritzl,
Digby Tantrum, Dlae, MDSL2005, Raymondwinn, Elchip, Ilyushka88, Trilokeshwar Shonku, Deranged bulbasaur, RiverStyx23, Goodbye
2, Nazar, Uannis, Moshi1618, Weather333, Andy Dingley, Finngall, AronR, Wolfrock, Mspritch, Enviroboy, Robatwikipedia, Why Not A
Duck, Bobo The Ninja, AlleborgoBot, Jungegift, CMBJ, Mehmet Karatay, PeterBFZ, Charles noooo, WassermeloneMan, SieBot, Tiddly
Tom, Azazyel, BotMultichill, Shawnlandden, Rob.bastholm, Dawn Bard, 1836311903, Yintan, Tataryn, Araignee, LeadSongDog, Yamsandoranges, Keilana, Aeharris, Happysailor, Alexbrn, Superpup1414, Big ossan, JSpung, Aruton, Aszalan, Oxymoron83, CureCat, Csloomis,
KoshVorlon, Techman224, Manway, Alex.muller, BenoniBot, Yoda2000, The Stickler, Vice regent, Thelmadatter, Bamboopidge, GordonMarjory, Tree Kittens, Money polo12321, Leftoutofright, Wilstrup, Lkent 009, Randy Blackamoor, Invertzoo, Faithlessthewonderboy,
Murphy2010, Loren.wilton, Sfan00 IMG, Albert Krantz, ClueBot, Jonhoneyball, Binksternet, PipepBot, M4c1n705h1984, The Thing
That Should Not Be, Plastikspork, VsBot, ImperfectlyInformed, Cptmurdok, Saddhiyama, Sting au, Healthyvideo, Liuzhou, Drmies, Mild
Bill Hiccup, SuperHamster, Hafspajen, Jonhathon, Iconoclasic Paradigmatic Autodidact, Niceguyedc, Tiberiustibz, DierCake, Otolemur crassicaudatus, Cchba04, ChandlerMapBot, Templar Hugues de Payens (pbuh), DragonBot, Takeaway, Excirial, Jusdafax, Penusatya,
Katyenka99, Vanisheduser12345, Byeboer wa, JonatasM, Ykhwong, Sun Creator, NuclearWarfare, Jotterbot, Tz'unun, Broandy, LarryMorseDCOhio, Psinu, Dekisugi, LogisticEarth, Clariebh, Bombo2008, Fubberthegreatcowpigdude, Thingg, 1ForTheMoney, Mremeralddragon, Dana boomer, Kruusamgi, Berean Hunter, Brad Hat, Vanished User 1004, DumZiBoT, Averizi, Ralfeg7, Alpinemauve, Jytdog,
SwirlBoy39, Facts707, Tempo21, NellieBly, Pdc001, Hicktunus, Tsancoso, Jellybush, Addbot, Xp54321, Dryphi, Bedwere, DOI bot,
Jojhutton, Queenmomcat, Atethnekos, ThisIsMyWikipediaName, Ronhjones, Jncraton, Poop on me7, Download, Chamal N, Kikins, An-
naFrance, LemmeyBOT, LinkFA-Bot, 5 albert square, Theaura, Lineface, Tyw7, Acotanidis, Terrillja, Numbo3-bot, Craigsjones, Rlc66lcc,
Garvinchu, Tide rolls, Srikanth112178, Lightbot, Pietrow, Avono, C00li0b0b, HerculeBot, Kepry, ColumboRumford, Legobot, Luckasbot, Yobot, Zaereth, Legobot II, Swp4s, Yngvadottir, Wikipedian2, BuckwikiPDa535, Ktani, Dmarquard, Synchronism, AnomieBOT,
DemocraticLuntz, Hairhorn, 1exec1, Pruniejuice311, Defender Of Justice, Jim1138, Tucoxn, Piano non troppo, Player82, Kingpin13,
Ulric1313, Flewis, Mann jess, Materialscientist, Citation bot, RiceMilk, ArthurBot, LovesMacs, LilHelpa, TheGuy185, MauritsBot,
Xqbot, Macphysto, Sionus, Superaa, Mikes1807, Capricorn42, Bihco, Gigemag76, Wayne Roberson, Austin, Texas, Prtscr77, TechBot,
ChildofMidnight, Nickkid5, Demoybb, Sodacan, Tad Lincoln, Mhby87, Anna Frodesiak, Florimell1919, GrouchoBot, Cecil722, Nayvik,
Nickmn, Prunesqualer, Coolcool1227, Patrickmcg, Chuck Holliday, Cresix, CalmCalamity, TeejIV, Yc7, Shadowjams, Ajtitelbaum, Oolert, SD5, Dougofborg, PenguinCat, Themingemac, Daddydoctor, FrescoBot, Surv1v4l1st, Anna Roy, Tobby72, Honeyluver12345, Sky Attacker, BeeKeep3r, Ccarolinamoon, Veggieburgerfan, Bogbadger, Stephen Morley, Citation bot 4, PigFlu Oink, Dictate, Lanulos, DrilBot,
Pinethicket, Prolinski, Pink Bull, HRoestBot, MyTwoCopperCoins, Calmer Waters, SoccerMan2009, , RedBot, Sparkydog114,
IP69.226.103.13, Christoschiotis, Samevans96, Eshayadlay, Devinhoo, Sforler, Wattsaveteam, Safwanmoosa, Kibi78704, Daniel t1980,
Monkey butt626, TobeBot, Vrenator, Dominic Hardsta, Bazzer32, Armanzaharil, Sushiplease, Moonerman, Tbhotch, Mean as custard,
RjwilmsiBot, Bento00, Vgnsnw, Salvio giuliano, Skamecrazy123, Magle ab, EmausBot, Sliceofmiami, Zoomsystem, WikitanvirBot, Gfoley4, Daznooneelse, Abby 92, RA0808, Andromedabluesphere440, 19maxx, Eisenringr, Solarra, Tommy2010, Wastrulia, Ichristian103I,
123456789ko, ZroBot, John Cline, Daonguyen95, Bongoramsey, Liquidmetalrob, Traxs7, WeijiBaikeBianji, Chemicalinterest, Alpha
Quadrant (alt), Regstu, H3llBot, Prabinepali, Ankit Maity, Wayne Slam, Amluto, Erianna, Asparagas, Donner60, Wikiloop, Carmichael,
ChuispastonBot, Mutya subrahmanyam, Projanen, TYelliot, Autodidact1, Rememberway, ClueBot NG, Willwilde, Dighip, Justlettersandnumbers, Edith griths, Joefromrandb, Cheers!, Kaimadden, Macattak14, Rezabot, Very trivial, Widr, Newyorkadam, Onereuser,
Cheeseypus, Helpful Pixie Bot, Jaxsoncat101, Calabe1992, Heterosexual Bodybuilder, Carrot6287, BG19bot, Liuyangor, Spitereply,
Paul Kemp, FenrisVarg, Northamerica1000, Badon, Dan653, Jahnavisatyan, Mark Arsten, Solistide, Jeancey, Misc22, Zoecurtis, MrBill3, Maurice Flesier, Morning Sunshine, Klilidiplomus, Lieutenant of Melkor, Chinchillalover1999, ThegreatG, Usapost24, BattyBot,
Red+Spyder99, DjfenskeNHB, Ruthirwin1, FrazerKirkman, SkepticalRaptor, Topbanana9, TylerDurden8823, Saltair Buckeye, SHRIPADVAIDYA, Dexbot, Bookie511, Yobwej666, Nipplesoup666, Fluy444, Numbermaniac, Isarra (HG), PennyDreadful33, MsyaqS,
Robcookkc, Hillbillyholiday, Caseymdworkin, Lele287, Jamesmcmahon0, Rem1061, Jp4gs, Franois Robere, AmaryllisGardener, Amijean2, Geetexcelsior, Efaja, DavidLeighEllis, CensoredScribe, Dude That is Cool, Eenth78, Kingofaces43, My name is not dave, Face5054,
Lhcym, Kind Tennis Fan, Dkhaken, Orion3566, Royal belly, GeeBee60, Mirui987410, Broda Noel, Lionpride82, Trollzbetrollin, Nonnyme, Annagunningham, Hskoppek, Monkbot, Donvandango, Stevierae123456, Stewart248, Asdklf;, Lydloo, Cyntht626, Amgoldberg15,
Gaharrison94, Diana He819, Andrwme, 15jhall, Boethaed, CFloor, Koalasandtheirbabies, SmagWasHere, Saini.dinesh.jpr, Fadidabor and
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heterophyllus_fruits_at_tree.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Photo taken by User:Ahoerstemeier on
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