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For other uses, see Honey (disambiguation).

Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of

regurgitation and evaporation. They store it as a primary
food source in wax honeycombs inside the beehive.
Honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides
fructose and glucose, and has approximately the same
relative sweetness as granulated sugar.[1][2] It has attractive chemical properties for baking and a distinctive avor that leads some people to prefer it over sugar and
other sweeteners.[1] Most microorganisms do not grow in
honey because of its low water activity of 0.6.[3] However, honey sometimes contains dormant endospores of
the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to infants, as the endospores can transform into
toxin-producing bacteria in infants immature intestinal
tracts, leading to illness and even death.[4]
Honey has had a long history in human consumption,
and is used in various foods and beverages as a sweetener and avoring. It also has a role in religion and
symbolism. Flavors of honey vary based on the nectar
source, and various types and grades of honey are available. It has also been used in various medicinal traditions to treat ailments. The study of pollens and spores in
honey (melissopalynology) can determine oral sources
of honey.[5] Bees carry an electrostatic charge whereby
they attract other particles in addition to pollen, which
become incorporated into their honey; honey can be analysed by the technique of melissopalynology, in the area
of environmental studies of radioactive particles, dust and
particulate pollution.[6][7]

A jar of honey with a honey dipper and biscuits

1 Formation
Honeys natural sugars are dehydrated, which prevents
fermentation, with added enzymes to modify and transform their chemical composition and pH. Invertases and
digestive acids hydrolyze sucrose to give the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. Invertase is one of these
enzymes synthesized by the body of the insect.

Honey in honeycomb

Honey bees transform saccharides into honey by a process

of regurgitation, a number of times, until it is partially
digested. The bees do the regurgitation and digestion as a
group. After the last regurgitation, the aqueous solution is
still high in water, so the process continues by evaporation
of much of the water and enzymatic transformation.

Honey /hni/ is a sweet food made by bees using nectar

from owers. The variety produced by honey bees (the
genus Apis) is the one most commonly referred to, as
it is the type of honey collected by most beekeepers
and consumed by people. Honeys produced by other
bees (bumblebees, stingless bees) and other hymenoptera
insects (e. g. honey wasps) have dierent properties, and
are discussed only briey in this article.

Honey is produced by bees as a food source. To produce a single jar of honey (1lb or 454 g),foraging honey
bees have to travel the equivalent of three times around


Some wasps, such as the Polistes versicolor, even consume
honey themselves, switching from feeding on pollen in the
middle of their life cycles to feeding on honey, which can
better provide for their energetic needs. [13]

2 Physical and chemical properties

A honey bee on calyx of goldenrod

the world.[8] In cold weather or when fresh food sources

are scarce, bees use their stored honey as their source of
energy.[9] By contriving for bee swarms to nest in articial hives, people have been able to semidomesticate the
insects, and harvest excess honey. In the hive (or in a wild
nest), there are three types of bees:
a single female queen bee

Crystallized honey. The inset shows a close-up of the honey,

showing the individual glucose grains in the fructose mixture.

a seasonally variable number of male drone bees to The physical properties of honey vary, depending on water content, the type of ora used to produce it (pasfertilize new queens
turage), temperature, and the proportion of the specic
some 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees.[10]
sugars it contains. Fresh honey is a supersaturated liquid, containing more sugar than the water can typically
The worker bees raise larvae and collect the nectar that dissolve at ambient temperatures. At room temperature,
will become honey in the hive. Leaving the hive, they honey is a supercooled liquid, in which the glucose will
precipitate into solid granules. This forms a semisolid
collect sugar-rich ower nectar and return.
solution of precipitated glucose crystals in a solution of
In the hive, the bees use their honey stomachs to in- fructose and other ingredients.
gest and regurgitate the nectar a number of times until
it is partially digested.[11] Invertase synthesized by the
bees and digestive acids hydrolyze sucrose to give the 2.1 Phase transitions
same mixture of glucose and fructose. The bees work
together as a group with the regurgitation and digestion The melting point of crystallized honey is between 40
until the product reaches a desired quality. It is then and 50 C (104 and 122 F), depending on its compostored in honeycomb cells. After the nal regurgita- sition. Below this temperature, honey can be either in a
tion, the honeycomb is left unsealed. However, the nec- metastable state, meaning that it will not crystallize until
tar is still high in both water content and natural yeasts, a seed crystal is added, or, more often, it is in a labile
which, unchecked, would cause the sugars in the nectar to state, being saturated with enough sugars to crystallize
ferment.[9] The process continues as bees inside the hive spontaneously.[14] The rate of crystallization is aected
fan their wings, creating a strong draft across the honey- by many factors, but the primary factor is the ratio of
comb, which enhances evaporation of much of the water the main sugars: fructose to glucose. Honeys that are
from the nectar.[9] This reduction in water content raises supersaturated with a very high percentage of glucose,
the sugar concentration and prevents fermentation. Ripe such as brassica honey, will crystallize almost immedihoney, as removed from the hive by a beekeeper, has a ately after harvesting, while honeys with a low percentlong shelf life, and will not ferment if properly sealed.[9] age of glucose, such as chestnut or tupelo honey, do not
Another source of honey is from a number of wasp crystallize. Some types of honey may produce very large
crystals, while others will produce many small
species, such as the wasps Brachygastra lecheguana and but few [15]
Brachygastra mellica, which is found in South and Central America. This species is known to feed on nectar and Crystallization is also aected by water content, because
a high percentage of water will inhibit crystallization, as
produce honey.[12]


Hygroscopy and fermentation

will a high dextrin content. Temperature also aects the

rate of crystallization, with the fastest growth occurring
between 13 and 17 C (55 and 63 F). Crystal nuclei
(seeds) tend to form more readily if the honey is disturbed, by stirring, shaking or agitating, rather than if left
at rest. However, the nucleation of microscopic seedcrystals is greatest between 5 and 8 C (41 and 46 F).
Therefore, larger but fewer crystals tend to form at higher
temperatures, while smaller but more-numerous crystals
usually form at lower temperatures. Below 5 C, the
honey will not crystallize and, thus, the original texture
and avor can be preserved indenitely.[15]
Since honey normally exists below its melting point, it
is a supercooled liquid. At very low temperatures, honey
will not freeze solid. Instead, as the temperatures become
lower, the viscosity of honey increases. Like most viscous
liquids, the honey will become thick and sluggish with
decreasing temperature. At 20 C (4 F), honey may
appear or even feel solid, but it will continue to ow at
very low rates. Honey has a glass transition between 42
and 51 C (44 and 60 F). Below this temperature,
honey enters a glassy state and will become an amorphous
solid (noncrystalline).[16][17]



The viscosity of honey is aected greatly by both temperature and water content. The higher the water percentage, the easier honey will ow. Above its melting point,
however, water has little eect on viscosity. Aside from
water content, the composition of honey also has little effect on viscosity, with the exception of a few types. At
25 C (77 F), honey with 14% water content will generally have a viscosity of around 400 poise, while a honey
containing 20% water will have a viscosity of around 20
poise. Viscosity increase due to temperature occurs very
slowly at rst. A honey containing 16% water, at 70 C
(158 F), will have a viscosity of around 2 poise, while
at 30 C (86 F), the viscosity will be around 70 poise.
As cooling progresses, honey will become more viscous
at an increasingly rapid rate, reaching 600 poise around
14 C (57 F). However, while honey is very viscous, it
has rather low surface tension.[18][19]
A few types of honey have unusual viscous properties.
Honey from heather or manuka display thixotropic properties. These types of honey enter a gel-like state when
motionless, but then liquify when stirred.[20]


Electrical and optical properties

Since honey contains electrolytes, in the form of acids and

minerals, it exhibits varying degrees of electrical conductivity. Measurements of the electrical conductivity are
used to determine the quality of honey in terms of ash

The eect honey has on light is useful for determining
the type and quality. Variations in the water content alter
the refractive index of honey. Water content can easily
be measured with a refractometer. Typically, the refractive index for honey will range from 1.504 at 13% water content to 1.474 at 25%. Honey also has an eect on
polarized light, in that it will rotate the polarization plane.
The fructose will give a negative rotation, while the glucose will give a positive one. The overall rotation can be
used to measure the ratio of the mixture.[19][21]

2.4 Hygroscopy and fermentation

Honey has the ability to absorb moisture directly from
the air, a phenomenon called hygroscopy. The amount
of water the honey will absorb is dependent on the relative humidity of the air. Because honey contains yeast,
this hygroscopic nature requires that honey be stored in
sealed containers to prevent fermentation, which usually
begins if the honeys water content rises much above
25%. Honey will tend to absorb more water in this manner than the individual sugars would allow on their own,
which may be due to other ingredients it contains.[21]
Fermentation of honey will usually occur after crystallization because, without the glucose, the liquid portion
of the honey primarily consists of a concentrated mixture
of the fructose, acids, and water, providing the yeast with
enough of an increase in the water percentage for growth.
Honey that is to be stored at room temperature for long
periods of time is often pasteurized, to kill any yeast, by
heating it above 70 C (158 F).[21]

2.5 Thermal characteristics

Like all sugar compounds, honey will caramelize if
heated suciently, becoming darker in color, and eventually burn. However, honey contains fructose, which
caramelizes at lower temperatures than the glucose.[22]
The temperature at which caramelization begins varies,
depending on the composition, but is typically between
70 and 110 C (158 and 230 F). Honey also contains
acids, which act as catalysts, decreasing the caramelization temperature even more.[23] Of these acids, the amino
acids, which occur in very small amounts, play an important role in the darkening of honey. The amino acids
form darkened compounds called melanoidins, during
a Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction will occur
slowly at room temperature, taking from a few to several months to show visible darkening, but will speed-up
dramatically with increasing temperatures. However, the
reaction can also be slowed by storing the honey at colder
Unlike many other liquids, honey has very poor thermal
conductivity, taking a long time to reach thermal equilibrium. Melting crystallized honey can easily result in
localized caramelization if the heat source is too hot, or


if it is not evenly distributed. However, honey will take

substantially longer to liquify when just above the melting
point than it will at elevated temperatures.[19] Melting 20
kilograms of crystallized honey, at 40 C (104 F), can
take up to 24 hours, while 50 kilograms may take twice as
long. These times can be cut nearly in half by heating at
50 C (122 F). However, many of the minor substances
in honey can be aected greatly by heating, changing the
avor, aroma, or other properties, so heating is usually
done at the lowest temperature possible for the shortest
amount of time.[25]


Acid content

The average pH of honey is 3.9, but can range from

3.4 to 6.1. Honey contains many kinds of acids, both
organic and amino. However, the dierent types and
their amounts vary considerably, depending on the type
of honey. These acids may be aromatic or aliphatic (nonaromatic). The aliphatic acids contribute greatly to the
avor of honey by interacting with the avors of other
ingredients. Gluconic acid, for instance, is a avor enhancer.
Honey can contain up to 18 of the 20 amino acids. However, amino acid content is almost negligible in honey,
accounting for only 0.050.1% of the composition. The
main amino acid is proline. Amino acids are derived alHoney seeker depicted on 8000 year old cave painting. At Araa
most solely from the bodies of the bees.
Organic acids comprise most of the acids in honey, accounting for 0.171.17% of the mixture. Gluconic acid
is the most prevalent. Gluconic acid is formed by the
actions of an enzyme called glucose oxidase. Other
organic acids are minor, consisting of formic, acetic,
butyric, citric, lactic, malic, pyroglutamic, propionic,
valeric, capronic, palmitic, and succinic, among many

Caves in Spain.

The Greater Honeyguide bird guides humans to wild bee

hives[29] and this behavior may have evolved with early

So far, the oldest remains of honey have been found in

the country of Georgia. Archaeologists have found honey
remains on the inner surface of clay vessels unearthed
an ancient tomb, dating back to some 4,7005,500 years
ago.[32][33] In ancient Georgia, honey was packed for peo3 In history, culture, and folklore ples journeys into the afterlife. And more than one type,
too along for the trip were linden, berry, and a meadow[34]
Honey use and production has a long and varied history. ower variety.
In many cultures, honey has associations that go beyond In ancient Egypt, honey was used to sweeten cakes and
its use as a food. Honey is frequently used as a talisman biscuits, and was used in many other dishes. Ancient
and symbol of sweetness.
Egyptian and Middle Eastern peoples also used honey for
embalming the dead.[35] The fertility god of Egypt, Min,
was oered honey.


Ancient times

The spiritual and therapeutic use of honey in ancient India

Honey collection is an ancient activity. Humans appar- is documented in both the Vedas and the Ayurveda texts,
ently began hunting for honey at least 8,000 years ago, which were both composed at least 4,000 years ago.
as evidenced by a cave painting in Valencia, Spain.[28] Pliny the Elder devotes considerable space in his book
The painting is a Mesolithic rock painting, showing two Naturalis Historia to the bee and honey, and its many uses.
honey-hunters collecting honey and honeycomb from a In the absence of sugar, Honey was an integral sweetening
wild bee nest. The gures are depicted carrying baskets ingredient in Roman recipes, and references to its use in
or gourds, and using a ladder or series of ropes to reach food can be found in the work of many Roman authors
the wild nest.
including Athenaeus, Cato and Bassus.

The art of beekeeping in ancient China has existed since
time immemorial and appears to be untraceable to its origin. In the book Golden Rules of Business Success
written by Fan Li (or Tao Zhu Gong) during the Spring
and Autumn Period, there are some parts mentioning the
art of beekeeping and the importance of the quality of the
wooden box for bee keeping that can aect the quality of
its honey.
Honey was also cultivated in ancient Mesoamerica. The
Maya used honey from the stingless bee for culinary purposes, and continue to do so today. The Maya also regard
the bee as sacred (see Mayan stingless bees of Central
Some cultures believed honey had many practical health
uses. It was used as an ointment for rashes and burns, and
to help soothe sore throats when no other practices were


Religious signicance

In Hinduism, honey (Madhu) is one of the ve elixirs of

immortality (Panchamrita). In temples, honey is poured
over the deities in a ritual called Madhu abhisheka. The
Vedas and other ancient literature mention the use of
honey as a great medicinal and health food.[37]
In Jewish tradition, honey is a symbol for the new year,
Rosh Hashanah. At the traditional meal for that holiday,
apple slices are dipped in honey and eaten to bring a sweet
new year. Some Rosh Hashanah greetings show honey
and an apple, symbolizing the feast. In some congregations, small straws of honey are given out to usher in the
new year.
The Hebrew Bible contains many references to honey. In
the Book of Judges, Samson found a swarm of bees and
honey in the carcass of a lion (14:8). In Old Testament
law, oerings were made in the temple to God. The Book
of Leviticus says that Every grain oering you bring to
the Lord must be made without yeast, for you are not
to burn any yeast or honey in a food oering presented
to the Lord (2:11). In the Books of Samuel Jonathan
is forced into a confrontation with his father King Saul
after eating honey in violation of a rash oath Saul made
(14:2447). The Book of Exodus famously describes the
Promised Land as a land owing with milk and honey
(33:3). However, the claim has been advanced that the
original Hebrew ( devash) actually refers to the sweet
syrup produced from the juice of dates.[38] Pure honey is
considered kosher even though it is produced by a ying
insect, a nonkosher creature; other products of nonkosher
animals are not kosher.[39]
In Buddhism, honey plays an important role in the festival
of Madhu Purnima, celebrated in India and Bangladesh.
The day commemorates Buddha's making peace among
his disciples by retreating into the wilderness. The legend has it that while he was there, a monkey brought him

honey to eat. On Madhu Purnima, Buddhists remember

this act by giving honey to monks. The monkeys gift is
frequently depicted in Buddhist art.[37]
In the Christian New Testament, Matthew 3:4, John the
Baptist is said to have lived for a long period of time in the
wilderness on a diet consisting of locusts and wild honey.
In Islam, there is an entire chapter (Surah) in the Qur'an
called an-Nahl (the Bee). According to his teachings
(hadith), Prophet Muhammad strongly recommended
honey for healing purposes.[40] The Qur'an promotes
honey as a nutritious and healthy food. Below is the English translation of those specic verses.

And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its

cells in hills, on trees, and in (mens) habitations; Then to eat of all the produce (of the
earth), and nd with skill the spacious paths of
its Lord: there issues from within their bodies
a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing
for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who
give thought [Al-Quran 16:6869].[41]

4 Collecting honey
Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from domesticated beehives. Wild bee nests are sometimes located by following a honeyguide bird. The bees may
rst be pacied by using smoke from a bee smoker. The
smoke triggers a feeding instinct (an attempt to save the
resources of the hive from a possible re), making them
less aggressive and the smoke obscures the pheromones
the bees use to communicate.
The honeycomb is removed from the hive and the honey
may be extracted from that, either by crushing or by using
a honey extractor. The honey is then usually ltered to
remove beeswax and other debris.
Before the invention of removable frames, bee colonies
were often sacriced in order to conduct the harvest. The
harvester would take all the available honey and replace
the entire colony the next spring. Since the invention of
removable frames, the principles of husbandry lead most
beekeepers to ensure that their bees will have enough
stores to survive the winter, either by leaving some honey
in the beehive or by providing the colony with a honey
substitute such as sugar water or crystalline sugar (often
in the form of a candyboard). The amount of food necessary to survive the winter depends on the race of bees
and on the length and severity of local winters.

5 Modern uses


As a food and in cooking


Sucrose: 1.3%

Water: 17.2%
The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, as a
spread on bread, and as an addition to various bever Higher sugars: 1.5%
ages, such as tea, and as a sweetener in some commercial
beverages. According to The National Honey Board (a
Ash: 0.2%
USDA-overseen organization), honey stipulates a pure
product that does not allow for the addition of any other
Other/undetermined: 3.2%
substance...this includes, but is not limited to, water or
other sweeteners".
Honey barbecue and honey mustard are common and popular sauce avors.
Its glycemic index ranges from 31 to 78, depending on
the variety.[48]


As a fermentable

Honey has a density of about 1.36 kilograms per litre

(36% denser than water).[49]

Honey is the main ingredient in the alcoholic beverage

mead, which is also known as honey wine or honey
beer. Historically, the ferment for mead was honeys nat- 7 Adulteration
urally occurring yeast. Honey is also used as an adjunct
in some beers.
Adulteration of honey is the addition of other sugars,
Honey wine, or mead, is typically (modern era) made syrups or compounds into honey to change its avor, viswith a honey and water mixture with a pack of yeast cosity, make it cheaper to produce, or to increase the frucadded for fermentation. Primary fermentation usually tose content in order to stave o crystallization. Accordtakes 40 days, after which the must needs to be racked ing to the Codex Alimentarius of the United Nations, any
into a secondary fermentation vessel and left to sit about product labeled as honey or pure honey must be a wholly
3540 more days. If done properly, fermentation will be natural product, although dierent nations have their own
Adulteration of honey is
nished by this point (though if a sparkling mead is de- laws concerning labeling.
sired, fermentation can be restarted after bottling by the sometimes used as a method of deception when buyers
addition of a small amount of sugar), but most meads re- are led to believe that the honey is pure. The practice was
quire aging for 69 months or more in order to be palat- common dating back to ancient times, when crystallized
honey was often mixed with our or other llers, hiding
the adulteration from buyers until the honey was liqueed. In modern times the most common adulterationingredient became clear, almost-avorless corn syrup,
6 Nutrition
which, when mixed with honey, is often very dicult to
distinguish from unadulterated honey.[51]
Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds.
With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose Isotope ratio mass spectrometry can be used to detect ad(about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%),[1] making dition of corn syrup and cane sugar by the carbon isotopic
it similar to the synthetically produced inverted sugar signature. Addition of sugars originating from corn or
syrup, which is approximately 48% fructose, 47% glu- sugar cane (C4 plants, unlike the plants used by bees,
cose, and 5% sucrose. Honeys remaining carbohy- and also sugar beet, which are predominantly C3 [52]
drates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex cardoes
bohydrates. As with all nutritive sweeteners, honey
is mostly sugars and contains only trace amounts of
Levels as low as 7% of addivitamins or minerals.[43][44] Honey also contains tiny and proteins should match.
amounts of several compounds thought to function as
antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C,
catalase, and pinocembrin.[45][46] The specic composition of any batch of honey depends on the owers avail- 8 Classication
able to the bees that produced the honey.[43]
Typical honey analysis:[47]
Fructose: 38.2%
Glucose: 31.3%
Maltose: 7.1%

Honey is classied by its oral source, and there are also

divisions according to the packaging and processing used.
There are also regional honeys. In the USA honey is also
graded on its color and optical density by USDA standards, graded on a scale called the Pfund scale, which
ranges from 0 for water white honey to more than 114
for dark amber honey.[54]



Classication by packaging and processing

Floral source

of the annual honey production.[61] Honeydew honey is

popular in some areas, but in other areas beekeepers have
Generally, honey is classied by the oral source of the diculty selling the stronger avored product.
nectar from which it was made. Honeys can be from The production of honeydew honey has some complicaspecic types of ower nectars or can be blended af- tions and dangers. The honey has a much larger proporter collection. The pollen in honey is traceable to oral tion of indigestibles than light oral honeys, thus causing
source and therefore region of origin. The rheological dysentery to the bees, resulting in the death of colonies
& melissopalynological properties of honey can be used in areas with cold winters. Good beekeeping manageto identify the major plant nectar source used in its ment requires the removal of honeydew prior to winter in
colder areas. Bees collecting this resource also have to be


fed protein supplements, as honeydew lacks the proteinrich pollen accompaniment gathered from owers.

Most commercially available honey is blended, meaning 8.2

it is a mixture of two or more honeys diering in oral
source, color, avor, density or geographic origin.[56]


Classication by packaging and processing

Generally, honey is bottled in its familiar liquid form.

However, honey is sold in other forms, and can be subjected to a variety of processing methods.

Polyoral honey, also known as wildower honey,[57] is

derived from the nectar of many types of owers.[58]
The taste may vary from year to year, and the aroma and
the avor can be more or less intense, depending on which
bloomings are prevalent.[59]


Monooral honey is made primarily from the nectar

of one type of ower. Dierent monooral honeys Honeycomb
have a distinctive avor and color because of dierences
between their principal nectar sources.[60] To produce
monooral honey, beekeepers keep beehives in an area
where the bees have access to only one type of ower.
In practice, because of the diculties in containing bees,
a small proportion of any honey will be from additional
nectar from other ower types. Typical examples of
North American monooral honeys are clover, orange
blossom, blueberry, sage, tupelo, buckwheat, reweed,
mesquite and sourwood. Some typical European exam- A variety of honey avors and container sizes and styles
ples include thyme, thistle, heather, acacia, dandelion, from the 2008 Texas State Fair
sunower, honeysuckle, and varieties from lime and
chestnut trees. In North Africa (e.g. Egypt) examples include clover, cotton, and citrus (mainly orange blossoms).
Crystallized honey is honey in which some of
the glucose content has spontaneously crystallized
from solution as the monohydrate. Also called
8.1.4 Honeydew honey
granulated honey or candied honey. Honey
that has crystallized (or commercially purchased
Instead of taking nectar, bees can take honeydew, the
crystallized) can be returned to a liquid state by
sweet secretions of aphids or other plant sap-sucking inwarming.[62]
sects. Honeydew honey is very dark brown in color, with
Pasteurized honey is honey that has been heated
a rich fragrance of stewed fruit or g jam, and is not as
in a pasteurization process which requires temperasweet as nectar honeys.[60] Germany's Black Forest is a
well known source of honeydew-based honeys, as well as
tures of 161 F (72 C) or higher. Pasteurization desome regions in Bulgaria, Tara (mountain) in Serbia and
stroys yeast cells. It also liquees any microcrystals
Northern California in the United States. In Greece, pine
in the honey, which delays the onset of visible cryshoney (a type of honeydew honey) constitutes 6065%
tallization. However, excessive heat exposure also

results in product deterioration, as it increases the
level of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and reduces
enzyme (e.g. diastase) activity. Heat also aects
appearance (darkens the natural honey color), taste,
and fragrance.[63]
Raw honey is honey as it exists in the beehive
or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining,
without adding heat (although some honey that has
been minimally processed is often labeled as raw
honey).[64] Raw honey contains some pollen and
may contain small particles of wax. Some allergy
suerers wrongly believe that raw, local honey can
help build tolerance to the pollen in the air. [65]
Strained honey has been passed through a mesh
material to remove particulate material (pieces of
wax, propolis, other defects) without removing
pollen, minerals or enzymes.
Filtered honey is honey of any type that has been
ltered to the extent that all or most of the ne
particles, pollen grains, air bubbles, or other materials normally found in suspension, have been
removed.[66] The process typically heats honey to
150170 F (6677 C) to more easily pass through
the lter.[67] Filtered honey is very clear and will not
crystallize as quickly,[67] making it preferred by the
supermarket trade.[68]


are collected and the comb is cut out in chunks

before packaging. As an alternative to this laborintensive method, plastic rings or cartridges can be
used that do not require manual cutting of the comb,
and speed packaging. Comb honey harvested in the
traditional manner is also referred to as cut-comb
honey.[62]:13[72] In India, honey is harvested from
forests in bees natural habitat. It is said that honey
will be consumed by the bees on the new moon day,
so it is cultivated the day before.
Chunk honey is packed in widemouth containers
consisting of one or more pieces of comb honey immersed in extracted liquid honey.[62]:13
Honey decoctions are made from honey or honey
by-products which have been dissolved in water,
then reduced (usually by means of boiling). Other
ingredients may then be added. (For example,
abbamele has added citrus.) The resulting product
may be similar to molasses.

9 Preservation

Ultrasonicated honey has been processed by

ultrasonication, a non-thermal processing alternative for honey. When honey is exposed to ultrasonication, most of the yeast cells are destroyed. Those
cells that survive sonication generally lose their ability to grow, which reduces the rate of honey fermentation substantially. Ultrasonication also eliminates
existing crystals and inhibits further crystallization
in honey. Ultrasonically aided liquefaction can work
at substantially lower temperatures of approximately
95 F (35 C) and can reduce liquefaction time to Sealed frame of honey
less than 30 seconds.[69]
Because of its unique composition and chemical properties, honey is suitable for long-term storage, and is easily
assimilated even after long preservation. Honey, and objects immersed in honey, have been preserved for decades
and even centuries.[73][74] The key to preservation is limiting access to humidity. In its cured state, honey has a
suciently high sugar content to inhibit fermentation. If
exposed to moist air, its hydrophilic properties will pull
moisture into the honey, eventually diluting it to the point
Dried honey has the moisture extracted from liq- that fermentation can begin.
uid honey to create completely solid, nonsticky gran- Regardless of preservation, honey may crystallize over
ules. This process may or may not include the use time. The crystals can be dissolved by heating the
of drying and anticaking agents.[71] Dried honey is honey.[75][76]
used in baked goods,[71] and to garnish desserts.
Creamed honey, also called whipped honey, spun
honey, churned honey, honey fondant, and (in
the UK) set honey, has been processed to control
crystallization. Creamed honey contains a large
number of small crystals, which prevent the formation of larger crystals that can occur in unprocessed
honey. The processing also produces a honey with a
smooth, spreadable consistency.[70]

Comb honey is honey still in the honeybees wax

comb. It traditionally is collected by using standard wooden frames in honey supers. The frames

10 Distinguishing honey


Honey grading

See also: Food grading

In the US, honey grading is performed voluntarily (USDA
does oer inspection and grading as on-line (in-plant)
or lot inspection...upon application, on a fee-for-service
basis.) based upon USDA standards. Honey is graded
based upon a number of factors, including water content,
avor and aroma, absence of defects and clarity. Honey
is also classied by color though it is not a factor in the
grading scale.[77] The honey grade scale is:

11 Traditional medicine
Historically, honey has been used by humans both orally
and topically to treat various ailments including gastric
disturbances, ulcers, wounds, and burns.
Honey was used medicinally by ancient Greeks and Egyptians and has been traditionally used in Ayurveda in India
and in Traditional Chinese Medicine.[36][82]
The Quran mentions honey as medicine.[41][82]

Other countries may have diering standards on the grading of honey. India, for example, certies honey grades
based on additional factors, such as the Fiehes test, and
other empirical measurements.[78]


Indicators of quality

High-quality honey can be distinguished by fragrance,

taste, and consistency. Ripe, freshly collected, highquality honey at 20 C (68 F) should ow from a
knife in a straight stream, without breaking into separate drops.[79] After falling down, the honey should form
a bead. The honey, when poured, should form small, temporary layers that disappear fairly quickly, indicating high
viscosity. If not, it indicates excessive water content (over Juice of Parrot tree and honey an Ayurvedic curative
20%)[79] of the product. Honey with excessive water conMedieval Islamic and Christian scholars described the use
tent is not suitable for long-term preservation.[80]
of honey in medicine of that period.[82]
In jars, fresh honey should appear as a pure, consistent
uid, and should not set in layers. Within a few weeks Per traditional yoga practice, daily consumption of honey
to a few months of extraction, many varieties of honey mixed with warm water is said to strengthen the circulacrystallize into a cream-colored solid. Some varieties of tory system, and is therefore recommended.[83] A honey
honey, including tupelo, acacia, and sage, crystallize less and warm water mixture is also recommended by yoga
regularly. Honey may be heated during bottling at tem- practitioners for asthmatics.[84]
peratures of 4049 C (104120 F) to delay or inhibit
crystallization. Overheating is indicated by change in enzyme levels, for instance, diastase activity, which can be
determined with the Schade or the Phadebas methods. 12 Health eects
A uy lm on the surface of the honey (like a white
foam), or marble-colored or white-spotted crystallization
The potential health benets of honey have been studied
on a containers sides, is formed by air bubbles trapped
in clinical trials and other experiments according to the
during the bottling process.
scientic method. Little to no ecacy has been identied.
A 2008 Italian study determined nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used to distinguish between
dierent honey types, and can be used to pinpoint the
area where it was produced. Researchers were able to 12.1 Allergies
identify dierences in acacia and polyoral honeys by
the diering proportions of fructose and sucrose, as well Consumption of honey is sometimes advocated as a treatas diering levels of aromatic amino acids phenylalanine ment for seasonal allergies due to pollen, however, honey
and tyrosine. This ability allows greater ease of selecting is generally considered ineective for the treatment of
compatible stocks.[81]




Burns dressing

There is some weak evidence that honey may help treat

mild burns if used in a dressing.[86]




While the risk honey poses to infant health is small, it is
recommended not to take the risk.[97]

13.2 Toxic honey

Main article: Bees and toxic chemicals Toxic honey

Honey has been promoted as being potentially of use

in the treatment of cancer.[87] However, while experiments have found honey canin common with many
substanceskill cancer cells in the laboratory, there is
no evidence of its benet treating cancer in people.[87]

Honey produced from owers of rhododendrons,

mountain laurels, sheep laurel, and azaleas may cause
honey intoxication. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea, and vomiting. Less
commonly, low blood pressure, shock, heart rhythm
irregularities, and convulsions may occur, with rare cases
resulting in death. Honey intoxication is more likely
12.4 Cough
when using natural unprocessed honey and honey
from farmers who may have a small number of hives.
There is little evidence for or against honey as treatment Commercial processing, with pooling of honey from
of coughs for children. For chronic cough and acute numerous sources, is thought to dilute any toxins.[98]
cough, Cochrane systematic reviews found that there is
no strong evidence for or against the use of honey.[88][89]
Regulatory authorities in the US and the UK recom- 13.2.1 New Zealand
mend avoiding giving over the counter cold medication to
children.[90][91] The UK authorities recommend a warm
drink of lemon and honey or a simple cough syrup that
contains glycerol or honey in children instead, but warn
that honey should not be given to very young children because of the risk of infant botulism.[90]

Toxic honey may also result when bees are proximate to

tutu bushes (Coriaria arborea) and the vine hopper insect (Scolypopa australis). Both are found throughout
New Zealand. Bees gather honeydew produced by the
vine hopper insects feeding on the tutu plant. This introduces the poison tutin into honey.[99] Only a few areas
in New Zealand (Coromandel Peninsula, Eastern Bay of
Plenty and the Marlborough Sound) frequently produce
12.5 Immune system
toxic honey. Symptoms of tutin poisoning include vomPeople who have a weakened immune system should iting, delirium, giddiness, increased excitability, stupor,
not eat honey because of the risk of bacterial or fungal coma, and violent convulsions. To reduce the risk of tutin
poisoning, humans should not eat honey taken from feral
hives in the risk areas of New Zealand. Since December
2001, New Zealand beekeepers have been required to reduce the risk of producing toxic honey by closely moni12.6 Ingrown toenail
toring tutu, vine hopper, and foraging conditions within
3 kilometres (1.9 mi) of their apiary.
Honey is of no benet in treating ingrown toenail.[92]



Evidence does not support the use of honey-based products for the treatment of venous leg ulcers.[93]


Health hazards

14 Honey-producing and consuming countries

As of 2012, China, Turkey, and Argentina were the top
producers of natural honey, followed by Ukraine and the
United States.[100]

Mexico is also an important producer of honey, providing more than 4% of the worlds supply.[101] Much of
13.1 Botulism
this (about one-third) comes from the Yucatn Peninsula.
Honey production began there when the Apis mellifera
Infants can contract botulism from honey.[94]
and the A. mellifera ligustica were introduced there early
Infantile botulism shows geographical variation. In the in the 20th century. Most of Mexicos Yucatn producers
UK, only six cases have been reported between 1976 and are small, family operations who use original traditional
2006,[95] yet the U.S. has much higher rates: 1.9 per techniques, moving hives to take advantage of the various
100,000 live births, 47.2% of which are in California.[96] tropical and subtropical owers.[102]

Honey is also one of the gourmet products of the French
island of Corsica. Corsican honey is certied as to its
origin (Appellation d'origine contrle) just as are French
wines, like Champagne.[103]

17 References
[1] National Honey Board. Carbohydrates and the Sweetness of Honey. Last accessed 1 June 2012.

Honey consumption per capita per year exceeds one

kilogram in some countries like Austria, Germany and

[2] Oregon State University. What is the relative sweetness

of dierent sugars and sugar substitutes?". Retrieved 1
June 2012.


[3] Prescott, Lansing; Harley, John P. and Klein, Donald

A. (1999). Microbiology. Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill.
ISBN 0-697-35439-3.

Gallery of honey harvesting

Modern beehives
Smoking the hive
Using a blower to remove bees from honey prior to
removal to honey house
A beekeeper removing frames from the hive
A capped honey super frame
Opening the cells: Uncapping
An uncapping fork
Uncapping the cells by hand using an uncapping
Extracting the honey
Filtering the honey
Pouring in pots
View Honey Al Jabal Alkhdar near the city of
Bayda, Libya


See also

Bee bread
Folk medicine
Honey ow
Honey hunting
Honey varieties
More Than Honeya 2012 Swiss documentary lm
on the current state of honey bees and beekeeping
National honey show
Royal jelly

[4] Shapiro, Roger L.; Hatheway,, Charles; Swerdow,,

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World; Year: as needed

18 Bibliography

Krell, R. (1996). Value-added products from beekeeping. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. ISBN 978-92-5-103819-2.
Root, A. I. and Root, E. R. (2005). The ABC and
Xyz of Bee Culture. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN

19 External links
Overview and summary of the honey bee information. (News, Economy, Trade, Problems, etc)
U.S. National Honey Board
Honey varieties with pictures
Value-Added Products From Beekeeping, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Honey Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey?oldid=638161738 Contributors: WojPob, Bryan Derksen, Ap, Alex.tan, Brant
Boucher, Karen Johnson, Ortolan88, Roadrunner, SimonP, Heron, Montrealais, Sfdan, Fxmastermind, Someone else, Chuq, Spi, Edward, D, JohnOwens, Michael Hardy, Stormwriter, Llywrch, Dominus, Menchi, Ixfd64, Frank Shearar, Ahoerstemeier, Lovely Chris,
Ronz, William M. Connolley, Theresa knott, Jebba, , Pratyeka, Rossami, Andres, Samw, Focus mankind, Dyss, RodC, Gutza,
Markhurd, Taxman, Jimbreed, Ed g2s, Bevo, Shizhao, Wetman, Ortonmc, Jerzy, Pollinator, JorgeGG, Rossumcapek, Shantavira, Phil
Boswell, Gentgeen, Robbot, Ee00224, Postdlf, Pingveno, Rfc1394, Auric, Rhombus, Hadal, Wayland, Znode, Dina, Argasp, Parasite,
DocWatson42, MPF, Kbahey, Dinomite, Mintleaf, Drewzhrodague, Tom harrison, Martijn faassen, Lupin, Peruvianllama, Everyking,
Moyogo, Jfdwol, T0m, Dawidl, Sundar, Moogle10000, Gyrofrog, R. end, Yath, Lode, Antandrus, Beland, Piotrus, GeoGreg, KarlHenner, Blue387, Neutrality, Dcandeto, Kasreyn, Adashiel, Thorwald, Jfpierce, Mike Rosoft, Dr.frog, Heegoop, Eyrian, DanielCD,
Dceck, Jiy, EugeneZelenko, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Chammy Koala, Roybb95, Alistair1978, Night Gyr, Bender235, ESkog,
MisterSheik, CanisRufus, FirstPrinciples, MBisanz, Hayabusa future, Cafzal, Svdmolen, Fir0002, Petronivs, Palmiro, Scott Moore, Brutulf, Justinsomnia, Darwinek, Eritain, Sukiari, AppleJuggler, Jonathunder, Pogo747, Ranveig, Jumbuck, Alansohn, Gerweck, EvanGrim,
Arthena, GrantNeufeld, Revmachine21, Fuzlogic, Iris lorain, Celzrro, Tchalvak, Mbloore, Wtmitchell, Melaen, Velella, Danntm, Shoey,
Sumergocognito, Wadems, Versageek, Gene Nygaard, Alai, Ghirlandajo, Dan East, Kouban, Netkinetic, HenryLi, Kazvorpal, Yurivict,
Jimgeorge, Feezo, Simetrical, OwenX, Woohookitty, Mindmatrix, TigerShark, Hunding, StradivariusTV, Pol098, Amigadave, Matijap,
Zach Alexander, AshishG, Tbc2, Clemmy, Bbatsell, GregorB, Evilmoo, Apavlova, MarcoTolo, DavidFarmbrough, GraemeLeggett, SausMeester, Allen3, Mandarax, Sherpajohn, Ashmoo, Graham87, BD2412, FreplySpang, Davogones, Pmj, Kane5187, Sj, Rjwilmsi, Coemgenus, Fieari, Koavf, Ian Page, Ae77, Quiddity, Linuxbeak, Fish-Face, OmegaWikipedia, Ricardo Carneiro Pires, Brighterorange,
The wub, Bhadani, Exeunt, FayssalF, FlaBot, AED, Nihiltres, Isotope23, Sean WI, Ppk80, RexNL, Gurch, Mitsukai, Bigdottawa, Penguin, Cyko149, Thndr333, Zotel, King of Hearts, Jared Preston, DVdm, 334a, Digitalme, Vmenkov, PointedEars, EamonnPKeane,
Roboto de Ajvol, The Rambling Man, YurikBot, Wavelength, Sortan, Jimp, RussBot, RadioFan2 (usurped), Stephenb, Manop, Perodicticus, Gaius Cornelius, Shaddack, Lovesick, Thane, Anomalocaris, K.C. Tang, NawlinWiki, Shreshth91, SEWilcoBot, Dysmorodrepanis, Naushad, Wiki alf, Bloodofox, Welsh, Mhartl, The Grot, Cleared as led, Renata3, THB, Abexy, Silvery, Larsinio, Haoie, LexieM,
SameerKhan, Squally, Zephalis, DeadEyeArrow, Bota47, Ke5crz, Elemtilas, Igin, Silverchemist, Closedmouth, Dale662, Josh3580,
BorgQueen, Diddims, LeonardoRob0t, Natgoo, Anclation, Allens, Appleseed, Moomoomoo, Meegs, Stepan, NeilN, Luk, Av.P, Kenji
Toyama, SmackBot, FocalPoint, Nicolas Barbier, Fireworks, Hanchi, McGeddon, Jagged 85, Bwithh, Anastrophe, WayneConrad, Kintetsubualo, Mintpieman, Joshfriel, Peter Isotalo, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Kaiwen1, Dingar, Jonathonbarton, Dark jedi requiem, Durova, Thebrainkid, Anwar saadat, Tyciol, Smileyborg, Persian Poet Gal, Dwinetsk, DennisTheTiger, JennyRad, Jprg1966, Jeekc, Elagatis, Raasnoerd,
MalafayaBot, SchftyThree, Goldnger820, Mrarfarf, Deli nk, Uthbrian, WeniWidiWiki, Szepattila, Epastore, Oatmeal batman, Scwlong,
Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Frap, Onorem, KevM, Rrburke, Wes!, VMS Mosaic, ARA, Celarnor, Krich, Flyguy649, Gabi S., Model
Citizen, Cloud02, Jaibe, Nakon, TedE, DChetkovich, Jiddisch, Blake-, WookMu, Yulia Romero, Tomtefarbror, Rockrapdude, Zexarious, Honey101, Kahuroa, Ck lostsword, Bezapt, GameKeeper, Keyesc, Ohconfucius, SashatoBot, Lambiam, ArglebargleIV, Rklawton,
Zearin, Dbtfz, The idiot, Kipala, SilkTork, Jakobat, Hemmingsen, Minna Sora no Shita, Peterlewis, Bilby, Stoa, LebanonChild, A. Parrot,
Slakr, Boomshadow, Renwick, Martinp23, Malachite36, Godfrey Daniel, Bendzh, Dicklyon, MrArt, Mathsci, Supacabs, Jrt989, Jose77,
Dodo bird, Peyre, Aloysius XII, Wikixoox, Hu12, Japoniano, Alan.ca, Iridescent, Pwforaker, Lakers, T.O. Rainy Day, Shoeofdeath, Evildoctorbluetooth, Baloglu, DavidOaks, NoQuarter, Tawkerbot2, Ellin Beltz, Chetvorno, Fvasconcellos, HDCase, JForget, Rambam rashi,
Wafulz, Dycedarg, Chrumps, Brainslug, Rwammang, Dgw, ShelfSkewed, Meodipt, Pablo180, Cydebot, NealIRC, Vanished user vjhsduheuiui4t5hjri, Gogo Dodo, JFreeman, Rishodi, Elustran, Zeno Izen, Tletnes, Odie5533, Shirulashem, Dougweller, Roberta F., Loki125,
Dooly00000, Jguard18, Dyanega, Gimmetrow, LukeS, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Bigwyrm, Tomcwheeler, Emily, Mojo Hand, Marek69, Second
Quantization, Jacobshaven3, Bksimonb, Sivazh, BalfourCentre, Davidhorman, Aquilosion, Natalie Erin, Jpsaleeby, RoboServien, Escarbot,
Hmrox, AntiVandalBot, The Obento Musubi, Majorly, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, SummerPhD, Nelsonc5, Tchoutoye, Shui9, Whytecypress,
Kristoferb, Usman.shaheen, Canadian-Bacon, Res2216restar, .alyn.post., JAnDbot, Deective, Husond, Bundas, MER-C, Dream Focus,
Aviatophobiac, Y2kcrazyjoker4, Stardotboy, .anacondabot, Parsecboy, The Norse, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Fusionmix, J.P.Lon, GearedBull, Kajasudhakarababu, Mbc362, Decembermouse, CameronB, Twsx, Brusegadi, Catgut, Jimjamjak, Jessicapierce, Sgr927, Loonymonkey, 28421u2232nfenfcenc, Boob, Hamiltonstone, Cpl Syx, Thibbs, DerHexer, Edward321, Garik 11, Ryandsmith, Squarefaced,
NatureA16, B9 hummingbird hovering, S3000, Hdt83, MartinBot, Grandia01, BetBot, Ariel., MikePhobos, 1staroundtheworld, Numero4,
Jpyeron, Gidip, Erikun, R'n'B, Verdatum, Fconaway, Thewallowmaker, Proabivouac, Tgeairn, AlphaEta, J.delanoy, Pharaoh of the Wizards,
Trusilver, Bongomatic, Arrow740, Rbrewer42, Numbo3, Keithkml, Piercetheorganist, Uncle Dick, Extransit, Floros, Derwig, Acalamari,
999mal, Bot-Schafter, Squad51, McSly, Clerks, Naniwako, Davandron, Toothrees, Laura H S, Twyman1988, Kelvin599, AntiSpamBot,
Spinach Dip, Richard D. LeCour, Ljgua124, Hanacy, Sunderland06, Juliancolton, Entropy, Jamesontai, Atama, Vanished user 39948282,
DorganBot, Zzzronnyzzz, DASonnenfeld, RjCan, Xiahou, Idioma-bot, Vranak, Meiskam, VolkovBot, Catwhoorg, TreasuryTag, Johan1298, ICE77, Carter, Leebo, Je G., JoeDeRose, AlnoktaBOT, Kansaisamurai, Wolfnix, Philip Trueman, Stealthbreed, Alkanbalkaya,
Summersg, TXiKiBoT, Joopercoopers, Davehi1, Ederny, OShunKarma, Hypnopomp, Someguy1221, Muleattack, Patrikk07, Gekritzl,
Digby Tantrum, Dlae, MDSL2005, Raymondwinn, Elchip, Ilyushka88, Trilokeshwar Shonku, Deranged bulbasaur, RiverStyx23, Goodbye
2, Nazar, Uannis, Moshi1618, Weather333, Andy Dingley, Finngall, AronR, Wolfrock, Mspritch, Enviroboy, Robatwikipedia, Why Not A
Duck, Bobo The Ninja, AlleborgoBot, Jungegift, CMBJ, Mehmet Karatay, PeterBFZ, Charles noooo, WassermeloneMan, SieBot, Tiddly
Tom, Azazyel, BotMultichill, Shawnlandden, Rob.bastholm, Dawn Bard, 1836311903, Yintan, Tataryn, Araignee, LeadSongDog, Yamsandoranges, Keilana, Aeharris, Happysailor, Alexbrn, Superpup1414, Big ossan, JSpung, Aruton, Aszalan, Oxymoron83, CureCat, Csloomis,
KoshVorlon, Techman224, Manway, Alex.muller, BenoniBot, Yoda2000, The Stickler, Vice regent, Thelmadatter, Bamboopidge, GordonMarjory, Tree Kittens, Money polo12321, Leftoutofright, Wilstrup, Lkent 009, Randy Blackamoor, Invertzoo, Faithlessthewonderboy,
Murphy2010, Loren.wilton, Sfan00 IMG, Albert Krantz, ClueBot, Jonhoneyball, Binksternet, PipepBot, M4c1n705h1984, The Thing
That Should Not Be, Plastikspork, VsBot, ImperfectlyInformed, Cptmurdok, Saddhiyama, Sting au, Healthyvideo, Liuzhou, Drmies, Mild
Bill Hiccup, SuperHamster, Hafspajen, Jonhathon, Iconoclasic Paradigmatic Autodidact, Niceguyedc, Tiberiustibz, DierCake, Otolemur crassicaudatus, Cchba04, ChandlerMapBot, Templar Hugues de Payens (pbuh), DragonBot, Takeaway, Excirial, Jusdafax, Penusatya,
Katyenka99, Vanisheduser12345, Byeboer wa, JonatasM, Ykhwong, Sun Creator, NuclearWarfare, Jotterbot, Tz'unun, Broandy, LarryMorseDCOhio, Psinu, Dekisugi, LogisticEarth, Clariebh, Bombo2008, Fubberthegreatcowpigdude, Thingg, 1ForTheMoney, Mremeralddragon, Dana boomer, Kruusamgi, Berean Hunter, Brad Hat, Vanished User 1004, DumZiBoT, Averizi, Ralfeg7, Alpinemauve, Jytdog,
SwirlBoy39, Facts707, Tempo21, NellieBly, Pdc001, Hicktunus, Tsancoso, Jellybush, Addbot, Xp54321, Dryphi, Bedwere, DOI bot,
Jojhutton, Queenmomcat, Atethnekos, ThisIsMyWikipediaName, Ronhjones, Jncraton, Poop on me7, Download, Chamal N, Kikins, An-




naFrance, LemmeyBOT, LinkFA-Bot, 5 albert square, Theaura, Lineface, Tyw7, Acotanidis, Terrillja, Numbo3-bot, Craigsjones, Rlc66lcc,
Garvinchu, Tide rolls, Srikanth112178, Lightbot, Pietrow, Avono, C00li0b0b, HerculeBot, Kepry, ColumboRumford, Legobot, Luckasbot, Yobot, Zaereth, Legobot II, Swp4s, Yngvadottir, Wikipedian2, BuckwikiPDa535, Ktani, Dmarquard, Synchronism, AnomieBOT,
DemocraticLuntz, Hairhorn, 1exec1, Pruniejuice311, Defender Of Justice, Jim1138, Tucoxn, Piano non troppo, Player82, Kingpin13,
Ulric1313, Flewis, Mann jess, Materialscientist, Citation bot, RiceMilk, ArthurBot, LovesMacs, LilHelpa, TheGuy185, MauritsBot,
Xqbot, Macphysto, Sionus, Superaa, Mikes1807, Capricorn42, Bihco, Gigemag76, Wayne Roberson, Austin, Texas, Prtscr77, TechBot,
ChildofMidnight, Nickkid5, Demoybb, Sodacan, Tad Lincoln, Mhby87, Anna Frodesiak, Florimell1919, GrouchoBot, Cecil722, Nayvik,
Nickmn, Prunesqualer, Coolcool1227, Patrickmcg, Chuck Holliday, Cresix, CalmCalamity, TeejIV, Yc7, Shadowjams, Ajtitelbaum, Oolert, SD5, Dougofborg, PenguinCat, Themingemac, Daddydoctor, FrescoBot, Surv1v4l1st, Anna Roy, Tobby72, Honeyluver12345, Sky Attacker, BeeKeep3r, Ccarolinamoon, Veggieburgerfan, Bogbadger, Stephen Morley, Citation bot 4, PigFlu Oink, Dictate, Lanulos, DrilBot,
Pinethicket, Prolinski, Pink Bull, HRoestBot, MyTwoCopperCoins, Calmer Waters, SoccerMan2009, , RedBot, Sparkydog114,
IP69.226.103.13, Christoschiotis, Samevans96, Eshayadlay, Devinhoo, Sforler, Wattsaveteam, Safwanmoosa, Kibi78704, Daniel t1980,
Monkey butt626, TobeBot, Vrenator, Dominic Hardsta, Bazzer32, Armanzaharil, Sushiplease, Moonerman, Tbhotch, Mean as custard,
RjwilmsiBot, Bento00, Vgnsnw, Salvio giuliano, Skamecrazy123, Magle ab, EmausBot, Sliceofmiami, Zoomsystem, WikitanvirBot, Gfoley4, Daznooneelse, Abby 92, RA0808, Andromedabluesphere440, 19maxx, Eisenringr, Solarra, Tommy2010, Wastrulia, Ichristian103I,
123456789ko, ZroBot, John Cline, Daonguyen95, Bongoramsey, Liquidmetalrob, Traxs7, WeijiBaikeBianji, Chemicalinterest, Alpha
Quadrant (alt), Regstu, H3llBot, Prabinepali, Ankit Maity, Wayne Slam, Amluto, Erianna, Asparagas, Donner60, Wikiloop, Carmichael,
ChuispastonBot, Mutya subrahmanyam, Projanen, TYelliot, Autodidact1, Rememberway, ClueBot NG, Willwilde, Dighip, Justlettersandnumbers, Edith griths, Joefromrandb, Cheers!, Kaimadden, Macattak14, Rezabot, Very trivial, Widr, Newyorkadam, Onereuser,
Cheeseypus, Helpful Pixie Bot, Jaxsoncat101, Calabe1992, Heterosexual Bodybuilder, Carrot6287, BG19bot, Liuyangor, Spitereply,
Paul Kemp, FenrisVarg, Northamerica1000, Badon, Dan653, Jahnavisatyan, Mark Arsten, Solistide, Jeancey, Misc22, Zoecurtis, MrBill3, Maurice Flesier, Morning Sunshine, Klilidiplomus, Lieutenant of Melkor, Chinchillalover1999, ThegreatG, Usapost24, BattyBot,
Red+Spyder99, DjfenskeNHB, Ruthirwin1, FrazerKirkman, SkepticalRaptor, Topbanana9, TylerDurden8823, Saltair Buckeye, SHRIPADVAIDYA, Dexbot, Bookie511, Yobwej666, Nipplesoup666, Fluy444, Numbermaniac, Isarra (HG), PennyDreadful33, MsyaqS,
Robcookkc, Hillbillyholiday, Caseymdworkin, Lele287, Jamesmcmahon0, Rem1061, Jp4gs, Franois Robere, AmaryllisGardener, Amijean2, Geetexcelsior, Efaja, DavidLeighEllis, CensoredScribe, Dude That is Cool, Eenth78, Kingofaces43, My name is not dave, Face5054,
Lhcym, Kind Tennis Fan, Dkhaken, Orion3566, Royal belly, GeeBee60, Mirui987410, Broda Noel, Lionpride82, Trollzbetrollin, Nonnyme, Annagunningham, Hskoppek, Monkbot, Donvandango, Stevierae123456, Stewart248, Asdklf;, Lydloo, Cyntht626, Amgoldberg15,
Gaharrison94, Diana He819, Andrwme, 15jhall, Boethaed, CFloor, Koalasandtheirbabies, SmagWasHere, Saini.dinesh.jpr, Fadidabor and
Anonymous: 1241



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