Loque & Load Issue 1 Nov 1999 For Flintloque

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StarrorA New Mitenuv! Thenototious Yorshiretextle own of Millenium hasbeen givena thread of hope, aierpullin the new Caughthold factory contact. Inan announcement scby, head of the Darksatanic Division, chimed to have yesterday, Sir Will noworesaboursituatingthenew mills 1s northern Albion pa will build Jerusalem” The Jerusalem project, asithas been nick-named, by then should help cur unem inthe arcknofihe 1. Smoky Bobbinsor g hopeto thesmog-filled area Trouble at Mill Milleniuuny hasbeen tryingto itsimage after he mesy Mudd which spun out of control, resukingin thedeitofarnmberof milan, The engineers of the uprising havettied to justify their actions, claiming that the lads needed to et of stearn, Comment ing on the former fracas, portly Sir Willorcby pronounced confidently “Where there's muck, chere’s brass! plinclLogue GoHwroHee Reports have come in of increased fi Speaking from the Finklestein capital, Mordredsheim, a spokesman for Prince Alburt confirmed reporssof planned Finklestein offensive into Krautia. Quoting thePrince,hesiid“l’stimeto teach the Kaiser a lesson about war Alburt Advances Under the command of Marshal Beaugeste, the Finklestein Army has ting on the Kartoffelburg front. grown in sizeand capability. Prince Alburchas formed aclose relationship rach Marshalandishiskey adviser on Krautian affairs. [eis well with the known that Prince Alburt, who hails fiomaproud Dwarven family, iseager to restore his family name to the im- portance t held before Arturcame to power, Hislsike forthe Dwarf Kaiser was no secreteven before the Confed- ciationofthe Rhine broke avay from the Krautian League. ‘This latest All the News that’s unfit to print! offersiveprovses the opportunity that Alburthasbeen looking foro strike back athisold enemy. Icha firmed whether Alburc himself will be leading the Finklestein Army in to Krautia. What is known is that the Finklestein Dwarveswill beaided by their fellow confederation allies induding unitsofDogsand Ogres Arcur Prepares mak ‘comment itisknown thatthe Although unwilling publi herumoursofa Command are taking Finklestein invasion seriously with updates given to Arturdaily. AMPHIBIANTSSWIM COLECTIONSNS Top Tadoron Thilo; Gos Amphibian shocked fansatthe Froggjaichionshow yesterday. Amphibiani, famous ge by the notorious Tapioca ily, as well as his trademark white f launched his new Spring collection. The wet-look costumes failed co make splash, despite the bulging frogettes modelling them. Ri val designer, Jon Webbiano leapt to con- demn thegarmentsas“notfifor pond life”. Headded thachisown creations anldle Wart Web. could beseenon the W §LAUGHTERLO() MNTRODUCTION Welcome tothe irstissucof Logue 'v Law, ALTERNATIVEARMEES brand new Offical Fanzine. Wewill besendingyoua FREE issue of Logue $v’ Laswwith each Monthly Mailshotso thatyoucan keep fully upto date withall ofthenewsin the WORLD OF VALON. Every issue will be packed full of Rules Updates, Scenario Ideas. Battle Reports, Reader's Lettersand every- thingdseconnectecl with FLINTLOQUE, DEADLOQUE, SLAUGHTERLOOanclotha WORLDOF VALON ‘Gamesand Miniatures. Aswellas bringing youallof this, wewill be using Logue 'v’ Lown to help get gamers together for Demo ed AATOURNAMENT event which isscheduled to take placeduring theend of 2000. Gamers who areinterested in taking partin the tournament should contact us.at Logue Loap by either email or postat the addresses below and we will send out details-as soon as the eventsete. as wel finalised. Logue" Loawisa Fanzine,and.assuch we would love ro hear about any of your comments, ideas, games or anything Armies or the bitter struggles of your battered units in the Witchlands and we will ry to printas many of related so please put pen to paperand ler usall read about your battles against the Usurper's your letersas possible The Fanzine will aso bea great place to getyour Rules Questions answered as we intend to have aregular questions and answers section for all AA Games. We hope you enjoy this issue of Logue ‘2’ Loadand look forward to hearing from youll Pon Toun Quiz Q1.What is unusual about Arris’ uniform on the side of the box of Flintloque: The Skirmish? Q2. Who is the leader of the Todoroni? Q3.Who invented the Ore Rocket Artillery? Q4. What is the homeland of the Goblins called? Q5.What does H.E.V.C stand for? Q6. In Slaughterloo, if a unit of Lord Montagues Fencibles were to try to Move, Form a Line, Fire then Form Square, what would their form roll score need to be if they had two casualty markers? Q7. What is the name given to the border con- flict between the Ostarians and the Were- wolves? Q8. Who was proud to present Flintloque: The Skirmish? Q9. What is the name of Queen Maria of Al- Garvey’s puppet? Q10. What is the name of the Othari deserter in Obidiahs Army? More Miniatures! rhe Following Miniatures are amongst those planned for release in January and February 2000: Kayprorskt Det Guarp A new race for the Undead! The Ghouls of the Kryptofski Death Guard were first described by the Ore Historian, Sir Xarles Oh- Man as “one of the most feared and effective formations in the Star Wraith’s Army”. Recruited by the Arch Ghoul Razputrovich, these flesh-eaters will bring fear to all Ferach troops fighting in the Witchland’s Campaign, Marsiat Mourarre ‘The Commander of the Elven forces in Catalucia is planned as the Limited Edition Miniature for January. Famed forhis extravagant Uniforms, Moratte should brighten up any table. Joccian ArviLLery Crew Yes, they'll soon be here. A crew ofsix Artillery Rats with two limber beasts, to be used with the Alliance Artillery Set. Let’s hope they can shoot cannonball better than.a football! Morcana By popular request, a mounted miniature of the exiled Elven Empress, Morgana, is to be added to the Limited Edition Range. Ideal for Elven Civil War skirmishes and battles (see article Wanted: A Throne on page 7). OGre Casuacries The ever-popular Ogres are to be the next race to receive the Casu- alty treatment. The sight of an Ogre Casualty on the battlefield will no doubt provea welcome sight to many who have suffered at the huge hands of these formidable foes. Muurrta Boxes A series of Militia Squad Boxes are planned for release in Spring 2000. These sets will contain both command and troopers, with separate Trooper Boxes also being available. Rumours of ‘Todoroni Militiaare dismissed as not having a croak in hel! Contributors Andrew Becker seryoM MS-NgY “9 LARA WN Ross LLoyd 6 Suvdus0 wiadg 83 4310.0 ‘ s AM, "S Steay BUHAY AL“ (1 Louise Scott +14 1474747 +929) S19. 4 Auratuto uoje a wousee SNH Dave Moone | ronoeeenaa 5 eee Jouoja.) ojod ompey, -z an2] Alternative cade we203 png Ape v Sena] "T ALES ousup 21 AI] subject matter in the Fanzine Loque ‘n’ Load is copyright Alector Ltd, 1999. All Rights Reserved Ostarian Dog Artefacts om ely 4-4 The proud Yapzburg Dynasty owns many precious artefacts from the days of Magick. In a typically Klaiffer Wylde hundian moment of inspired idiocy, the Dog Emperor insists that most of them are kept in the palace at Palzburg, so that he can gaze on them whilst he is in residence. Many of his Generals have begged him to allow them to use these items in combat, but he often ignores their pleading, insisting that vietor can be won simply by carrying out the Emperor's orders, Many Dog Commander-in- Chiefs and Generals have taken to “borrowing! palace bi items from the ‘ore a battle takes place. Palace officials tum a blind eye to this plundering, knowing that if it were left to the mar al prowess of their Emperor, the war would be lost before it b an, Kliffenhund has, as yet, failed to notice the alarming number of artefacts sent to “be cleaned”, and for the sake of the Ostarian Army, one hopes that he fails to discover the truth, So here, in all their gl the sacred artefacts of Os Use them as you will. Banner of the Empire (70pts) While the power of the Empirehas faded since the rise of Mordred and the formation of the Confederation of Finklestein on its borders, elements of pride still 'ven though the majority ‘of Dogs are dissatisfied with the Yapzburg Dynasty, they do not want to become slaves to Mordred’s might, and it isthis spirit ofdefiance that “fuels” the Banner of the Empire. Carried only by units of Line Infantry or Grenadiers, the banner bestows a +2 Form modifier and +2 Morale modifier to the unit at all times. remaii Bone of Contention (60pts) Said to have been made from the bones of a Dragon, the Bone of Contention is a Battle Standard that infuses the carrying unit witha violent hatred of their enemies. The unit carrying the banner gains a+2 to their Morale, a +2 to their Melee Modifier, but incurs a -2 penalty on their Fire Modifier as they are literally chomping at the bit to get into action. Thiscan only be carried by Infantry units, Sword of the Empire (S0pts) Carried by the unit Officer, this is a source of martial power for the wielder and the unit he commands. Any unit carrying the Sword gains a+1 Melee Modifier. In addition to this, ifthe unit inflicts acasualty marker on an enemy unit in Melee combat, the roll for determining whether the Officer is killed is modified by one, So, forexample, ifkilled on a6, the Officer is now killed on a 5 or 6. If the enemy Officers an Heroic Officer, the roll is modified again, Thus, instead of killing the Officer ona 5 or6, he would be killed on a4, 5 or 6. Collar of Command (25pts) This artefact was created in order to force some unruly Officers to obey orders. It can be used to make Special Unit Officers do what they are told (well, most of the time). Ifa card is played ona Special Unit Officer who has the Collar of Command, roll 1D6.On 4,5 or6, the unit Officer obeys the order and doesn’t have to roll onthe Reaction Table. Ifa 1, 2 or 3 isrolled, then the unit Officer has toroll onthe table as usua Sword of the Spirit (70pts) This artefact is said to contain the spirits of many great and noble Ostarian warriors. The power of these spirits canbe directed against ‘enemies of the Dogs, and any unit carrying this weapon can effectively “release the hounds” against their foes. It allows the unit to make a ranged attack once each Turn in its Initiative Phase against any enemy unit. Therangeis 30cm, and the attack is carried out as follows. Roll 2D6. This is the unmodified Hit Score. It is not affected by range, cover, the target’s DF or the target type. Then roll 2D6. This is the number of Attack Poin the attack. Resolve casualties as normal. Call of the Wild (55pts) This is ahhorn which produces an eerie howl. It spooks horses, and inflicts a -2 Form Modifier and -2 to the Morale score of any Cavalry unit within 45cm of the unit carrying it, including Cavalry on the same side as the Dogs if used in an allied army. Dog Cavalry are quite used to the sound, and suffer only a-1 to their Form score. It does not affect Undead Cavalry. teow MARSHAL SAULT tro ier, Nicholas Sault is an elder, experienced Ferach Marshal, Born the son of a condiment seller, poverty drove him to join the milit the ranks in Morgana’s Elven Army with displays of id tacti- jus and became one of her best A seasoned campa yy. He rose up through strategic a generals, Sault had great respect for the son of the Empress, and its widely believed that Nicholas provided the fuel that fired the young Mordred’s ambition. Sault declared allegiance to hisnew master even before Mordred had considered usurping his mother, and it is likely that this promise of support sealed Morgana’s fate Once Mordred became Emperor, Sault was elevated to the status of Marshal, and played a large part in the crushing of the Dark Elvesearly on in the war. When the Ferach forces in Catalucia were split, Nicholas was ‘econd Armée. Inthe absence of the Emperor, Sault was ordered to treat Marshal Mouratte as his superior officer However, this caused more than a sprinkle of resentment in Sault, who viewed Mouratteas young upstart and ‘opportunist who cared more about his given control of th uniform than his troops, Marshal $ ult stationed his troopson the border hetween conquered Catalucia and Al-Garvey,the Goblin homeland, Astensions bubbled, Sault intended to raise them above boiling, point by formulating plans to conquer AL-Garvey Empire and absor’ it into the Elven Despite his successes, Sault can bea little absent-minded about orders. The Marshal also has a tendancy to heavily underestimate any losses he incurs. He is rarely seen away from his horse, Pepper, whose fearlessness on the battlefield is not issuing to be sneezed at! FLinrLoque RULES Marshal Sault is a Veteran/ Regular Ferach Elfarmed with a sword. His Horse, Pepper ha: Defence Factor of 5 with 2 Wounds and gives Sault +2 in Melée. Rubbing Saute . Wound: Because Sault refuses to recognise the full extent of his losses, he does not provide adequate medical supplies and help forhis troops. Any one who receivesa wound under him takes an extra -1 penalty for their Morale role. os ye SLAUGHTERLOO RuLEs Marshal Sault is an Experienced C-in-C (110 pts) ora Veteran General (260 pts). Over-Seasoning: IfSaultis your C-in-C, atthe start of the game when the C-in-C order cards have been issued you ‘must olla D10 for each Division General under your command. There is a 20% chance that Sault will forgetto issue the one. Lthis is the case the order remains unissued for 1x D6 tums whilst Sault’s Aides summon up the courage required to point out the mistake to the Marshal. If Sault is a Division General there is a 40% chance that the orderis notissued when the Clear Orders Cardis played. If this is thecaseno bonus is given and the card is discarded. PAINTING GUIDE Flesh Pal Hat Bicorn Black Rosette Redentre, White outer Feathers Whiteand Red Tunie Dark Blue Gloves White Trousers White Boots Black Epaulettes Gold Cords & Lace Gold Sash round waist Gold Sabretache Black with Gold Trim Scabbard Black and Gold Sword Steel Sword Handle Gold Horse Dappled Grey / White Mane , Tail & Forlocks Black Horse Blanket Dark Blue Blanket Trim Gold Horse Furniture Dark Brown Leather FurTrim Light Brown Clasp Gold le flesh Reign Fittings Steel Base Sandy Brown o te LE030 CommMen Sault himself‘is in one of the most dynamic poses seen for a long while. His sword is raised high above his head ready to strike a blow against anyone unfortunate to get in his way and since he looks like he is shouting a battle ery at the top of his voice that could well bbe anybody. The Marshal’s long Howing hair, flamboyant uniform and agn I go tor sive shouting expression ke this one of the best 's to be seen so far Sault’s mount is @ very worthy looking Ferach Horse with a tassled saddle which fits well with therider. The only criticism of this, LE is that with the Marshal's aggressive pose, | would have liked to have seen him riding « charging mount - but all in all the figure is still superb. Whanted: _A Nana The Empress Morgana sat on her throne in the state apartment set aside for her in the Palace of her host, The nperor Klaffenhund, Ruler of Ostaria. ‘The room was long and dark with battle flags hanging from the shadowed ceiling high above. By the flickering light of candles set strategically around the walls, she keenly eyed the young Elf Colonel who stood befor and duclling pistol ha taken from him he was still flanked by four large and very mean looking Ostarian Grena- dier guards. Finally Morgana broke the silence. her. Although his sword been “Colonel Bernadotte, repeat to ge you spoke of apprehended at the border but beware, any me the messa when you were falsehoods or trickery will be known and my anger will be great.” The young Colonel bowed low Ma’am, and said respectfully, no treachery or deceit art, my only desire is to serve you and to restore to you that which is rightfully yours - the Throne of Armorica. Many of my fellow officers are willing to come to your side and with them they will bring their regiments. We will rise against...” Here he hesitated in embarrassment, but Morgana impatiently gestured for him to continue. “Rise against your son, the Usurper Mordred.” He blurted out and then stopped and looked with some trepidation to see what effects his words would have on the Empres Minutes went by and Morgana sat as stone. The silence broken only by the distant barking of NCOs drilling troops on the parade ground adjacent to the palace. Morgana finally stirred and leaning forward, spoke. “When my son rose against me, he broke my heart. He betrayed me and yet he remains my P son. Still, | alone am the ® rightful ruler of Armorica, so I say to you raise your army, raise my standards and raise me to the Peacock Throne. However a mere Colonel can not command in my name. She raised a warning finger as the young Elf made to speak. “Hear me - | say again a Colonel can not command, so henceforth you are General Bernadotte, commander of your Empresses forces and defender of the realm. With the war continuing and no end in sight, some Ferach Officers look to the old ways for their leader- ship and inevitably to Morgana. This setting could lead to an exciting Civil war amongst the Ferach forces that would enable Players with Elf armies to fight each other Obviously the Ferach loyal to Morgana would not be able to use some of Mordred's own troops such as the Corps Imperial for example, but the scope is vast. Let us know ifyou fight any civil war battles and how they went. USING MOUNTED UNIT OFFICERS IN SLAUGHTERLOO In order to allow the use of the many Mounted Officer figures available for Slaughterloo, we have put together the following rules for games. * Each Mounted Officer costs 30pts. * Units with Mounted Officers may still only receive one Generals Card as before. * When a unit receives a Casualty Marker, test to see if the Mounted Officer is killed. Only when the Mounted Officer has been killed should you start to test for the Foot Officer. * When aunit receives a Casualty Marker, the Mounted Officer will be killed ona dé roll of 5 or 6, then 4, 5 or 6 etc. as he will inevitabley be an easier target for troops to fire at. * If the Mounted Officer is killed, the unit may still receive orders which will be given to the officer on foot. * — Foot Officers will be killed as normal once the Mounted Officer is down. * — Mounted Officers give a +1 to the Morale and Form score of the unit they are with. * Mounted Officers may not leave their unit at any time. THE ELF FIELD HOSPITAL IN SLAUGHTERLOO The Field Hospital Unit (FHU) is vital to Elven Generals who want to keep an otherwise shattered flank supplied with reinforcements. Only one Hos- pital unit may be deployed per division at a cost of $0 pts fora standard FHU or 78pts for a FHU containing Louis Pasture, Note, only one unit can contain Louis. The FHU contains six staff, an operating Tableand a on or Pasture. Elf Mili- tc sur tia stats are used for calculating Morale ete, FHU"s are usually deployed at the back and may not be moved once deployed. bao Ted Nowe HEALED ‘One InrantRY Two INFANTRY OR One Cavatry Using the Field Hospital ‘The FHU comes into play as soon as the Elves receive casualties in the battle, At the start of the Elf player's tum, providing that atleast ‘one casualty has been taken, the Elfplayermay roll 1 d1and con- sult the Healing Table. Only one roll may be taken per tum, per FHU. Ifa figure is successfully healed, then it must walk fiom the FHU directly to its unit at column speed. The figure moves when its uunitis activated. It plays no part in the game until itrejoins its unit and is subject to all of the effects the unit suffers ie. Morale etc. and is removed ifthe unit is destroyed before the figure artives. Louis Pasture Ifthe Hospital Unit contains Louis Pasture then the unit may add. +1 to healing rolls and +2 to Morale. Attacking the Field Hospital Enemy units may fireupon a Field Hospital, but first must pass a Morale Check to do so. If the FHU is fired at, the firerincurs a -3penalty. Once one member of the FHU crew iskilled, or if the FHUis approached by the enemy attempting to move into Hand to Hand combat, the unit will flee and is removed from play. ample An Elf Infantry Unitis missing a ‘Trooper. At the start of the next Tum, the Elfplayer rolls 10. This produces only one replacement to be added to the designated unit. A FHUmay only attempt to heal troops from its own division. Units may not be reinforced beyond their initial starting strength, Remember: You cannot heal casualties you don't have!

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