TP Induction

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Welcome to HCL Technologies

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

History of the company

For More details, you may log on to the company websites i.e.:

HCL America An Overview

HCL America was established in 1989 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. It has
approximately 7980 employees spread over eighteen locations in various offices.

The employees in HCLA are spread over 35 states in USA & 150 client sites.

The vision of HCL America is to be the most proffered and significant software and engineering
global IT service provide in our chosen markets

President and Country Head: Mr. Shamsher Khorana (Shami Khorana

Business Hours: HCLA's regular operating hours are 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM , Monday through

If you are working on the customer site then you will be governed by customers operating
hours. You may get a clarification from your manager if required

HCL America Office Locations

HCL America Office Locations

California, New York, Virginia, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, Washington, Georgia,
Connecticut, Michigan, North Carolina

HCL America-Key Customer Engagements

Merck & Co: In 2007, Merck & Co signed a 1 billion global multi-year, multi-services
agreement with HCL expanding upon the e x i s t i n g relationship that started in 2004.
HCL will provide strategic support to Merck's key IT initiatives, having been chosen for
its depth of technology and domain experience, coupled with its flexibility to engage and
a commitment to deliver.

Autodesk: HCL's innovative deal with Autodesk, a Fortune 1000 company, achieved
several industry "firsts". The agreement was one of the first engagements in which an
offshore vendor was responsible for applications and infrastructure operations for a US
customer, and was also the firs time in which an offshore vendor entered the hosted
application management market. Further details on the agreement can be found in the
IDC report "Changing the Offshore Application Outsourcing Game: HCL's Innovative
Deal with Autodesk" on

The Boeing Company: Boeing partnered with HCL for the 787 Dreamliner (formerly
known as the 7E7) program. Under the multiyear, multi-million dollar software
development agreement, HCL provides software and hardware development and
verification and validation services to Boeing as well as its Tier 1 systems suppliers for
the 787 program.

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

Issues of Equal Opportunity and

Racial Discrimination

In case any HCLT employee faces embarrassment arising out

racial discrimination, they are advised not to react, and
instead should communicate such problems to their local

manager, who in turn should discuss this issue with the

HR head in HCLA and ask for necessary advice.

In any such case, kindly make sure you inform your

employer first

Redressal and Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work
Unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as:

physical contact and advances

a demand or request for sexual favors

sexually-colored remarks

showing pornography

any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

Tell the harasser to stop

Inform your employer and Reporting Manager immediately
You can also ask HCL A HR to intervene or report immediately as appropriate
Keep a written log of all incidents with date and location including witnesses, if
Use the companys redressal process (Refer Secure Policy)
Send a complaint to:
Appropriate disciplinary action to be decided by the Secure office and to be
communicated to concerned HR
In case of any false complaint, the complainant is liable to face disciplinary


HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

Joining HCL America

You will receive a mailer from with the login details to the online joining forms

You have to complete the online joining form before you start your operation/working with the HCL Customer
HCL need confirmation about date of your Joining at our customer location.
You have to click the TP GEO Joining Link as per the screen shot given below and fill the required details and do the final
submit Post your completion of this process, you will get the HCL SAP ID within 24 to 48 hrs .
GEO Joining

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

Top Action Items

Activities to be completed
by New Joiner


If No,

1.Completed the GEO Joining

and did the final submit

Get in touch with the Recruiter and ask him/her to send the GEO Joining


Get in touch with the Recruiter

4.HCL Email ID

Get in touch with the Recruiter


If required, ask your reporting manager to raise a remedy ticket

6.Project Assignation

Get in touch with your Reporting Manager

7.Access to

Get in touch with BPR helpdesk team at

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

TSMS(Timesheet Management System)

On receiving the SAP ID, you will have to mark your attendance through HCL TSMS.
Please access HCL Corp MIS system at
If you do not remember your password , please click on 'Forgot/Reset Password link and enter the details. Your new
password will be sent at your email id maintained in the system. If you still don't get the password, please mark a mail
to IT Service Desk at from your alternate E-mail ID along with your SAP ID Number
(Personal/Client) with a Copy to Reporting Manager or contact IT Service Desk on: US IT Service Desk No. +1 201
680 7028.
HCL needs confirmation about date of your Joining at our customer location.
Once you have User ID and Password, click the link .
Your user name will be your Domain Login ID which you use to access your mails.
The password will be the same as the one being used to access your domain or mails.
After successful login, select Time Entry Option on My Home Page.
Click My Time Sheet .for current week or the week from which time entry is pending and displayed. You can navigate
to Previous and Next weeks using the tool bars.
Select project sub-level (if defined) for any project for which the user is currently assigned by clicking on the Select
Project/Activities link.
Billed hours (hours billed by you, which would be approved as payable by the customer/ reporting manager) are
defaulted to 8 hours per day and chose the 'save' option.
Normally, your total hours on any day must be 8. If you worked for less than 8 billable hours on any given day, the
balance hours need to be accounted for as 'Leave' or 'idle'. If any hours fall short of 8 on any day and not accounted
for as Bench, Leave or Idle, the entry will be considered as incomplete and non-compliant and you will be requested to
explain the gap.
Complying with time entry through TSMS doesn't exclude you from submitting timesheets to the manager at customer
site and doesn't change any of the customer requirements.
HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

TSMS(Timesheet Management System)

After successful login, select Time Entry Option on My Home Page. You need to
select the option My task selection as highlighted above.

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

TSMS(Timesheet Management System)

While clicking on the task selection, youd get a list of auto-populated tasks in the
portal of which you need to choose the relevant tasks related to your organizational
and project activities, as applicable. Once you have done the complete selection of
tasks by clicking update selection. Then you may click on the tab which says Save &
proceed to time entry.

TSMS(Timesheet Management System)

Once you click on the tab which says Save & proceed to time entry, a sheet like the
above will appear where in you can go ahead and save the number of hours you have
put through a particular job during the course of the day in the blanks provided for
each activity chosen by you.

TSMS(Timesheet Management System)

Key Contacts @ HCL America




Project Allocation

Reporting Manager

RM Updation

My ESS-Org-Update RM

IT Services


Email ID Creation


Technical /Access Issues with

Time sheet management
system(TSMS) Application


Access Card (Only for HCL


Based At

Contact No

Email ID (login
408-328-7500 w/your GEO username and


DOT IN Helpdesk
HCL IN Operations Support

1800-1801107 X 5030

Raj Max

Work Allocation @ HCL Offices

Time Sheet Approval

Reporting Manager

Payment Issues


Issues Regarding your



Other Issues

Reporting Manager

For Internal Use Only


Sunnyvale, CA

408 523 8314

Important Information

Your first point of contact post joining is your Reporting Manager

Stay connected with your Reporting Manager
Payment Issues-Touch base with your employer
If your contract ends please touch base with your Reporting Manager/ Recruiter

On exit ,please fill the EMS( on the last day while leaving the customer location
Customer Name:
Last working day:
Time of leaving the Customer location:
Reason for leaving:
Have you handed over the customer property
Customer badge

HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

Thank You
HCLT Confidential: For Internal Use Only

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