Wrong Views On Guidance
Wrong Views On Guidance
Wrong Views On Guidance
Reference: VARIOUS Marriage picture – Out of God’s will and not our fault
Anxiety in the face of two equally good options – cripples
Church: GRACE Date: 8/12/01 Abrogation of personal responsibility – puppet
Wrong views on guidance What does it say about God?
Here is a plan for your life that God knows but you don’t
Purpose: To show that many ideas and concepts about guidance are ill-founded You have to work to discover what that plan is
or erroneous. To prepare the way for a consideration of a Biblical approach to If you don’t, you’ll get second best
And you might get second best even if you faithfully seek best!
Does God want what is best for us or not?
1. Introduction Then why leave it up to us and our efforts to discover His plan?
Have laid a frame work for Christian decision-making Isn’t this rather arminian?
Looked at the 10 commandments Is God Sovereign if we get second best and others are to blame?
As the psalmist said, the Law of God is a light to feet and lamp to Lets look at the ways people have chosen to seek this plan
path I am sure all of us in this room have followed one or other of these.
Can do no better Stress that not all are completely wrong
But a question arises when we get beyond the moral law Some can play a role in guidance
Suppose a decision needs to be made in an area which is legitimate But are not to be the primary means
How do we make decisions that are God honoring then? But are not to be the norm
This morning will focus on how not to do it as a rule.
3. The subjective approach
Next week will look at a better way
“Felt led”
Final week, see how to apply this better way in practice
Had a feeling
Need to ask a question first:
“I felt the Lord pushing me forward…”
2. How many wills does God have? The Lord told me to do this:
Have seen that God has a decretive will and a perceptive will Always sounds very spiritual
Decretive will cannot be known unless He chooses to reveal Here’s a proof text: (READ BOLD BIT FIRST)
Isaiah 30:18-23 Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, And
Preceptive will is revealed in Word – esp 10 Commandments therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a
Does God have any more wills? God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. 19 O people
in Zion, inhabitant in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer. He will surely be
Does He have a plan for our lives that we must find out? gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer
In other words, does He have an individual will for our lives you. 20 Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of
oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes
In every situation, is there a “best” and second best? will behold your Teacher. 21 Your ears will hear a word behind you,
Talking of non-moral decisions here “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the
left. 22 And you will defile your graven images overlaid with silver, and
Is there a “center of God’s will for my life”? your molten images plated with gold. You will scatter them as an impure
The answer is no. What would be the implications if it were yes? thing, and say to them, “Be gone!” 23 Then He will give you rain for the
seed which you will sow in the ground, and bread from the yield of the
Where do you draw the line – left or right sock? ground, and it will be rich and plenteous; on that day your livestock will
Danger of impressions and “God told me to…” more later graze in a roomy pasture.
Doesn’t this passage teach impressional guidance?
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That in non-moral situations we should expect the Lord to tell us So He put out a fleece and asked God to make it dry and the
what to do ground wet – God did so
Why not? Then He asked God to make the fleece wet and the ground dry –
Read whole passage God did so.
What is the actual way they were going to walk in? So – we should all set up tests to discern God’s will – right?
The moral Law! “If I am meant to be a Christian, my friend will come to the same
Is there a problem with this being our normal means of guidance? school”
If I just ate a piece of contaminated food, I might get some very What is wrong with all this?
strange guidance! Gideon didn’t put out a fleece to discover God’s will
If I suffer from depression also will affect my feelings He already knew what God’s will was
Feelings are feelings and we are not to make them primary sources He put it out because he was afraid
They are not reliable We should not put the Lord to the test.
But can sometime be involved in legitimate guidance Not sure there is ever a place for this in Biblical Guidance
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Can find Bible verses that say almost anything if taken out of Find out next week.
context Biblical model
It’s like fortune cracker approach to guidance.
9. Any Others?
10. Conclusions
God only has 2 wills – decretive and preceptive
Don’t want to eliminate the extraordinary
There are impressions
There are circumstances
There are times when the Bible appears to speak into a situation
But these are not to be the norm
Might expect them more when we are babes in Christ
As parents, we strongly influence our children’s decisions early on
Afterwards, we give them more and more rein
Give less and less immediate guidance
More counselors.
Is it not the same as believers?
Have the indwelling Comforter
Tend to experience more immediate guidance when we are not so
Not so familiar with Scripture
Not so mature
We are not to lead our lives from one extraordinary leading to the
We need something to help us in our day to day lives
How shall we make decisions that are pleasing to God
When the moral will of God is not involved?
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