Chap 2
Chap 2
Chap 2
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
After studying this chapter, you should be able to . . .
1. Explain how to implement a competitive strategy by using Strengths-Weaknesses-OpportunitiesThreats (SWOT) Analysis
2. Explain how to implement a competitive strategy by focusing on the execution of goals
3. Explain how to implement a competitive strategy using value-chain analysis
4. Explain how to implement a competitive strategy using the balanced scorecard
5. Explain how to expand the balanced scorecard by integrating sustainability typies successful competition in the new economy far more than any other
rm. Some would say that Amazon invented the Internet retailing business model that all other
dot-coms are struggling to copy. Amazon understands well the strategy (i.e., business model)
of developing and maintaining customer loyalty, which is the key to success in retail e-business, and implements it effectively.
Speaking of Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of, Robert Hof of BusinessWeek writes:
Jeff Bezos . . . was one of the few dot-com leaders to understand that sweating the details of Internet technologies would make all the difference. Amazon wasnt the rst store on the Web. But Bezos beat rivals
in inventing or rolling out new Internet technologies that made shopping online faster, easier, and more
personal than traditional retail. He offered customized recommendations based on other buyers purchases,
let people buy an item with just one mouse click, and created personalized storefronts for each customer.1
Explain how to implement
a competitive strategy by
using Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-Threats (SWOT)
The amazing thing about Amazon is that it created such a successful strategy for e-commerce
at a time when there was no model to use as a guide. As Hof suggests, Amazons success
appears to come from its ability to deliver excellent customer service with very low prices. It
has differentiated itself through efcient and error-free operating systems that provide reliable,
convenient service. Amazons operations are so efcient that it is now performing the e-tail
order-taking and order-lling services for several other retailers, including the retail giant,
Target; these services provide highly protable fees to Another growing service
area is that of used merchandise. The great news for Amazon is that these new services provide
fat margins, from 45 to 85 percent, far higher than e-tail sales.2 How did Amazon implement
this strategy? By careful planning and disciplined execution.
Firms choose to compete on either cost leadership or differentiation, as explained in Chapter 1. This chapter considers the various means for implementing that competitive strategy:
(1) SWOT analysis, (2) focus on execution, (3) value chain analysis, and (4) the balanced
Robert D. Hof, Jeff Bezos: The Wizard of Retailing, BusinessWeek, December 20, 2004.
Now Comes the Flood, BusinessWeek, August 8, 2005; How Amazon Cleared that Hurdle, BusinessWeek, February 4,
2002, pp. 6061; How Hard Should Amazon Swing? BusinessWeek, January 14, 2002, p. 38.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
The rm might also choose to expand its competitive strategy to the broader social and
environmental setting in which the rm operates; these broader issues are called sustainability,
which we examine at the close of the chapter.
One of the rst steps in implementing strategy is to identify the critical success factors that the
rm must focus on to be successful. SWOT analysis is a systematic procedure for identifying a
rms critical success factors: its internal strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats. Strengths are skills and resources that the rm has more abundantly than other
rms. Skills or competencies that the rm employs especially well are called core competencies. The concept of core competencies is important because it points to areas of signicant
competitive advantage for the rm; core competencies can be used as the building blocks of
the rms overall strategy. In contrast, weaknesses represent a lack of important skills or competencies relative to the presence of those resources in competing rms.
Strengths and weaknesses are most easily identied by looking inside the rm at its specic
Product lines. Are the rms products and services innovative? Are the product and service offerings too wide or too narrow? Are there important and distinctive technological
Management. What is the level of experience and competence?
Research and development. Is the rm ahead of or behind competitors? What is the
outlook for important new products and services?
Operations. How competitive, exible, productive, and technologically advanced are the
current operations? What plans are there for improvements in facilities and processes?
Marketing. How effective is the overall marketing approach, including promotion, selling, and advertising?
Strategy. How clearly dened, communicated, and effectively implemented is corporate
Opportunities and threats are identied by looking outside the rm. Opportunities are important favorable situations in the rms environment. Demographic trends, changes in regulatory matters, and technological changes in the industry might provide signicant advantages
or disadvantages for the rm. For example, the gradual aging of the U.S. population represents
an advantage for rms that specialize in products and services for the elderly. In contrast,
threats are major unfavorable situations in the rms environment. These might include the
entrance of new competitors or competing products, unfavorable changes in government regulations, and technological change that is unfavorable to the rm.
Opportunities and threats can be identied most easily by analyzing the industry and the
rms competitors:
Barriers to entry. Do certain factors, such as capital requirements, economies of scale,
product differe ntiation, and access to selected distribution channels, protect the rm from
newcomers? Do other factors, including the cost of buyer switching, government regulations and policies that favor the rm, and educational and licensing restrictions, restrict competition? To what degree is the rm protected from competition from new entrants to the
Intensity of rivalry among competitors. Intense rivalry can be the result of high entry
barriers, specialized assets (and therefore limited exibility for a rm in the industry),
rapid product innovation, slow growth in total market demand, or signicant overcapacity
in the industry. How intense is the overall industry rivalry facing the rm?
Pressure from substitute products. Will the presence of readily substitutable products
increase the intensity level of the rms competition?
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Since January 1999, the euro has been used as the common currency
of many European countries. For the rst 20 months following its introduction, the euro steadily lost about 25 percent in its value relative
to the U.S. dollar. Due to changing economic circumstances, the euro
then began to rise in early 2002 to a value of $1.18 in December 2005.
The constant change of the value of the euro relative to the dollar
creates two types of strategic issues for U.S. and European rms.*
One is the effect on import and export opportunities. For example,
when the euro was falling this meant a higher cost for U.S. goods in
euro countries, which caused problems for U.S. exporters, especially
for smaller rms. Many rms, such as McDonalds, protect overseas
prots by hedging exchange rates, that is, buying and selling overseas currencies at xed prices to guarantee a given exchange rate in
its business transactions.
Bargaining power of customers. The greater the bargaining power of the rms customers, the greater the level of competition facing the rm. Bargaining power of customers is
likely higher if switching costs are relatively low and if the products are not differentiated.
Bargaining power of suppliers. The greater the bargaining power of a rms suppliers,
the greater the overall level of competition facing the rm. The bargaining power of suppliers is higher when a few large rms dominate the group of suppliers and when these
suppliers have other good outlets for their products.
SWOT analysis guides the strategic analysis by focusing attention on the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats critical to the companys success. By carefully identifying the critical
success factors in this way, executives and managers can discover differences in viewpoints.
For example, what some managers might view as a strength others might view as a weakness.
SWOT analysis therefore also serves as a means for obtaining greater understanding and perhaps
consensus among managers regarding the factors that are crucial to the rms success.
A nal step in the SWOT analysis is to identify quantitative measures for the Critical Success Factors (CSFs). Critical success factors are sometimes called value propositions, that is,
the CSF represents the critical process in the rm that delivers value to the customer. At this
nal step the rm converts, for example, the CSF of customer service to a quantitative measure such as number of customer complaints, or a customer satisfaction score.
Identifying critical processes and developing measures for the CSFs involves a careful
study of the rms business processes. Product development, manufacturing, marketing, management, and nancial functions are investigated to determine in which specic ways these
functions contribute to the rms success. The objective at this step is to determine the specic
measures that will allow the rm to monitor its progress toward achieving its strategic goals.
Exhibit 2.1 lists sample CSFs and ways in which they might be measured.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
Measuring Critical Success
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Financial Factors
Market value
Customer Factors
Customer satisfaction
Dealer and distributor
Timeliness of delivery
Equipment readiness
Employee morale
Other Factors
Governmental relations
It is very hard to develop a unique strategy, and even harder, should you develop one, to keep it proprietary. Sometimes a company does have a unique cost advantage or a unique patented position. Brand
position can also be a powerful competitive positiona special advantage that competitors strive to match.
However, these advantages are rarely permanent barriers to others. . . . So, execution is really the critical
part of a successful strategy. Getting it done, getting it done right, getting it done better than the next
person is far more important than dreaming up new visions of the future.
Lou Gerstner is credited with the remarkable success of IBM in the 1990s. He became CEO
of IBM at a very troubled time for the company. He rejected the notion that he could save the
company with some high vision, but instead he determined that the company needed to focus
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Explain how to implement a
competitive strategy by focusing
on the execution of goals.
Effects of Competitive Strategy
on Required Resources and
on execution. This meant determining the critical success factors and putting in place the processes to develop, achieve, and regularly inspect these processes. At IBM this meant a focus
on the customer: beginning with a careful understanding of the customers needs, then working on faster cycle times, faster delivery times, and a higher quality of service. The service
focus has served IBM well as its prots have grown to $8 billion in recent years compared to
the $8 billion loss in 1993, the year Gerstner took over at IBM. Current IBM CEO, Samuel J.
Palmisano, continues Gerstners focus on execution. When referring to an earnings shortfall
in the rst quarter of 2005, he noted that the company had trouble closing deals at the end of
the quarter, and we attribute most of that to our (lack of) execution. IBMs stock fell sharply
in the rst quarter of 2005 but recovered by the end of 2005.
Effective execution requires a concise statement of strategy that is clearly communicated
within the organization. It requires a business process approach to management, in which the
CSFs are clearly identied, communicated, and acted upon. It means aligning strategy with
action, or as the saying goes, plan your work and then work your plan.
The nature of the types of CSFs that the manager executes depend, of course, on the type
of strategy. For cost leadership rms, the CSFs are likely to relate to operational performance
and quality, while differentiated rms are more likely to focus on the customer or innovation.
Exhibit 2.2 summarizes the differences between the two types of competition, the nature of
the required skills and resources, and the focus of efforts in execution. Also, while most topics
we cover in the text are applicable to executing strategy for both cost leadership and differentiated rms, the topics in Part 4 (Operational Control) are particularly relevant for the cost
leadership rm, while those in Part 2 (Planning and Decision Making) are most relevant for
differentiated rms.
Looking more closely at differentiated rms, the key CSFs and execution issues are in
marketing and product developmentdeveloping customer loyalty and brand recognition,
emphasizing superior and unique products, and developing and using detailed and timely
information about customer needs and behavior. This is where the marketing and product
development functions within the rm provide leadership, and the management accountants
support these efforts by gathering, analyzing, and reporting the relevant information. Firms
that excel in the execution of these functions include Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and IBM which
have been the top three global brands for the last ve years.3
Both cost leadership and differentiation rms also can improve on execution through benchmarking and total quality improvement. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program
(U.S. Department of Commerce; sets forth improvement criteria and
awards rms that excel on these criteria. The criteria include a wide variety of business functions, including leadership, strategic planning, marketing, information and analysis, human
resources, process management, and business results. Another resource for benchmarking is
the International Organization for Standardization, a network of national standards institutes
from 145 countries (
Required Resources
Cost leadership
The 100 Top Brands, BusinessWeek, August 1, 2005, pp. 9092. See also, Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, Execution:
Translating Strategies into Results, Crown Business (2002).
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Value-Chain Analysis
Explain how to implement a
competitive strategy using
value-chain analysis.
Value activities
are activities that rms in
the industry must perform
in the process of converting
raw material to nal product,
including customer service.
Because execution is so important in implementing strategy, managers must know how the
rms strategy and its CSFs are implemented in each and every phase of the rms operations.
In other words, managers must implement their rms strategy at the detail level of operations.
This sequence of activities must include all the steps necessary to satisfy customers. Valuechain analysis is a means to reach this detail level of analysis.
Value-chain analysis is a strategic analysis tool used to better understand the rms competitive advantage, to identify where value to customers can be increased or costs reduced, and to
better understand the rms linkages with suppliers, customers, and other rms in the industry.
The activities include all steps necessary to provide a competitive product or service to the
customer. For a manufacturer, this starts with product development and new product testing,
then to raw materials purchases and manufacturing, and nally sales and service. For a service
rm, the activities begin with the concept of the service and its design, purpose, and demand
and then moves to the set of activities that provide the service to create a satised customer.
Although the value chains are sometimes more difcult to describe for a service rm or a notfor-prot organization because they might have no physical ow to visualize, the approach is
applied in all types of rms. A rm might break its operations into dozens or hundreds of activities; in this chapter, it is sufcient to limit the analysis to no more than six to eight activities.
The term value chain is used because each activity is intended to add value to the product
or service for the customer. Management can better understand the rms competitive advantage and strategy by separating its operations according to activity. If the rm succeeds by cost
leadership, for example, management should determine whether each individual activity in
the value chain is consistent with that overall strategy. A careful consideration of each activity
should also identify those activities in which the rm is most and least competitive.
The value chain can be thought of as three main phases, in sequence: (1) upstream, (2) operations, and (3) downstream. The upstream phase involves the rms linkages with suppliers;
operations refers to the manufacturing operations or, for a retailer or service rm, the operations involved in providing the product or service; the downstream phase refers to linkages
with customers, including delivery, service, and other related activities. Some have referred
to the analysis of the upstream phase as supply chain management and to the analysis of the
downstream phase as customer protability analysis.
The determination of which part or parts of the value chain to occupy is a strategic analysis
based on the consideration of comparative advantage for the individual rm, that is, where the
rm can best provide value to the ultimate consumer at the lowest possible cost. For example,
some rms in the computer-manufacturing industry focus on the manufacture of chips (Texas
Instruments) while others primarily manufacture processors (Intel), hard drives (Seagate and
Western Digital), or monitors (Sony). Some manufacturers (Hewlett-Packard, Apple Computer) combine purchased and manufactured components to manufacture the complete computer;
others (Dell, Gateway) depend primarily on purchased components. In the sport-shoe industry,
Reebok manufactures its shoes and sells them to large retailers; Nike concentrates on design,
sales, and promotion, contracting out all manufacturing. In effect, each rm establishes itself
in one or more parts of the value chain on the basis of a strategic analysis of its competitive
Value-chain analysis has two steps:
Step 1. Identify the Value-Chain Activities. The rm identies the specic value activities that rms in the industry must perform in the processes of designing, manufacturing, and
providing customer service. For example, see the value chain for the computer-manufacturing
industry in Exhibit 2.3.
The development of a value chain depends on the type of industry. For example, the focus
in a service industry is on operations and on advertising and promotion rather than on raw materials and manufacturing (an example of a service industry value chain is shown in self-study
problem 1 at the end of the chapter). The activities also should be determined at a relatively
detailed level of operations, that is, at the level of business unit or process just large enough to
be managed as a separate business activity.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
A good example of the adoption of the concept of value-chain analysis is Ford Motor Companys efforts in recent years to become more
efcient and competitive by remaking its value chain upstream and
downstream. Upstream, the company has moved to a exible manufacturing approach in which Fords plants are better able to switch
from one product line to another. To accomplish this, in part, Ford
persuaded 11 of its component suppliers to build their manufacturing
facilities either next to or, in some cases, on Ford plant property. The
plan speeds product ow and reduces costs.
Step 2. Develop a Competitive Advantage by Reducing Cost or Adding Value In this step,
the rm determines the nature of its current and potential competitive advantage by studying
the value activities and cost drivers identied earlier. In doing so, the rm must consider the
1. Identify competitive advantage (cost leadership or differentiation). The analysis of
value activities can help management better understand the rms strategic competitive advantage and its proper positioning in the overall industry value chain. For example, IBM, Boeing,
General Electric, and other rms have increased emphasis on services for their customers, as
many of these services are more protable than the sale of their basic products.
2. Identify opportunities for added value. The analysis of value activities can help
identify activities in which the rm can add signicant value for the customer. For example,
food-processing plants and packaging plants are now commonly located near their largest
customers to provide faster and cheaper delivery. Similarly, large retailers such as Wal-Mart
use computer-based technology to coordinate with suppliers to efciently and quickly restock
each of its stores. In banking, ATMs (automated teller machines) were introduced to provide
improved customer service and to reduce processing costs. Banks have begun to develop online computer technologies to further enhance customer service and to provide an opportunity
to reduce processing costs further.
3. Identify opportunities for reduced cost. A study of its value activities can help a rm
determine those parts of the value chain for which it is not competitive. For example, rms in
the information technology business, such as Flextronics International Ltd., Solectron Corp.,
and SCI Systems, Inc., have become large suppliers of parts and subassemblies for computer manufacturers and other information technology manufacturers such as Hewlett-Packard,
Value Chain for the Computer
Manufacturing Industry
Step 1: Design
Boards, higher-level
Completed computers
Rail, truck, and air shipments
Cash receipts
Serviced and restocked
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Recently, both General Motors and Ford Motor Company have spun off
their parts units, Delphi Automotive Systems and Visteon, respectively.
Delphi and Visteon are now able to do business with other automakers.
For example, Delphi makes instrument panels for Mercedes trucks. The
Sony, and Cisco Systems Inc. The brand-name manufacturers have found that outsourcing
some of the manufacturing to rms such as Flextronics reduces total cost and can improve
speed, quality, and competitiveness.
4. Exploit linkages among activities in the value chain. The decision to provide an activity internally or to outsource it is sometimes inuenced by the way that activity is affected by
another activity in the value chain. For example, Iowa Beef Processors moved its processing
plants to be near the feedlots in the southwest and midwest states, thereby saving transportation costs and reducing the loss in weight that the animals usually suffered during transportation. Firms such as Otis Elevator and Whirlpool Corporation have found that it is important
to provide customer service internally since service representatives are sources of valuable
information from customers; they can feed information regarding product weaknesses and
desirable new features to product designers and manufacturing managers in a timely manner.
Option 2: Manufacture
Components and Contract
Out Marketing, Distributing,
and Servicing Functions
Manufacturing computer
chips and other parts
components, some of
which CIC can make
Marketing, distributing,
and servicing
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Ford Motor
General Motors
General Electric
The value-chain analysis in Exhibit 2.4 shows that CIC can save $108,000 ($11,000
$97,000; see below) per month by choosing option 2. Option two can be viewed as two separate
outsourcing decisions, one for the manufacture of components and the other for marketing,
distribution, and servicing. Both decisions have lower cost for option 2. The manufacturing
decision shows costs of $180,000 (600 $300) for option 1 versus $169,000 (600 $190 +
$55,000) for option 2, a savings of $11,000 for option 2. For marketing and distribution, option
1 costs $175,000 per month, while option 2 would require $78,000 (600 $130), a savings of
$97,000. However, CIC also must consider its strategic competitive position. If its customers
rely on CIC primarily for its service and reliability, then contracting out the marketing, distributing, and servicing functions is unwise; CIC should retain control over these critical success
factors. Moreover, by moving to a strategy of making rather than buying the components, CIC
is moving in the direction of competing on cost leadership with other computer manufacturers.
It is unlikely that CIC can succeed at cost leadership because of its relatively small size and
the presence of effective competitors already in this part of the value chain (Hewlett-Packard,
Dell, and Gateway, to name a few). Thus, option 2 pulls CIC away from its proven competitive
advantage of emphasis on customer service. From a strategic view, option 1 is preferred, even
though the costs are higher. The value-chain analysis provides a useful framework for studying CICs options and determining where it can reduce costs and where it can compete most
effectively on the value chain.
The balanced scorecard (BSC), a performance report based on a broad set of both nancial
and nonnancial measures, is a crucial part of the rms efforts to better understand and to
implement its strategy. The BSC provides a comprehensive performance measurement tool
that reects the measures critical for the success of the rms strategy and thereby provides
a means for aligning the performance measurement in the rm to the rms strategy. Thus,
managers and employers within the rm have the awareness of the rms CSFs (through the
balanced scorecard) and an incentive to achieve these CSFs in moving the rm forward on
its strategic goals. Prior to the wide use of the BSC in the late 1990s, rms tended to focus
only on nancial measures of performance, and as a result, some of their critical nonnancial
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
measures were not sufciently monitored and achieved. In effect, the BSC enables the rm
to employ a strategy-centered performance measurement system, one that focuses managers
attention on critical success factors, and rewards them for achieving these critical factors.
Now a rapidly increasing number of rms, not-for-prot organizations, and governmental
units use the BSC to assist them in implementing strategy. A recent survey of 150 large North
American organizations shows the adoption rate of the balanced scorecard is nearly 50 percent
in the manufacturing industry and governmental organizations and 30-40 percent in retail and
service organizations.4 The balanced scorecard consists of four perspectives, or groupings of
critical success factors: (1) the nancial perspective includes nancial performance measures
such as operating income and cash ow; (2) the customer perspective includes measures of
customer satisfaction; (3) the internal process perspective includes measures of productivity
and speed, among others; and (4) learning and innovation includes such measures as employee training hours and the number of new patents or new products (Exhibit 2.1). The BSC
provides ve key potential benets:
A means for tracking progress toward achievement of strategic goals.
A means for implementing strategy by drawing managers attention to strategically relevant
critical success factors, and rewarding them for achievement of these factors.
A framework rms can use to achieve a desired organizational change in strategy, by drawing attention to and rewarding achievement on factors that are part of a new strategy. The
BSC makes the nature and direction of the desired change clear to all.
A fair and objective basis for rms to use in determining each managers compensation and
A framework that coordinates efforts within the rm to achieve critical success factors.
BSC enables managers to see how their activity contributes to the success of others and
motivates teamwork.
To be implemented effectively, the balanced scorecard should:
Have the strong support of top management.
Accurately reect the organizations strategy.
Communicate the organizations strategy clearly to all managers and employees, who understand and accept the scorecard.
Have a process that reviews and modies the scorecard as the organizations strategy and
resources change.
Be linked to reward and compensation systems; managers and employees have clear incentives linked to the scorecard.
Include processes for assuring the accuracy and reliability of the information in the
Ensure that the relevant portions of the scorecard are readily accessible to those responsible
for the measures, but that the information is also secure, available only to those authorized
to have the information.
Create an Ofce of Strategy Management. The idea, recently introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton and now adopted by such organizations as Chrysler Corp. and the
U.S. Army, suggests that there is a gap in many companies between strategy formulation
and strategy execution. That gap can be lled by the Ofce of Strategy Management, which
coordinates the alignment of the organizations strategy with its operations.5
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, The Ofce of Strategy Management, Harvard Business Review, October 2005, pp. 7280.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
a rms strategy by a careful study of the rms BSC. For example, consider the BSC of an
electronics manufacturer shown in Exhibit 2.5. Does this rm follow a cost leadership strategy
or a differentiation strategy, and why? The answer shows how this BSC reects the strategy
of the electronics rm. Notice that the rm does not use the standard four perspectives identied above; instead this rm uses ve perspectives to implement its unique strategy. Note also
the inclusion of an employees and community perspective that reects this rms strategic
emphasis and desire to achieve in these areas.
Exhibit 2.5 shows that the electronics rm places the customer perspective at the top of the
scorecard. Also, while price is mentioned, note that the emphasis is on customer satisfaction,
through quality, innovation, and service. A strong theme through the entire scorecard is the
importance of innovation and new products. This seems to t pretty well a rm that succeeds
through differentiation based on quality and innovation, and the scorecard reects that. Cost
control is mentioned in the innovation perspective, but as supportive of the differentiation
strategy, rather than in conict with it.
Customer Perspective
New products
Own quality relative to industry standards; number of defects; delivered product quality
Own price relative to competitive market price; sales volume; customer willingness to pay
Actual versus planned; number of ontime deliveries
Sales growth; number of customers that make up 90 percent of shipments
Number of new products; rate of technology improvements; percent of sales from
products introduced in last two years
Response time; customer satisfaction surveys
Internal Capabilities
Efciency of manufacturing
New product introduction
New product success
Sales penetration
New businesses
Cycle time; lead time; manufacturing overhead cost/quarter; rate of increase in use
of automation
Rate of new product introduction/quarter
New products quarterly sales; number of orders
Actual sales versus plan; increases in number of $1 million customers each quarter
Number of new businesses each year
Technology leadership
Cost leadership
Market leadership
Research and development
Financial Perspective
Cost of sales
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
A strategy map
is a cause-and-effect diagram of
the relationships among the BSC
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
order they contribute to the overall success of the rm. A strategy map is a cause-and-effect
diagram of the relationships among the BSC perspectives. Managers use it to show how the
achievement of CSFs in each perspective affect the achievement of goals in other perspectives,
and nally the overall success of the rm.6
For most rms, the ultimate goal is stated in nancial performance, and for public rms
in particular, in shareholder value. So, the nancial perspective of the BSC is the target in the
strategy map. The other BSC perspectives contribute to nancial performance in a predictable,
cause-and-effect way. For many rms, the learning and innovation perspective is the base upon
which the rms success is built. The reason is that learning and innovationresulting in great
products and great employeesdrives performance in the internal processes perspective and
also the customer perspective. Similarly, great performance in the internal processes perspective drives performance in the customer perspective; better operations mean more satised
customers. Finally, satised customers lead directly to improved nancial performance, as
illustrated in Exhibit 2.6, a possible strategy map for Dell. The map shows that the foundation
A Strategy Map for Dell
Source: Adapted from Peter Brewer, Putting
Strategy into the Balanced Scorecard,
Strategic Finance, January 2002, pp. 4452.
Internal Processes
Measures (by product segment):
Product manufacturing time
Raw materials inventory
Order processing time
Manufacturing defects
Measures (by product segment):
Customer perception of order-taking convenience and accuracy
Customer perception of product quality
Customer retention
Customer satisfaction with speed of service
Financial Performance
Measures (by product segment):
Revenue growth
Gross margin
Operating cost ratio
Selling expense to sales ratio
Shareholder Value
The strategy map is developed and illustrated by applications in a variety of rms and organizations by Robert S. Kaplan and
David P. Norton, The Strategy-Focused Organization (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001). See also Transforming the
Balanced Scorecard from Performance Measurement to Strategic Management, by the same authors, Accounting Horizons,
March 2001, pp. 87104, and Strategy Maps, Strategic Finance, March 2004, pp. 2735.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
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Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
for Dells success is learning and innovation, as measured by the number of innovations in
manufacturing processes to speed up the manufacturing and delivery of their product. These
efforts in learning and innovation are realized in improvements in operating performance, as
measured by speed and quality. High performance in internal processes should lead to high
customer satisfaction as measured by customer perceptions and customer retention. The bottom line is that customer satisfaction should lead to strong nancial performance as measured
by revenue growth, gross margin, and prot. The strategy map can enhance the usefulness of
the BSC by showing the performance relationships among the perspectives, as a way to better
understand and manage the performance drivers in the rm.
means the balancing of shortand long-term goals in all three
dimensions of the companys
performanceeconomic, social,
and environmental.
Explain how to expand the
balanced scorecard by integrating
In 2005, a survey of 250 of the worlds largest global companies showed that 52 percent
prepared environmental and social responsibility reports, as compared to 35 percent in 2001.
These companies are concerned about the sustainability of their business, that is, the balancing of short- and long-term goals in all three dimensions of the companys performance
economic, social, and environmental. Economic performance is measured in traditional ways,
while social performance relates to health and safety of employees and other stakeholders. The
environmental dimension refers to the impact of the rms operations on the environment.
The ve reasons most often given by the survey respondents for choosing to report on corporate responsibility were (1) economic considerations, (2) ethical considerations, (3) innovation and learning, (4) employee motivation, and (5) risk management or risk reduction. Many
of the respondents felt that responsibility reporting would lead to business opportunities, reduced risk, an enhanced ethical reputation, and greater ease in employing skilled workers.
The industries that had more than 80 percent of their companies adopting corporate responsibility reporting included the auto industry, oil and gas, nance and insurance, and electronics and computers. These industries are leading the way in corporate environmental and
social responsibility. For example, two rms frequently mentioned in corporate responsibility
include Toyota and Ford from the auto industry. Toyota rates highly for its hybrid gaselectric
vehicles and its efforts to promote environmental management systems and waste reduction
efforts. Ford is included because of its efforts in developing hybrid cars, fuel economy, and
vehicle safety. Other recognized companies include General Electric which works on reducing
the emissions of the jet engines it produces and on developing solar energy. Home Depot is
recognized for its community serviceallowing employees time off to participate in important community activities.7
Environmental performance indicators (EPIs) are the CSFs in a sustainability perspective;
they are dened in three categories by the World Resources Institute (
Operational indicators measure potential stresses to the environment; for example, fossil
fuel use, toxic and nontoxic waste, and pollutants.
Management indicators measure efforts to reduce environmental effects; for example,
hours of environmental training.
Environmental condition indicators measure environmental quality; for example, ambient
air pollution concentrations.
Social performance indicators (SPIs) include:
Working conditions indicators that measure worker safety and opportunity: for example,
training hours and number of injuries
KPMG International Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2005, University of Amsterdam, 2005; The Debate Over Doing Good,
BusinessWeek, August 16, 2005, pp. 7677; Global Warming, BusinessWeek, August 16, 2004, pp. 6069; see also, Paul
Hawken, The Ecology of Commerce, HarperBusiness, 1993 for an early presentation of the key issues in sustainability.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
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Companies, 2008
Community involvement indicators that measure the rms outreach to the local and
broader community: for example, employee volunteering and participation in Habitat for
Philanthropy indicators that measure the direct contribution by the rm and its employees
to charitable organizations
The role of the sustainability perspective of the BSC is to make these EPIs an integral part
of management decision making, not only for regulatory compliance but also for product design, purchasing, strategic planning, and other management functions. As for the BSC, there
are a number of implementation issues, including measurement problems and condentiality
issues. For example, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),, an independent global institution in partnership with the United Nations and other groups, has a goal
of developing generally accepted standards for sustainability reporting.
Key Terms
Comments on Cost
in Action
This chapter has discussed the four cost management resources for implementing strategy:
SWOT analysis, a focus on execution, value-chain analysis, and the balanced scorecard. The
rst, SWOT analysis, helps management to implement strategy by providing a system and
structure in which to identify the organizations critical success factors. The second, execution,
is a management focus on making priorities and achieving these CSFs. The third, value-chain
analysis, helps management to implement strategy by breaking the rm or organization down
into a sequence of value-providing activities; management can identify the CSFs at each step
in the value chain and ask the question, How do we add value at this step in the value chain?
The nal step, the balanced scorecard, provides a means to collect, report, and analyze the
CSFs; the BSC helps management to measure progress to strategic goals and to align employees performance efforts, incentives, and rewards to these strategy goals.
core competencies, 31
strategy map, 41
sustainability, 42
SWOT analysis, 31
value activities, 35
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
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Companies, 2008
liabilities. Why the crisis? Analysts now point to the continued dependence of Delphi and Visteon on their
major customers, GM and Ford, while these automakers are having their own nancial strains and continuing to lose North American market share to other automakers. Additionally, these parts manufactures must
compete with foreign rivals while paying much higher wages and benets than competing rms. Delphi and
Visteon are currently in the process of closing plants and renegotiating labor agreements in an attempt to
return to protability.
Sources: Maybe Whats Good for GM Is Good for Ford, BusinessWeek, April 24, 2000, p. 60; GM: Modular Plants Wont Be a
Snap, BusinessWeek, November 9, 1998, pp. 16872; and Souping Up the Supply Chain, BusinessWeek, August 31, 1998,
pp. 11012; Lee Hawkins, Jr., Delphi Posts Loss; Revenue Drops 6.9%, The Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2005, p. A3.
(For solutions, please turn
to the end of the chapter.)
1. Value-Chain Analysis
The Waynesboro Bulls is a small-town baseball team and farm club for the Atlanta Braves. The Bulls league
consists of eight teams that are all located within a 150-mile radius of Waynesboro. The Bulls ranked sixth
of eight last year, but have high hopes for the coming season in part because of the acquisition at the end of
the last season of a great new pitcher, Wing Powers. Wing had the next to best ERA last season. Wing is also
a popular player, seen frequently in the community, using his humor and occasionally outrageous behavior
to develop a local fan club called the Wingers. None of the other players come close to Wing in popularity. Head Coach Bud Brown, a 15-year veteran of the Bulls, is optimistic for the coming season, noting the
teams luck has got to change. The Bulls have only 2 winning seasons in the last 10 years. The Waynesboro
baseball park is somewhat typical of AA parks, though somewhat older and a bit smaller. It serves a variety
of sodas and beers and nachos to its fans on game days. Also in a 150-mile radius of Waynesboro are 3 NASCAR venues, 2 outdoor concert venues, 12 colleges with competitive sports teams, 1 major league football
team, 1 major league basketball team, but no major league baseball team.
Jack Smith, a consultant for the Waynesboro Bulls has been asked to complete a value-chain analysis
of the franchise with a particular focus on a comparison with a nearby competing team, the Durham Buffaloes. Jack has been able to collect selected cost data as follows for each of the six steps in the value chain.
Single-ticket prices range from $4.50 to $8.00, and average paying attendance is approximately 2,200 for
Waynesboro and 3,400 for Durham.
Average Cost per Person at Scheduled Games
Waynesboro Bulls
Durham Buffaloes
Required Analyze the value chain to help Jack better understand the nature of the competition between the
Bulls and the Buffaloes and to identify opportunities for adding value and/or reducing cost at each activity.
2. SWOT Analysis
Required Refer to the information in Self-Study question 1, regarding the Waynesboro Bulls. Prepare a
SWOT analysis for the Bulls.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
Brief Exercises
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Companies, 2008
Strategy, Auto Parts In the mid-1990s, a large retailer of auto parts, Best Parts, Inc. (BPI), was
looking for ways to invest an accumulation of excess cash. BPIs success was built on a carefully
developed inventory control system that guaranteed the availability of a desired part on demand
99 percent of the time and within one business day for the remaining 1 percent. The speed and quality of service set BPI apart from other parts dealers, and the business continued to grow.
On the advice of close friends and consultants, BPIs owner and CEO decided to invest a signicant portion of the excess cash in a small chain of gift and craft stores in shopping malls.
Required Determine BPIs competitive strategy (cost leadership or differentiation) in the auto-parts business. Assess whether this competitive advantage will or will not facilitate success in the new venture.
Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, Health-Care Consumers, employers, and governments at all levels
are very concerned about the rising costs of health-care. As a result, health-care systems nationwide
are experiencing an ongoing demand to improve the efciency of their operations. The health-care
industry faces signicant challenges due to changing patient needs, reduced reimbursement, and the
erce competitive environment. The industry is experiencing consolidations through systemwide
mergers and acquisitions as a way to reduce operating costs. Patients and payors are demanding a
one-stop shopping approach. While improving operations is necessary, the quality of the health-care
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
delivered must not be jeopardized. The Medical University of Greenbelt is feeling the impact of the
increasing penetration of its market by managed-care companies. As a result, management has been
asked to develop a strategic plan to ensure that its funding sources will continue to meet the demands
of its patients.
Because it is an academic medical center, the Medical University of Greenbelts mission encompasses three components: clinical care, education, and research. Management must consider these
competing objectives in the proposed plan:
1. What should the Medical University of Greenbelts strategy emphasize?
2. Do you think a balanced scorecard could help ensure the success of the Medical University of Greenbelt?
What advantages does a balanced scorecard have over a traditional approach?
3. Determine four or ve critical success factors for each of the four areas within the balanced scorecard.
Remember that in addition to patients, its employees, employers, suppliers/distributors, other training
entities, community, and payors are considered customers.
4. What types of challenges will management face in implementing a balanced scorecard? How can employee buy-in be increased?
Strategic Positioning Fowlers Farm is a 1,000-acre dairy and tobacco farm located in southern
Virginia. Jack Fowler, the owner, has been farming since 1982. He initially purchased 235 acres
and has made the following purchases since then: 300 acres in 1985, 150 acres in 1988, dairy
equipment and buildings worth $350,000 in 1988, and 315 acres in 1998. The cost of farmland
has inated over the years so that, although Jack has a total investment of $1,850,000, the lands
current market value is $2,650,000. The current net book value of his buildings and equipment
is $300,000, with an estimated replacement cost of $1,250,000. Current price pressures on farm
commodities have affected Fowlers Farm as well as others across the country. Jack has watched
as many of his neighbors either have quit farming or have been consolidated into larger, more
protable farms.
Fowlers Farm consists of three different operating segments: dairy farming, tobacco, and corn
and other crops intended for livestock feed. The dairy farm consists of 198 milk-producing cows that
are grazed on 250 acres of farmland. The crop farm consists of the remaining acreage that covers
several types of terrain and has several types of soil. Some of the land is high and hilly, some of it
is low and claylike, and the rest is humus-rich soil. Jack determines the fertilizer mix for the type of
soil and type of crop to be planted by rules of thumb based on his experience.
The farm equipment used consists of automated milking equipment, six tractors, two tandemaxle grain bed trucks, and numerous discs, plows, wagons, and assorted tractor and hand tools. The
farm has three equipment storage barns, an equipment maintenance shed, and a 90,000-bushel grain
elevator/drier. The equipment and buildings have an estimated market value of $1,500,000.
Jack employs ve full-time farmhands, a mechanic, and a bookkeeper and has contracted parttime accounting/tax assistance with a local CPA rm in Pittsboro. All employees are salaried; the
farmhands and the bookkeeper make $25,000 a year, and the mechanic makes $32,000 annually. The
CPA contract costs $15,000 a year.
In 2006, the farm produced 256,000 gallons of raw milk, 23,000 bushels of tobacco, and 75,300
bushels of corn. Jack sells the tobacco by contract and auction at the end of the harvest. The revenue
in 2006 was $1,345,000, providing Jack a net income after taxes of $233,500.
Jacks daughter Kelly has just returned from college. She knows that the farm is a good business but believes that the use of proper operating procedures and cost management systems could
increase protability and improve efciency, allowing her father to have more leisure time. She also
knows that her father has always run the farm from his experience and rules of thumb and is wary
of scientic concepts and management principles. For example, he has little understanding of the
accounting procedures of the farm, has not participated in the process, and has adopted few, if any,
methods to maintain control over inventories and equipment. He has trusted his employees to maintain the farm appropriately without using any accounting or operating procedures over inventories or
equipment, preventive maintenance schedules, or scientic application of crop rotation or livestock
Required Identify and describe briey the competitive strategy for Fowlers Farm and explain your
SWOT Analysis
Required Develop a SWOT analysis for Fowlers Farm based on problem 2-28. The analysis should include two to three items in each category: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
Chapter 2
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Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Required Develop a value chain of six to nine activities for Fowlers Farm based on problem 2-28.
Required Develop a balanced scorecard with three or more groups of CSFs for Fowlers Farm based
on problem 2-28. Explain your choice of groups and identify four to ve CSFs in each group. Make sure
that your CSFs are quantitative and can be measured.
Strategic Positioning Tartan Corporation has been manufacturing high-quality home lighting
systems for more than 80 years. The companys rst products in the 1920sthe classic line
were high-quality oor lamps and table lamps made of the highest-quality materials with features
that other manufacturers did not attempt: multiple switches, adjustable heights, and stained glass.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the company introduced a number of new products that were in demand
at the time, including track lighting and lava lamps, which became the companys Modern line.
In keeping with its brand image, Tartan ensured that these new products also met the highest
standards of quality in the industry. A new customer style emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, which
resulted in another new line of products, contemporary. It was followed in more recent years by
two new product lines, Margaret Stewart and Western.
Jess Jones, the companys chief nancial ofcer, had become concerned about the performance of some of the product lines in recent years. Although total sales were growing at an acceptable rate, approximately 10 percent per year, the sales mix was changing signicantly, as shown
in the following product line sales report. Jess was particularly concerned about the Classic line
because of its sharp drop in sales and its high costs. Because of the high level of craftsmanship
required for the Classic line, it always had higher than average costs for labor and materials. Furthermore, attracting and retaining the highly skilled workers necessary for this product line were
becoming more and more difcult. The workers in the Classic line in 2006 were likely to be older
and very loyal employees who were paid well because of their skill and seniority. These workers
displayed the highest level of workmanship in the company and, some would argue, in the entire
industry. Few newer employees seemed eager to learn the skills required in this product line.
Moreover, manufacturing capacity was experiencing an increasing strain. The sharper than
expected increase in sales for the Western styles had created a backlog of orders for them, and
plant managers had been scrambling to nd the plant capacity to meet the demand. Some plant
supervisors suggested shutting down the Classic line to make capacity for the Western line. Some
managers of the Margaret Stewart line argued the same thing. However, eliminating the Classic
line would make obsolete about $233,000 worth of raw materials inventory that is used only in
the manufacture of Classic line products.
Tom Richter, the rms sales manager, acknowledged that sales of the Classic line were more
and more difcult to nd and that demand for the new styles was increasing. He also noted
that the sales of these products reected signicant regional differences. The Western line was
popular in the south and west, and the Contemporary, Modern, and Stewart styles were popular
nationally. The Classic line tended to have strong support only in the northeast states. In some
sales districts in these states, Classic sales represent a relatively high proportion of total sales.
Kelly Arnold, the rms CEO, is aware of these concerns and has decided to set up a task force
to consider the rms options and strategy in regard to these problems.
Margaret Stewart
Required Describe Tartans competitive strategy. On the basis of this competitive strategy, what recommendation would you make to the task force?
SWOT Analysis
Required Develop a SWOT analysis for Tartan Corporation based on Problem 2-32. The analysis
should include two to three items in each category: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Value-Chain Analysis
Required Develop a value chain of six to eight items for Tartan Corporation described in problem 2-32.
Why would the value chain be useful to a rm like Tartan?
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Required Develop a balanced scorecard with three or more groups of CSFs for Tartan Corporation described in problem 2-32. Explain your choice of groups and identify four to ve CSFs in each group. Make
sure that your CSFs are quantitative and can be measured.
Strategic Analysis Jim Hargreaves lifelong hobby is racing small sailboats. Jim has been successful both at the sport and in the design of new equipment to be used on small sailboats to make them
easier to sail and more effective in racing. Jim is now thinking about starting an Internet business in
his garage to sell products he favors as well as some he has designed himself. He plans to contract
out most of the manufacturing for the parts and equipment to machine shops and other small manufacturers in his area.
Required Develop a strategic analysis for Jims new business plan. What should be his competitive position; that is, how should he choose to compete in the existing market for sailboat supplies and equipment?
How is he likely to use cost management information in building his business?
Strategic Analysis Consider the following companies, each of which is your consulting client:
1. Performance Bicycles, a company that supplies bicycles, parts, and bicycling equipment and clothing
from its Web site.
2. The Oxford Omni, a downtown hotel that primarily serves convention and business travelers.
3. The Orange County Public Health Clinic, which is supported by tax revenues of Orange County and
public donations.
4. The Harley-Davidson motorcycle company.
5. The Merck pharmaceutical company.
6. St. Sebastians College, a small, private liberal arts college.
Required Determine each clients competitive strategy and related critical success factors.
Strategic Analysis, the Camera Industry Olympus, Kodak, Canon, and other rms in the market
for low-cost cameras have experienced signicant changes in recent years. The rate of introduction
of new products has increased signicantly. Entirely new products, such as the digital camera, are
coming down in cost, so they are likely to be a factor in the low-cost segment of the market in the
coming years. Additionally, product life cycles have fallen from several years to several months. The
new products in this market are introduced at the same price as the products they replace, but the
new products have some signicant advances in functionality, such as integrated ash, zoom lens,
and red-eye reduction. Thus, there are price points at which the customer expects to purchase a
camera of a given functionality. In effect, the camera manufacturers compete to supply distinctive
and therefore competitive functionality at the same cost as that of the previous models.
The manufacturing process for Olympus, one of the key rms in the industry, is representative
of the others. Olympus makes extensive use of suppliers for components of the camera. Working
closely with the suppliers, not only in a suppliers manufacturing process but also in the suppliers
design of the parts, ensures the quality of the parts. Each supplier is, in effect, part of a team that
includes the other suppliers and Olympuss own design and manufacturing operations.
1. How does this type of competition differ from the Michael Porter framework of cost leadership and
2. Develop a value chain for Olympus camera company. What are the opportunities for cost reduction and/
or value enhancement for Olympus?
Strategic Analysis, the Balanced Scorecard, and Value-Chain Analysis; the Packaging Industry
Dana Packaging Company is a large producer of paper and coated-paper containers with sales worldwide. The market for Danas products has become very competitive in recent years because of the
entrance of two large European competitors. In response, Dana has decided to enter new markets
where the competition is less severe. The new markets are principally the high end of the packaging
business for products that require more technological sophistication and better materials. Food and
consumer products companies use these more advanced products to enhance the appeal of their highend products. In particular, more sturdy, more colorful, more attractive, and better-sealing packaging
has some appeal in the gourmet food business, especially in coffees, baked goods, and some dairy
products. As a consequence of the shift, Dana has had to reorient its factory to produce the smaller
batches of product associated with this new line of business. This change has required additional
training for plant personnel and some upgrading of factory equipment to reduce setup time.
Danas manufacturing process begins with pulp paper, which it produces in its own mills
around the world. Some of the pulp material is purchased from recycling operators when price and
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
availability are favorable. The pulp paper is then converted into paperboard, which is produced at
Danas own plants or purchased at times from outside vendors. In most cases, the paperboard plants
are located near the pulp mills. At this point in the manufacturing process, the paperboard might be
coated with a plastic material, a special embossing, or some other feature. This process is done at
separate plants owned by Dana. On occasion, but infrequently when Danas plants are very busy, the
coating and embossing process is outsourced to other manufacturers. The nal step in the process
is lling the containers with the food product or consumer product. This step is done exclusively at
Dana-owned plants. Dana has tried to maintain a high reputation for the quality of the lling process,
stressing safety, cleanliness, and low cost to its customers.
1. Describe Dana Companys new strategic competitive position.
2. Develop a value chain for Dana. What are its opportunities for cost reduction and/or value
3. Danas management is considering the use of a balanced scorecard for the rm. For each of the four
areas within the balanced scorecard, list two or three examples of measurable critical success factors that
should be included.
Strategy Requirements under the Baldrige National Quality Program The Baldrige National Quality Program was established by the U.S. Congress in 1987 to promote quality awareness and to
enhance the competitiveness of U.S. businesses. The program is under the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), a nonregulatory federal agency within the Commerce Department, and is administered by the American Society for Quality ( under contract
to the NIST. The program has seven categories of performance criteria including leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, human resources, process management, and
business results. The last category, business results, includes four parts: customer-focused results,
nancial and market results, human resources results, and organizational effectiveness results. Recipients of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award are recognized annually for the
rms achievements in meeting these performance criteria.
1. Go to the NIST Web site that shows the Baldrige Programs Criteria for Performance Excellence (http:// and review the performance criteria. Comment on the degree to which the program stresses strategy development and strategy implementation.
2. How would you compare the process within a rm to develop a balanced scorecard versus developing
the performance measures to compete in the Baldrige program?
Competitive Strategy; Value Chain, Balanced Scorecard Levis Strauss and Co, maker of Levis
familiar 501 and 505 brands of jeans, also make a Signature brand that was introduced in 2003 for
discount retailers such as Wal-Mart. Levis strategy with the new jeans was to sell a competitively
priced pair. The jeans will be about one-half the price of the familiar 501 and 505 jeans. To get costs
down Levis will:
Use cheaper fabrics and materials.
. Shun costly mass-market advertising.
Strictly limit the number of ts, styles, and colors.
The Signature brand had a good rst year in 2004; results for 2005 and later are not yet in.
1. Assess the new strategy at Levi. What do you think are the potential benets and risks?
2. How will the rms value chain and balanced scorecard change as a result of the new strategy?
Strategy; Critical Success Factors; Martial Arts Training Martial Arts of Cincinnati (MAC) provides karate training and practice services in three locations in Cincinnati, Ohio. MAC is known
for its quality of training and has grown rapidly in recent years due to its solid reputation and the
growing interest in martial arts, particularly karate. George Moody, the owner of MAC, is a retired
police ofcer who has been training and teaching martial arts for almost 20 years. He has a plan to
grow his business to 10 locations in the Cincinnati area in the coming 5 to 10 years. George thinks
that by careful attention to customer service, and by choosing his locations wisely, he can achieve
this goal. He plans to locate his new studios in strip malls where rental costs are relatively low. This
way he can keep his prices down, perhaps lower than other competitors, and thereby attract more
George has developed a list of indicators that he uses to manage the business. The indicators are
targeted to Georges two key concernssales growth and teacher performance.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
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Companies, 2008
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Sales Indicators
Number of introductory lessons
Number of new students
Number of students attending
Total Number of enrolled students
Class Size by teacher and age group
The rst four indicators are obtained on a daily basis, while the last is obtained weekly
Teacher performance indicators (for each teacher)
Number of classes taught
Average number of students per class
Average retention percentage
Student progress in martial arts skills
The rst three of these indicators are obtained weekly, while the last one is obtained monthly.
1. How would you describe Georges competitive strategy?
2. George has listed some of his CSFs. Critically review these indicators, and explain which CSFs you
would add, or change, and why.
Balanced Scorecard and Strategy: Food Ingredients Company The balanced scorecard for a small
food-ingredients company is shown below. The information is based on an actual company, and
detailed information about its operations and strategy is condential. You may assume that the rms
products and services are used by a diverse set of customers, including different types of food
processors (Kraft, Heinz, Unilever, . . .), restaurant chains, bakeries, supermarkets, and the like. The
company is located in a large city.
Scorecard Measures
Financial Perspective
Capture an increasing share of industry
Customer Perspective
Become the lowest-cost supplier
Customer satisfaction
Customer survey
Internal Perspective
Maintain lowest cost base in the industry
Cost Management: A
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I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
Source: Chee W. Chow, Kamal M. Haddad, James W. Williamson, Applying the Balanced Scorecard to Small Companies, Management Accounting, August 1997, pp. 2127.
Required Based on the information provided, determine what you think is the competitive strategy of the
company. Does the balanced scorecard shown above reect this strategy? Why or why not?
Required Since 9/11/01, the airline industry has struggled with increased security-related costs and a
decline in the number of passengers. Which airlines do you believe are most competitive right now, and
why? Describe the nature of the competition in the airline industry right now and into the future.
Value-Chain Analysis
Required Develop a value chain for the airline industry. Identify areas in which any given airline might
nd a cost advantage by modifying the value chain in some way. Similarly, identify areas of the value chain
in which the airline might be able to develop additional value for the airline customer. For example, consider
ways the ticketing operation might be recongured for either cost or value-added advantage.
Value-Chain Analysis Sheldon Radio manufactures yacht radios, navigational equipment, and
depth-sounding and related equipment from a small plant near New Bern, North Carolina. One of
Sheldons most popular products, making up 40 percent of its revenues and 35 percent of its prots,
is a marine radio, model VF4500, which is installed on many of the new large boats produced in the
United States. Production and sales average 500 units per month. Sheldon has achieved its success
in the market through excellent customer service and product reliability. The manufacturing process
consists primarily of the assembly of components purchased from various electronics rms plus a
small amount of metalworking and nishing. The manufacturing operations cost $110 per unit. The
purchased parts cost Sheldon $250, of which $130 is for parts that Sheldon could manufacture in
its existing facility for $80 in materials for each unit plus an investment in labor and equipment that
would cost $35,000 per month.
Sheldon is considering outsourcing the marketing, distributing, and servicing for its units to
another North Carolina rm, Brashear Enterprises. This would save Sheldon $125,000 in monthly
materials and labor costs. The cost of the contract would be $105 per radio.
1. Prepare a value-chain analysis for Sheldon to assist in deciding whether to purchase or manufacture the
parts and whether to contract out the marketing, distributing, and servicing of the units.
2. Should Sheldon (a) continue to purchase the parts or manufacture them and (b) continue to provide the
marketing, distributing, and servicing or outsource these activities to Brashear? Explain your answer.
Strategy, Ethics The tire business is becoming increasingly competitive as new manufacturers
from Southeast Asia and elsewhere enter the global marketplace. At the same time, customer expectations for performance, tread life, and safety continue to increase. An increasing variety of vehicles,
from the small and innovative gas/electric vehicles to the large SUVs, place more demands on tire
designers and on tire manufacturing exibility. Established brands such as Goodyear and Firestone
must look to new ways to compete and maintain protability.
1. Is the competitive strategy of a global tire maker cost leadership or differentiation? Explain your
2. What are the ethical issues, if any, for tire manufacturers?
Strategy, Value Chain In the late 1990s, the bike maker Cannondale Corp. faced a variety of
key strategic issues. One was the rms continued dependence on Shimano Inc. of Japan to supply
many parts for its bikes, particularly the derailleur, brakes, and crankset. A particularly trouble-
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
Part One
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
some aspect of this situation was that Shimanos high-quality and highly innovative parts were
relatively expensive. Cannondale wished to reduce its dependency on these outsourced parts. A
second issue was the increasing competition from Trek Bicycle Corp and Specialized Bicycle
Components Inc. for bicycles in the upper-end range of the market where Cannondale competed.
Cannondale had built a successful business on the basis of high quality and innovative products. Its
customers were bicyclists who expected the highest quality and most advanced features. Industry
analysts predicted consolidation in the industry for manufacturers that use Shimano parts but cannot differentiate their products effectively; these bicycle makers will likely be forced to compete
on price.
1. Consider the use of Shimano parts as one aspect of the value chain for Cannondale. Describe Cannondales current strategy. How should this strategy change, if at all, to compete effectively with Trek and
2. Should Cannondale continue to outsource Shimano parts? Why or why not?
Value Chain; Harley-Davidson Harley-Davidson Inc. (HD) is one of the most recognized brands
worldwide. The motorcycle manufacturer has one of the most loyal owner groups of any company.
Unfortunately, the rms success has come at a price. New customers are sometimes frustrated at
long waiting lists for a new bike, and other potential new customers say they are turned off at the
enthusiasm of some of the current owners. HD has a Wild Bunch reputation that drives some customers away. Other potential customers are simply intimidated at the idea of riding a 400+ pound
Harley-Davidson. To deal with these concerns, and to try to encourage new owners, HD developed
the Riders Edge program in which anyone who could pass the Motorcycle Safety Foundations
written test and driving test would be eligible for instructions on how to ride a Harley. The instructions are provided by local dealers.
Required Where does this program t in the Harley-Davidson value chain? From a value chain perspective, how does the Riders Edge program at Harley-Davidson support the rms strategy?
The Balanced Scorecard; Strategy Map; Banking Carlos Aguilar, a CMA and consultant in Los
Angeles, has been asked to help develop a balanced scorecard for a local medium-sized commercial
bank. Carlos is familiar with the area around the bank and he knows that the bank has succeeded
in part because of good community ties and customer service. The bank managers also realize that
employee morale is an important factor in the success of the bank.
1. Carlos has asked you to help him in the initial phases of this project. Specically, he has asked you to
identify the balanced scorecard perspectives you would use for this bank, and a short list of four to ve
critical success factors that you would include in each perspective.
2. Also, he is interested in knowing how the concept of a strategy map might be applicable for this client.
Prepare a brief report for Carlos.
3. Explain how the balanced scorecard for a bank could be linked to an incentive compensation plan for the
managers and employees of the bank.
1. Value-Chain Analysis
The cost gures Jack has assembled suggest that the two teams operations are generally quite similar, as
expected in AA baseball. However, an important difference is the amount the Durham team spends on gameday operations, more than three times that of the Waynesboro Bulls. That difference has, in part, built a loyal
set of fans in Durham where gate receipts average more than twice that of Waynesboro ($28,500 versus
$12,350). The Buffaloes appear to have found an effective way to compete by drawing attendance to special
game-day events and promotions.
To begin to compete more effectively and protably, Waynesboro might consider additional valueadded services, such as game-day activities similar to those offered in Durham. Waynesboros costs per
person are somewhat lower than Durhams, but its cost savings are probably not enough to offset the loss
in revenues.
On the cost side, the comparison with Durham shows little immediate promise for cost reduction; Waynesboro spends on the average less than Durham in every category except management compensation. Perhaps this also indicates that instead of reducing costs, Waynesboro should spend more on fan development.
The next step in Jacks analysis might be to survey Waynesboro fans to determine the level of satisfaction
and to identify desired services that are not currently provided.
Cost Management: A
Strategic Emphasis, Fourth
I. Introduction to Cost
2. Implementing Strategy:
The Balanced Scorecard
and the Value Chain
Chapter 2
The McGrawHill
Companies, 2008
2. SWOT Analysis
Avid baseball fans will probably improve greatly on these solutions.
Not much local competition for baseball; note that the 150-mile radius is probably irrelevant anyway as
the Bulls customers are local; the main issue is local competition.
Wing, the new pitcher; an opportunity for more wins, and increased fan interest.
Lots of losing records, which hinders fan interest.
Not much to offer by way of game-day promotions and special attractions.
What appears might be a lackluster team and coaching staff.
More new players like Wing, especially those that can create some fan excitement; it seems there is little
personality to the current team.
New coach.
Improve the baseball park; add some improvements, such as better parking, seats, etc.
Increase the quality and variety of food and beverages beyond soda, beer, and nachos.
Lower the ticket prices; offer free tickets to those who have attended a certain number of games.
Offer special promotions, in which groups (employees of a given company; those over 65, etc.) get a free
or low-price admission.
Only the closest of the other venues (NASCAR, outdoor concerts, etc) would be a threat to this
basically local audience.