Characterization and Synthesis of Nanosized Tio Particles: M.U. Shahab, T.A.Tabish, B. Zaman, Zahra Tariq, M. Kamran
Characterization and Synthesis of Nanosized Tio Particles: M.U. Shahab, T.A.Tabish, B. Zaman, Zahra Tariq, M. Kamran
Characterization and Synthesis of Nanosized Tio Particles: M.U. Shahab, T.A.Tabish, B. Zaman, Zahra Tariq, M. Kamran
ABSTRACT: Semiconductor and Inorganic metal oxide TiO2 of Nano-sized has extraordinary enhanced
morphology, grain size, high transparency, biological stability, chemical and physical properties.TiO2
Nanoparticles are especially suitable material for optical coatings and protective layers for very large
scale integrated circuits due to excellent transmittance for visible range and high refractive
index.TiO2 Nanoparticles were prepared by wet chemical method which is known as Sol-Gel method
that is achieved oby drop wise addition of titanium tetrachloride in Ethyl alcohol followed by
calcination at 500 C.After this calcination, Anatase phase TiO2 Nanoparticles were achieved in the
Nanoscale particle size range.TiO2 Nanoparticles are characterized by FTIR, UV-vis and SEM techniques
which give the evidence of formation TiO2 Nanoparticles.
KEYWORDS: Nanoparticles, TiO2, sol-gel method, Anatase
Semiconductor and Inorganic metal oxide TiO2 of Nano-sized has extraordinary enhanced
morphology, grain size, high transparency, biological stability, chemical and physical properties.TiO2
Nanoparticles are especially suitable material for optical coatings and protective layers for very large
scale integrated circuits [1] due to excellent transmittance for visible range and high refractive index.
The nano-crystalline TiO2 particles achieve increased redox potential and high surface area due to its
polymorphic forms. Nanoparticles of TiO2 have occurred in main three forms: Anatase, Rutile and
Brookite. Rutile phase is highly stable phase at high temperature whereas Anatase has a wider optical
band gap (3.2 eV), a smaller electron effective mass, a higher Fermi level and high mobility of charge
carriers [2].These phases make nano-phased TiO2 as promising material and attracted attention for its
significant applications.TiO2 Nanoparticles are widely used as photo catalyst material for degradation
of organic contaminants[3] , sensors and photo-electric chemical conversions in solar cells[4], surface
coatings and polymer industry as a pigment and a filler[5].
Furthermore the phase and degree of crystallinity of TiO2 Nanoparticles play general role in
various applications due to crystallinity and phase formation of TiO2 Nanoparticles. As TiO2
Nanoparticles has much importance in industrial field, on the other hand TiO2 Nanoparticles has
various synthesizing methods such as Flame aerosol synthesis[6], Hydrothermal synthesis[6-7] and
hydrolysis of inorganic salt[8]. Sol-Gel synthesis [9-11] is one of the easiest methods to fabricate
Nano-sized TiO2 Nanoparticles because of its lower calcination conditions and proper allowable cost.
Chan Baek et al. [12] reported in 2009 that Sol-Gel method is convenient and superior method among
all other processes because it consists of hydrolysis, water condensation and Alcohol condensation
which form high area of Nanoparticles. Sang Yoo et al. [13] in 2005 reported the Sol-Gel synthesis as
wet chemical method in which alkoxide oxide is used as a precursor which starts chemical reaction at
relatively lower temperature.
In Present Research the synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles has been reported by Sol-Gel Method
with ethyl alcohol and Titanium Tetrachloride TiCl4 as precursor respectively. It is then characterized
by Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Uv-Vis spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM).This characterization investigates the evidence of TiO2 Nano-sized particles (45 nm)
in this particle size range.
Titanium Tetrachloride (TiCl4, 98%, Fluka) was taken as a precursor which is added drop wise by
micropipette in ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). The solution is operated at room temperature in a beaker
which is placed on magnetic stirrer. The Agitator in a magnetic stirrer is made of Teflon which is used
for mixing the solution.
This process is conducted under fume hood in order to evolve the gases HCl and Cl2 generated
during synthesizing. In starting the colour of Ethyl alcohol is White but after sometime the colour of
the solution is changed in yellowish by titanium tetrachloride drop wise addition. The viscosity of the
solution is changed and it transformed into Gel. This Gel contains the colloidal suspension of Titanium
particles which stays here due to Brownian motion. This yellowish suspension is formed after 2 hours
and then magnetic stirrer is stopped. After this suspension is given time to cool at room temperature
for about 24 hour. This cooling evolved the moisture to some extent from the suspension.
After all this dried suspension is heated in oven at 1200C for about 3 hours. After drying, the
suspension is changed into amorphous powder of Yellowish colour. For further phase Transformation it
is calcined at 5000C for about 2 hours. This calcination gives phase transformation and also the
yellowish colour of particles changed into White powder. The characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticles
gives the evidence of these particles.TiO2 Nanoparticles are characterized by Fourier Transform
infrared spectroscopy in which (SHIMADZU, IR SPECTAGEL-21), was used to study stretching and
bending of bond which absorbs selected frequencies or energies of infrared radiation. UV-Vis
spectroscopy was done with (SPECTRO- UV) to study the absorption bands corresponding to various
structural groups by exposing UV having spectral bandwidth of 2.00 nm. Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM) of prepared TiO2 Nanoparticles was done which operated at 15 KV (12.0 mm x 30.0 K, SE) to
visually characterize TiO2 Nanoparticles.
Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectra of as prepared TiO2 sample. The graph is plotted between %
transmittance and wave number (cm-1). In this graph different peaks formed at different wave
number. It is observed in the graph that TiO2 Nanoparticles have various frequency vibrations which
are shown by different peaks formed. The peak in range 1600-1650 cm-1 were characteristic of OTi
O bond and narrow adsorption bond is observed due to Ti==O bending region. The broad adsorption
band is observed at 3000-3600 cm-1 is corresponding to OH stretch region.
Figure 2 shows the UV spectra of TiO2 Nanoparticles. In this spectroscopy graph is plotted
between Absorbance and wave number. UV spectroscopy observed the peak of TiO2 Nanoparticles
formed below the 325 nm. It is observed that peak of Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles absorbed most of the
UV light with a lower wavelength (<325 nm).This shows the formation of Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles.
Figure 2. Graph of UV
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