Sciencedirect: Remanufacturing Process Planning
Sciencedirect: Remanufacturing Process Planning
Sciencedirect: Remanufacturing Process Planning
Procedia CIRP 15 (2014) 189 194
Remanufacturing is an active area of research due to its cost saving capabilities and emission-reduction benefits. After being disassembled,
cleaned and inspected, the core components go through a series of reconditioning operations before being reassembled into the final
remanufactured product, and tested to ensure quality. However, used core components have varying conditions, different defects, etc., which
result in reconditioning process paths being specific to each component in the core. The reconditioning process sequence for a core component
depends on its conditions. This paper analyses the conditions of the core components to determine an optimal reconditioning process sequence
for these components
1. Introduction
In the recent decades, with the development of climate
change and increased pollution, there has been a global
rising concern about the environment, matched with tighter
legislations to control the ecological impact of human
products through their use and manufacturing. Production
businesses go green by incorporating sustainable
manufacturing and end-of-life (EOL) strategies to meet
regulations, and attract the now environmentally conscious
consumers. Besides recycling, repair and refurbishing,
remanufacturing is another EOL strategy where a used
product is brought, through a series of industrialized
processes, to like-new conditions with warranty and
performance at least matching the OEM level [1], and offers
the used product another complete lifecycle.
remanufacturing is the stochastic and sporadic nature in the
condition and quantity of the returned cores which impacts
on many levels in the planning and control [2, 3]. Returned
products can range from minor scratches to extensive
damage and thus inspection and sorting procedures are
required to filter the valuable cores. High quality returns are
preferred as the quality of the returns determines the level of
the remanufacturing effort required, the processing time, the
rate of remanufacturing success, the process sequence used,
the amount of cost savings, and the amount of cores being
scrapped [4, 5]. The extent to which remanufacturing is
done and the definition of sufficient quality depend on the
type of remanufacturers and the business model;
independent remanufactures try to repair as many parts as
2212-8271 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 21st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle
Engineering in the person of the Conference Chair Prof. Terje K. Lien
2. Literature review
2.1. FMEA
Parkinson [10] proposed a systematic approach to the
planning based on the failure mode effect analysis (FMEA)
method in order to increase the reliability of the
remanufactured product. FMEA is used for risk
management and the prevention of catastrophic failure of
the product by first performing a product FMEA to identify
the critical core components which need to be focused on.
Second, the remanufacturing processes to treat them are
established. Next, a process FMEA is used to determine the
remanufacturing processes among inspection, cleaning,
manufacturing operations that are most critical and the ways
to diminish their risk priority number (RPN) are decided by
a consensus of the technical team and the management.
Finally, a cost benefit analysis using the RPN/cost ratio
serves as a guide on where more resources should be
allocated. This four-step approach can be applied repeatedly
to improve the reliability of the remanufacturing system.
Shu et al. [11] performed waste stream FMEA analysis to
identify the failure and scrap modes of automobile parts
against which Design for Remanufacture must cater for to
facilitate remanufacturing.
2.2. Process planning
Kernbaum et al. [12] presented an approach for the
design and evaluation of the remanufacturing processes for
a facility. A mixed integer programming approach is used
for the optimization of a remanufacturing process plan from
cleaning to reassembly; they assessed the economic viability
by considering all the relevant costs. The reconditioning
process planning, however, is still performed by the user
who inputs the process in the software through graphical
user interface (GUI), which helps the users to visualize the
sequences and types of operations.
Jiang et al. [13] defined reconditioning system planning
as being made up of three closely related aspects, namely,
restoration planning, process planning and technology
planning. Assuming that the restoration and process
planning have already been performed, they formulated a
multi-criteria decision-making method that considers the
economic and environmental aspects for the selection of the
manufacturing technology portfolio. The analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) was used to assign weights to the
various criteria, and capture the singular and synergistic
benefits of each technology for decision making.
2.3. Product design and remanufacturing
A valuable core is remanufactured such that its quality is
at least as good as a new one. Fig. 1 depicts the technical
factors influencing the reconditioning operations.
Analogous to the case of new product development where
manufacturing processes need to meet design requirements
in order for the product to fulfill satisfactory functional
Surface finishing
Fine surface finishing where final high quality finish or
dimensional tolerances are required, can be achieved using
processes, such as grinding, reaming, honing, hard turning,
and burnishing. In other types of surfaces, painting, coating,
polishing and similar operations relevant to the part are
performed. This step is performed last because any
subsequent process will affect the quality of the surface.
3. Methodology
The key features of the conceptual framework are:
1. Use of product design engineering requirements to
determine the reconditioning processes.
2. Regionalization of defects per engineering surface.
3. Rank criticality assessment of the defects.
1. Identify defects
4. Identify precedence
Thermal spray
Hard turning
5.a. Reconditioning
Process sequence plans
5.b. Subsidiary process
Failure combinations
Waste stream data
Process FMEA
Defect criticality
Difficulty level
Skill required
7. Preliminary selection
Fig 2. Steps for reconditioning process sequence planning.
3. Identify reconditioning
operations for each defect
Product FMEA
Type of failures
B1 Only
B2 Only
B1 and B2
Laser cladding
Thermal spraying
Fine Grinding
5. Conclusion
A conceptual methodology has been proposed to aid in
the selection and planning of the reconditioning processes
based on the conditions of the products. Engineering
requirements have been included in the selection of the
reconditioning processes. The ranking of the defects and the
precedence relationships which consider the criticality of
the defects, the synergistic effects of the operations and the
necessary end results are crucial steps in the reconditioning
process sequence planning. Process FMEA and ranking
provide reliability to the remanufactured products.
Optimization of the selection process through
computational methods can be explored for evaluating the
process plans in greater detail.
This research is supported by the Singapore A*STAR
Agency for Science, Technology and Research Thematic
Programme on Remanufacturing (Project No. 1122904012).
[1] Ijomah, W.L., A Model-based definition of the generic
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[2] Guide Jr, V.D.R., Production planning and control for
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[3] Junior, M.L. and M.G. Filho, Production planning and control for
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[4] Aras, N., T. Boyaci, and V. Verter, The effect of categorizing returned
products in remanufacturing. IIE Transactions, 2004. 36(4): p. 319331.
[5] Ortegon, K., L.F. Nies, and J.W. Sutherland, Preparing for end of
service life of wind turbines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013. 39:
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[6] Sherwood, M., L.H. Shu, and R.G. Fenton, Supporting Design for