January 1, 2015 Edition

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Emerald Star News


Volume: 7

Issue: 1

January 1, 2015

bi-weekly Edition

Promoting the growth of Freeport in every edition

Welcome to all you visiting our little slice of heaven... Thanks for reading..enjoy :)

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Since 2008


Made possible by your local

advertising businesses in this edition.

Inside this EDITION:

Check website for more News
10 Long-Lasting Cars That
Will Go the Distance ...Page 3

Immunotherapy Brings
New Hope to Cancer Fight
Twenty-year-old Milton Wright IIIs life seemed
to finally be on track. After a lifetime

Page 4

Letters to the Editor Page 9

Real Estate listings inside:


Thanks for picking this up to read.

This is our new web site:

Our Advertisers are very special to us and it helps

if you let them know you saw their AD here in
this newspaper. That helps us ensure a long time
for the Emerald Star News to become known for
all it can do for you...no matter who you are.

New e-mail address:


Sony's 'Interview' draws US

moviegoers who trumpet free
speech "The Interview," the Sony Pictures
film about a fictional plot to ...Page 10
A Carreer Change
By Ryan Lyday....Page 11

offered free .from our business Advertisers inside this week

A style of its own a community Based Newspaper

Page 2



The Wolfes Den

Hello everyone. Yes, its Now 2015.Day 1. What do you
hope to accomplish this year? It seems as if many people
have fallen away from the standard list of New Year to dos.
Im certain that most of us are wanting to be more healthy. Whether it
be to lose weight or to build up your cardio stamina. Keep good records of your intake
carbs and if you make a chart you can see where your goal should be coming along by a
certain date, then you can also show your doctor this chart and he can help assure you get
the results. Take it easier, no need to hurry about.
For some us to make more money is a goal for the New Year. That in itself can consume you daily if you let it. Only to realize that no matter how much you have it will
never be enough to relax and live comfortably is only a one day a week enjoyment.
I for one am looking for inner peace, an inner desire to not let what people say affect
me psychologically speaking of course. In this business, you hear so much that its tough
to sort out the truth. Even when dealing with our county commissioners, enforcement and
even your county school board. It all takes time.
I would like to see the citizens of this county to get more involved with our local government. Think of ways to simplify our lives, make our travels more safer. Have our
neighborhoods remain residential so to live in peace. Many of us have moved here for the
serenity of its beauty, its diverse places and activities to do or see. When anyone infiltrates an environment with intent to alter others living space, that is malicious to that area.
Values of land and homes decrease, when junk sales or constant debris and people traffic
increase around your home.
That is what the last few Editorials have been pointing out. When several citizens complain, the organization in charge of it must take action. It is a shame to see so many complaints filed over many years, yet nothing was done or put into place to prevent it from
coming up again. When I receive so many E-mails that I feel a need to print about it.
Guess what? It works! If you stay persistent and on top of the situation, you will eventually meet the person who can end it all. Besides the court system and Lawyers but that is
always an option, open to your rights to pursue.
The last 2 months I have investigated several cases which involved complaints from
citizens about a neighbor or two. Funny, that no one knew of the problem but the person
who lived there. Thats how any case starts. File a complaint, give it 30 days and force
the issue every week until you get to the top. There are a couple cases that have been a
nuisance for almost 10yrs. Now, that is ridiculous. There will come that day when an attorney will take the case and sue the county for negligence, of rectifying these complaints,
pro-bono. I met a couple myself as well. We are awaiting actions to be enforced and corrected or there will be someone made held to be accountable. Even the land owner.
Every county in our state and this nation gives rights to the person who worked hard to
have a home, the right to live in peace goes along with that. Every county is looking for
ways to make cut-backs or resizing the team for the benefit of its citizens. Just as teachers can only handle so many students at a time, its the same for all city / county positions. Isnt it? Lets trim the fat this year. Take notice of wasted tax dollars.
Invest in our kids futures, give them a reason to stay here after they graduate. Now is
the time to take notice of whats going on? Now that the scales are tipped towards there
being more people who own homes being not from here has increased 38% in Freeport
alone. All those home sites that got put on hold a few years back will now begin to shape
their ideas into surviving a business, here in Freeport. Im sure once the roadway gets
black topped youll notice more changes soon after.
Remember this: it takes people who care about their city and county to make it a success. As America changes, we can also see the future of our own countys youth leaving,
going to raise family somewhere else. Ask this, why not here? Then get involved, its that
easy. You build it, they will come. How about a water Park, Amusement?
We pay our elected officials to do a job that is in the best interest of its citizens. Dont
you think that the same people who voted them in, should also be able to have them removed for lack of performance? Raise the bar! Teachers can start this change while the
kids minds are open to listening and learning in school.
How many parents you know that teach their kids after school? Year-round? If your
kids were your money Im sure youd do something to make it better than it is. We are
lucky to have a good sheriff, no riots here, for we appreciate our law enforcement officers. As long as they are here to help, serve and protect...we have no problems.
As I end this Editorial, Id like to remind you all. To help us spread the word of this
Freeports Newspaper. We have great prices and deals to help you get the word out.
Thank you to all of our customers from the bottom of my heart.
May God Bless this town, our county and our country. We will be witnessing changes
in our land that the like of us have never seen before. Lets unite together and see more
happy people. Lessen your stress, contact local workers, save money.
Help one another, help the elders, help the children. Together we can make this place a
desired place for many others to want to work, live and shop here. Our town, Freeport.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all
the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.

This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or
whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Lets hear it!!
Dont hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on
any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
Heres your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously.
Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Look online: theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com

Mail invoices and other information to:

P.O. Box 1133

Freeport, Florida 32439
Quote of
the week :
As you struggle for
that dollar, the
simplest joy to your
kid is to just be
Spend time with
them, know them,
love them.
Build them up to
possibilities that
are endless, to
dream of making
today better than
the day before.


Frank Wolfe Jr.

(850) 585-0262
Check us out on FACEBOOK!

E-mail info. to:

Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262
Web Designer Lee Cox
Contributing Writer/reporter - Rian Lyday

Special Thanks to our advertisers, show support.

Its never too late to get involved. As a society we will gather in time of need
for others, that is what community is all about.
Just as we saw abuse from our government officials over our nation, watch
where your tax dollars are going and see how it is being spent. If you dont
agree with it, go to a meeting and speak up.
Changes only come when enough people call to order of descent standards for
which we all can live by.
Look into the records, the complaints over the years with many of them being
the same individuals as before. Stop the crap. We want to be proud of our
home. Lets weed out the problem and deal with it, head on!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Page 3

The Walton County Master Gardener Class of 2014 has

graduated. The students have fulfilled their classroom and field study requirements to receive their badges. Now they must complete 75 hours of volunteer community
service by next December to become certified. They were the guests of the Master Gardener Association for a potluck lunch.
Rear - Left to Right: Barbara Young-Master
Gardener President, David Huber, Tom
Johnson, Laura Leslie-Sell, Andrea
Schnapp, Eddie Powell-Extension Agent,
and Sandi Miller.
Front: Sandy Huss, Marianne
Provaznik, Debbie Jones, Chris Wheeler,
and JoAnn Hermann.

Check local ordinances and requirements for

outdoor burning. You could be fined.
Burn only if significant rainfall has occurred in the last three or four days.
Never burn on dry or windy days.
Select a burn location that is at least 25 feet from forests, 25 feet from your
home, 150 feet from other occupied buildings and 50 feet from any paved public roadway.
Remove all decorations from the tree before you burn.
Cut the tree into manageable sections, as necessary.
Clear the burn area free of other flammable materials.
Keep a shovel and water hose handy in case the fire starts to escape containment.
Never leave a fire unattended, and make sure it is out before leaving.
Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove.

773 John Sims pkwy Niceville,


I see enough space for 2 more nice Ads here...Call today, find out how!

Woman accidentally shot and killed by

2-year-old in Walmart

A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her
purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said
Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the
woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come
to the area to visit relatives, he said.
The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit.
Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's
purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.
The Florida Forest Service manages more than 1 million acres of public forest "It appears to be a pretty tragic accident," Miller said. We are working closely with
the local sheriff's department while they investigate what happened," Buchanan
land while protecting 26 million acres of homes, forestland and natural resources from the devastating effects of wildfire. For more information about the said. Sad day when a simple lock could have prevented it from happening.

Florida Forest Service, go to www.FloridaForestService.com.

10 Long-Lasting Cars That

Americans less
civic-minded than Will Go the Distance and
they were in 1984: Then Some!
People are less likely to serve on a
10. Subaru Outback
jury, report crime, know English or
keep informed about news than they
9. Acura TL
were 30 years ago,Americans are a
little less likely to ask what they can
8. Honda Civic
do for their country these days.
An Associated Press-GfK poll re7. Ford Taurus
peated questions asked in 1984 about
six civic-linked activities: voting, vol- 6. Toyota Camry
unteering, serving on a jury, reporting
crime, knowing English and keeping
5. Nissan Maxima
informed about news.
Of the six, only voting and volunteer- 4. Honda Odyssey
ing were embraced about as strongly
3. Toyota Avalon
as three decades ago.
This was a study / poll taken last
2. Subaru Legacy
month through several colleges and
other large corporations.
1. Honda Accord
You can view the actual questionnaire and see where you place in the
percentile you are.

Smart people check into the warranties and upkeep specials that will help the life of the car.

L.C.S Pizza & Sub

Freeport Plaza, suite 6
(Next to Hardees)

Freeport, Florida

(850) 835-2122
Pizza-Wings-Burgers & Specialties
Good times go with L.C.s
Tell them Thanks for Advertising



Lunch/Dinner (1/3lb.) 2 Hamburgers,
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Cheese extra. Check out daily Specials as well. We cater to you, good food.

Page 4


Health Post
George Roll P.A.-C
Seagrove Medical Clinic
Call # 850-231-6200
Walk-ins and Appt.s
Send health questions or
comments to: P.O.Box 1133
Freeport, Florida 32439

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Business Ads
as low as $25,
call today to
find out how!

Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to

Cancer Fight


Twenty-year-old Milton Wright IIIs life seemed to finally be on track.

After a lifetime of interruptions to his education, his football career, and
his plans to join the Marines, he found his way. He had launched a modeling career and appeared in ads for brands including Zumiez and Adidas. He had all but forgotten hed ever had cancer. hen Wright
slipped on a sidewalk in 2013 and heard his ribs crack. He walked himself the few blocks to Seattle Childrens Hospital. The hospital was a
familiar place. He had lived near it since at age 8, when he was diagnosed with leukemia. He had then spent several years there in treatment
for two bouts of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the second when
he was 15.

Public Notice: Road Construction Scheduled for

East County Highway 30-A

Wright knew kids whod gotten leukemia a third time. None of them
survived. Thats when they give you your 6 months. I realized that I was
going to die soon.
Wrights doctor, Rebecca Gardner, MD, confirmed Wrights leukemia
was back, but she didnt give him 6 months. She suggested he be the
second patient to take part in her clinical trial. The first patient had no
remaining signs of leukemia just 9 days after treatment began.
The treatment, called CAR T-cell therapy, re-engineers a patients own
immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. This July, FDA
gave CAR T-cell therapy "breakthrough therapy" designation, which
fast-tracks its path to FDA approval.
CAR T-cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy, a new wave of experimental and newly approved treatments that spur the immune system to
fight cancer like it does other illnesses.This year the FDA has approved
two more immunotherapy drugs for the treatment of melanoma and
chronic lymphocytic leukemia, including pembrolizumab (marketed as
Keytruda), which was approved for melanoma last month.
We are supercharging the immune system says Lynn Schuchter, MD,
chief of hematology oncology and an immunotherapy researcher at the
University of Pennsylvania. This brings a totally new dimension to
attacking a cancer cell.

Have you got something to say?

Lets hear it! Time to VOTE! Say?
Dont hold back, you see a way to
improve something? Tell us. Say?
Got ideas? that you think would be
beneficial to Walton county?
E-mail anytime..check page 2

Walton County Public Works would like to notify

the public of a scheduled road construction project
on East County Highway 30-A.
The road construction project is located approximately 4 miles east of CR395 between Deer Lake
and Camp Creek Lake. The project is being privately funded to support an approved development.
The project will consist of adding turn lanes and
related intersection improvements.
Construction is scheduled to begin on January 5,
2015 and continue until February 28, 2015. Thru
traffic will be maintained during this construction
project. Motorist and pedestrians may encounter
slight delays and are encouraged to use caution
while traveling in this area.
If you have any questions please contact Walton
County Public Works at 892-8108.

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998 Bay Dr.
Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459

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Water Heater sizes are
changing due to new regulations.
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We appreciate our readers. Dont forget to let them

know you saw their Ad here in The Emerald Star
News. Thats all we ask in return for your time.
Its been 6yrs now..lets go for 7. Thank you.

The Emerald Star News, Inc.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Page 5


Walton County Master Gardeners
Lecture Series: How Does Your
Garden Grow?
HYDROPONICS - It is easier and
more fun than it sounds!
Remember as a kid how you used to grow a sweet
potato vine in a glass of water? Learn new and
exciting ways to have your own hydroponic garden. Joe Crozier, Certified Master Gardener,
will cover three different methods and demonstrate how to get started with simple tools and
supplies. This seminar will be held on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:00 to 11:30 am. Note
location change: Padgett Park Community
Room, 810 JD Miller Road (runs north off US 98
just west of the intersection with US 331) in
Santa Rosa Beach.
This lecture is free and open to the public, however, seating is limited. Call Cheryl at 850-8928172 to reserve your place by Monday, January
5th. Light refreshments will be served. Master
Gardeners will be on hand to take your gardening
questions. Soil testing supplies and instruction
will be available for $8.
This and other programs are offered by the UF/
IFAS Walton County Extension.
Submitted by Barbara Young 850-622-0192
The first 30A Store opened its doors in Gulf
Place this month! After joining forces with the
team at Sunrise Coffee Company, the new 30A
Store is one of the few retail locations along 30A
that offers a view of the Gulf of Mexico. So you
can sit at the 30A store's new bar, look out at the
Gulf, enjoy delicious food by Sunrise Coffee
Company, drink fresh 30A Coffee or a cold draft
30A Beach Blonde beer AND browse a large
selection of Official 30A Gear. Plenty of special
events in the works, including book-signings,
Mimosa League meetings, live music by local
talents and more.

Do you have a business?

Lowest Ad Rates in Walton county!
Wed like to see you advertise with us!
Call today: 850-585-0262

Hazardous Materials
"How to Comply"
to be held Jan. 6 & 7

The Mayors Post

Russ Barley Freeport Mayor
Please send any and all comments
to The Emerald_Star_News@hotmail.com

Russ Barley / Mayor-Freeport, Fl.

Happy New Year!
Wishing you all the very best for 2015!

It has been an eventful year for the city of Freeport, so thought I would summarize some of the things that took place in 2014 - in July of this year two
The District 1 Local Emergency
new city council persons were elected, Councilwoman Kasey Cuchens and
Planning Committee (LEPC) and
Councilman Eddie Farris. The first ever city festival Bayfest was created
the West Florida Regional Planand was a success, the annual Mayors Charity Ball was held again and help
ning Council (WFRPC) will profurnish Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners and Gifts to the children of
vide two free "how to comply"
those less fortunate in our community. We had two new people come on
workshops for Florida facilities
reporting chemicals under Tier II. board at city hall- Receptionist Barbara Moore and City Clerk- Gary MattiThe first will be held Jan. 6 from 9 son and on January 12, 2015, we have Dana Weiler, coming on board as the
new Parks and Recreation Director, and we look forward to what she may
to 11 a.m. at the Santa Rosa
have in store for the community. The city council voted for me to sign a new
County Auditorium, 4530 Spikes
agreement with the county pertaining to the Sewer Inter-local Agreement
Way in Milton. Registration for
which was initiated in 2006 the new agreement now prevents us from accuthis event is available at: http://
mulating around $70,000 in interest per year which was escalating the balhazmat-workshopance, we have now been given credit for the monies paid in, as well as
Jan6.eventbrite.com. The second
workshop will be held Jan. 7 from $400,000, forgiven by the county and no additional interest, we paid them
$1,000,000.00 and the balance of the money will be paid in equal payments
9 to 11 a.m. at the Bay County
Emergency Operations Center, 700 over a five year period and the debt will be erased. The council also voted to
Hwy. 2300 in Panama City. Regis- let the county take over the fire department beginning on January 3, 2015,
tration for the Jan. 7 event is avail- with all of the current firemen getting additional training needed for the
county regulations and retaining their jobs-Freeport is to pay the county for
able at: http://hazmat-workshopthis fiscal year the money that they had budgeted for 2014-2015 and help
with part of the training. The safety of the community will still be in good
hands and with the county and city ISO rating being the same you will not
Both events will cover the same
materials. Topics will cover regu- see an increase in your insurance. Beginning October 2015, the city will be
able to use the $500,000.00 dollars for other things in the city such as infralatory requirements, how to file,
and how to avoid common errors. structure, upgrading the water and sewer lines and work on streets as well as
other projects that may arise. You will see a renovation of the community
Presenters include Sam Brackett,
with the Florida Division of Emer- center in the coming months as well as an enlargement and also see an outgency Management, and local first door pavilion behind city hall. There should be some good changes for 2015
and we will keep you posted as the events occur. Again wishing you the very
best for 2015, I look forward to the New Year with excitement, any questions
The Federal SARA Title III Emer- or concerns please stop by city hall or give us a call.
gency Planning and Community
Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requires many businesses and government agencies to annually report emergency planning information by March 1st of each year for
certain types and amounts of hazardous and toxic chemicals.

Christmas Items- 50% off and entire

stock- 30% off.
Happy Holidays-

Emerald Coast Flowers & Gifts

NOW across from City Hall, Freeport, Florida 32439

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Page 6


Thursday, January 1, 2015

"Serving all of Walton County Since 1985"

30A Realty, Inc. - 850-231-5030

Magnificent views across the Bay on this 135'

waterfront lot with a Mobile Home and large
garage. Great location between Niceville and
Freeport. MLS 612190 - 204 Bayshore Dr. -

This lovely brick ranch home sits on 20 acres of land in

Red Bay. Three Bedrooms, two baths with double car
garage plus extra garage and workshop. Several acres
cleared with large oak trees. Well maintained home and
yard. MLS 714253. $220,000


- 506 S Tram Rd.

Nice Get a away location near boat ramp at McDaniel's

Fish Camp. Mobile home has two bedrooms and two
baths and screened porch and sits on a large lot with lots
of Oaks in Yard. MLS 716105


232 Trout Circle.

Other Properties - MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000
MLS - 524271 - 1.2 acres - Stanley Dr. $25,000
MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900
MLS 607594 - 1.5 acres Tchaikovsky Circle DeFuniak Springs - $12,000
MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres - on Lake Holley and King Lake -Bell Dr/Holland Dr.-$65,000 for 2 parcels or split and buy one parcel for $34,500/ea
MLS 599565 - 2.1 acres - Dvorak Drive, Waterfront on Juniper Lake $45,000
MLS - 512970 - Waterfront Lot Lake Rosemary - 2 lots - $34,500
MLS - 612885 - Lot on Juniper Lake - Wilderness Trace - $29,500
MLS - 552802 - White Creek Rd - 8.44 acres - $26,000

Habitat for Humanity Can use your Help

Bill Rennicke with the Walton County Habitat for Humanity lets us know about
the success of 2014 and gives you ways you can help in 2015. Work on homes and
at the ReStore are ways you can help others. Rennicke says, starting in January,
Habitat will start building or rehabilitating :
A new two bedroom on Fish or Cut Bait Road in Defuniak Springs
A new three bedroom on Black Creek Boulevard in Freeport
A 3 Bedroom Rehabilitation on Aero Street in DeFuniak Springs
He says they will have a very busy start of the year and must finish all houses by
June 15, 2015. they will need a lot of volunteer help to insure the houses are completed in the time allotted under the State funding program.
On January 3, 8AM, 198 Aero Street, DeFuniak Springs, Rennicke says it will be a
major work day blitz to the strip house and getting it totally prepared for renovation. This includes cleaning, rug and appliance removal, removal of fencing, prepping doors for painting and many more jobs. He says the goal is to have the house
ready for the Lisa Cobb family to move in as close to February 1 as possible. They
need 25 to 30 volunteers to get house completely ready.
Rennicke also says thank you to all for a wonderful year of volunteer help that
supported not only reaching historic levels of home building but also moved and
rebuilt the ReStore.
Please email him at wrennicke@cox.net if you can help and let him know the day
or days you could volunteer. He says he can pick you up in south Walton at Grand
Boulevard, The Habitat ReStore or the Government buildings on 331.
Bill Rennicke Mobile: 850 598-9449

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Page 7

Happenings in DeFuniak Springs

Healthmark Health Matters
Paying attention to ADHD


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the name given to a condition that usually manifests itself in children,
boys more than girls. ADHD behaviors can be different in boys and girls. Boys may be more hyperactive and girls may tend
to be quietly inattentive. The exact cause of ADHD is not clear, but research efforts continue.
According to researchers at Mayo Clinic, signs and symptoms of ADHD may include difficulty paying attention, frequently daydreaming, difficulty remaining seated and excessive talking.
ADHD can run in families and studies indicate that genetics may play a role. Certain environmental factors may also increase risk.
Most healthy children are inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive at one time or another. It is normal for preschoolers to
have short attention spans and be unable to stick with one activity for long. Even in older children and teenagers, attention
span often depends on the level of interest.
The same is true of hyperactivity. Young children are naturally energetic and some children just naturally have a higher
activity level than others do. Children who have problems in school but get along well at home or with friends are likely
struggling with something other than ADHD. The same is true of children who are hyperactive or inattentive at home, but
whose schoolwork and friendships remain unaffected.
If a parent is concerned that their child shows signs of ADHD, they should see their family physician to have a medical
evaluation first to check for other possible causes of the child's difficulties. ADHD doesn't cause other psychological or
developmental problems. However, children with ADHD are more likely than are other children to also have conditions
such as learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, depression, manic behavior or a pattern of negative, defiant and hostile behavior toward authority figures.
In general, a child should not receive a diagnosis of ADHD unless the core symptoms of ADHD start early in life and
create significant problems at home and at school on an ongoing basis. There is no specific test for ADHD, but making a
diagnosis should likely include a medical exam to help rule out other possible causes of symptoms, information gathering
on current medical issues, personal and family medical history, even school records.
To be diagnosed with ADHD, the child must meet the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. Standard treatments for ADHD in children include medications,
training and counseling. It may take some time to determine what works best for the child.
Parental behavior also plays an important role. Children need to hear that they are loved and appreciated. Focusing only
on the negative aspects of the child's behavior can harm your relationship and affect their self-confidence. A smile, a pat on
the shoulder or a hug can show love and affection. Try to give a child more positive than negative attention every day.
Children with ADHD often do very well with art projects, music or dance lessons, or martial arts classes, such as karate or
tae kwon do, but don't force children into unwelcome activities.
Keep a regular schedule for meals,
naps and bedtime. Make sure the
child is rested. Try to keep the child
from becoming overtired because
fatigue often makes ADHD symptoms worse. Work to remain patient
and calm when dealing with a child,
even when the child is out of control. If you are calm, your child is
more likely to model that behavior
and become calm too.
For more information on ADHD,
contact Dr. Tom Roberts, P.A.C., at
Healthmark Walk-in Clinic, 4413
U.S. Hwy. 331S in DeFuniak

Family Karaoke Night Friday Nights

starting at 6:30 pm at

Freeport Assembly of God

17457 US Hwy 331S.

From the businesses advertising in this issue.
Thank each one as you go to their store
Yes its true. The rising demand for this newspaper made our delivering needs
so high, we could not keep up. We have numerous locations all throughout
Freeport, south Walton and DeFuniak Springs to pick up a copy.
Interested in advertising? Just give us a call today!
FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Franks Cash &
Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little church to give
thanks and praise God. Small town feel, choir and childrens services available too.
Sundays at 9am Bible study.10am church service. Come meet Pastor Gene.

Whether youve been told you sing like an angel or you cant sing at all,

Karaoke is for everyone!

Bring your children and friends and come out and enjoy
an evening of family fun. Sing your favorite songs or just sit back and
listen. Either way, it is sure to be a good time. Featuring DJ Titan Tim Perego
and Pastor Tom Birka with Seven Minutes from Heaven. Refreshments sold in the
Fellowship Hall.
We are an alcohol and drug free facility.
You are invited to attend Family Karaoke Night every Friday starting at 6:30
pm (except Holiday weekends). Phone

865-4068 for more info. or

visit Freeport Assembly on Facebook.

Page 8


BUSY HIGHWAY 20 INTERSECTION - Located to the West of
Highway 331 and across the street from one of the new
Publix Shopping Center access roads. Great visibility. All
utilities available. Motivated Seller!

10 Acres - approx. 20 minutes north of DeFuniak Springs.
Property is livestock ready. Well maintained 2BR/2BA, w/1,092sf.
home. Two detached garages, one w/full bath, addtn'l metal
workshop + two portable storage buildings. Country setting
w/Inviting covered porches. ID# P226547

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Rare find on Choctawhatchee Bay - Over 3.5 acres of Bayfront
property w/Oaks and Magnolias. 182 on the water w/seawall
& rip-rap. Creek borders eastern boundary. Incredible western
sunsets across the Bay. Owner/Agent New Price! $385,000

Waterfront lot on Alaqua Creek, just off of Hwy 20. Two lots
together for a great price! Private well, septic tank & power pole
already in place. Unrestricted. Bring your RV & fishing poles, stay
for the weekend or never leave !


Ph: 850-835-4153


Thursday, January 1, 2015


Help..Spread the word about this

newspaper to everyone you know!

Page 9

Letter to the :

Advertising specials going on NOW!!

Dear Editor,
It was a pleasure meeting you over the
holidays. You are very funny and it showed me
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Although you're still in a phase in which it helps
another side of you that I wish more people
to relax and recharge, there is a lot to do. Continue to pace yourself this week. Enjoy spending New Year's
around here would get to know.
Eve at home with pals and family - it could be a night to remember. As Saturn edges into your social
You are doing all of us a good representation
sector, you may get choosier about the people with whom you associate.
of Freeport and the surrounding areas. We wish
you all the Best in the New Year 2015!
You're going to have a great time this week, especially over New Year's Eve and January 1. The party
Rhonda Gehring
isn't over yet, and you seem to be taking full advantage of the chance to hang out with friends and loved
ones. You'll also want to achieve a key ambition. Start now to research your options, get the knowledge
Dear Editor,
you need, and make a plan.
Please pass along our Thanks to Palmetto
Relax and enjoy sensual pleasures on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day as Taurus Moon enhances the Properties for Advertising consistently with you
fun of the occasion. A focus on your career zone keeps you busy and eager to make a start with plans and over the years. We call them whenever we see a
projects. Don't be tempted to bite off more than you can chew on Thursday, though. Try to pace yourself. home we are interested in investing in. They are
all good people there.
You'll enjoy New Year's Eve and the start of 2015 with the Moon in your sign to nurture your gourmet
I am so glad for you as we enter the New Year!
palate and love of all good things in life. The action speeds up as the week progresses. You'll be eager to
Kimberely Stratton
put ideas into action that you've been mulling over in the holiday week. Come the weekend, career opportunities may coincide with enhanced networking and a willingness to reach out to the right people.
Dear Editor,

The 14 day Overview

1/20 2/18
2/19 3/20
3/21 4/19
4/20 5/20
5/21 6/21
6/22 7/22
7/23 8/22
8/23 9/22
9/23 10/22

Please thank those advertisers in this issue,

because of them -we can continue to promote
business in Walton county. Thank you

You'll make use of the holidays to get your bearings and relax, but once January 1 rolls around you'll be
ready to explore the potential that 2015 has in store for you. Money matters still count for a lot, and you'll
be eager to organize things so you don't have to contend with any unnecessary worry. Venus and Mercury
hike into your travel and adventure sector over the weekend.

Although your social life still sparkles and New Year's Eve and New Year's Day bring plenty of fun your
Dear Editor,
way, you're ready to enter a new phase. Saturn in your lifestyle sector may act as a catalyst, encouraging
Heres to All the Best for 2015 for you!!
you to consider taking up a healthier lifestyle and looking for work that reflects your mission and
purpose in life. A feeling of accomplishment because of something you've achieved.
This newspaper is owned and operated here in :
Perhaps your New Year's resolution is to lose weight, get fit, and feel fabulous. If so, the planets are in
this going by advertising with us!
the right place to help you with your goal. This is a good time to plan a new diet or fitness routine and
Any and all support of this
start as you mean to carry on. With Saturn in your zone of leisure and pleasure, you may want get innewspaper
Your making
volved in a competitive sport or get serious about a hobby for which you have natural talent.
history with each edition we complete. Find news,
Whether or not you're at work, take any opportunities to have fun and enjoy yourself. You'll benefit in
make news. Tell it. Got something to say? Let us
more ways than one. A Mars/Jupiter link encourages you to consider meditating regularly in order to
hear it! Ill print it.... Dont like it? Ill print it too.
release stress and develop inner peace. The weekend could become a gadget fest if you're hoping to find
Freedom of the press!
a bargain at the sales.
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day could be busy times for you, as you'll be entertaining and making
sure everybody has a good time. The presence of Mars in Aquarius is still calling to you to get involved
in the things you love best. Indulge yourself in a favorite hobby or engage your senses by enjoying a
massage or spa treatment. Whatever you get up to, fully surrender to it.

You'll enjoy mixing and mingling with old and new friends on New Year's Eve and January 1. Use this
chance to rebuild connections that may have been in danger of disappearing. You'll also enjoy entertain10/23 11/21 ing people at your place, playing host and watching pals cut loose and be completely themselves. With
Saturn now in your zone of personal finances, you'll be eager to explore ways to enhance your income.

11/22 12/2
12/22 1/19

Happy New Year from all of your fans

throughout Walton county and beyond. I read
every edition online since we only visited there a
few years back. Im in Tennessee.
Cindy Marson

You may feel a subtle inner pressure to get things done now that Saturn is in your sign. Use this opportunity at the start of the year to review priorities. Meditate and make use of periods of introspection to
discover the goals and plans that are most meaningful to you. Later this week your zone of communication livens up as Venus and Mercury move in. If you like gadgets, may want to add to your collection.
You're in your element this week! You'll enjoy New Year's Eve and January 1. If you're planning
ahead, take into account any goals that enhance self-expression. If you have an artistic skill or other
ability, factor it into your daily schedule so you can develop and use it. Personal finances seem to be
important to you this week, as a planetary lineup in Aquarius inspires you with ideas and ways to earn
extra cash. The weekend's Full Moon might enhance romance.

Party responsibly this New Year...dont drink and drive, only a fool does that!

Advertise with us!!

Guaranteed the lowest price .. Call today: 850.585.0262

We Thank you Lord for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community. Please help us guide
FREEPORT in the best direction we can grow to become all we can, for our future of our children. Amen

Page 10


PROUDLY Helping Alaqua Animal Refuge

located in FREEPORT, for over 6yrs. adoptable
pets of all kinds. Go visit them today!

Stop by Alaqua Refuge Animal Rescue, they

have all types of cats and dogs. Along with a
horse or two. If you can adopt please do. They
are a no-kill shelter.
The people who work there are just as special
as these pets are
If you cannot adopt maybe stop by and donate
a few dollars count.
Im certain that the gang from alaqua will be
sending more pics and stories for adoption.
Thank you for your support, located in Freeport

Sony's 'Interview' draws US

moviegoers who trumpet free
"The Interview," the Sony Pictures film about a
fictional plot to assassinate North Korean leader
Kim Jong Un, opened in more than 300 movie
theaters across the United States on Christmas
Day, drawing many sell-out audiences and statements by patrons that they were championing
freedom of expression.
Co-directors Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen,
who also co-stars in the low-brow comedy with
James Franco surprised moviegoers by appearing at the sold-out 12:30 a.m. The people have
spoken by their actions to free speech and Freedom in general throughout the USA.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Top news stories of 2014

HydroInfra Technologies AB

Ebola outbreak in U.S.

Michael Brown shooting and Ferguson riots
ISIS beheadings
NYPD cop shootings
Eric garner death and protests
Derek Jeter retires from MLB
Maylasia airlines disappearance
Isreal and Palestine Violence
Germany wins 2014 World cup
U.S. restores ties with Cuba
Marysville Pilchuck school Shootings
President Barrack Obama on Immigration
Russia annexes crimea
Ray Rice Assault
South Korea Ferry disaster
Bring our Girls campaign
Hong Kong prodemocracy protests
Hostages held in Sydneys Lyndt caf
CIA tortue report
Rob Ford scandal
And plenty other top news makers of 2014

HydroInfra Technologies (HIT) is a Stockholm based clean tech

company that has developed an innovative approach to neutralizing
carbon fuel emissions from power plants and other polluting industries that burn fossil fuels.
HIT is now taking its technology to market via joint venture
partnerships and is being invited by various government ministries
around the world to provide solutions to the critical levels of pollution emissions being generated by power plants and other
The technology developed by HIT uses a patent pending method of
generating a gas call Hydro Nano Gas. ( HNG )
HNG effectively reduces the pollution emissions from burning
fossil fuels to almost zero, when injected into exhaust outlets.
HIT shares its know how with partners who deploy and implement
the HNG applications.
HIT is Swedish public company preparing to list on the stock
market in 2015.
Website: www.hydroinfra.com
South Walton Fire District Polar Bear Plunge 2015- The South
Walton Fire District in conjunction with Gulf Place will be hosting
the 2nd Annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Years Day 2015. Registration starts at 11am at Gulf Place. Plunge starts at 1pm sharp!
Gulf Place is located at the intersection of S. County Highway 393
and 30-A. $20 donation - All proceeds will benefit the SWFD Department Relations Committee (DRC). For more info: Sammy Sanchez at ssanchez@swfd.org or Dave Swift at dswift@swfd.org. In
the event of Red Flag Conditions, the plunge will relocate to the
Gulf Place Community Park Pool.
For more information about events throughout Walton County, you
can visit www.waltonoutdoors.com.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Page 11

Only $10
per issue

Emerald Star News would



our newest writer/reporter

Rian Lyday

For Sale
Sale 7 Couch $75.00, 1-Electric

A Career Change
By Rian Lyday

Room for Rent $400/mo
private bath 850-520-0509

Maybe your New Years resolution this year is to finally

make that career change and find the job of your dreams.
Maybe you have decided to go back to school and earn the
degree you keep putting off. Or maybe, you are simply
looking for a job to support your family. Times are tight right now thanks to the
way our government has been run and people all over the country are hurting. I am
in the same boat, looking to find a financially stronger career than I currently have.
In my recent job search, I have begun to realize that the internet makes finding a job
much harder. This may not make sense to you at first but think about how, even a
few years ago, you could drive to a place of business, talk to someone about a job,
possibly fill out an application on the spot and put a face to that piece of paper you
turned in. Now there are tons of websites with lots of job listings but who knows
what happens to that faceless application once you submit it to cyberspace?! How
can the words on a piece of paper accurately portray the person you are and the potential you have to an employer? Finding a job now is about who you know in order
to get someone, anyone, to make a connection between your face and the tons of
applications companies receive. I will give you a great example, meI have college
degrees, almost done with my doctorateI have experience, 15 years teaching various grade levelsbut I do not have connections. My goal is to teach higher education, teach teachers how to be teachers. The various colleges I apply for want me to
have college teaching experience in order to work for them. So I have to have experience to work in a field that will not hire you without experience?! You see the
dilemma. I know I would be a great asset to the field of higher education but how do
you explain that through a sterilized internet application? I do appreciate the advancements in technology but sometimes I wish we would get back to having faceto-face conversations, personalizing our relationships in ways that do not involve
texting or social media, and get back in touch with our community. But since I am
just a small fish in a large pond, I have added the best internet websites for job
searches. If you are looking for a career change, good luck and be persistent!

Got a place to rent?

Classified Ads are only $10

Local Handyman-25yrs. Exp.
All phases of home repair./remodel
Free estimates. Great work for a
great price. For more information
Call: 850.585.0262

Need a sign?
Any size, style, design
Vinyl lettering, car wraps, banners,
Call for FREE estimate. 654-0860
Mention The Emerald Star News
For %discount

Artwork, free-hand drawings for

paintings or design work.
Tattoo layouts also available.
Drawn especially for you.

Pressure washing driveway,

fences, mobile homes...you name it

Israels enemies reload

Palestinians seek more war as Jewish state seeks peace
Continuing to show utter contempt for Israel as it seeks a durable peace with its neighbors,
Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are again working to perpetuate an endless war with
the Jewish state.
Monday, Jordan submitted to the UN Security Council, on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas PA, a
draft resolution creating a strict timeline for Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 borders.
Never mind profound and legitimate Israeli fears about security rubbed raw by an elaborate network of Gaza terror tunnels exposed during this years hostilities with Hamas, followed by a fresh wave of PA-incited terrorist attacks against innocent civilians in recent
weeks. Never mind that Israel has been ready and willing to negotiate a deal in good faith
only to run head-first into a Palestinian leadership with no interest whatsoever in coexistence. The outcome to this war will have effects on US and its involvement, if any.

Exp. Local workers ready..FREE estimates

Let us build, design you a nice wood shop, (up to 6 outlets), door and custom window,
wood finished your choice roof. ***Estimates starting at $7995 :material/labor est.
12x20 or as large as you need. Ac/heated? Perfect pricing for a small cottage.
Storage Sheds as low as $2899 up to 8wall- flat
roof/ /also enclosed garages, pole barns or finished
apt. house/ /mother-in-law house? / we build it too!
Great Deals, hand built on site. Owner pull permits.

The way you want it done, right!

We have time to get started as soon as you may need
(We prefer to use 2x4 walls and 2x8 floor, 6 roof.)
contact 850-585-0262 (completed as time allows)

Finished in Freeport last week


for listing with us!
Call or E-mail the information !

Cottage Homes built on site,

pricing as low as any competitor
around. Let us help you save $$
today. From room additions to buildon or outdoor gazebos & decks.

Sheds built, for MC&L...

Call 850.585.0262 for more details.
Saves you money overall.

We appreciate our advertisers

to the fullest. Ask yourself

how can we help you

get the word out about
you??? Call us today
Put God in your life. He can help you
handle things you thought you cant.

Hospital Bed $100.00, 2- pottichairs$10/ea, 2- wheel Chairs $125.00135.00 1- Shower Chair$10,

2- Walkers $10 ea, 1- 4 prong cane $10
Call Nick 835-1910
Sell your stuff thru this newspaper!
Call 585-0262.only $10

Piano Lessons
Ages 5 to Adult
In my Freeport Studio or in your Home
Visit: www.scottderrickpiano.com or
Phone (850)974-6399

Searchers spot oil

slicks in sea on missing
AirAsia plane's path

The Indonesian air force said Monday

rescuers and fishermen have spotted oil
slicks in a sea area where a jetliner belonging to the Indonesian affiliate of
Malaysian budget carrier AirAsia Bhd.
went missing Sunday.
Air Force Spokesman Vice Marshall
Hadi Tjahjanto told Kyodo News they
"visually" spotted the oil slicks about
105 nautical miles east of Belitung Island off the eastern coast of Sumatra
"We haven't been able to confirm,
however, whether it was the fuel of the
AirAsia aircraft," Hadi said.
He also said Indonesian warships
had checked reports from an Australian
plane and an Australian ship sees 0.

Explore nature in and around

Walton County Florida with Walton
Outdoors. For more information, go
to: http://www.waltonoutdoors.com

NEED AVON? Call Dottie

(850) 835-4191
This newspaper would love to see
more input from the readers and
parents promoting accomplishments
of your children. Just E-mail in.
I want you, the reader to become a
part of this newspaper as we grow
with FREEPORT and the surrounding
areas. Send in anytime! E-mail to

FLA. SPEAK UP, Make yourself
a name in this county, write a
column for us if you can.

Page 12


Thursday, January 1 ,2015

3BR/2BA, 2,172 sq. ft., split BR plan. High
9 & 10 ceilings. Granite & S/S in kitchen.
Covered deck, boat launch, dock and more!
ID# T1548069

Almost 10 acres of wooded property with 662 ft on the Creek & located on JW Hollington, a
paved road. Windswept Dunes Golf Course & NWFL Water Management property are
nearby. Restrictions allow for manufactured homes 4 yrs of age or newer. Construction of
new home requires a minimum of 1,000 sf. heated & cooled space. Property will need septic
tank & well.
ID# T1189968

2br/1.5ba, two-story bungalow directly on
Black Creek. Dock w/electric. Storage shed,
double carport. ID# P247137 $149,900


South of Hwy 20, off Hwy 331. Paved road
w/city water. Possible owner financing.
Easy access to the Beaches of South
ID# T11845434


3BR/2.5BA brick home. Office space, possible
4th BR. Open floor plan & big kitchen. Screen
enclosed salt-water pool. Double - double
ID# P273997

Secluded cabin on the Choctawhatchee!
1BR/1BA, 504 sf. on two lots. Large
screened porch & utility shed. One of a
kind location! ID# T1630288 $89,900

Protected water with easy access to the
Intracoastal & Choctawhatchee Bay. City
Water & Sewer available. Tremendous
potential! ID# T88485



Local Knowledge
Local Experience


Serving Walton County

Since 1985.

Call Us Today!


Highway 331 - South of Hwy 20. Five 1-Acre Tracts available. 100 Hwy. frontage on each
tract. City Water available. Property has potential for a variety of uses - Commercial or
Industrial. 1 Tract @ $149,900 / 4 Tracts @ $169,000 each / Lets Make a Deal on ALL 5!

New roof, windows & doors! 3BR/2BA, 1,720
sf. Cedar Home. All bedrooms have water
view. Open floor plan w/high ceilings. Boat
launch, & dock. ID# T1141878 $279,900


Ph: 850-835-4153


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