Articol Stiinfitic 16 - Apple Varieties in Alabama
Articol Stiinfitic 16 - Apple Varieties in Alabama
Articol Stiinfitic 16 - Apple Varieties in Alabama
Apple Varieties
in Alabama
he apple, rich in folklore This publication primarily Currently, the Chinese have
as well as history, was a provides an overview of the an estimated 8 million acres of
changing apple variety picture; apples planted, 40 percent of
favorite food of the however, it is worth noting that which are nonbearing. This com-
Europeans who settled the New the production and marketing of pares with about 0.5 million
apples globally are currently un- acres under production in the
World. And today, no other fruit dergoing the greatest dynamic U.S. According to the Washing-
is more widely grown around changes recorded in modern ton Apple Commission, some
history. For many years, the U.S. estimate that new plantings since
the world than the apple. Many has dominated worldwide pro- 1990 could double Chinese pro-
books have been written on the duction of apples and continued duction in the next decade.
to do so until 1990. However, as China may account for nearly 40
history of apples throughout the a result of agrarian reforms car- percent of world production
world as well as in the United ried out in the 1980s and ex- (nearly 27 million metric tons)
tending into the 90s, China has by the year 2005 (World Apple
States. The story of Johnny become the world leader in Review) compared to about 10
Appleseed, for example, de- apple production. In 1990, the percent in the early 90s.
U.S. produced 4,380,000 metric As a result of changes in
scribes one reason why so many tons of apples, while China pro- the global apple picture, growers
varieties (over 4,000) were avail- duced almost as much, recording must pay special attention to
4,332,000 metric tons (reported selection of varieties to provide
able from the mid-1800s to the by the World Apple Review). In what the market demands,
early 1900s. Because seeds from 1997, U.S. production increased whether wholesale or retail.
to 4,639,000 metric tons, but Therefore, a thorough understand-
so many different fruits were China produced 18,009,000 met- ing of the changing dynamics of
planted across the country, and ric tons, almost four times as apple production and varieties is
some years ago, they were dis- Smoothee X X X C,N
Firmgold X X X C?,N
carded because the goal at that
Lysgolden (Goldenir) X X X C?,N
time was for 30- to 40-foot trees Stark Ultra Gold ? ? X C?,N
that could produce 30 bushels or Stark Golden Delicious ? X X C,N
more. Spur-type trees grow slow-
Grimes Golden — X? X C,N
ly, are compact, begin fruiting at JONATHAN
only 2 to 3 years of age, and ulti- Nured X X X C?,N
mately produce small trees that Jonnee X X X C?,N
yield only 2.5 to 15 bushels, de- GRANNY SMITH
pending on the rootstock used. Granny (Standard) X X X S,C,N
However, the current trend Spur Granny — — ? S,C,N
worldwide is to move toward
Law Rome X X X N
smaller tree size and higher-den-
sity orchards to reduce labor in- Arkansas Black
puts and overall cost. One of the (Standard) X X X C,N
primary ways to maintain small, Spur Arkansas Black X X X C,N
compact tree size in commercial EARLY GREEN TYPES
as well as home plantings is to Lodi — X X C,N
grow spur-type varietal strains Twenty Oz. Pippen — X X C?,N
such as RedChief Red Delicious. Horse — — X C,N
In addition to the use of Winter Banana pollinator pollinator C,N
only only
spur-type varieties, the other ap-
proach to maintaining small but (unless indicated, all are nonspur)
productive trees is the use of Ozark Gold X? X? — C,N
dwarfing rootstocks. Among the Mutsu (Crispin) X X X C,N
common temperate tree fruits, Dorsett Golden — X? X ES
the apple is the only one that Anna (spur) — X X ES
has truly effective dwarfing root- Mollies Delicious — X X S,C,N
stocks. This is important because Saint Clair — — X S,C,N
many popular varieties do not Wiregrass — — X S
have superior spur types, so the Brogden — — X S
use of dwarfing rootstocks is the Yates — X X S,C,N
Black Twig — X X C,N
method of choice for maintain-
LuraRed X X X C,N
ing small tree size. Spur-type va- Melrose — ? X C?,N
rieties are also propagated onto 1X means variety will work in these categories; X? means there is a good pos-
some of the dwarfing rootstocks,
sibility variety will work in these categories (based on preliminary data or
creating rather small but highly other information); ? indicates outside performance is promising, but variety
productive trees. is untested in the state.
Market acceptance of new va- 2Refer to Figure 2 for zone map of adaptation (N = north, C = central, S =
rieties has also changed apple south, and ES = extreme south).
RED DELICIOUS For discussion purposes, we
Scarlet Spur X X X C,N can divide apples into three cate-
Cumberland Spur X X X C?,N gories: commercial wholesale,
FUJI commercial farm retail, and home
Fuji (Standard) X X X C,N garden. Table 1 lists some stan-
Red Fuji (B.C.2) ? ? ? C?,N dard selections that are suggested
Red Fuji (Nagafu for each of these categories.
#12) ? ? ? C?,N Table 2 lists some of the more
Red Fuji (Nagafu #6) ? ? ? C?,N popular recent introductions from
Myra Fuji ? ? ? C?,N several other areas. A number of
Lynd Spur Fuji ? ? ? C?,N these are already proving popular
UltraEarli Fuji ? ? ? C?,N
H among growers while others con-
GALA tinue under evaluation.
Gala (Standard) X? X X S,C,N The wholesale market de-
Royal Gala X X X S,C,N
Gale Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N
mands apple varieties that are
Ultra Red Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N fairly attractive, that have rather
Galaxy Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N widespread consumer recogni-
Imperial Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N tion and acceptance, and that
Buckeye Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N have a good shelf life, meaning
Big Red Gala ? ? ? S?,C,N that they are quite firm and can
OTHER VARIETIES be stored for weeks to months.
Some of these may eventually grams include Criterion, Cameo,
others probably will be. The
trend is toward placing the devel-
opment and release of fruit vari-
eties, especially stone fruit such Alabama Chilling Zones
as peaches and nectarines, in the for Southern Counties
hands of private breeders. Hours of 45°F and lower from October 1 through February 15
Naturally, the varieties released based on a 10-year average (1984-85 to 1992-93)
through these programs are 1450
patented for protection. Some
nurseries have agreements with 1450+
university breeding programs to
patent and market their releases.
This provides support funds to
the universities in the form of 1300
royalties. 1450
Stark Ultra Gold M E-M M Y C/D being evaluated, Kinsei will prob-
Stark Golden
Delicious M E-M M Y C/D
ably be eliminated because of
Grimes Golden M E-M M Y C/D high susceptibility to bitter rot.
JONATHAN Although it is a very high-quality
Nured M M M R C/D fruit and is now very popular in
Jonnee M M M R C/D supermarkets, Braeburn will prob-
Jonagold M M M R C/D ably diminish in potential because
GRANNY SMITH of its high susceptibility to bitter
Granny (Standard) L E-M L-M G C/D rot, powdery mildew, and sun-
Spur Granny L E-M L-M G C/D
burn. Within a few years, it should
ROME become very clear whether this
Law Rome L L H R C/D
H variety has even limited use in the
Arkansas Black
(Standard) L L H R C/D Certain older (antique type)
Spur Arkansas Black L L H R C/D varieties that may have merit for
EARLY GREEN TYPES home gardeners and possibly re-
Lodi E E M G/Y C tail farm markets include Grav-
Twenty Oz. Pippen E E-M M-H G/Y C enstein, Spitzenburg (Esopus),
Horse E E-M L-M G/Y C
and Ashmead’s Kernel.
Fuji (Standard) L E-M L-M Y/R C/D Among the standard varieties
Red Fuji (B.C.2) L E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D generally not recommended in
Red Fuji (Nagafu #12) L E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D Alabama because of fruit crack-
Red Fuji (Nagafu #6) L E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D ing, rapid flesh breakdown, or
Myra Fuji M E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D
Lynd Spur Fuji L E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D
other undesirable characteristics
UltraEarli Fuji L E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D are Stayman, Winesap (Stayman-
GALA Winesap), McIntosh, Cortland,
Gala (Standard) E E-M L-M Y/O C/D York, and Winter Banana (okay
Royal Gala E E-M L-M Y/R C/D as pollinizer).
Gale Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D Table 3 lists additional infor-
Ultra Red Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D
Galaxy Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D mation concerning the varieties
Imperial Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D listed. Some varieties are better
Buckeye Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D adapted to more regions of the
Big Red Gala E E-M L-M? Y/R? C/D state than others are. Most
growers would agree that it is
Continued on page 6 somewhat easier to produce
quality apples in northern areas
of the state than in most central
areas. Refer to Figure 2 for the
zone map of adaptation, which
shows how the state is divided
1Early (E) = June to July; mid (M) = early Aug. to early Sept.; late (L) = mid-Sept.
being second in importance.
to early Nov. Other varieties such as Jonathan,
2Between each category, blooming may begin from several days to a week apart;
Rome, and Arkansas Black are
early (E), mid (M), and late (L). For optimum fruiting, mix varieties that have similar
times of flowering (do not use early flowering types to pollinate late-flowering types).
grown but are secondary to the
Reds and Goldens.
Jonagold and Mutsu have sterile pollen and will not cross- pollinate other varieties.
3Chilling (hours at or below 45EF): low chilling (L) = 100 to 650 hr.; midchilling Historically, Alabama as well
(M) = 651 to 1,050 hr.; high chilling (H) = 1,050 hr. or more. as the entire Southeast has had
4Skin color is green (G) to yellow (Y); some varieties have a red (R) or orange
problems producing Red Delicious
(O) overcolor (blush). selections that develop acceptable
5Culinary (C) implies fruit’s primary value is for cooking; dessert (D) fruits are
red skin color for the wholesale
mainly used for out-of-hand or fresh consumption in salads; both (C/D) implies fruits
are multipurpose for fresh and cooking use.
market. The heat of August and
early September is largely respon-
sible for the poor red finish of Red
Delicious grown in the South. And
the shape or “typiness” of eastern-
grown Red Delicious, which tend
to be more round than elongated,
have been considered inferior to
Red Delicious grown in
Washington state.
Washington has done an ex-
growers have largely stopped
planting them.
In general, only spur-type Red Figure 4. Ginger Gold, a very popular early season Golden delicious type variety
Delicious selections are usually discovered in West Virginia.
acceptable to the industry today.
There is no doubt that additional
Red Delicious varieties will • Ozark Gold, generally consid- Among newer varieties intro-
emerge in the future. Cumberland ered an early type of Golden duced in the 80s and 90s, certain
Spur, a spur-type Red Delicious Delicious, does well and has ones have performed quite well
variety discovered as a sport in attractive golden fruit, but it and are already being used by
Jackson County, Alabama, (and possesses only fair flavor that commercial producers. The latest
H is not nearly as good as selection to gain prominence is
recently patented) could well be-
come the most outstanding Red Ginger Gold. Ginger Gold, which will most
Delicious in the East. • Mutsu (a Japanese-type likely develop into the leading
In contrast to the use of Golden Delicious) grows well early Golden type grown in the
spur-type selections of Red and produces very high-quali- Southeast. It produces high
Delicious, the commercial indus- ty fruit, but it seems to per- yields of quality fruit that have
try primarily uses nonspur selec- form best in northern coun- already been accepted by the
tions of Golden Delicious. ties. Low yields have been a wholesale industry.
Among Golden Delicious selec- problem in central counties as Another very promising vari-
tions grown in the Southeast, well as northern counties. ety is Jonagold (Golden Delicious
Smoothee has become the com- • Several Jonathan selections X Jonathan). Upon its release, it
mercial producers’ variety of have been grown in the state. was not considered to be a vari-
choice. Firmgold and Lysgolden Nured and Jonnee appear to ety for the Southeast because of
(Goldenir) have also performed be among the best varieties, the heat, but it continues to show
well and are being grown com- and both have done quite promise as a commercial variety.
mercially. All of these selections well, especially in northern It may well become a standard
produce attractive, mostly russet- counties. variety in the future.
free fruit of high quality. • Rome, particularly the Law Fuji (and its sports) has adapt-
Although the following stan- Rome variety, and Arkansas ed well to southeastern condi-
dard varieties are less popular, a Black (spur and nonspur se- tions and continues to be planted
number continue to be grown lections) perform quite well as by commercial producers. Since
successfully in the state: late varieties. its appearance is secondary and
• Granny Smith performs quite its internal quality is outstanding,
well (standard, nonspur growers remain optimistic about
Granny Smith variety pre- its future and are already success-
ferred). fully marketing the fruit.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, tion of International Varieties. 1983.
NC 27695-7609. John Bultitude. University of
Washington Press, Seattle, WA.
Growing Fruits at Home. 1994.
Robert Polomski. Circular 681. Apples for the Twenty-First
Cooperative Extension Service. Clemson Century. 1995. Warren Manhart. North
University, Clemson, SC 29634-0310. American Tree Company, Portland, OR.
Pacific Northwest Fruit Tester’s The Apple Book. 1988. Rosanne
Variety Characteristics Profile. 1992. Sanders. Philosophical Library, New
Pacific Northwest Fruit Tester’s York, NY.
Association. 1101 West Orchard Street,
H Selah, WA 98942.
Home Garden Apple. 1996. M.E.
Ferree. Circular 740. Cooperative
Extension Service. University of
Georgia, Athens, GA.