BaKhabar, January 2015

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Better light a candle than curse the darkness

Monthly e-Magazine

ISSN 2319-4049


Volume 8, Issue 01, January 2015

New Year Special Edition

Point of View

Editorial Board

Bihar Anjuman BaKhabar

Editorial Board
Asrarul Haque, Seraj Akram, Mohd. Allam,
Ms Farhat Shakeel and Jahanzeb Mashhadi
The editors and publishers are not responsible for the views of writers, and their views
do not reflect our policy or ideology in any
way. We however reserve the right to edit
any material submitted for publication, on
account of public policy, or for reasons of
clarity and space. From Publishers. Pictures have been taken from available public

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Abu Dhabi













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Bakhabar : January 2015

Most Astonishing Shoot Out in


I By V.K. Tripathi I

n December 16, 2014, Tehreek-e-Taliban fanatics carried out ghastly killings of 136 innocent children in an
Army School in Peshawar, Pakistan. They lined up the
children, asked them to recite Kalma and then fired at them. It
was an attack on Muslim children by Muslim fanatics. The fanatics claimed that they do not kill little children. Their claim
was that the children of the enemy aged less than 12 are not
allowed to be killed by their Islam. They killed 10 other people, before they were killed by the army personnel.
In the midst of darkness, emerged a great saviour of humanity,
the principal of the school. She guided children to escape from
the school during the attack and paid by her life. She was fired
on to the extent that her body was not recognizable.

A spontaneous general strike in all parts of Pakistan was observed on 17th December. There was no transport on the roads
and almost all shops and institutions were closed. A two
minute silence in all the schools in India was observed, with
the Indian parliament passing a resolution condemning the attack.

The fall out of this violence is horrifying. It has drowned millions of younger minds in Pakistan in fear. The non-Muslim
communalists got an opportunity to brand the entire Muslim
community as barbaric and fanatic forgetting that the victims
of this violence were Muslims and overwhelming majority of
Muslim masses are innocent like them. They also forget that
the barbaric killers have been there in all religious shades, be it
Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism or any other religion.

The shoot out was an act of political terrorism. Sates are

known to perpetrate such violence when they carrsyout carpet
bombings covering schools, hospitals and residential areas.
They are also known to pamper and support barbaric terrorists.
May people come forward to stop terrorism taking political advantage.


Second Arab-American Frontiers of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium

I By Sameen Ahmed Khan I

he Second Arab-American Frontiers of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium

was held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, during
13-15 December 2014. The event was hosted by the
Sultanate, represented by the Ministry of Higher Education, the Research Council and the Sultan Qaboos
University in collaboration with the US National Academies. More than two hundred scientists and researchers in various scientific disciplines participated
in the event. One of the main objectives of Frontiers
symposia was to foster pluridisciplinary dialogue and
collaborations. The program had sessions on:

1. Global Food Security: Adaptions for the Future

2. Finding new Sources of Water for Growth: Water
Reuse & Desalination
3. Old Energy, New Methods to Access Resources: The
Hydraulic Fracturing Story
4. Environmental Regulators of Cancer
5. Linkages Session (linkages between the fields)

It is to be recalled that the First Arab-American Frontiers of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium was held in partnership with the Kuwait Institute
for Science Research in Kuwait City during 17-19 October 2011. It brought together 97 outstanding young
scientists, engineers, and medical professionals from
18 Arab countries and the United States to discuss exciting advances in the fields of water, renewable energy, diabetes, and agriculture. They also looked at the
linkages that exist between those fields. Among the
participants were those with no background in the
fields highlighted at the symposium reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of this event and the goal to remove communication barriers between research fields.

It is to be noted that the Frontiers of Science Symposia

have been around for several decades. For instance the
Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia bring together
outstanding young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in a broad range of disciplines. The format encourages both one-on-one
conversations and informal group discussions in which
young participants continue to communicate about insights gained from formal presentations and the excitement of learning about cutting-edge research in other
fields. By doing so, Frontiers helps to remove communication barriers between fields and encourages collaborations among some of the world's best and brightest

Bakhabar : January 2015

young scientists. The Arab-American frontiers program brings together outstanding young scientists, engineers, and medical professionals from the United
States and the twenty-one countries of the Arab League
for a series of symposia to discuss exciting advances
and opportunities in their fields. The goal of these
meetings is to enhance the scientific exchange and dialogue among young researchers in Arab countries and
the United States, including the Arab science diaspora,
and through this interaction facilitate research collaboration within and beyond the region. The Arab-American frontiers program is based on the success of the
long standing Kavli Frontiers of Science of the US National Academy of Sciences and the Frontiers of Engineering program of the US National Academy of
Engineering. It was initiated by the US National Academies in 2011 in partnership with the Kuwait Institute
for Scientific Research.

The author of this note presented the case of the Medieval Arab Achievements in Optics in the context of
the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies.

1.Symposium Websites: and
2.Host Websites: Ministry of Higher Education, the Research Council, and the Sultan Qaboos University,
3.Sameen Ahmed Khan, 2015 declared the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies,
Current Science, 106 (4), 501 (25 February 2014).
(Fortnightly Publication of the Indian Academy of Sciences),
4.Sameen Ahmed Khan, 2015 the International Year of
Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL), BaKhabar,
Vol 7, Issue 01, pp 17-18 (January 2014). Published
by Bihar Anjuman,
Engineering Department, Salalah College of Technology (SCT) Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

RAHBAR-e-Banat madrasa-cum-school distributes

uniform and sweaters to all the 87 students

Bakhabar : January 2015



Enam Khan Sb is

undergoing treatment for his
heart ailment


 Khan Sb
your duas

12-2014, got discharged from hospital on 25-122014, and has been advised rest and regular checkup for next three months.

BaKhabars Tribute to Mohammad Enam

 Khan, the Heart & Soul

nam Khan Sb has been the convenor of Bihar

Anjuman's Patna chapter right since its forI am sure you must have thought about what all goes
mation. However, more than just managing
into implementing ideas like RAHBAR Coaching
this chapter, he has been sincerely managing the en- Centres (RCC) all over Bihar & Jharkhand, BAJEE
tire affairs of Bihar Anjuman silently, almost all
(womens) training centres, RAHBAR-e-Banat
alone. You must have been receiving news about
(womens madarsa), arranging monthly awards cerevarious developments
to coaching

 ...   monies at RCC


sending students to diploma engg, numbers increasRCCs and other skill-development centres, advising
ing every year, alhamdulillah, distribution of shawls them, managing their regular affairs throughout the
to all the girl students and jackets to all the boy stutwo states, arranging logistics to send hundreds of
dents, every year, health check-ups of RCC students, students into diploma engineering courses Imagconducting the awards ceremony happening every
ine what all goes into making of just one success
month in all the 26 RCCs, managing them with the
story - send hundreds of students into diploma engihelp of just one employee ... raising funds locally, to neering courses
carry our the needs of RCC Patna, etc. etc. The list is
very very long. Subhan Allah! He is the heart and
1. Tracking dates for making Entrance exam forms,
soul of Bihar Anjuman, most others you know are
arranging DDs for all the students, sending the comnothing in comparison with Enam Khan Sb's contri- pleted forms with all credentials and DDs to the right
butions. I cannot find words to urge you to pray for
his quickest possible recovery from his heart ailment
(remember his heart is Bihar Anjuman's heart) as
2. Arranging studymaterials and able teachersfor
this magazine goes into publication, he has undercoaching, organizing enough classes before the
gone heart surgery in Escort hospital (Delhi), on 20- exam, coordinating with all the centres to go through


Bakhabar : January 2015


the same exercise.

3. Keeping track of exam dates, arranging travel for

all the students to exam centres, keeping track of the
publication of results, sharing their success stories
with sponsors, associates, and the entire community,

4. Arranging every successful students travel to

counselling centres before admission, and for admission,

5. Raising funds to make study materials available to

every student, salary for every teacher every month,
for travel of students for their counselling and admission,

6. Raising funds for admission fees and monthly expenses of every student who makes it to the polytechnic (diploma engineering),

7. Organizing motivational lectures for students, by

leaders from every section of the society, every

Oh! He can do all of it ... he has plenty of free time!

I cannot do it .. ... Where is the time with me?

... ... pls do remember Enam Sb in your duas he

has to manage Patna coaching centre's affairs on a
daily basis .....
... ... pls do remember Enam Sb in your duas he
has to manage the affairs of all the coaching centre
on a daily basis ..... and update us ... he does update
me on a daily basis, alhamdolillah!

Well, if you think he has a staff to help him in all of

what has been listed above, pls do find out for yourself. Bihar Anjuman's policy of ZERO overhead expenses ensures that not a single penny of your
contribution goes into overheads .... ... so,

Enam Sb does it all alone, at least 95% of Bihar Anjumans work .... all of it, without charging anything
to Bihar Anjuman. He is even ready to donate money
... he keeps on spending his own money on the logistical arrangements ...

He has to earn a living, for himself and his family,

same like me and you ... He has to take care of a
8. Keeping track of monthly transfer of scholarship
wife, who has to be taken to the doctor every now
funds to every student (three batches) now the
number runs into hundreds, soon the numbers will be and then ... has to visit family and friends, same like
you and me!! And, he also needs to visit the doctor,
in thousands, in-sha Allah.
himself !!!
I mean, every intellectual knows that great deal of
meticulous planning, and logistical arrangements go Ya Allah! Bless Enam Sb with the health of a youth,
once again, because we have no substitute of him
into even a single event, however small or simple it
among the youth! Ya Allah! Bless Enam Sb with
may seem. For example, he has to plan for the idea
enough resources that can turn Your blessings of
(e.g., distribution of winter clothes for every male
and female students at RCC Patna), discuss with his youthful energy to him into great work for the society! Ya Allah! Bless Enam Sb with a long life, beassociates and teachers, discuss with us, and potencause we don't see any substitute of him ... none is
tial donors, get the list of students, then arrange for
there in our sight, not at least, now! Ya Allah reserve
every student's size to be noted down, then visit the
for Enam Sb the highest places of Jannah, and for his
shops, take quotations, and prepare a budget, get it
wife who has to sacrifice her own moments for
approved by the committee(s), note down all the
Enam Sb to serve the community.
commitments, visit every person who committed to
pay to collect the donations, go the shops one by
More than our duas, brothers and sisters, Enam Sb
one, and buy the items, pay them, take the cash
memos, keep them properly in the chapter's file, up- and Bihar Anjuman needs HANDS ..... helpings
hands are better than the talking lips, says Siraj
date the online account book (MS Excel) which we
are able to see .......

Bakhabar : January 2015

Charity vs. Interest


The beloved Prophet

(upon Him peace and
blessings) has
said:'Sadaqah (charity)
does not decrease
wealth.' (Muslim)

eople who follow

the orders and way
of arrangements of
the Holy Quran are well
aware of the fact that
most of the times the Quran joins together two different and opposite things, presenting a far-reaching
effect and suitability between different verses.

Discussing with comparison the heaven with hell,

Muslims with Kuffar, monotheism with polytheism,
darkness with divine light, guidance and directives
with deviation from the right path is a unique order
of Holy Quran. Those who study the Quran and
other religious books witness these facts in the Holy
book and also in their real life. The combination of
these different and opposite things gives an eloquent
description of facts. Moreover, the warnings do not
create hopelessness, and promises of reward do not
create inaction and false hopes.

In Surah-e-Baqra of the Quran discusses both

Sadaqa (charity) and Riba (interest) one after the
other under the same order of Quran. The first verses
deal with the importance and supremacy of Sadqa.
Immediately after are mentioned the collective and
individual losses caused by Riba, vicious reasoning
of usurers, their mental and psychological state and
the announcement of war against them by Allah and
His Messenger.
It is clearly defined that Allah decreases the wealth
of one who takes interest and increases the wealth of
one who gives Sadaqah.
One who receives interest thinks that interest increases his wealth while Sadqa decreases.
Many people who see only the apparent state of interest-takers are caught in their trap but they dont
know that Allah Almighty says that wealth is increased by Sadqa and decreased by interest. This reality is far away from the approach of interest-takers
because their wisdom.

Bakhabar : January 2015

When ones wisdom is crippled then how can he understand these realities?

It may be noted here that there are two types of wisdom or insight:

One that only sees the quick result of something.

Two, that sees the end and ultimate result of something.

We are discussing here the second type of wisdom

which is not enjoyed by those who have a for rupees
and dollars. Wherever theHoly Quran addresses the
people of wisdom, it actually means the people having the second type of wisdom.

Decrease in the interest and increase in Sadqaat happen in various ways:

1) The bank balance and lockers of the interest-takers is full of wealth but as soon as he meets the end
of life, he sees that his account for the life hereafter
is empty. There is no good deed in hisaccount but
there is a pile of sins.

On the other hand, those who believed in Sadaqah

and Khairaat and followed the divine orders during
their life would see that Allah has changed their little
amount Sadaqah into huge volume of good deeds in
their account. They earned millions of good deeds
against what they gave in shape of Sadaqa and
Khairaat. This increase and decrease would be visible on the Last Day.

2) The interest-taker has a lot of money and wealth

butwithout any blessing. Such wealth gives him no
peace of mind and comfort in the life, but brings


about restlessness, sleepless nights, disobedient wife,

stubborn children, mismanagement in the house and
a number of incurable physical, mental and psychological problems. Since such a person is Allahs detested person, other human beings also hate him in
his life.

On the contrary, those who give away part of their

earnings as Sadqaat and Khairaat enjoy Allahs
blessings and love from other human being. It is
claimed and believed thatthose who extend Sadqaat
and Khairaat are never found poor and they never
experience hard time in their life.

Giving in the way of Allah gives unending luxury

and wealth. Such a person is dear to Allah and
human being as well. Hundreds of thousands of poor
people pray for his well-being and long life.

3) Though, there is always a possibility or fear of

profit and loss in any business, there has never been
an incident that could prove that a person who had
his bread buttered on both sides yesterday, nosedived and lost everything.

However, it is evident that those who borrowed/lent

money with un-Islamic conditions, lost their wealth
forever and become beggars.

Capital earned through interest appears to be increasing but there is no blessing of Allah in it.

Hazrat Muammar (radhiAllahuanhu) says:

Our ancestors used to say that interest-taker does not
see forty years of his interest business and experiences losses.

Actually Sadaqa and Riba are two opposite systems.

There is no similarity in these systems as far as
morality and Shariah are concerned.

Sadaqah is a show of kindness, purity and cooperationwhile interest is a show of selfishness, corruption
and miserliness.

There is never a thought of taking back the thing

given in Sadqa while under interest-based system,
one always thinks of taking back the money along
with additional charge.

A person who are in the practice of giving Sadqah

and Khairaat feels for others and in most cases he
gives away his own morsel to the other person.

Bakhabar : January 2015

But an interest-taker waits for such a situation that

someone would face hard time and he would take
benefit of it.

Countries, which extend loans to the developing or

poor countries facing difficult time due to war or
famine, never miss the opportunity of taking benefit
of the plight of the poor countries. They extend loans
with heavy charge of interest.

Such people are worse than animals.

Such countries are never desirous of pulling the poor
or under-developed countries out of financial crisis
but they want to turn the poor into poorer in order to
increase their capital.

Such countries make policies that bring every citizen, man, woman, elderly person and child under the
burden of heavy debt. Regret to mention, we are witnessing such a situation in our beloved country.

Under the Islamic system of finance the borrower is

given time to repay the loan and the lender never
puts pressure on the borrower, so long as he is not in
a position to repay the loan.

Islam directs to write off the loan if the debtor is not

in a position to repay, as long as his financial state is
not changed.

According to Abu Harira (radhiallahutaalaanhu), the

beloved Prophet (sallallahualaihewasallam) said that
a Muslim who helps removes any other Muslims
problem, Allah Almighty would remove any of his
problem on the Last Day.

Those who take/give interest would never understand such Ayaat and Hadiths because their hearts
are sealed and they only see the glitter of illegally
earned wealth. They always wait for the bad time so
that they could take benefit of peoples difficulties.
Today when almost the entire world is raising voice
against the interest-based system of economy, it is
the duty of our rulers and governments to come forward and help the oppressed come out of the curse
of interest.

The day the Muslims would implement the Riba-free

system, they would get rid of hefty foreign debts
which are a product of the interest system.

Held back by Hindutva


I By C Raja Mohan I

It is easy to forget that domestic stability holds the

key to a successful foreign policy.

n his frequent travels across the world over the

last few months, Prime Minister NarendraModi
has continually affirmed that India can re-emerge
as the Vishwaguru. Modis global dream for India,
however, is at odds with the deeply divisive religious
agenda and the anti-modernism that have been unleashed by the RSS and its affiliates.

That India, as one of the worlds oldest and continuing civilisations, may have much to teach the world
is not a new proposition. Different schools of Indian
nationalism, including those which focused on
Indias past and others which understood modern
Indias future potential, believed that an Indian leadership role on the world stage was inevitable. Even
those who were deeply suspicious of nationalist passions, both religious and secular, were convinced
that Indias spiritual civilisation had much relevance
for the contemporary world.

Bakhabar : January 2015

Indias higher economic growth rates in the reform

era and the steady expansion of its relative weight in
the international system have lent new credibility to
the notion of an Indian international leadership. The
example of China has been difficult to miss. After
three decades of rapid growth, China is now the second-largest economy in the world and its aggregate
GDP will soon be larger than that of the United
States. Beijing is also the worlds largest defence
spender after America.

The dramatic expansion of Chinas comprehensive

national power has allowed Beijing to now begin reshaping the Asian and global orders. A similar
prospect awaits India if it continues to modernise
and grow its economy at a reasonable clip. Much of
the international enthusiasm for Modi, like that for
his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, in the middle of
the last decade, was based precisely on that expectation.

Faster growth rates of the last decade triggered international calls on India to become a responsible


global power and a net security provider. Yet

Delhi has been hesitant to accept a leadership role.
Many in Delhi interpreted these calls as a pressure
point rather than the recognition of Indias expanding weight in the world. Modi, in contrast, is disscarding this defensiveness and embracing the
prospect of a leadership role. Whether Delhi actively pursues such a role or not, Indias democracy, which thrives amid extraordinary diversity,
religious, ethnic and linguistic, is a source of quiet
optimism in a world that is being torn apart by multiple tensions.
Modis hopes for India as Vishwaguru are inspired by Vivekananda. The swami spoke of the
contributions that Indias rich vedantic heritage
could make in addressing the spiritual challenges of
the contemporary world. Modi, of course, is
stretching the idea a bit when he speaks of how
Indias democracy and demography can be deployed in the service of the world today.
Modi also believes the diaspora that has spread
around the world and has impressive resources, intellectual and financial, can help realise Indias potential as Vishwaguru. He reminded his
audiences in Sydney that Vivekananda had urged
his countrymen to forget their gods and goddesses
for 50 years and worship only Mother India.
His suggestion that development might be more
important than religion is obviously not shared by
the extremist outfits of the SanghParivar, which
have lost no time in pushing their polarising politics on the nation. Modi is surely aware that the
growing assertiveness of the Hindu right will complicate the development agenda that was at the
heart of his successful election campaign. At equal
risk is the BJPs promise sab kasaath, sab
kavikas to put development for all above the
sectarian Hindu agenda.

Given his own experience in Gujarat and the political consequences of the 2002 riots, Modi has every
reason not to let religious controversies overwhelm
his prime ministerial tenure. In his maiden Independence Day speech this August, Modi declared
that casteism, communalism and regionalism were
obstacles to development and called for a 10-year
moratorium on divisive issues.

peals to avoid derailing his governments development agenda. Modi should also be aware that the
new Hindutva agenda at home will also seriously
complicate Indias external relations, a domain in
which Modi has surprised everyone with his passion and effectiveness.

It is easy to forget that domestic stability holds the

key to a successful foreign policy. A nation that is
at war with itself will inevitably be diminished on
the world stage. When a nation turns faith into a
contentious question, it invites intervention from
religious extremists from around the world. It will
also draw into the debate secular forces around the
world that want freedom of faith and a separation
of religion and state in India.

The new push for a Hindu rashtra, then, is bound to

generate many costs for Indian diplomacy. Just
when Modi appears to have succeeded in reducing
the fears of the neighbours and the world about
Indias internal orientation under the BJP, the RSS
and the Hindu right seem determined to revive
them. Equally problematic for India is the resurgent
anti-modernism of the SanghParivar. Its leaders, including the prime minister, have made extravagant
claims, ranging from the proposition that astrology
is superior to science to the suggestion that Vedic
India conducted nuclear tests.

While asking his countrymen to take pride in their

rich cultural inheritance and appreciate its relevance to the modern world, Vivekananda had also
insisted that India must sit at the feet of the West to
learn about improving the nations material condition. India, then, must strive to be a good teacher
and a better student. It must invest in the serious
study of its ancient heritage and master modern
knowledge. But if Hindu extremism prevails, India
will have little to give the world and be in no mood
to learn. Unless he acts now to check these negative
forces, Modi and the agenda for India could end up
being a minor part of the vast collateral damage.
The writer, a distinguished fellow at the Observer
Research Foundation, Delhi, is contributing editor
for The Indian Express
- See more at:
The last few weeks have shown that the RSS and
---Hindu-right outfits are not ready to heed Modis ap10

Bakhabar : January 2015


Second International Conference on Arabs and Muslims History of Sciences

I By Sameen Ahmed Khan I

he College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates organized a four day landmark event,
Second International Conference on Arabs' and Muslims' History of Sciences, during 8-11 December
2014 with the theme, The impact of early Arab and
Muslim scholars on recent scientific and technological advances. The conference was organized jointly
with the Arab Union of Astronomy and Space Sciences, and under the patronage of His Highness
Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, and
President of the University of Sharjah. The event
was part of this years scientific and cultural activities of the City of Sharjah, designated as The Cultural Capital of the Muslim World, 2014. The
Conference was simultaneously held along with the
11th Conference on Space Sciences and Astronomy.

It is to be recalled that the First International Conference on Arabs' and Muslims' History of Sciences,
was held during 24-27 March 2008 with the theme,
Arabs' and Muslims' Scientific Contributions to Humanity. The very first event had over eight hundred
delegates from thirty-six countries with over three
hundred presentations. The conference had successfully attracted over fifty historians of science.

The 2014 Conference aimed to foster communication between scientists and researchers interested in
the history of science, and to reflect the impact of
Muslim scholars on the progress of civilisations and
their scientific aspects. The Conference covered the
following topics:

1. Early Scholars and Research Methodology.

2. The contribution of early Arab and Muslim Scholars in: Astronomy and Space Sciences; Basic Sciences; Applied Sciences and Engineering;
Humanities; Medical Sciences; Art and design; History and Explorations; Technological Applications;
Agriculture Sciences; and Environmental Science.
3. Role of Arab and Muslim scholars in promoting
inter-civilizations and transformation of knowledge.
4. Role of and contribution of Arab and Muslim
Scholars in advances in modern sciences and technological advances.

Bakhabar : January 2015

5. Role of and contribution of Arab and Muslim

Scholars in international technological and scientific
6. Role of and contribution of Arab and Muslim
Scholars in international technological and scientific
7. Western Scholars recognition of Arab and Muslim scholars effort and creativity.
8. Modern models and inventions, which are based
on discoveries made by early Arab and Muslim
9. The current status of research and development of
scholar activities in Arab and Muslim countries.

The conference had a very rich programme including: Keynote talks by renowned speakers; oral and
poster presentations; specialized workshops and exibitions accompanied with tourist visits and cultural
evenings. There were over four hundred participants
from forty-two countries in the 2nd International
Conference on the History of Arab and Muslim Sciences and the 11th Conference on the Space Sciences and Astronomy combined. The participants
included representatives from the United Nations, a
number of universities and institutions concerned
with the study of the history of sciences located
across the globe, the European Space Agency (ESA),
the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Arab Union for Space Sciences and Astronomy (AUASS).

The University of Sharjah was established as a nonprofit institution for higher education in October
1997. The University is comprised of fourteen colleges catering to over fourteen thousand students
with a faculty of about six hundred. The University
currently offers a total of eighty-five academic degree programs including fifty bachelor degrees, seventeen masters degrees, seven PhD degrees, one
graduate and ten associate diploma degrees.


1.Conference Websites: and
2.Sameen Ahmed Khan, Report of the First International Conference on Arabs' and Muslims' History of

Sciences, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS), Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 158-160 (Summer
3.Sameen Ahmed Khan, Medieval Arab Understanding of the Rainbow Formation, Letter in Europhysics
News, 37 (3), pp. 10 (May/June 2006). (Publication
of the European Physical Society).

4.Sameen Ahmed Khan, Arab Origins of the Discovery of the Refraction of Light; Roshdi Hifni Rashed
Awarded the 2007 King Faisal International Prize,
Optics & Photonics News, 18 (10), 22-23 (October
2007). (Publication of the Optical Society of America).

Sameen Ahmed Khan, Engineering Department,

Salalah College of Technology (SCT)
Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

A Century of Massacres!
I By Muhammad Tariq Ghazi I

Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, radi-Allah-u unhu, narrated that the Rasool(s)-Allah said, After your era,
a time of tumult will come when Ilm (True knowledge) will be lifted (taken away) and there will be
The Haraj
)). Sahabah asked him, What is
Haraj, Ya Rasool(s)-Allah? He said: Massacres!
Jami Tirmizi 2:44.
Tirmizi is one of the six most authentic Hadith


Bakhabar : January 2015


ne hundred years ago began what an American academic described as the Century of
Massacres. In just one century starting
from 28 June 1914 more than 102 million people,
all non-combatant innocent civilians, met their
forced death in organized massacres and genocides,
according to Prof. Juan Cole, who teaches history at
the University of Michigan. Of these 102 million
massacred, Muslim crime share is about one percent,
he said.

To avenge the murder of Austrian Archduke Franz

Ferdinand by a Serb terrorist in Serajevo, Bosnia,
one hundred years ago, Europeans began a war on
28 July 1914 and four years later left 9 million combatants and 7 million innocent civilians massacred
dead. Since the thirst for human blood was not sated
yet, 21 years later Europe began another, more ferocious war on 3 September 1939, this time massacring 73 million people, of which 49 million were
innocent civilians in six years. According to another
estimate, the number of civilian dead was more than
66 million. The blood-thirst continues unsatiated
though. Since the end of World War II, the world
was consigned to more than 100 regional conflicts
taking a toll in many more millions, in addition to
hundreds of thousands of pogroms, riots etc.
Shrieking and crying is of no consequence. We can
only pray for sanity to return to the mankind.

Muhammad Tariq Ghazi via NRIndians Group





I By Nurul Islam Laskar I

uwahati, 29 Nov 2014 : All the Directors

General of Police from all Indian states and
heads of intelligence services have arrived
in Guwahati for the annual national meet that is taking place in the city on Saturday and Sunday. This is
for the first time that this meet is taking place outside Delhi and hence it assumes great significance.
But what is ironical is that nowhere there is a mention of the name of Imdad Ali, who was IG of Assam
Police in 1962 when the Chinese had invaded India
and under whose leadership the police had rendered
excellent service in maintaining the law and order in Imdad Ali DG CRPF with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
the state in the face of foreign aggression.
Gopinath Bordoloi had to exert his weight to ensure
Imdad Ali became the Inspector General of Police,
that this did not happen. Bordoloi had immense faith
Assam in 1962, the crucial year when India had
in Alis loyalty and integrity and the latter lived to
faced an aggression from China. Imdad Ali (born
the expectations of the former.
1913) was the second son of AimanaKhatun and
KhanbahadurKeramat Ali of Balibat area of Jorhat.
In 1947, the year of Indias independence, Ali was
He did his primary education in JorhatMoktab
appointed the Commissioner of Naga Hills with the
School and thereafter passed his Matriculation with
honour of being the first Indian to hold this post. In
good marks from Jorhat Government High School in 1949, he reverted to his parent department, the
1932. After acquiring a Bachelors Degree in Arts
Assam Police, and was elevated to the post of IGP
from Presidency College, Calcutta in 1936, he got
Assam in 1962. In those days, IGP was the senior
selected as an officer in Imperial Police Service in
most position in the State Police and post of DGP
1937. He is believed to be the first and last Assamese was unknown. Assam was undivided, stretching
to be inducted in Imperial Police Service.
from Naga Hills to Lushai Hills on one plain, and
from Sadiya to the Khasi and Garo Hills on the
The Second World War was knocking at the door
and the frontier areas were in a volatile state. The
Government needed able hands to tackle the situaIn 1964, he was deputed to the Home Ministry in
tion in those areas. Within seven months of his join- Delhi and thereafter posted as the IGP of Gujarat in
ing the police service, Ali was deputed to Sadiya as
1965. Once again, he became the first Assamese Poan Assistant Political Officer and was promoted to
lice Officer to hold charge of IGP in any state outthe post of Political Officer within a short time. Dur- side Assam. During the first year of his posting in
ing this period, he supervised the evacuation of InGujarat, the Indo-Pak War of 1965 took place. The
dian refugees from Burma who returned home on
Pakistani forces were planning for a mass infiltration
account of the War. During the years 1942-45, he
bid in the Rann of Kutch region of Gujarat. On acwas also actively associated with works pertaining to count of his experience of border management in the
the construction of the famous Stillwell Road.
North East, Ali was able to gather advance information of this bid by Pakistan and thwarted it successDuring 1946-47, at the time of division of assets and fully. He was decorated for his superb performance.
personnel between the two nations, Pakistan had inFurthermore, during his four and a half years tenure
corporated Alis name in their list of Police Officers
in Gujarat, the State remained free from any commuwithout consulting him. Assam Chief Minister
nal strife. This speaks for his able handling of law

Bakhabar : January 2015

and order in the State. In his own words, The best

way to control a communal riot is not to allow it to
happen in the first place. There is no use fighting a
communal riot after it has occurred.

In 1969, he returned to Delhi and was asked to take

over as the first ever Director General of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). In those days, the police
and intelligence services all together had four DGs,
once each for RAW, CBI, BSF and last to list, CRPF.
On taking over charge he got busy giving a pan-Indian look to the CRPF and at his initiative a central
complex of the Force was established in Jharoda
Kalan, New Delhi and steps initiated for establishing
12 new Group Centres of CRPF across the country.
It is only due to his personal interest and initiative,
one Group Centre was established at Amerigog, on
the outskirts of Assam State Capital, Guwahati.

He brought in revolutionary changes in the functioning of CRPF and put in operation vehicles that could
travel long distances at high speed thereby enabling
the force to reach their place of deployment without
much loss of time. Ali played a pivotal role from
Delhi in controlling the Naxalite menace that had engulfed West Bengal during this period.

After his retirement from service, Ali wanted to return to Assam but his close friends and fellow officers asked him to stay back in Delhi as they had
information about a new assignment for him was in
the offing. Ali was appointed Indian Ambassador to
Yemen, becoming the first Assamese and the first Indian Police Officer to become Indias Ambassador to
a foreign country.

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a special liking for

Imdad Ali for his proven track record as an honest
and efficient administrator and police officer. In the
seventies, Yemen was considered as the Window to
the Gulf Region where USA, USSR, and other
super powers were trying to get a foothold. India
needed an official who could take care of Indias interest there and keep the government home abreast
of all developments. Ali fitted the bill to the full.
On his return from Yemen, Ali was given two assignments in Assam in 1979, first to head a Jails Reforms Commission and then the police Services
Reforms Commission. During this period, he was
also made a member of the Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC). He was honoured with the
Presidents Police Medal as well as Fire Services
Medal for his meritorious service. He was the first

Bakhabar : January 2015

police officer to be made an Aide de Camp (ADC) to

the President of India.

In his youth, Ali was a popular actor and sportsperson. He was married to Sayeeda, daughter of Sir MdSaadulla, who was the Prime Minister of Assam for
five years during 1937-45. Of Imdad Alis two sons,
Abu Ali is a banker in United Kingdom and Ifzal Ali
served as the Chief Economist at Asian Development
Bank, Manila (1984-2008). Ifzal happens to be the
first Assamese and youngest faculty to teach at IIM
Ahmedabad (1977-84).

Imdad Ali died in 1994 while residing with his second son Ifzal in Manila. After his death, his family
members and well wishers set up the Imdad Ali Memorial Trust in Jorhat for the spread of education in
his home district. Ever since then, the Trust has been
offering scholarships to meritorious and needy students of the area.

In fitness of things, the Govt of Assam could consider consecrating the Police Training College in
Dergaon after the name of the super cop of Assam,
Imdad Ali. Alternatively, the Govt of India could
name the North East Police Academy in Meghalaya
as Imdad Ali Police Academy. Whether the govt
does it or not, no one can deny that it will take ages
for the region to have another officer with the calibre
and mettle of Imdad Ali. His life and achievements
would continue to motivate the future generations.


Lets reclaim faith

How many times have we heard Islam prohibits

the killing of innocents; one innocent killed is the
Jai Sri Ram was the cry raised by the rioters
killing of humanity. Hence these men cannot be
as they attacked Muslims who had dared to
Muslims? Isnt this a convenient way of washing
venture out during the January 1993 riots in
ones hands off the reality that these killers belong
Mumbai. Reading about these cases, I was reto ones faith? Their version of Islam doesnt gel
pulsed by the way L.K. Advani and associates had with ones own, for whom Islam means peace and
transformed the name of one of our most revered
mercy. That is fine. But at least it should be acand popular gods. A month earlier, I had felt
knowledged that, for them, the same religion
ashamed of being a Hindu, watching the saffron
means slaying the enemy mercilessly. Accepting
hordes demolishing an ancient structure that had
that doesnt take away from Islam. In fact, it
become the touchstone of our countrys secularism. obliges one to counter their version of Islam with a
different one.
When BabuBajrangi boasted that he felt like
RanaPratap as he killed Ehsan Jafri, most Hindus
Muslims who say that what was done in Peshawar
watching the sting operation on TV felt sick. Hear- was anti-Islamic and, hence, those who did it are
ing SadhviRithambara (in Indore, 1990) and Sadnot Muslims, forget that the TTP may well declare
hviSaraswati (at the Virat Hindu Sammelan last
them kaafirs. Jis Hindu kakhoonnakhole,
Sunday) call Muslims gaddaars, I was filled with
khoonnahinwohpaanihai (The Hindu whose blood
doesnt boil doesnt have blood but water) is a
slogan coined by the RSS. For them, many of us
From the lynch mobs of 1993 to the Bajrangis of
are not Hindus at all. But who has given them the
2002 to Dara Singh, who killed Graham Staines
right to say so? The same applies to those who deand his little boys in 1999, to Yogi Adityanath declare that the TTP are not Muslims. Who is to declaring that if they convert one Hindu girl, we will fine who is not a Hindu or a Muslim?
convert hundreds of their girls, they have been
proud Hindus, deriving their inspiration from
Many Indian Muslims were not even willing to beHindu mythology, harking back to a distorted verlieve that the Peshawar attack was the work of the
sion of history. In their imagination, they are the
Taliban. Excuses like tribals or bearded imrishis and rajas of yore, roaming the countryside to posters were being made till they were left with
slay rakshasas and invaders. Not for a moment can no choice after the TTP owned up to the killings.
I say: They are not Hindus, though I can say this
is not the Hinduism most of us practise.
Then theres the other excuse: Terrorism has no
religion. It certainly does. SadhviPragya is a
Why then are so many articulate and politically
Hindu, as are Colonel Purohit and Swami Aseemaware Muslims finding it difficult to say that the
anand, who are accused of terrorist acts against
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are Muslim?
Muslims. Hafiz Saeed and ZakiurRehmanLakhvi
This is not Islam, has been repeated many times
are proud Muslims. Let us accept that religion is at
over the last few days, as has They are not Musthe heart of much terrorism in India and Pakistan.
lims. Indeed, they are. They derive their inspiraBy doing so, we dont betray our faith. By denying
tion from Islam. The picture of the gunmen
it, we shrug off our responsibility to reclaim it.
released by their organisation has the kalima in the
background. The kalima is what you recite when
JyotiPunwani is a freelance journalist
you convert to Islam, it is what you recite when
Articled first published at
you are about to die, so that you go to jannat.
Thats why these gunmen made their targets recite ets-reclaim-faith/
it just before shooting them. They were mindful of
their religious duty.

I By Jyoti Punwani I

Bakhabar : January 2015

The media has become amoral :

Rajdeep Sardesai

Rajdeep Sardesai on Narendra Modi and how the

media have lost the capacity to question him. "Journalists have moved from asking questions to taking
selfies." Interviewed by PARANJOY GUHA
THAKURTA (Pix credit:
Posted/Updated Monday, Dec 08 18:38:00, 2014

uring a discussion on his recently-published

book "2014: The Election That Changed
India, senior journalist and television anchor Rajdeep Sardesai was very critical of the working of the Indian media, not only in the run-up to the
general election but also because of the unquestioning attitude of many journalists who praise Prime
Minister Narendra Modi. The discussion, organised
by the book's publisher, Penguin Books India, in collaboration with the Maulana Mohamed Ali 'Jauhar'
(MMAJ) Academy of International Studies at Jamia
Millia Islamia, New Delhi, on 20 November, included a conversation with Paranjoy Guha Thakurta.
Here are edited excerpts:

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta: So how did Narendra

Modi and Amit Shah crack Indias first-past-thepost-winner-takes-all voting system end up with
282 Lok Sabha seats...?

deficit on the other side, Mr Modi emerged as a

macho leader, the right man at the right place and the
right context. There are six "thank you" cards that he
has to send for the BJP achieving this figure...(to
Manmohan Singh, Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav,
Ajit Pawar, Mani Shankar Aiyar), the sixth being to
the media.

"Under the Emergency, the government asked us to

bend and we crawled. Now proprietors ask us to
bend and we crawl."
If Narendra Modi was the Pied Piper, the media was
the orchestra. Eventually, we were like a loudspeaker. We were able to create this surround sound.
Sometime in the middle of 2013, we decided that
Modi jeetne wala hai (is all set to win). Modi brings
television rating points (TRPs). Chalo uske saath
chalte hai (Let us go along with him). So at times,
we were covering three or four of his rallies live, unquestioningly, uncritically. Before long, we had become cheerleaders. We lost the capacity to do what
the media should be doing, that is question Mr Modi.
Suddenly Mr Modi appeared larger than life. He was
no longer the Chief Minister of Gujarat, but the man
India awaited. He became a heroic figure....

Paranjoy: In your book, you quote an interview I

Rajdeep Sardesai: In 2011, Rajesh Jain, a Mumbai
did with Yogendra Yadav (psephologist and leader of
based industrialist who heads "Friends of the BJP"
the Aam Aadmi Party, for where he says
(Bharatiya Janata Party) and promotes the right-wing that the BJP got an additional vote share of five per
website - apparently he also made
cent because of the media. There was unprecedented
some Rs 500 crore by selling a website at the turn of voter turnout... (But was) it just the search for TRPs
the century - wrote a blog wherein he suggested that that drove the media? Was it just about good busithe BJP should junk alliance politics and fight this
ness, say, getting free news feeds from the BJP?
election in the belief that the party could get 272
Never before has the corporate sector - which owns a
seats. It was Jain who coined the "Mission 272" slo- large section of the media - so overtly, so obviously,
gan. He said that the BJP should focus its energies
supported one candidate? Isnt it evident that the coron 350 Lok Sabha seats in the country where the BJP porate media played a huge role in the kind of (elechad a fair chance of winning and forget about the
toral) outcome that we saw?
other 200. These 350 seats stretched from Goa to
Rajdeep: We cannot say that it was just one factor,
Bihar and Jharkhand on one side and from Punjab
that the corporate media decided that they were
and Himachal (Pradesh) ... to Karnataka in the
going to push Narendra Modi at all costs... Yes, there
is little doubt, and you are seeing it even after the
elections, (that) the media (in general) and the corpoIn 2014, large parts of India were looking for an
rate media in particular have made its preferences so
Arnold Schwarzenegger sort of muscular man. In
any other context, Mr Modi may have been seen as a starkly clear. I mean you had the absurd sight I saw
the other day in Haryana where the chairman of a
divisive figure. But in 2014, given the leadership

Bakhabar : January 2015

media house was sharing a platform with Mr Modi,

openly campaigning (for his party).

Paranjoy: You are talking about Subhash Chandra,

Zee Group Head.

Rajdeep: You can name names. I wont. I get into

trouble when I give names, nowadays (laughs).
There is someone else who is opening a charitable
institution with the Prime Minister (in attendance),
someone who also owns a media house. It has now
become clear where the corporate medias interests
are. Let me say this: our media, my media, your
media has become amoral, not immoral, but amoral.
We have decided that jo chalta hai, woh chalta hai
(that which works, works). In 2011, Anna Hazare,
who may have earlier been treated by the media as if
he was a gram sarpanch (village head) was converted into a national hero. Wherever you
looked...there were people (who had gathered to hear
him)...we in the media said 50,000 are there. One
channel said Anna is India, and India is Anna, almost
reminding you of what Dev Kant Barooah (had
said): Indira is India and India is Indira.

"Modi was the Pied Piper, the media was the orchestra."
We have this remarkable capacity now to create,
what I said earlier, the surround sound, the hype,
around every event. Mr Modi knew that. He was
clever enough to realise that he would go with this
townhall concept (of public meetings) a premier
institution like, say, the Shri Ram College of Commerce in Delhi where one can give a speech which is
carried by news channels and (he) doesn't have to
answer any questions.

The one thing that Narendra Modi does not do anymore is answer any questions. Take the Diwali Milan
this year hosted by the Prime Minister which various
journalists attended. The journalists, instead of saying: Modi-ji thorisi sawal lijiye (Mr Modi, please
take some questions), were more interested in Modiji hamare saath selfie lijiye (Mr Modi, please click a
selfie with us). Journalists have moved from asking
questions to taking selfies. This has nothing to do
with corporate India. This has been done by journalists themselves. We have become amoral beings who
have become cheerleaders and who are completely
carried away by what we see around us. And Mr
Modi was clever enough to realise that.
Paranjoy: On page 31 of your book, you talk of the

Bakhabar : January 2015

time when Karan Thapar was interviewing Mr Modi

for CNN-IBNs Devils Advocate programme. You
write that you had told Thapar that the Gujarat Chief
Minister and the BJP's prime ministerial candidate
was still very sensitive about the (2002) riots and
maybe, the subject should be broached later in the
interview.Its not that the entire media has been unquestioning. There is Manoj Mittas book The Fiction of Fact Finding on the aftermath of the Godhra
riots...You covered the Gujarat riots in 2002.

This side of Mr Modi has become an almost forgotten chapter among large sections of the media. It was
always Modi the administrator, Modi who would
replicate the Gujarat model of development, Modi
who would get this country out of the quagmire of
policy paralysis and so on... Even the section of
media that used to be critical of Modi seems less
so.What really happened? How did the media
change in the decade or so since 2002?

Rajdeep: I dont know whether the media changed.

I think two or three things happened. I think a section of the media changed. Mr Modi changed, strategically. Mr Modi does everything strategically. He
will even have his mother go and cast her vote in an
auto if only to send out a message that the trappings
of power have not changed him and he does not even
give his mother special treatment. Mr Modi realised
post-2009, once he started seeing himself as a potential Prime Minister, that he could not win India by
practising the politics of 2002. From 2007-08 or
even earlier, Mr Modi projected himself as a victim
of an English media conspiracy. So he put large sections of the media on the defensive.

"The media has to ask itself very serious questions

.about the way we are covering Modis foreign trips
and whatever else that happens around Mr Modi."
I mean he made me sit on the footboard of a bus. I
can live with that. It was probably his way of telling
me what my station in life was. But that is Mr Modi
for you. He does not forgive or forget. So Mr Modi
changed. A section of the media changed for a variety of reasons,including the growing corporatisation
of the media.The one thing that corporate interests
wanted to do at any cost was to get rid of Manmohan
Singh as Prime Minister. They needed someone else.
If the Congress in 2011 had brought in a Chidambaram who perhaps knew how to deal with corporate India better and perhaps had stronger links
with them, one cannot be sure how corporate India
would have reacted. Manmohan Singh, Sonia and

Rahul Gandhi were seen as representing left of centre politics which was seen as slowing down the
economy, in some cases legitimately so. Along
comes Narendra Modi. So India changes, a section
of the media changes, and Mr Modi himself strategically changes.

Paranjoy: One criticism of your book by Ajaz

Ashraf (in is that you have been too
much of a reporter and less of an analyst. You yourself acknowledge that you are essentially a commentator and a reporter, not an academic and much less
an analyst. You have not gone enough into Narendra
Modis alleged role in the 2002 riots. Would you

Rajdeep: If you look at the first chapter, it reflects

my view. One may argue that I have not gone into
detail like Manoj Mitta did on the incidents of 2002
but his book, The Fiction of Fact Finding, is about
2002. My book is essentially about 2014. But that
does not mean that it's not about 2002. To my mind,
I tried as far as I could to speak about the Gujarat
riots of 2002 without being judgemental. My fear
was, given my past, the moment I went into 2002,
people would say this book is about 2002. I did not
want it not because of any fear about how Mr Modi
would react, but because my book was not about
2002. I have written a lot about 2002 and I am happy
to continue to write about it.

The best way, I believe, is to just tell the story, rather

than have any judgement. To my mind too many of
us tend to give our own analysis. Sometimes it is just
best to tell your story so well that the other person
has no answer to your story. That is the better way.
That is what my purpose has been. (Rajdeep then
read out a portion from his book in which he describes how he and his colleagues were accosted and
threatened by a group of goons after he was returning from Gandhinagar to Ahmedabad after interviewing Narendra Modi in March 2002.)

Audience question: We all remember the famous

quote by Lal Krishna Advani during the Emergency,
'When editors were asked to bend, they crawled'.
What would be the punchline for the present media,
on how it has been dealing with the present government?

Rajdeep: Paranjoy is here. He is a good example of

what an independent journalist can or cannot do. But
look, in the days of the Emergency, the government

Bakhabar : January 2015

asked us to bend and we crawled. Now the only difference is that proprietors ask us to bend and we
crawl. These are depressing times. It is not easy to
be a journalist in India because you realise that it is
not often easy to offer alternative narratives to challenge the orthodoxy and to raise questions. ButI do
believe that the journalist community has enormous
capacity to change. After 1977, the Emergency
years, journalists did rediscover their spine.

Paranjoy: The same journalists whose voices were

throttled by Indira Gandhi were also very critical of
the Janata government led by Morarji Desai.

Rajdeep: I remain hopeful. However, the media has

to ask itself very serious questions, particularly questions about the ways in which we are covering the
(Prime Minister's) foreign trips and whatever else
that happens around Mr Modi. It almost seems that
we are cheerleaders. And I dont think that anybody
is asking us to do that.Yet, we are getting carried
away by the surround sound around us.
Audience question: Do you think that for some journalists, their own individuality, their own imagination of India as a Hindu country, also plays an
important role in how and what they are writing and
reporting about? What do you say about journalists,
and their personal politics?

Rajdeep: Do journalists wear their Hindu identity?

This is a difficult question to answer. Some journalists do and I think that there is a growing practice
among journalists, not just journalists, increasingly
of all of us in society, wherein they get caught in
what I call a them versus us (phenomenon). There
is a kind of polarisation that is taking place, either
you are with us or you are with them and this is forcing journalists to abandon the middle ground, and
not try to see every issue in a rational manner. Instead we are being boxed into corners and that can
lead us into expressing our identities in not exactly a
savoury manner. We seem to be wearing an identity
where we juxtapose our identity against someone
else's. I have no problem if someone feels strongly
about his or her religious identity. It is when you use
that identity to contrast it against the others, that
your journalism gets affected. That is worrying.

Audience question: Does the media just go by TRP

highs? What is the role of the media in the realm of
saffronisation of education?
Rajdeep: I am no defender of my tribe anymore. I

find it increasingly difficult to defend journalists or

journalism anymore. Saffronisation of education is a
big challenge.This issue does not come out on a day
to day basis... who is being appointed as vice chancellor, how are syllabi being changed. These stories
do not often make headline news and that is a concern. I just hope that journalists do not lose their
power of questioning. I remain hopeful in the long
run that there are enough journalists in the country,
whether it is a Paranjoy or someone else, who will
always raise tough uncomfortable questions. Modi
wants to make India Singapore, but don't forget, in
Singapore, journalists who question authorities can
be jailed. We are a country where if you ask Indians
to queue, they will always break the queue. In a
strange way, our capacity to dissent is good.

Link to the audio recording of the full discussion:

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Height of Barbarity

I By Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam I

he gruesome murder of 142 students in a

school of Peshawar by Pakistani militants,
reportedly Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, is a
reprehensible act of barbarity. Those innocent children were nobodys enemies. The indiscriminate
firing and grenade attack left many more
wounded, some crippled for life.

We condemn the attack and sympathise with the

victims and their families. We also assert that terrorists are nobodys friend and all kinds of terrorism anywhere on earthprivate as well as state are
reprehensible, equally and unequivocally. Pakistan
has virtually become an ungovernable country because of rampant terrorism.

Pakistan has become a danger not only to itself,

but to its neighbours as well. Only a few weeks

Bakhabar : January 2015

ago, Pakistani terrorists attacked the border post at

Wagha, killing a number of people on the Pakistani side of the border, barely a few metres away
from the Indian personnel and citizens. They
threatened to attack on India side the next time.
Such people have the potential to ignite a destructive war between India and Pakistan if they manage to stage a huge attack on the Indian side. Both
sides being nuclear-armed, such a conflict could
endanger the security of entire South Asia. We are
living in dangerous times, in a dangerous neighbourhood.

Constantly unstable situation in Pakistan since

Partition has rendered it vulnerable to dangerous
ideologies. Such persistent instability led to a civil
war that divided the country in two parts and the
creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Such fissiparous
tendencies are again active in Pakistan. The countrys integrity is again at risk in Sindh and

To the credit of the Prime Minister, Mr. Narender

Modi, goes Indias initiative of observing two minutes of silence today (December 17) in schools all
over the country in the memory of the slain children. This rightly sends a signal to Pakistan that
we (India and Pakistan) have a common past and
there is no reason why we cannot have a common
future. Even as two countries, we can be one people.
The latest massacre in Pakistan shows that all
countries today have a common mission to stop
terrorism together, whatever garb it comes in. This
also gives us the impetus to increase Indo-Pak cooperation in all fields, including military and security cooperation, besides economic and
technological cooperation.

Great pacts and understanding between countries

once hostile to each other have emerged over years
of hard works by the two sides. Let India and Pakistan begin work on a common, peaceful and prosperous South Asian future.

Nalanda University:
When History Is Not History
I By M Naushad Ansari I

Nalanda University, which was set up at Rajgir in

Bihar in 413 AD during the Gupta dynasty, had
emerged as a world seat of learning before it was destroyed sometime in the 11th century. External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj along with Bihars
Chief Minister, Jitan Ram Manjhi, formally inaugurated the new Nalanda University on 19 September
this year.

The creation of new varsity started in 2010 through

an Act of Parliament seeking to recapture the lost
glory of its earlier avatar.

Many of the dailies published reports on Nalandas

past glory, decay, theories of the uprooting of Buddhism etc. Unfortunately, most of them carried fabricated stories about the destruction of the ancient
seat of learning, peddling a perverse perception of
the Indian past. The most amusing was to read Nalanda varsity set to capture erstwhile glory in new
avatar in Hindustan Times, Patna, on 1 September,
2014. The report stated that the university fell upon
hard times when it was overrun y the Huns under
Mihirakula during the reign of Skandgupta (455-467
AD). But it was restored by his successors. The
university was destroyed again by the Gaudas in the
early 7th century but was restored again by king
Harshvardhana (606-648 AD). But it could not recover from the third and final blow dealt in 1193 AD
by Bakhtiar Khilji, a general of Qutubuddin Aibak,
out to uproot Buddhism. The Turkish invaders set
ablaze and destroyed the huge library of the university, said to rival one at Luxor in Egypt. On 15 September, 2014 the same daily, reiterated that the
original Nalanda Universitywas burnt down by
an army of Turkish invaders in 1193 (Nalanda varsity set to capture erstwhile glory in new avatar,
Hindustan Times, Patna, 15 September, 2014).
Another leading daily of Patna, The Times of India,
in its 20 September, 2014 issue stated that Nalanda
Mahavihara was reduced to ruins by foreign invaders. Daily Pioneer from Delhi, on 20 September
20, 2014, reported that Nalanda University was
burnt down 800 years ago by a Turkish army (20

Bakhabar : January 2015

September, 2014). Without mentioning name, these

dailies have indicated that it was none else than
Bakhtiyar Khilji who destroyed Nalanda University.

Such falsification of history, with a clear design of

creating hatred and ill-will in the society, misleads
readers and pulls wool over their eyes while the fact
is that historical evidence proves that much before
the invasion of Bakhtiyar Khilji, Nalanda University
had been reduced to ruins because of the rivalry of
Hinayana (simple Mahayana) and Mahayana Buddhist sects influenced by the ideas of Brahminism.
Indeed, there was another Mahavihara in Odantapuri
(modern Bihar Sharif in Nalanda District) inside the
fort of the local king which was partially affected in
the course of the battle between the forces of Bakhtiyar Khilji and the local king in 1197 or 1198 AD.
The chronicle, Tabaqat-i-Nasiri of Minhaj Al-Siraj
Juzjani, which is usually referred as the historical
record of the time, apparently refers to this place and
does not even mention the name of Nalanda. Presumably, Nalanda was then a desolate place.

The fortified monastery which Bakhtiyar captured

was known as Audand-Bihar or Odandapura-vihara (Odantapuri in Biharsharif, then known simply
as Bihar). Minhaj does not refer to Nalanda at all.

He merely speaks of the ransacking of the fortress

of Bihar (Hisar-i-Bihar). This is the view of many
historians and, most importantly, of Sir Jadunath
Sarkar, whose credibility is honoured even by right
wing historians (History of Bengal, B.R. Publishing
Corp., 2003).

KP Jaiswal Research Institute, Patna, was established in 1951 by the Government of Bihar with the
object, inter alia, to promote historical research, archaeological excavations and investigations and publication of works of permanent value to scholars.
The research work titled The Antiquarian Remains
in Bihar by DR Patil, published as a Historical Research Series by the Institute in 1963 reveals that:
no Mohammedan Makhdum, Pir or saint of great
repute happened to grace the tops of the Nalanda
mounds with their tombs or mosques. This is a feature, which, it should be noted, is commonly to be
observed all over Bihar at sites of celebrated and important sanctuaries. At Bihar Sharif itself many of
such Muslim monuments still exist; but their absence at Nalanda, hardly six or seven miles away, is
rather surprising. Had Nalanda been a living institute of great repute or importance at the time of the
invasion of Bakhtiar Khilji in 1197 or 1198 AD, we
should expect the Muslim chronicles of the event to
have known and mentioned the name of Nalanda.
The place, said to have been destroyed by the invader, is described to be a great city and a place of
study then known as Bihar, which would more appropriately be a reference to the modern Bihar
Sharif, which also had a monastery, and not to Nalanda, near which there existed no big city worth the
name. As is known, one of the Pala rulers had established a monastery at Odantapuri or Bihar Sharif itself which may have affected adversely. All these
would indicate that, quite before Bakhtiar Khiljis invasion, Nalanda had perhaps fallen to decay or ruins
already; but how and when actually this happened is
still a mystery to be unravelled (page 304).

The research further indicates that .there is,

therefore, reason to believe that Nalanda had met its
final end sometime in the 11th century, i.e., more
than a hundred years before Bakhtiar Khilji invaded
Bihar in 1197A.D (page 325). This historical research series was published under the patronage of
the Government of Bihar in 1963.

Furthermore, D N Jha, former Professor, Department of History, University of Delhi, in his article
Grist to the reactionary mill (Indian Express, 9

Bakhabar : January 2015

July, 2014) on the destruction of Nalanda University,

quotes that: Tibetan monk and scholar, Taranatha,
writes in History of Buddhism in India: During
the consecration of the temple built by Kakutsiddha
at Nalendra [Nalanda] the young naughty sramanas
threw slops at the two tirthika beggars and kept them
pressed inside door panels and set ferocious dogs on
them. Angered by this, one of them went on arranging for their livelihood and the other sat in a deep pit
and engaged himself in suryasadhana [solar worship], first for nine years and then for three more
years and having thus acquired mantrasiddhi he
performed a sacrifice and scattered the charmed
ashes all around which immediately resulted in a
miraculously produced fire, consuming all the
eighty four temples and the scriptures some of
which, however, were saved by water flowing from
an upper floor of the nine storey Ratnodadhi temple
(History of Buddhism in India, written in the 17th
century, English tr. Lama Chimpa & Alka Chattopadhyaya, summary of pp. 141f).This should
mean, he continues, that the idea of Brahminical
hostility to the religion of the Buddha travelled to
Tibet fairly early and became part of its Buddhist
tradition, and found expression in the 17th-18th century Tibetan writings.

As regards uprooting of Buddhism, there are various

theories put forward which seek to explain the tragic
eclipse. Even today, Gaya is often in news as Buddhists are still struggling to wrest control of their
most holy shrine from Brahmins. The age-old conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism, it seems,
is yet to be resolved.

But the effort to associate Bakhtiyar Khilji with the

destruction and burning of the University of Nalanda
and of the uprooting of Buddhism from its place of
birth is a glaring example of the wilful distortion of
history. Certainly such biased historians and their ilk
are always free to falsify historical data but this only
reveals the lack of any serious historical exercise.
The truth is sacrosanct and history needs to be preserved and presented without making it a victim of
the prejudices of any kind.
The author is Secretary, Peace Foundation, Patna. He
may be contacted at
The Milli GazetteUPublished Online: Nov 29, 2014
Print Issue: 1-15 December 2014


3. Jan
ab Ajmal Farid
Sb, chief editor of Urdu
4. Janab Nurul Aziz Sb
5. Janab ShabbirSb
6 Janab Shoib Khan
7. Dr. Faran Mallick
8. Haseeb Mallick

Annual Winter Clothes Distribution by Patna

chapter at RCC Patna

atna Chapter distributed winter garments to all

the students of RCC @ Patna. The venue was
Millat Urdu Girls School, Phulwarisharif,
Patna -this is the new cenrefor RCC Patna, having a
big hall.
The chapter distributed 44 Ladies Cardigansto the
RCC girl-students, and 36 Jackets to RCC boy-students and 5 Khadi Bundies to the teachers and RAHBAR manager. The total amount spenton this was
Rs.38,300/- the entire amount was raised locally, by
Patna chapter. Those who contributed the amount to
the chapter are:
1. JanabDr. KhursheedMallick Sb, President

2. JanabNurul Aziz Khan Sb
3. JanabMunwar Aziz KhanSb, USA
4. MohtarmaDr. ImranaSahiba, Delhi
5. MohtarmaDr.Mrs. ParweenSahiba, Patna 5,000
6. JanabAfsarAzmi Sb, Delhi
7.JanabSanjarAzmi Sb, Patna

Those who were present in this annual function included,

1. Dr. KhursheedMallick Sb, reputed doctor, and social activist leading welfare activities all over India.
He is founder-president of Indian Muslim Education
Federation of North America, a Chicago based charity organization

2. JanabAhmad Jawed Sb, Chief Editor of Urdu

daily Inqilab

3. JanabAjmalFarid Sb, chief editor of Urdu daily

4. JanabNurul Aziz Khan Sb
5.JanabShabbir Ali Sb

6 JanabShoib Khan Sb, IPS, retired DIG and a leading light of Bihar Anjumans coaching program

7. Dr. FaranMallick
8. HaseebMallick


Bakhabar : January 2015

Question No. 8

That Delimitation Commission doesn't answer

I By Mumtaz Alam I

ew Delhi, 07 Dec 2014: Our analysis relating to the reserved constituencies for the
Scheduled Caste candidates in three states of
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal suggests that
there is truth in the allegation, Sachar Committee
had said in its report in 2006 referring to an old allegation that by reserving Muslim-dominated seats for
SC, the religious minority community is being systematically denied political participation.

The panel headed by Justice RajindarSachar had

then hoped the Delimitation Commission would
undo the wrong. But eight years later, the situation
has hardly changed, and more interestingly, the
Commission doesnt have answer or doesnt want to
offer one to counter the allegation.

A number of Lok Sabha and Assembly constituencies with substantial Muslim voter population are reserved for SC even though the SC population is not
high there. Contrarily, constituencies with comparatively lesser Muslim voter population remain unreserved even though they have sizeable SC
population. It was suggested to the Sachar Committee that it would be more equitable to reserve those
constituencies where voter population of SCs is high
rather than those where it is low and, instead, Muslim presence is high.

Even before and after the Sachar panel, the Muslim

community has raised the issue of discrimination but
couldnt find an answer. Even the Delimitation Commission or Boundary Commission, set up by the
government at specific interval of time to fix limits
or boundaries of legislative constituencies, also
doesnt talk about methodology, if any, for reserving
a seat for SC or ST.

Bakhabar : January 2015

The question about the methodology is genuine and

commonly asked, and even the Commission admits

In the section of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

on the website of Delimitation Commission, there
are 14 questions. The panel doesnt answer each
question separately. It has three paragraphs as a collective answer to all. The Q. No. 8 reads: How is the
reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes decided? The commission doesnt say a
word in response to this question.

In October, a Muslim lawyer and community leader

had sent a letter to President and Prime Minister
highlighting the issue and demanding Muslim-dominated seats be reserved for Muslims or at least be dereserve for SC. He had demanded proportionate
representation to the Muslim minority in state Assemblies and Lok Sabha.

Adv. Shahid Alis letter dated 16th Oct was forwarded to the Delimitation Commission. Ali got a
two-para reply to his 5-page letter last month.

In its reply, the Commission refers to constitutional

provisions under which legislative seats are reserved
for SCs and STs.

I am directed to refer to your petition dated

16.10.2014 on the subject cited and to state that seats
for SCs and STs only in Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies are reserved as per the provisions
of Articles 330 and 332 of the Constitution of India.
Under the above provisions read with Section 9(1)(c)
and 9(1)(d) of the Delimitation Act, 2002, the seats
in Legislative Assemblies of all States/ Union Territories including Uttar Pradesh and the seats in the
House of the People were accordingly reserved for
the SCs/STs said Dilip K. Varma, under secretary
at the Commission in his 25th Nov reply.

The panel also made it clear that there is no constitutional provision for reserving seats for Muslims.

There is no provision in the Constitution or in the

Delimitation Act, 2002 to reserve seats for Muslims or any religious minority in Lok Sabha/State
Legislative Assemblies, said Varma.

Muslims; 53% SCs) is not reserved. In Bihar,

Bagaha assembly constituency (23% Muslims;
14% SCs) is reserved for SCs, but Balia (3% Muslims; 19% SCs) is not reserved. And the list goes

The Sachar Committee (formally called Prime

Ministers High Level Committee For Preparation
of Report on Social, Economic and Educational
Status of the Muslim Community of India) had expressed hope that the matter would receive the attention of the government.

Again there is no answer to the question: Why are

Muslim-dominated seats reserved for SCs or STs?
Talking to, Adv. Shahid Ali,
who is also President of United Muslim Front, said
it is a structural bias against the minority.
The Committee hopes that it would receive the
attention of the Government immediately because
Reserving Muslim-dominated seats for Scheduled the Delimitation Commission is at present engaged
Caste and leaving Scheduled Caste-dominated
in this exercise and evidently any suggestion or
seats as general is a big discrimination against
any exercise to be done by it has to be undertaken
Muslims, and this must end, said Ali.
during the current term of the present Delimitation
Commission, the panel had said in its report in
He also pointed to the 1950 presidential order
through which Dalit Muslims and Christians have
been barred from SC status for last 60 years.
Early this year, Dr. Mahmood had written to Prime
Minister of India to appoint the next Delimitation
When Muslims ask for reservation they are said
Commission at the earliest asking it to remove the
reservation cannot be given on the basis of reliabove mentioned anomalies and restore constitugion, but interestingly on the very basis of religion tional justice to Muslims.
Muslims and Christians have been kept out of SC
category, he pointed out.
Since Independence, such Delimitation Commissions have been constituted four times in 1952,
Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood, President, Zakat Foun1963, 1973 and 2002.
dation of India who has often written on reservation of Muslim-dominated seats for SC says: As
Follow the writer on Twitter @MumtazAlam1978
per Census of India there are 13.4% Muslims in
---the country. At this rate, there should be 73 Muslims in Lok Sabha (lower house) which has 543
seats. But, since 1952 till now, the average number
of Muslims in Lok Sabha has been less than 27.

He offers figures about Muslim-dominated seats

reserved for SC.

In Uttar Pradesh, NaginaLok Sabha constituency

(53% Muslims; 21% SCs) is reserved for SC, but
Rae Bareli (6% Muslims; 29% SCs) is not reserved. In Assam, KarimganjLok Sabha constituency (52% Muslims; 12% SCs) is reserved for
SCs, but Dibrugarh and Jorhat (both with 5%
Muslims or less) are not reserved. In West Bengal,
Khargram assembly constituency (50% Muslims;
23% SCs) is reserved for SCs, but Tufanganj (16%

Bakhabar : January 2015

My Visit to Kabaadi Basti Agra:

The Faade of Religious Conversion

I By V.K. Tripathi I

n December 20, 2014, I visited the Kabadi

Basti, behind Vednagar colony, Agra where
60 Bengali speaking Muslim rag pickers
were reported to have converted to Hinduism 12
days earlier. The TV channels and newspapers gave
it an extensive coverage. There was debate in Parliament too. I wanted to see the truth of the ordeal these
poor countrymen went through.

I reached Agra from Delhi by Kanyakumari Express

at 11:30 AM. In 20 minutes auto rickshaw took me
to Vednagar. As I walked into the hutments, the
heaps of waste items were visible around every hut.
Some children were sitting on a mat and reading
their elementary books, some in Hindi, some in
Urdu. Some children bore Islamic caps. I asked their
names. They were all Muslims. Most huts were
closed as men and women had gone to their (rag
picking) work. Some people were there. There were
dozens of policemen, large number of media persons
and citizens from other parts of Agra as UP Minority
Commission members were visiting the place. An
elderly person with red tilak on his forehead was sitting on a cot. As I wished him, he introduced himself
as Subhash, ex-Corporator of Agra. He wanted to
talk, but I told that let me talk to local people first.

I went to a hut where four young age ladies, belonging to West Bengal, were sitting. They looked liitle
fearful to talk. Language was also a barrier. I introduced myself and talked about their work. When I
asked, Have you accepted Hinduism, they said
No. We are Muslims. They expressed surprise over
how this big propaganda has been carried out.
Middle aged Abu Talib, who hails from Kolkata,
opened up more. Simplicity was there on his face
and in his words. He said that no one changed religion. We are poor people, living here for 12 years.
Prior to this we lived in Delhi slums. When those
slums were uprooted by the government, we had to
move out. Some of us have ration cards, some do not
have. Two weeks ago some people came and told us
that they would get us ration cards and Aadhar cards.
One day they brought material for yagna and held

Bakhabar : January 2015

yagna in the common space between the huts. They

asked us to attend. Some of us attended the yagna,
the same way as many Hindus attend religious programs of their Muslim brethren in the country. There
was no talk of changing religion. Then I talked to
other residents, some of whom were cooking daal
and rice in big containers for collective eating, they
said, This is the site where Yagna was performed.
We attended it in good faith with no idea of conversion. Next day we learnt from the newspapers that
we had become Hindus. We were surprised. We have
done no conversion. We are Muslims. We are poor
working class people. We do not know why are we
dragged into this controversy. Similar things were
told by other residents. Ex-Corporator Subhash said
that RSS/ BJP had played a sinister game but now it
has been exposed. I talked to policemen. They said
that there was no security issue. I talked to minority
commission members at substantial length.

Reg pickers are rendering valuable service to the nation while themselves living in dirt, under most trying conditions. Their faith is not demonstrative, but
reflects in their living, conduct and behaviour. They
have the fundamental right to have ration cards, Aadhar cards, schooling, health care, gainful employment and freedom from intimidation and fear.
Religious chauvinists, who humiliate native countrymen by branding them as Bangladeshis are a menace. Freedom from subjugation and exploitation is
the issue. Changing the label of religion is not the
issue for the masses.

Religious freedom is a right of every individual. A

person can change to any religion suitable to his/ her
spiritual urges. But no one should be told that if you
have to live here you must convert or live the way
we dictate. This is an imperialist design. The communalists create the faade of religious conversions
in the past to humiliate and polarize masses now. In
the medieval period people converted to Islam
under the influence of Sufis. Many saw in it liberation from the caste oppression. In recent past Dr.
Ambedkar and many others converted to Buddhism
to stress the same point. May the state take stern
steps to stop religious humiliation of people.

of the Prophet (S) that came mostly to them through practices and transmiss
circumstances issues and problems related to not only Ebidah (worship), but the
administration, management and governance, civil rights and duties, etiquette
theology, etc have put a challenge to the scholars. Abu Hanifah (DOB: 80H) is the o
and started working on Fiqh and established a school of thoughts. So, he is a fathe
T aba & Tabyeen in
for availability of information (Quran, Hadith, traditionPA
problem was methodology and scientific system through which words of Allah (Q
(Hadith) can be well-defined and understood and public8TH
issues could be well add
(less than obligatory, Sunnah Muakkadah & Ghair Muaakadh (confirmed & uncon
m.sraoh) Tahrimi (land
)c, oMak
ess prURF
), Mak
roh Tan(Cuszehi (reprehensible
I By Gheyas HashmiGhIeyas Hashmi (hgheyaTEHSAN
tom & Habit) came into existence for issues not e IJMA (Consen
Continued from the Oct 2014
(Prioritization) and URF wa AADA (Custom & Habit) came into existence for issues
Continued from the Oct 2014 issue..
directly in Quran and Sunnah.
and Sunnah.


E.g. , Quran, Sunnah and Ijma (consensus of Sahaba)


As explained earlier Al-Zuhri, Al-Hazm, both commissioned by Khalifa Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz to collect Hadith
As explained
earlier Al-Zuhri, Al-Hazm, both combut the work was probably not done, due to early death o he Khalifa in 101 H.
missioned by Khalifa Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz to collect Hadith
The nec
ity work
of Ilmwas
aal, (Scien
of Codue
gnizance of Transmitters), their Background, Intelligence,
liability, in
Cap101 Memorize, Manner of living, Reputation, Criticism, etc. came into
to early


existence in 2nd century, likewise, compiling books about forged Hadiths to warn the Scholars as well as the
public. of Ilm Al-Rijaal, (Science of CogFigure: 3 (Hadith at the time of Abu Hanifah)
The necessity

nizance of Transmitters),
their Background, Intellind
ew books came in this period that consists of Hadith, Legal opinion of Sahaba K
The 2 century has also witnessed the collection of HadiFth
in memories and pracrdtices (see Fig: 4 below as
gence, Authenticity, Reliability,stCapacity to
of Haactual
ly collec
ted in bo
in 3period
century that
instance), but pupils of the 1 century scholars felt its importance transferring Hadith from memories to books.
Memorize, Manner of living, Reputation, Criticism,
dith, Legal opinion of SahabaKiram&Tabyeen, but
One thing has also developed here and it is working on Fiqh (Jurisprudence), i.e. how to work on the very traditions
etc. came into existence in 2nd century, likewise,
Hadith was actually collected in books in 3rd cenof the Prophet (S) that came mostly to them through practices and transmission by inheritance. Under such
compiling books about forged Hadiths to warn the
tury Hijrah.
circumstances issues and problems related to not only Ebidah (worship), but the finance, commerce, civilization,
Scholars as well as the public.
administration, management and governance, civil rights and duties, etiquette, military, politics, Inheritance,
(1) Mota Imam Malik (dob: 95h),
theology, etc have put a challenge to the scholars. Abu Hanifah (DOB: 80H) is the one who has taken this c hallenge
The 2nd century has also witnessed the collection of (2) KitabuAathar by Imam Mohammad (pupil of
and started working on Fiqh and established a school of thoughts. So, he is a father of Fiqh. There was no problem
memories and practices (see Fig: 4 below
Abu Hanifah, dob: 131h)
r availability of information (Quran, Hadith, tradition of Sahaba & Tabyeen in memories of scholars) but the
as instance),
but pupils of the 1st century scholars
(3) KitabulAathar by Imam Yousef (pupil of Imam
problem was methodology and scientific system through which words of Allah (Quran) and sayings of the prophet
felt its(Himportance
memoAbu Hanifah, dob 113h)
adith) can be well-defined and understood and public issues could be well addressed. Fard (Obligatory), Wajib
ries to(lbooks.
ess thanOne
hair Mu
h (cMusnad
onfirmed Imam
& unconShafaI
firmed S(dob:150h)
unnah), similarly, Haram
ory, Shas
kadah & Ghere
it is working
(prohibited), Makroh Tahrimi (less prohibited), Makroh Tanzehi (reprehensible), Mobah ( neutral(dob:
) have126h)
work on
ofg the
the tex
ved very
from und
us), QIYAS(dob:159h)
(Analogy), ISTEHSAN
t of Qur(S)
an an
d Hadith. (6)
So, wer
e IJMA (CIbn
came (mostly
ectly in167)
n) andthrough
URF wa Apractices
ADA (Custoand
m &transmisHabit) came in(7)
to exi
stence for issues not bin
tioned dir(dob:
sion by
and Sunnah.
and problems related to not only Ebidah (worship),
(9) Jame Ibn Wahab Alqarshi (dob:125h)
but the finance, commerce, civilization, administra(10) Jame SufyanSori (dob:161h)
tion, management and governance, civil rights and
(11) Suunah Fi Fiqh by Ibn Mubarak (dob:181h)
duties, etiquette, military, politics, Inheritance, theol- (12) Msaneed Abu Hanifah (dob:80h)
ogy, etc have put a challenge to the scholars. Abu
PS: Some of these books came into existence in
Hanifah (DOB: 80H) is the one who has taken this
early 3rd century.
challenge and started working on Fiqh and established a school of thoughts. So, he is a father of
Muta Imam Malik of Imam Malik (95-179H) is the
Fiqh. There wasFino
3 (Haditfor
h atavailability
the time of Abof
anifah) first book of Hadith written in FiqhiAbwab. Accordmation (Quran, Hadith, tradition of Sahaba&Tabying to some scholars, this book ranks first as it is
al opinion
on Thulathiyat
of Sahaba Kira(Hadith
m & Tabyee
n, but
een in memories of scholars) but the problem was
3 Rawi)
ry Hijrah
actually co
ed in bookssystem
in 3 centu
Bokhari has only 20-22 Thulathiyat.
words of Allah (Quran) and sayings of the prophet
(Hadith) can be well-defined and understood and
Scholars used to collect Merwiyat (narrations) of
public issues could be well addressed. Fard (Obliga- Imam Abu Hanifah in Musnad Abu Hanifah. A
tory), Wajib (less than obligatory, Sunnah
copy of 15 Musnad in the name of Jame Msaneed
Imam Azam by Chief Justice Mohammad AlMuakkadah&GhairMuaakadh (confirmed & unconKhwarizmi (dob 780G) hasalready been published.
firmed Sunnah), similarly, Haram (prohibited),
Next issue will cover a brief profile of these 2 imMakrohTahrimi (less prohibited), MakrohTanzehi
portant personalities and their works.
(reprehensible), Mobah (neutral) have been derived
from understanding the text of Quran and Hadith.
to be continued
----So, were IJMA (Consensus), QIYAS (Analogy), IS26

Bakhabar : January 2015

Signs of Hour series


I From Ahlul Taqwa Website I

maam Muhammad bin Saalih Al-Uthaimeen

Sharh Lumuat-ul-Itiqaad [pg. 105-110]

1. The Emergence of the Dajjaal Linguistically,

Dajjaal is derived from the word dajl, which means
lying and impostering. Religiously, it refers to a man
who is an imposter and who will appear during the
Last Days, claiming lordship.

His emergence is established in the Sunnah as well

as the Ijmaa (consensus). The Prophet (sallAllaahu
alayhiwasallam) said: Say: O Allaah, verily I seek
refuge in you from the punishment of the Hellfire,
and I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the
grave, and I seek refuge in you from the trial of
Maseeh Ad-Dajjaal. And I seek refuge in you from
the trial of life and death. [1]

The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) would

seek refuge from him during prayer [2] and the
Muslims have agreed upon his emergence.

His story: He will emerge from a road in an area between Shaam and Iraaq and will begin to call the
people to worship him. A majority of the people that
will follow him will be from the Jews, women and
bedouins. Seventy-thousand Jews from Asfahaan (in
present-day Iran) will follow him and he will travel
throughout the entire earth, just as the wind blows
rain in all directions, except for Makkah and
Madeenah, for he will be prevented from entering

The length of his stay will be forty days. One day

will be like a year, one day like a month, one day
like a week and the rest of the days will be as normal. He is one-eyed (i.e. one eye is good and the
other is defective) and between his two eyes will be
written KA FA RA (i.e. kaafir or disbeliever). Only
the believers will be able to read it. He will bring
about great trials, some of which are that he will
command the heavens and it will rain and he will
command the earth and it will produce vegetation.
He will have with him a Garden and a Fire. How27

Bakhabar : January 2015

ever, his garden will be a fire, and his fire will be a


The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) warned

of him by saying: Whosoever hears of him, then let
him distance himself from him. And whosoever has
him reach him, then let him recite the opening verses
of Surah Kahf upon him or let him recite the
opening verses of Surah Kahf. [3]
2. The Descent of Eesaa Ibn Maryam The descent
of Eesaa Ibn Maryam is established in the Quraan,
the Sunnah and the consensus of the Muslims. Allaah says:

And there is none of the People of the Scripture, except that he must believe in him (Eesaa) before his
death. [4]

This refers to the death of Eesaa which will occur

after his descent, as has been interpreted by Abu Hurairah. The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam)
said: I swear by Allaah, Eesaa Ibn Maryam will indeed descend judging (mankind) with justice. This
hadeeth is agreed upon. [5]

The Muslims have unanimously agreed upon his descent. He will descend by the white minaret in the
east of Damascus, placing his hands upon the wings
of two angels. Then it will not be possible for a disbeliever to perceive the scent of his breath, except
that he will die. And his breath will extend as far his
eyesight extends. He will search for the Dajjaal until
he reaches him by the gate of Ludd, where he will
kill him. He will break the cross and abolish the
jizyah (taxation collected from subjected disbelievers). And the prostration (of worship) will be only
one for Allaah the Lord of the universe. He will
also perform Hajj and Umrah. All of this is confirmed in Saheeh Muslim and some of it in both Saheehs. [6]

Imaam Ahmad and Abu Dawood reported that

Eesaa will remain for forty years after killing the
Dajjaal. Then he will die and the Muslims will pray
the funeral prayer (Janaazah) over him. [7] AlBukhaaree mentioned in his At-Tareekh that he will
be buried next to the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) and Allaah knows best. [8]

3. The Emergence of Yajooj and Majooj These

are two non-Arab names or (perhaps) they are Arab
names derived from Maj which means riotous disruption or from Ajeej which means the setting ablaze
and kindling of a fire. They are two nations from the
tribe of Aadam that are currently in existence, based
upon the evidences from the Quraan and Sunnah.
Allaah says concerning the story of Dhul-Qarnain:
Until when he reached between two mountains, he
found before both of them, a people who scarcely
understood a word. They said: O Dhul-Qarnain!
Verily, Yajooj and Majooj are doing great mischief
in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order
that you might erect a barrier between them and
us?' [9]

Also, the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam)

said: On the Day of JudgementAllaah will say: O
Aadam, rise and extract the people of the Fire from
your offspring. Aadam will say: Who are the people of the Hellfire? Allaah will say Out of every
thousand, (take out) nine hundred and ninety-nine
(persons). At that time, children will become hoaryheaded and every pregnant female will drop her load
(i.e. miscarriage). And you will see the people as if
they were drunk, yet they will not be drunk. But Allaahs punishment will be severe. News of that distressed the companions severely, so they said: O
Messenger of Allaah, who amongst us will be that
(one) man (out of a thousand)? He (sallAllaahu
alayhiwasallam) said: Give the good tidings, for
indeed from among you will be one and from
Yajooj and Majooj will be a thousand. [10]

Their emergence, which is one of the signs of the

Hour, has not occurred before in the past. However,
its first indications were present during the time of
the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam). It is confirmed in the two Saheeh collections that the Prophet
(sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) said: Today a hole
has been opened in the barrier of Yajooj and
Majooj, like this, and he (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) made a circle with his index finger and thumb.

Thus, their emergence is established in the Quraan

and the Sunnah. Allaah says: Until when Yajooj
and Majooj are let loose (from their barrier), and
they swoop down from every mound. And the true
promise (Day of Resurrection) shall draw near. [12]

The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) said:

Verily the Hour will never be established until you

Bakhabar : January 2015

see ten signs before it. Then he (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) mentioned: The smoke, the Dajjaal,
the Beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Eesaa Ibn Maryam, Yajooj and Majooj,
three tremors (in which the earth will open and swallow those upon it) one in the east, one in the west
and one in the Arabian peninsula. And the last of
them will be a fire that will come out from Yemen,
which will drive the people to the (final) place of assembly. [13]

Their story is found in the hadeeth of An-Nuwaas

Ibn Samaan (radyAllaahu anhu). The Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) said concerning Eesaa
Ibn Maryam, after the Dajjaal is killed: It will be
that way, when Allaah will reveal to Eesaa: I have
brought forth certain servants of Mine, against
whom none will be able to fight. So lead my servants
safely to the Mount (Toor). And then Allaah will
send Yajooj and Majooj and they will come swarming down from every slope. The first portion of them
will pass by the lake of Tiberias and drink from what
is in it. Then the last portion of them will pass by it
and say: There was once water here. They will continue traveling until they will stop at the mountain of
Al-Khamar, which is the mount of Al-Bait-ulMaqdis. Then they will say: We have killed those
on earth, come, let us now kill those in the heavens.
So they will begin to throw their arrows toward the
sky and Allaah will return their arrows back to them,
smeared with blood. Then the Prophet of Allaah
(Eesaa) and his companions will be laid siege (so
severely), to the extent that the head of an ox would
be better to one of them than one hundred deenars is
to one of you today. So the Prophet of Allaah Eesaa
and his companions will supplicate to Allaah, and
Allaah will send down upon them, insects which will
set upon their (i.e. Yajooj and Majooj) necks (biting at it). In the morning, they will perish, like one
single person. The Prophet of Allaah Eesaa and his
companions will then descend (from the Mount) to
the ground and they will not find a place the size of a
hand span, except that it would be filled with their
putrefaction and stench. So the Prophet of Allaah
Eesaa and his companions will beseech Allaah and
He will send birds, whose necks look like that of
bactrian camels, which will throw them (corpses of
Yajooj and Majooj) wherever Allaah wills. [14]

4. The Emergence of the Beast Linguistically, the

word Ad-Daabbah refers to every creature that
moves about the earth. What it means here, is the
Beast that Allaah will bring forth, close to the estab-

lishment of the Hour. Its emergence is confirmed in

the Quraan and the Sunnah. Allaah says:

And when the word of torment is fulfilled against

them, We shall bring out from the earth, a Beast for
them, to speak to them because mankind believed
not with certainty in Our Ayaat. [Surat-un-Naml
(27): 82]

And the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) said:

Verily the Hour will never be established until you
see ten signs before it. And he (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) mentioned from among them: The
Beast. [2Saheeh Muslim and its checking has been
stated previously]

There is nothing mentioned in the Quraan or the authentic Sunnah that indicates the place from where
this Beast will emerge or its description. These two
have only been mentioned in ahaadeeth, of which
there is speculation concerning their authenticity.
What is apparent from the Quraan, however, is that
it is a Beast that will warn mankind of the nearness
of punishment and destruction, and Allaah knows

5. The Rising of the Sun from the West The rising

of the sun from the west is established in the
Quraan and the authentic Sunnah. Allaah says:
The Day that some of the signs of your Lord do
come, no good will it do for a person to believe then,
if he believed not before nor earned good (by doing
good deeds), through his Faith. [Surat-ul-Anaaam
(6): 158]

The meaning of this (some of the signs) is the rising

of the sun from the west, for the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) said: The Hour will not be
established until the sun rises from the west. And
when it rises and the people see it, they will all believe, and that will be when: No good will it do for
a person to believe then, if he believed not before
nor earned good (by doing good deeds), through his
Faith.[Surat-ul-Anaaam (6): 158] [15]

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What if you find a Watch in the

Sand? By Mostafa Malaekah
o the Atheist and the Agnostic the Muslim
says: Suppose you find a watch in the middle of a desert. What would you conclude?


Bakhabar : January 2015

Would you think that someone dropped this watch?

Or would you suppose that the watch came by itself?
Of course no sane person would say that the watch
just happened to emerge from the sand. All the intricate working parts could not simply develop from
the metals that lay buried in the earth. The watch
must have a manufacturer. If a watch tells accurate
time we expect the manufacturer must be intelligent.
Blind chance cannot produce a working watch.
But what else tells accurate time? Consider the sunrise and sunset. Their timings are so strictly regulated that scientists can publish in advance the
sunrise and sunset times in your daily newspapers.
But who regulates the timings of sunrise and sunset?
If a watch cannot work without an intelligent maker,
how can the sun appear to rise and set with such
clockwork regularity? Could this occur by itself?
Consider also that we benefit from the sun only because it remains at a safe distance from the earth, a
distance that averages 93 million miles. If it got
much closer, the earth would burn up. And if it got
too far away, the earth would turn into an icy planet
making human life here impossible. Who decided in
advance that this was the right distance? Could it just
happen by chance? Without the sun, plants would
not grow. Then animals and humans would starve.
Did the sun just decide to be there for us?
The rays of the sun would be dangerous for us had it
not been for the protective ozone layer in our atmosphere. The atmosphere around the earth keeps the
harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching us. Who was
it that placed this shield around us?
We need to experience sunrise. We need the suns
energy and its light to see our way during the day.
But we also need sunset. We need a break from the
heat, we need the cool of night and we need the
lights to go out so we may sleep. Who regulated this
process to provide what we need?
Moreover, if we had only the warmth of the sun and
the protection of the atmosphere we would want
something more - beauty. Our clothes provide
warmth and protection, yet we design them to also
look beautiful. Knowing our need for beauty, the designer of sunrise and sunset also made the view of
them to be simply breathtaking.
The creator who gave us light, energy, protection and
beauty deserves our thanks. Yet some people insist
that he does not exist. What would they think if they
found a watch in the desert? An accurate, working
watch? A beautifully designed watch? Would they
not conclude that there does exist a watchmaker? An
intelligent watchmaker? One who appreciates
beauty? Such is God who made us.

Stumbling Blocks
in the Way of Marriages

I By Nissar Nadiadwala I

wo most important things around which

the focus of many Muslim youth revolves
are: Career and Marriage. They also happen to be the most confusing things of their life
as they dont know how to go ahead and there
are very few counsellors in these fields who can
really counsel them from the Qur'an and the
Hadith. So in order to make it easy for them to
understand the theme I rotate the priorities from
Career and Marriage to Marriage and Career
putting marriage before Career. Dont get a
happy shock. It is in the terms of responsibility.

If you read Surah Nahl ch 16 Verse 72:

Allah has made from you your mates and from
your mates He makes chidren and 'hafadha'
(delightful offspring) and provides you rizk from
tayyab (good things). Yet you believe in baatil
(falsehood) and reject the blessings of Allah?
Have you considered the famous hadith: The
world is a transit comfort and the best comfort is
a mominah wife (pious and good natured) Sahih
Muslim Hadith no.1467.
If you read the above Qur'anic verse and the
hadith together you will realise that marriage is
a blessing but our young people discard it,
delay it and search for blessings on facebook
profiles, in colleges and workplaces!

Many delayed marriages are a result of a

stretched education after post-graduation especially by young men. Many of them pass away
their twenties and almost enter thirties yet you
will find them chasing degrees after degrees
and pursuing career and dreaming of becoming
rich, with a house and a car before getting married! Many of these young men think that marriage will be a stumbling block in establishment
of a career or higher education.

Those young people staying in the West or

cities like West e.g. Mumbai, Karachi, Dubai,
get a lot of exposure to obscenity, the Non-Muslims among them fulfill their desires through
haram ways and this happens to be one of

Bakhabar : January 2015

their reason for avoiding marriage at the right

age. Their arguments go like this: If we can get
fun for free then why should we get married and
get tied up to social and family responsibilities?
What about the Muslims young men in these
cities? Since they live in an Islamic environment, they dont go for haram options like having affairs or relations out of wedlock so how do
they attend their desires?

With young women it is little different. In a

Western culture they are educated with a mental preparation of life after divorce, long before
marriage. They stay in an environment where
her looks are graded and used as currency for
prosperity. They are independent because they
earn. So they dont want to be a housewife and
undergo labour pain, run kitchen, check childrens homework while their husbands are
freaking around with other girls. So they too
have affairs and divorces and go into live-in relations. In other words, they use haram options.
Then what about the Muslim women whose
marriages are delayed? They have been
brought up in a modest environment but their
marriages are delayed due to her post-graduation, lack of funds for marriage expenses and
hunt for a rich guy. What will they do?

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said If there

comes to you with a proposal of marriage one
with whose religious commitment and attitude
you are pleased, then marry [your daughter or
female relative under your care] to him, for, if
you do not do that, there will be fitnah (tribulation) on earth and widespread corruption. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1084; Ibn Maajah, 1967.
Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in alSilsilah al-Saheehah, 1022.

This is a hadith which many people may find

hard to implement. We have made marriage
very difficult and the reasons are just a few,
some of them global and some borrowed from
un-Islamic cultures.


I By Khalid Baig I

"...In fact if used properly, it could put IMF, the

World Bank, and other shylocks who have been enriching themselves at the expense of the poor out of
business in the Muslim countries...."

oney. These days it is hardly of secondary

importance for those who don't have it.
And even for many who do! What does
Islam say about it? Islam recognizes the value of
wealth. It refers to it as:

"Your property which Allah has made for you a

means of support."[Al-Nisa, 4:5].

But it also warns about its dual nature: it could be a

blessing or a curse. It is a blessing if used to do
good. Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa
sallam, declared that person to be in an enviable position who has lot of wealth and he spends it day and
night in the cause of righteousness. Otherwise it is a
curse. No one who reads the following verse can
think of it in any other way:

"And there are those who hoard gold and silver, and
spend it not in the way of Allah. Announce unto them
a most grievous chastisement. On the day when it
will be heated in the fire of Hell, and with it will be
branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their
backs. `This is the treasure that you hoarded for
yourselves. Taste then the treasure you
hoarded.'"[Al-Tauba 9:34-35]

The two characters are brought together in a beautiful juxtaposition in a hadith. "The case of a miser
and a giver of charity is similar to that of two persons clad in armor from their breasts to their collarbones. Every time the generous person gives charity,
his armor expands, till it covers his finger tips and
toes. Every time the miser intends to spend something, his armor contracts, every ring of it sinking
into his flesh. He tries to loosen it but cannot." . It
should be remembered that here a generous person is
one who spends generously in the path of Allah. A
miser is one whose love of money keeps him from
such spending even though he may be spending lavishly in other areas.

Bakhabar : January 2015

Such love of money is a disease of the heart and the

first purpose of charity in Islam is to work as an antidote against that. That is why the Qur'an asked the
Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam,

"Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify

them." [Tauba 9:103].

Hence the name Zakat (purification) for the main

form of that obligation. And it is for this reason that
Zakat remains obligatory even if there are no needy
persons in a community.

Of course, the system of Zakat is designed to help

the poor and the needy and it is a highly desirable
characteristic of the believers that in addition to
prayers and other acts of worship they are always
conscious of this duty.

"And in their wealth there is due share for the beggar and the deprived." [Al-Zariyat, 51:19].

They do it for no other motive but to please their


"And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent,

the orphan, and the captive, saying: `We feed you for
the sake of Allah alone. No reward do we desire from
you, nor thanks.'" [Al-Insan, 76:8-9]

Charity itself has been a cherished institution in all

human societies. It remains so even in the capitalistic
society. But without a strong belief in Allah and the
Hereafter, a charitable act can only be motivated by
a desire for fame or some other worldly reward.
Human beings are driven by rewards. The only truly
selfless act is one in which the reward is sought from
Allah instead of other human beings. And that is the
change in orientation that Islam provides and that remains its most distinguishing feature. Once a goat
was slaughtered in the Prophet's household and its
meat was distributed. Later on the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, asked Aisha, Radi-Allahu
unha, what was saved from the goat? "Nothing but a
shank," she said. "Everything but the shank," said
the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. For what
was given away in charity was truly saved for the

There are other distinct features of Islam's system of

Zakat. The Qur'an mentions where it can be used.
"The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and
for those employed in connection therewith, and for
those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and for the
freeing of slaves, and for those in debt, and for the
cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer." [Al-Tauba

Did people always believe

in a Creator?

I By Mostafa Malaekah I

t is a fact that throughout history and throughout the world, man had been found to worship
and to believe in a Creator. Specialists in Anthropology,
Civilizations and History are unaniThese are very precise and specific categories, the
seemingly general category of "cause of Allah" refer- mous on this. This led one of the great historians
to say: History shows that there had been cities
ring to Jihad by consensus of scholars.
without palaces, without factories and without
We can better appreciate the immense wisdom in this fortresses, but there has never been cities without
houses of worship. Since time immemorial, man
arrangement if we compare it with Tithe. Under that
system, adopted by the Christian Church, lay people
believed that he was not created simply for this
were forced to pay a tenth of their income to the
life, for this short period, and he knew that he
church to "support the clergy, maintain churches and
would ultimately depart to another resting-place.
assist the poor"-- mostly in that order. The system led We see this evidence with the early Egyptians,
to widespread abuses. It was for this reason that tithe
thousands of years ago, when they mummified
was abolished in France in 1789 during the Revolutheir dead and built great pyramids (as graves)
tion and in other countries after that. England finally
even placed the treasures of the dead in their
ended it in 1936. It was never accepted in the U.S.
graves in addition to drinks and mummified food!
From the earliest recorded history, mankind had
Zakat, on the other hand, cannot be used to maintain
been unanimous, with very few exceptions, that
mosques or support the scholars. Neither can it be
used to support the normal functioning of the govern- there is a Creator and that there is life after death.
ment. No one can change its rate, sources, or applica- However, they differed about the essence of this
tion, which are all pre-determined by the Qur'an and
Creator, how to worship Him and the description
Sunnah. All these distinguish Zakat as an act of worof the life after death. For example, Hindus beship rather than a tax and have been responsible for
lieve in reincarnation and that after death ones
keeping the system mostly free of corruption, even at soul would then go into a human body or an ania time when some Muslim countries have generally
mal, depending on whether one did good or bad
fallen victim to the corruption epidemic. Yet the probin his life, and that this process would continue
lem is that a very large number of those who should
without end until the soul reaches perfection and
be paying Zakat are careless about their responsibilunites
into one with its Creator. People of other
religions like Jews, Christians and Muslims also
believe in life after death, but not in reincarnation
To be sure, a Muslim has financial obligations other
like the Hindus. All three - Jews, Christians and
than Zakat (to support mosques, schools, and other
community projects on an as needed basis), but Zakat Muslims - however have different views about
itself remains the most potent system for addressing
what happens to the soul after ones death.

the economic problems of the Ummah. With 2.5% of

the savings of the rich people throughout the Ummah
going to its poor people every year, the basic needs of
everyone could be satisfied. In fact if used properly, it
could put IMF, the World Bank, and other shylocks
who have been enriching themselves at the expense
of the poor out of business in the Muslim countries.

Even for our economic problems, Islam is the solution. If only we would give it a chance.

Bakhabar : January 2015

The fact that all nations and communities

throughout history believed in a Creator (with the
exception of insignificant few) made the mission
of all prophets in all ages concentrate on guiding
their people away from the worship of creations
to the worship of the one and only Creator God,
i.e. rather than having to prove His existence

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