Effects of Aqua-Aerobic On The Emotional States of Women
Effects of Aqua-Aerobic On The Emotional States of Women
Effects of Aqua-Aerobic On The Emotional States of Women
Study aim: To determine the immediate and distant effects of practicing aqua-aerobic on
state anxiety and mood states in women as compared with the control ones.
Material and methods: Two groups of women aged 30 – 62 years were studied: sedentary
controls (n = 18) and practicing aqua-aerobic (n = 20) throughout two mesocycles lasting
12 weeks each and separated by one-week intermission. Two questionnaires were admin-
istered: STAI (trait and state, the latter just before and after every aqua-aerobic session,
repeated 4 times) and POMS (3 times).
Results: Aqua-aerobic sessions significantly reduced state anxiety throughout both meso-
cycles except the first week. Moreover, participation in aqua-aerobic training steadily re-
duced negative mood states as compared with the initial values or with sedentary subjects.
Conclusions: Aqua-aerobic activities may improve the general feeling of middle-age
Prof. Monika Guszkowska, Department of Psychology, Academy of Physical Education, Marymoncka 34,
Author’s address 00-968 Warsaw, Poland mguszkowska@wp.pl
12 E. Piotrowska-Całka, M. Guszkowska
aqua-aerobic sessions induced significantly higher in- on the anxiety status. Cumulative effects of aqua-aerobic
creases of positive moods and decreases of the negative training were determined by administering Polish ver-
ones compared with aerobic or yoga sessions. In another sion of the McNair’s et al. Profile of Mood States (POMS)
study, Knecht [12] noted significant post-exercise de- questionnaire [7], to measure the negative mood states,
creases of state anxiety throughout 10 weeks of aqua- on Weeks 1, 6 and 12 of both mesocycles. POMS ques-
aerobic training (single sessions), the pre-exercise levels tionnaires were administered to control subjects in the
being, however, rather constant. same manner and at the same time intervals as in the
The aim of the study was to determine the immedi- aqua-aerobic group. Student’s t-test for dependent or
ate and distant effects of practicing aqua-aerobic on independent data was used in data analysis, the level of
state anxiety and mood states in women as compared p≤0.05 being considered significant.
with the control ones.
Material and Methods
Immediate and distant effects of aqua-aerobic exercises
Two groups of women aged 30 – 62 years were stud- The exercise-induced changes in state anxiety de-
ied: sedentary controls (SC; n = 19) and practicing aqua- termined on Weeks 1, 6, 8 and 12 of the first and second
aerobic (AA; n = 19) at the swimming school of the mesocycles are presented in Fig. 1.
Academy of Physical Education. The deep water train-
ing (DWT) was applied in two mesocycles (October – Score points Pre
45 Post
December and January – March) lasting 12 weeks each
(two sessions a week) and separated by one-week inter- * *
mission. Every DWT session consisted of the following
3 exercise units: aerobic, strength-endurance and stretch-
ing. Displacement equipment (foam cuffs for lower legs,
“noodles”, circular boards and resistance-increasing 15
equipment – fabric-rubber gloves and swimming pad- 10
dles) was used in order to increase the attractiveness and 5
intensity of activities and to help maintaining vertical 0
position. All DWT sessions were run by the same female 1 6 8 12 1 6 8 12
instructor, certified by the American Aquatic Exercise As-
sociation (AEA) whose standards were adopt-ed in the Fig. 1. Pre- and post-exercise values (±SE) of state anxi-
design of aqua-aerobic training. The sessions, lasting 45 ety recorded in women training aqua-aerobic (n = 19)
min each, were conducted twice a week in a swimming throughout two mesocycles, 12 weeks each
pool 140 – 360 cm deep, at water temperature 27 – 28ºC.
Polish version of Spielberger’s STAI questionnaire A significant (p<0.01) reduction of state anxiety was
[18] was administered only to participants of aqua-aerobic observed following every aqua-aerobic session except
training pre- and post-exercise (up to 30 min following the first week of both mesocycles. Moreover, a reduction
the session) on Weeks 1, 6,8 and 12 of both mesocycles. of the pre-exercise state anxiety in Week 8 vs. Week 1
This served to determine the effects of single sessions was noted.
Table 1. Mean (±SD) values of mood state variables recorded in women training aqua-aerobic and in sedentary
controls; 1st mesocycle
Mood states in exercising and in sedentary women women at the same time intervals (Tables 1 and 2). More-
Mean values of mood state variables were recorded over, negative mood state variables were combined and
in women training aqua-aerobic three times throughout presented in Fig. 2.
both mesocycles; they were also recorded in sedentary
Table 2. Mean (±SD) values of mood state variables recorded in women training aqua-aerobic and in sedentary
controls;2nd mesocycle
Different from the respective value in aqua-aerobic group: º p<0.10; * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; @ Significantly (p<0.001) higher than
in Mesocycle 1
Score points Non-exercising
* * Aqua-aerobic sessions produce immediate effects by
70 * reducing the state anxiety like reported also elsewhere
60 [9]. Yeung [19] reported similar observations in 85% of
50 papers reviewed by him and the effects of single aqua-
40 aerobic sessions were independent of gender, age or
30 physical fitness. Such effects were most pronounced
20 following aerobic exercises of moderate intensity, such
10 as swimming, cycling, jogging, etc., lasting at least 20
0 min [9,13]. Aqua-aerobic, which is also a moderate
1 6 12
1 6 12 aerobic exertion lasting more than 20 min and induces
positive emotional changes, may be added to that list.
Fig. 2. Mean values (±SE) of negative mood states re- Moreover, being a non-competitive activity, aqua-aerobic
corded in women training aqua-aerobic (n = 18) and in does not excessively engage ego. The results ought to be
sedentary controls (n = 20) throughout two mesocycles,
confirmed in other studies as the numbers of subjects in
12 weeks each
this study were relatively low.
* Significant (p<0.05) difference between groups
Positive emotional effects of aqua-aerobic were not
revealed following the first week of training in both
No significant time-related differences were found mesocycles, due perhaps to the somewhat stressful cir-
in individual mood variables in either group and in cumstances of the first contact with a new form of exer-
either mesocycle (Tables 1 and 2) and the same was true cise; probably the trainees needed time to get accus-
for combined negative mood states (Fig. 2). On the other tomed to the specificity of water environment and to keep
hand, significant differences were found between groups body balance. Some of them might have had to control
in Week 12 (both mesocycles) and in Week 6 (2nd meso- fear of water. The fact that state anxiety was not reduced
sycle) as shown in Tables 1 and 2, and the same was in the first week of the 2nd mesocycle may suggest that
true for combined negative mood states (Fig. 2). In all after the first mesocycle had been concluded, the sub-
cases, subjects from AA group exhibited lower levels of jects had to re-adapt upon resuming the training. This
negative states than the control ones. No differences, diminished, to some extent, the beneficial effects in-
either between groups or between weeks, were found duced by the practiced motor activities.
for positive mood variables. However, friendliness was Aqua-aerobic activities had no distant effect on mood
significantly (p<0.001) higher in the 2nd mesocycle in states, either on individual mood variables or on the
both groups throughout the study period. overall negative state. This is in contrast to other reports
14 E. Piotrowska-Całka, M. Guszkowska