Guideline On DTC 1
Guideline On DTC 1
Guideline On DTC 1
2. Short Title
This Guideline may be cited as Working guideline for the establishment and operation of Drug and
Therapeutics Committee .
3. Definitions
In this guideline unless the context provides otherwise:
Drug and therapeutics Committee means a group of health professionals that that advices a health
establishment on matters related to drug management.
2. "Adverse Drug Reaction means a noxious and unwanted reaction to drugs that occurs at a dose used in
human for diagnosis, treatment or prophylaxis.
3. Authority refers to the Drug Administration and Control Authority, DACA.
4. Proclamation refers to the Drug Administration and Control Proclamation 176/1999.
5. Health establishment refers to Regional Health Bureau, Zonal, Woreda and health institution (Including
Public, private, Ngo and others).
6. Drug Means any substance or mixture of substances used in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or
prevention of a disease in man or animal. This includes Drugs, Vaccines, radio active pharmaceuticals,
blood and blood products, sanitary articles, sera, Medical supplies and Medical equipments
4. Objectives
The guideline is expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. To enable Health establishments recognize the purpose, responsibilities, functions and roles DTCs play in
the promotion of good drug supply management and rational use of drugs.
2. To improve the long standing poor drug supply management and irrational use of drugs.
3. To foster teamwork sprit among health professionals.
4. To provide a general framework on how to establish and operate DTCs in respective health
5. Organization of DTC
Drugs and Therapeutics Committee shall be established at Regional, Zonal/ Woreda and Health institution
levels and will have the following members:
5.1. At Health institutions Level
5.1.1 Hospital
DTC established at Hospital level shall have the following members:
Develops guidelines for the evaluation, selection, quantification, and procurement of drugs for
the respective health establishment.
Reviews and adopts the National Standard Treatment guideline to comply with the morbidity pattern
observed by the health establishment.
Prepares own list of drugs (with reference to Essential Drug List/National drug list) that should be
available in the health establishment, based on different criteria including, safety, efficacy, quality, cost
effectiveness, availability by using available data and information.
Monitors the occurrences of adverse drug reactions (ADR), keep record and sends report to a responsible
Decides on the classification of drugs as prescription or OTC on the basis of the national list on such
categorization at Health institution level. And further categorizes which drugs should be prescribed by
Evaluates objectively clinical data regarding new drugs or agents proposed for use in the health
Designs and organizes educational programs regarding drugs and drug use.
Recommend additions and deletions from the list of drugs accepted for use in the health
Facilitates the establishment of Drug information unit and assess its impact in the promotion of rational
drug use.
Gives recommendations concerning drugs to be stocked in health institution patient units or services.
Initiates and coordinates Studies on problems related to rational use of drugs, proper distribution and
labeling of medications.
Ensures that the aims and objectives of the DTC are applied
Ensures that decisions of the committee are based on scientific evidence, where such
evidence is available.
Establishes good relationship between the committee and the management of the
health establishment
Represents the committee in the management meetings and other relevant events
6.2. Secretariat
The secretariat of the DTC shall be the head of the pharmacy section of the health establishment.
In consultation with the chairperson, prepares the notice and agenda for all meetings.
Prepares the minutes of all meetings and disseminates these to all members.
Conduct literature searches and disseminate the material at least seven days before the
committee meets.
Ensures that the decisions taken by the committee are submitted to the head of health
establishment for his/her notification.
Correlates and circulates all pertinent material for meetings to all members and their task
team at least three days before the meeting.
Each member should give prior notification if will not be attending the next meeting.
The Drugs and Therapeutics Committee should meet regularly, no less frequently than six times per
year and should meet on call when necessary.
The committee may invite to its meetings persons within or outside the health institution who can
contribute from their specialized knowledge or experience.
Issues to be discussed will be determined jointly by the chairperson and the secretary.
An agenda is desirable and should be prepared and submitted to members of the committee in
sufficient time before the meeting.
Minutes should be kept by the secretary and should be maintained in the permanent records of the
health institution.
50% of the membership of the committee will constitute a quorum for any meeting.
Correspondence shall be addressed to the secretariat of the committee.
The DTC is not intended to intervene in the administration of the health establishment but to
act on technical and budgetary (Only Drug Budget) aspects of drug supply management and
The DTC is responsible to make close follow-up of the implementations of its approved
recommendations by the management or the staff. If the staff does not implement the
recommendations, the committee should discuss the recommendations with the staff again
and urge the management to take necessary measures.
8. Effective Date:
This guideline is effective as of __________ 2005.
a. The Drug Defect Report Form (See Annex 2) need to be filled at each level of the health institution
by Pharmacy professionals or chief of the Pharmacy section or by other health professionals; and
should be reported to the Pharmacy & Therapeutic Committee.
b. The Pharmacy & Therapeutics committee should then send directly to Drug Administration and
control Authority or its nearest branch and make a copy of the report to the Zonal health
department/regional health bureau.
c. The Drug Administration and Control Authority, collects and analyzes the report and forwards the
information to the manufacturer or importers and distributors involved for their reaction (the
authority can also take action) and provides feed back to the reporter with appreciation.
dispensing takes place. Then, periodically drug utilization within the health institutions could, be
assessed. The result of the assessment serves the Pharmacy Professionals to gain technical &
professional information; and also helps health institution to:
Assess drug utilization (e.g. prescribing practice) within the health institution
The result of the drug utilization review needs to be presented to the Pharmacy & Therapeutics
Committee, so as to use it in promoting rational drug use.
Annex 1
Date Drug
Started Stopped
Therapeutic Indication
Treatment of reaction:
Died due to adverse reaction Died, drug may be contributory Died Unrelated to drug
Not yet recovered Recovered with out sequelae Recovered with squeal Unknown
Additional information: (e.g. relevant history such as allergies, chronic disease, pregnancy etc.)
Reported by: Name _______________________ Profession: _________ Signature: __________ Date: _______________
Name of health Institution: ________________________ Address: _____________ Tele No:
What to report
All suspected reactions to drugs
Unknown or unexpected ADRs
Serious adverse drug reactions
Unexpected therapeutic effects
From __________________________________
Annex 2
P. O. Box 5681,
Addis Ababa,
6. Country of Manufacturer__________________________________________________
7. Defects Noted or Suspected_______________________________________________
8. Name & Address of Reporting Health Institution_______________________________
9. Action taken by the health institution________________________________________
Return to
Drug Administration and Control
Authority of Ethiopia (DACA)
P.O. Box 5681 Addis Ababa
Annex 3
Patient Prescription Registration Book
Treatment (Name
Strength Dosage
form & Dose of
Free/Paying write
"F" or "P"
Unit Price