The 4 Pillars
The 4 Pillars
The 4 Pillars
The most pure of the traditions of Satanism is a revelation from Satan delivered to the person of Sheikh
Adi in the 12th Century entitled Al-Jilwah, or The Revelation. What separates this tradition from the
others is that the first person "speaker" is Lord Satan Himself. Key understandings drawn from the Al-
Jilwah include the power and providence of the Master, as well as His promise to reward those who are
faithful to His dictates.
Early Christianity was far more eclectic than the garbage we are left with today, all of which owes its
origin either directly or indirectly to Roman Catholicism. In the First Century, what would eventually
become Catholicism was only one of many sects. Among this myriad of Jesus-worshippers was a group
that had achieved a partial understanding of the Master, which was remarkable for that era. Today we
call these ancient proto-Satanists "gnostics", after the method of their enlightenment. What the gnostic
Christians were able to key in on was the fact that although the god of the Hebrews was in fact the
demiurgos, or "fashioner" of the world of matter, he is neither supreme nor the true benefactor of
mankind. It was instead the serpent of Eden (read: Satan!) who was the ally of mankind.
Although we can credit these ancient people with such an understanding, we must keep in mind that
their overall worldview was still "Christocentric", and hence flawed, but given the time and place of their
subsistence, no less remarkable. The stream of tradition we trace back to these people is given a more
proper systematic placement relative to the other three pillars.
There have always been those brave individuals who have dared the flaming pyres of the Christian
churches, and bonded their souls in the service of Satan. However, in much the same way that all early
alternative accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus were destroyed, we are left with a bare minimum
of surviving documentation of their discoveries. Of the little we do have, almost all is relatively late,
comparatively speaking. The primary value of such surviving texts is twofold: first to establish the
pedigree of our faith, which despite what may be claimed elsewhere, is ancient; and second to illustrate
what works and what doesn't from a ritual standpoint. Deciphering such grimoires can be a challenge to
even the most dedicated servant of the Master, which is why we must affirm their meaning relative to
the other pillars - each reinforces the others, as has been repeatedly emphasized.
Any true warrior knows that knowledge of the opposition is key to victory. Given this fact, it stands to
reason that Lord Satan's opposition would endow the flock of his sheep with a knowledge of the Master.
Though commentary will of course be slanted toward their side, it does their god no good whatsoever to
downplay the significance of their adversary (Satan), or ignore His power and influence. So we find that
Genesis tells us just exactly who told Eve the truth and who lied, regardless of how the author chose to
gloss those blatant facts. We find that Paul himself must admit that Satan is the God of this world, etc.
Again, we must be careful that we separate the fact from the propaganda by recourse to the other
pillars, but make no mistake about it, there are facts to be had, even in the enemy's books.