Thursday Thoughts

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I spent a couple of months as a NEET and I greatly see the appeal.

My days were so stress free, and I had

all the time and more importantly energy to just workout, meditate, study, play vidya games. Was
honestly some of the best couple months of my adult life. The main drawback of course is that "society"
and women will see you as a subhuman, but a lot of the guys sucked into this lifestyle don't have any IRL
aquiantances other than their parents or romantic prospects with women in the first place so this is not
a big issue. There are more incels, sexually inactive, socially disconnected men than ever.

If I had no partner or zero prospects with decent non cumdumpster/obese women there is no doubt I'd
try to get back into that NEET or minimalist lifestyle doing the bare minumum and focusing on cheap
hobbies with zero ****s given. Lots of dudes are realizing that this system is absolutely ****ed and
actively against them with the 1% absolutely cucking everyone beyond belief. so why go through all this
BS just to pay more into it.

I'm kind of half in this position. I live with my parents by choice. I pay for my own **** and contributed
to the mortgage when we still had it, and I enjoy their company. However I work part time remotely and
I only leave the house like 3 times a week. I make plenty to support myself and my hobbies (gaming,
playing trumpet/saxophone/piano) so I'm content with the amount of work I do and the pay that I bring
in. I don't see the value in just having a career for its own sake. The only value it has is the money that it
provides. I have a job that I don't hate and I make enough to support myself and I'm saving for the

I have a small group of friends and we mostly talk online via discord. Most of us don't live close to each
other so this is the only way for us to keep in touch.

I haven't completely given up on women but I realize that it's probably not going to happen for me at
this point. I want to have a partner and ideally eventually a wife, but I won't lower my standards (6/10+,
not overweight, not a retard), and I realize that there's a lot of competition for a woman like that. I have
an attractive face but I'm a scrawny manlet who has severe OCD, so I'm not going to get many HBBs to
respond to my advances, either through online dating or cold approaching. My attitude is I'd rather be
alone than settle for a whale.

I don't really see a problem with the way I approach my life. I pay my own way, I do things in a way that I
am comfortable with, and I'm generally satisfied and happy.
Oh I'm right there with ya. I returned to college after dropping out, working full time. Did a research
paper on it, only a few percentage of people are able to do that. Now I work a cushy job with a bunch of
people I can't stand, no matter what corporation it is, seems like they're all the same. And yet was it all
worth it? I mean I think so, sounds like we're both set financially.

The only thing that gets me through it all is my support network/friends and having a great GF that
doesn't act like your typical sloot. And even then, I feel like I'm missing something some days, because
my thought processes are so different and not skewed by college/media propaganda. Having great
friends with normal conversation about life and traveling either alone or with them makes all the
difference. My friends and I get together and just joke about how ridiculous everything is becoming.
Having your own tribe is key and it keeps me sane.
All of your posts in here have been retarded.

Incentives move people. What incentive would a man have for getting a job and nice house etc if he's
decided he doesn't care for women?

If I couldn't get laid or didn't hope to meet the right girl one day, I'd either haul ass to a woods cabin or
live at home to spend time with my parents before they die.


If she's dead then she shouldn't post? makes sense. so that could be it. But even if she's dead why is all
this so bad?

Well what this shows is that they have been lying/covering this whole thing up for the greater part of
last year in which Cobra has kept playing it off that shes fine whenever people asked or just ignoring it.
Even til now he is being intentionally vague and the posts that mention her being deceased are not
going through. The post pretty much implies she is dead or at minimum vanished without saying
anything. Yet the message trying to be conveyed and propagated is that shes all right/just taking a
break/working on achieving the Magnum Opus in isolation in the Tibetan mountains or something.
And the justification is “if you have a connection with the gods you’ll know she’s all right” aka the usual
“the gods told me so line”.

So if they have been lying/covering this up, it makes one then wonder what else was lied about over the
years. Well the Hebrew chanting (RTR) that again “came from the Gods”. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone
ever say they liked doing these or they made them feel good aside from posts on the echo chamber of
the JOS forum. Always negative experiences and feelings. Now the JOS has a lot of good stuff, but
most of that is from legitimate sources that are also verified elsewhere. Other things such as these RTRs
Maxine just pulled those out of her ass saying they came from the gods and now Cobra is just doing
slight alterations to keep the larp going. If they make you feel good and you like doing them by all
means continue, but I’m just sharing my experience which seems to be a common one. It doesn’t look
like they actually do anything but invoke negative energy and waste your time. She also claims she freed
all the demons on the website which were previously sealed away by playing with herself for days

The Nazis all being Satanists thing is usually supported by quotes from the Trevor Ravencroft book about
Hitler going through some satanic enunciation. This book is a joke when one actually goes through it.
Other claims in the book are that one of Hitlers mentor was some jewish occultish named Stein and that
they’d go skinnydipping and take psychedelic drugs together while engaging in Jerk circle sex magic
rituals. (yes seriously). This is a common theme with the JOS on Hitler where they will nitpick things
from sources they like and claim things from the same source that they don’t like are “edited in by
jews”. The Hitler by the JOS doesn’t appear to be historically accurate and they just give him arbitrary
traits/views to have this ideal thoughtform to worship, essentially the same thing the Christians do with
Jesus. Maxine adopted the Nazi stuff probably primarily to recruit people for her husband who was the
leader of an American Natsoc group before he got kicked out. As I said in another thread I’m pro-Hitler
so for me it’s far from the worst thing that they are promoting at least some variant of him and opening
people up to the mainstream programming. But regardless this shows another instance of them lying or
at the very least immersed so deep into a larp that they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. Hitler like
anyone else really doesn’t need to be this perfect guy with perfect views on everything to be someone
worthy of admiration or seen positively.

Now I wrote somewhere else on this forum that I’m NatSoc and if you read the other thread I highly
disagree with Dons newfound Hollywoodchristian-hitler stance but the JOS version of Kundalini master
Dindu Nuffin Hitler seems improbable as well without a lot of reliable evidence behind. I think a lot of
this is just Maxine wanting to roleplay as some edgy black magician Nazi priestess one might commonly
find in works of fiction along with wanting to convert people to Natsoc which her husband was the
leader of an American group. Only their version of Hitler and NatSoc is its own thing and not historically
accurate. They simply whatever traits/views to Hitler they want ,picking things from sources they like
while discarding things they don’t like from the exact same source with the justification that that bit was
“edited by jews”. The fact that they hold on to Hitler so much and need him to be this perfect guy
despite having different views shows this is all more about a larp than anything. Again as a natsoc this
doesn’t necessarily bother me since promoting this does more good than harm.

far from the actual source material and they merely pick things from sources they like and saying things
they don’t like were edited by jews

There’s probably even a book out there somewhere wth the same plot. Along with using the group to
try to convert people to Natsoc which her husband was the leader of an American group. Maxine
started the Nazi stuff from a combination of her husband being the leader of an american NatSoc group/
trying to recruit people and also just a personal desire of wanting to roleplay as some edgy black
magician occultist priestess one might commonly find in works of Nazi-fiction. This is negligible really as
I agree with most of their views, but it’s just not an entirely accurate

Again this is just how I see things. I could be entirely wrong here, your free to your own conclusion.

Oh no! Hitler dared take back key industrial areas full of ethnic germans being persecuted that were
taken away after WW1!!! And he dared build up a military??!?!? Bad goyim!!!

He should have just sat pat and did some Sat Kriya…. I’m sure the zogs of the world would have just left
him alone in that case. Maybe order all of the citizens to do some Reverse Torah Rituals as well for good
measure. Yes that would have done it. If only Azazel was there to relay that information to him but
unfortunately he was still locked away and we’d have to wait over half a century later for him to be
freed by Maxines couch flicking marathon.

The reality is for any first world nation or nation period to break free of zog they are going to need…
power. This is what matters in the end and what garners respect and fear. And yes unfortunately one
is going to need to crack a few skulls along the way. To think otherwise would just be delusion. So in a
respect yes Hitler did want to “rule the world” although “guide” would be the better term. But why is
this bad thing when becoming the leading world power was the only real way for the sovereignty of his
people ?
Wanting self-determination for his own people instead of being ruled by the Chosen. For someone who
is on a roll with labeling everyone and everything under the sun as Christian, your criticism here is

Well what this shows is that they have been lying/covering this whole thing up for the greater part of
last year in which Cobra has kept playing it off that shes fine whenever people asked or just ignoring it.
Even til now he is being intentionally vague and the posts that mention her being deceased are not
going through. The post pretty much implies she is dead or at minimum vanished without saying
anything. Yet the message trying to be conveyed and propagated is that shes all right/just taking a
break/working on achieving the Magnum Opus in isolation in the Tibetan mountains or something. And
the justification is “if you have a connection with the gods you’ll know she’s all right” aka the usual “the
gods told me so line”.

So if they have been lying/covering this up, it makes one then wonder what else was lied about over the
years. Well the Hebrew chanting (RTR) that again “came from the Gods”. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone
ever say they liked doing these or they made them feel good aside from posts on the echo chamber of
the JOS forum. Always negative experiences and feelings. Now the JOS has a lot of good stuff, but most
of that is from legitimate sources that are also verified elsewhere. Other things such as these RTRs
Maxine just pulled those out of her ass saying they came from the gods and now Cobra is just doing
slight alterations to keep the larp going. If they make you feel good and you like doing them by all means
continue, but I’m just sharing my experience which seems to be a common one. It doesn’t look like they
actually do anything but invoke negative energy and waste your time. She also claims she freed all the
demons on the website which were previously sealed away by playing with herself for days straight.

The Nazis all being Satanists thing is usually supported by quotes from the Trevor Ravencroft book about
Hitler going through some satanic enunciation. This book is a joke when one actually goes through it.
Other claims in the book are that one of Hitlers mentor was some jewish occultish named Stein and that
they’d go skinnydipping and take psychedelic drugs together while engaging in Jerk circle sex magic
rituals. (yes seriously). This is a common theme with the JOS on Hitler where they will nitpick things from
sources they like and claim things from the same source that they don’t like are “edited in by jews”. The
Hitler by the JOS doesn’t appear to be historically accurate and they just give him arbitrary traits/views
to have this ideal thoughtform to worship, essentially the same thing the Christians do with Jesus.
Maxine adopted the Nazi stuff probably primarily to recruit people for her husband who was the leader
of an American Natsoc group before he got kicked out. As I said in another thread I’m pro-Hitler so for
me it’s far from the worst thing that they are promoting at least some variant of him and opening
people up to the mainstream programming. But regardless this shows another instance of them lying or
at the very least immersed so deep into a larp that they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. Hitler like
anyone else really doesn’t need to be a superhero, reincarnation of Lucifer, or some perfect guy with
perfect views on everything to be someone worthy of admiration or seen positively. Part of Hitlers
appeal to me was always his relatable origins as an everyman and how he went from being homeless to
the most powerful person of an industrial powerhouse.

these are the conclusions I came to based on the evidence and information available to me. your free to
your own opinions and conclusions.
Oh no! Hitler dared take back key industrial areas full of ethnic germans being persecuted that
were taken away after WW1!!! And he dared build up a military??!?!? Bad goyim!!!

He should have just sat pat and did some Sat Kriya…. I’m sure the zogs of the world would have
just left him alone in that case. Maybe order all of the citizens to do some Reverse Torah Rituals
as well for good measure. Yes that would have done it. If only Azazel was there to relay that
information to him but unfortunately he was still locked away and we’d have to wait over half a
century later for him to be freed by Maxines couch flicking marathon.

The reality is for any first world nation or nation period to break free of zog they are going to
need…power. This is what matters in the end and what garners respect and fear. And yes
unfortunately one is going to need to crack a few skulls along the way. To think otherwise would
just be delusion. So in a respect yes Hitler did want to “rule the world” although “guide” would
be the better term. But why is this bad thing when becoming the leading world power was the
only real way for the sovereignty of his people ?

Wanting self-determination for his own people instead of being ruled by the Chosen. For
someone who is on a roll with labeling everyone and everything under the sun as Christian, your
criticism here is very….Christian.

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