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Mandarin Trifold

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Social History

Are you allergic to any medications?

Are you married or single?
Do you have any children?
Where do you live?
Do you live alone?
Do you work?
Do you (smoke/ drink)?
How many (packs do you smoke/
drinks do you have) a day?
Have you ever tried to quit (smoking/
Do your (hands shake/ see things)
when you stop drinking?
Have you ever used any drugs?
Cocaine/ Heroin/Opium/ Marijuana?
Do you use needles?

Ni3 ting3 zhi3 he1 jiu3 zhi1 hou4, ni3 (de5

shou3 you3 mei2 you3 chu1 xian4 dou3
chan4/ you3 mei2 you3 kan4 dao4 qi2
guai4 de5 dong1 xi5)?
Ni3 you3 yong4 du2 pin3 ma5?
Ke3 ka3 yin1? Hai3 luo4 yin1? Ya1 pian4?
Da4 ma2?
Ni3 yong4 zhen1 guan3 ma5?



shi2 yi1
shi2 er4
shi2 san1
shi2 si4
shi2 wu3
er4 shi2
san1 shi2
si4 shi2
wu3 shi2
yi1 bai3

Ke2 sou4? Tan2? Shen2 me5 yan2 se4?

Hu1 xi1 kun4 nan5?
Jie1 chu4 guo4 fei4 jie2 he2 bing4?
Xiong1 tong4? Xin1 ji4?
Ni3 yong4 ji3 ge4 zhen3 tou5 shui4 jiao4?
Ni3 zou3 duo1 shao3 tiao2 jie1 cai2 hui4
gan3 dao4 lei4?
Pin2 xie3?
Ni3 shi4 fou3 hen3 rong2 yi4 peng4 yu1?
Hen3 lei4?
Xiao3 bian4 bu4 tong1
Jin3 ji2?
Ni3 yi1 tian1 xiao3 bian4 ji3 ci4?
Ye4 niao4 duo1?
Xie3 niao4?
Guan1 jie2 teng2 tong4?
Xu1 ruo4?
Gu2 zhi2 shu1 song1 zheng4
Feng1 shi1 bing4
Ji2 zhong1 jing1 shen5 you3 kun4 nan2?
Qing2 xu4 bian4 dong4?
You3 zi4 sha1 xiang3 fa5?


yi1 yue4
er4 yue4
san1 yue4
si4 yue4
wu3 yue4
liu4 yue4


qi1 yue4
ba1 yue4
jiu3 yue4
shi2 yue4
shi2 yi1 yue4
shi2 er4 yue4


xing1 qi1 tian1

xing1 qi1 yi1
xing1 qi1 er4


xing1 qi1 san1

xing1 qi1 si4
xing1 qi1 wu3
xing1 qi1 liu4



Cough? Sputum? What color is it?

Shortness of breath?
Exposure to TB?
Chest pain? Palpitations?
How many pillows do you use to
How many blocks can you walk
before you get tired?
Do you bruise easily?
Daily frequency?
Joint pain?
Rheumatoid arthritis?
Problems with concentration?
Mood changes?
Suicidal thoughts?

Chest, Abdomen, GI

Gao1 xie3 ya1?

Tang2 niao4 bing4?
Xin1 zang4 bing4? Zhong4 feng1?
Gan1 yan2? Ai2 zheng4?
Xiao1 chuan3? Fei4 qi4 zhong3?
Ai4 zi1 bing4?
Ni3 de5 jia1 ren2 you3 jian4 kang1 wen4
ti2 ma5?
Ni3 yi3 qian2 qu4 guo4 yi1 yuan4 ma5?
Ni3 xian4 zai4 you3 mei2 you3 chi1 yao4?
Yao4 fang1? Chu3 fang1 yao4? Zhong1
Ni3 hui4 dui4 yao4 wu4 guo4 min3 ma5?
Ni3 jie2 hun1 le5 ma5?
Ni3 you3 xiao3 hai2 ma5?
Ni3 zhu4 zai4 nar3?
Ni3 xian4 zai4 zi4 ji3 yi2 ge4 ren2 zhu4
Ni3 you3 gong1 zuo4 ma5?
Ni3 (chou1 yan1/ he1 jiu3) ma5?
Ni3 yi4 tian1 (chou1 ji3 bao1/ he1 ji3 bei1
Ni3 you3 chang2 shi4 (jie4 yan1/ jie4 jiu3)?

Nose bleeds?
Sore throat?
Bleeding gums?
(Indigestion/ Heartburn/ Diarrhea/
What color is your stool?
(Heat/ cold) intolerance?
Polydipsia? Polyuria?
(Hair/ nail) changes?


Does the pain move?

Is there something that (alleviates/
aggravates) the pain?
Have you had this pain before?
Do you suffer from any medical
High blood pressure?
Heart disease? Stroke?
Hepatitis? Cancer?
Asthma? Emphysema?
Do any of your family members have
medical problems?
Have you ever been hospitalized?
Are you taking any medications?
Prescription? OTC? Herbal?

Weight loss?
Skin (rashes/ itching/ color
(Headaches/ dizziness)?
Loss of consciousness?
Vision changes?
Do you hear as well as before?
(Vertigo/ Tinnitus)?

Physical Exam

Fa1 shao1/ Han2 chan4/ Wan3 shang5

liu2 han4
Ni3 zui4 jin4 you3 mei2 you3 shou4 le5?
Pi2 fu1 you3 (fa1 zhen3/ yang3/ bian4
yan2 se4) ma5?
(Tou2 tong4/ tou2 yun1)?
Shi1 qu4 zhi1 jue2?
Shi4 li1 you3 gai3 bian4 ma5?
Ni3 ting1 dong1 xi5 shi4 fou3 gen1 yi3
qian2 yi2 yang4 hao3? (tou2 yun1/ er3
Liu2 bi2 xie3?
Hou2 long2 tong4?
Ya2 chuang2 liu2 xie3?
(Xiao1 hua4 bu4 liang2/ wei4 suan1 guo4
duo1/ fu4 xie4/ bian4 mi4)?
Da4 bian4 shen2 me5 yan2 se4?
(Pa4 re4/pa4 leng3)?
Te4 bie2 kou3 ke3 ma5? Xiao3 bian4
you3 bi2 ping2 shi2 duo1 ma5?
(Tou2 fa/ zhi1 jia5) you3 gai3 bian4 ma5?

Sit down on the exam table.

Lie down. Sit up. Stand up.
Remove your clothes (except your
I am going to take your (blood
pressure/ pulse).
Do this. (to mimic physical action)
Follow my finger.
Look at the light.
Raise your eyebrows.
(Smile/ frown).
I need to check your teeth.
Im going to examine your nose.
Push against my hand with your
Raise your shoulders against my
Open your mouth. Stick out your
tongue. Say ahh.
I am going to examine your (heart/
Breathe deeply.
Breathe out.
I am going to examine your
Tell me whether this hurts, when I
(press/ let go).
I am going to do a rectal exam.
Roll over onto your (left/ right) side.
Tell me as soon as you see my
finger wiggling.
Do you hear this?
Is it louder in your right ear or your
Walk on your (toes/ heels).



Past Medical History

Is the pain constant or intermittent?


Is the pain strong, moderate, or

Is the pain sharp or dull?



When did the pain start?

Review of Systems
(Fevers/ Chills/ Night sweats)?


Do you have any pain?

Where does it hurt?
Can you show me where?

Ni3 hao3, wo3 shi4 yi1 sheng1

Ni3 jiao4 shen2 me5 ming2 zi5?
Ni3 ji3 sui4?
Jin1 tian1 ni3 wei4 shen2 me5 lai3 zhe4
Ni3 hui4 tong4 ma5?
Na3 li5 tong4?
Ni3 ke3 yi3 gao4 su4 wo3 shi4 zai4 na3 li3
Ni3 shi4 shen2 me5 shi2 hou5 kai1 shi3
tong4 de5?
Shi4 hen3 tong4, you3 dian3 tong4, hai2
shi4 you3 yi1 dian3 dian3 tong4?
Shi4 ci4 tong4 hai2 shi4 yin3 yin3 zuo4
Shi4 bu2 duan4 de5 tong4 hai2 shi4 jian4
xie1 de5 tong4?
Ni3 de5 tong4 hui4 man4 yan2 ma5?
Zen3 yang4 cai2 hui4 ling4 ni3 (mei2 you3
na4 me5/ geng4) tong4?
Ni3 yi3 qian2 hui4 zhe4 yang4 tong4 ma5?
Ni3 you3 shen2 me5 bing4?



General History
Hello, my name is Dr.
What is your name?
How old are you?
Why did you come in today?

Walk like this.

Stand like this with your feet
Close your eyes.
I am going to test your balance.
Touch my finger. Touch your nose.
Do it again. Faster.
(Push/ pull) against my hand.
Squeeze. Harder.
Does this feel the same as this?
Does it feel sharp or dull?
Say one or two according to how
many points you feel.
I am going to check your reflexes.

Qing3 zuo4 zai4 chuang2 shang4.

Tang4 xia4. Zuo4 qi3 lai2. Zhan4 qi3 lai2
(Chu2 le5) ni3 de5 nei4 yi1, qing3 tuo1
xia4 ni3 de5 yi1 fu5.
Wo3 yao4 bang1 ni3 liang2 (xie3 ya1/
mai4 bo2).
Gen1 zhe5 wo3 zuo4.
Kan4 zhe5 wo3 de5 shou3 zhi3.
Kan4 wo3 de5 deng1.
Tai2 qi3 ni3 de5 mei2 mao5.
(Xiao4 yi2 xia4/ Zhou4 mei2).
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 ya2 chi3.
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 bi2 zi5.
Yong4 ni3 de5 lian3 tui1 wo3 de5 shou3.
Wo3 yong4 shou3 an4 zhe5 ni1 de5 shi2
hou5, tai2 qi3 ni3 de5 jian1 bang3.
Zhang1 kai1 ni3 de5 zui3 ba5. shuo1
Tun1 yi2 xia4.
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 (xin1 zang4/
Shen1 hu1 xi1.
Tu4 qi4.
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 fu4 bu4.
Dang4 wo3 (an4 xia4 qu4/ fang4 kai1) de5
shi2 hou5, gao4 su4 wo3 tong4 bu2 tong4.
Wo3 yao4 zuo4 da4 chang2 jian3 cha2.
Xiang4 (zuo3/ you4) tang3.
Kan4 dao4 wo3 de5 shou3 zhi3 niu3
dong4 de5 shi2 hou5, qing3 gao4 su4 wo3.
Ni3 ting1 jian4 ma5?
Ni3 de5 you4 er3 ting1 dao4 da4 sheng1
yi1 dian3 hai2 shi4 zuo3 er3 ting1 dao4
da4 sheng1 yi1 dian3?
Yong4 ni3 de5 (jiao3 zhi3 tou5/ jiao3 gen1)
zou3 lu4.
Xiang4 zhe4 yang4 de5 zou3.
Shuang1 tui3 yi1 qi3 zhe4 yang4 zhan4 qi3
Bi4 shang4 ni3 de5 yan3 jing5.
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 ping2 heng2.
Peng4 wo3 de5 shou3 zhi3. Peng4 ni3 de5
bi2 zi5. Zai4 zuo4 yi2 ci4. Kuai4 yi1 dian3.
(Tui1/ la1) wo3 de5 shou3.
Yong4 li4 ji3.
Gan3 jue2 gen1 zhe4 ge4 yi2 yang4 ma5?
Shi4 ci4 tong4 hai2 shi4 yin3 yin3 zuo4
Gen1 ju4 ni3 gan3 dao4 duo1 shao3 ci4,
shuo1 yi1 huo4 zhe3 er4.
Wo3 yao4 jian3 cha2 ni3 de5 tiao2 jian4
fan3 she4.


Medical English Mandarin Pocket Card

When was your last period?

The Human Body

When was your first period?

Are your periods regular? How many days
between periods? How many days do
they last?
Are your periods heavy or light?
Do you have painful periods?
How many times have you been
How many children have you had?
Have you had any (abortions/
Have you had an ectopic pregnancy?
Are you sexually active? With men,
women, or both?
When was the last time you had sex?
Are you using birth control?
Condoms? Pills?
Diaphragm? IUD?
Do you have any vaginal discharge?
Do you have sores on your genitals?
Do you have itching?
Does it hurt when you have intercourse?
Does it burn when you urinate?
Do you have a history of UTIs?
Have you had gonorrhea?
Herpes Simplex?
Genital warts?
Have you had uterine fibroids?
Ovarian cysts?
Abnormal Pap smears?

Do you have to wake up at night to

Do you have a feeling of incomplete
How is your urinary stream?
Masters Scholars Program
New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY 10016

compiled by
Wayne Chung, Juliana Eng, and Janet Lai
2005 Medical Chinese Program

Do you have any penile discharge?

Have you had problems with your
prostate? Cancer?

Ni3 shang4 ci4 de5 yue4 jing1 shi4 shen2

me5 shi2 hou5 lai2 de5?
Ni3 di4 yi1 ci4 yue4 jing1 shen2 me5 shi2
hou4 lai2 de5?
Ni3 yue4 jing1 zheng4 chang2 ma5? Yue4
jing1 duo1 jiu3 lai2 yi2 ci4? Yue4 jing1
ping2 shi2 chi2 xu4 duo1 jiu3?
Ni3 de5 yue4 jing1 liu2 liang4 duo1 hai2
shi4 shao3?
Yue4 jing1 lai2 de5 shi2 hou5, ni3 hui4
tong4 ma5?
Ni3 huai2 yun4 guo4 ji3 ci4?
Ni3 you3 ji3 ge5 xiao3 hai2?
Ni3 you3 mei2 you3 (duo4 tai1/ liu2
Ni3 you3 mei2 you3 zi5 gong1 wai4 yun4?
Ni3 xian4 zai4 you3 xing4 xing2 wei2
ma5? Shi4 nan2 de5, nuu3 de5, hai2 shi4
liang3 ge5 dou1 you3
Ni3 shang4 ci4 shen2 me5 shi2 hou5 you3
xing4 xing2 wei2?
Ni3 xian4 zai4 you3 yong4 bi4 yun4 ma5?
An1 quan2 tao4? Bi4 yun4 yao4?
Heng2 ge2 mo2? Zi5 gong1 huan2?
Ni3 de5 yin1 dao4 you3 fen1 mi4 ma5?
Ni3 de5 sheng1 zhi2 qi4 gan3 dao4 tong4
You3 mei2 you3 yang3?
Ni3 xing3 jiao1 shi2 hou4 hui4 tong4 ma5?
Ni3 xiao3 bian4 hui4 tong4 ma5?
Ni3 yi3 qian2 you3 guo4 niao4 dao4 gan3
ran3 ma5?
Ni3 yi3 qian2 you3 guo4 lin2 bing4 ma5?
Mei2 du2?
Dan1 chun2 zhen3?
Yi1 yuan2 ti3?
Sheng1 zhi2 qi4 you2?
Ni3 yi3 qian2 you3 guo4 zi3 gong1 ji1 liu2
Luan3 chao2 liu2?
Bu2 zheng4 chang2 de5 bai3 shi4 mo4
pian4 jian3 cha2?

Ni3 wan3 shang4 yao4 xing3 lai2 xiao3

bian4 ma5?
Ni3 you3 gan3 dao4 mei2 you3 pai2 qing1
niao4 ye4 ma5?
Ni3 de5 niao4 ye4 shi4 zen3 me5 pai2
chu1 lai2 de5?
Ni3 you3 yin1 jing1 fen1 mi4 ma5?
Ni3 de5 qian2 lie4 xian4 yi3 qian2 you3
guo4 wen4 ti2 ma5? Ai2 zheng4?
Liang2 xing4 qian2 lie4 xian4 zhong3 da4?

What was the birth weight of your
Cesarean or vaginal birth?
Were there complications?
Was the baby (premature/ full-term)?
Do you breast-feed, use formula, or
How long do you feed on each
breast? How many times per day?
Which formula do you use?
Can you show me your childs
immunization record?
Has your child been vaccinated
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP)
Hep A and B
Polio? Chicken pox?
Measles, mumps, rubella
Pneumococcal? Meningococcal?
Can your child hold his/her head up?
Sit up? Crawl? Stand? Walk?
Does your child (coo/ laugh/ babble/
say any words/ talk)?
Do you feel safe at home?
How many hours does your child
sleep per night?
Does your child play well with others?
Does anyone smoke in the house?

Ni3 de5 hai2 zi5 chu1 sheng1 de5 shi2 hou5

you3 duo1 zhong4?
Pou3 fu4 hai2 shi4 zi1 ran2 sheng1 chan3?
Ni3 you3 shen2 me5 huai2 yun4 huo4 zhe5
chan3 ke4 bing4 fa1 zheng4 ma5?
Shi4 (zao3 chan3/ zu2 yue4) sheng1 de5?
Ni3 wei4 mu3 ru3 hai2 shi4 nai3 fen3, hai2
shi4 liang3 zhong3 dou1 yong4?
Ni3 wei4 mu3 ru3 de5 shi2 hou5, mei3 bian1
de5 ru3 fang2 mei3 ci4 wei4 duo1 jiu3? Ni3 yi4
tian1 wei4 duo1 shao3 ci4 mu3 ru3?
Ni3 yong4 shen2 me5 pai2 zi5 de5 nai3 fen3?
Ni3 ke3 yi3 gei3 wo3 kan4 ni3 hai2 zi5 de5
mian3 yi4 zheng4 ming2 ma5?
Ni3 de5 hai2 zi5 you3 da3 guo4 ________ yu4
fang2 zhen1 ma5?
Bai2 hou2, po4 shang1 feng1, bai3 ri4 ke2
hun4 he2 zhen1
A xing2 gan1 yan2, B xing2 gan1 yan2
Xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 zheng4? shui3 dou4?
Ma2 zhen3, liu2 xing2 xing4 sai1 xian4 yan2,
de2 guo2 ma3 zhen3
Fei4 yan2? Nau3 mo2 yan2?
Ni3 hai2 zi5 hui4 tai2 qi3 ta1 de5 tou2 ma5?
Hui4 zuo4 qi3 lai2 le5 ma5? Pa2 xing2? Zhan4
qi3 lai2? Zou3?
Ni3 de5 hai2 zi5 hui4 (fa1 chu1 wu1 wu1
sheng1/ fa1 chu1 xiao4 sheng1/ ya2 ya2 xue2
yu3/ shuo1 ji3 ge4 zi4/ shuo1 hua4) ma5?
Ni3 jue2 de5 zai4 jia1 li3 an1 quan2 ma5?
Ni3 de5 hai2 zi5 mei3 tian1 wan3 shang5
shui4 duo1 shao3 ge4 xiao3 shi2?
Ni3 de5 xiao3 hai2 gen1 bie2 de5 xiao3 hai2
wan2 de5 hai2 hao3 ma5?
Jia1 li3 you3 mei2 you3 ren2 xi1 yan1?

Mini Mental Status Exam

What is the (date/ year/ month)?
Do you know where we are right now?
Remember these three words: apple,
shirt, telephone. Repeat them. Can
you remember the three words?
From 100, keep subtracting 7.
If I have $4 and lose half of it, how
much will I have left? Two dollars.
Take this piece of paper with your left
hand. Fold it in half. Drop it.

Jin1 tian1 shi4 she2 me5 (ri4 qi2/ nian2/ yue4)

Wo3 men5 xian4 zai4 zai4 na3 li3?
Ji4 zhu4 zhe4 san1 ge4 zi4: ping2 guo3,
chen4 shan1, dian4 hua4. zai4 shuo1 yi2 ci4.
ni3 ji4 de5 na4 san3 ge4 zi4 ma5?
Cong2 yi1 bai3 kai1 shi3, ji4 xu4 jian3 qi1.
Ru2 guo3 wo3 you3 si4 kuai4, ran2 hou4
yong4 le5 yi1 ban4 wo3 hai2 you3 duo1
Yong4 ni3 de5 zuo3 shou3 na2 zhe4 ge5 zhi3,
zhe2 yi1 xia4, ran2 hou4 diu1 zai4 di4 shang4.

Are you hungry. Thirsty?
Are you (eating/ drinking)?
Dont eat or drink anything.
Is your pain controlled?
Are you passing gas?
Have you had a bowel movement?
Are you able to get out of bed?

You3 mei2 you3 e4? Kou3 ke3?

Ni3 you3 mei2 you3 (chi1/ he1) dong1 xi5?
Shen2 me5 dou1 bu2 yao4 chi1 / he1
Ni3 xian4 zai4 hai2 tong4 ma5?
Ni3 you3 fang4 pi4 ma5?
Ni3 you3 pai2 bian4 ma5?
Ni3 ke2 yi3 qi3 chuang2 ma5?

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