An Advanced Optimal Approach For High Voltage AC Bushing Design

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008


An Advanced Optimal Approach for High Voltage AC

Bushing Design
Mohammad R. Hesamzadeh, Nasser Hosseinzadeh and Peter Wolfs
Central Queensland University
Power Engineering Group
Rockhampton, QLD, Australia

This paper proposes a new and advanced methodology for finding the optimum
electrical design of high voltage ac capacitive graded bushings using an improved
genetic algorithm approach as an effective meta-heuristic method. A case study has
been conducted on a 145 kV oil impregnated paper (OIP) bushing and the IEC 60137
tests have been performed to evaluate its performance. Condenser-bushings contain
concentric conductive foils which are isolated from each other. The partial capacitances
between conducting cylinders can be modified by adjusting the number, diameter,
place and length of these cylinders as well as the thickness of insulating material
between foils. As a result, the voltage drop and also the electrical stress in the core and
along the surface will change. This paper finds optimal value of bushing design
parameters to achieve well-distributed electric stress with the lowest possible maximum
value and also a constant voltage drop for different layers by using an improved genetic
algorithm optimization method subject to practical and technological constrains. The
proposed method of this research work has been applied to a 145 kV OIP bushing. The
performance of optimal designed 145 kV OIP bushing under IEC 60137 tests is very
Index Terms High voltage techniques, modified genetic algorithm, insulators,
dielectric breakdown, IEC.

IN todays competitive market, there is a need for the bushing
manufacturing industry to improve bushing efficiency and to
reduce costs; because high-quality low-cost products and
processes have become the key to survival in the global economy.
On the other hand, with the increase of electrical energy demand,
the voltage levels of electric transmission systems have increased
rapidly within recent years. The reliability of equipment and
facilities used in a power system is an essential precondition of
the energy transmission security. Bushing failure is one of the
leading causes of transformer failures [1, 2].
Researchers have reported various aspects of high voltage
bushing design in the literature. In [3], Lachman et al
proposed the application of the sum current method to on-line
diagnostics of high-voltage bushings and current transformers.
Guoqiang et al applied evolution strategy for optimal design of
high voltage bushing electrode in transformers [4]. In [5],
Lampe from Swedish Transmission Research Institute
reported the measured electric field along HVDC bushings
Manuscript received on 13 April 2007, in final form 15 August 2007.

with hydrophobic surfaces under different environmental

conditions. Significantly reduced radial field strength was
found for the hydrophobic bushing. Laboratory tests to
evaluate HVDC wall bushings performance in wet weather
was investigated by Lambeth in [6]. Finding an accurate
model for capacitive graded bushings for fast transient overvoltages in GIS was discussed by Ardito [7]. Zhu Fang
proposed a new method for finding the optimum design of
lower part of bushing in order to decrease the flashover
voltage in oil and the partial inception voltage (PDIV) [8].
Salam proposed a method for optimizing the field stress on
HV bushings by modifying their profile, seeking a uniform
distribution of the tangential field along the bushing surface
[9]. Capacitive-resistive field calculation on HV bushings
using the boundary-element method was proposed by
Chakravort [10]. Monga et al published a paper [11], which
illustrated the use of electric field computations to optimize
the design of gas filled high voltage composite bushings.
To our knowledge and considering the above literature
review, the optimal electrical design of condenser-graded high
voltage ac bushings has not been reported, although it is one
of the leading causes of bushing failures. That is, from an
electrical point of view, a poorly designed bushing may face

1070-9878/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE


M. R. Hesamzadeh et al.: An Advanced Optimal Approach for High Voltage AC Bushing Design

many problems like partial discharge, flashover, and

deterioration of bushing insulation during tests or operation in
a power system network. In addition, having an optimum
electrical design for bushings can lead to minimum usage of
materials along with longer life time and higher reliability that
are important factors for bushing manufacturers. Therefore, it
has been the theme of this research work to establish an
approach for the optimal electrical design of high voltage ac
bushings in order to minimize the catastrophic failures of
bushings and guarantee the longer period of operation.
This paper has been organized in five sections including this
introduction. In Section 2, mathematical model of the
problem, which includes design parameters, suggested indices
for assessment of performance of a designed bushing,
technological and manufacturing restrictions of each
parameter have been developed. The mathematical model has
been formulated as an optimization problem and the paper
uses the improved genetic algorithm optimization method for
finding the optimum electrical design.
In Section 3, a 145 kV oil-impregnated paper (OIP) bushing
has been designed using advanced optimal approach proposed
by this paper and then manufactured. Typical and routine tests
according to the IEC 60137 standard have been carried out on
the manufactured optimally designed bushing. The
performance indices of this optimum design have been
compared with the indices of a conventionally designed
bushing, which demonstrates a considerable improvement in
performance indices of optimally designed bushings. Finally, a
brief discussion about the results of typical and routine tests
which have been performed on the optimally designed
manufactured bushing closes the paper.



Zero layer
Intermediate layers


Last layer


Figure 1. Conic-TYP2 foil configuration.

The grading of ac-bushing is achieved from the capacitances

that are formed between the grading foils and thus determined
by the permittivity of the insulating material. The electrical
field can be calculated from equation (1).

E .d l = 0 , D .d A = Q
E : Vector



of electrical

d l : Vector of element
d A : Vector

and D = E

of integration

of elemement


of area

D : Vector of electrical flux density

: permittivity

The conic-TYP2 foil configuration uses cylinder capacitors.

Voltage drop on each layer can be found by the series-parallel
configuration of these cylinder capacitors.
Optimum condenser bushing designs can be formulated as
an optimization problem with relevant restrictions. The
experience of authors in the design of condenser bushings
shows that a suitable objective function along with practical
restrictions can be introduced as follows:

The electrical design of capacitive grading bushings is one

of the important parts of manufacturing of these kinds of
bushings. In this step, engineers design the condenser
bushings with practical design parameters and with

MaxkU 1 MVD
Min k
considering the technological constrains. It goes without
) U 1 1) + (Dev) (
) +
(1 Dev) ((
saying that finding an optimum design has its own importance

in this stage. The reason is that it leads to using minimum

MaxErad 1 MRS

Min k

amount of raw materials and lower cost of manufacturing

Max Erad 1

process along with higher performance of condenser bushings Min.

during operation on power transformers. These are very

k =1
MaxkU 2 MVD
Min k
) +
(1 Dev) ((Max) U 2 1) + (Dev) (
important factors for manufacturing companies.

Capacitive grading bushings contain embedded in their

insulation core concentric conductive foils, which are isolated
from each other. By adjusting the diameter and length of these
cylinders, the electrical stress and voltage drop in the core and
along its surface can be influenced by variation of the ratio of
the partial capacitances between the conducting cylinders.
Because of some manufacturing limitations, this paper
suggests the use of the foil configuration shown in Figure 1.

MaxErad 2 MRS
(1 Dev) (( Min) k
1) + (Dev) (


Such that:
1. Min Max
2. Nfl Min Nfl Nfl Max
3. D int Min D int D int Max


IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008

4. Dext Min Dext Dext Max

5. Lx Min Lx Lx Max

6. Lp1Min Lp1 Lp1Max


7. Sp1Min Sp1 Sp1Max


Maximum Radial Stress. In this process, when MaxErad
becomes lower than MRS, then the Dev variable takes zero
value and the minimization process is done on the
Min k
) Erad 1 1) term. From that point, the minimization process


attempts to make the maximum radial stress on side 1

equal to the minimum amount of it
( Max Erad
1 )

8. Lp 2 Min Lp 2 Lp 2 Max

9. Sp2Min Sp2 Sp2Max

10. U MVD
11. Eaxl MAS

12. Foils Configuration Must Be Conic-TYP2

13. + + + = 1
The objective function given in equation 2 and its
restrictions as given in equation 3 are explained as follows.
The insulation of a capacitive grading bushing is stressed, as
shown in Figure 2, radially and axially. Any area above the
boundary surface between the insulating material and
surrounding medium should be considered as a critical area.
The radial component of the electric field strength can cause
serious breakdown of the insulating material, whilst under
certain circumstances, the axial component can lead to surface
discharges along the boundary surface. Since the electric
strength of the insulating material stressed to breakdown limit
is appreciably higher than that of the boundary layer stressed
to flashover limit, the axial stress is in general far more

( Min Erad
1 ). The reason is that the best exploitation of the
insulating material in view of its insulating strength is
achieved when the radial stress is kept constant. However, it
should be noted that this concept can not be achieved in
practical cases. But, this process is attempted in the design
phase to achieve an optimum solution. In this paper, this
process is embedded in its suggested objective function.

In addition, for optimum utilization of the dielectric, it is

recommended that the capacitive grading be arranged so that
the same partial voltage is across two adjacent layers [12]. To
meet this condition, similar to radial electrical stress, the
objective function includes two terms for representing voltage
drop on each layer. These terms relate to each other by Dev
variable that can accept 0 or 1. The ( Max k U 1 MVD ) term

minimizes the maximum voltage drop on each layer to an

amount that is lower than the permitted value, that is the
parameter MVD in equations (2) and (3). When maximum
voltage drop for different layers ( Maxk U 1 ) becomes lower than
the permitted value, Dev variable gets a 0 value and the
objective function minimizes the term ( Min ) kU 1 1) , so that

the minimum and maximum voltage drop reach to an equal


Figure 2. Radial And Axial Stress in high voltage bushings.

Based on this fact, this paper includes the radial component

of electric strength in the objective function introduced earlier
and the minimization is done only on this component of the
electric strength. The axial component of the electrical
strength has been considered as a constraint of the objective
function and checked only according to its maximum value.
In the objective function, introduced by equation (2), there
are two terms for each radial component of electrical strength
that relates to each other through the Dev variable. Dev as an
integer variable, which can only be either 0 or 1 according to
the value of the corresponding designed parameter. For each
design, the radial electrical stress is calculated and if this value
is more than the maximum value, the Dev variable takes 1 and
the minimization is done on ( Max Erad 1 MRS ) term. In this term,

is the maximum value of radial stress in the side

number 1 of the condenser bushing for design number k (total
number of designs is DsNo), and also MRS introduces the
Max Erad

In the objective function of equation (2), index 1 relates to

side 1 of the condenser bushing and index 2 relates to side 2 of
the condenser bushing. , , , and are weight
factors of different design parameters, namely, radial electrical
stress and voltage drop on each layer of sides 1 and 2. These
factors are normally chosen by the bushing design engineer
based on the empirical rules.
With Regard to constraints 1 to 12, (circle 1 in Figure 3)
shows the permittivity of insulating material that can have a
maximum and minimum value according to available
insulating materials. Nfl describes the number of foils that can
be used for making partial cylinder capacitors in condenser
bushing and it can vary between two margins according to the
experience of the design engineer. Dint (circle 2 in Figure 3)
and Dext (circle 3 in Figure3) are the diameter of high voltage
conductor and inner diameter of outer porcelain insulator.
These two parameters can have minimum and maximum
values according to the current level of bushing and the
required volume of oil for removing heat caused by the
passing current. Lx (circle 4 in Figure 3), Lp1 (circle 5 in
Figure 3), and Lp2 (circle 6 in Figure 3) are zero layer foil
length, intermediate layer foil length of side 1 and 2. The
horizontal distances between intermediate foil layers are
included by Sp1 (circle 7 in Figure 3) and Sp2 (circle 8 in


M. R. Hesamzadeh et al.: An Advanced Optimal Approach for High Voltage AC Bushing Design

Figure 3). DU is the voltage drop on each partial capacitor

created by partial foils and Eaxl is the axial component of
radial stress. The maximum permitted values of these
variables are MVD (maximum voltage drop) and MAS
(maximum axial stress). Finally, the constraint number 12
points to the Conic-TYP2 configuration of foils (Figure 1).
The design parameters are illustrated in Figure 3.

It means that if a design satisfies all constraints in equation

set (2), then the objective function for that design will be
determined; otherwise, a large number will be assigned to that
design as its fitness.
A reduction of the enlarged population is made using the
ranking in order to maintain the original population size. A
new generation is then determined as a mixture of some
members of the previous population and some new members
resulting from the crossover and mutation steps. Poor designs,
which do not satisfy all constrains will be eliminated.
In the following section, the optimum electrical design of a
typical bushing is proposed.


Figure 3. Design parameters of capacitive grading bushings

The Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a meta-heuristic optimization

methodology is proposed to solve the optimal bushing design
problem. The main idea of GA is that the best member of a
population has the highest probability for survival and
reproduction [13], [14]. Tools applying GA are reported in
the literature to be capable of finding a global optimum for
mathematical problems having a multiplicity of local optimum
and hard non-convexities. GA has also proved powerful in the
optimization process in various power engineering
applications, e.g. [13], [15] and [16]. The improved genetic
optimization algorithm, as applied to optimum bushing design,
observes the following steps:
Decision variables in GA are the nine variables as introduced
in constrains of 1 to 9 of equation set (3). A typical
chromosome is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Chromosome structure for different designs.



The GA requires the definition of an initial population. As

previously mentioned, each member of the population in the
case of this paper is an individual design of the condenser
bushing. For in-feeding practical experiences in the design of
the bushing, the first generation of genetic algorithm intakes
the practical available design parameters of a similar bushing.
The well known operators for genetic algorithm, namely,
crossover and mutation, as explained in the literature on
genetic algorithm theory [16, 17] are used in this paper, too.
Selecting the best available practically designed bushing
parameters as the original population, the population grows
through the addition of new members, which are obtained
from the crossover and mutation steps. This enlarged
Obj Val ( wi ) If wi meets all constrains
Fitness ( wi ) =
If wi doesnot meet all constrains

population is ranked with a fitness function defined as follows:

wi: A sample chromosome
B: A large number
Obj Val (wi): Object value for chromosome wi

In order to implement the proposed method, a software

package has been developed.
The basic technical specifications of the oil impregnated
paper bushing chosen for the case design are as follows:
Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
Rated frequency
Rated power frequency withstand voltage
Rated current

145 kV
50 Hz
275 kV
800 A

The practical data for minimum and maximum values of

design parameters, as well as design constrains as introduced
in equation (2), has been collected in Table2.
Table2. Maximum and minimum values of bushing design parameters.
Design parameter
of Oil Impregnated Paper (10-3F/m)
No. of foils
Zero layer length, Lx(mm)
Length of partial foils in side 1, Lp1
Length of partial foils in side 2, Lp2
Length of steps in side1,Sp1
Length of steps in side2,Sp2

Table 3 includes GA basic settings in running the developed

program for finding the optimum design of bushing.
Table 3. Values of Genetic Algorithm settings.
GA parameter
Population size
Cross over probability
Mutation probability
Ending criterion



IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

Vol. 15, No. 2; April 2008

The results of optimal design of this bushing and also a

conventional design are given in Tables 4 and 5.
Table 4. Decision variables using a conventional design and an optimum
design by genetic algorithm.


































































Maximum Radial Stress in Different Layers of side
Voltage Drop on Different Layers of Side
Standard Deviation
|Conventional Value Optimum Value|/
Conventional Value

Maximum Radial Stress

for each Layer (kV/mm)




The measured results of the dielectric dissipation factor and

the capacitance of the optimally designed bushing compared
with the conventionally designed one showed a promising
improvement of 51% in tangent of delta value and also
satisfied the clause 9.1 of IEC60137.
Conventional Design

Optimum Design










Layer Number
Figure 4. Maximum radial electrical stresses for each capacitive layer for
conventional and capacitive layer for conventional and optimum design

Voltage Drop on each Layer (kV)


voltage drop on each capacitive layer in both conventional and

optimum design. According to these figures, a nearly constant
electrical radial stress and also voltage drop (in the case of
different layers) have been achieved.

Table 5. Percentage of improvement of performance indices (objective

value) using a conventional design and also an optimum design by
improved genetic algorithm.
(Min/Max 1) Average


Conventional Design

Optimum Design

It is clear from Table 5 that the proposed method is very

promising with due consideration to the essential
technological limitations.
In the case of a (Min/Max 1) index, the Erad1 has an
improvement of 80.95%, Erad2 an improvement of 81.48%,
DU1 an improvement of 79.07%, and DU2 an improvement of
80%. With regard to the average, one can see 0.37%, 0.75%,
15.48%, and 15.48% improvement in Erad1, Erad2, DU1, and
DU2, accordingly. By comparing the standard deviation of
Erad1, Erad2, DU1, and DU2, it is obvious that in the case of
optimum design the deviation of data from the average has
decreased considerably. The improvement for the standard
deviation is 84.44% for Erad1, 85.48% for Erad2, 84.84% for
DU1, and finally 86.81% for DU1.
For easier comparison, Figure 4 shows maximum radial
electrical stress for each capacitive layer and Figure 5 shows



Layer Number



Figure 5. Voltage drop on each capacitive layer for conventional

and optimum design.

For the case of optimally designed bushing at applied voltages

of 13 kV, 50 kV, 88 kV ( 1.05U m / 3 ), 145 kV (Um), 88 kV
( 1.05U m / 3 ), 50 kV, and 13 kV, the average measured
capacitance was 208.8 pF with the standard deviation of 0.06.
Also, the average measured value of tangent of delta was
24.15 10 4 with the standard deviation of 0.11.
Measurement of partial discharge quality of the optimally
designed bushing showed a partial discharge level of 4 pC at
the applied voltage of 145 kV for 10 s, and smaller than 1 pC
at the applied voltages of 126 kV ( 1.5U m / 3 ) and 88 kV
( 1.05U m / 3 ) for 10 s, which readily satisfy the IEC60137


M. R. Hesamzadeh et al.: An Advanced Optimal Approach for High Voltage AC Bushing Design

clause 9.4. Compared with the conventionally designed

bushing, results of the partial discharge for optimally designed
case had an improvement of 50% in the worst case of applied
voltage of 145 kV.


Finally, with regard to the dry power-frequency voltage

withstand test, the optimally designed bushing passed the
applied voltage of 275 kV with frequency of 50 Hz and
duration of 60 s without any flashover or breakdown, which
satisfies clause 9.3 of IEC60137.


High voltage bushing breakdown is one of the major
contributors to the transformer failures. Since the electrical
design of the HV bushings is the most important part of their
manufacturing process, finding an algorithm for the electrical
design of bushings in an optimum way is very important.
This paper proposes an advanced method for finding optimum
electrical design of capacitive grading bushings. The proposed
method finds the best values of decision variables
(parameters) in the design of a capacitive grading bushing
according to a technological objective function with its
corresponding constraints. This is done by using an improved
genetic algorithm (GA) as a powerful meta-heuristic
optimization method. For in-feeding the practical experiences,
the GA starts from a set of available design parameters for
similar bushings. Promising performance indices and
laboratory test results were obtained by applying this method
to a typical 145 kV oil impregnated paper bushing.




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Mohammad R. Hesamzadeh (S07) was born in

Shiraz, Iran in 1980. He graduated from Shiraz
University in 2002 with a B.Eng. degree and received
the M.Eng. degree from Tarbiat Modarres University
in 2004. He has worked as a researcher at industrial
companies and research centers in the areas of power
system and high voltage engineering for 4 years.
Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at Central Queensland
University in Australia. His special fields of interest
include power system restructuring, high voltage
engineering and intelligent system applications in

Nasser Hosseinzadeh (M86) was born in Iran in

1960. He graduated from Shiraz University in 1986
with a B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronics
engineering. He worked in a research centre for five
years before starting his postgraduate studies. He
received a M.Sc. degree from Iran University of
Science and Technology in 1992 and a Ph.D. degree
from Victoria University in Australia in 1998. Dr
Hosseinzadeh is currently the Head of Department of Systems at the Faculty
of Sciences, Engineering and Health at Central Queensland University,
Rockhampton, Australia. His special fields of interest include power system
analysis and planning, power system stability, intelligent system applications
in engineering, distributed generation and rural energy supply.

Peter Wolfs (M80-SM99) was born in

Rockhampton Australia in 1959. He graduated from
the Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education in
1980 with a B.Eng. degree. He subsequently
obtained the M.Eng. degree from the Philips
International Institute in the Netherlands in 1981 and
the Ph.D. degree at the University of Queensland in
1992. He is the Associate Dean (Research and
Innovation) at the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering
and Health at Central Queensland University. His
special fields of interest include rural and renewable
energy supply, solar and hybrid electric vehicles and intelligent systems
applications in railways. Professor Wolfs is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, a
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Queensland and a member of
the Railway Technical Society of Australia.

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