Module 2 Materials For Prestressed Concrete

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Module 2

Materials for Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete requires concrete which has high compressive strength at a reasonably early age, with
comparatively higher tensile strength than ordinary concrete. Low shrinkage, minimum creep characteristics and a high
valu of Young’s modulus are generally necessary for concrete used for prestressed members. Many desirable properties
such as durability, impermeability, and abrasion resistance are highly influenced by the strength of concrete.
For prestressed concrete members, the high tensile steel used generally consists of wires, bars or strands.

Permissible Stresses in concrete (Flexural members)

(Ultimate Stress Design)
A. Stresses in concrete immediately after prestress transfer ( before time-dependent prestress losses)
1. Extreme fiber stress in compression except as permitted by NSCP shall not exceed ………..0.60fci’
2. Extreme fiber stress in compression at ends of simply supported members shall
not exceed………………………………………………………………………………………………...0.70fci’
3. Where computed concrete tensile strength ft exceeds 0.5√ fc ' at ends of simply supported members, or
0.25√ fc ' at other locations, additional bonded reinforcement shall be provided in the tensile zone to resist the total
tensile force in concrete computed with the assumption of an uncracked section.

B. Stresses in concrete at service loads based on uncracked section properties and after allowance for all pre stress
losses shall not exceed the following:
1. Extreme fiber stress in compression due to prestress plus sustained loads…………………..0.45 fc’
2. Extreme fiber stress in compression due to prestress plus total load…………………………..0.60 fc’

Permissible stress in Prestressing Tendons

Tensile stress in prestressing tendons shall not exceed the following:
1. Due to prestressing tendon jacking force………………………………………………………….0.94 fpy
but not greater than the lesser of 0.80 fpu and the maximum value
recommended by the manufacturer of prestressing tendons or anchorage devices.
2. Immediately after prestress transfer ……………………………………………………………….0.82 fpy
but not greater than 0.74 fpu
3. Post tensioning tendons, at anchorage devices and couplers,
immediately after force transfer………………………………………………………………………..0.70 fpu


1.4(D + F)
1.2(D + F + T) + 1.6(L + H) + 0.5(Lr or R)
1.2D +1.6(Lr or R) + (f1L or o.5W)
1.2D +1.0W + f1L + 0.5(Lr or R)
1.2D ± 1.0E +f1L
0.9D + 1.0W + 1.6H
0.9D ± 1.0E +1.6H
D = dead load
E = earthquake load
F = load due to fluids with well defined pressures and maximum heights
H = load due to lateral pressure of soil and water in soil.
L = live load except roof live load, including any permitted live load reductions
LT = roof live load including any permitted live load reductions
P = ponding load
R = rain load on undeflected roof
T = due to temperature change, shrinkage, moisture change, creep in materials and movement due to differential settlement or
combination thereof.
W = load due to wind pressure
f1 = 1.0 for floors in spaces of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 4.8 kPa and for garage live load.
= 0.5 for other live loads
The common load combinations for most applications are the following.
1.2D + 1.6L
1.2D + f1L ± 1.0W
1.2D + f1L ± 1.0E
0.9D ± 1.0W
0.9D ± 1.0E

1. Besavilla, V. (2013). Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Vol. 3, Cebu City Philippines: VIB Publisher
2. Raju, K. (2007). Prestressed Concrete 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
3. NSCP 2010
4. NSCP 2015


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