Transcription of A New Season by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

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A New Season (Part 1)

Breaking Prophetic Message by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
(You may download the MP3 teaching at

Please turn your Bibles with me to the Book of Joel Chapter 2. As I was waiting before God today, this is
the word the Lord gave unto me. Theres a new season that is coming to the Body of Christ. This is my
message - A New Season. Thats the title of my message. A New Season.
Times and seasons are given by God. Every culture, they measure times and seasons differently. Some
look to the moon. Some look to the stars. Some look at this. Some look at that. There are different ways
of watching for seasons and times. We dont want to turn to the left or turn to the right to follow the
Eastern culture or Western culture. We will follow the Bible culture. Amen? Because whatever is
recorded in the Bible is not just given to one people group, although it may seem that they were given
specifically to one people group - the Jews. But remember one thing, its not even Jewish culture
because these come directly from God. So when it comes directly from God, no one people group could
get a copyright and claim this is our culture. So Im going to share to you Gods culture now. Gods
seasons and Gods times.
The times and seasons are given by God. If you read Genesis 1:14 and Psalms 104:19, it says that God
made the sun, the moon, and the stars for seasons and for time. So every time theres a new moon or a
new star that appears, it is a sign - a sign that something is going to take place. For example, when the
Lord Jesus Christ was born as a baby, a new star appeared and wise men from the East saw a new star.
And when they saw this new star, they knew, it is within them, that a new king is born. Something
strange is going to take place. The sun, the moon and the stars are for seasons and times. God did not
just create them to give out light. The sun for the greater light and the moon for the lesser light. Not just
for that, but for seasons and times. Remember that, they are created by God.
And then the Lord selected for Himself a special people group after Adam sinned. Humanity depressed
so low that it was far from the original creation that God made them. From Adam all the way from the
time of Noah, mankind has dug so deeply in sin. So much worse that words could not describe how
terrible human sin was or human culture was. And as a result of the co-population between demons and
humans, there was another different kind of offspring that was monstrous, gigantic and totally very,
very demonic in nature. Well read about this in Genesis 6, as a result, the Lord has to destroy then
known world and the then known mankind and He just preserved for Himself one righteous family. If
you read Genesis 6:8, it says and Noah was perfect in his generation. You know what it literally mean
is this, that Noah being perfect did not mean that Noah not only lived an upright life, his very genes
were not corrupted by the cross-pollination within the demons and the humans. His entire lineage is
pure, is perfect thats what the scripture say. He was perfect in his generation - his genes, his blood,
his DNA was unprinted, unspotted by demonic influences. That is why God separated for Himself only
Noahs family. Because in him, his blood is clean, his blood is pure, his blood is untainted by demonic
influences. From Adam, to Seth, to Enoch, to Noah, a pure holy lineage was preserved. So God
separated for Himself only Noahs family.
Another part, you know the story of Noah and the Ark. And after the destruction by a flood, a new
generation began to populate the earth through Noahs family. His three sons, and they went all over

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the world and they began to repopulate and people started to be born. Now when people started to be
born, again corruption set in - idol worship, demon worship, idolatry, all kinds of worship except the
worship of the true living God - came upon the whole face of the world. Now how is God going to show
the world, His true intention of how man should have originally lived? So he picked for Himself a people
group among the many people in the world, one small people group - the Jewish nation. The Jewish
people, He picked them from Abraham. He picked one man, Abraham. Abraham, by the way, was not
born of the Jewish tribe. If you look at his background he was an idol worshiper. Maybe even a Hindu, or
a Tibetan, or a Chinese or whatever their background, you know. His family specialized in making idols
and selling them. That was Abrahams background, idol worshiper. His family and his father was like a
priest worshipping idols. And being from that family background, one day the Lord spoke to him, the
true living God, and called him out of idolism to walk after the true living God. So he came out, and
from him came out the Jewish people. God took out a people for themselves as an example to show to
the world this is how man should have lived, if he had not sinned. Or this is how men should live.
Then Moses came and God gave him many, many commands, commandments that men should live by.
Now when God took out the Jewish nation, He told them very specifically. If you read Exodus 19:6, there
is written, I have taken you apart so that you can be a peculiar treasure. A peculiar people, you must
not live like the others, you must be an example for others. So when all the heathen nations around you
see the very special and peculiar lifestyle that you are living, they will know that the God of the Hebrews
is the true living God. They will know that this is the way all the nations should live.
You know when Moses was sent to deliver the children of Israel, the people were living in a place
called Goshen in Egypt. When the judgements of God fell upon the entire region of Egypt, Goshen was
untouched. When the locust came, when the frogs came, and this came and that came, not a single
frog, or not a single locust will cross the boundary to go into Goshen. They all seemed to know the
boundary, and the Egyptian when they saw that, they were astounded. How is it that not even a single
blade of grass in Goshen was eaten by the locust? Why is it not that a single frog crossed over the
boundary to go to Goshen? Why was that the swarm of bees and flies did not cross the air space to go
into Goshen? Why was that not a single one of the first-born of the Hebrews died? It began to open
their mind and their eyes to see and to know that the God of the Hebrews is the one true living God.
The same thing will be repeated today. When you walk righteously before God, separated from the
lifestyle that the rest of the people live, whatever the Hebrews experienced in Goshen, you will
experience. There will be famine all around you except in your house. Others will be losing jobs, but not
you. Thats what it means that therell be famine. Famine does not only mean lack of food, but it also
means economic famine. Theres famine all around except in your house.
If you read 1 Kings 17 when Elijah went to Zarephath, he saw a poor widow who was going to die
because she was starving. She has children, but no food to eat. There was one last dough of flour. They
were going to make a nice chapati - chapati is a very, very delicious Indian pancake. The most delicious,
thats why it goes back to the Old Testament times. They were going to make nice chapatti, or nan
bread, whichever you are familiar with. They were going to make that, and she was going to eat. Her
children were going to eat. That was their last meal and they were all going to die.
And then came this prophet Elijah. So the Lord told him - you see God knows all things, everybody
agrees? God knew there was famine in the land, because it was Elijah who prophesied that there would
be famine for three years. And in the midst of all the famine the Lord told him, Elijah Im going to
sustain you. Dont worry, you are my servant. Im going to take care of my servants. Go to Zarephath.

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So Elijah was so excited. There must be some rich person in Zarephath that got all his houses stocked
with food for the end-times. Thats like what you are doing no? From floor to wall, ceiling, stock with all
kinds of cans, Campbell soup, Campbell beans, Campbell this, Campbell that, everything, stock up! So
Elijah talked like that, no. And God said There is a widow... Aha! A poor widow... What could a poor
widow do? There is a widow, I have appointed her to take care of you. Go there!
So sometimes widows, there are rich widows you know, isnt it? If you look, some people in society are
very rich. Old man has a very young, beautiful wife, isnt it? And the rich old man will die soon, and the
very young, beautiful will inherit all his wealth. So there may be widows who are very young, very, very
rich. So probably Elijah thought it was like that very rich, rich widow. And when he went to Zarephath.
He was shocked all his life to see this widow just on the verge on dying herself.
So when Elijah walked on Zarephath, the poor widow was picking up some sticks. And he was just
looking around looking for direction where to go to look for this widow. And the Lord told him That is
the woman that I have chosen to feed you. One look at her, whatever faith Elijah had, has it all flew
away. He thought to himself, How could this woman feed me? Anyway, he went to her and said,
Give me something to eat. So she said Sir, I myself, am going to die. How am I going to feed you?
Now look at this prophet. Very, very uncompassionate, very mean. Now, this is how it would have been
if he had lived during this day - he would have said I dont care whether you die or not. Since youre
going to die, why eat and die? Just make some dough of bread for me, fast. Thats what he means
right? And the woman looked at him and she thought, Since we are going to die, why eat and die when
we can starve and die, well die faster. So, she decided to obey.
Now listen, she obeyed the word of a prophet. She did not consider herself. You know a mother can
suffer hunger but no mother would allow their children to suffer hunger. Am I correct, mothers? But
here is a woman who was willing to minister to a prophet at the extent of even seeing her children
suffer in hunger and eventually die. She may have thought in her heart, you know, What good is it that
if I just live for a day, what good? Im not a blessing to any people? But if a prophet lives there can be a
blessing for the entire nation. So let me give my bread to him, so he can live longer and do more, greater
things for God. You look at her beautiful motive. And as she was making dough, Elijah had eaten to his
hearts content. That is a Eastern culture, no? They will first feed you to your hearts content and once
you are full on your stomach, with all your heart you will bless the family. That is a typical eastern
culture. So after he has eaten to his full, then with all his heart he blessed the family saying, There will
be no lack of flour or oil in your house till the rain comes. And for three years, there is a miraculous
supply of flour and oil only in the widows house. When there was famine all around the region, there
was an uninterrupted supply, supernatural supply. You know how this took place? Because the widow
was prepared to give even in the midst of her suffering. She did not give because she had much, but
even in the midst of her suffering. So this is a secret to prosperity. You give and then you receive.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, over flowing man shall give unto your bosom. The Lord
wanted to bless this widow, a righteous widow. How is he going to bless her? He sees His scripture law
must be fulfilled so He sent Elijah there, so by the widow giving to the needs of the prophet, she in turn
received a prophets reward. Good measure, shaken together, over flowing, rich supply.
And God took for Himself a people that will be distinct from all. And He gave them several festivals.
And these festivals signify seasons and times. Not just simply a festival. And God gave them seven
Firstly, the Passover. The Passover signifies the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Second, the Unleavened Bread. This is eaten closely after the Passover, which signifies the celebration
of the communion that we take today, remembering the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thirdly, the First Fruit harvest. Its a celebration that signifies the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
from the dead. Hes the first fruit to be resurrected.
And fourth, the Wave Laws or the Feast of the Weeks. This is called the Feast of the Pentecost. Now
this came to pass in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. Now out of the
seven feasts, four have come to pass in our days in relationship to its prophetical fulfilment except the
last three.
Now the fifth one is the Feast of the Trumpets. The trumpets are blown to signify the future
regathering of the Jewish people. Or it also signifies what the Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
and 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 that when the last trumpet is blown, all the dead in Christ will rise up. They
will be regathered, the Feast of the Trumpets.
Sixth, the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is a day, the one particular day where the high
priest will go to the most holy place to make atonement for the people of Israel. That signifies the
judgement day that is going to come. The Bible tells us or speaks of two judgement days. One is the
judgement seat of Christ. All believers, all those who are truly washed by the blood of Jesus Christ will
appear before this judgement seat of Christ to be tried of the works that we have done. But we will be
judged in three areas: your thought life, the words that you speak, and your lifestyle - your actions,
how you lived. What good you did or what bad you did.
After the judgement of Christ comes the final great white throne judgement that you read in Revelation
20 - what every person did from the time of Adam all the way up to the second coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Every person who ever was born on this Earth will come and stand before God on that day. And
on that day people will be judged out of the Book of Life whether they accepted Christ or they did not
accept Christ. So that happens on the Day of Atonement or the judgement day.
The seventh is the Feast of Tabernacles. This is one feast that is popularly celebrated all over the world.
But what does it really mean? It really signifies - naturally the Lord wanted the Israelites to celebrate this
feast to remember their days of wandering in the wilderness, their living in tents. So in the Promised
Land where they have nice houses to stay the Lord told them you must celebrate the feast to remember
the days of your wandering. So they make booths out of bamboos or palm leaves or like tents and they
stay outside their houses in tents. And they have the celebration called the feast of tabernacles. What
does it really signify? At Christs second coming, God will come to abide with us in our midst. If you read
Revelation 21, youll read that the new Jerusalem comes down from Heaven and it abides in our midst
forever and forever. And if you read Isaiah 66 it says that from one moon to another moon, from one
Sabbath to another Sabbath shall all flesh gather in Jerusalem to worship the Lord forever and forever.
For one thousand years, the tabernacle of God, the new Jerusalem, will physically abide on this Earth
where the redeemed saints will rule the Earth together with the Lord Jesus Christ.
But this is just a nutshell Im sharing with you about the feasts. The reason Im not going in-depth is
because my focus is not to major on the feasts but to just share with you that the feasts were given to
the Jewish people as seasons and times. That every time they celebrated these feasts, it signifies that
something is going to happen next. The Passover that they were eating signified to them that there was

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coming a Lamb of God that would be slain for the sins of the people. When they blow the trumpets, they
will remember there is coming a day when the last trumpet will be blown and all the dead in Christ will
be regathered back again. So everything that was given to them is for a season and time.
Likewise the Jewish New Year. We all celebrate new years. We have the English new year on the first of
January, the Indians have their own new year in April 14, and the Chinese have another new year, the
Jewish people have another new year. Different cultures have different new years, but the new years
and the festivals that are given for the Jewish people they are given by God, please remember that. Take
away from your mind the term the Jewish people. The festivals are given by God not just to the Jewish
people but through them it came to us. Its for us.
Now the Jewish new year is called Rosh Hashanah. This usually falls from mid September to October
15. Its between that time. It will go back and forth but during that period, its called the month of Tishri
in the Jewish calendar. During this period was when the Rosh Hashanah, the new year begins. When the
new year begins, many things begin in the Book of God, many new things begin in the time table of God.
So tonight, I want to share with you a new beginning that is going to take place this September, when
the new year of the Jews begins.
This is the word the Lord gave me to come and share with you - A new beginning is going to begin. The
entire world is going to enter into a new season, a new era when this new year begins on September
28. This year, 2011 the new year of the Jews begins on sundown September 28, so that day will signal
the beginning of something. From Rosh Hashanah up to another festival called the Day of Atonement is
called Yom Kippur. Thats a 10-day period. And during the 10- day period is a time for soul searching.
Let me give it to you in a nutshell. Im going to cover this in greater detail tomorrow about Yom Kippur.
This is something that you should never be ignorant about. Its a very, very important day not only for
the Jewish people but for every Christian, because I have learned in my walk with God that when these
festivals begin, something new also happens in Heaven. That convinced me beyond any shed of doubt
that all the festivals that we read in the Bible that were supposedly given to the Jewish people do not
belong to the Jewish people, but they belong to God. Thats when I became very convinced that whether
you celebrate or not, thats a different issue. But what matters is this, according to the seasons and the
times that God has spoken - when this will take place, that will take place, this should take place - at that
time something in Heaven rotates, moves on to the next. We enter into a season and a time.
Whether you are aware or you are not aware, the season and time changes. Just like when the new year
begins on the 1st of January, we celebrate with great fireworks. Likewise, when the Jewish New Year
begins, whether the people, the Jewish people on this Earth celebrate or not, I dont know - and I
know they celebrate, there is a change that takes place in Heaven. That I know for absolute sure. The
angels of God are given new assignments, theres a new page being opened in Heaven, a new chapter
being opened, and a new set of laws, wills of God are written for each and every individual.
So let me just say very briefly now and we will look in greater detail tomorrow. From the beginning of
Rosh Hashanah, a new page is opened in your life. A new page. Lets say all your past mistakes,
whatever good or bad youve done, they all are forgotten and a new page is opened for you. And based
on, lets say your previous past year. Lets say for example, on the past year you made some vows. You
said I will do this, I will do that and you did not keep the vow. Those unkept vows will be written in the
new year Oh, this person did not keep that vow. Thats point number 1. Dont laugh, Im being
serious. But Im just giving a small example but this is what will really take place.

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Number 2, lets say you have unconfessed sins that you did not confess. But if you confess the sins, the
blood of Jesus covers them and they appear as if you have never committed them before. Your slate
appears very clean, very new. Only the blood of Jesus Christ has the power to erase something that has
been engraved on pages of gold. I have seen the Book of Life in heaven, you know. Its not just written
there, they are engraved on those pages of gold. And only the blood of Jesus Christ has the power in the
entire known universe to wipe away that slate clean. So when you confess your sins, the blood of Jesus
cleanses all things. But suppose you did not confess any sins - one or two just slipped through? And
when the new year begins, when the new pages open, they will look into the past, Oh, this person has
these two unconfessed sins. They are also written there. And all other things based on how you have
lived. Maybe you spoke some unkind words to somebody. You hurt them! Or you did not give your
tithes to God, you are a robber. All and they are carried over to the new year. They all are written in the
new year.
Now when that is written in the new year, judgment will be passed on Yom Kippur day. So from Rosh
Hashanah to Yom Kippur day, there are ten days in between for you to make your appeal. You see,
when a criminal is sentenced to either small punishment or big punishment, he has a chance to appeal,
isnt it? They are given a small window frame (timeframe) that during the window frame, they should
make an appeal or they can make an appeal. If after the window frame, they did not appeal,
subsequently later, they cannot make an appeal. Likewise is this window frame, this ten-day window
frame, for us to search our hearts and see what, if there be any, remaining sins of the past year, you call
to remembrance. Your vows, unkept vows, unkept promises, whatever there remains, you will rectify
during the ten days. And on Yom Kippur day, that is the most solemn of all the festivals in the entire
Israel. You know the whole nation comes to a standstill, even today in Israel on Yom Kippur day. All
offices are closed. Its the most, holiest day in the entire Jewish life. They go to synagogues, or they pray,
they just do no work. And they present themselves before God. God sees you. And then a judgment is
passed, sealed. Whatever that is sealed on Yom Kippur day goes for the next one year. Its very serious,
you know. So, there is a new season on Yom Kippur day of 2011. A new era is going to begin. The
church is going to enter into a new season, a new era after. ..Yom Kippur will fall on October 8, 2011.
After that day, the church will enter into a new season, a new era, like she has never seen in the
entire church history. What is an era? An era is a period of time marked by distinctive events. The
period of time to which something is assigned. Now beginning from Yom Kippur of this year, a new
season rather, the final dispensation of the end times will begin.
When Abraham was called by God, the very birth of Abraham signified a new dispensation. Abraham
signified the dispensation of covenants, that God made a covenant with Abraham. He said, Unto your
seed and the seed of those I will give this land. I will make a covenant that your seed will propagate
forever and ever. Your seed will be like the stars the sky, like the sand... The Lord was speaking to a man
who was a hundred years old and totally barren! And He said, out of your body will come out kings, out
of your body will come a great nation. And the word that the Lord spoke was not mere promises to give
hope to a barren woman or a barren man. That is a covenant that the Lord makes. The covenant is
stronger than a promise. The covenant becomes very unconditional, a promise sometimes becomes
conditional. But a covenant is, it will be done. Its a promise, a sure word of promise, just like the blood
of Jesus. Its the blood of the covenant. Anyone who calls on the blood of Jesus Christ will be saved,
because its a covenantal promise. So Abrahams birth ushered in a new dispensation: the dispensation
of covenants.
Now next came Moses. The birth of Moses is not an ordinary birth, an ordinary preacher that was born,
a prophet was born, and then sent to prophesy. No! The very purpose of his birth signified another

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dispensation, a turning point in history. Among all the people of the world, God picked out one man
called Abraham. And the entire history turned around with that one man. And when Moses was born,
when Moses was called the entire history was turned around with the coming of Moses. When Moses
came, a new dispensation came -the dispensation of law that was introduced through him. It lasted
from that Moses right up to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Lord Jesus Christ came, there
was another turning point in history. His birth signified the redemption from sin that will come. And
the Lord Jesus Christ ushered in the dispensation of grace. Thats another turning point. Now that
dispensation of grace, from the time the Lord Jesus died on the cross has been going on till now. Now,
on Yom Kippur day, that dispensation will take on a different turn for the End Times. How it will be,
we will make a public announcement about that dispensation. The Lord has told us to conduct a
prophetic conference during that period October 7 to 10. You can watch it live on Angel TV. And we
will publicly introduce this new dispensation that is now, the church is going to enter into the new
seasons, the new era that its going to enter into.
You know when we telecast a live event in India, its primetime in India but it will be early morning hours
in the West. Im sorry about that. Its going to be three oclock or four oclock in the morning. Joan, you
are always watching... what time is it? Eight - eight in the evening or eight in the morning? Thats not
too bad! Thats not too bad, but in California it will be what five oclock? Poor thing. Anyway, you
know it is one thing to see a recorded event when you have free time. But its another thing to see it live
as it is happening at that particular moment. Its totally a different thing. And one of the mandates that
the Lord gave me when we started, when He called me to start this 24 hour network called Angel TV, is
to whenever important announcements that heaven wants to make, it should be a live event telecast to
the whole wide world. And we make that provision. And last year, about this same time, there was
another very important date. And this time, we are going to announce this new season, this new era.
What I am sharing with you tonight is a prelude to what were going to share in the conference. So
please watch it from October 7 -10. So dont miss it for anything else, because this involves your
destiny. What you receive from God at that moment will make a big world of difference if you see it
later on through a DVD or a CD. Because youve missed that particular time when God will reach out to
touch you at the moment when heaven is open for you to enter in the presence. So dont miss it for
anything else.
The Church in the New Era
Now what will the church experience in this new era? When I mention church, it also includes a family of
a believer. So for a larger term Im going to use the word church. I mean that does not just mean a
church, it can also mean a ministry or a family or an individual.
Now what will the church experience when this new era begins? Six things:
Firstly, there will be a new level of the demonstration of signs and wonders in the church. So far, you
know if you look at the early church in the book of Acts, the church was born with a great demonstration
of signs and wonders. It was not only the apostles who were used by God in signs and wonders and
healings and deliverances but even ordinary members in the church, like Philip. Philip was an evangelist,
and he had a great signs and wonders ministry if you read in Acts 8. It talks about him. And he had four
daughters who all had the gifts of prophecy. So the early church, not only the twelve apostles, but every
single person in the church had a mighty signs and wonders ministry. Everyone of them was a minister.
Today, thats not the scenario. Only the pastor seems to be the miracle worker, or special evangelists
are miracle workers and the rest of the believers are contented to just listen to some wonderful man of

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God who had a powerful walk with God. We are contented with second-hand information. This is all in
the past.
Angelic Activity Will be Commonplace. Now if you look at the early church everyone of them not only
had a signs and wonders ministry, but also living encounter with God, with angels. Angelic activity in the
church was so common that everybody in the church was seeing angels! It was not something great, big
deal. Today, lets say, later on when we are going to pray, someone out there sees an angel, how will he
react? Huhh! isnt it? We make a big deal about it because this is a very uncommon thing. Now if you
read Acts 12, Peter was imprisoned, he was set free. He came to the apostles place, and he knock on
the door. A servant goes to answer the door. And she asked, Who goes there? And Peter says, It is I,
Peter! and she recognized his voice. She quickly ran back into the house to tell everybody else that
Peter has come. And now look at their reaction, they were so cool! They said, Ah, dont worry, its not
Peter. Thats his angel. And they went back doing their business without even giving a second thought
to the angel who was standing outside! I used to be so fascinated when I read that incident, you know.
How common must be angelic activity in the old church, so much so that they did not even bother about
welcoming the angel into the house! Because they knew that it is an angel, he can walk through the
doors! Why bother to open the door? He can find his own way into the house!
The Church Restored to and Placed in Greater Glory. My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, the church
will be restored back to that glory in which the church was founded in the first place. Amen? It will be
not only a restoration to what she was before, but it will be greater, because the Holy Bible tells us in
Haggai 2:8 and 9, The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former house. So whatever you
read in the book of Acts, is nothing (compared to) what you are going to experience in this new season.
So the Church is going to experience signs and wonders at an unprecedented level that you will never be
able to look for any precedent in the Bible.
Let me give you one example. In Acts chapter 5, you will read that when the Apostle Peter was walking
on the streets, theyll bring sick people and put them down on the streets, so that when Peter was
walking, his very shadow, when it falls on the sick people, they would be healed. You read that in the
Bible. But I tell you, in these present times, not only the sick will be healed, even the dead will be
raised! This is not a faith statement from me, I am telling you what the Lord Jesus told me that event the
dead will be healed. Not just merely you walking, even the very shadow of your church building. When
the unsaved, when the sick, when those who need some deliverance come pass by within the shadow of
your church, theyll be healed! Theyll receive their miracle and get delivered. Even without the
preaching of the Word, as soon as people come within the atmosphere of your church, theyre going
to drop and fall down to their knees, put up their hands and cry to be saved!
This will take place. The glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former house. This
is a new season. But let me emphasize to you one more time again. In this new season, its not the
pastor, not just the evangelist, not just the apostle, not just the teacher, not just the prophet that God
is going to use mightily but every common believer. Are you a common believer? See, we are the
same! The only difference is I am wearing different clothes, you are wearing different clothes. Thats all!
Other than that, we are in the same category common believers! Your season and your time has
Secondly, the church will take on a new identity. How does the world look at the church today?
Stinking, rotting building, right? Thats how the media looks at the church because of all the substandard
lives that many ministers live. When you know the gay pastors standing in your pulpit, and you hear a

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bunch of rotten things that come out of their mouths, the people out there in the world will see that if
the church can approve a gay lifestyle, what is the difference between a gay Christian and a nonChristian whos gay? Any difference? No difference! So if theres no difference, why do I have to accept
Jesus Christ if anything that is filthy also is practiced in the church? The people of the world divorce and
remarry, divorce and remarry, and divorce and remarry and also in the church which is supposed to hold
marriage very holy. And if you do the same marry, divorce, marry, divorce so why should the nonChristians become Christians when theres no sanctity in your midst? There are people in the world
corporations, businesses that embezzle money. And then you have people in the church who do the
same thing, embezzling of money! They cheat the people, they milk the cows. If they do the same, why
should I - be a Hindu or a Buddhist or an atheist believe in the Christ you, who dont live a righteous
life, preach? This is how the world is seeing the church today: weakling, powerless, doesnt stand up,
doesnt even believe what the Bible teaches. You know there are more unbelievers in the church than
unbelievers out there, isnt it?
Once upon a time in India, there was a village that was experiencing grave drought for many months,
there was grave drought. So the pastor gathered his church and he said, We are going to pray for rain.
We must change the spiritual climate in our region and bring about rain. So that Sunday in the service,
he preached a powerful message on faith and believing God for miracles. He preached a storm up, and
then he told the congregation, This afternoon, after lunch, we all are going to gather in my house, and
we are going to pray for the rain to come. So everybody got excited.
Then at two oclock in the afternoon, the pastor walked into his living room and there were only eight
grandmas in his living room. You know in every church there are these praying grandmas, amen? You
wont find many praying young adults, but you will always find one group of very faithful praying
grandmas. Am I right? So, out of the big church these eight grandmas gathered together. And the pastor
can always call on them whenever he needs anything to be prayed, those grandmas are there like pillars
for him. And as they were about to pray, an eight-year-old boy walks into the pastors house with a big
umbrella in his hand. And everybody looked at him. Why are you here? He said, Pastor, I have come
to pray for rain. So the pastor and the grandmas asked him, Why did you bring an umbrella? He said,
When we pray, the rains would come so I need an umbrella to go back home! As soon as he said that,
all the grandmas laughed like how you all laughed. Everybody laughed! Oh, you silly boy! How can the
rain come? We are just going to pray, thats all! So, now just mark all of the words I am saying.
So the pastor said, Okay grandmas, lets all pray. And they sang one hymn, In the Sweet By and By.
You know after singing that hymn, and the pastor led the prayer. And he said, Grandmas, all of you
pray one by one. So all the grandmas, they prayed one by one by one. You know, Oh Father, we need
rain then blah blah blah They went on the prayer. Finally this young boy, and when the last grandma
prayed, the pastor wanted to close the prayer when this boy put up his hands and said, Pastor, I want
to pray! And the pastor looked at this little boy, Okay, lets just encourage him... he said, Okay, you
pray. And the young boy, he heard the pastors message on faith just a few hours earlier and he was
full of believing faith. And he prayed a very short believing prayer. When he said, Amen! there was a
thunder storm. And the rain started falling. The pastor opened his eyes, he looked around, the
grandmas opened their eyes and looked around, and the boy looked at everybody, opened his umbrella,
smiled and walked home.
You see how many unbelievers there are in the church? If you believe God for rain, youd better come to
the church with an umbrella! Why are you coming to the church without an umbrella if you dont (do)
believe God? See, by this fictional story that i just told you, you can identify yourself with the present

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stage of the church. There are more unbelievers and many more unbelieving prayers that we make in
the church than there are unbelievers outside the church. Now this will change. The image of the church
as an unbelieving church will change, and your hearts will change, your minds will change when the Lord
pours out His Spirit upon you.
Thirdly, therell be a great increase in revelational knowledge of God and the things of God. If you read
Revelation 10:7, When the seventh angel blows the trumpet, then the mysteries of God will be
completed. They will be made known to the world.
Fourth, therell be a great harvest of souls. In the past when you conducted an evangelistic meeting,
whether in the church or outside the church, you had a small number of harvest. Now, we have a great,
large harvest that will come into the church. Even people will go - come out seeking where our church
is! Theyll want to know whos Pastor Fred. And theyll call, Pastor Fred! and they will look at some
Chinese people, Do you know whos Pastor Fred? they may see the name in a dream. Shi tang Shi,
when he prays for you, you will be healed! They dont know whos Shi Tang Shi, theyll be wondering
Whos Shi Tang Shi? No, Im not saying this to make fun of our pastor, Im telling you a truth.
You know, where I live in India in the Himalayas, this is an incident that happened twenty years ago.
There is a country next to India called Bhutan. Have you heard of Bhutan? Its a Buddhist nation. And
there was this woman, a Buddhist woman whos suffering from a terrible illness, and she had never
heard of a Christian, although there are Christian churches, secret Christian churches, underground
churches in Bhutan. Because Bhutan is a Buddhist kingdom, and they dont allow open church services.
So this woman was dying, and she had a dream. In the dream, an angel appeared to her and he said,
There is a man of God in India called Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. If you get in touch with him and if he prays
for you, you will be healed. This was a Buddhist woman, and it has been many years since I last went to
Bhutan during that period of time. And this woman went all over Bhutan, mentioning my name and
looking for me. She did not know that I did not live in Bhutan. Finally, she met another Christian whose
church I had been to. And she mentioned my name and he said, Oh, he lives in India, and hes not living
in Bhutan. And she got my address and she wrote me a letter for prayer. She described her dream; she
said I was told if you pray, Ill be healed. And i prayed for the woman and she was instantly healed of
an incurable disease. As a result of that, she and her household were saved.
You see, such a supernatural thing will take place more often this coming new season and era. People
will suddenly be given names of you, your names. Angels may appear to them in a dream or in a vision,
or even physically in person and say, If you go to that church, and if you ask the pastor to pray for you
while mentioning your name, you will be healed. What I just shared with you about the woman is just
one of the many testimonies that have happened in our ministry. So many other people there was a
woman who was on the verge of committing suicide. And she went to this happened in a state called
Sikkim in India the capital city is called Gangtok. She was contemplating very seriously to commit
suicide. She went to the Post Office to mail some letters, and when she came out of the Post Office...
you know the Post Offices in India, there are big notice boards. She was just thinking, Who is there who
can help me? and as she passed by the notice board, something made her stop and look. When she
stopped and she looked, there was a little pamphlet, Do You Need Prayer? and then my address
written there, Please contact And she called me. She said, I saw your pamphlet on the notice
board. Now, we have never put up a pamphlet on any notice board anywhere. How this woman saw
that, I didnt know. But when I prayed for her, she and her entire household were totally set free and
added to the church.


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Supernatural means, how souls will be added into the church. This is going to happen now. A great
harvest of souls, and the angels of God are going to work together with you. Just like how they worked
together in the early church, theyre going to work together with you for the final harvest.
Number five, the spiritual realm will become very, very visible to the believers. No longer it will be just
someone whos so close to God like Moses or Enoch, who will have open visions and see God, no! Every
single believer in the church, you will experience an open heaven before you!
Finally, a prophetic company will rise up from the church. If you read Joel 2: 28 and 29, and Acts 2:17
and 18, it says, On the last days, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and your
daughters the word sons and daughters will not refer to older children. They refer to younger
children anywhere from a newborn baby up to 12 years old. That is the age for sons and daughters,
before they reach puberty. Average age of puberty is about 13. So before that age, they are called sons
and daughters. And the Holy Spirit will come upon your sons and daughters and they will prophesy. They
will see visions. Thats the first group.
The second group: And I will pour out My Spirit upon the young men and the young women That is the
youth! The youth is anyone from the age of about 13 up to about 29. When you reach 13 you are
considered an adult, this is according to the Bibles reckoning. The third group: Then And upon the old
men and the old woman I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall dream dreams. Old men- Im sorry for
the word old, I know in America you dont like to hear the word old unfortunately, old is old, whether
you like it or you dont like it, you dont say 70 years young. Thats a lie, we dont want any lies, okay?
Everybody okay? We just face the naked truth is that okay, everybody? Old, anyone above the age of
fifty sorry about that. I belong to that category so we are all the same. Fifty and above, of course, at
fifty, we can still be young, but we are talking about age classification, you know. We come into that
category. And they will dream dreams. And on that day upon the servants and the handmaidens... The
fourth group: Even the domestic household workers the servants, the handmaidens, the slaves - I will
pour out My spirit and they shall prophesy. See, in a family, there are children, there are young people,
father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, and you have servants working in the family. Every
person in a family will become a prophetic person. Hallelujah! Hey will become a prophetic person. That
is what God is going to do in this new season, this new era that is going to come.
Which means, every pastor will become a prophetic pastor. Every evangelist will become a prophetic
evangelist. Every apostle will become a prophetic apostle. Every teacher will become a prophetic
teacher, every minister of God will become a prophetic minister of God. Every person that is named of
Christ will no more be an ordinary believer but you will be a prophetic person. You will see visions, you
will prophesy, you will dream dreams and God will use you prophetically to set the captive free. This is
what God is going to do in the new season.
This is the vision that Ezekiel saw in the valley of the dry and dead bones. If you read in Ezekiel 37: 1-10,
Ezekiel is taken in the spirit to this valley. And he sees totally dry, dead bones. And then God tells him,
Prophesy! When he prophesied, al the bones came together, muscles, sinews, all the joints joined
together and it stood up, the Bible says as an exceedingly great and mighty army. Thats whats going to
happen to your church. Your church may look like a dry, dead bone church. I dont mean to say this to
insult you or look down on your church. But if you honestly look around the entire, worldwide body of
Christ, thats the pathetic condition the church is in today. Am I right, everybody? Very pathetic
condition, but its going to change. Amen? Its going to change.


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All the churches that are open to the Holy Spirit, they are going to be resurrected. Resurrected with
this new resurrection power that is going to come upon the church where you will no longer be
classified as a dry dead bone. You will become a prophetic church! A church that will demonstrate to
the whole world the living Christ. What the Jews were supposed to show to the whole world what a
nation should be, you are going to show to the whole world what a people of God will be. Amen? Thats
what you are going to become. What you are today is not all you are going to be! After two months
later, your life is going to change, your destinys going to change, your futures going to change, your
entire purpose are going to change! Amen? Amen? Come on, give a good clap to the Lord.
What Should We Do?
So now that you have heard the purposes of God, we need to ask one question now. So what should we
do? Thats a very important question what should we do from Rosh Hashanah, that means from
September 20, 2011 up to Yom Kippur, October 8? Which means from this point of your time, August
20th 2011 up to October 8, 2011 you have about two months. Within these two months, God wants
the church will seek the face of God. These ten days, these times, shall be a season of seeking the face of
God. The believers must pursue and seek God like they have never done before.
The seeker finds. If you dont seek, you just simply wait, it will pass you. During these days of seeking
God, you must ask one thing: what is your destiny? What is your purpose? Why are you on this earth?
What is your purpose? What is your destiny? You know you are not a dog or a cat. Have you seen a dog
or a cat they get up n the morning, and just lie in the sun whole day until lunch time or dinner time.
And the cats, you know, more than the dogs they are the real masters of the house. They stretch their
legs, they open wide their mouths and they yawn as if they are the real masters of the house. The
amount of pampering a cat and a dog receives, even more than your sons and your daughters. Right?
All the finest, cat spa, dog spa, whatever spa that you have. You know the cat pedigree, dog pedigree,
manicured, even the cats and the dogs manicured! I dont get it, you know? You know the cat and a
dog who lives a purposeless, meaning less life. You are created in the image of the Living God. There is a
purpose why you were born. There is a purpose, there is a destiny why youre born for such a time as
this. And you must seek it out. You must find it during this time. And you must seek it out. You must find
it within this window of time. That is what God requires of you. You must seek God and be prepared for
You know, no matter what can be said or done, always be ... there is sadly two groups. If you read
Matthew 25:1-14, the Lord Jesus tells a story about a parable about ten virgins who were going to
meet the Bridegroom. Five were wise, five were foolish. Now all the ten are virgins. All of them are going
to meet the Bridegroom. Thats the common thing about them. And they all had lamp they all had
that. There was only one difference. Five were wise, five were foolish. Because the five were wise, they
had oil and extra oil. Because they thought ahead, what if the Bridegroom delays (in) coming? You see,
they thought ahead. The foolish, because they were foolish, they did not think ahead. They thought,
Why? they took it for granted. They say, If he says he will come, he will come. They couldnt think
beyond. They were foolish. You know there is a saying or a culture in Japan. If a father looks at the son,
he says, Give me a hammer, and the son goes into the storeroom to bring a hammer. He does not only
grab a hammer, he will grab a box of nails, he grabs a screw driver, he grabs all kinds of tools and bring
them to the father. Because in his mind, he will figure out, Why is the father asking for a hammer?
Which means, he also needs nails. He will think a few steps ahead, and he brings the entire tools for
the father. This is a Japanese culture. This is how the wise virgins were. They thought ahead. What if

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the Bridegroom delays his coming? Then we must have extra oil! Because if youre going to use these
wicks, this oil and the wicks may get burned out, dried up, so you need extra oil. Or like having extra
batteries! They thought ahead.
But the foolish virgin did not think. They thought, Okay, he will come. If he wants to bless me, let him
bless me. - which is how many Christians pray. Lord, if it is Your will to give me, give me. If its not Your
will, its okay with me. Have you seen people praying like that? All my life, Ive seen people praying like
that. If you ever pray like that, I guarantee you today, you will never receive anything. Because you are
behaving like how a person walks to the wishing well and looks at it and sighs, throws a coin and walks
away. Dont make a wish! God is not a wishing well. When you pray, your prayer should not be wishy
washy prayer. The Bible says when you pray, believe that God has already answered your prayer before
your eye sees them. You must come to that level, you know - believing in your heart that you have
already received that which you have asked for before your eyes see. But the church today is so
trained to see with their eyes first, before you believe in your heart.
That is why many prayers go unanswered, because you dont believe. You must act according to what
you believe. Like the story I told you about the boy. You see, before he left his house to come to the
church, he believed in his heart that when they prayed, the rains will come. If the rains come how is he
going to go home? So he brought an umbrella along.
What else? Those praying grandmas did not believe the rains will come, or maybe they thought, Even if
the rains come, good - then we can spend more time eating cooking in the pastors house. Maybe,
huh... I didt realize until right now. There could have been another motive for the grandmas. Anyone in
history who had ever had moved to the throne of God are those who prayed believing prayers without
any doubt. Ninety-nine per cent of prayers Christians pray, theres so much of doubt in their hearts. And
they end up always doubting, Does God really love me? Did God really bless me?
Dont look for external manifestation. The Bible says Whatsoever you shall ask, believe that you
receive. First, you believe with all your heart. Then, your eyes will see. If you dont believe with all your
heart, hold your heart, meaning 100% with all your heart, and stay on the promise. God has already
blessed me! Doubt not. If you doubt, you destroy the effect of your prayer. You know when you speak,
your words, they conform. If you speak words contrary to what you have believe or what you pray,
those negative words will nullify whatever you prayed. Plus and minus will always equal minus. That is
basic math. So when you pray, you are praying positively. And then when you speak, you speak
negatively. Plus and minus equals minus! Thats why you dont get your needs met! The words of your
mouth and the meditations of your heart must be acceptable, must be equal and acceptable before
God. The meditation of your heart could not be positive and the words of your mouth be negative. Then
they wont be acceptable in the eyes of God.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, first you analyze and check your own life. How much of
unbelief there is inside you. I know many people who come to healing prayer. When I lay my hands on
people to pray, out of ten heads that I lay my hands, I know nine are in unbelief nine unbelief. But
those who have the faith to believe, I feel the power being drawn from my hands gong to their bodies.
Ive felt that many times. Most of the other people have this attitude, Oh, if God is going to heal me, He
can heal me. If He doesnt want to heal me, its okay! I can go to the doctors! That is why even the
many, many great healing evangelists that you have in your nation, they see more signs and wonders
when they go outside the US than inside the US. Because people in India, people in Africa, they dont


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have money to seek medical treatment. And all they have is faith. And they come to God, Lord, You
must heal me. They come with that simple faith that if I go to God, I will be healed.
You know once in my meeting, a woman with cancer in her uterus, given up by doctors to die. She was
in the last stage of cancer. Before she left home, somebody told her that I was conducting a meeting in
the towns auditorium and God was dong miracles. So, I did not know this. Later on she came and
testified. She made a vow. Or she said like this. She bought a bottle of poison, and she said, God, if You
are the true God, I am going to go to the meeting. If You dont heal me, when I come back home Im
going to drink this poison and commit suicide. With that vow or with that intention, she came to the
meeting. And after I finished preaching the message, I prayed for the people. And I asked all those who
needed healing to stand on their feet. And 700 of the people stood up. And I usually tell them, Take
your right hand and you put it over the part of your body where you have a problem. Now, out of the
hundreds of people who were standing up, it is impossible for me to know what peoples problems
immediately are. So during the time of prayer, I saw the Lord Jesus standing beside me. And the Lord
pointed His finger at one particular woman and said, This, my daughter, she has cancer in the uterus.
Tell her that I am healing her. Well, she was a non-Christian. So I pointed my finger in that direction and
said, The Lord Jesus tells you my dear daughter, that he is healing you of the cancer in your uterus right
now. And the meeting finished. And then we used to invite people to come up to the stage to testify
what the miracles are that God has done for them. So one by one, many people came up. And this
woman came up, and she told the whole story about the poison, about this and that, and she said,
When this Sadhu prayed, when he said Daughter, the Lord Jesus is touching you. I felt a bolt of
lightning kick my body right where my womb is. And whatever I have felt in my womb just disappeared.
And I feel so good, so well, all the pain was gone.
You see people in India, in Africa, or in what you would call the Third World Nations. They come to God
with that attitude. Only God can do something for them. If not, theyll have to die. People in the West is,
If God wants to heal me, thats good. He doesnt want to heal me? Whats up, praise God! You see
when you have that kind of a wishy-washy attitude, you will come empty handed and you will go back
empty handed! You will come to the front in a wheel chair, and you will go back in a wheel chair. That is
why, that the many great healing evangelists that are in the US dont see that much of great signs and
wonders in the US like they see in the Third World nations. People stand for hours in a meeting, you
know. In a very recent meeting that we conducted in India, we conducted a fasting prayer from 10:00 in
the morning right up to 4:00 in the afternoon. 20,000 people were gathered there. In a city called
Bangalore, 20,000 people were gathered from 5:00 in the morning. The gates will only open at 10:00.
From 5:00 in the morning, they came to occupy the front row seats and they waited patiently and the
sun was extremely bad. The climate here is so beautiful compared to the climate there. Everybody, I was
drenched in sweat, and not a single person got up from their seats to go back home until the last prayer
finished. Thats how people come, hungry for God. For them, it is, Either God touches me, or I die.
They come with that attitude: I must meet God. If not I will die. Thats their point of view. You dont
come with that attitude. You come with an attitude, If I meet God, OK, good. If I dont meet God, so
what? It doesnt matter. You laugh Why are you laughing? Isnt this what societies, Christian society
is? You must change your attitude. First, it must begin in your heart. Your attitude must change. You
must come to God to seek His face. For the next two months, seek God like youve never sought God in
your entire life. If you will do that, I promise you in the name of the Lord Jesus, before whom I stand,
even before Yom Kippur day, you will meet God. Even before that day, you will meet God.
I see an angel of God standing in the auditorium right now. And he is testifying that everyone, anyone,
who sincerely seeks God, they will certainly enter into this new seasons, into these new times, even

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before that appointed day. And there are some people here, this angel tells me, who will see the
heavens open before you, and angels of God ascending and descending. And your house will become
like the tabernacle of Moses, where the glory of God comes down and abides. Not only you, but even
your children will see the open vision glory of the Almighty God. Your eyes will also even be opened to
even see the Ark of the Covenant momentarily present in your living room. And angelic activity will
increase in your house. Even your little children will come up to you and say, Momma, I saw an angel in
my room. Momma, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ. Momma, I saw a scroll coming down from heaven. Get
your hearts ready. Get your hearts ready. Seek like never before. Especially if you are a minister here,
or a ministers wife, or youre doing some kind of ministry. Set aside days to fast and seek the face of
God like youve never done before. If you will do that, you will receive the scrolls from heaven
concerning the destiny of not only your life, but also your ministry. What God wants to do next in your
life. That will be revealed to you.
Shall we all stand up for a word of prayer right now.
Thank You, wonderful God. Thank You, wonderful God. Especially, this angel tells me now, all the
children that are now amidst, parents please take your right hand, and place on the heads of your
children right now. Thank You, wonderful God. Thank You, wonderful God. If your children are
somewhere, please grab right now them quickly and place your right hands, the father and the mother.
Place your right hands on the head of your children right now. Thank You, God.
The first word is addressed to the pastors and ministers who are here. Sanctify a fast in your church.
Call for a general assembly to fast and pray, and gather your people. Blow the trumpet and gather
them, to humble themselves in sackcloth and ashes, to seek the face of God. And when you do that, the
Spirit of the Lord will come to reveal the shortcomings in your midst, and thereby bringing you into a
state of repentance and preparing you and your congregation, your church, for a mighty visitation from
the living God.
Now for the children. Parents, please listen carefully. Especially, the angel tells me, the first word is
directed toward children: babies right up to twelve years old, thirteen years old. Train your children to
walk in the ways of God. Teach your children to walk in the ways of God. Dont give the excuse, They
are so small, they know nothing. Even if you have a baby, speak the Word to them. Play the Word of
God to them continually, so that their spirit-man can listen to the Word of God. It will go into their spirit
and transform them into a son or daughter of God. And I see a vision right now, when you speak the
Word to your children or when you play a CD of the Word of God, when your children are listening, light
from the Word will flood their soul and it will create a temple for the Holy One to come and abide in
them. Teach your children to eschew evil, to hate evil, and to walk in holiness. It is the duty of the
parents to teach them to walk in holiness. Thank You, wonderful God. Teach them to close their eyes
from looking at evil. Teach them to run away from all things that is of the flesh.
Next, the young people, the youths fourteen up to twenty-nine. My dear young sons and daughters,
guard your virginity. Keep your body chaste, pure and holy until your wedding day. Dont allow the
enemy to desecrate your flesh, to corrupt your morals. Guard your soul. Guard what enters through
your eyes, through your ears, through your soul. All that glitters in the world outside are not gold. Guard
your soul.
As Im speaking these words I see many angels. The first angel that I saw is a very huge angel that is
standing by the doorway of the church. But the angels that are under his authority I see them. Many of

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them around, standing around with a golden trumpet in their hands, beside every young person - if you
be faithful, to seek the ways of God, and to give yourself to prayer, and to meditation of the Word of
God, and to keep yourselves pure, holy, and unspotted. The trumpet signifies the prophetic gifts, the gift
of prophecy. And also, not only prophesying, but also seeing into the spiritual realm. It will be given unto
you. Thank You, wonderful God.
Now to the elders in the family. The angel says, Build an altar in your house. Build an altar, a prayer
altar. The altar that is broken down in your house, rebuild it up. Set up an altar in your house where
the family can gather together and pray. If you build an altar unto the Lord, it will become a place
where God will meet you. It will become the house of bread and it will become a place where there is an
open heaven. The angels will ascend and descend. And I see right now in a vision, when a family creates
an altar like that, and when you gather to pray, the glory cloud of God will surround your entire family,
and your house will no more be a house, but it will become the temple of the living God. Thank You,
wonderful God. Thank You, wonderful God. Glorious wonderful Jesus.
One more time, this angel of God is addressing the ministers who are now amidst. Put away all the
dross, all the chaff, all the unfruitful branches and trees away from your midst. Do not compromise on
the standards of the living God in your midst. If you will lift up an ensign for righteousness and holiness
in your midst, truly, the glory of God will rise upon you like the Son of Righteousness. Thank You,
wonderful God.


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A New Season (Part 2)

Breaking Prophetic Message by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
(You may download the MP3 teaching at

This new season that you are going to enter into is unlike anything youve ever seen in your life at all.
Therell be something wonderful, something great, that not only you have never seen in your life before,
the world has never seen yet. The amount of glory that God is going to manifest in the church, the world
has never seen anything like it yet. The amount of power that God will display through everyone of you,
servants of God, through every man and woman of God, is something the world has never seen yet from
the days of creation till now. When the Lord first spoke of that to me, I was astounded, you know. From
creation till now it means that whatever great, mighty works the Prophet Moses performed are nothing
compared to what you are going to do by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You know the days of the superhero, superstar preachers are fading away. This I tell you from the word
of God. Those days are over now. The single superhero preachers that you see in the world today, their
days are fading. And in place, the Body of Christ will rise up, the little children, the young people, the
senior citizens, the ministers of God, the nobodies they will rise up, and God will pour out His latter
days glory upon the entire Body of Christ! Then every single person, every single believer will become a
mighty miracle working prophetic minister. Even the little ones will prophesy! The little ones will see
visions! The young people will see visions and they will prophesy! The old men and the old women will
dream dreams!
I used to wonder why the old people dont see visions but they dream dreams. I used to wonder that,
you know. Why the Word of God very specifically says the old people will dream dreams. Then I found
out the reason why. Old people sleep longer! They get tired so easily, isnt it? They get so tired so easily
and they always take longer rests. So how is God going to speak to them? When they are sleeping! Well,
you see, whether you are old or young, everybody has a work to do in the last outpouring of the glory of
God. No one will be left out. Everybody will be a superhero, will be a superstar in the eyes of God.
That is the Last Day move. That is the Joels army that is going to rise up. If you read Joel 2:28-29 and
Acts 2:17-18, it says, On the last days, God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh This was not fulfilled
on the day of Pentecost because on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon only 120 Jews who
were waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whereas the Scriptures in Joel says, I will pour out
my Spirit upon all flesh. What does all flesh mean? All flesh, isnt it? It means the Hindus, the Moslems,
the Buddhists, the Jews, the Chinese, the whites, the blacks - all flesh! Everybody agrees? All flesh!
What else? On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit only came upon 120 people that alone are only the
Jews! Then if we read Joel again it says, When the Holy Spirit comes, they will see visions, they will
prophesy. But if you look at the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came, they all spoke in unknown
tongues. See, there is a big difference between what happened on the day of Pentecost and what will
happen when the Joel outpouring comes. What is prophesied in the book of Joel is going to happen in
these last days. When it is poured out, every age group person thats mentioned in the Scripture will
become a prophetic person. This is the promise. Whether you know the Scriptures very well or you do
not know the Scriptures very well, it doesnt matter. When the outpouring comes upon you, your

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spiritual eyes will be opened. You will visions, you will the Lord Jesus standing beside you. You will see
the angels of God in your church. And they will bring messages for you. And you will read the scrolls
that theyll open up to you, and then you will declare the oracles of God. This is whats going to
happen in the days to come. Youre not going to hear just the pastor, the prophet, or the apostle or the
evangelist, the teacher who says, I saw the Lord! or I saw an angel! Not only them but every
common person will say, We saw the Lord!, When I was praying this morning an angel came to me.
It will become a very common occurrence. This is how the church will become so powerful before the
rapture takes place. These gifts will all be restored to the church. Its like a woman being adorned with
jewelry before her marriage day.
You know if you read Ezekiel 16, there youll find that the Bridegroom puts on jewelry on the bride:
earrings, nose rings, bangles, and a gold chain around like a belt around her waist and then, the thing
thats on the forehead. Shes so beautifully adorned! Now what are all these? They are all various
symbols of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Everyone of them symbolizes the nine gifts and the seven Spirits
of the Lord. If you read Isaiah 11: 2, it talks about the seven Spirits of the Lord: the Spirit of wisdom, the
Spirit of revelation, the Spirit of counsel, the Spirit of might, the Spirit of knowledge and the Spirit of the
fear of the Lord: the Seven spirits of the Lord that will be poured out upon the church. Every single
believer will walk in a glory that the world has never seen before.
Now before that day comes, we need to meet one day called the Day of Atonement or the Yom Kippur.
Please turn your Bibles with me to Leviticus 16:29-34. Actually, if you read the entire chapter 16, it gives
us detailed instructions concerning the Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. But let us read just from
verses 29-34:
And this shall be a statute forever unto you, that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the
month, you shall afflict your souls And the Old Testament word for the afflict(ion) of the souls is
fasting and praying. and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country or a stranger that
sojourneth among you: for on that day, shall the priest make an atonement for you, to cleanse you,
that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord. It shall be a Sabbath of rest unto you, and
you shall afflict your souls, by a statute forever. And the priest, whom he shall anoint, and whom he
shall consecrate to minister in the priests office in his fathers stake, shall make the atonement, and
shall put on the linen clothes, even the holy garments. And he shall make an atonement for the holy
sanctuary, and he shall make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation, and for the altar,
and he shall make an atonement for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation. And this
shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their
sins once a year. And he did as the Lord commanded Moses. (KJV)
For a fuller understanding of the Day of Atonement, we can read the entire chapter of Leviticus 16, and
Leviticus 23:27-32. Now this gives us a very detailed instruction concerning the Day of Atonement.
Please, kindly do not confuse this with the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. What the
Lord Jesus Christ did for us is to save us from eternal damnation, that is, eternally being separated from
God. That is different from this. Lets not get the two confused. I believe with all my heart that when the
Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross, when He said, It is finished! that the first original sin of Adam was
forever atoned! That whosoever believes on the Lord Jesus and confesses him is set free from the
original sin of Adam. I believe that with all my heart. But this is not talking about the original sin, but
the day to day sins that we do.


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Let me ask you one question, if you are still in doubt. From the day you got saved till today, is any
person here living a sin-free life? Youve never sinned? Never sinned at all? Youve never said one bad
word, never cursed in your heart, never spoke one single word against anybody, you live a sin-free life,
anybody? Really? Sin-free? Even I am not raising up my hand. Im just raising up to show ask you, you
know. Im not raising it up to say I live like that, no! You stumble with your words, right? That is a sin!
You see, when you speak one unkind word, you curse someone. That is a sin! So even I cannot claim
that I am sin-free. The everyday sins that we do, we come to the Lord Jesus everyday, dont we? Thats
what the Bible says in 1 John 2:1. If anyone has sinned, he must come before the Lord Jesus, who is the
appropriation for our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive all our sins. This is what we are talking about
Now what is this Jewish tradition of the Yom Kippur? Its on that day that God places a seal upon the
divine decrees affecting each person for the coming New Year. On that day, the seal is put forever on all
the decrees that are determined on the divine New Year: decisions of life and death, peace and
prosperity are decided and sealed on that day. The Book of Life, with all these details, is closed on that
day. You know, everyone of you has a book written about you kept in heaven. The day that you are
born, a book is opened. Jessica Dong will be born in China no, you are not born in China. Born in Dong
in China, but on this particular day, the family will move to the US, will settle down in New Jersey, marry
a handsome man but he will be wearing spectacles. Very handsome man and his name will be Donnie.
All these are written dont laugh, Im being serious, you know. All these are written, nothing except
for sins. When you go astray from the will of God, good things that happen in your life, are all written
there in the book. And she will become very close to Jesus Ministries and shell organize meetings for
Jesus Ministries all written there.
You know, like I shared yesterday. I first came to New York in this region in 1997. So many Chinese saints
came to my meetings. I have prayed for literally hundreds of Chinese believers. So many people get
blessed in these last 14 years. Out of all these people, why is there one particular young lady who loves
me like a father, and has been so attached to our ministry, organizes all our meetings very faithfully?
Because its written in the book! Thats the will of the Lord written there. Out of all these people, it is
this one particular person who should do all this work. So that book is kept there in heaven. When you
pray to seek Gods will, when you hear something about Gods will, lets say even if a prophecy comes to
you through a pastor, through a preacher or a visiting speaker, hed say, Oh, the Lord will bless you like
this blah, blah, blah. Whatever they say are all those things that are written in the book. They come and
are given to you. If you read Psalm 40, the Lord Jesus said, Lo, I come to do Your will that is written of
me in that book. Well, there is a book for the Lord Jesus also. So all those things that the Lord Jesus did,
were the things that were written of Him in that book. So that is why he spent so many hours of
everyday praying to see what is Gods will written in the book, and He did according to that. That is
why, He never failed in what He did. Why are we failing in what we do? The reason is because we
dont take time to wait on God! We use our finite mind to make decisions, and we end up making
blunders, making wrong choices, marrying the wrong person, ending up in the wrong place, ending up
in a ditch! But if you take the time, before you make any decision, to wait on the Lord and ask Him.
You know, why rush? Why rush? For two or three days calmly waiting on God for His will, to know His
will, wont cost you anything, isnt it? Rather, it would cost you many buckets of tears. Why shed tears
weeping for a wrong decision you made in your life.
Based on the previous years individuals life good or bad decrees, or blessings, or retributions - are
made on Rosh Hashanah, on the divine New Year concerning an individual for the coming New Year.
Yom Kippur is on the tenth day. An individual has eight days in between eight days to make amends,

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repent, so that divine mercy can be entreated. Thats the purpose. Among all the festivals that God
gave to the Jewish people, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the holiest days in the life of every
Jewish person. In fact on Yom Kippur, the whole of Israel comes to a standstill. No planes fly out, no
businesses are open. You cannot even go out in the streets to buy anything. All are closed. Everybody is
expected to b either in the synagogue or at home praying, or at least, searching your heart. Its a very,
very solemn day. They call it the high, holy day or holy festival. It is the last chance to make appeals to
change the judgment that was made. You demonstrate your repentance. You must demonstrate it. You
know, when a judge passes a sentence on a person, a convict, he gives him a time to make appeals.
Theres a small window. The time is not forever. Whenever you feel like making an appeal, you can
make an appeal? No, a certain time is given there. You see, during that time, you must file your appeal.
If you fail to file an appeal during that window of time, you can never file an appeal again for that
Likewise we have a period. The Bible describes the Day of Atonement as a day to afflict the souls. Now
what does that mean? It means fasting. When they afflict their souls, meaning they dont eat
anything. They sit in sack cloths. They sit in ashes. They bathe, they wash themselves, and husbands
and wives separate themselves even from sexual union during those periods. They are seeking God.
If you read in Exodus 19, God told Moses, Im going to come down for all the eyes of Israel to see. Be
clean for three days. And Moses then calls the whole of Israel together, and he tells them, God is going
to come down. Wash yourselves, keep yourselves clean. Husband and wives be separate for three days,
keeping yourselves clean. Affliction of the soul, humbling yourself through fasting and through prayer.
Now, how can you fast is something only you can determine for your own selves. Whether you fast or
you dont fast, what is most important is humbling your heart, humbling your soul before God.
You know, it doesnt matter, it doesnt profit if you fast for 10 days, but you still maintain a proud and
arrogant attitude. It wont profit you. But if you cant fast, you cant do it because youre working BUT if
you humble your souls, and you sincerely seek the face of God, even for one hour a day, you spend a
quality hour seeking the face of God, that will be accounted to you as afflicting your souls. At the end of
the day, God sees the intention of your heart. In the midst of your busy working schedule, you cant take
ten days off, thats okay. But you determine in your heart that you want to seek His face. Before you go
to work, you sleep one hour lesser in the morning, and then you spend another hour in the night seeking
the face of God. You put away all your lunch hour, and you find some quiet place, go to one quiet
corner, you fast and you seek the face of God. I tell my staff that, you know. Sometimes some of them
are fasting, they dont eat. And then I ask them, What are you doing? Why arent you having your
lunch? They say, We are fasting. So I tell them, What good is your fast if you dont pray? Youd better
go to one corner and pray! Then your fast will be fruitful! But they say, Oh, but we have work to do!
So I tell them, Is your boss so cruel that he will mind you going away for an hour to pray? They smile
now, Our boss is a very kind man. If your boss is a very kind man, then go! Dont let me see your face
now. Go to some corner, read your Bible, open your heart and you seek God. For whatever purpose
that you are fasting for, if you dont pray when you fast, that is called dieting. Isnt it? The people of
the world, they diet, isnt it? They dont pray. They also put away food, but they dont call it fasting, they
call it dieting because they are very fat. Im sorry for using that word, no? They are heavy. When you
fast, you must pray. Then, your fasting will be fruitful. It will yield the results for which you are
afflicting your soul to see Gods face.
Now, lets look at not just the Day of Atonement or the Yom Kippur, but the spirit of it. Why did God
initiate it. What is the spirit of it, or the equivalence?

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On that day, the spirit of it is in four manners:

Firstly, you accept responsibility for your actions. You humble yourself, accept responsibility. Youre
passing the buck, saying, Lord, because of the woman that you made, I ate the fruit. And when God
turned to Eve she said, Because of the serpent you made, I ate the fruit. Neither Adam nor Eve
humbled themselves and said, Lord, we disobeyed You. They did not have the humility, they were
pointing a finger. Its that person, Lord. Its this person, Lord. Or They made me sin, Lord. If my pastor
were a nice, prayerful man, why would I speak bad about him? Dont blame your pastor! If you carry
tales, dont blame the person who brought the first tale to you. Oh Lord, its that person. You have the
duty to shut the mouth of anyone who carries tales.
You know when I hire staff in my organization, I conduct the last interview. I tell them, There are people
working in this organization from various churches. Whether your pastor is good, better or ugly, dont
talk anything bad in this organization. If you talk anything bad about any minister, I will kick you out
immediately. They have to agree to this condition before they sign at the bottom of the paper that they
are employed. And even when visiting ministers come to see me. Sometimes, you know, they all have
their past time to tell tales. But they camouflage by saying, Id like to share something with you. You
know when the people will gossip, we call them gossiping. But when Christians gossip, its called
sharing, isnt it? Whether you share or you gossip, you still gossip. Ive always told many ministers to
get out of my room for gossiping about other ministers. At first, Id tell them very calmly, very nicely,
Please dont talk about others. If you have something against that minister, go and tell him directly.
Dont come and share with me so that we can pray together. That is a lie nonsense. You dont share
to kneel down to pray. Those who kneel down to pray never gossip in the first place because they have a
burden to pray for a brother who is found in a mistake. But its those gossipers who dont pray, because
they have to gossip! And after the second time that the minister continues, I tell them, Please get out.
Ive told many ministers like that, Get out right now. I dont want you before my presence. Because
what you are speaking is sin in the eyes of the Lord. I will not allow that in my presence. Please leave.
And I have dismissed several staff for gossiping. After the first warning or the second warning and they
still continue to gossip, I dismiss them! It doesnt matter to me whether they are the most talented
people or not.
We have to keep our house clean. You dont allow sin in your camp. Why is the presence of the Lord not
in our churches? Because of this kind of sins in the camp. Sin in your house, sin in the church, sin in your
ministry. Most of the common things are the words of your mouth. Be careful about how you speak.
They will judge you. And the very words not only judge you, but it will bring retribution on your own
head that which you speak. You know that ministers wife, I mean the pastors wife, I told you about with
the unforgiveness? Her husband somehow, he to make a long story short he began to accuse me of
You know I had a secretary a high school student who worked part time. And this young girl is a
member of his church, and it was he who introduced this young lady to work for me on a part-time
basis: three times a week, less than two or three hours a day, because she was attending high school.
And one day he called and one day this girl stopped coming to work! And all her works were piling up.
I couldnt read Nepali language, so I have to depend on her to translate all the prayer requests to me so
that I can pick it up before God in prayer. And when she didnt turn up at the office, all the letters were
piling up! I cant wait for somebody else to come to help me to translate. So I sent another one of my
associates to find out if this girl is no longer coming. And she wouldnt give any real reasons. Later on
she told me, Oh, the pastor said that I should watch out for you, that you are a very dangerous person.

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That when you pretend to call me into your office, and when I am all alone, you will rape me! Oh, yes! I
am not exaggerating anything. Its scratch-proof. And the poor girl, no - she is only 17 or 18, he
frightened her so much. He said, Be careful of all of these Sadhus. They are celibates, and theyll rape
you! And then they will beat you! And then they will go away! And then what will happen to your poor
life? And the pastor said all these kinds of words, and this girl never that was the reason (why) she
didnt show up at work. I was very, very hurt because the pastor knows the kind of life that I live. I did
not know why he said those words. I was very, very hurt and I cried before God on my face. I said, Lord,
I dont know why that pastor spoke like that, but the words came out of his mouth. Three years later,
the pastors youngest son eloped with that girl who worked for me and she became pregnant out of
wedlock, and bore a son. The very words that he spoke against me were the very sins that came upon
his own head, and upon his own family. Be careful of what you speak, what you say. The words that
come out of your mouth will not return back to you empty. It will perform the works that which you
proclaim - good, bad, or ugly. If you keep on saying your children will amount to no good, they will
certainly amount to no good because you are speaking those words. You know your words have
creative power. Dont think youre just jesting. Dont think you are just simply sitting down talking jokes.
Be careful! The Lord Jesus Himself said very clearly, Every idle word that a man shall speak, he shall give
an account of it on the day of judgment. Be careful! Thats why He said, Let your yes be yes and your
no be no. Nothing more, nothing less. Keep your word small on this earth. When you keep it small,
there wont be sin. When you talk too much, there is sin. You know for the three questions that the devil
through the serpent asked Eve, Did God tell you that you should not eat any of the fruit? Yes. Full
stop. If she had just said yes, the devil would not know what to ask next. But you know our friend Eve,
such a wonderful lady. She went on speaking more than necessary.
I made a study, you know, of the words - eight words that the devil spoke. Eve spoke forty-four words.
For the three questions that he asked her, Eve always answered him three times, four times more than
what the devil spoke. If answers were just yes, no, then it will trap the devil from eventually
beguiling her of trapping her to fall. And the very mouth would sin. So guard your mouth, especially
ministers of God. Guard your mouth. Not all ministers are perfect. We all have our shortcomings but
your pastor is the best man that God has given to you, whether he is good, bad, or ugly - with all his
shortcomings. They try so hard to serve the congregation.
You know, you wont know all the difficulties that a pastor goes through. They may seem very smartly
dressed standing in the pulpit, but the pains they carry in their hearts, the burdens in their minds for the
congregation. I know many godly ministers, many godly pastors who pray whole nights before they
stand on the pulpit on a Sunday. They wait on God to get a message from Him. And then they come and
speak. And I know many pastors who pray day and night for the welfare of their congregations. Of
course there are hireling pastors who fleece their members. Just dont look at the small hireling pastors
and brand every minister as a fraud. No! For every one rotten apple, there are ten good apples, isnt it?
Recently we bought one equipment for our ministry, and the equipment that came to our studio was
faulty! I was very upset so I called the company and I told them, How can you send me faulty
equipment? They said, Sir, we are so sorry. One in 100 is faulty, and you are so blessed that you got
that 100th piece. I told them, This is not a good blessing! And they immediately replaced the faulty
equipment. For you see, for one in 100 is a rotten person, but there are ninety-nine good ministers of
God, Amen?
Likewise the congregation - the ministers must not think all the congregants are devils, and they are
thorn in their flesh. We all have good believers, bad believers, ugly believers. But they are always again
in the same ratio: for one rotten believer, again there are ninety-nine gem-like believers who sincerely

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pray for their pastors, who sincerely stand shoulder to shoulder with their pastors. There are so many
wonderful things. So what is important is guard your mouth, Amen? So first is accepting responsibility
for our actions.
Secondly, individual repentance regarding unfulfilled vows between an individual and God so that it is
not held against you in the New Year. Check your heart and see your individual heart. Any vows that
you made that are not kept? Check it. Any promises that you made that were not kept? You know one
man once came to see me and we need to buy a vehicle for our television ministry. Its called an outside
broadcast van. And that costs, in Indian rupees, 2 crores. Two crores will be about $300,000. So we are
raising funds for that. So I made a poster of how the van would look like, and the amount that we need,
and we put the caption there, Please pray for it. So this poster is pasted on the walls of our studio. So
a couple came to see me. A business man, whose business was failing, and he sought my prayers. I
prayed for him and his business began to bloom and grow. Until he became like a big billionaire. So he
came to see me, to invite me to his daughters wedding. So he was waiting while I met with another
pastor. While he was waiting, he saw the poster and he told his wife, You know we have to give to this
work five lakhs. Five lakhs is like $10,000i. Five lakhs in Indian rupees is about $10,000. So he purposed
in his heart, and then when he came up to me he said, Oh, when I sat there in your lobby, I felt in my
heart that the Lord moved me that I should give this $10,000 towards the purchase of this van. I said,
Thank you very much. He said, When I go back home, Ill send you the money. I didnt say anything. I
didnt open my mouth and say, Brother, can you consider sowing into this? I never said anything. It
was he who opened his mouth with his wife as his witness, and God as his witness. And two years have
passed by, and he has never kept his vow. And I have never reminded him. I dont do that. In our
ministry, we dont do that. If you make a vow that you make a pledge that you want to give to our
ministry, I will not send you a reminder letter saying, Hey, by the way, its overdue.
I dont do that. I believe the vow that you made is between you and God. Im not like those loan
companies that come chasing after you. No! This is a vow that you make between you and God. If you
fail to keep the vow, its between you and God. It doesnt concern me. Be careful what vows you make.
If you make a vow, keep it! There is a saying in the Indian language that when you make your vow, even
if you need to cut your head and pawn it, you must keep your word. Thats an Indian saying, and I
practice that with all my heart. If I say something, even if I need to sell myself, which is not worth very
much, I will keep my word at all cost. If not, I will zip it. So check your heart and see the vows that you
have made.
Thirdly, communal sins sins against others. Check your heart to see if you have said anything, done
anything to hurt another person. If yes, according to Matthew 5:23 and 24, go to the concerned person
and make things right. Dont just say, Lord, I have hurt my brother Luke, so I ask you to forgive me,
Amen. But it still remains between me and Luke! It still remains, because Ive spoken to hurt him. You
must not only kneel down to confess a sin, you need to go to Pastor Luke. Say to Pastor Luke, I am so
sorry. I spoke these words to hurt you. That must be done, that restitution must be done! You cannot
say, I have done it to the Lord, finished! No, it must be done in person. Thats what the Lord Jesus said.
If you bring an offering into the altar, and there you remember that you have something against your
brother, leave your offering there and go with your brother. Make yourself right with your brother then
come and give your offering. Have you read that? The Lord Jesus Himself said that, you know. If you
dont make yourselves right, your offering will be rejected. Your offering will never be accepted.
I have turned away many peoples offerings like that. When I received the offering, the Lord said, This is
rejected! This is cursed in My eye. Send them their check! Ive done that. Because when you send an

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offering to a ministry, youre not just sending to a man, youre giving it unto God. When you give unto
God, your hands must be clean. Your heart must be clean. Then, your offering will be acceptable in the
eyes of God. Only then will you receive a prophets reward. If not, what good Is your offering? It will be
just like putting it in an empty basket. All your good works will fall down that empty basket. So go
personally and apologize, and make yourself right.
Number four, this day the Yom Kippur is a day of self-assessment and accountability before God for
choices made in the previous year. You analyze yourself: good choices you made, bad choices you
made. If you made a bad choice, as a result incurred a bad retribution, you come and humble yourself
before God and confess those bad decisions that you have made. Now after repenting before God and
asking forgiveness from wronged individuals, then the next step is you come before God to present your
case to Him. Turn with me now to Isaiah 41.
In Isaiah 41, you will see a beautiful formula that the Lord gives us on how we can approach God and
present our case before Him. Isaiah 41:21, Produce your cause, saith the Lord. Bring forth your strong
reasons, says the King of Jacob. Now flip over to chapter 43:26. Those two Scriptures go hand in hand.
And verse 26 says, Put me in remembrance. Let us plead together. Declare thou, that thou mayest be
justified. Now if you put these two Scriptures together it says like this: Now you come before God and
you tell Him why He should bless you, why He should prosper you, why you should not have the
retribution come to you for what you have done. You kneel down, you make all your requests, plead
your case just like how an attorney will plead his case before a court of law. Now they will put all those
rules and the laws. Have you seen dramas like that? In the same manner, you must remember some of
the promises that God put in the Scriptures, and tell Him, Lord, You said in Your word... Lord, You said
in Your word You remind God. Thats what the Bible says, Put me in remembrance.
Many years ago, a dear minister friend of mine, his wife was dying. This ministers a very, very close
friend of mine. And they have a small five-year old son. Before they got married, I was one day praying
for the pastor, and the Lord showed me how He was going to bless him with a son, and how the boy
would grow up, and to be a prophet of God. The Lord showed me all about that little boys future even
before they planned to have a child. The name of the boy, how his name would be called, how his future
will be, and what the pastors wife should do even during the nine months of pregnancy, and when the
baby is being weaned for the first three years, what she must do. Every detailed specification, the Lord
spoke to me. I had an encounter in heaven when the Lord spoke to me about the boys life. So
accordingly, the pastors wife, she eventually she conceived. Three years after, the boy was given to her.
And it was eventually proven by miraculous sign that she would bear a male child. That was one side.
Another side is the promises that the Lord gave for the pastor how the Lord was going to use the
pastor, how his ministry was going to extend into all the five continents of the world, many great things.
Now this woman is dying. Doctors have said she was born with a triple hole in the heart. And shes going
to go for surgery. The doctor said, There is no chance that you will live. Two things can happen: youll
die on the operating table, or if you survive, youll live for another three years, thats all. Nothing more
can be done. And that surgery is going to cost more than $50,000. So the pastor came and asked me,
What shall I do? So I thought, you know, for spending $50,000 and the poor woman is not going to live
for three more years. Why waste the money? (laughing) I actually thought like that, you know. I didnt
say that to the pastor. For a married man the wife is more important than $50,000. For me, it didnt
make any difference, you know. Anyway, I looked at him and I said, You decide if youre going to spend
all your hard earned savings for your wifes surgery, and then youre eventually going to lose her.

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Actually the doctor gave her six months to three years. Minimum six months, maximum three years.
You decide, I told him you know.
So finally they decided to go for the surgery but the wife knew in her heart she will die. So she made a
will unknown to her husband. She made a will and she even wrote him a letter where she had all kept
her savings unknown to her husband. You know wives got pocket money, you know. Their poor
husbands bring all their hard earned money and give all their salaries to their wives. I do not know about
the West, Im talking about the Indian culture or point of view. And then the wives are great acquisitors,
great managers. They manage all their family finances. Women have that great gift from God, thats
what the Bible says, you know, in Proverbs 31. Anyway, so she has saved a lot of money. So she wrote
the pastor detailed letter where all the accounts are, and said she even wrote a letter to the bank giving
the husband the power of attorney to manage all her accounts. She wrote all those letters, sealed it up
on an envelope, put it in a certain place in the cabinet. She said, Open this after my death. And she
even made the pastor promise that he will remarry for the sake of their little son. All these were done.
And then she told her husband, I have one final request. Before I die, I would like to have Sadhu come
and pray for me and bless me. I was in Tibet during that time. So this pastor called me. He said, You
know my wife has a dying wish. Can you stop by in our town to pray for her before shes wheeled into the
operating theater. I said, Alright. Fulfill a dying womans wish. Some people are like that, you know,
before they die they come getting blessings, even those who want to commit suicide. That was really
funny, you know. Just like you all laugh, I didnt laugh. I got very upset and angry. You want to commit
suicide, why get my blessing? So then their soul wont go to hell.
Anyway, I went to the hospital. And this poor pastors wife was just skin and bones. She is a picture of
just skin put on a skeleton, thats how she looked like. Shes a very, very pretty looking this is a Chinese
family, very pretty looking lady. But when she had a heart failure, she became so skin and bones, on the
verge of death. So I went to the hospital. It was a scene of gloom and death, because the pastor knows
his wife was going to die, and the wife knows she was going to die. And the poor little boy who was
running around the hospital corridor, playing with other boys, not knowing that in a few hours, hes
going to become a motherless boy. And I looked at the pastors face. Gloom all over him. This man who
brought great comfort to so many thousands of all people, now lost all hope, lost all faith, very, very
gloomy. So after all the niceties, you know all these pleasantries to be exchanged, we came to the real
matter now. So the nurse came and said, Time to go. So the pastor told her, Just give us about half an
hour. Our family friend is going to pray. So the pastors wife sat on the bed, she put her head on her
hand, with the pastor standing to my left and before I started to pray, I just got one good look at the
pastors wife. I looked at the pastor, I looked at the little boy, and I recalled all the prophecies that I
spoke over their lives. Every word the Lord spoke to me about the little boy. How from the day he was
formed in his mothers womb, his twenty-three years of life, all the events that the Lord showed me,
how the Lord was going to bless him - I remembered everything. And I looked at the pastor. All the
words the Lord gave me about him, how his mission was going to expand, I remembered all that. And a
great compassion came over me and I prayed. I said, Lord.
As soon as I said Lord, a wonderful thing happened. The Lord Jesus came and manifested before me and
He asked me, What do you want? I said, Look at Your daughter Lord, The Lord Jesus looked at her.
You know I will never forget those kinds of encounters that I have where I see the divine face of the Lord
Jesus Hes so tender, like a mothers face. That much of love that is exhibited in His face, so tender,
just like a mother, you know, how a mother will feel so tenderly toward her child. And then He walked
from my side and came and sat on the bed beside the pastors wife, and then low, where His face could
see her face. When I saw that, I began to pray, reminding the Lord all the promises. I was practicing

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what the Scripture says. I was putting Him in remembrance. I said, You spoke like this... You spoke that
this boy will grow up to be a prophet of God. You said that He will prophesy when hes three years old.
You said he will do this at five years old. You said he will do this. I told the Lord one by one by one
everything. If this woman dies now, how can she see all these things being fulfilled? And then Lord You
have promised all these things about the pastor. You said this is how his mission will develop. He will
write so many books. Then he will travel to all the nations of the world. You said as a family they will
travel together to minister for you. If now she dies, how can all that be fulfilled? So for twenty minutes
I cried and prayed before the Lord. And all the while the pastors wife was sobbing and sobbing and
sobbing because she was remembering all those promises, you know. And all her tears were rolling
down her eyes. The Lord Jesus just looked tenderly, with great tender love like a mother. You know the
Scripture says in Isaiah 49:15, Will a woman forget her sucking child? Even if she forgets, I will not
forget you.
You know I always see that Scripture come to life in moments like this. The amount of you know I am
failing in my description how the Lord looked like. Unless your spiritual eyes are opened and you see the
Lord, human words are insufficient to describe the tenderness on His cheeks and the love that wells up
in His eyes. You know Hes got beautiful sea-blue eyes. And the love that wells up in His eyes. And oh, his
cheeks are rosy, and golden. They all are like a personification of life thats the best way to describe it.
He looked tenderly at her. And after I was through with prayer, He lifted up His head and He looked at
me and He said, Because you asked me, Im going to do this for you. Im going to add fifteen years to
her life according to what you asked. Everything will be alright. Not to worry about anything. And
saying that, the Lord because I asked the Lord, Please at least extend fifteen years. I made a mental
calculation. The boy is now 15 years old, wed add another 15 years, and all the prophecies that the Lord
gave will be fulfilled. So I asked the Lord for fifteen years. I said, Lord, extend fifteen years to her life.
Now what made matters worse was two prophets whom I highly revere and respect did personally told
me after praying for the pastors wife that her time has come to die. She was only 32 years old, the
pastors wife, but her time has come to die. This is burst aneurysm. So I prayed against all that, and the
Lord heard the prayer. He said, Because you asked, Im going to do this for you. I will add fifteen years
to her life, and she will be in the best prime of her health. Five hours later, when the operation was
over, the surgeon who operated on her was a Hindu man, and the Lord told me the last thing that the
Lord said, The operation will be successful, everything will be alright. When the Hindu doctor
surgeon came out of the operating theater, he looked at the pastor and he said, Operation was
successful. Everything is alright. The very words that the Lord Jesus spoke came out of his own mouth.
And more than ten years have passed by, and the pastors wife has put on so much of weight, and God
has prospered them more abundantly than how they were before.
You see, this is what the Scripture says, Put Me in remembrance. Remind Me of My promises. All the
things that the Lord spoke into your life, remind Him one by one. Lord, You said this... Lord, You said
thatYour promise is, Your words say like this, therefore bless me Lord. Bless me, my children, my
family. You claim that. Put God in remembrance, thats what the Scripture says. Present your case
before God. Why should He bless you? Give Him a good reason. If you give Him a good reason, how
can He say no? What Ive just shared with you is just one of the many, many answered prayers that I
can share with you. Ive overturned, overcome the will of God. And the Lord many times said, Because
you asked, I will do this for you. You know in all my thirty-two years walk with God, Ive never prayed
anything for my own self. Ive never. Like a personal need for me, Ive never prayed. The Lord always
takes care of me. So whenever I need to pray for someone in need, I always will tell the Lord, You know

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Lord, Ive never asked anything for myself, so now Im asking something for myself. Please do it for
them. And thats why the Lord always told me, Because you asked because you asked, I will do this
for you.
So in the same manner, when you pray, when you put God in remembrance, He will never ever say no.
because you may be faulty, (but) the word of God is not faulty. Amen? The word of God is never faulty.
When you stand on the word of God, and when you make your requests known to God based on the
word of God, He will never, ever say no. So we ask for Gods mercy for a change and to walk a new life
for one more year. Go tell him, Lord, I want to change. I want to walk anew in the coming new year.
You know, we dont deserve His blessings in the natural. Nobody deserves any blessing, do you? But
whatever He gives us is out of His grace, His unmerited favor He gives us. So you tell Him, I dont
deserve Your goodness and blessing Lord, but because You are a good God, because Your grace and
mercy endures forever, I ask You for Your blessings. This is how I pray. Im sharing with you my secrets.
This is how I pray, Lord, You are a good God. Because You are good, You are bound to do good, You can
only do good. So therefore, do this good. So He will suddenly remember, Thats right, I am a good
God. And He suddenly remembers, Oh yes, thats right. I am a good God, therefore I must do good.
And He will certainly do good to you, Hallelujah! Amen?
And you promise to walk in newness of life, like what the Bible says in Ephesians 4:24. So lets ask for
Gods forgiveness for all these unkept vows that are made, that are unkept. Ask forgiveness for negative
words that were spoken, offensive words, slanderful words, murmurings, ill-bearings, lies. This is what
you should do during these days. From now till October 8, Yom Kippur, you seek God like youve never
sought Him before. For your career, definitely all things will become new. New things will take place in
your career. New things will take place in your ministry. New things will take place in your personal life.
New things will take place in your childrens life. All things will become new. Youre going to enter into
your new season. A new dispensation is going to open in the history of heaven, and you must prepare
yourselves for that.
Let me remind you one more time. If you dont do nothing (anything) about it, then you will stay put
where you are, like those foolish virgins. Youll miss everything, and forever you will be standing outside
and knocking on the door. Lord, open. Lord, open. And you will know that the door was never opened
to the foolish virgins. Have you read your Bible? So please remember that.
Lets all stand up for a word of prayer. (End)

Correction:$100,000. One lakh is 100 x 1,000. (


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