Action Research

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Action Research and Research Design

1) Teachers should experiment with different techniques to see which will be most effective in
their teaching context.
2) Teachers should identify problems in their teaching context and look for solutions.
3) Teacher should use scientific research methods to determine which techniques and
solutions are most effective for their teaching context.

action research, questionnaire, survey, think aloud, hypothesis, control group, test group,
valid, reliable

Learners will:
1) Identify a teaching problem that they want to solve, an appropriate solution for the
problem, and data collection tools they can use to gather information about the
effectiveness of their solution.
2) Carry out an action research project and write a report of their findings (long term
homework assignment).

1) Individual learners make a list of problems that they have in their teaching context (for
teachers) or problems that their teachers have (for university students).
2) Pair-share: read an action research report and answer the following question: What
problem did the teacher have? How did she try to solve the problem? What were her
results? What steps did she follow?
3) Teacher presents the purpose and steps of action research.
4) Individual learners choose one of the problems they listed in activity #1, brainstorm a list
of solutions, and then choose the solution they think is best.
5) Individual learners read Data Collection Tools for Action Research.
6) Teacher presentation on research design.
7) Individuals/pairs/groups identify problems in an information gallery of problems, solutions
and data collection and decide how they would correct the problems.
8) Groups report their answers problem focuses on homework, solution focuses on class
topics and data collection focuses on grammar and vocabulary; hypothesis focuses on
general English ability, data collection focuses only on vocabulary, comparing English
teacher and third year students isn’t good research design; the problem is reading skills,
the solution focuses on a speaking skill, reading test is given only at the end of the
semester so there’s nothing to compare; good; the two groups, boys (2 learners) and girls
(11 learners) are not equal; problem is vocabulary, but data collection focuses on
9) Learners write an action research proposal that describes their problem / hypothesis, the
solution / techniques they wish to test, and the way they will collect data. Then, they will
carry out the research and write a report of their findings (long-term homework

• How are action research and research done by psychologists similar? Different?
• What other tools can be used to collect information about a solution or hypothesis in
addition to the ones described in Data Collection Tools?
• What problems might teachers have in doing action research?
• Is doing action research with young learners more difficult than doing action research with
older learners? Why or why not?

Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 1

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
• Outline of Action Research.
• Outline of Research Design
• An Action Research Journal
• Data Collection Tools for Action Research
• Information gallery of action research proposals.

• Teacher Initiated Action Research. English Teaching Forum 35:1 (January-March), pp. 56-
58. (
• Lowe, Ian. 2001. Statistics and Research Design: Essential Concepts for Working
Teachers. English Teaching Forum 39:3 (July – September), p.36
• Bassof, Tobey. Action Research in the ESL Classroom,

Outline of Action Research

What is action research?

A. Action research is a Scientific Investigation that a teacher does in her classroom.

B. Action research helps teachers identify the most effective teaching practices for .
Their teaching context or the best solution to a teaching problem.
C. Teachers should be consistently engaged in investigating ways to improve their …………

What is the first step of action research?

A --- Teacher should first identify the question she wants to answer (Will teaching my students
social skills make group work more effective?) the teaching need she wants to investigate (Can
students make materials that will be interesting for other students?), or the problem she wants
to solve (Will students do their homework if I assign more creative tasks?).

• The focus of an action research process should be something that teacher can
control and change.
• An action research project can focus on classroom management, interaction
between teacher and learners or among learners, the effectiveness of teaching
techniques, learner participation, effectiveness of homework assignments,
materials, etc.

B --- If the teacher wants to solve a problem, she should brainstorm devise solutions & …
select most appropriate technique.

• It is important to be certain that the solution matches the problem.

• If learners have difficulty expressing their ideas orally, it would appropriate to
give learners time to prepare before speaking. It would not be appropriate to
give learners a grammar test every week or to use tongue twister for the first
ten minutes of every class.
• In some cases it may necessary for the teacher to first identify what is
causing the problem.
• E-g, if learners don’t do homework, it may be useful to investigate why
learners don’t do homework assignments before looking for a solution to test.

The next step is implementing the change and collecting data.

Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 2

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
A --- The teacher should decide how to collect information about whether the solution or new
teaching technique is effective.

• Data collection tool should match information that teacher wants to measure
• For example, a reading test is a very good tool to measure learners’ ability to
use reading strategies but a very poor tool to measure their speaking ability or
• An observation is a very good tool to measure participation – but a very poor
tool to measure reading skills.
• In some cases it easier to get information about learners’ opinions, experiences
or preferences in their L1, especially if they are young or have limited skills in
the target language.
• A survey or questionnaire can be used to get information about learners’ feelings
or opinions.
• Surveys and questionnaires can have open-ended and divergent questions (What
do you like about this class?) or specific and convergent questions (Do you like
to work in groups?).
• Learners are more likely to answer honestly if surveys are anonymous.
• Interviews can also be used to collect information about learners’ opinions or
• Interviews are more interactive than surveys or questionnaires, but learners may
feel uncomfortable giving negative feedback directly to the teacher.
• Diaries or journals can be used to measure linguistic information (how much did
learners write, what type of grammatical errors did they make) or information
about feelings (do learners feel comfortable working with classmates, do learners
feel confident about their speaking ability).
• Tests measure learners’ linguistic ability.
• The teacher may ask a colleague to come observe her class and record
classroom events (does the teacher include all learners, how well does the
teacher express high expectations of her learners, how well do learners interact
in groups).

B --- Once the teacher has selected a method of data collection she should implement the
change or solution and begin collecting data.

Analyzing and reflecting on the data

A --- It may take weeks or months to collect data about the hypothesis or solution.
B --- After she has collected data, the teacher should reflect on the information she has learned:
• Was the change effective? Why or why not?

The teacher should think how she can apply the information in other areas in her teaching (if
making vocabulary notebooks helps learners remember vocabulary, will making grammar
notebooks help them remember grammar?).

Outline of Basic Research Design


• Research usually measures two things in order to compare them.

• There are two approaches to doing research. Usually a researcher will choose one, but
a combination of both may be used.
• The first approach to research includes two groups: a test group and a control group
which are compared.

Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 3

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
• The test group is the group where something has been changed or something new has
been introduced (for example, a new teaching technique).
• The control group is the group that is same – nothing new has been introduced.
• E-g, if teacher wants to investigate if using cooperative learning techniques makes
learners more comfortable, she would use cooperative learning techniques with the test
group, but not with the control group.
• This is the most commonly used in scientific research.
• Researcher compares one group’s ability before and after a change is introduced.
• E-g, the teacher measures a group’s pronunciation before asking them to spend ten
minutes a day using pronunciation exercises and then again one month later.
• Second means is infrequently used because it is difficult to know if improvement has
occurred because of the new technique or because time and learning that have passed
between the first and second measurements.
• The difference between the two measurements (test group and control group, before
and after) will show if the change had any affect on the ability of the group or groups.
• If the test group or the after measurement is greater or more positive than the control
group or the before measurement, then the new technique was effective.
• If there is no difference between the test and control groups or between the first and
second measurements or if difference was negative then the new technique was not

Test group Control group

introduce change no change no measure the situation (give


before and after results

use cooperative cooperative learners the questionnaire)
learning learning
techniques techniques
  
measure the measure the introduce change (cooperative
situation (give situation (give learning techniques)
learners the learners the
questionnaire) questionnaire)
  
measure the situation again 

compare test and control group (give learners the
results questionnaire)


• Good research should be valid and reliable.

• VALIDITY means that the research really shows what it says it shows.
• For example, an improvement on a reading test should mean that learners’ reading
scores have improved – not that they have better testing strategies or that their writing
skills have improved so that they can answer the questions better.
• RELIABLE means that if the research is accurate – that if the research were repeated
with the same group, the results would be the same.
• For example, if the teacher tests the reading skills of a group of learners on Monday
and finds that they have an average score of 83%, she should get the same result if
she re-tests the learners on Friday.


• The test and control groups should be as much alike as possible:

• The same language level, age, gender, instructor, social background, etc.

Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 4

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
If the teacher uses a 10th grade group for the test group and a 9th grade group for the

control group, she will not know if the results come from using cooperative learning
techniques or from the groups’ different abilities.
• Teachers should use well-constructed tests or measurement tools.
• Controlling testing conditions also helps produce results that are valid and reliable.
• If the place where learners are tested is noisy, uncomfortable, or if learners are tired or
under stress, etc. the results of research may not reflect learners’ actual ability or
An Action Research Journal
• Action research is a way for teachers to do scientific research while they are working in
classrooms. It helps teachers understand which teaching techniques are most effective in
their teaching context, how they can solve teaching problems and what activities &
materials will work best with their students. Action research also makes teachers more
aware of what they are doing and how it affects their students.
• This is an action research project done by ASANOVA:
• “I teach Intensive Business English as the Faculty of Business and Management.
Management. As all
teachers do, I have problems in teaching. Business English is one of the main
components of the classes studied at our faculty. My students should know how to
communicate, both orally and in writing, in a business context.
• I’m teaching four groups of first year students. Three of the four groups are good at
doing their homework, but the last group isn’t always prepared for class. They all
participate very actively in the lesson and have a good understanding of English; they just
don’t do their homework assignments. As a teacher, when students are ready for the
lesson, I feel very bad and I don’t know what to do. Besides that, it’s not interesting for
me to teach when students aren’t prepared.
• When I asked students why they didn’t do their homework, they told me “We don’t have
textbooks.” Unfortunately it is true. But, I know that if they really wanted to study, they
could find books, because textbook is available in library.

I thought about different solutions to the problem:


1. I could give the students a low mark when they are not prepared,
2. I could ask them to leave the lesson,
3. I could make copies of the textbook for the students,
4. I could complain to the dean about the students’ behavior,
5. I could stop giving homework,
6. I could try to make homework more interesting and enjoyable for the students by giving
creative homework assignments.

• I decided that solutions #1 and #2 were not right. Giving bad marks or expelling them
from the class would make students lose interest in learning English. As I said before,
even if they aren’t ready for the lesson, they are active during the lesson and eager to
learn. They just don’t want to work at home. Solution #3 wasn’t a bad idea, but can I
make a lot of photocopies for every lesson? Of course I can’t! Solution #4 seemed
absurd. What can the dean do if the students don’t feel like doing homework?
• The fifth solution was interesting. Why not stop giving homework? The result is just the
same as giving a homework assignment that the students don’t do. Even if this solution
is interesting, I didn’t think that it was the right one. When I check students’ homework
assignment, I can see how well they understood the new information. Not only that, but
students also practice the new information when they do homework.
• I decided that solution #6 was best suited to problem. By changing homework tasks from
grammar exercises to something more enjoyable I could make students more interested
in doing homework. I think that creative assignments would be more interesting for
students than mechanical exercises. To be honest it was hard for me to think of enjoyable
Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 5

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
homework assignments for every lesson, but it was the only way to make students
interested in doing homework.
• After choosing the solution I wanted to try, I had to gather information and test my
solution. I decided to record how many of the students did their homework before I tried
my solution, and then compare that number with the results after I implemented the
solution. I decided to write down the number of students who were prepared in a
notebook every time the class met.
• My action research project began on March 23 and continued until April 30. It only lasted
one month. I was able to see a change in the students’ behavior. Here are the results:

Week Result
1 4 students of 13 were prepared
2 7 students of 13 were prepared
3 11 students of 13 were prepared
4 13 students were prepared

• Both the students and I were impressed with the results. At first I felt tired having to
think of enjoyable new homework assignments for every lesson, but this solution showed
me how important it is to make homework interesting for student It was really a solution
worth testing and I felt satisfied that I had solved one of my teaching problems. I felt
• Data Collection Tools

Read the action research report below and identify the following:
1) The problem,
2) The solution,
3) The justification for the solution,
4) The way teacher collected information about her solution,
4) Her results:
• “It seems like my students forget a lot of the vocabulary words that we study in class --
two or three weeks after we’ve talked about new words, the students have already
forgotten them. So, I decided to do some action research to see if I could find a way to
help them remember vocabulary more effectively.
• I thought that if learners make their own flashcards for new vocabulary then they would
remember the words better. If they make flashcards they will see the word many times,
in class and at home too. It is also a good activity for tactile learners and it uses the
spatial/visual intelligence and linguistic intelligence too.
• I have two eighth grade classes. They have about the same ability. In one class I asked
students to make vocabulary flashcards to study at home during the last five minutes of
class. In the other class I didn’t. After two months I tested both classes on the
vocabulary that they had studied. The class that made flashcards had an average of 87%
on the vocabulary exam. The class that didn’t make flashcards had an average of only
63% on the exam. Making flashcards helps student remember vocabulary better.”
• The teacher used a vocabulary test to measure how well her students had learned
vocabulary. If she had used a dictation test or had asked a colleague to come and
observe her classes she wouldn’t have very much information about her students’ ability
to remember new vocabulary. When you do research it’s important to choose the right
way to collect data. The right data collection tool will give you the information you need
to understand what happened. If your research focuses on learners’ speaking ability,
then you should choose a tool that will measure learners’ speaking ability. If it focuses on
classroom interaction, then you should choose a tool that will record classroom interaction
– not a tool that measure learners’ mastery of grammar.
• There are many ways to get information about learners’ abilities and interests. Each of
the tools described below collects different information.
Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 6

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
• Tests, Exams – examine learners’ language proficiency. These tools may target
communication skills like reading, writing, speaking and listening,
listening, or they may focus on
linguistic skills like spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Exams and tests measure if
learners’ language abilities have improved.
• Diaries – focus on feelings, experiences or attitudes. Teachers or learners may write
about their experiences in or out of the classroom and their feelings about those
experiences. In general, diaries record learners’ and teacher’s emotional reaction to parts
of the learning process. Diaries can also be used as a way of measuring learners’ writing
• Classroom Observation – measures the quantity or quality of learner participation or the
absence or presence of specific teaching behaviors. The teacher may ask a colleague to
describe what is happening in the classroom. She may develop a system that allows her
to measure interactions herself (but it is difficult to teach and observe at the same time).
It is also possible to use a tape-recorder or a video camera to record interaction and
participation. After class the teacher should listen to the audiotape or watch the
videotape to identify and record the information that interests her.
• Interviews – collect information about the learners’ experience or preference. An
interview is similar to a questionnaire because it can focus on a learner’s experience and
feelings. An interview is more interactive than a questionnaire and therefore more
flexible. But because an interview cannot be anonymous, learners may feel
uncomfortable giving negative answers or criticizing things that the teacher has done.
Interviews may also be used to measure learners’ speaking ability or pronunciation.
• Questionnaires – ask learners to record their preferences and motivation. A questionnaire
may be open ended (What is your favorite part of the class?) or specific (Do you prefer to
work alone, in pairs or groups?) Learners may evaluate a technique, think about their
motivation or ability to complete communication task. A questionnaire can also ask
learners to think about their relationship with the teacher and other learners.
• Think-aloud – ask learners to describe their thinking process. Learners speak about what
they are doing and why they are doing it as they work. A think-aloud gives information
about the way that learners process information and can help the researcher identify
processing problems or the application of successful learning strategies.

1. Problem Solution Data Collection

Some students I’m going to let a group of I’ll give a grammar and vocabulary test at
aren’t prepared for students choose the topics the beginning of the semester and again
class. they want to study. at the end.

2. Problem Solution Data Collection

Students don’t do I’ll grade all homework. I’ll put marks in the attendance roll and
homework. then compare how many students'
homework assignments lasted semester
and this semester.
3. Problem Solution Data Collection
Some learners First I’ll train the learners I’ll ask one of my colleagues to come and
dominate group to use social skills (turn- observe group work before I try my
work. taking, disagreeing solution and again after two months of
politely). Then I’ll assign trying my solution.
roles for all group work I also will give a questionnaire to learners
(speaker, group leader, about group work before I try the solution
writer, etc.) every time and again after.
they work in groups.

4. Hypothesis Procedure Data Collection

Video improves My colleague teaches at After two weeks, I’ll give her learners and
Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 7

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin
English learning. the university. She uses my students the same vocabulary test
movies in English with her and compare the results.
students. I don’t use
movies in my classes.
5. Problem Solution Data Collection
Learners don’t Homework assignment is I’ll give a reading test at the end of the
understand texts to re-tell a text at every semester.
very well. lesson

6. Hypothesis Procedure Data Collection

Learners can I’ll ask every student in my I’ll give learners a questionnaire to rate
choose texts that fourth year group to how interesting lesson topics are before.
will be interesting choose texts they think are Then I’ll give the same questionnaire after
for their classmates interesting from the library they start choosing the texts.
or Internet. Each learner
will identify difficult
vocabulary in the text she
chooses. Then I’ll take the
text and prepare a class
based on it.
7. Hypothesis Procedure Data Collection
Females are better I have ten boys and thirty I’m going to test them at the end of the
language learners girls in a class that I teach. semester and see if the boys or the girls
then males. get the highest scores.

8. Hypothesis Procedure Data Collection

Asking learners to I teach two tenth grade classes: I’ll ask After three months I’ll give
use new words in a the students in one to make vocabulary both groups a grammar test
sentence will help notebooks that used the new words in a and see which class gets a
them remember sentence. Students in the other class higher score.
new words better. won’t keep vocabulary notebooks.

Introduction to Teaching Methodology Action Research and Research Design, Page 8

A fool... is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin

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